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Top Tips with Toll Barn Vets
- Exotic Birds (Part
Many birds in captivity are often fed inappropriate diets (excluding those with very specialised diets, such as lorikeets who must be fed bird nectar), with many of the more commonly kept species fed on seed based diets
Seed based diets are the fatty fast foods of the bird world Of course they love them but that doesn’t necessarily mean they ar diet Such foods often lack the vi and minerals that birds need to k their body and immune system strong and health, leading to subsequent Health issues including secondary fatty liver, metabolic bone disease, egg binding and respiratory issues, a healthy diet will hopefully mean you have a healthy bird
Even seed based diets dusted with minerals don’t solve the problem because the majority of seed eating birds will shell the seeds they receive and selectively feed on their favourites such as sunflowers or millet. This leads to minimal supplementation and discarding of mineral covered shells leaving the healthier pellets and their vital nutrients in them being left behind
Supplementing their water is one way to combat deficiencies but the unhealthy diet