February Red Bloodlines

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February 2019 Volume 115 Issue 1



14 | All-American Holstein Nominees & Jr. Nominees

110 | All-American Jersey Nominees & Jr. Nominees

8 | Moore Family Farms


Making Dreams & Risk Work

Issue No. 185 | All American Issue | February 2019

57 | Red Bloodlines Winter 2019 Edition

This Issue's Features: Convention Information Spring Show Results

On the Cover: The Moore Family of Iowa: Brandon is holding Sutton (1 month), Heather is holding Moore-Co Ability Kayla VG-86, and the little boys in the front are Cassidy (5), Cooper (2) and Tucker (8). See their story on page 8. Photo supplied.

Holstein World is published by:

www.purebredpublishing.com 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd, Columbus, OH 43228 Subscriptions - 614.339.5390

Holstein World | February 2019 | 4

Departments 131 | Calendar of Events

152 | News Briefs


56 | Holstein Association

| Editorial

153 | Index to Advertisers 54

150 | Obituaries

| MERCK Healthline

All rights reserved. No reproduction of any material featured in Holstein World may be used without the written consent of Purebred Publishing. Purebred Publishing reserves the right to refuse any advertising or copy at its sole discretion. Purebred Publishing assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the advertising or copy content as submitted. Advertisers assume all responsibility for the accuracy and truthfulness of submitted advertising or copy, including photographs and pedigree information. Advertisers shall indemnify and hold harmless Holstein World for any claims concerning advertising or copy content as submitted. Purebred Publishing promotes the use of authentic and unaltered photographic images of dairy cows and disapproves of the use of any photographic images that alter the body of the animal. Holstein World is owned by Purebred Publishing, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite G, Columbus, Ohio 43228 (ISSN pending). The Holstein World is published eight times per year: Feb., Mar., May, June, Aug., Sept., Nov. & Dec. by Purebred Publishing, Inc. 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228. 614.339.5393. www.purebredpublishing.com, Periodical postage paid at Columbus, OH 43228 and at additional mailing offices. Subscription rates: United States $24 (USD) per year, $44 (USD) for 2 years; $66 (USD) for 3 years; $70 (USD) Canada; $95 (USD) for International. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Holstein World, Purebred Publishing, 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228. To order a subscription or change your address visit holsteinworld.com, email to purebred.editor@gmail.com or send to 1224 Alton Darby Creek Rd., Suite G, Columbus, OH 43228. Please include your old address and your new address. Closing date for advertising is the 8th of the month preceding publication date.

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Welcome to 2019... This year we start off with a bang as the much-anticipated All-American and Junior All-American Holstein and Jersey nominees are presented. In today’s age of technology, many already know who the nominees are, but it’s still a fantastic and uplifting feeling to receive this large February Holstein World in mailboxes across the country and see the animals for yourselves! Congratulations to all the nominees and a huge thank you to those that were willing to walk through change with us and present ideas to make this contest better than ever. Also, a shout out to staff member, Robin Alden who handled the tasks of compiling and sorting, checking and verifying, creating the layouts and tackling issues like a champ! We wouldn’t be even close to on time without her! We would also like to welcome the RWDCA and Red Bloodlines subscribers that join us this month. I am excited to

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partner with the RWDCA to present not only their All-American Red Bloodlines issue but also their nominees to a larger audience. Congratulations to the Red & White All-American and Junior All-American nominees that are included in this issue which can be found in the center of this magazine. While the All-American contest is important to many of us, I also don’t want any of us to forget those out there in the trenches every day. The Moore family has graciously allowed me to present their story of how they have evaluated the industry, adapted and made changes to continue to do what they love. It is proof positive that where there is a will a way can be made. It provides a beam of hope that we can all look to as we take stock of what we need to do to continue to meet the day to day challenges presented in this industry. Another new feature that is presented

Cheri Oechsle Managing Editor

in each of the eight issues this year will be a Healthline article sponsored by MERCK. I thank them for their willingness to come on board and present helpful and useful information for you, the readers. If you know of a story out there that needs to be told, please contact me. I hope you enjoy this issue full of great cows and ads from breeders proud of their accomplishments. We are looking forward to spring with this hope…. as my Grandmother’s cross stitch says: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things and can and wisdom to know the difference. -Reinhold Niebuh

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Dreams & r is k work

We have more possibilities available in each moment than we realize. - Thich Nhat Hanh


eather and Brandon Moore and their four children are a firstgeneration dairy and beef farm family. They are located just outside Maquoketa, Iowa, where they not only raise beef and milk cows, they have found a way to get their own cheese developed and sell it in their own town store. This young couple has brought the Vietnamese monk’s words alive for themselves. Heather grew up in Wisconsin in a community and family that was dairyoriented with grade Holstein cows. When her family quit milking, she joined ranks with dairy families and friends to develop a passion for the registered dairy cattle business and show competitions that continued all the way through a dairy science degree at the University of Wisconsin Platteville. That’s where she met Brandon, a custom beef stock grower. In 2009 they married and moved to Brandon’s hometown in Iowa along with his 150 stock beef cows.

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Building The Dream Brandon continued to develop his beef herd, then switched to custom feeding, which now numbers around 800 head of cattle on feed. He traded the last of his stock cows to help Heather build her dream of a dairy. Over the next several years they had the opportunities to purchase their current property and then an additional neighboring farm. When talking with their FSA agent during the purchase of the neighboring farm, he encouraged them to think about Heather’s dream of having their own dairy as well. They submitted a new business plan that allowed them to purchase the property, build a tie stall barn and launch Heather’s dream of having their own herd that is now comprised of 90% registered Holsteins. With the purchase of solid foundation animals from herds within the region such as the Henkes and Morets, Heather milks 60 cows daily on the farm where they raise their three young sons, eight, five and two, and a two-month-old daughter.

Adapting to Change The Moores' first business plan presented to their loan officer did not include cheese. Four years ago, it evolved around the fluid milk sales and registered heifer sales from their herd. “Our goal was to build up the herd, breed a moderate type cow and sell some heifers to add value to the farm. The registered heifer has more value, we still believe that. But for the last two years we’ve had a 32% heifer rate. Now the dairy herd management studies are coming out that say raising fewer heifers is more cost effective, so we are claiming that!” Heather laughed. She continued, “Our emphasis changed though in 2017 when the Grassland thing started [letters to producers dropping them]. We looked at the market. We realize that both of us are cow people, not crop or mechanic people, no matter what we do, we are all about cows and making the herd better. With the way the industry direction was going, we weren’t sure if the old model of breeding good heifers and selling them would work for us. So, we’ve added cheese and a store. And we are working on a current business plan to add a creamery to the farm.”

By Cheri Oechsle

Making Risk Work Heather grew up in a tiny town in Crawford County, Wisconsin, where the only business was a cheese factory. She contacted the current cheesemaker who provided her with a list of plants and cheesemakers who made custom products, but she struck out with each one due to the size of quantity she planned to make. “So, I called the former cheesemaker that I had worked with three generations of my family had also worked at that factory over the years. Today he has his own creamery in Vernon County and he agreed to make our cheese. To begin with, we weren’t sure how well it’d go over, so we just had him make mild cheddar from our own milk with our own label. Our safety net was that cheddar ages, so if we only sold a little and didn’t sell the rest it’d still age and be even better and we’d eat it for years. We made 700 pounds of cheese and it sold out in a few weeks, so we thought we had something there. "At first we talked about just wholesaling our cheese. There was a building on the farm we thought we could license as a warehouse. Then our milk tester got married and we were going to the reception. Just that night before Brandon and I had discussed how cool it would be to have a store and sell cheese and ice cream. At the reception, I had the opportunity to chat with a business owner of a few storefronts in town. He said call me Monday and if you can come up with a plan, I’ll give you a good deal! So, the plan we developed was a pop-up holiday shop for November and December. He was waiting for my call on Monday! He agreed to the plan and charged us very little for those two months’ rent if we paid the utilities. We were only open on the weekends because cows still have to be milked! It did so well in those two months, we decided to open year-round selling locally produced items from across the tri-state area. The community has been so supportive. We added ice cream in March from our cheese curd supplier. This fall we partnered with a

friend who wanted to open a gift shop and is able to provide more labor than our farm work allows. We had a fantastic grand reopening in September, with the two businesses sharing one space. "Our ability to take risk comes from not being afraid to jump in. We always laugh about ‘what’s the worst that can happen? Make peace with that and then go for it.’ When we jumped in with the cheese, our thought was that the worse that could happen would be that we’d be out less than if we lost a cow and the store was that, if it didn’t work, we weren’t out that much.” The Milking Herd While developing these new projects and raising children, Heather is the one responsible for the herd. She manages all the milking and chores. Brandon manages the beef operation and works off the farm but does do the A.I. and feeding of the dairy herd. “When we started four years ago, my goal was to have a VG-85 herd with a 25,000 lb. milk average within five years,” Heather said. “Our herd average right now is 85 points and 24,0000M. Our goal when we classify is to have them score 80 and go up from there. We’ve purchased the best cows we can afford, without spending a significant amount on any one individual. We don’t want to be a flash in the pan. We don’t feel we need the $20,000 show cow to be successful right now. Our philosophy is if we can’t breed from solid breeding foundation than we can’t make it. We like to buy good cows but love to breed them. We focus on components; we currently run a 4.3 butterfat and 3.3 protein." It’s Also About the Cows "Henkeseen Durham Alexis EX-922E is our matriarch," Heather stated. "She’s had eight calves in seven lactations, with a lifetime milk of 181,259, and two daughters with over 100,000 lbs.! Her Sanchez daughter is scored EX-91/MS 93. We just purchased her two-year-old full sister as well, and are excited to continue to breed out of that family. Mor-Yet AtCONTINUED ON PAGE 10

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wood Felisha EX-90 is another exciting cow and has a Sid heifer that looks to be following in her footsteps as a potential 10th generation excellent. "Henkes-Brook Sid Deanne VG-88 is a daughter of Henkes-Brook LHeros Dellia-Jo EX-91-3E, whose fifth dam is Dellia. We have a Circuit daughter and a 1st Grade granddaughter from her, and we think they are going to leave their legacy here as well. We've got a number of cows going back to the GBM Val Blackstar Jeans, but we just purchased GBM Bradnick Jillissa, daughter of GBM Atwood Jill, who is 84 as a two-year-old and looking really good. Another pair of sisters that haven't scored very high for us yet, but we think they have bright futures, are Henkeseen Rubens Halsey-ET and Hayden-ET. They are full sisters to Matt Henkes' show cow, Robin, and go back to Hillary.” Brandon and Heather believe in breeding for type and feeding for milk so she has used Diamondback heavily, as well as Beemer, Sid, Undenied, Armani

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and most recently trying some Gold PP. The cheese, the shop and the dairy have opened quite a few doors for Heather and Brandon. While on a girls' weekend to World Dairy Expo in 2017, Heather met Nick Brasher of Farmwest in Western Australia. Nick invited Heather and Ashley Edstrom of Sugar Hill Dairy in Colorado to speak at their Farmwest Discoveray conference this past fall in Australia. Their online shop and cheese sales have developed clients across the country. “We have one customer in Colorado that buys 25 pounds of our cheese at a time’” said Heather. Going from the dream of possibilities to the reality of success has been a whirlwind for this young family. The Moores are a perfect example of turning risk, possibilities and determination to follow their dreams into finding ways to succeed in this ever-challenging industry. For more on Moore Family Farm you can find them on Facebook at Moore Family Farms or their website at: www. moorecheeseplease.com

If you embrace possibility thinking, your dreams will go from molehill to mountain size, and because you believe in possibilities, you put yourself in position to achieve them. - John C. Maxwell

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Holstein All-American

Nominees By Robin Alden

It’s February, meaning it’s time for the annual installment of the Holstein World All-American Nominees. This year, exhibitors from all over North America entered the finest cattle that hit the tanbark from February through November 2018. In all, 165 entries were made by hopeful breeders in a culmination of a 365-day effort. The Judges This year, the nomination process was changed to allow for more opinions to be heard, based on the input of exhibitors and All-American enthusiasts. Instead of the traditional small panel of judges, the Holstein nominees were voted on by the judges of the 11 United States National Shows. This year’s panel was Tim Abbott, Pat Conroy, Lynn Harbaugh, Yan Jacobs, Brian Kelroy, Allyn Paulson, Carl Phoenix, Chad Ryan and Nathan Thomas. Several of these judges were the official for more than one national show. Each judge only received one vote. These judges ranked each class from top to bottom, and the best six in each class grace the following pages. As this is being written, the nominating committee, along with additional judges of some of the nation’s largest Holstein shows, are reviewing the nominees and selecting their favorites for the All-American title. Stay tuned to the March Holstein World for the winners. Nominees In Numbers Before you dive into the nominees, let’s recap the year in terms of numbers. It should come as no surprise that the Premier Sire of the International Holstein Heifer Show, ValBisson Doorman-ET, leads the way in total nominated daughters with an astounding 26. Even more impressive is that five of the six Winter Heifer Calf nominees are sired by Doorman! Every class from Spring Calves to Junior Three-Year-Olds has at least one Doorman daughter nominated. Distantly behind, but still unbelievably dominant in presence is, of course, Braedale Goldwyn, Premier Sire of the 2018 International Holstein Show. Goldwyn has 11 nominated daughters, 10 of which are in Holstein World | February 2019 | 14

milking form. The Goldwyn son, Maple-Downs-I G W AtwoodET, follows with six nominated daughters, all in milking form. Also making an impact were Goldwyn sons Dempsey and Gold Chip, as well as Avalanche, all with four nominees each. The Exhibitors Mike and Julie Duckett led all exhibitors with a total of eight nominees owned outright or in partnership. Following, and leading the way in total nominees bred, is Jacobs Holsteins, with seven owned and five bred. Also with seven owned is Triple-T Holsteins. The Borba family, Milksource LLC, and Clarkvalley Holsteins/London Dairy Farm all own six total nominees (including partnerships). Following Jacobs in total nominees bred, with three each, are Triple-T, Ferme Garay and Budjon. Thank-yous are in order to all those that make the All-American contest possible. The 2019 show season is right around the corner – hopefully the pages that follow inspire you to shoot for the stars this year. Happy reading! The Junior Contest An outstanding group of individuals were nominated for the Junior All-American Contest as well. There were 130 junior entries this year. Several changes also occur for this contest. First, the junior nominees are included in this issue following the open contest and begin on page 37. Second, the judging procedure for this contest also changed with the judges from the National Junior Shows selecting the nominees just like in the open. And, just as discussed earlier, these judges, along with additional junior judges of shows around the United States are currently selecting the winners which will be included in the March AllAmerican issue as well. We'd like to say a special thank you to ST Genetics for once again agreeing to sponsor the Junior All-Ameircan Contest to continue to make it a free contest for Juniors!

e t i h W + k c a Spring Heifer Calves (6) Bl

Blondin T&L Avalanche Angelina, 3/2/2018 2nd International Holstein Show, 4th Royal Winter Fair, 1st La Supreme Laitier Glamourview - Iager & Walton, Walkersville, MD

Jacobs Unix Velour, 3/2/2018 4th International Holstein Show, 6th La Supreme Laitier, 6th Exposition de Trois-Rivieres, 6th Exposition de Portneuf Ferme Jacobs, Cap-Sante, QC

Red-Brae Doorman Theresa-ET, 3/1/2018 8th International Holstein Show Elise & Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah, WI

Camp-Gold Doorman Diva10-ET, 3/2/2018 6th International Holstein Show, 11th Eastern Fall National, 1st Western PA Championship, 2nd PA Fall Championship Mike & Cindy Weimer & Wade Sturgeon, Emlenton, PA

Kamps-RX Appleb Atbest-ET, 3/4/2018 5th International Holstein Show, 27th Royal Winter Fair, 5th WI Championship Show Select Farm & Export Service & G & J Gonzales, Hanover, ON

Reyncrest Avalnche Lusha-ET, 3/1/2018 1st International Holstein Show, 1st Northeast Fall National, 1st Royal Winter Fair. Clarkvalley & London Dairy, Woodville, ON (now owned by Velthuis Farm; previously exhibited by Reyncrest) Holstein World | February 2019 | 15

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Winter Heifer Calves (10)

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All-Glo Byway Montral-ET, 12/15/2017 5th International Holstein Show, 6th Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Jr. Champion Western PA Championship Clarkvalley Holsteins & London Dairy Farms, Woodville, ON

Beslea Doorman Lattitude, 12/20/2017 1st International Holstein Show, 1st Northeast Spring National, 2nd Northeast Fall National Richard & Shannon Allyn & Jeremiah Lungwitz, Canaan, CT


Geno Doorman Tesla, 12/1/2017 6th International Holstein Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Exposition de Portneuf, 1st Supreme Laitier, 1st Exposition de Trois-Riviers, 2nd Exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe Ferme Cerpolait, St-Aime, QC

Miss OCD Doorm Georgette, 12/3/2017 1st & Jr. Champion Northeast Fall National, 3rd International Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Jr. Champion Western NY Regional, 1st Western NY Spring Preview Brian Joseph Enright, Winchester, ON

N O M I N RJohn Prestige Champion-ET, 12/1/2017 4th International Holstein Show, 3rd WI Championship E Madison & Melanie Sarbacker & Dawson Nickels, Watertown, WI E S Holstein World | February 2019 | 16

Sun-Made Crave Drn Diane-ET, 12/1/2017 2nd International Holstein Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair, 4th WI District 8 Show, 7th WI Championship Show Crave Brothers Farm LLC, Waterloo, WI (now owned by Riverdown, Jaquemet & Breeze Hill, ON)

e t i h W + Fall Heifer Calves (12) k c Bla

All-Glo O Kool Tully, 9/1/2017 6th International Holstein Show, 7th Eastern Fall National, 4th Royal Winter Fair, 4th Western PA Championship Clarkvalley Holsteins & London Dairy Farms, Woodville, ON

Kampy Corvette Gretchen, 9/2/2017 5th International Holstein Show, 12th Royal Winter Fair, 1st Ontario County Show, 2nd Autumn Opportunity Show, 4th ON Summer Show Aleah Farms, Select Farms, G & J Gonzales, Beaverton, ON

Luncrest Ambission-1924-ET, 9/5/2017 3rd International Holstein Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair Armcrest Holsteins & Jerseys & Ferme Glauser, Pike River, QC

Garay Doorman Blind Date, 9/9/2017 1st & Res. Jr. Champion International Holstein Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Jr. Champion QC Spring Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Victoriaville, QC, 1st & Jr. Champion Rimouski, QC. JM Valley Holstein, Amqui, QC. (now owned by Brian Joseph Enright, Winchester, ON)

Knonaudale Snylodge Jasmine, 9/1/2017 2nd & Res. Jr. Champion Eastern Fall National, 2nd International Holstein Show, 10th Northeast Spring National, 3rd Royal Winter Fair Makayla & Kaleb Osinga, Hico, TX (now owned by Velthuis Farms Ltd, Osgoode, ON)

Savage-Leigh Lalas First-ET, 9/3/2017 1st & Jr. Champion Eastern Fall National, 4th International Holstein Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion MD Spring Show Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD (now owned by Sebastien Dion, Rudolph, WI) Holstein World | February 2019 | 17

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Summer Yearling Heifers (7)

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CrowleyView Doorman Luxi, 6/2/2017 8th International Holstein Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion WI State Fair, 2nd WI Championship, 1st WI District 7 Show J, L & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion, WI

JM Valley Dempsey Lyzara, 6/2/2017 3rd International Holstein Show, 4th Northeast Fall National, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Royal Winter Fair JM Valley, Rick & Shannon Allyn, Ferme Jendro & Frank & Diane Borba, Canaan, CT

Maple-Downs-PV Drman Gavina, 7/23/2017 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Northeast Fall National, 2nd International Holstein Show, 6th Northeast Spring National, 1st & Jr. Champion Central NY Show Maple-Downs Farms II & Peter Vail, Middleburgh, NY

Milksource Taelyn-ET, 6/5/2017 1st & Jr. Champion International Holstein Show, 1st Midwest Spring National, 1st WI Championship, 1st & Jr. Champion Western Championship Showcase Milksource Genetics LLC, Kaukauna, WI (now owned by Tom Degroot & Esteban Posada, BC)

Miss Solomon Horizon, 6/3/2017 3rd Northeast Fall National, 5th International Holstein Show Horizon Syndicate, Ancramdale, NY

Oakfield Blake Luxuriant-ET, 6/2/2017 1st & Jr. Champion Mideast Summer National, 1st & Jr. Champion Northeast Spring National, 7th International Holstein Show, 6th Royal Winter Fair W Schilling, K Doeberiener & L Bowen, West Salem, OH

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Bella-Ridge Beauty Queen, 3/2/2017 6th International Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion WI State Fair, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion WI Championship, 1st WI District 7 J, L, & M Harbaugh & A & A Loehr, Marion, WI

Petitclerc Doorman Sapphire-ET, 3/11/2017 2nd International Holstein Show, 2nd Midwest Spring National, 16th Royal Winter Fair, 9th WI State Show Grant Vosters, Freedom, WI

Ryan-Vu Goldwyn Ravish-ET, 3/2/2017 1st & Jr. Champion Mideast Spring National, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Mideast Summer National, 4th International Holstein Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair K Doeberiener, L Bowen, W Schilling & C&A Ryan, Fond du Lac, WI

Garay Solomon Alix, 3/2/2017 3rd Northeast Spring National, 7th International Holstein Show, 6th Royal Winter Fair Triple-T, Mike Heath, F&D Borba & Lookout, North Lewisburg, OH

Ran-Can Alonzo Cliche-ET, 3/3/2017 2nd Northeast Spring National, 3rd Eastern Fall National, 5th International Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion PA Spring Show, 1st & Jr. Champion PA Fall Championship C & J Hill, G Nell, T & S Merwarth & F Connelly Jr., Gettysburg, PA

Winright Beemer Baby Enthem, 3/1/2017 3rd International Holstein Show, 4th Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Jr. Champion Supreme Laitier, 1st E ON/W QC Championship, 2nd Maxville Show, 2nd ON Spring Discovery, 6th QC Spring Show Brian Joseph Enright, Winchester, ON Holstein World | February 2019 | 19

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Winter Yearling Heifers (10)

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Brigeen Brash Paddy, 12/9/2016 3rd Eastern Fall National Show, 3rd International Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Atlantic Spring Showcase, 1st & Jr. Champion MD State Fair, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion QC Spring Show Weeksdale Holsteins, PEI (now owned by Glamourview - Iager & Walton, Walkersville, MD)

Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET, 12/2/2016 1st International Holstein Show, 1st Midwest Spring National, 1st & Jr. Champion WI Championship Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville, WI

Hatee Jacoby Paris, 12/2/2016 2nd Southern Spring National, 5th International Holstein Show Alyson & Kenlee Philips, Lingleville, TX

Quietcove Winning Ways-ET, 12/13/2016 2nd International Holstein Show, 3rd Mideast Summer National, 9th Mideast Spring National Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH

Robjo Doorman Embrace, 12/14/2016 1st Northeast Fall National, 4th International Holstein Show Richard & Shannon Allyn, Canaan, CT

Winright Gold Chip Explosion, 12/1/2016 6th International Holstein Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st Supreme Laitier, 1st E ON/W QC Championship, 1st ON Spring Discovery, 1st Maxville Show, 7th QC Spring Show Brian Joseph Enright, Winchester, ON

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e t i h W + k Fall Yearling Heifers (7) c a Bl

Budjon-Vail Drm Sunshine-ET, 9/1/2016 3rd International Holstein Show Trevor Tuman & Chandler Bening, MN

Ms Cow-Palace Union Akira, 9/1/2016 6th International Holstein Show, 2nd WI Summer Championship, 3rd WI District 10 Show Ken & Kathy Elliott & JT & Ronald Roskpof, Sheboygan, WI

Ryan-Crest Hnotic Elisha-ET, 9/4/2016 1st International Holstein Show, 5th Midwest Spring National, 1st WI Summer Championship NDIRA, Inc., Galt, CA

Kingsway Gold Chip Logic, 10/3/2016 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Southern Spring National, 2nd Mideast Summer National, 9th International Holstein Show Alyson & Kenlee Philips, Lingleville, TX

Quietcove Doormn Flicker-ET, 9/5/2016 1st Mideast Summer National, 3rd Mideast Spring National, 5th International Holstein Show Quietcove Holsteins & Kurt Wolf, Wapakoneta, OH

Vandoskes Dback Carley-ET, 9/13/2016 1st & Jr. Champion Midwest Spring National S&C Holschbach, E Wetenkamp & V&P Hubbard, Baraboo, WI

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Junior Best Three Females (7)

All-Glo Solomon Keurig

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All-Glo O Kool Tully

All-Glo Byway Montral-ET

4th International Holstein Show. Bred by: Justin & Ashley Kaufman, Berlin, PA

Garay Doorman Bellamy

Garay Doorman Blind Date

Garay Solomon Alix

2nd International Holstein Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair, 1st Expo de Beauce, QC. Bred by: Ferme Garay, St. Sebastien de Frontenac, QC

OCD Defiant Lethal-ET

OCD Solomon Bobo-ET

Oakfield Blake Luxuriant-ET

1st Northeast Spring National, 6th International Holstein Show, 1st Western NY Regional Show. Bred by: Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

N O M I N Quietcove Winning Ways-ET Quietcove Doormn Flicker-ET Quietcove First Class-ET E 1st Mideast Summer National, 2nd Mideast Spring National, 5th International Holstein Show Bred by: Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH E S Holstein World | February 2019 | 22

e t i h W + k Junior Best Three Females (7) c a l B Reyncrest Solomn Lucille-ET

Reyncrest Byway Lettie-ET

Reyncrest Avalnche Lusha-ET

3rd International Holstein Show. Bred by: Reyncrest, Corfu, NY

Winright Gold Chip Explosion

Winright Beemer Baby Enthem

Winright Atwood Kiss

1st International Holstein Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st E ON/W QC Championship. Bred by: Brian Joseph Enright, Winchester, ON

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Yearlings in Milk (8)

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Berwen Avalanche Fantom, 9/17/2016 5th International Holstein Show, 16th Royal Winter Fair, 1st Supreme Laitier Ferme Blondin, Saint-Placide, QC

Bonnacueil Ranta Goldwyn, 9/7/2016 6th International Holstein Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair, 2nd Supreme Laitier Ferme Glauser et Fils, Pike River, QC

Crave G W Atwood Peach-ET, 9/5/2016 4th International Holstein Show Roseanne Crave, Waterloo, WI

Hodglynn Beem Me Up, 9/6/2016 2nd International Holstein Show, 8th Royal Winter Fair, 1st Lambton County Fair, ON, 1st Grey Brue County Fair, ON Hodglynn, Little Star, Select Farm & G&J Gonzales, Kincardine, ON

Lellavan Avalanche Fuji, 9/6/2016 8th International Holstein Show, 4th Royal Winter Fair Brandon Almeida & F, C, A, L, J & H Borba, Hilmar, CA

Ms PG PV Doorman Aspire-ET, 9/12/2016 7th International Holstein Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair Stephen & Patrick Maddox, Riverdale, CA

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e t i h W + k Junior Two-Year-Olds (9) c a l B

Best Nord Atwood Lolly, 7/8/2016 4th International Holstein Show Pierre Boulet, Ferme Yvon Sicard, Mathieu Chartrand & Kelly Hardy, Montmagny, QC

Garay Awesome Beauty, 3/2/2016 1st Northeast Spring National, 2nd International Holstein Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair Lookout, Gerald Halbach & Frank & Diane Borba, Canton de Hatley, QC

Midas-Touch Jedi Jangle-ET, 4/5/2016 1st & Int. Champion Eastern Fall National, 2nd Royal Winter Fair, 2nd ON Summer Show Clarkvalley Holsteins & London Dairy Farms, Woodville, ON

Fraeland Doorman Bonnie, 3/4/2016 1st, Int. & Res. Grand Champion Midwest Spring National, 3rd International Holstein Show Mike & Julie Duckett, Rudolph, WI

Juniper Sid Chardonnay-ET, 6/1/2016 1st International Holstein Show, 1st Northeast Fall National Tim & Sharyn Abbott & Juniper Holsteins, Enosburg, VT (now owned by Elmvue Farms, Johnstown, NY)

Tolamika Armani Will, 3/2/2016 6th International Holstein Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Int. Champion Maxville Show, 1st & Int. Champion Exposition de Sainte Hyacinthe, 1st Supreme Laitier, 3rd Exposition de Trois Rivieres Ferme Glauser et Fils, Pike River, QC Holstein World | February 2019 | 25

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Senior Two-Year-Olds (10)

e t i h W + k c Bla

Duckett Doorman Giselle-ET, 1/20/2016 2nd International Holstein Show, 2nd Midwest Spring National Mike & Julie Duckett, Rudolph, WI

Jacobs Doorman Victoire, 10/5/2015 6th International Holstein Show, 4th Royal Winter Fair, 2nd Supreme Laitier, 1st Richmond Show Ferme Jacobs & Francis Morneau, Cap-Sante, QC

Ms Beautys Black Velvet-ET, 9/8/2015 1st & Int. Champion Mideast Summer National, 4th International Holstein Show Mike & Julie Duckett, Rudolph, WI

Ms Smith-Oak PW D Maggie-ET, 9/11/2015 1st Eastern Fall National, 3rd International Holstein Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair, 1st ON Summer Show Clarkvalley Holsteins, Eaton Holsteins & London Dairy Farms, Woodville, ON

N O M I N Ruann Doorman Jean-55162-ET, 9/29/2015 E 1st, Int. & Res. Grand Champion Western Spring National, 1st & Int. Champion Western Fall National, 9th International Holstein Show, E 1st CA State Show Stephen & Patrick Maddox, Riverdale, CA S Holstein World | February 2019 | 26

Sco-Lo-Af Sid Sangria-ET, 12/9/2015 1st & Int. Champion Northeast Spring National, 5th International Holstein Show, 6th Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Res. Int. Champion WI Championship, 8th WI Spring Show Jim Ostrom & John Vosters, Kaukauna, WI

e t i h W Junior Three-Year-Olds (7) + k c Bla

Butlerview Door Aleah-ET, 6/3/2015 1st, Int. & Res. Grand Champion Mideast Fall National, 6th International Holstein Show Christian Cunningham, Penngrove, CA

Ms Listerines Look At Me-ET, 3/7/2015 3rd International Holstein Show, 2nd WI Championship Mike & Julie Duckett, Rudolph, WI

T-Triple-T Poker Chip-ET, 3/4/2015 1st Futurity, Mideast Summer National; 4th International Holstein Show Andy B. Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH

Erbacres Snapple Shakira-ET, 3/1/2015 1st & Int. Champion International Holstein Show Ferme Jacobs, Ty-D Holstein, Kilia Theraulaz, Ferme Antelimarck & C&F Jacobs, Cap-Sante, QC

Roll-N-View Def Bojangles, 7/22/15 1st & Res. Int. Champion Eastern Fall National, 7th International Holstein Show, 1st MD State Fair, 4th Royal Winter Fair Cooper Galton & Christopher Savage, Union Bridge, MD. (now owned by Clarkvalley Holsteins & London Dairy Farms, Woodville, ON)

Unique Dempsey Cheers, 3/4/2015 2nd & Res. Int. Champion International Holstein Show, 1st & Int. Champion WI State Show Budjon, Abbott, Vail, Woodmansee & Ferme Blondin, Lomira, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 27

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Senior Three-Year-Olds (11)

e t i h W + k c a Bl

Corlane Seaver Misty, 9/9/2014 1st & Res. Int. Champion Midwest Fall National, 4th International Holstein Show Frank D & Carol Borba and Frank A & Diane Borba, Escalon, CA

Mapeley Goldwyn Julia, 1/2/2015 2nd International Holstein Show, 2nd Northeast Spring National, 1st & Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair Lookout Farm, Elitehaven Genetics, Frank & Diane Borba & Gerald Todd, Canton de Hatley, QC

Miss Wbk Brittany-ET, 12/10/2014 3rd International Holstein Show, 1st WI Championship Mike & Julie Duckett, Rudolph, WI

Ms Goldwyn Saturday, 11/15/2014 1st International Holstein Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair, 2nd Supreme Laitier Ferme Jacobs, Ferme Intense & William Morille, Cap-Sante, QC

N O M I N T-Triple-T Perfect Storm-ET, 12/2/2014 E 1st Mideast Summer National, 6th International Holstein Show Triple-T Holsteins & Entourage-LLC, North Lewisburg, OH E S Holstein World | February 2019 | 28

Weekdsale Absolut Vodka, 12/2/2014 8th International Holstein Show, 5th Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Res. Int. Champion Supreme Laitier, 2nd & Res. Grand Champion Atlantic Summer Classic. Weeksdale Holsteins, Hodglynn, F&D Borba & Rocky Allen, Pleasant Valley, PEI

e t i h Four-Year-Olds (10) W + k c Bla

Gamblin Armani Glade, 10/7/2013 1st Midwest Spring National, 6th International Holstein Show, 1st WI Championship Rosedale Genetics, Dan Hovden & MB Luckylady Farm, Oxford, WI

Jacobs Windbrook Aimo, 11/14/2013 1st International Holstein Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair, 2nd Supreme Laitier Ferme Jacobs, Cap-Sante, QC

Ms Elmvue Novelty Keeley, 3/12/2014 1st Northeast Fall National, 3rd International Holstein Show Elmvue Farm, Johnstown, NY

Idee Windbrook Lynzi, 3/5/2014 2nd International Holstein Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair, 1st Rimouski, QC. R&S Allyn, JM Valley Holstein, Stephane Gendreau & F&D Borba, Amqui, QC

Juniper-Haven Atwood Dolly, 10/19/2013 2nd Mideast Summer National, 7th International Holstein Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair K Doeberiener, L Bowen & M Heath, West Salem, OH

Willows-Edge Atwod Faith-ET, 5/11/2014 4th International Holstein Show, 4th Royal Winter fair, 1st & Grand Champion E ON/W QC Championship, 1st & Grand Champion Maxville Show, 1st & Res. Grand Champion Supreme Laitier Velthuis Farms Ltd, Osgoode, ON Holstein World | February 2019 | 29

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Five-Year-Olds (7)

e t i h W + k c a Bl

Arolene Goldwyn Divine, 11/19/2012 1st, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Northeast Spring National Budjon Farms & Peter Vail, Lomira, WI

Beaverbrock Goldwyn Zoey-ET, 9/16/2012 5th International Holstein Show, 1st WI Championship Milksource LLC, Kaukauna, WI

Co-Vale Dempsey Dina 4270-ET, 9/5/2012 1st International Holstein Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair Milksource LLC & Ransom Rail Farm Inc, Kaukauna, WI

Harvue Atwood Ginger, 9/10/2012 2nd Midwest Spring National, 4th International Holstein Show Michael & Julie Duckett & John Hardesty & Sons, Rudolph, WI

Jacobs Jordan Carmel, 12/12/2012 2nd International Holstein Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st Supreme Laitier Ferme Blondin, Saint-Placide, QC

Walkerbrae Doorman Locket-ET, 6/6/2013 1st Northeast Fall National, 3rd International Holstein Show Tim & Sharyn Abbott and Ferme Blondin, Enosburg, VT

Holstein World | February 2019 | 30

e t i h W + k c Bla

Bella-Rosa GW Sara-ET, 9/12/2008 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion Northeast Fall National, 8th International Holstein Show, 1st & Sr. Champion Western NY Regional Jonathan & Alicia Lamb, Oakfield, NY

Jacobs Lauthority Loana, 4/15/2012 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion International Holstein Show, 1st, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair, 1st Supreme Laitier Ferme Jacobs & Pat Conroy, Cap-Sante, QC

TK-Plain-View Ripley, 3/1/2012 3rd International Holstein Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Grand Champion WI Championship Milksource LLC, Kaukauna, WI

Aged Cows (11)

Cavanaleck BG Bruin, 9/8/2011 4th International Holstein Show Majestic View Genetics, R Shore & R Connery, Sun Prairie, WI

Knonaudale Mudpie-ET, 6/14/2012 5th International Holstein Show, 3rd WI State Show Justin Powell, Tremont, IL

Weeks Dundee Anika, 6/3/2011 2nd, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion International Holstein Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair Milksource Genetics LLC, Kaukauna, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 31

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150,000lb Cows (9)

e t i h W + k c a Bl

Cache-Valley Lheros 2331-ET, 9/5/2009 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion Mideast Fall National, 1st. Sr. & Grand Champion Northeast Spring National, 6th International Holstein Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion MD State Fair Ernest W Kueffner, Boonsboro, MD

Laidlawn Sanchez Gemini, 8/25/2010 3rd International Holstein Show Mike & Julie Duckett, Rudolph, WI

Liddleholme Resur Lu-ET, 12/1/2008 1st International Holstein Show, 1st Northeast Fall National, 1st Royal Winter Fair Anthony Liddle, Argyle, NY

Loyalyn Goldwyn June, 6/16/2006 2nd International Holstein Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair Pierre Boulet, Montmagny, QC

N O M I N T-Triple-T Platinum-ET, 9/2/2010 5th International Holstein Show E Triple-T Holsteins, Aaron Eaton & Brad Murphy, North Lewisburg, OH E S Holstein World | February 2019 | 32

TC Sanchez Kristina, 12/1/2009 1st Eastern National Holstein Show, 4th International Holstein Show Eaton Holsteins & Cooper Galton, NY

e t i h W Produce of Dam (7) + k c a l B Produce of Peace&Plenty Atwd Jubilant

Peace&Plenty OBR Jubie 2-ET Peace & Plenty Farms LLC, MD

Produce of Ruann Sidney Jean85880-ET

Ruann Doorman Jean-55162-ET Stephen & Patrick Maddox, CA

Produce of T-Triple-T Dundee Paige (A)

T-Triple-T Poker Chip-ET Andy B. Thomas, OH

Peace&Plenty OKB Jubie 3-ET Peace & Plenty Farms LLC, MD 1st Eastern Fall National, 1st MD State Fair

Ruann D-Man Jean-60274-ET Summer Parreira 1st Western Spring National, 1st Western Fall National, 1st CA State Show

Produce of T-Triple-T Dundee Paige (B)

Produce of Tombeth Durham Ellen

Produce of Willowhaven Goldwyn Bliss

T-Triple-T Platinum-ET Triple-T Holsteins, Eaton & Murphy, OH

Tombeth Linjet Elouise-ET Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, WI

Garay Awesome Beauty Lookout, Halbach & F&D Borba, QC

T-Triple-T Petunia-ET Colton Thomas, Cole & Olivia Cummings, OH 2nd International Holstein Show, 2nd Mideast Summer National

Tombeth Shottle Enhance-ET Thomas & Elizabeth Kearns, WI 4th International Holstein Show, 1st WI Championship, 1st WI Dist. 3 Show

T-Triple-T Perfect Storm-ET Triple-T Holsteins & Entourage-LC, OH 1st International Holstein Show, 1st Mideast Summer National

Garay Doorman Blind Date JM Valley Holstein, QC 3rd International Holstein Show Holstein World | February 2019 | 33

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Senior Best Three Females (9)

Duckett Doorman Giselle-ET

e t i h W + k c Bla

Duckett Gold Flo-ET

Duckett Atwd Tinsel-ET

1st Midwest Spring National Show. Bred by: Mike & Julie Duckett, Rudolph, WI

Jacobs Windbrook AImo

Jacobs Lauthority Loana

Jacobs Fever Cael

1st International Holstein Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st Supreme Laitier. Bred by: Ferme Jacobs, Cap-Sante, QC

Kingsway Goldwyn Lauren

Kingsway Goldwyn Lipblam

Kingsway Doorman Andrea

3rd International Holstein Show. Bred by: Kingsway Farms, Hastings, ON

N O M I N Peace&Plenty Sennet Porsche Peace&Plenty OBR Jubie 2-ET Peace&Plenty Gwn Blexann-ET E 1st Eastern Fall National, 1st MD State Fair. Bred by: Peace&Plenty Farms LLC, Union Bridge, MD E S Holstein World | February 2019 | 34

e t i h W + k c Senior Best Three Females (7) Bla Reyncrest WB Gold Ring

Reyncrest Corvette Gracie

Reyncrest RB Loca-Red-ET

1st Northeast Fall National. Bred by; Reyncrest, Corfu, NY

T-Triple-T Perfect Storm-ET

T-Triple-T Platinum-ET

T-Triple-T Poker Chip-ET

1st Mideast Summer National, 2nd International Holstein Show. Bred by: Triple-T Holsteins, North Lewisburg, OH

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N H O L S T E I N

Stay Connected Follow us on at HolsteinWorld and www.holsteinworld.com Holstein World | February 2019 | 35


Junior All-American . . . . . . . . . .

Rimona by Lea Jordan, Margherita by Cybil Fisher




SanRonHolsteins_Feb19 ad_Layout 1 1/13/19 9:36 PM Page 1





side view - Cybil Fisher; ring photo by The Bullvine

M-R-Sprech Holsteins | Sauk City, WI | Melissa Sprecher | 608.417.9201

Ms Cow-Palace Union Akira Nominated All-American Fall Yearling 2018 6th Fall Yearling, International Holstein Show 2018 Reserve All-Wisconsin Fall Yearling 2018 Junior Champion, District 10 Show 2018 Reserve Calf Champion, WI Junior State Fair 2017 Our-Favorite Union-142-ET x Excels Sanchez Alexandria VG-85 6-10 3x 305 41,580 2.5 1029 3.0 1246 Lifetime: 1540d 163,000 2.7 4402 3.3 5358

Akira was fresh in December and is doing well. We look forward to her future! We would like to thank everyone who has helped us along the way. We would also like to wish everyone a great 2019!

San-Ron Holsteins

Ron Roskopf, owner - 414-587-4402 Sara Feldmann, herdsman - 920-980-9704

N7730 Dairyland Drive, Sheboygan, WI 53027 • sfeldmann23@gmail.com Holstein World | February 2019 | 36

KEN & KATHY ELLIOTT Marshall, WI • 608-513-9700 Ken

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o Juni Spring Heifer Calves (6)

Jenlar Solomon Mara, 3/4/2018 1st International Jr. Holstein Show, 2nd WI Championship Jr. Show Brianna J. Meyer, Chilton, WI

Red-Brae Doorman Theresa-ET, 3/1/2018 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 2) Elise & Brady Bleck, Glenbeulah, WI

T-Triple-T Prime Suspect, 3/4/2018 2nd Mideast Summer National Jr. Show, 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 2nd OH State Fair Jr. Show Colton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH

Lindlaur Diamondback Andie, 3/1/2018 1st Mideast Summer National Jr. Show, 2nd Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 6th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st OH State Fair Jr. Show, 1st OH District 1 Jr. Show, 1st OH District 2 Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Stark County Jr. Show, OH Lindsay & Lauren L’Amoreaux, Louisville, OH

Siemers Avch Haylina-ET, 3/16/2018 4th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 1) Jacob, Connor & Lauren Siemers, Newton, WI

ZBW M KD Lori-ET, 3/1/2017 10th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Eastern NY Jr. Show, 2nd NY State Fair 4-H Show, 2nd Central NY Jr. Show Mason Ziemba, Durhamville, NY Holstein World | February 2019 | 37

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t s e t n o C r o i n Winter Heifer Calves (10) Ju

Sponsored by

Fairmont Avalnche Amelia-ET, 12/8/2017 2nd Northeast National Jr. Show, 4th International Jr. Holstein Show Kennedy & Jaydn Kimball & Noah Reid, Windham, ME

Keystone Solomon Allstar, 12/2/2017 1st & Jr. Champion Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 1st International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion PA Fall Championship Jr. Show Ella M Hlavaty & Luke W Seipt, Lititz, PA

Ms PG PV Beem Of Light-ET, 12/18/2017 2nd & Res. Jr. Champion Mideast Fall National Jr. Show, 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st IN State Jr. Show H&H McIsaac & M, M & M Price, Martinton, IL

Pfaffsway Defiant Jen A, 12/2/2017 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Midwest Spring National Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Midwest Fall National Jr. Show, 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion WI District 2 Jr. Show, 2nd WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 4) Kole & Beau Trapp, Olivia Pfaff & Fred Ullom, Taylor, WI

Ren-Bow Corvette Lollipop, 12/5/2017 1st & Jr. Champion Mideast Fall National Jr. Show, 1st Mideast Spring National Jr. Show, 5th Mideast Summer National Jr. Show, 6th Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 8th International Jr. Holstein Holstein World February 2019 | 38 Show. Ruth|Baumbauer & Olivia & Lillian Finke, London, OH

RJohn Prestige Champion-ET, 12/1/2017 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI Championship Jr. Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 4) Madison & Melanie Sarbacker & Dawson Nickels, Watertown, WI

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i Jun

Gabz Defiant Reagan, 9/2/2017 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Western Fall National Jr. Show, 1st Mideast Fall National Jr. Show, 2nd Western Spring National Jr. Show, 16th International Jr. Holstein Show Gabbie Gregorio, Acampo, CA

Ransom-Rail Adhere Willow, 9/14/2017 2nd Northeast Spring National Jr. Show, 3rd Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 4th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion NY State Fair Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Central NY Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Chemung County Jr. Show, NY, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion NY Spring Jr. Show. Mallory Rhodes, Millport, NY

Savage-Leigh Lalas First-ET, 9/3/2017 2nd Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion MD Spring Jr. Show Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD

Fall Heifer Calves (9)

Knonaudale Snylodge Jasmine, 9/1/2017 1st International Jr. Holstein Show Makayla & Kaleb Osinga, Hico, TX

Ryan-Vu Doorman Risin Shine, 9/4/2017 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion WI Championship Jr. Show Dylan & Cameron Ryan, Fond du Lac, WI

Windy-Knoll-View Potatochip, 9/2/2017 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 1st PA Fall Championship Jr. Show Reese O. Burdette, Mercersburg, PA Holstein World | February 2019 | 39

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t s e t n o C r o i n u J Summer Yearling Heifers (9)

Sponsored by

Blondin Solomon Havana-ET, 6/2/2017 1st International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st Mideast Fall National Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion IN State Jr. Show M, MJ & MJ Price & A & B Ekovich, Martinton, IL

CrowleyView Doorman Luxi, 6/2/2017 4th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion WI District 7 Jr. Show, 1st WI Championship Jr. Show, 2nd WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 3) J, L & M Harbaugh and A & A Loehr, Marion, WI

Heart&Soul JK Dback Gypsy, 6/3/2017 1st Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 1st Northeast Spring National Jr. Show, 6th International Jr. Holstein Show Matthew D. Boop, Millmont, PA

KnH-Endres Diamondback Onya, 6/25/2017 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock, WI

Liddleholme Dback Thunder, 6/5/2017 1st & Jr. Champion Western Spring National Jr. Show, 5th International Jr. Holstein Show Alexis Papageorge, Farr West, UT

Petitclerc Solomon Ashlyn-ET, 6/1/2017 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion CA State Jr. Show Brandon Almeida, Hilmar, CA

Holstein World | February 2019 | 40

Sponsored by

est Yearling Heifers (10) Junior ContSpring

Bella-Ridge Beauty Queen, 3/2/2017 7th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI District 7 Jr. Show, 2nd WI Championship Jr. Show J, L & M Harbaugh and A&A Loehr, Marion, WI

Petitclerc Doorman Sapphire-ET, 3/11/2017 1st International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st Midwest Spring National Jr. Show, 1st WI State Jr. Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 2) Grant Vosters, Freedom, WI

Siemers Blake Glandeur-ET, 3/6/2017 4th International Jr. Holstein Show Jacob, Connor & Lauren Siemers, Newton, WI

Heart&Soul JK Solmn Glitter, 3/2/2017 2nd Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 5th International Jr. Show Matthew D Boop, Millmont, PA

Plum-Line Extra Naughty, 3/3/2017 2nd Northeast Spring National Jr. Show, 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 3rd Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 1st Western PA Championship Jr. Show Brooke & John Carey, Titusville, PA

Stranshome Dempsey Tanielle, 3/2/2017 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion MN State Jr. Show Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN Holstein World | February 2019 | 41

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t s e t n o C r o i Winter Yearling Heifers (10)Jun

Sponsored by

Budjon-Abbott Alexandra-ET, 12/2/2016 1st & Jr. Champion International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 2), 1st & Jr. Champion WI Championship Jr. Show Kaelyn, Kenadee & Keegan Weigel, Platteville, WI

Country Path Solo Perfume, 1/17/2017 2nd & Res. Jr. Champion Southern Spring National Jr. Show, 4th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion TX State Fair Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion San Antonio Jr. Stock Show Jessica Nolt, Hartley, TX

Hatee Jacoby Paris, 12/2/2016 2nd & Res. Jr. Champion International Jr. Show, 3rd Southern Spring National Jr. Show Alyson & Kenlee Philips, Lingleville, TX

Heart&Soul Gold Runway, 12/3/2016 1st Northeast Spring National Jr. Show, 2nd Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show Matt Boop and Madison & F. Hayden Weaver, Millmont, PA

Petitclerc Atwood Secret-ET, 12/7/2016 2nd Northeast Spring National Jr. Show, 6th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion WI District 1 Jr. Show, 2nd WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 2), 4th WI Championship Jr. Show Holstein World | February 2019 | 42 Baldwin, WI Eva Doornik & Jacob Harbaugh,

Toppglen Atwood Winner-ET, 12/7/2016 1st & Jr. Champion Mideast Spring National Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Mideast Summer National Jr. Show, 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Wayne County Jr. Show, OH Brennan, Marissa & Logan Topp, New Bremen, OH

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i Jun Fall Yearling Heifers (9)

Hodgons Clark Pearl, 9/2/2016 1st Mideast Summer National Jr. Show, 7th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st OH State Fair Jr. Show Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH

Lars-Acres Airlift Fareway, 9/1/2016 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI District 6 Jr. Show, 3rd WI State Fair Jr. Show (Group 2), 3rd WI Summer Championship Jr. Show Brooke, Dane & Luke Trustem & Ellie Larson, Evansville, WI

Sunnyside Nancy Doorman-ET, 10/25/2016 4th International Jr. Holstein Show, 6th Midwest Spring National Jr. Show, 2nd (Group 1) & Res. Jr. Champion WI State Fair Jr. Show, 2nd WI District 7 Jr. Show, 4th WI Championship Jr. Show Joseph Schuh, Kaukauna, WI

Kingsway Gold Chip Logic, 10/3/2016 1st Southern Spring National Jr. Show, 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 2nd Mideast Summer National Jr. Show Alyson & Kenlee Philips, Lingleville, TX

Nobland Avalan Heartache-TW, 10/7/2016 6th International Jr. Holstein Show AInsley, Macie & Drew Noble, Lancaster, WI

Tombeth Ettakaw, 10/27/2016 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st (Group 1) & Jr. Champion WI State Fair Jr. Show, 1st WI Championshp Jr. Show Sarah Kearns, GaysWorld Mills, WI Holstein | February 2019 | 43

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t s e t n o C r o i Yearlings in Milk (8) Jun

Sponsored by

Crave G W Atwood Peach-ET, 9/5/2016 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show Roseanne Crave, Waterloo, WI

KnH-Endres DB Jaycee-TW, 9/9/2016 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI Championship Jr. Show Mikayla Endres, Lone Rock, WI

Lellavan Avalanche Fuji, 9/6/2016 1st & Int. Champion International Jr. Holstein Show Brandon Almeida & F, C, A, L, J & H Borba, Hilmar, CA

Lyn-Vale Avalanch Rimona-ET, 9/2/2016 1st, Int. & Res. Grand Champion Mideast Fall National Jr. Show Melissa Sprecher, Sauk City, WI

Oakfield Solomon Lou-ET, 9/10/2016 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st, Res. Int. & Res. Grand Champion Western Regional Jr. Show Derek George, Arcade, NY Holstein World | February 2019 | 44

Reyncrest Doorman Denali-ET, 9/1/2016 1st Northeast Fall National Jr. Show, 4th International Jr. Holstein Show Erin Harkenrider, Freeville, NY

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i n Ju Jr. Two-Year-Olds (8)

Heart&Soul JK Dempsey Glitz, 3/3/2016 1st Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show Matthew D Boop, Millmont, PA

Mead-Manor Def Adeline-Red, 3/2/2016 2nd WI District 7 Jr. Show Michael & Megan Moede, Algoma, WI

Ms Tora-Ranway Whiterose-ET, 6/11/2016 4th Mideast Fall National Jr. Show, 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Res. Int. Champion WI District 3 Jr. Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show, 1st Lafayette County Fair Jr. Show, WI, 1st Dubuque County Fair Jr. Show, IA, 2nd WI State Jr. Show Alek T & Brooke S Krueger, Hazel Green, WI

Holbric GW Atwood A-Grain, 3/2/2016 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Grand Champion McHenry County 4-H Show, IL, 1st IL State Fair Jr. Show Elena E. Olbrich, Harvard, IL

Ms Silks Archrival Sassy-ET, 3/1/2016 4th International Jr. Holstein Show Tessa VL & Stella RB Schmocker, Whitewater, WI

Roll-N-View Byway Lighting, 7/6/2016 1st International Jr. Holstein Show, 2nd Eastern Fall National Jr. Show Allison Galton, Nunda, NY World Union | February (Now owned by ConnorHolstein & Chase Savage, Bridge,2019 MD) | 45

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2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N H O L S T E I N N O M I N E E S

t s e t n o C r o i Sr. Two-Year-Olds (5) Jun

Sponsored by

Erbacres Atwood Sabrina, 10/6/2015 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st IL Championship Jr. Show, 1st & Int. Champion Northwest IL District Jr. Show Payton Erbsen, Lanark, IL

JK-Stranshome Defiant Sassy, 12/1/2015 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st Midwest Fall National Jr. Show, 3rd Midwest Spring National Jr. Show, 3rd MN State Jr. Show J, Z, J & D Stransky and H, R & A Kietzman, Owatonna, MN

Pappys Doorman Rose-ET, 9/6/2016 1st, Int. & Grand Champion Western Spring National Jr. Show, 2nd Internatinal Jr. Holstein Show Alexis Papageorge, Farr West, UT

St-Jacob Blake Angel, 12/24/2015 1st International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st Eastern Fall National Jr. Show Connor & Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD

Thank You to

Stempfle Doorman Glimmer, 12/3/2015 2nd Midwest Spring National Jr. Show, 4th International Jr. Holstein Show Jessica Stempfle, Maynard, IA Holstein World | February 2019 | 46

for sponsoring the Junior All-American Contests

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i Jun Jr. Three-Year-Olds (7)

Biercrest Chelios Tanysha, 3/6/2015 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 3rd IA State Jr. Show Zach & Ally Bierschenck, Van Horne, IA

Holbric SPA Chisel-Red, 6/10/2015 1st & Grand Champion IL State Fair Jr. Show Morgan Olbrich, Harvard, IL

Ms Hodglynn Brkw Bonus, 6/2/2015 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st, Int. & Grand Champion WI Championship Jr. Show Eva Doornik, Baldwin, WI

Butlerview Door Aleah-ET, 6/3/2015 1st & Res. Int. Champion International Jr. Show, 2nd Mideast Fall National Jr. Show Christian Cunningham, Penngrove, CA

Jerland Sh Goldwyn Gin-ET, 3/1/2015 1st Midwest Spring National Jr. Show, 4th International Jr. Holstein Show Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN

Synergy Anahiem Magnolia-ET, 3/2/2015 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Res. Int. Champion WI District 7 Jr. Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show, 2nd & Res. Int. Champion WI Championship Jr. Show M, C & E Jauquet and M, C & S Haack, Pulaksi, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 47

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N H O L S T E I N N O M I N E E S

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N H O L S T E I N N O M I N E E S

t s e t n o C r o i n Sr. Three-Year-Olds (7) Ju

Sponsored by

Joliam R Penny 4751-ET, 12/14/2014 4th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI Championship Jr. Show, 1st WI District 4 Jr. Show Nicole Pralle, Humbird, WI

Lars-Acres GWAtwd Landi-ET, 9/3/2014 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 2nd WI District 6 Jr. Show, 3rd WI Dairy Showcase Jr. Show, 4th WI State Fair Jr. Show, 4th WI Championship Jr. Show Brooke M, Dane J & Luke E Trustem, Evansville, WI

Mapel Wood Kingboy Lacey-ET, 12/16/2014 1st International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show Jacob Siemers, Newton, WI

Ms Sherona-Hill Riddle-ET, 12/23/2014 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show Adam & Morgan Olbrich, Harvard, IL

Savage-Leigh Gold Lala-ET, 12/20/2014 2nd Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD

Vale-O-Skene Lauthority Kitty, 9/3/2014 1st, Int. & Grand Champion Mideast Spring National Jr. Show Kristopher Ackley, East Liberty, OH

Holstein World | February 2019 | 48

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i n Ju

Beckholm Goldwyn Latona, 9/3/2013 1st & Grand Champion Midwest Spring National Jr. Show, 6th International Jr. Holstein Show Jake Kuhens, Cale Baker & Nathan Arthur, Maynard, IA

Musthaven Goldwyn Jaelyn P, 9/11/2013 1st International Jr. Holstein Show M, M & M Price and C Cunningham, Martinton, IL

Ryan-Vu Gchip Claudette-ET, 9/25/2013 1st, Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Mideast Fall National Jr. Show, 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show Joseph T Opsal, Blue Mounds, WI

Four-Year-Olds (10)

Mission-Bell Pitbull Oneida, 1/20/2014 5th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion WI District 10 Jr. Show, 1st & Res. Sr. Champion WI Championship Jr. Show Shaun T. Jens & Savanah R. Barts, Sheboygan Falls, WI

Plum-Line Reginald Velour, 9/3/2013 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 4th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Grand Champion Western PA Championship Jr. Show Brooke E Carey, Titusville, PA

Sunnyhome McCutchen Mildred, 11/6/2013 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show Connor K Erbsen, Lanark, IL Holstein World | February 2019 | 49

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N H O L S T E I N N O M I N E E S

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N H O L S T E I N N O M I N E E S

Five-Year-Olds (7)

t s e t n o C r o i Jun

Sponsored by

Al-Shar SDG Ms Erin-ET, 3/5/2013 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Grand Champion SD State Fair Jr. Show Jordan T Zoellner, Groton, SD

Butlerview GC Awesome, 8/3/2013 1st International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Grand Champion WI State Fair Jr. Show Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

Millbrooke Atwood Ooh La La, 3/8/2013 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show Regan Demmer, Peosta, IA

Ms Andis GW Astra-ET, 12/3/2012 1st, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 5th International Jr. Holstein Show Matthew D Boop, Millmont, PA

Red Tag Destry Sneezy-Red-ET, 12/1/2012 1st & Grand Champion MD Spring Jr. Show Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD

Webb View Betsy Sanchez, 2/2/2013 4th International Jr. Holstein Show Brennan Woker, Greenville, IL

Holstein World | February 2019 | 50

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i Jun

Erbacres Atwood Minnie, 5/6/2012 6th International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st IL Championship Jr. Show Payton & Delana Erbsen, Lanark, IL

Lantland Molson Cheddar, 12/23/2011 1st & Grand Champion Northeast Spring National Jr. Show, 1st Eastern Fall National Jr. Show, 1st & Grand Champion NY State Jr. Show, 1st & Grand Champion NY State Fair Jr. Show Kirt Menzi Jr., Millport, NY

Lovhill Braxton Funky-ET, 5/12/2012 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show Joseph, Zach, Jerome & Darian Stransky, Owatonna, MN

Aged Cows(8)

Gamlake Destry Sallie, 5/14/2012 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion International Jr. Holstein Show, 1st & Grand Champion Western Fall National Jr. Show, 1st & Grand Champion CA State Jr. Show Samantha Gambonini, Petaluma, CA

Liddleholme-Y HG Rae-ET, 10/10/2010 1st Midwest Fall National Jr. Show, 4th International Jr. Holstein Show, 2nd MN State Jr. Show Arnold T, Ashley L & Andrew E. Gruenes, RIchmond, MN

Masal Sanchez Gail, 8/4/2012 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show. 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion IN State Jr. Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion IN State Fair Jr. Show Brant Gingerich and BradHolstein & Sophie World Fuhrmann, Millersburg, IN | 51 | February 2019

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N H O L S T E I N N O M I N E E S

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N H O L S T E I N N O M I N E E S

150,000lb Cows (6)

t s e t n o C r o i n Ju

Sponsored by

Gildale Advent Primrose, 9/3/2007 1st International Jr. Holstein Show Kalista, Kaianne & Kaydence Hodorff, Eden, WI

Holbric Bolton Blanket, 5/15/2011 4th International Jr. Holstein Show Morgan Olbrich, Harvard, IL

Hosto Glen Skittles, 12/4/2009 1st Mideast Fall National Jr. Show, 1st IL Championship Jr. Show Magen Busker, Ridott, IL

Ocean-View Sterling Silver, 7/12/2012 1st Midwest Spring National Jr. Show, 3rd International Jr. Holstein Show Mary & Naomi Scott, Westgate, IA

Pappys Goldwyn Natasha-ET, 3/1/2009 1st & Res. Sr. Champion Western Spring National Jr. Show Alexis Papageorge, Farr West, UT

Sunrose Delaney, 8/3/2007 2nd International Jr. Holstein Show Brant Gingerich, Millersburg, IN

Holstein World | February 2019 | 52

New Year, New


ad design @ Lyndsay Snyder

Photos © Cybil Fisher

Chardonnay’s ringshot @ The Bullvine

Presenting our 2018 All-American Nominations!

MS Elmvue



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Exhibited by Juniper Elite & Tim & Sharon Abbott Purchased At the Sale of Stars ‘18 Holstein World | February 2019 | 53

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By Lowell Midla, V.M.D., Technical Services Manager, Merck Animal Health Sponsored by:



hange is constant on dairy operations. Cows are added, cows are sold, diets change, new products are used and the list goes on. No two days are the same, which is especially challenging when working with cows, creatures that thrive on consistency.

able in English and Spanish, the SOP templates are posted with their respective training module at DairyCare365. com. Topics covered include: calf handling and stockmanship; dairy animal handling; humane euthanasia; newborn care and handling; and handling non-ambulatory cows.

Variation in daily tasks can have negative consequences on herd performance. On most dairies, several people share responsibility for a single task. Standard operating procedures (SOPs) can help reduce the variation that occurs when different individuals perform the same task in different ways.

The templates begin with guiding principles for each topic and are followed with sections to help you develop best practices based on your own unique setups, experiences and goals. SOPs should remain dynamic and be revisited annually. Doing so helps ensure herd health needs are achieved, makes new employee training easier, reduces variation in how tasks are performed and makes employees more confident.

Written SOPs are just like a recipe, providing employees with a detailed description of how to handle a specific task within their job. SOPs help train new employees and provide a backup when employees are called in to do another’s tasks. Importantly, SOPs also help dairies meet the requirements of the National Dairy FARM (Farmers Assuring Responsible ManagementTM) Program. The purpose of the program – to create a culture of continuous improvement – serves the industry well. Ninety-eight percent of the U.S. milk supply participates in this program that has been recognized for its industry-leading welfare standards. Employees that understand the operation’s SOPs will be more engaged and motivated to meet the quality, production and profitability goals of the dairy operation. SOPs can also be used to provide performance feedback, which helps employees understand expectations.


As a veterinarian, I have helped many dairies write SOPs. I find the most difficult part is starting the process. Merck Animal Health recently developed five SOP templates with this obstacle in mind. The Merck Animal Health Dairy Care 365® SOPs serve as the starting point to defining on-farm procedures. AvailHolstein World | February 2019 | 54


Veterinarians are an important resource to help draft and update SOPs. Your veterinarian has a pulse on how your farm operates, recognizes your strengths and weaknesses and can help develop best practices based on experiences and goals. As you review SOPs, bring your employees into the process. Ask if all the tasks are included and if they understand how to complete the various tasks. You may be surprised when employees bring up something like: “We never do it that way. We can’t because the gate in that pen has been broken for a while now. This is how we actually do it…” Receiving that feedback will help you to write SOPs that can actually be followed (or remind you that a gate needs to be fixed so that the original SOP can be followed). Engaging employees and reviewing SOPs with them reduces variation in how a task is performed and gives employees a sense of being invested with the farm. Finally, reviewing SOPs with employees also reduces variation in how a task is performed. Use positive language when writing SOPs. It’s human nature to react negatively to the words “can’t” and “don’t.” By avoiding negative words to explain tasks, you provide employees with positive reinforcement from the start.

Keep in mind that everyone learns differently. While some people are visual learners, others need each step written out. The Dairy Care 365 SOPs correlating training modules (videos) can help reinforce the importance of the protocols. While it’s important to have written documents, farms can use videos to reinforce the importance of the protocols.


Ultimately, success of a SOP is measured by response of the cattle. Effective milking procedures can be

evaluated by milk volume, quality and udder health. Calving procedures and care of newborns directly impact calf health. If a problem should develop in a certain area of your herd, examine the SOP. Is there protocol drift or perhaps an error in the SOP? The SOP development process is an excellent way for herd owners, managers, employees and technical advisers to cooperate for everyone’s benefit. SOPs are a powerful tool, allowing you to establish a baseline for continuous improvement.

GET STARTED TODAY To watch the Dairy Care 365 series, visit Training.DairyCare365.com. You can also contact a Merck Animal Health representative or email DairyCare365@merck.com for more information.

Holstein World | February 2019 | 55

HAUSA Launches Holstein Marketplace Sires & Announces Judges Clinic Holstein Marketplace Sire Launched Holstein Association USA announces a new service to assist Holstein breeders to market semen to other dairy cattle breeders. Holstein Marketplace Sires – a new component of the Holstein Marketplace gives Holstein breeders the ability to directly market semen from their bulls, which will be beneficial to Holstein Association members, and dairy cattle breeders throughout the United States. “Holstein breeder/members have been looking for a vehicle to market semen of high-quality genetics from their own herds to other breeders. Holstein Marketplace Sires does just that. “Holstein members now have the opportunity to offer semen from bulls out of deep pedigreed cow families that excel in production, genomics, health traits, reproduction, and type. Breeders will have the opportunity to select from phenotypically proven cow families that emphasize longevity and continue breeding programs to fit their own individual goals,” states Holstein Association USA President Boyd Schaufelberger. Holstein Marketplace Sires, a division of Holstein Services Inc., provides a new and unique avenue for Holstein breeders to market their genetics. Under the program, the bull owners retain ownership of the bulls, and Holstein Marketplace Sires provides the vehicle for the semen to be sold. For both buyers and sellers alike, Holstein Marketplace Sires will be a trusted source for dairy cattle genetics. Bulls available at the launch of Holstein Marketplace Sires include: - Speek-NJ of Dewgood-ET, owned by E. Dean & Wanda Good, Oconto, Wis. Holstein World | February 2019 | 56

- Golden-Oaks Imax Lotto, owned by Golden Oaks Farm, Wauconda, Ill. - Hurtgenlea Splnd Maurice-ET RC PC, owned by Hurtgenlea Holsteins Ltd, Elkhorn, Wis. - Trent-Way-JS Roddy-ET RC, owned by Trent J. Hendrickson & John R. Schneller, Blanchardville, Wis. These bulls offer depth of maternal pedigrees, featuring multiple generations of Very Good and Excellent dams. Their strong pedigrees are complemented with the bulls’ high-ranking genomic evaluations resulting in a balance of production, health, reproduction and type. Holstein Marketplace Sires will be a unique addition to any Holstein breeders breeding program. Purchasing semen with your credit card couldn’t be easier with two methods – online or over the phone. Buy online by visiting www.holsteinusa.com/marketplacesires, click the red “buy now” button, fill in number of units you would like to purchase, and check out using our secure online system. Or, phone in your semen order by calling customer service at 800.952.5200.

Judges Conference Registration Now Open Registration is now open for the Holstein Association USA 2019 Judges Conference, to be held on Thursday, March 28, in Columbus, Ohio, in conjunction with the Mid-East Spring National Holstein Show. The conference includes judging classes in addition to classroom sessions. Participants will judge several high-quality Holstein classes, one of which will be assigned for oral reasons. Individuals that plan to apply for the Holstein Association USA Judges List in

the future, must first attend and receive a satisfactory rating at a Holstein Association USA Judges Conference. Judges currently on the Holstein Association USA Judges List, must attend and receive a satisfactory rating at a Holstein Association USA Judges Conference every five years. The one-day conference will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. The pre-registration fee is $50, which closes two weeks before the conference, on March 14. Late registrants and walk-ins will pay a $100 fee. To attend the conference, you must be 22 years old by the day of the conference. Interested participants can register for the conference on the Holstein Association USA website, visit: http://www.holsteinusa. com/shows/judges_preregister.html. Hotel accommodations can be made at the Candlewood Suites Polaris, 8515 Lyra Drive, Columbus, Ohio; phone 614-4366600. Ask for the Holstein Association special rate, available until March 8, subject to availability. For more information, contact Jodi Hoynoski at 800.952.5200, ext. 4261 or by email, jhoynoski@holstein.com.

2019 YDLI Distinguished Alumni Leader Announced Rebecca Long Chaney, of Elwood, Neb., is the 2019 Young Dairy Leaders Institute Distinguished Alumni Leader recognized by the Holstein Foundation. The Holstein Foundation recognizes one Young Dairy Leaders Institute (YDLI) graduate annually who has made noteworthy contributions and applied skills gained during their YDLI experience for the advancement of the dairy industry. Rebecca was a graduate of YDLI Class 2.

The RED BLOODLINES Issue No. 185 | All American Issue | February 2019

Holstein World | February 2019 | 57

2Holstein World | February 2019 | 58




EX-92 Unanimous All-American R&W Junior 3 Year Old 2017 Intermediate & Reserve Grand Champion, International R&W Show & RAWF 2017 Barnie x 2E-91 Advent x VG-87 GMD x VG-GMD x EX-GMD x 3E-91 GMD DOM x VG-88 Owned by Milk Source Genetics


Full sisters to Redhot sell! There’s a fancy red summer yrlg for 2019 & an EX-91 5 year old!


EX-94 EEEEE 3-07 2x 347 34,760 4.9 1702 3.2 1111 Nominated All-American R&W 5 Year Old 2018 1st 5Y, Res. Sr, Res. Grand & Champion B&O Midwest Spring National Show 2018 Always-Red x VG-88, 1976F Advent x VG-87 GMD x VG-GMD x EX-GMD x 3E-91 GMD DOM x VG-88

Saturday, April 13, 2019 10:00 AM Baraboo, Wisconsin


Nominated All-American R&W Fall Calf 2018 Junior Champion Midwest Fall National Show 2018 3rd Fall Calf RAWF 2018 Avalanche x EX-94 Rhinestone-Red x VG-88 x VG-87 GMD x VG-GMD x EX-GMD x 3E-91 GMD DOM x VG-88

Regal sells as Lot 2 bred to Diamondback. She’s Lot 1 due in June with an Unstopabull heifer! A milking yearling for the fall shows! Rhinestone & Regal also Nominated All-American R&W Dam & Daughter 2018

Total performance cow families have always been the cornerstone of Heatherstone. In addition to Redhot’s full sisters you’ll find maternal sisters by Avalanche & Diamondback plus daughters of the 2x Res. All-American, Dupasquier Contender Wh-Red-ET EX-94 2E (95MS). We hope to see you on April 13th!

The Holschbach Family

S5455 State Rd. 136 • Baraboo, WI 53913 Mike 608.963.2003 • hbach5@centurytel.net Follow us on facebook! #headtoheatherstone #hightype #highcomponents Holstein World | February 2019 | 59

Red Bloodlines


All-Americans.......................................................................................... 16 Association News................................................................................... 5-6 Board Minutes......................................................................................... 10 Calendar of Events....................................................................................4 Hannah's Headlines...................................................................................7 New Members......................................................................................... 5-6

Advertiser Index Accelerated Genetics................................................................... 2 Ferme Frejour, Inc....................................................................... 8 Heatherstone Enterprises............................................................ 3 Mercuro Farms.......................................................................... 11 Oakfield Corners Dairy................................................................ 9 Ovaltop Holsteins..................................................................... 12 Quest for Success IV................................................................. 15 Schluter Holsteins..................................................................... 13 Siemers Holsteins..................................................................... 13 Shadow W Holsteins and Boarding............................................ 12 Swanee Acres............................................................................ 14 Select Sires............................................................................... 53

Bulletin Board

Items of Importance

UPCOMING SHOWS, SALES & EVENTS March 9, 2019- Quest for Success IV Sale, Fond du lac, WI March 30, 2019- Best of Luck-E, Hampshire, IL April 6, 2019- International Spring Red & White Show, Syracuse, NY Judge: Nathan Thomas April 6, 2019- 19th Badger Invitational, Madison, WI April 13, 2019- Heatherstone Enterprises Dispersal, Baraboo, WI April 26, 2019- Midwest Spring Red & White Show, Madison, WI Judge: Jeff Brown

the R W D C A Red & White Dairy Cattle Association

PO Box 579 Watertown, WI 53704 Email: rwdcainfo@gmail.com Fax: 608-299-0800 Phone: 608-790-5595

Website: www.RedandWhiteCattle.com Find us on Facebook! www.facebook.com/RWDCA THE RED BLOODLINES is published 5 times per year in January/February, March, Spring, Fall, Winter and is the official publication of the RWDCA.

SUBSCRIPTION RATES (Printed in USA) US Regular $30 US 1st Class Mail $45 Canada (US Funds) $35 International (US Funds) $75 MEMBERSHIP RATES (includes subscription) US $55 US + First Class Mailing $70 US Junior $25 US Junior + subscription $45 Canada (US Funds) $60 International (US Funds) $100 VISA/MASTERCARD/DISCOVER ACCEPTED

The OFFICERS President: Doug Lyons Vice-President: Jason Miley Secretary: Pam Morse Treasurer: Sarah Wendorf Promotions: Mandy Sell

The DIRECTORS TERMS EXPIRE 2019 Rodney Bonhoff N4297 Cedar Lane Road Plymouth, WI 53073 920-918-2532 Doug Lyons 131 Military Rd. Castalia, IA 52133 563-419-0275  lyonsdl@acegroup.cc TERMS EXPIRE 2020 Jason Miley 6745 Matty Rd. West Salem, OH 44287 330-466-8509  jasonmiley11@gmail.com Pam Morse 1390 Orchard Hill Road Troy, PA 16947 570-337-0653  pam_morse@yahoo.com TERMS EXPIRE 2021 Ryan Griffin 19436 220th St NE Thief River Falls, MN 56701 507-269-4640  karakesh5@hotmail.com Bonnie Van Dyk 931 140th Ave. New Richmond, WI 54017 715-220-6612  bvandyk23@hotmail.com Sarah Wendorf W22354 Evergreen Rd. Ixonia, WI 53036 920-474-3735  troystransport@yahoo.com

May 4, 2019- The Stars of Liddleholme Spring Opportunity Sale, Argyle, NY May 18, 2019- Oakfield Corners Spring Sensation Sale, Oakfield, NY May 28, 2019- Wilstar Complete Dispersal, Poy Sippi, WI .August 26, 2019- Midwest Fall Red & White Show, St Paul, MN September 16, 2019- Premier National Red & White Junior Show, Harrisburg, PA September 18, 2019- All American Red & White Show, Harrisburg, PA October 3-4, 2019- International Red & White Show, Madison, WI Judge: Jamie Black Red Holstein Bloodlines World 4 | February Holstein World 2019 ||60 February 2019 | 60

The COVER Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET, Junior Champion of both the Open & Junior Shows at the International Red & White Show and the First Ever Supreme Champion Heifer of the Junior Show, feels the love from Amanda Knoener, while Savanah Barts and Owen Kress look on! Photo by RWDCA

The officers, directors and employees of the RWDCA do not necessarily agree with the opinions expressed in The Red Bloodlines. The RWDCA is in no way responsible for information contained in advertising in The Red Bloodlines.

From the President Hello Red & White Friends! Here in Iowa, we are right in the middle of a cold snap of winter, I hope by the time you read this that it has warmed up! Congratulations to all of the breeders, owners and exhibitors on a successful show season and All American and Junior All American contest! The quality is incredible! I can't wait for the results! As you know, we are trying something different, this issue and the next issue will be featured as a insert into the Holstein World. We appreciate the opportunity and thank the HW team for working with us on this joint venture. We are always looking for ways to maximize your advertisement dollars! The next issue will include both the All American and Junior All American results, contact Mandy to advertise now! It's also getting to be that time of year again, time to start thinking about running for the Board of Directors, RWDCA Queen and applying for the RWDCA Scholarship! I wish you all the best and continued success with your Red & White Cattle Sincerely, Doug Lyons RWDCA President

Welcome Junior New Members: Sydni Mell, Waunakee, WI Hallie Griffiths, Greensburg, KY Joseph Busey, Canal Winchester, OH Grayson Varo, Beldenville, WI Aleese Rolf, Green Isle, MN Ryanne Nadeau, Newport, VT Braelyn Ott, Brillion, WI Emma Friauf, New Glencoe, MN Lillian Shady, Huntington, IN Megan Ford, Thornbury, ON, Canada Coltin Brown, Strum, WI Madison & Abigail Borchardt, Edgar, WI Tessa & Stella Schmocker, Whitewater, WI Ethan Knapp, Franklin, PA Ethan Grams, Buffalo Lake, MN Sarah Callen, Wilmington, OH Kennley Siegrist, Coldwater, OH Ava, Mara & Eliza Endres, Waunakee, WI Lane Hitt, Adams Center, NY Zachary Mast, Croghan, NY Rebecca Tank, New London, WI Jodie Salansky, Dallas, PA Payton Bennet, Arcade, NY Aubree Kenyon, Colombia Xroads, PA Caydence Macik, Ulster, PA Patrick Workman, Kirkwood, PA Piper Grace Young, Colombia Xroads, PA Lauren & Lucas Jones, Prairie du Sac, WI Nathan Daniels, Cobb, WI Jenna Thorgerson, Sheldon, WI Taylor Graves, Danville, KY Addley & Brantley, Chebanse, IL

Lucy Kimball, Mount Moms, NY Sophia Woodis, Dewittville, NY Addison & Jacob Raber, Gridley, IL Tristan Guest, Lebanon, CT Tresa Savidge, Danville, PA Clayton Liner, Port Matilda, PA Claire & Chloe Lamb, Oakfield, NY Kayla Dechau, Lawtons, NY Gracelyn Jo Breitenstein, Plover, WI Ty Jacowski, Plover, WI Lauren Eslary, Boliver, PA Hadley Olt, Greensburg, KY Andrew & Caroline Kimball, Millington, MD Christian Bomgardner, Jonestown, PA Trent & Travis Fogleman, Muncy, PA Abbey Wolfe, Centre Hall, PA Dylan Kulp, Ottsville, PA Trevor Bigelow, Willsboro, NY Emma Williams, Glen Mills, PA Sabrina Clark, Springville, PA Anna Post, Hubart, NY Melanie Showers, Fredricksburg, PA Makenzie Pickering, North Bangor, NY Madison Davis, Dawson, PA Jenna Eberlin, Dushore, PA Morgan & Julia Smoker, Belleville, PA Michael McSwain, Lawndale, NC Katelyn Farley, Montrose, PA Nevin Erbsen, Lanark, IL Daniel Hoppaugh Jr, Colombia Xroads, PA Cassandra Gebert, Wawaka, IN

Red Bloodlines 5 Holstein | Holstein World World | February | February 2019 2019 | 61 | 61

The Buzz Around the Water Cooler Greetings Red & White Friends! This issue features our 42nd All American contest & Junior All American contest. We again have another great contest! Our March issue will again be featured in the Holstein World, the results of both contests will be featured. It's a great issue to feature your spring sale consignments, give me a call to talk about how we can maximize your advertising opportunity! If print advertising isn't for you, we also have over 9,000 followers on our Facebook page, and we can do some things there to promote your special animal! We have some exciting news coming up in the Fall, World Dairy Expo has agreed to let us add a 'Summer Junior Two Year Old' class to the International Red & White Show. So basically, your Summer yearlings from last year, will show in that class. We think it's a great way to promote the younger Junior Two year olds, we will be updating you as the other fall shows add the class as well. This will also be an additional All American and Junior All American class. As always, don't hesitate to reach out with your ideas and questions you may have! Think Spring!

Promotions Manager

Welcome New Members: Emma Brenengen, Boonsboro, MD

Justin R Simpson, Butler, PA

Brandon & Cameron Gross, Collins, NY

Chelsea Skidmore, Union City, PA

Ken & Rhonda Reist, Lebanon, PA

Jessica Sartell, Thompson, PA

Mark Hazelton, Mansfield, PA

Meridith Franks, Waynesboro, GA

Shelly Jonas, Pleasant Mount, PA

Lindahl Farms, Lindstrom, MN

Chase Cashell, Towanda, PA

Bradley Salmon, Owatonna, MN

Matt Watson, Columbia Cross Roads, PA

Trail Side Holsteins, Fountain, MN

Richmond Farms Dairy, LLC, North Collins, NY

Chase J James, Luck, WI

Rick Henderson, Coggon, IA

Oakridge Dairy LLP, Galesville, WI

Gaila A Verbyla, Sweet Valley, PA

Danielle Brown, Dodgeville, WI

David Chance, Millington, MD

Jim & Sue Younker, Fleetwood, PA

Aaron Berg, Lacrosse, WI

Joe & Colleen Nepermann, Auburndale, WI

Schwab Dairy, Delevan, NY

Sabrina Tulare, Columbia Crossroads, PA

Susan Brett Davis, Lebanon, CT

Gary Parr, Campbellford, ON, Canada

Thank YOU for helping us grow! Red Holstein Bloodlines World 6 | February Holstein World 2019 ||62 February 2019 | 62

Hello, Fellow Red and White enthusiasts!

Starting out, in June I was crowned the 2018 National Red & White Queen, which then opened up to so many more opportunities. I was able to hand out awards at various shows throughout the summer and fall including shows in my home state: Wisconsin State Red and White Show and Wisconsin Junior State Fair Red and White Show. I was also able to dress up and attend two futurities including the Iowa County Fair Futurity and the Wisconsin Holstein Futurity (which a Red & White took first prize in!). I was able to attend some national shows close to home including the MidWest Fall National Red & White Show held at the Minnesota State Fair, which I am no stranger to. Additionally, I travelled out east to the All-American Dairy Show in Harrisburg for the first time and it was truly an amazing experience! However, my all-time favorite was being on the colored shavings at World Dairy Expo, standing next to some of the most remarkable cows backed by the most influential cow families in the world! Not to mention the most well-known and well-respected people in the dairy industry either judging, on the halter, or back helping in the barn. I have been able to reconnect with old friends and also make new ones. I am truly honored and blessed to have been a part of this crazy year and I would like to congratulate all these owners and exhibitors on having a very successful year. I would also like to wish everyone the best of luck in the All-American and Junior All-American contest! Hannah Nelson 2018 National Red & White Queen

Obituary Stuart Wade Wells Stuart W Wells, 96, of Harvard, IL, was born February 13, 1922, to Esther Wade Wells and John Richard Wells in Harvard, IL and died September 12, 2018, at Mercy Harvard Care Center. He graduated from Harvard High School in 1940 where he was a drum major and played the coronet and string base. He was Harvard's 1st Eagle Scout in 1941. After graduation, he attended Northwestern Univ. majoring in Engineering. He married Dorothy Cole on October 14, 1944 in Harvard and in 1946 he and Dorothy moved back to Harvard to run the family farm. He became a 4-H member in 1937 and started leading the South Dunham Boys Club in 1946 (a/k/a the South Dunham AGR's and South Dunham Community 4-H Club). He was a leader for 65 years. He was the 4-H General Projects Superintendent at the McHenry County Fair for over 30 years and a past McHenry County Fair Board Member. He received the Clover Award from the U of IL 4-H Extension in 1993 and was the first 4-H Leader in McHenry County to be inducted into the first Illinois 4-H Foundation Hall of Fame in 2005.

In 2012, he was named to the first McHenry County 4-H Wall of Fame "Friends of the Fair" where a park bench bearing his name appears at the fair. His leadership affected the lives of hundreds of youth. He was a member of the Red and White Dairy Cattle Association, in the past selling some of his cows to Brazil and South America. In 1995 he received the Don Albrecht Memorial Award for his dedication to the Red and White Dairy Cattle Association and The Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2002 National Red and White Convention. He was the oldest member of the First Presbyterian Church of Harvard (82 years), and a past Trustee of the church. He also was a board member of The Greater Area Harvard Historical Society. He is survived by his daughters, Peggy Jenkins, Harvard, and Mary "Cathy" (David) Joslyn of Woodstock; 7 grandchildren, DeWayne Brennecka, Todd Brennecka, Charlene Jenkins, Sean (Nancy) Burton, Sheila (Mike) Ruhl, David N. (Samantha) Joslyn and Matthew (Julie) Joslyn; eight greatgrandchildren and 2 great-great-grandchildren. Red Bloodlines 7| Holstein Holstein World World | February | February 2019 2019 | 63 | 63

Wisconsin Cow of the Year: Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET Hilrose Advent Anna-Red EX-94, an eight-year-old Red & White, bred and owned by Hilrose Holsteins of Sherwood, WI, has been named the 2018 Wisconsin Cow of the Year. Anna was recognized with the honor at a special ceremony on October 4 during this year’s World Dairy Expo. Each year, a different Wisconsin purebred cattle association selects a cow to represent her breed as the Cow of the Year at World Dairy Expo, The honor rotates annually among Wisconsin’s seven major dairy breeds, (Guernsey, Ayrshire, Holstein, Red & White Holstein, Brown Swiss, Jersey, and Milking Shorthorn), with the Red & White Holstein recognized this year. Anna has a long list of honors in the Red & White breed, including Reserve All-American 125,000 lb. Cow in 2017, Reserve All-American Aged Cow in 2016, and nominated All-American five-year-old in 2015. Hilrose Holsteins is owned and operated by Joe and Chris Brantmeier, and their sons Andy and Jeff. The Hilrose prefix originates from Joe’s parents, Hilard and Rosemary Brantmeier, who registered their first cow in 1959. Since then, the farm has bred and developed 212 Excellent and 621 Very Good cows. Today, Hilrose is home to 100 registered Holsteins with a rolling herd average of 32,293 lbs. of milk, 1,236 lbs. of fat, and 1,006 lbs. of protein, with a current Breed Age Average (BAA%) of 111.1. Aside from the cattle, the Brantmeier family also manages 1,200 acres of cropland. “Our underlying goal has been to breed and develop profitable cattle, with a strong emphasis on high type and cows with a tremendous will to milk,” said Jeff Brantmeier.

Commitment to quality has helped the family to be honored as a Holstein USA Herd of Excellence for many years. The family has also won Premier Breeder and Premier Exhibitor several times at the Wisconsin District 10 Holstein Show. “We are humbled and honored to receive the Cow of the Year award. As a 10th generation Excellent cow, Anna is one that exemplifies the type of quality we strive for at Hilrose. Receiving this award with my sons, Andy and Jeff, brings us much joy,” said Joe Brantmeier. The Cow of the Year ceremony is organized annually by the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection. The award was presented to the Brantmeier family by DATCP Secretary Sheila Harsdorf and 71st Alice in Dairyland Kaitlyn Riley.

Nom. All-American R&W 2018


Frater Diamondback

2nd Senior Yrlg and Best Bred & Owned Saint-Hyacinthe 2018 2nd Senior Yrlg R&W Supreme Dairy Show 2018 3rd Senior Yrlg Supreme Dairy Show 2018 5th Senior Yrlg and Best Bred & Owned R&W WDE 2018 Her Dam: Frater SS James Red VG

Thanks to Brown Heaven crew for taking care of Jameslyne at the World Dairy Expo

Gilbert Fredette 8225, rang de la Pointe du Jour, Saint-Hyacinthe (Québec) Canada J2R 1H7 Tel.: 450 796-4332 · Cell.:450 278-4332 · gilbert.fredette@ntic.qc.ca

Red Holstein Bloodlines World 8 || Holstein FebruaryWorld 2019 || 64 February 2019 | 64

Photo : Jiane©PAB

2nd Dam of Jameslyne


Frater TE Charles SS Tout-Québec R&W Junior 2005 Nom. All-American Senior Yrlg2006 1st Senior Yrlg & H.M. Junior Champion R&W EIHQ 2006

Junior Best Three: Lochness, Lambchop & Ladybird

OCD Jordy Ladybird: Spring Calf

Senior Best Three: Candy, Shampagne & Emoji

OCD Jordy Lambchop: Winter Calf OCD Jordy Lochness: Winter Calf Lochness & Lambchop: Produce of Dam

Oakfield Abs Candy: Jr 3yr Old

Colganados D Avianca: 5yr Old

Rosedale Avala Lollipop: Summer Yearling (Now owned by London Dairy & Clark Valley)

Rosedale Lucky Rose: Aged Cow Lucky Rose & Lollipop: Dam & Daughter

Jonathan Lamb 585-704-2501 // Alicia Lamb 585-993-8026

Produce of Dam: Emma & Emoji

jonathanllamb@yahoo.com // www.oakfieldcornersdairy.com Find us on

Photos © Cowsmopolitan

Holstein World February | 65 Senior Best|Three: Candy,2019 Emma & Emoji

RWDCA Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 19, 2018 Board Meeting- St.Charles, IL June 19th 2018 Present: Gary Janssen, Doug Lyons, Jason Miley, Sarah Wendorf, Bonnie VanDyk, Rodney Bohnhoff, Pam Morse. Others Present: Mandy Sell President Gary Janssen called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, June 19th, 2018. Introductions were made. The Secretary's report was given and meeting minutes were passed out. Doug moved to approve the meeting minutes from 01-18-2018 as given. Rodney seconded. Motion approved. The Financial report, as well as the Treasurer report was given and handouts were passed out with much discussion. Pam Morse (treasurer) asked that we go to Quickbooks online as to have easier access to the books for her in PA. Mandy was in agreement to the move to the online system. Pam will have full access to all accounts held by the RWDCA and Mandy will work closely with Pam on the costs and overhead. Pam made note that there were several large expenditures that could be eliminated, i.e office, postage machine, reduction in days in the office would reduce the salary. Sarah Wendorf made a motion to table the Financials to close session BOD meeting. Second by Doug. The Financials will be approved prior to the completion of the BOD meetings. Old Business: 1. Membership collection to yearly. -Mandy reported that the membership was far easier to have all at one time rather than a continuous yearling billing. Much easier for the members also, as many paid at the shows. The Board tabled the discussion of splitting up the adult membership within a family unit in January. There was some discussion that several families carry a farm membership and within that single farm membership are several adults. This is still a ongoing discussion with the board. Tabled here until the January 2019 meeting. New Business: 1. Mobile Friendly Website. - With discussion on the website, Bonnie suggested to contact Cowsmo and WI Holsteins for price. Sarah will contact both companies and report back for the final decision at the full board meeting monthly call. Approval will come from the July call with the website to be up and running by Harrisburg. 2. 2019 RWDCA Convention Hosts. -WI RWDCA will host the 2019 convention. June 2324, tba location. Committee Reports: 1. Executive Committee: No news. 2. Finance Committee: -See above. 3. Junior Committee: No news. Sarah reported that there is very little Jr. Involvement. 4. Nomination Committee: The nominating committee this year is Rodney Bohnhoff, and Doug Lyons. 5. Promotion & Program Services Committee: - Sire Summaries pocket book will again this year be printed, Mandy reported that she had several interested parties this year. The book is scheduled to be printed for hand out at Expo. Red Holstein Bloodlines World 10||February Holstein 2019 World| |66 February 2019 | 66

-With the expenditures of the RWDCA being closely looked at the USLGE membership was reviewed. The membership is expensive and we have not utilized that in several years. Doug made a motion to discontinue the USLGE membership. Rodney second. No Discussion. Unanimous. -Sarah would like to contact Purebred Publishing and have a conversation with them as to how we can work together for the printing of the AA and the Jr AA contest. By working together with the publication the exhibitors/ breeders could advertise in one spot. The exposure would be far better and far easier as well as budget friendly for those breeders/exhibitors that achieved in several breeds. A vote was cast, unanimous. Sarah will work closely with Mandy and report back to the full board on the July call. 6. Show Committee: -The RWDCA will keep the Fall Yearling Class. -Gary added discussion on adding a Jr. Jr 2 class. Doug and Jason took this to the Show Committee meeting after the January meetings and there was no opposition. Gary made a motion for Bonnie to take the option to the World Dairy Expo Dairy committee for voting on at the December 2018 meeting. Rodney second, and will sponsor the class. Motion passed. No discussion. Unanimous. President Janssen moved to adjourn meeting to closed session 5:30pm Closed session min were approved. 6:30 meeting back to order. Office report. Mandy Sell Mandy reported on the Queen contest and the two contestants that were there for the contest. Mandy also reported on the Bloodlines and when the publish dates would be and what content each magazine would hold. The Sire Summaries pocket book was coming along and had more interest. There was much growth in the social media pages, as both were up in likes and followers. There were a few outstanding AA fees to be paid and those members received a registered letter stating they could no longer show without payment of those 2017 fees. There were 44 new Jr. Members this year. 8. Scholarship Committee: - Gary talked with Dana Erway prior to the meeting and the balance of the fund was reported. Gary said there will again be a calf raffle at the IL Convention in support of this Scholarship Fund. This raffle will end at World Dairy Expo. Mandy will talk with Expo to see if we can announce the winner of the raffel during the cow of the year ceremony, during the R&W heifer show. As the Cow of the Year this year is indeed a Red & White. The Budget that was discussed and adjusted at the closed meeting was approved and seconded by Sarah. No Discussion. RWDCA Full Board will have monthly calls on the 15th of each month. Office concerns will be discussed and staff and BOD will work closely with the office and the budget. A monthly expense report as well as a list of outstanding A/R will be looked at each month. Gary moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00, Jason seconded. Motion approved.

Respectfully Submitted Sarah Wendorf RWDCA BOD Secretary.

Raelynn Photo: Cybil Fisher; Maisie Photo: Jennifer Thomas Candids: Dairy Agenda Today

Nominated All American Milking Yearling

2-00 2x 119 8,032 4.6368F 3.3 621P


Ms-Aol Dback Raelynn-Red-ET

Thanks to everyone who helped with our show ring success!!

Raelynn is a potential 10th Generation EX Roxy and full sister to Raspberry! She is due back in September to Bailey and we think she has a bright future ahead of her!

Owned with: Carol Heizer Wojciechowski & Jordan Eberly

13211 Old Frederick Rd, Rocky Ridge, MD 21778 301-730-1913|mercurofarms@gmail.com Katie Kearns- Farm Manager- 860-201-7769 Amy Savage- Marketing Manager- 804-306-8925

We look forward to Maise calving in this spring!

Sired by Diamondback *RC, Maisie is from a VG-87 Picolo x EX Talent x 2E-97 Harvue Roy Frosty!

Owned by Alisa Mercuro

1st MidEast Fall Red & White Show 2nd International Red & White Show

Nominated All American Winter Yearling

JoBo DB Maisie-Red-ET

The Future is Looking Bright!!

1st & Reserve Intermediate Champion Eastern States Red & White Show 2nd MidEast Fall Red & White Show 5th International Red & White Show

Holstein World | February 2019 | 67




1st International Red & White Show


1st & Reserve Junior Champion Ohio State Fair & Ohio Spring Dairy Expo





11 All-American Nominations

NOMINATED 2018 ALL-AMERICAN SPRING YEARLING Owned with Allyn, Hawbaker, Schrim, Kerssies

Owned, Boarded or Sold. Congratulations to our partners!

SHADOW W HOLSTEINS & BOARDING Kurt, Linda & LT Wolf New Bavaria, Ohio Cell. 419-980-8712

1st NY Spring Show Red & White Show 2nd Northeast Fall National B&W Show 3rd International Red & White Show



ree g i ed P p e


All-American Nominations ~~~ Best Three Females ~~~ and

Aged Cow

OVALTOP PICLO SHERRY-RED (Excellent-90) 4-01 2x 365 31,086 3.5 1088 2.9 896 Backed by 7 gen. VG (1) & EX (6) dams

OVALTOP REALTY ROBIN-RED-ET (Excellent-90) 4-04 2x 365 30,216 4.3 1306 2.9 878 Backed by 9 gens. EX dams

Jr. 3-Year-Old (Jr. AA)

OVALTOP BARBWIRE SPARK-RED (Excellent-90) 2-01 2x 336 21,273 4.2 899 3.2 689 Backed by 8 gen. VG (1) & EX (7) dams Owned by Ashlyn Wolfe Howard & Ginny 315.858.2882 Doug 315.858.9058 Mike & Monica 315.858.1460 Email: ovaltop@gmail.com

Howard W. Wolfe & Family 436 Chyle Road – Richfield Springs, NY 13439 www.ovaltopholsteins.com

Red Holstein Bloodlines World 12||February Holstein World 2019 | |68 February 2019 | 68

NYS Master Breeder Herd 28 Year PBR Herd BAA: 110.4 30 EX 47 VG 8 GP DHIR Avg. 26,519 3.7 972 2.9 772

It 's all in the Name...

Siemers Awesome Great-Red VG-89 Max Score

1st International Red & White Show Nominated All American Senior Two year old Completes 3 Generations of All American Nominees! Selling In the Quest for Success IV! 1st Choice Avalanche x 7 Female Pregancies! Due in June!

Dam: Siemers Dfnt Great-Red-ET EX-92 All American Winter Calf ‘14 All American Winter Yearling ‘15 Junior Champion International Red & White Show 2014

14421 Mineral Spring Road, Newton, WI siemers@excel.net ∞www.siemersholsteins.com

t a h W

! r a e Y a

2nd Dam: Benrise Royce Gretchen-Red EX-93 Honorable Mention All American Junior Three year old 2012

Hilrose DB Allie-Red-ET VG-89 EX-MS 10 Generations EX 1st Junior Two year old MidEast Fall Red & White Show Sired by Diamondback *RC, Allie’s dam is Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET EX-94, 2018 Wisconsin Cow of the Year! Bid last on Allie’s 3/18 Jordy daughter sells at the Quest for Success IV on March 9th!

e-Red m o s e w A ! s Them p m a t S

Schluter Shelby Lee-Red-ET

VG-89 EX-MS Nominated All American Senior Two year old Intermediate Champion Midwest Spring Red & White Show Reserve Grand Illinois State Show 2nd International Red & White Show Thank you to Dennis & Keith Engel for purchasing Shelby Lee!

Milksource Lad Taffy-Red-ET EX-93 EX-MS 2nd & Reserve Senior Champion MidEast Fall Red & White Show Ladd P x Advent Tally-Red EX-93

Schluter Holsteins ∞ Jim & Marvin ∞ Red Bud, IL ∞ 217.714.1373 Marvin/217.898.5707 Jim Red Bloodlines 13 Holstein | Holstein World World | February | February 2019 2019 | 69 | 69

2019 RWDCA Awards Larry Moore Master Breeder Award Award presented to a person who is a member of the RWDCA, who has done an outstanding job of breeding a herd of Red & White cattle, supported RWDCA programs and endeavored to promote and advance the Red & White cow. Age of recipient to be at the discretion of the Awards Committee. J.P. “Doc� Ostrander Young Breeder Award Award presented to a person who is a member of the RWDCA, who has done an outstanding job of breeding a herd of Red & White cattle, supported RWDCA programs and endeavored to promote and advance the Red & White Cow. Age of recipient to be at the discretion of the Awards Committee. Junior Breeder Award Award presented to a person who is a member of the RWDCA, who has done an outstanding job of breeding and developing a herd of Red & White cattle, supported RWDCA programs and endeavored to promote and advance the Red & White cow. Recipient must be no more than 21 years of age. Don Albrecht Distinguished Service Award Award presented to a person that has contributed greatly to the success and promotion of the Red & White cow. Award in memory of Don Albrecht who contributed greatly to the betterment of the RWDCA until his untimely death. Gary Mayhew Keystone Award Award to recognize grassroots members who have given dedicated support to the Red & White breed and the RWDCA. Award in memory of Gary Mayhew who strongly promoted Red & Whites and provided service to the RWDCA and RWDCA members. RWDCA Award Nomination Form Submission Deadline: Must be received by May 1st Applying for: _____ Master Breeder _______ Young Breeder ______ Junior Breeder _____Albrecht Service______ Keystone Please include the following information of the nominee: Name, Farm Name, Address, Email, Phone Number Please provide a brief description of the contributions to the red breed of the nominee that qualify them for the award. Please provide contact information of one person that can provide further information about the nominee. *THIS PERSON WILL BE CONTACTED TO FILL OUT A MORE IN DEPTH NOMINATION FORM* -Mail to RWDCA office: PO Box 579, Watertown, WI 53094 Email to: rwdcainfo@gmail.com Red Holstein Bloodlines World14| |February Holstein2019 World | 70 | February 2019 | 70

images: Anna, Jellybean, Ribbon, Tally, Tequila @ Cybil Fisher; Care, Joy @ Vicki Fletcher; Joy @ Sarah Damrow; Apple @ John Erbsen

TEQUILA EX-95 2x Grand Champion International R&W Show Tequila’s Red Unstopabull sells! She might be even better than the 2018 WDE Reserve Supreme Junior Champion! Milk Source

Saturday, March 9th 10:30 am At the Great Northern Sales Arena Fond du Lac, WI

HILROSE ADVENT GREENLEA A SILVERMINE ADV ANNA-RED 2E-94 CARE-RED-ETS EX-94 TALLY-RED-ET 2E-93 Res. Grand Royal R&W 2017 Res. AA Aged Cow 2016 AA & AC Sr. 2 Yr Old 2009 Her Red Avalanche fall calf Rainy winter yrlg from her VG- Her EX-91 Defiant 4 yr plus a 3/18 Red Jordy from 88 Defiant & choice of Jordys old sells! Success and the Anna’s VG-89 EX-MS Dia- from Care’s EX-93 full sister! Tally’s go hand in hand! Willows Edge | Violet-Hill Milk Source mondback! Hilrose | Schluter

SCENIC-EDGE JELLYBEAN-RED 2E-94 2x All-American Jr. Champ. Int’l R&W 2009 Stunning Red Jordy summer yrlg from Jellybean’s Scenic-Edge family sells!

APPLE EX-96 4E DOM *23 Grand Champion International R&W Show 2011 Apple’s Avalanche & Beemer spring yrlgs are awesome! And EX-92 Destry Aria’s 12/18 Red Avalanche is sweet!

LYN-VALE REBEKKA-RED-ET VG-87 Res. Grand QC Spring R&W 2017 1st Sr. 2 Royal R&W 2017 Her Red Avalanche sister sells! Winter yrlg. x 14 EX Lyn-Vale dams!

Apple Partners, Duckett Holsteins & Golden Oaks

ROLL-N-VIEW RB JOY-RED-ET VG-87 From AA nominee, Jumpn4Joy, EX-94! Joy sells due to Mustafa along with her Red Diamondback due to sexed Defiant! Chad Steffen

This is a mere sample of the Red & Whites selling from prominent cow famlies

Sale host:

Our Quest is Your Success N11912 Graetz Rd., Marion, WI 54950 920-420-1524 Lynn cell

Bid Online in Real Time at Cowbuyer.com

NEHLS-VALLEY RIBBON-RED-TW VG-85 The 6th Jr. 2 from Madison due back in April to sexed Jordy! This Redburst will be ready to run in 2019! Nehls-Valley

Sale host: N3934 Hwy 175, Fond du Lac, WI 54937 Chad Cell: 920-960-1449

Looking for potential RWDCA Queen Candidates Are you interested in promoting the Red & White breed? Want the best seat in the house at all of the big shows? Check out the National RWDCA Queen program! Application found at www.RedandWhiteCattle.com Deadline: May 1 Red Bloodlines 15 Holstein | Holstein World World | February | February 2019 2019 | 71 | 71

2018 All American Analysis The 2018 All American Contest marks the 42nd year of the contest. There were 158 entries made and 117 nominations. The Junior contest had 93 entries made, which resulted in 82 nominations. Oakfield Corners Dairy leads the way, exhibiting 13 All American nominations. They bred a total of 7 individual nominees in both contests. Coming in second is the group from Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI they exhibited 4 All American nominees and 5 Junior All American nominees. Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC, Canada exhibited 6 All American nominees. The Apple influence continues, there were 5 Apple daughters nominated, Miss Apples Aleda-Red, Miss Apple Aria-Red-ET, Miss Apple Adrianna-Red-ET, ApplePts Aysha-Red-ET and in the Junior contest Miss Apple Adrena-Red-ET. Star-Ky-Blue Aspen-Red-ET and Star-KyBlue Adelaid-Red-ET, both Winter calves, are the daughters KHW Regiment Apple 2-Red-ET, an Apple clone. There were a few other duo's of sisters, Ms AOL DB Raspberry-Red-ET and Ms AOL Dback Raelynn-Red-ET, full sisters are both nominated Milking Yearlings. OCD Jordy Lochness-Red-ET and OCD Jordy Lambchop-Red-ET are full sisters nominated in the Winter Calf class. FlowerBrook Corena-Red-ET and Flower-Brook Coral-Red-ET are both nominated in both the Open and Junior competition. Entourage-LC Fire-Red-ET and Entourage-LC Felicia-Red-ET are also full sisters and nominated. In the Junior contest, Fall calves, Synergy Jordys Spike-Red-ET and Synergys Jordys Starr-Red-ET are both nominated, along with Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET and her sister, Ms-Kress-Hill Sunkiss-Red-ET. In the Junior contest, sisters Cherry-Lor Awe Rippy-Red-ET and Cherry-Lor ABS Lily-Red are both nominated.

Classy-Red-ET. In the Junior contest, Ms Kress-Hil SaphireRed-ET and her dam, Siemers Destry Sunny-Red-ET are both nominated, along with Cherry-Lor Awe Rippy-Red and her dam, Cherry-Lor Ladd Ripple-Red. You will see that a lot of these dam and daughter pairs are also nominated Dam & Offspring. On the Sire side, leading the way in the Open contest is Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-TW with 11 nominations. Mr D Apple Diamondback-ET had 10 nominations. New to the list is Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red-ET, he sired 9 nominations. Rounding out the top of the list is Apples Absolute-Red-ET with 7 nominations, Scientific B Defiant-ET with 6, Luck-E Awesome-Red-ET with 5, Patience Showline Contender-Red with 5 and Mr Apples Armani with 4 nominations. And in case you were wondering, there 2 nominees that were sire by KHW Kite Advent-Red-ET. In the Junior contest, both Cycle McGucci Jordy-Red-ET and Dymentholm Mr App Avalanche-ET topped the list with 7 nominations each. With 6 nominations each are Mr D Apple Diamondback-ET, Apples Absolute-Red-ET and Scientific B Defiant-ET. The bulls with 5 nominations each are Luck-E Awesome-Red-ET and Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red-ET. Mr Apples Armani-ET and Scientific Destry-ET both sired 4 Junior nominees. Once all of the entries are received and verified in the office, all of the entries are sent to the six judges of our National shows, they make their selections for the six nominees in each class and after a conference call, the nominations are complete. The nominations are then sent to our panel of fifteen judges for placement. The nomination committee consisted of: Jack Lomeo, Jr, Sylvan Beach, NY; Brian Behnke, Albany, WI; Ryan Krohlow, Poynette, WI; Roger Turner, Sun Prairie, WI; Jason Lloyd, Middleburgh, NY and Blair Weeks, Pleasant Valley, PEI, Canada.

There are also many Dam & Daughter pairs nominated, TJPollema Rdlnr Shania-Red and Sch-TJ Contdr Shawna-Red; Probert C Bree Ella-Red and Probert OK Breeleigh-Red-ET; Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red and Rosedale Avala Lollipop-Red; Heatherstone Rhinestone-Red and Heatherstone Regal-Red; Long-Brook RL Sweetie Pi-Red and Long-Brook AB SweetyRed-ET and L-Maples Hvezda Callie-Red and Savage-Leigh.

ELECTION OF DIRECTORS Interested Parties should contact the RWDCA Office or current member of the Board of Directors by March 1st. National Directors of the RWDCA Three Directors for 3 Year Terms Expiring in 2022 Red Holstein Bloodlines World 16 || February Holstein World 2019 ||72 February 2019 | 72

e t i h W + d e R

Blondin Dakota Jordy, 3/1/2018 National: 4th Intl, WI Ferme Blondin, St Placide, QC, Canada

Spring Heifer Calves (10)

Crescentmead DramaQueen-Red, 3/1/2018 National: 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 2nd WI State Fair Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Firewall Elegant Flower-Red, 3/24/2018 National: 1st Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Reserve Junior Champion NY State Fair S Merrill, B Bossard & J Winton/Jason Swanson, Capron, IL

Miss Hot Off the Press-Red-ET, 3/8/2018 National: 2nd Intl, WI Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Milk & Honey JCT Callista-Red, 3/3/2018 National: 1st All American, PA; 8th Intl, WI Chris & Jennifer Hill & CLF, LLC, Thurmont, MD

OCD Jordy Ladybird-Red-ET, 3/1/2018 National: 5th Intl, WI Approved: 1st Erie County, NY; 1st Eastern States, MA Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY Holstein World | February 2019 | 73


2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

e t i h W + d e R Winter Heifer Calves (10)

Intense Devour Pomlisa, 12/1/2017 National: 1st OH State Fair; 5th Intl, WI Alyson & Kenlee Phillips, Lingleville, TX

Knonaudale Lite My Fire-Red-ET, 12/2/2017 National: 1st & JC All American; 9th Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Northeast PA Champ Daniel Kitchen, Danville, PA

OCD Jordy Lochness-Red-ET, 12/5/2017 National: 1st Intl, WI Approved: 2nd & Reserve JC Erie County, NY; 1st & Reserve JC Eastern States Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Star-Ky-Blue Aspen-Red-ET, 12/3/2017 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd KY State Fair; 1st & Res JC MidEast Fall Steven Olt, Greensburg, KY

Ms Luncrest Ali 1949-Red-ET, 12/5/2017 National: 2nd OH State Fair; 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 1st & JC MD State Fair Hawbaker, F&D Borba, Parrabel Genetics, Clear Spring, MD

OCD Jordy Lambchop-Red-ET, 12/8/2017 National: 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st & JC Erie County, NY; 2nd Eastern States Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

R E D & W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Holstein World | February 2019 | 74

Red +White Fall Heifer Calves (11)

Garay Red Diamond, 9/2/2017 National: 4th Intl, WI Glaustar, Lookout, F&D Borba, Gerald Halbach, Canton De Hatley, QC, Canada

Heatherstone Regal-Red, 9/14/2017 National: 1st & JC Midwest Fall, MN; 5th Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Reserve JC, WI State Fair Chase Holschbach, Baraboo, WI

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D

MD Hillbrook Instagram-Red, 9/1/2017 National: 3rd All American, PA; 7th Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Reserve JC, MD State Fair C&J Hill, C Umbel & F&D Borba, Thurmont, MD

Siemers Jordy Jewels-Red-ET, 11/1/2017 National: 3rd Intl, WI Jacob, Connor & Lauren Siemers, Newton, WI

Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET, 9/11/2017 National: 2nd & Reserve JC Midwest Spring, WI; 1st & JC Intl, WI Approved: 3rd WI Championship Owen & Kendyll Kress & Savanah Barts, Newton, WI

Synergy Jordys Spike-Red-ET, 9/1/2017 National: 2nd & Reserve JC Intl, WI Approved: 1st & JC WI Championship M,C&E Jauquet & M,C & S Haack, Pulaski, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 75

& W H I T E N O M I N E E S

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

Summer Yearling (8)

Red +White

Entourage-LC CP Frolic-Red-ET, 6/18/2017 National: 2nd All American, PA; 4th Intl, WI Approved: 1st Western PA Championship Mike & Vanessa Uber, Mercer, PA

McWilliams Land Sadie-Red, 6/10/2017 National: 3rd Intl Spring, NY; 1st All American; 6th Intl, WI Approved: 3rd Western PA Championship Sam McWilliams, Somerset, PA

Quietcove Starstruck-Red, 6/7/2017 National: 2nd OH State Fair; 5th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd SDE, OH

Rosedale Avala Lollipop-Red, 7/3/2017 National: 2nd Intl Spring, NY; 1st Intl, WI Approved: 1st Erie County NY; 1st & JC Eastern States Oakfield Corners Dairy/Clark Valley & London Dairy, Marietta, NY

R E D & W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Quietcove Holsteins, Wapakoneta, OH

St-Jacob Lady Stark-Red-ET, 6/1/2017 National: 4th Intl Spring, NY; 4th All American, PA; 2nd Intl, WI Holstein WorldFarm | February 2019 | 76 Umbel, Emmitsburg, MD Glad-Ray & Chad Umbel/Kayla

Tigerlea Lev Celeste-Red, 6/2/2017 National: 1st & JC Intl Spring, NY; 9th Intl, WI Approved: 1st KY State Fair; 1st MidEast Fall, KY Chris & Jen Hill & Tim & Sharyn Abbott/ Brilee Tucker & Hadley Olt, Greensburg, KY

e t i h W + d e R Spring Yearling Heifers(8)

Benrise Jacot Forest-Red, 3/19/2017 National: 1st Midwest Spring, WI; 9th Intl, WI Approved: 1st WI Championship Dawson & Kylie Nickels, Watertown, WI

Glaustar Jacot Majesty-Red, 5/15/2017 National: 3rd Intl Spring, NY; 2nd Intl, WI Glaustar, Lookout, F&D Borba & Adam Fraley, Canton De Hatley, QC, Canada

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Greenlea AD Aruba-Red-ET, 3/2/2017 National: 1st All American, PA; 4th Intl, WI C&J Hill, Glad-Ray Farms & Lee Emerson, Thurmont, MD

Siemers Avch Greeter-Red-ET, 3/6/2017 National: 5th Intl, WI Jacob, Connor & Lauren Siemers, Newton, WI

Liddleholme Antice-Red-ET, 3/4/2017 National: 1st NY Spring, NY; 3rd Intl, WI Allyn, Wolfe, Hawbaker, Hullcrest & D&N Schirm, Canaan, CT

Weeberlac Tickle Me-Red-ET, 3/1/2017 National: 1st & Reserve JC, OH State Fair; 1st Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Reserve JC, SDE, OH Alyson Phillips, Stephenville, TX Holstein World | February 2019 | 77


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e t i h W + d e R Winter Yearling Heifer (7)

Dayspring Dimond Jingle-Red 12/17/2016 National: 2nd All American, PA; 1st Intl, WI Caleb McGee, Clearfield, PA

Greenlea ABS Sweetie-Red, 12/7/2016 National: 1st OH State Fair; 4th Intl, WI Approved: 1st SDE, OH A,A & A Topp & B&B Cole, Botkins, OH

JOBO DB Maisie-Red, 12/11/2016 National: 2nd Intl Spring, NY; 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 2nd MD State Fair; 1st MidEast Fall, KY Alisa Louise Mercuro, Rocky Ridge, MD

Ladinodale Avaln Alayna-Red, 12/2/2016 National: 1st Midwest Spring, WI; 5th Intl, WI Approved:1st WI Championship Matthew & Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford, WI

R E D & W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Opsal Diamndback Madison-Red, 12/4/2016 National: 2nd Midwest Spring, WI; 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 2nd WI Championship Holstein World |Joseph February 78 Mounds, WI Troy 2019 Opsal,|Blue

Rocklan-ZBW M Paris-Red, 12/1/2016 National: 1st & Reserve JC Intl Spring, NY; 7th Intl, WI Approved: 1st & JC NY State Fair Kevin & Barb Ziemba & C,D & E Rigas, Durhamville, NY

Red +WhiteFall Yearling Heifers(8)

Borderview Luchesse-Red-ET, 9/2/2016 National: 1st OH State Fair; 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 2nd SDE, OH Amelia Sammetinger, Wapakoneta, OH/Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Entourage-LC Felicia-Red-ET, 9/5/2016 National: 3rd Intl Spring, NY; 1st & Reserve JC, All American; 1st Intl, WI Kadyn Gibson, Ken Homolya & Lukus Schmitt, Eminence. KY

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Entourage-LC Fire-Red-TW-ET, 9/5/2016 National: 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st KY State Fair; 2nd MidEast Fall Brilee Tucker & Hadley Olt, Greensburg, KY

Frater Diamondback Jameslyne, 10/9/2016 National: 5th Intl, WI Ferme Frejour Inc, St Hyacinthe, QC

Flower-Brook Corena-Red-ET, 9/2/2016 National: 6th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd CA State Show; 1st & JC MidEast Fall, KY Clayton Arntz, Cotati, CA

Ourway AJ Symphony-Red, 9/1/2016 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 3rd MidEast Fall, KY Jamie Judd, LaValle, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 79


2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

Milking Yearling (8)

e t i h W + d e R

Apple-Pts Aysha-Red-ET, 9/4/2016 National: 3rd Intl, WI Kingsway Farm, Hastings, ON, Canada

Flower-Brook Coral-Red-ET, 9/1/2016 National: 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 1st MidEast Fall, KY Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse, Dyersville, IA Prestige Genetics, R-John & N&J McIsaac, Martinton, IL

Milksource Advent Foxy-Red, 9/3/2016 National: 1st Midwest Fall, MN; 7th Intl, WI Bonnie Van Dyk, New Richmond, WI

MS AOL DB Raspberry-Red-ET, 9/2/2016 National: 1st Intl, WI Jaydn, Kennedy, Caroline & Andrew Kimball, Windham, ME

R E D & W H I T E N O M I N E E S

MS AOL Dback Raelynn-Red, 9/5/2016 National: 5th Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Reserve Intermediate Champion, Eastern States, MA; 2nd MidEast Fall, KY Mercuro, Eberly & Wojciechowski, Holstein World | February 2019 | 80 Rocky Ridge, MD

Ruann D-B Shar 60985-Red-ET, 10/11/2016 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 1st, Intermediate & Reserve Grand, Western Fall, OR Stephen & Patrick Maddox, Riverdale, CA

Red +WhiteJunior Two-Year-Old(10)

Cherry-Lor Awe Rippy-Red-ET, 3/1/2016 National: 2nd All American, PA; 3rd Intl, WI Cael Hembury, Muncy, PA

Mead-Manor Def Adeline-Red, 3/2/2016 National: 1st Intl, WI Approved: 1st, Intermediate & Reserve Grand, WI Championship Michael & Megan Moede, Algoma, WI

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Rob-Sara Awe Lovelee-Red-ET, 3/1/2016 National: 1st Midwest Spring, WI; 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 2nd MidEast Fall Budjon Farms & Peter & Lyn Vail M,R & M Busker & C&C Meier, Ridott, IL

Shadynook Moses Adara-Red-ET, 4/13/2016 National: 4th Intl, WI Frank & Carol Borba & Frank & Diane Borba, Escalon, CA

Savage-Leigh Classy-Red-ET, 6/24/2016 National: 1st & Reserve Intermediate, All American, PA; 8th Intl, WI Connor Lane Savage, Union Bridge, MD

Sweetview Avalanche Mitsou, 4/17/2016 National: 1st Intl Spring, NY Lookout, Sweetview & Brett Richter Up-Ridge Holsteins, Embro, ON, Canada Holstein World | February 2019 | 81


2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

e t i h W + d e Senior Two-Year-Old (7)R

Ms Apple Adrianna-Red-ET, 9/5/2015 National: 1st & Int. Champion, Intl Spring, NY; 2nd Midwest Spring, WI; 1st, Int & Grand OH State Fair; 4th Intl, WI Doebriner & Bowen/ Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Probert OK Breeleigh-Red-ET, 9/29/2015 National: 1st Midwest Fall, MN; 6th Intl, WI Kate Smith, Green Isle, MN

R E D & W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Ratliff App4 Fiesta-Red-ET, 9/7/2015 National: 5th Intl, WI Approved: 1st, Int & Reserve Grand MidEast Fall, KY Ron & Christy Ratliff, Garnet, KS

Schluter Shelby Lee-Red, 12/14/2015 National: 1st & Intermediate Midwest Spring, WI; 2nd Intl, WI Jim & Marvin Schluter/Dennis & Keith Engel, Hampshire, IL Holstein World | February 2019 | 82

Rosedale PrettyFancy In-Red, 9/2/2015 National: 3rd Midwest Spring, WI; 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Reserve Intermediate, WI Championship Joey Opsal & Karlee Ketelboeter, Dane, WI

Siemers Awesome Great-Red, 12/13/2015 National: 1st Intl, WI Siemers Holstein Farm, Inc, Newton, WI

e t i h W + d e R Junior Three-Year-Old (8)

Antia Absolute Joline-Red, 5/4/2015 National: 2nd Intl, WI Milk Source Genetics, Kaukauna, WI

Lookout Olympian Allstar, 6/24/2015 National: 3rd Intl, WI Lookout, Tara McGiven & Steve Glaude, Canton De Hatley, QC, Canada

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Mahoney Rosa-Lynn-Red-ET, 3/13/2015 Approved: 1st CA State Show; 1st & Reserve Int Champion Western Spring, UT; 1st & Reserve Intermediate Western Fall, OR Gabbie Gregario, Acampo, CA

Oakfield ABS Candy-Red, 3/9/2015 National: 6th Intl, WI Approved: 1st Erie County, NY; 1st & Intermediate, Eastern States, MA Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Oakfield A Shampagne-Red, 3/8/2015 National: 1st & Intermediate & Grand Champion Intl, WI Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC, Canada

Quality-Ridge Maggy P-Red, 3/11/2015 National: 4th Intl, WI Rick Henderson, Coggon, IA Holstein World | February 2019 | 83


2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

e t i h W + d e R Senior Three-Year-Old (9)

Blondin Armani Stella Arto, 9/1/2014 National: 1st Midwest Spring, WI; 1st, 6th Intl, WI Approved: 1st WI Championship Michael & Laura Rammer/ Joseph Opsal, Blue Mounds, WI

Budjon-Vail HZ Lacey-Red-ET, 10/7/2014 National: 1st, Intermediate & Grand, All American, PA; 2nd Intl, WI Allison Galton, Nunda, NY

Cleland RB Admiringly-Red-ET, 9/1/2014 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd WI Championship Jason Cleland, Clinton, WI

Long-Brook AB Sweety-Red-ET, 9/16/2014 National: 5th Intl, WI Victoria Clark, Springville, PA

R E D & W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Ms Barb Act Beauty-Red-ET, 9/2/2014 National: 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st, Intermediate & Grand CA State Show; 1st, Intermediate & Grand Western Fall, OR Holstein | 84 Maddox, G&M Schmidt G&M World Schmidt,| PFebruary Conroy & 2019 M Berry/S&P & M Berry

Westcoast Defiant Addison, 11/12/2014 National: 1st & Reserve Int, Intl, WI Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC, Canada

e t i h W + d e R Four-Year-Old (10)

Highcroft Absolute Lily-Red, 10/28/2013 National: 1st, Senior & Grand Intl Spring, NY; 1st, Senior & Reserve Grand, Intl, WI Approved: 1st ,Senior & Grand Eastern States, NY Maple-Downs Farms II & Thomas Hoskings, JR/Smith & Crothers

Leawood Spice Girl-Red-ET, 3/10/2013 National: 1st, SR & Grand Midwest Fall, WI; 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 1st, SR & Grand WI Champ; 1st, SR & Grand WI State Fair Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Pamprd-Acres AB Ivy-Red, 9/4/2013 National: 2nd Midwest Spring, WI; 6th Intl, WI Golden Oaks Farm, Wauconda, IL

Robin-Hood Pretty In-Red, 9/29/2013 National: 4th Intl, WI Regan Demmer, Peosta, IA

Peicrest Adon Popsicle-Red, 10/24/2013 National: 5th Intl, WI Gregg Peirick, Watertown, WI

Rynearson Rainy Razzy-Red, 3/1/2014 National: 3rd Midwest Spring, WI; 2nd Midwest Fall, MN; 3rd Intl, WI Matthew & Holstein Kate Smith,World Green |Isle, MN February 2019 | 85


2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

e t i h W + d e Five-Year-Old (11) R

Colganados D Avianca-Red-ET, 8/3/2013 National: 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 1st, Grand & Supreme Erie County, NY; 1st, Res SR & Res Grand Eastern States, MA Jonathon & Alicia Lamb, Oakfield, NY

Frozenes LP Contdr Lark-Red-ET, 12/18/2013 National: 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st WI Championship Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

R E D & W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Heatherstone Rhinestone-Red, 1/15/2013 National: 1st, Res Sr & Res Grand Midwest Spring, WI; 1st & Res Grand Midwest Fall, MN; 5th Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Res Grand WI State Fair Chase Holschbach, Baraboo, WI

Ms Apple Aleda-Red-ET, 12/2/2012 National: 1st Intl, WI Westcoast Holsteins, Chilliwack, BC, Canada Holstein World | February 2019 | 86

Miss Apple Aria-Red-ET, 4/6/2013 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 1st, SR & Res Grand CA State Show; 1st, SR & Res Grand Western Spring, UT; 1st, SR & Grand Western Fall, OR Patrick & Stephen Maddox & Tyler Dickerhoof, Riverdale, CA

Redtag Destry Sneezy-Red-ET, 12/1/2012 National: 1st & Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand, Intl Spring, NY Chase Savage, Union Bridge, MD

Red +White Aged Cow (10)

Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red, 7/8/2012 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 1st ,Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand SDE, OH Madelyn Topp, Botkins, OH

Crazy-For Contend Dacia-Red, 3/26/2012 National: 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 1st Western Fall, OR Kenny Coppini, Tillamook, OR

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

L-Maples Hvezda Calli-Red, 3/1/2012 National: 1st Intl, WI Budjon Farms & Peter & Lyn Vail, Lomira, WI

Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red, 7/17/2011 National: 1st Intl Spring, NY Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Ovaltop Realty Robin-Red-ET, 4/22/2012 National: 1st All American, PA Approved: 1st NY State Fair Michael Wolfe, Richfield Springs, NY

Scha-TJ Cntndr Shawna-Red, 5/1/2010 National: 3rd Intl, WI Ryan Griffin, Thief River Falls, MN Holstein World | February 2019 | 87


2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

e t i h W + d e Production Cows (9) R

Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET, 1/2/2010 National: 5th Intl, WI Joseph Brantmeier, Sherwood, WI

Long-Brook RL Sweeti Pi-Red, 12/4/2010 National: 1st & Reserve Senior Champion, All American, PA; 2nd Intl, WI Hembury Farms & Marshman Farms, Muncy, PA

Milksource DTY Tammy-Red-ET, 12/8/2011 National: 6th Intl, WI Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

Paulinn PSC Meme 919-Red-TW, 11/5/2011 National: 3rd Intl, WI Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes, Richmond, MN

Probert C Bree Ella-Red, 7/12/2011 National: 4th Intl, WI Kate Smith, Green Isle, MN

TJ-Pollema Rdlnr Shania-Red, 2/20/2008 National: 1st Intl, WI Approved: 1st, SR & Grand, SDE, OH; 1st, SR & Grand, KY State Fair Lookwell Farms & Bob Osborne, Elkhart, IN

R E D & W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Holstein World | February 2019 | 88

Junior Best Three Females (5)

Blondin Jordy Dakota

e t i h W + d e R

Blondin Avalanche Lovelyn

Blondin Avalanche Darleen

National: 2nd Intl, WI Bred by: Ferme Blondin, Saint Placide, QC, Canada

Heart & Soul Anastasia-Red

Heart & Soul Athena-Red-ET

Heart & Soul Angel-Red-ET

National: 1st All American, PA Bred by: Heart & Soul, Millimont, PA

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Cleland AD April-Red-ET

Cleland Hypnotic Kadence-Red

Cleland Addctn Adara-Red-ET

National: 4th Intl, WI Bred by: Cleland Holsteins, Jason Cleland, Clinton, WI

OCD Jordy Ladybird-Red-ET

OCD Jordy Lambchop-Red-ET

OCD Jordy Lochness-Red-ET

National: 1st Intl, WI; Approved: 1st Erie County, NY; 1st Eastern States Bred by: Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Holstein World | February 2019 | 89


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Junior Best Three Females (5)

Siemers Jordy Jewels-Red-ET

e t i h W + d e R

Siemers Grandeur-Red-ET

Siemers Avch Greeter-Red-ET

National: 3rd Intl, WI Bred by: Siemers Holstein Farm, Newton, WI

Senior Best Three Females (4)

Cherry-Lor Awe Rippy-Red-ET

Cherry-Lor ABS Lily-Red-ET

Cherry-Lor Ladd Ripple-Red

National: 2nd All American, PA Bred by: Cherry-Lor, Muncy, PA

& W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Oakfield Addictio Emoji-Red

Oakfield ABS Candy-Red-ET

Oakfield A Shampagne-Red

National: 1st Intl, WI Bred by: Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Oakfield Malone Emma-Red-ET

Oakfield Addictio Emoji-Red

Oakfield ABS Candy-Red-ET

Approved: 1st Erie County, NY; 1st Eastern States, MA Bred by: Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Holstein World | February 2019 | 90

Red +White Ovaltop Barbwire Spark-Red

Senior Best Three Females (4)

Ovaltop Piclo Sherry-Red

Ovaltop Realty Robin-Red

National: 1st All American, PA Approved: 1st NY State Fair Bred by: Ovaltop Holsteins, Richfield Springs, NY

Produce of Dam (6) Produce of Stuewes Advent Gia-Red

Produce of Siemers Destry Sunny-Red-ET

Produce of Cleland Advent Admire-Red

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Flower-Brook Gianne-Red-ET Andrew Stuewe, Hamburg, MN

Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET Owen&Kendyll Kress&Savanah Barts,Newton, WI

Cleland Addctn Adara-Red Jason Cleland, Clinton, WI

Flower-Brook Ginelle-Red-ET Andrew Stuewe, Hamburg, MN

Ms Kress-Hill Sunkiss-Red-ET Owen&Kendyll Kress&Savanah Barts,Newton, WI

Cleland RB Admirngly-Red Jason Cleland, Clinton, WI

National: 1st Midwest Fall, MN Approved: 1st MN State Show

National: 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 1st Wisconsin Championship

National: 3rd Intl, WI

Holstein World | February 2019 | 91


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Produce of Dam (6) Produce of Oakfield Absol Emma-Red-ET

Produce of Kevetta Redburst Lucious-Red

Produce of Champ-View A Tallie-Red-ET

Oakfield Malone Emma-Red-ET Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

OCD Jordy Lambshop-Red-ET Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Briar-Berry Tallie-Red-ET Todd J Whittier, Sutton, MA

Oakfield Addictio Emoji-Red Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY Approved: 1st Erie County, NY; 1st Eastern States, MA

OCD Jordy Lochness-Red-ET Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY Approved: 2nd Erie County, NY; 3rd Eastern States, MA

Briar-Berry Cntnd Tabby-Red-ET Todd J Whittier, Sutton, MA

& W H I T E N O M I N E E S

Red +White

Holstein World | February 2019 | 92

Approved: 2nd Eastern States, MA

Red +White

Heatherstone Rhinestone-Red

Dam & Daughter (6)

TJ-Pollema Rdlnr Shania-Red

Heatherstone Regal-Red

Scha-TJ Contndr Shawna-Red

National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd WI State Fair Chase Holschbach, Baraboo, WI

National: 1st Intl, WI Ryan Griffin & Lookwell Farm & Bob Osborne, Thief River Falls, MN

Hilrose Advent Anna-Red-ET

Hilrose Darwynn Angie-Red National: 6th Intl, WI Joseph A Brantmeier, Sherwood, WI

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Cherry-Lor Ladd Ripple-Red

Cherry-Lor Awe Rippy-Red-ET National: 1st All American, PA; 2nd Intl, WI Boop & Hembury, Millmont, PA

Long-Brook RL Sweety Pi-Red-ET

Cherrylilly Showwhite-Red-ET National: 5th Intl, WI Marshman & Hembury, Oxford, NY

Rosedale Lucky-Rose-Red

Rosedale Avala Lollipop-Red National: 1st Intl Spring, NY Oakfield Corners Dairy, Oakfield, NY

Holstein World | February 2019 | 93


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t s e t n o C r o i Spring Heifer Calves (8) Jun

Sponsored by

Bella-View Dback Lace-Red-ET, 3/2/2018 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd WI Championship Jacob, Logan & Madison Harbaugh, Marion, WI

Crescentmead Dramaqueen-Red, Dramaqueen-Red, 3/1/2018 3/1/2018 Crescentmead National: 1st 1st Intl, Intl, WI WI National: Grady & & Lane Lane Wendorf, Wendorf, Ixonia, Ixonia, WI WI Grady

Ms Mauk-E-Way Rosa-Red-ET, 3/3/2018 National: 5th Intl, WI Approved: 3rd WI Championship Cole, Ava, Campbell & Royce Booth, Plymouth, WI

Ned-Acres Shauna Shauna Rouge-Red, Rouge-Red, 3/2/2018 3/2/2018 Ned-Acres National: 3rd 3rd PNJS, PNJS, PA; PA; 3rd 3rd Intl, Intl, WI WI National: Caleb McGee, McGee, Clearfield, Clearfield, PA PA Caleb

R E D & W H I T E

N O M I N E Pa-Lyn-Leigh A Liquor-Red, 3/1/2018 E National: 1st PNJS, PA Kaleigh Lynn & Colton Wayne Savage, Saint Thomas, PA S Holstein World | February 2019 | 94

Rolfdale Ammo Ammo Jewl-Red, Jewl-Red, 3/3/2018 3/3/2018 Rolfdale National: 1st 1st Midwest Midwest Fall, Fall, MN; MN; 2nd 2nd Intl, Intl, WI WI Approved: Approved: 1st 1st MN MN National: State Show Show State Aleese M M Rolf, Rolf, Hamburg, Hamburg, MN MN Aleese

Sponsored by

uJ nior Contest Winter Heifer Calves (10)

AJ-Chance Pricey Addict-Red, 12/2/2017 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 3rd WI Championship Accredited: 3rd WI State Fair Clayton Mahlkuch, Juda, WI

Gaedtke Addiction Daisy-Red, 12/1/2017 National: 1st Intl, WI J,J,H,A,K & A Gaedtke & M,B & J Kroll, Luxemburg, WI

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

Knonaudale Lite My Fire-Red, 12/20/2017 National: 1st & Res JC, PNJS, PA; 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 1st & JC Northeast Champ Daniel Kitchen, Danville, PA

Star-Ky-Blue Aspen-Red-ET-PO, 12/3/2017 Approved: 3rd MidEast Fall, KY; Accredited: 1st & Res JC KY State Fair Leased to: Hallie Griffiths, Greensburg, KY

Mik-Nels A Caramac-Red-ET, 12/10/2017 National: 4th Midwest Spring, WI; 4th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd WI Championship Jacob, Logan & Madison Harbaugh, Marion, WI

Tree-Hayven Daniel Diem-Red, 12/3/2017 National: 1st Midwest Spring, WI; 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st WI Championship Accredited: 1st WI State Fair Aaliyah Borchert, Auburndale, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 95


2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

Fall Heifer Calves (7)

uJ nior Contest

Sponsored by

Hill-A-Way Jordy Apache-Red, 9/2/2017 National: 1st Intl Spring, NY; 1st, JC & Supreme PNJS, PA; 6th Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Res JC Western PA Champ Evan Hillegass & Sabrina Clark, Berlin, PA

Lyn-Vale Lyn-Vale Rainy Rainy Day-Red-ET, Day-Red-ET, 9/26/2017 9/26/2017 National: National: 5th 5th Intl, Intl, WI WI Approved: Approved: 4th 4th WI WI Championship Championship Cole, Cole, Ava, Ava, Campbell Campbell & & Royce Royce Booth, Booth, Plymouth, Plymouth, WI WI

Ms Kress-Hil Saphire-Red-ET, 9/11/2017 National: 1st & JC Midwest Spring; 1st, JC & Supreme Intl, WI Approved: 2nd & Res JC Wisconsin Championship Owen & Kendyll Kress & Savanah Barts, Newton, WI

Siemers Siemers Jordy Jordy Jewels-Red-ET, Jewels-Red-ET, 11/1/2017 11/1/2017 National: National: 3rd 3rd Intl, Intl, WI WI Jacob, Jacob, Connor Connor & & Lauren Lauren Siemers, Siemers, Newton, Newton, WI WI

R E D & W H I T E

N O M I N Synergy Jordys Spike-Red-ET, 9/1/2017 E National: 2nd & Res JC Intl, WI Approved: 1st & JC WI Championship E Accredited: 1st, Calf Champion & Reserve JC WI State Fair Jauquet & M,C & S Haack, Pulaski, WI S Holstein WorldM,C| &EFebruary 2019 | 96

Synergy Synergy Jordys Jordys Starr-Red-ET, Starr-Red-ET, 9/1/2017 9/1/2017 National: National: 4th 4th Intl, Intl, WI WI Approved: Approved: 3rd 3rd WI WI Championship Championship M,C M,C &E &E Jauquet Jauquet & & M,C M,C & & SS Haack, Haack, Pulaski, Pulaski, WI WI

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i n Ju Summer Yearlings (6)

Clear-I Ladd Nevaeh-Red, 6/2/2017 Approved: 1st MidEast Fall, KY Ashtyn Danielle Grace Martin, Union, IL

Hoesly D-Back Khloe-Red, 6/23/2017 National: 3rd Midwest Fall, 4th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd MN State Show Taylor J Fester, Grove City, MN

2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N R E D &

OCD Defiant Dazzle-Red-ET, 6/8/2017 National: 2nd Intl, WI Accredited: 2nd WI State Fair Nathan P Daniels & Julia D Searles, Cobb, WI

Tigerlea Lev Celeste-Red, 6/2/2017 Approved: 2nd MidEast Fall, KY; Accredited: 1st & Junior Champion KY State Fair Brilee Tucker & Hadley Olt, Greensburg, KY

St-Jacob Lady Stark-Red-ET, 6/1/2017 National: 1st PNJS, PA; 1st Intl, WI Kayla Umbel, Emmitsburg, MD

TJ-Pollema Max Mauri-Red, 6/3/2017 National: 1st & Res JC Midwest Fall, MN; 5th Intl, WI Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes, Richmond, MN Holstein World | February 2019 | 97


2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N

t s e t n o C r o i n Spring Yearlings (6) Ju

Sponsored by

Benrise Jacot Forest-Red, 3/19/2017 National: 1st Midwest Spring, WI; 5th Intl, WI Approved: 1st WI Championship Accredited: 2nd WI State Fair Dawson & Kylie Nickels, Watertown, WI

Crescentmead Rokstar-Red-ET, 3/7/2017 National: 4th Intl, WI Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

Lake-Effect Justright-Red, 4/2/2017 National: 1st PNJS, PA Daniel James Benedict, Waynesboro, PA

Pavany Awesome Shania-Red, 3/2/2017 National: 1st Intl Spring, NY; 2nd Intl, WI Ryan Lawton, Newark Valley, NY

R E D & W H I T E

N O M I N Siemers Grandeur-Red-ET, 3/11/2017 E National: 1st & Midwest Fall, MN; 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st MN State Show E Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes, Richmond, MN S Holstein World | February 2019 | 98

Weeberlac Tickle Me-Red-ET, 3/1/2017 National: 1st Intl, WI Approved: 1st & JC SDE, OH; 1st OH State Fair Alyson Phillips, Stephenville, TX

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i n Winter Yearlings (6) Ju

Bur-Le-Acres Awesom Amy-Red, 12/13/2016 National: 1st PNJS, PA Approved: 1st Northeast PA Champ Daniel Kitchen, Danville, PA

Country-Path AD St Nick-Red, 12/11/2016 National: 5th Intl, WI Hailey N Nolt, Canton, PA

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Dayspring Dimond Jingle-Red-ET, 12/17/2016 National: 2nd PNJS, PA; 1st Intl, WI Caleb McGee, Clearfield, PA

Opsal Diamndback Madison-Red, 12/4/2016 National: 2nd Midwest Spring, WI; 2nd Intl, WI Approved: 2nd WI Championship; 1st MidEast Fall, KY; Accredited: 2nd WI State Fair Joseph Troy Opsal, Blue Mounds, WI

Ladinodale Avaln Alayna-Red, 12/2/2016 National: 1st & Reserve JC Midwest Spring, WI; 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st WI Championship Accredited: 1st & Res Heifer Champ WI State Fair Matthew & Elizabeth Gunst, Hartford, WI

Willow-Terrace Hy Grand-Red, 12/2/2016 National: 2nd Midwest Fall, MN Approved: 2nd MN State Show Jacob Schaefer & Quentin Scott, Little Falls, MN Holstein World | February 2019 | 99

& W H I T E N O M I N E E S

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Fall Yearlings (7)

t s e t n o C r o Juni

Sponsored by

A-Mi-Da-Sa DPRN Allison-Red, 11/12/2016 National: 1st PNJS, PA Octavia Bushey, Ellijay, GA

Borderview Luchesse-Red-ET, 9/2/2016 Approved: 2nd SDE, OH; 1st OH State Fair Amelia Sammetinger, Wapakoneta, OH

Entourage-LC Fire-Red-ET-TW, 9/5/2016 National: 1st Intl, WI Approved: 2nd MidEast Fall, KY Accredited: 1st KY State Fair Brilee Tucker & Hadley Olt, Greensburg, KY

Flower-Brook Corena-Red-ET, 9/2/2016 Approved: 1st CA State Show; 1st MidEast Fall, KY Clayton Arntz, Cotati, CA

R E D & W H I T E

N O M I N E V-View Barbw Milly-Red-ET, 9/2/2016 National:2nd Intl, WI Accredited: 1st WI State Fair E Brooke Webb, Thorp, WI S Holstein World | February 2019 | 100

Wilstar Avalnc Tasha-Red-ET, 9/2/2016 National: 1st Midwest Fall, MN; 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 1st & JC MN State Show Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes, Richmond, MN

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i Jun Milking Yearlings (3)

Fishersons Mcaple Honey-Red, 9/2/2016 National: 4th Intl, WI Rachel Hefel, Epworth, IA

Flower-Brook Coral-Red-ET, 9/1/2016 National: 2nd Intl, WI Kaleb, Cole & Carter Kruse, Dyersville, IA

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MS-AOL DB Raspberry-Red-ET, 9/2/2016 National: 1st, Intermediate & Reserve Grand Intl, WI Jaydn, Kennedy, Caroline & Andrew Kimball, Windham, ME

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t s e t n o C r o i n Junior Two-Year-Olds (7)Ju

Sponsored by

Cherry-Lor Awe Rippy-Red-ET, 3/1/2016 National: 2nd PNJS, PA; 2nd Intl, WI Cael Hembury, Muncy, PA

Mead-ManorDef DefAdeline-Red, Adeline-Red,3/2/2016 3/2/2016 Mead-Manor National:1st 1st&&Reserve ReserveInt IntIntl, Intl,WI WIApproved: Approved:1st, 1st,Int Int&&Grand GrandWI WI National: Championship Accredited: 1st, Grand & Supreme WI State Fair Championship Accredited: 1st, Grand & Supreme WI State Fair Michael&&Megan MeganMoede, Moede,Algoma, Algoma,WI WI Michael

Ms Kress-Hill Sunkiss-Red-ET, 3/16/2016 National: 4th Intl, WI Approved: 3rd WI Championship Owen & Kendyll Kress & Savanah Barts, Newton, WI

Rob-SaraAwe AweLovelee-Red-ET, Lovelee-Red-ET,3/1/2016 3/1/2016 Rob-Sara Approved:1st, 1st,Intermediate Intermediate&&Grand GrandMidEast MidEastFall, Fall,KY KY Approved: M,R&&MMBusker Busker&&C&C C&CMeier, Meier,Ridott, Ridott,ILIL M,R

R E D & W H I T E

N O M I N E Savage-Leigh Classy-Red-ET, 6/24/2016 National:1st, Intermediate & Reserve Grand PNJS, PA E Connor Lane Savage, Union Bridge, MD S Holstein World | February 2019 | 102

TJ-PollemaBettin BettinOn-Red, On-Red,4/28/2016 4/28/2016 TJ-Pollema National:1st 1st&&Reserve ReserveGrand GrandMidwest MidwestFall, Fall,MN; MN;3rd 3rdIntl, Intl,WI WI National: Approved:1st 1st&&Intermediate IntermediateMN MNState StateShow Show Approved: Arnold,Ashley Ashley&&Andrew AndrewGruenes, Gruenes,Richmond, Richmond,MN MN Arnold,

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t s e t n o C r o i Jun Senior Two-Year-Old (7)

Arb-Flo-Spr Drg Heloise-Red, 1/21/2015 National: 1st Intl, WI Approved: 1st WI Championship Ryan Smith, Monticello, WI

Milksource DT Amazon-Red-ET, 12/21/2015 National: 2nd Intl, WI Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

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Ms Apple Adrena-Red-ET, 9/1/2015 Approved: 1st MidEast Fall, KY Braylon Beekman, Huntingdon, IN

Savage-Leigh Sugar-Red-ET, 12/2/2015 National: 1st PNJS, PA Approved: 1st MD State Fair Andie Grace Welsh, Knoxville, MD

Rosedale Prettyfancy In-Red, 9/2/2015 National: 1st, Int & Grand Midwest Spring, WI Joey Opsal & Karlee Ketelboeter, Dane, WI

Siemers Lotus Jubba-Red-ET, 9/10/2015 National: 3rd Intl, WI Jacob, Connor & Lauren Siemers, Newton, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 103


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t s e t n o C r o i n u Junior Three-Year-Old (5) J

Sponsored by

Dorsland Twinkle P-Red-ET, 4/16/2015 National: 2nd Intl, WI Claire, Wyatt, Sara & Emma Dorhorst, Marshfield, WI

HolbricSpa SpaChisel-Red, Chisel-Red,6/10/2015 6/10/2015 Holbric National:1st 1stIntl, Intl,WI WI National: MorganOlbrich, Olbrich,Harvard, Harvard,ILIL Morgan

Ovaltop Barbwire Spark-Red, 3/1/2015 National: 1st PNJS, PA Ashlyn C Wolfe, Richfield Springs, NY

StranshomeAll AllIIDo-Red-ET, Do-Red-ET,3/2/2015 3/2/2015 Stranshome National:2nd 2ndPNJS, PNJS,PA PA Approved: Approved:1st, 1st,Res ResSenior Senior&&Reserve ReserveGrand Grand National: WesternPA PAChampionsbip Championsbip Western TristenWilcox, Wilcox,Russell, Russell,PA PA Tristen

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Zehrview Armani Hi-Life-Red, 3/4/2015 National: 3rd Intl, WI Approved: 2nd MidEast Fall, KY Rosalee Zehr, Graymont, IL

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t s e t n o C r o i n Senior Three-Year-Old (7) Ju

Blondin Armani Stella Arto-Red, 9/1/2014 Approved: 1st & Reserve Intermediate WI Championship Joey Opsal, Blue Mounds, WI

Budjon-Vail HZ Lacey-Red-ET, 10/7/2014 National: 1st PNJS, PA Alison Galton, Nunda, NY

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Cherry-Lor ABS Lily-Red-ET, 12/1/2014 National: 4th Intl, WI Matthew Boop & Cael Hembury, Millmont, PA

Roll-N-View RB Joni-Red-ET, 9/7/2014 National: 2nd Intl, WI Alison Galton, Nunda, NY

Long-Brook AB Sweety-Red-ET, 9/16/2014 National: 1st Intl, WI Victoria Clark, Springville, PA

Savagelee-TM Brita-Red-ET, 9/23/2014 National: 2nd PNJS, PA Approved: 1st, Intermediate & Grand MD State Fair Kendall A Welsh, Knoxville, MD Holstein World | February 2019 | 105


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Four-Year-Old (6)

t s e t n o C r o i Jun

Sponsored by

Cherry-Lor Ladd Ripple-Red, 3/1/2014 National: 1st, Senior & Grand PNJS, PA; 3rd Intl, WI Matthew Boop & Cael Hembury, Millmont, PA

Golden Oaks Absolute-Red-ET, 9/3/2013 National: 5th Intl, WI Approved: 2nd & Reserve Senior Champion WI Championship Molly & Montana Sarbacker, Belleville, WI

Kamps-Hollow Acapella-Red-ET, 9/1/2013 National: 2nd & Reserve Senior Champion Intl, WI Approved: 1st, Senior & Reserve Grand WI Championship Accredited: 1st & Reserve Grand, WI State Fair Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

Lantland Destry Eagle-Red, 6/17/2014 National: 2nd & Reserve Senior PNJS, PA; 4th Intl, WI Approved: 1st & Grand Champion NY State Fair Kirt V Menzi, Jr, Horseheads, NY

R E D & W H I T E

N O M I N E OCD Absolute Tipper-Red-ET, 3/1/2014 National: 3rd PNJS, PA Approved: 2nd & Reserve Grand Champion E NY State Fair Bryce Warriner, Andover, NY S Holstein World | February 2019 | 106

Robin-Hood Pretty In-Red, 9/29/2013 National: 1st, Senior & Grand Intl, WI Regan Demmer, Peosta, IA

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t s e t n o C r o i n Ju

L-Way Solut Persistance-Red, 6/19/2013 National: 2nd PNJS, PA Sabrina Long, Sugar Grove, PA

Five-Year-Old (3)

Oakland-View H Champ-Red-ET, 12/3/2012 National: 2nd, Res Senior & Res Grand Intl Spring, NY; 1st PNJS, PA; 1st Intl, WI Katelyn Nolt, Hartley, TX

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Redtag Destry Sneezy-Red-ET, 12/1/2012 National: 1st, Senior & Grand Intl Spring, NY Chase Logan Savage, Union Bridge, MD

Balmoral Lars Aurianna-Red, 7/8/2012 National: 1st Intl, WI Approved: 1st, Senior & Grand SDE, OH; 1st, Senior & Grand OH State Fair Madelyn Topp, Botkins, OH

Aged Cow (2)

Siemers Destry Sunny-Red-ET, 9/21/2010 Approved: 2nd WI Championship Owen & Kendyll Kress & Savanah Barts, Newton, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 107


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t s e t n o C r o i n u Production Cows (3) J

Milksource DTY Tammy-Red-ET, 12/8/2011 National: 2nd Intl, WI Grady & Lane Wendorf, Ixonia, WI

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M-Riverview Audra-Red-ET, 9/10/2009 National: 1st PNJS, PA Patrick Youse, Ridgely, MD

R E D & W H I T E

Paulinn PSC Meme 919-Red-TW, 11/5/2011 National: 1st Intl, WI Arnold, Ashley & Andrew Gruenes, Richmond, MN

Thank You to

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for sponsoring the Junior All-American Contests

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2018 Jersey All-American Nominees By Robin Alden

The AllBreeds Access Jersey All-American Contest, renamed this year to the Purebred Jersey All-American contest, is now in its thirteenth year! The contest is strong as ever, with 142 quality entries from coast to coast this year. As with the Holstein contest, the nomination process was adjusted this year to better represent the largest Jersey shows in the country and the Royal. This year’s nominating committee was Mike Berry, Pat Conroy, Herby Lutz, Kevin Lutz and Steve Wagner. The nominees will be sent to the committee, along with several more judges who assessed state and regional shows across the United States in 2018. They will choose your 2018 Purebred Jersey All-American winners. The pages that follow represent some of the best-quality Jersey cattle from all over North America – and even one flown in from Australia! This year, the partnership of Ernest Kueffner and Terri Packard leads the pack, with 11 nominations owned outright or in partnership, and five of which they bred. With five

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owned nominees each are Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh, LLC, Discovery Genetics and River Valley Farm. Congratulations to all the exhibitors who made this contest exceptional in quality. The Junior Contest As with the open contest, this year's selection of nominees was chosen by the National Junior Jersey Show judges and the winners are being selected by those who judged junior shows across the country as well. We would like to thank ST Genetics for sponsoring the Junior Jersey contest which allows us to continue providing this outstanding opportunity to juniors free of charge. We at Purebred Publishing are proud to carry on the torch of this contest, and very excited for what 2019 has in store. But before this year’s show season kicks off, take one more moment to appreciate the finest Jerseys that North America has to offer.


Avonlea Keeper At Burntwood, 3/4/2018 4th International Jersey Show, 4th Royal Winter Fair, 1st Quinte Championship Show, 2nd Quinte Trent Parish Show Avonlea Genetics Inc. & Edward Facer, Brighton, ON

Dream-Valley Expresso, 3/2/2018 5th International Jersey Show, 9th All-American Jersey Show, 3rd MD State Fair Michael Lamar Bosley, Glen Rock, PA

Ms Germaine Colton Gidget, 3/1/2018 2nd All-American Jersey Show Malissa Reed, Owosso, MI

Spring Heifer Calves (8)

Beslea Austen Matthews, 3/2/2018 2nd Royal Winter Fair, 3rd International Jersey Show, 2nd ON Summer Show Beslea Farms, Yarker, ON

HC-Hearts Desire Fizz Lucky, 3/1/2018 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 2nd International Jersey Show, 1st MD State Fair Ernie Kueffner, Terri Packard & Mike & Linda Hellenbrand, Boonsboro, MD

Parkview Vavan Somthing Honest, 3/16/2018 1st International Jersey Show, 3rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Show Brock Liddle, Jason Healy & Kaylee Wilson, Argyle, NY Holstein World | February 2019 | 111

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Winter Heifer Calves (7)


Drentex Getaway Bella, 12/8/2017 2nd Royal Winter Fair, 3rd International Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Supreme Laitier, 1st ON Summer Show Lookout, Adam Fraley & Frank & Diane Borba, Canton de Hatley, QC

Exels Andreas Winter 4291, 1/8/2018 1st Western National Jersey Show, 10th International Jersey Show Hank & Carolyn VanExel, Lodi, CA

Heart & Soul Fizz Faith-ET, 12/4/2017 1st International Jersey Show, 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 2nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 1st OH Spring Dairy Expo Bailee, Calla, Mason & Matthew Mazzaro & Duane Cole, Burghill, OH

Homeridge T Annette, 12/7/2017 3rd All-American Jersey Show, 4th International Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Dodge County Fair, WI Sam Pitterle, Travis Freson, Mandy Sell & Scott Stanford, Watertown, WI

Ratliff Showdown Volcano-ET, 12/4/2017 2nd International Jersey Show, 4th All-American Jersey Show M&B Dores, L&L Pires & Tony Garcia Jr., Hughson, CA

Stadview Mr Dynamic Amaze, 1/15/2018 9th International Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion MN State Fair, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion MN State Show Stadview Jerseys, Litchfield, MN

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Jersey Fall Heifer Calves (8)

Exels Barfly Jessa 4156, 9/1/2017 1st All-American Jersey Show, 2nd Western National Jersey Show, 11th International Jersey Show, 1st CA State Show Jennifer VanExel, Lodi, CA

Leachland Kisses K, 9/1/2017 6th International Jersey Show, 2nd Midwest Spring Show Crystal Siemers-Peterman & Sherry Siemers-Peterman, Cleveland, WI

Milksource Gentry Mink-ET, 10/24/2017 1st Royal Winter Fair, 2nd International Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion WI Championship Show Milksource Genetics & Finca Valparaiso, Kaukauna, WI

KCJF Andreas Cancun, 9/5/2017 3rd Mid-Atlantic Regional, 4th International Jersey Show, 7th All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Northeast PA Championship Landree Fraley, Muncy, PA

Milksource Gentry Marriot-ET, 9/24/2017 1st & Jr. Champion International Jersey Show, 2nd & Res. Jr. Champion WI Championship Show Milksource Genetics & Finca Valparaiso, Kaukauna, WI

SV Heaths Applejack Madeline, 9/1/2017 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 7th International Jersey Show, 1st MD State Fair Mike Heath, Billy & Betty Heath & Wayne & Allen Stiles, Westminster, MD Holstein World | February 2019 | 113

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Summer Yearling Heifers (12)


Arethusa Fizz Callie-ET, 6/24/2017 1st & Res. Jr. Champion International Jersey Show Mikaela Joy Yoder, Abbotsford, BC

Big Guns Andreas Vanish-ET, 6/8/2017 5th International Jersey Show, 6th All-American Jersey Show, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 1st & Jr. Champion NY Spring Show Sabrina Clark & Madison Fisher, Springville, PA

Despreverts Joel Glamour-ET, 12/4/2017 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 4th International Jersey Show, 1st OH Spring Dairy Expo, 1st OH State Fair Joshua Arp, Norwalk, OH

South Mountain Premier Sophee, 6/14/2017 2nd International Jersey Show, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 1st ON Summer Show, 7th NY Spring Show Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC, Bulger, PA

SV Heaths Applejack Safari, 8/8/2017 1st All-American Jersey Show Wayne & Allen Stiles & Michael Heath, Westminster, MD

Thistle Dew Sweet Apple, 8/5/2017 3rd International Jersey Show, 8th Royal Winter Fair, 4th MD State Fair Entourage LLR, Jefferson, MD

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Jersey Spring Yearling Heifers (15)

Arethusa Impression Visa-ET, 3/16/2017 2nd International Jersey Show, 4th All-American Jersey Show, 2nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 1st MD State Fair Now owned by Glamourview - Iager & Walton, Walkersville, MD

Big Guns Andreas Virtue-ET, 3/1/2017 1st & Jr. Champion All-American Jersey Show, 1st International Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion OH Spring Dairy Expo, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion NY Spring Show Virtue Partners - Iager, Borba, Putt & Schirm, Ashville, OH

Intense Gentry Deesse, 3/1/2017 3rd International Jersey Show, 8th Royal Winter Fair Enterouge-LLR, Jefferson, MD

Beslea Velocity Lion, 3/6/2017 4th International Jersey Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion ON Summer Show Beslea Farms Ltd & Kingsdale Jersey Farm, Yarker, ON

Hard Core Lemon Fizz, 9/24/2017 3rd All-American Jersey Show, 13th International Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion IN State Show D&N Schirm & Prestige Genetics, Martinton, IL

L’ormiere Tequila Roxe, 3/1/2017 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 11th International Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Western Fall National, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion CA State Fair. Misty Meadow Dairy, Tillamook, OR Holstein World | February 2019 | 115

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Winter Yearling Heifers (9)


Beslea Vivitar Goblin, 12/3/2016 1st All-American Jersey Show, 16th International Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion IN State Show Miles Price, Christian Cunningham & Clayton Arntz, Martinton, IL

Entourage Fireman Stacey-ET, 12/5/2016 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 2nd International Jersey Show, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Shippensburg Shootout, 2nd & Res. Jr. Champion MD Field Day, 3rd MD State Fair Carly Shaw, Fairplay, MD

L’ormiere Tequila Leah, 12/1/2016 4th International Jersey Show, 5th All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion MD State Fair D&N Schirm, F&D Borba, C Popp, M Hawbaker & Kash-In, Ashville, OH

Lost-Elm Tequila Skydome, 1/14/2017 5th International Jersey Show, 11th All-American Jersey Show, 2nd WI Championship Show, 6th Midwest Spring Show Kylie Nickels, Watertown, WI

MeadowRidge Fizz Sparkle, 12/13/2016 1st International Jersey Show, 3rd All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion IA State Fair, 1st & Jr. Champion National Cattle Congress, 1st & Jr. Champion Delaware County Fair, IA, 1st MN State Fair Holstein World February 2019 | 116 Dyersville, IA Cole| Kruse & Gene Henderson,

SV Applejack Restless-ET, 12/12/2016 3rd International Jersey Show, 4th All-American Jersey Show, 5th NY Spring Show Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard, Boonsboro, MD


Discoverys Tequila Jaded-ET, 9/14/2016 4th International Jersey Show, 4th MN State Fair Lisa Demmer, Ellsworth, WI

Elliotts AJ Confetti-ET, 9/10/2016 2nd International Jersey Show, 1st MD State Fair, 2nd MD Field Day Ernest Kueffner & TerrI Packard, Boonsboro, MD

Miss Incentive Monique, 9/9/2016 5th International Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Pierce County Fair, WI Hannah Nelson & Noah Bilz, Ellsworth, WI

Fall Yearling Heifers (6)

DKG Motion Shelby, 9/7/2016 1st & Res. Jr. Champion OH Spring Dairy Expo, 1st NY Spring Show John, Donna, Trevor, Lane & Blake Greiwe & Grace, Garrett & Meredith Hageman, Sidney, OH

MeadowRidge Tristan Trudy, 9/20/2016 3rd International Jersey Show, 3rd MN State Fair Roger Riebe & Emma & Aleah Anderson, Cumberland, WI

Wildweed Primero Lightning, 9/7/2016 1st International Jersey Show, 1st WI State Show, 2nd NEW Protein Show, WI Michael & Megan Moede & Katie Leuvica, Algoma, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 117

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Junior Best Three Females (7)

Arethusa Impression Visa


Arethusa Fizz Callie

Arethusa Impression Krimson-ET

4th International Jersey Show. Bred by: Arethusa, Litchfield, CT

Beslea Austen Matthews

Beslea Velocity Lion

Beslea Tequila Ghost

8th International Jersey Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair. Bred by: Beslea Farms, Yarker, ON

Exels Andreas Winter 4291

Exels Andreas Dixie 4001

Exels Tequila Drifter 3882

1st Western National Jersey Show. Bred by: Exels Jerseys, Lodi, CA

Milksource Gentry Marriot-ET

Milksource Gentry Mink-ET

Milksource Velocity Malibu-ET

1st International Jersey Show. Bred by: Milksource Genetics, LLC., Kaukauna, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 118

Jersey Junior Best Three Females (7)

Elliotts AJ Confetti-ET

South Mountain Colton Ravish

South Mountain Premier Sophee

2nd International Jersey Show. Bred by: Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard, South Mountain/Elliotts, Boonsboro, MD

SV Heaths Applejack Madeline

SV Heaths Applejack Safari

SV Applejack Restless-ET

2nd All-American Jersey Show. Bred by: Spring Valley & Heath Jerseys, Westminster, MD



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Yearling Heifers in Milk (8)


Elliotts AJ Chicago-ET, 9/2/2016 4th International Jersey Show, 6th All-American Jersey Show, 2nd MD State Fair Ernest Kueffner, Terri Packard & Mike & Linda Hellenbrand, Boonsboro, MD

Elliotts Vitality Cisco, 9/7/2016 2nd International Jersey Show, 3rd All-American Jersey Show, 1st MD State Fair Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard, Boonsboro, MD

Heartfilleds Colton Tenley, 9/6/2016 4th All-American Jersey Show, 11th International Jersey Show D Jordan & D&N Schirm, Ashville, OH

Julie-Ann Tequila Asia, 9/3/2016 1st International Jersey Show, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 1st & Int. Champion Shippensburg District Show, PA Analise Stover, Carlisle, PA

Lightning Ridge Tequila Fernleaf, 9/4/2016 3rd International Jersey Show, 13th All-American Jersey Show D Patten, C Moscript & F&D Borba, Canton de Hatley, QC

Stoney Point Andreas Becca, 10/31/2016 1st All-American Jersey Show John & Julie Mayer, Taneytown, MD

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Jersey Junior Two-Year-Olds (6)

Budjon-Vail Verbatim Shar-ET, 6/1/2016 13th International Jersey Show, 1st WI State Show Budjon Farms & Peter Vail, Lomira, WI

Pennwood Andreas Ilena, 6/1/2016 4th International Jersey Show Budjon Farms & Peter Vail, Lomira, WI

Stoney Point Giller Dazzler, 3/1/2016 3rd International Jersey Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair Michael Paris, Canton de Hatley, QC

Okato Topeka Fawn, 6/2/2016 5th All-American Jersey Show, 10th International Jersey Show Jordan, Nickerson, Young & Schirm, Ashville, OH

Pleasant Nook Apple Dumpling, 4/22/2018 1st International Jersey Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair Pleasant Nook Jersey, Ayr, ON

Twincounty Colton Eulayla, 3/4/2016 8th International Jersey Show, 4th Mid-Atlantic Regional Show Landree Fraley, Muncy, PA Holstein World | February 2019 | 121

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Senior Two-Year-Olds (5)


Avonlea Venom Keep Me Klose-ET, 9/2/2015 2nd International Jersey Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Res. Int. Champion Quinte Championship, 2nd Quinte Trent Parish Show Avonlea Genetics & Michael Paris, Brighton, ON

DKG Ritz Relentless Sugar, 12/20/2015 3rd All-American Jersey Show, 5th International Jersey Show, 1st KY State Fair, 3rd OH Spring Dairy Expo, 6th OH State Fair John, Donna, Trevor, Lane & Blake Greiwe & Grace, Garrett, & Meredith Hageman, Sidney, OH

LC Success Abilene, 9/13/2015 5th All-American Jersey Show, 20th International Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Int. Champion KS State Fair Taylor, Erin & Sophia Leach, Linwood, KS

MeadowRidge Granite Allia, 9/8/2015 6th International Jersey Show, 9th All-American Jersey Show, 3rd MN State Fair Roger Riebe & Emma & Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, WI

River Valley Excitation Flawless-ET, 9/5/2015 1st International Jersey Show, 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Int. Champion CA Spring Show Misty Meadow Dairy, Tillamook, OR

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JerseyJunior Three-Year-Olds (11)

Billings Impression Backstage-ET, 4/3/2015 1st All-American Jersey Show, 4th International Jersey Show, 5th Western Fall National Jersey Show, 2nd CA Spring Show Rancho Teresita Dairy, Tulare, CA

Showdown Electra, 3/17/2015 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 6th International Jersey Show, 1st & Int. Champion KY State Fair Bonnie Sue Rider, Upton, KY

South Mountain Voltage Radiant, 3/2/2015 1st National Jersey Jug Futurity & Res. Int. Champion All-American Jersey Show, 1st, Int. & Res. Grand Champion Internaitonal Jersey Show, 1st, Int. & Res. Grand Champion MD State Fair Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard, Boonsboro, MD

Billings Impression of Booboo-ET, 3/25/2015 3rd International Jersey Show, 1st & Grand Champion WI State Show Budjon Farms & Peter Vail, Lomira, WI

Showdown Justine, 5/5/2015 11th International Jersey Show, 1st, Int. & Res. Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair Vierra Dairy Farms, Hilmar, CA

Townside Tequila Response R, 6/28/2015 2nd & Res. Int. Champion International Jersey Show, 2nd & Res. Int. Champion Royal Winter Fair, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Show Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC, Bulger, PA Holstein World | February 2019 | 123

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2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N J E R S E Y N O M I N E E S

Senior Three-Year-Olds (5)


Fire-Lake Premier Meg, 12/4/2014 2nd International Jersey Show, 9th All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Int. Champion All California Jersey Show, 2nd CA Spring Show, 4th Western National Jersey Show Joshua, Hannah, Nicole & Rebecca Sanders, Turlock, CA

Jasmari Verb Lil Verona-ET, 10/12/2014 3rd International Jersey Show, 4th All-American Jersey Show Misty Meadow Dairy, Tillamook, OR

Knappway Tequila Ice Ice Baby, 1/5/2015 4th International Jersey Show Carl Knapp & Sarah Doehr, New London, OH

Minister Gail-ET, 9/3/2014 1st International Jersey Show, 1st, Int. & Grand Champion Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 1st & Res. Sr. Champion Royal Winter Fair Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC, Bulger, PA

Stadview Premier Loyal-ET, 12/6/2014 8th International Jersey Show, 1st & Int. Champion WI Spring Spectacular, 1st & Res. Grand Champion MN Jersey Jamboree, 1st & Int. Champion MN State Fair Marissa Roden, Henning, MN

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Arethusa HG Svana-ET, 12/1/2013 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 2nd International Jersey Show, 1st MD State Show, 2nd NY Spring Show, 3rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Glamourview - Iager & Walton, Walkersville, MD

Chilli Nitro Cabo-ET, 3/4/2014 1st All-American Jersey Show, 5th International Jersey Show River Valley Farm - Ben, Andy, Blessing & Grace Sauder, Tremont, IL

MB Lucky Lady Feliz Navidad-ET, 12/24/2013 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion International Jersey Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair, 1st, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion NY Spring Show Rivendale Farms of Pittsburgh LLC, Bulger, PA

Four-Year-Olds (7)

Bri-Lin Valson Spritz, 6/22/2014 1st, Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Mid-Atlantic Regional Show, 4th International Jersey Show, 3rd Royal Winter Fair Rivendale Farms of PIttsburgh LLC, Bulger, PA

Daven Fame Lenna, 6/4/2014 3rd International Jersey Show, 4th All-American Jersey Show, 1st Western Fall National Show L&L Pires, Modesto, CA

Sunrise Vindication Sunup,6/1/2014 3rd All-American Jersey Show Natalie & Mia Berry, Turlock, CA Holstein World | February 2019 | 125

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2 0 1 8

Five-Year-Olds (8)



Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip, 6/14/2013 1st International Jersey Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Grand Champion ON Summer Show, 1st & Grand Champion Quinte Championship Show Avonlea Genetics Inc., Brighton, ON

Edgebrook Tequila Madison-ET, 9/4/2012 4th International Jersey Show, 1st & Grand Champion WI Spring Show Milksource Genetics & Finca Valparaiso, Kaukauna, WI


LC Valentino Clover, 3/18/2013 3rd All-American Jersey Show, 9th International Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. & Res. Grand Champion KS State Fair, 3rd IL State Fair Erin & Sophie Leach & Anna Hahn, Linwood, KS

Scottiere Kacey Tequila, 7/13/2013 1st All-American Jersey Show, 2nd International Jersey Show River Valley Farm - Ben, Andy, Blessing & Grace Sauder, Tremont, IL

SV Impression Holly-ET, 3/2/2013 3rd International Jersey Show, 5th All-American Jersey Show River Valley Farm - Ben, Andy, Blessing & Grace Sauder, Tremont, IL

Windy Willow Impression Lori J, 8/14/2013 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion Western National, 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 6th International Jersey Show Natalie Berry & Nicole Sanders, Turlock, CA


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Humming BT Finalist Dottie, 1/17/2011 5th International Jersey Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair, 1st & Res. Sr. Champion Mid-Atlantic Regional Show Ernest Kueffner, Terri Packard & Mike & Linda Hellenbrand, Boonsboro, MD

MeadowRidge Jackknife Summer, 3/23/2010 3rd All-American Jersey Show, 3rd International Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion MN State Fair Roger Riebe & Alleah & Emma Anderson, Cumberland, WI

Pleasant Nook Tequila Daiquiri, 5/12/2012 4th International Jersey Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair Pleasant Nook Jerseys, Ayr, ON

Aged Cows (7)

JL Vincent Sapphira, 4/1/2012 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 2nd International Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion La Supreme Laitier River Valley Farm - Ben, Andy, Blessing & Grace Sauder, Tremont, IL

Nabholz Tequila Sara, 3/2/2012 6th International Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. Grand Champion IA State Fair Reagan Demmer, Peosta, IA

RRF Comerica Daisy, 5/6/2012 1st, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Sr. Champion International Jersey Show River Valley Farm & Reinholt Jerseys, Tremont, IL Holstein World | February 2019 | 127

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Lifetime Production Cows (3)

Discoverys Tequila Jewelene, 4/6/2011 2nd International Jersey Show, 2nd All-American Jersey Show, 1st, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion MN State Fair Lisa Demmer, Ellsworth, WI

Marlau Socrates Arcadios-ET, 4/1/2011 3rd International Jersey Show Cybil Fisher, Patty Jones & Avonlea Genetics Inc., Brighton, ON

Pleasant Nook Action Frisky, 3/18/2011 4th International Jersey Show Pleasant Nook Jerseys, Ayr, ON



Holstein World | February 2019 | 128

Jersey Produce of Bridon Vindication Evelyn-ET

Produce of Dam (5)

Produce of Chilli Premier Cinema

Produce of Demmers Furor Joyful

Discoverys Tequila Escape-ET Kevin Krejci & Lisa Demmer, Ellsworth, WI

Elliotts Vitality Cisco Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard, Boonsboro, MD

Discoverys Tequila Lynx-ET Lisa Demmer, Ellsworth, WI

Discoverys Tequila Eclipse-ET Kevin Krejci & Lisa Demmer, Ellsworth, WI

Discoverys Verbatim Jaguar Lisa Demmer, Ellsworth, WI

2nd MN State Fair

Elliotts AJ Chicago Ernest Kueffner, Terri Packard & Mike & Linda Hellenbrand, Boonsboro, MD 3rd International Jersey Show, 1st MD State Fair

Produce of Marynole Excite Rosey

Produce of Milo Vindication Season

South Mountain Voltage Radiant Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard, Boonsboro, MD

Arethusa HG Svana Glamourview - Iager & Walton, Walkersville, MD

Elliotts Chavez Roxie-ET Nelson Farm, Dassel, MN

Arethusa Impression Sunshine Arethusa Farm, Litchfield, CT

4th International Jersey Show

1st International Jersey Show

1st MN State Fair

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Senior Best Three Females (5)

Arethusa Vespera


Arethusa HG Svana

Arethusa Tequila Vision

1st International Jersey Show. Bred by: Arethusa Farms, Litchfield, CT

Discoverys Tequila Jewelene

Discoverys Tequila Lynx-ET

Discoverys Tequila Escape-ET

1st MN State Fair. Bred by: Discovery Genetics, Lisa Demmer, Ellsworth, WI

MeadowRidge Jackknife Summer

MeadowRidge Verbatim Claire

MeadowRidge Kasanova Sara

3rd International Jersey Show, 2nd MN State Fair. Bred by: Meadow Ridge Jerseys, Michael & Roger Riebe, Cumberland, WI

Holstein World | February 2019 | 130

Jersey Senior Best Three Females (5)

Pleasant Nook Action Frisky

Pleasant Nook Tequila Daiquiri

Pleasant Nook Vincent Cupcake

2nd International Jersey Show, 1st Royal Winter Fair. Bred by: Pleasant Nook Jersey, Ayr, ON

Elliotts Vitality Cisco

Elliotts AJ Chicago

South Mountain Voltage Radiant

1st All-American Jersey Show, 4th International Jersey Show, 1st MD State Fair. Bred by: Ernest Kueffner & Terri Packard, South Mountain/Elliotts, Boonsboro, MD

Feb. 2nd | Invest in Your Future Workshop & Sale. Turlock, CA. Feb. 14-16 | California State Holstein Convention, LeMoore, CA Feb. 14 | California State Holstein Convention Sale, VanderEyk Dairy, Pixley, CA Feb. 22 | Wisconsin Holstein Convention, Manitowoc County, WI Mar. 2 | Purple Ribbon Classic, Marshfield, WI Mar. 8 | Ohio Holstein Convention Sale, Burton, OH Mar. 9 | Quest for Success, Bella-View & Ryan View Holsteins, Hosts. Fond du Lac, WI Mar. 14 | Borderview 2nd Edition Sale, Richford, VT Mar. 16 | Heart of the Wheel Sale, Green County Fairgrounds, Monroe, WI. Sale is managed by Green County Holstein Breeders. Mar. 24 | Franchise Kind Sale, Ashville, OH Mar. 26 | Best of Petitclerc & Partners Sale, Canada Mar. 28 | Triple-T & Heath Sale, Columbus, OH Mar. 30 | The Best of Luck-E Sale, Hampshire, IL Apr. 5 | "She's Worth The Money" Sale, featuring Hoese Complete Dispersal, Hutchinson, MN Apr. 5 | New York Spring Selections Sale, Syracuse, NY Apr. 6 | 19th Badger Invitational Sale, Madison, WI May 18 | Oakfield Corners Spring Sensation Sale, Oakfield, NY



Apr. 13 | Heatherstone Enterprises Complete Dispersal, Baraboo, WI

2 0 1 8

Send your events to purebred.editor@gmail.com to be listed here and on holsteinworld.com!

May 28 | Wilstar Holsteins Complete Dispersal, Poysippi, WI June 26 | National Convention Sale, Appleton, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 131


Holstein World | February 2019 | 132

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i n Ju Spring Heifer Calves (7)

HC-Hearts Desire Fizz Lucky, 3/2/2018 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show, 1st MD State Fair Jr. Show Daniel Yorton, Linkwood, MD (Now owned by Kueffner, Packard & Hellenbrand)

LC Venom Rampage, 3/9/2018 5th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion KS State Fair Jr. Show, 2nd IL State Fair Jr. Show Taylor, Erin & Sophie Leach, Linwood, KS

Tierneys Andreas Lorina, 3/11/2018 2nd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Eastern States Jr. Show, 1st Franklin Co. Fair Jr. Show, NY Kathryn & Patrick Bosley, Malone, NY

2 0 1 8

JX Cornish Pablo Paige {4}, 3/2/2018 5th International Jr. Jersey Show, 6th Jr. All-American Jersey Show Greg Cornish, North Fairfield, OH


MeadowRidge Bang Bang Sunshine, 3/10/2018 1st Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st International Jr. Jersey Show Emma Anderson, Cumberland, WI


Underground Nat Mamie Nikki-ET, 3/8/2018 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 2nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show Shelby M. Rader, Conneaut Lake, PA Holstein World | February 2019 | 133


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Winter Heifer Calves (5)

t s e t n o C r o i Jun

Sponsored by

Crossbrook-MDPride VIP Daysha-ET, 12/25/2017 5th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st MD Jersey Field Day Jr. Show, 2nd MD State Fair Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Frederick Fair Jr. Show, MD Lane Riggleman, Jefferson, MD

Four-Hills Casino Butterfinger, 12/7/2017 1st International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion VT State Jr. Show Megan Hill, Bristol, VT

Four-Hills Premeire Bashful 6535 {6}, 12/24/2017 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 2nd VT State Jr. Show Sarah Hill, Bristol, VT

Homeridge T Annette, 12/7/2017 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 2nd WI State Fair Jr. Show Sam Pitterle, Watertown, WI

MeadowRidge Jax Blueberry, 12/2/2017 2nd Jr. All-American Jersey Show Emma Anderson, Cumberland, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 134

Sponsored by

uJ nior Contest Fall Heifer Calves (5)

Bar MB Tequila Maggie-ET, 9/9/2017 1st Southern Spring National Jr. Show Gerret Boer, Dalhart, TX

KCJF Andreas Cancun, 9/5/2017 1st International Jr. Jersey Show, 12th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Northeast PA Championship Jr. Show Landree Fraley, Muncy, PA

Big Guns Andreas Victory-ET, 9/8/2017 4th International Jr. Jersey Show, 8th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 3rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion OH State Fair Jr. Show Lillian Finke, London, OH

Lost-Elm Tequila Poppy, 9/18/2017 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st WI State Fair Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion WI Championship Jr. Show Kylie Nickels, Watertown, WI

MeadowRidge Jax Tulip, 10/18/2017 1st Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 3rd International Jr. Jersey Show Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 135

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t s e t n o C r o i n Ju

Sponsored by

Summer Yearling Heifers (7)

Big Guns Andreas Vanish-ET, 6/8/2017 1st & Jr. Champion Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion NY Spring Jr. Show Sabrina Clark & Madison Fisher, Springville, PA

Bolle-Acres Gentry Lora, 6/5/2017 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st IN State Fair Jr. Show Lane, Max, Carrie Jo, Drew, Sophia & Ellie Bollenbacher, Argos, IN

Emerald Valley Miss Liberty Bell, 6/29/2017 7th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 6th Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show, 1st PA State 4H Show, 1st Mon Valley District Jr. Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Washington Co. Jr. Show, PA Gabriella Rockwell, Scenery Hill, PA

Four-Hills Colton Georgia 65001, 7/4/2017 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st VT State Jr. Show, 3rd NY Spring Jr. Show Megan & Sarah Hill, Bristol, VT

Klinedell TL Jump The Ring-ET, 6/8/2017 4th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 4th Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show, 1st Lebanon Area Fair Jr. Show, PA Colin Lentz, Lebanon, PA Holstein World | February 2019 | 136

Schulte Bros Teq Dora, 6/24/2017 2nd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 4th International Jr. Jersey Show, 2nd Midwest Spring Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion IL State Fair Jr. Show. Jared Dickman, Lanark, IL

Sponsored by

Junior ContestSpring Yearling Heifers (9)

Drentex Gizmo’s Galaxy, 3/14/2017 3rd International Jr. Jersey Show, 2nd Royal Winter Fair Jr. Show, 1st ON Summer Jr. Show, 1st Quinte Championship Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Quinte Trent Parish Jr. Show, 1st Eastgen Showcase Jr. Show. Taylor Vander Meulen, Brighton, ON

MeadowRidge King Sunflower-ET, 3/28/2017 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 5th International Jr. Jersey Show Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, WI

Nobledale Fizz Fanta, 4/14/2017 1st International Jr. Jersey Show, 2nd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show Landree Fraley, Muncy, PA

2 0 1 8

Lost-Elm Tequila Nala, 3/2/2017 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion NE WI Protein Jr. Show, 1st Kewaunee Co. Fair Jr. Show, WI Chloe L Kinnard, Casco, WI


Miss Triple-T Andreas Rapunzel, 3/20/2017 1st OH State Fair Jr. Show Colton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH


RV/TJ Andreas Vera 5058-ET, 3/8/2017 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 4th International Jr. Jersey Show, 3rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show Shelby Rader & Lane & Allison Francis, Ansonia, OH Holstein World | February 2019 | 137


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t s e t n o C r o i n u Winter Yearling Heifers (7)J

Sponsored by

Beslea Vivitar Goblin, 12/3/2016 1st Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 9th International Jr. Jersey Show Miles Price, Christian Cunningham & Clayton Arntz, Martinton, IL

Breezy Knoll Tequila Tosha, 12/2/2016 3rd International Jr. Jersey Show, 6th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Dubuque Co. Fair Jr. Show, IA, 1st & Jr. Champion Lafayette Co. Fair Jr. Show, WI, 1st & Jr. Champion SW WI Jr. Show, 1st WI Spring Dairy Discovery Jr. Show, 3rd WI State Fair Jr. Show, 2nd Youth Dairy Classic Jr. Show. Alek & Brooke Krueger, Hazel Green, WI

Carpsview Roman Basil, 1/7/2017 6th International Jr. Jersey Show, 7th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 3rd Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show Robert D. Nagel, Clymer, NY

Lost-Elm Tequila Skydome, 1/14/2017 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st WI Championship Jr. Show, 2nd WI State Fair Jr. Show, 3rd Midwest Spring National Jr. Show. Kylie Nickels, Watertown, WI

MeadowRidge Fizz Sparkle, 12/13/16 1st & Jr. Champion International Jr. Jersey Show, 4th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion IA State Fair Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Youth Classic, 1st & Jr. Champion National Cattle CongressWorld Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion Co. Fair Jr. Show, IA Holstein | February 2019 | Delaware 138 Cole Kruse & Gene Henderson, Dyersville, IA

Sugar & Spice MG Confession, 12/5/2016 10th International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion NY Spring Jr. Show, 1st & Res. Jr. Champion NY State Fair Jr. Show Mason Ziemba, Durhamville, NY

Sponsored by

Junior ContestFall Yearling Heifers (3)

MeadowRidge Tristan Trudy, 9/20/2016 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st & Jr. Champion WI State Fair Jr. Show Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, WI

Miss Incentive Monique, 9/9/2016 3rd International Jr. Jersey Show, 4th WI State Fair Jr. Show, 1st & Jr. Champion St. Croix Co. Fair Jr. Show, WI, 1st & Jr. Champion Pierce Co. Fair Jr. Show, WI Hannah Nelson & Noah Bilz, Ellsworth, WI

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Wildweed Primero Lightning, 9/7/2016 1st & Res. Jr. Champion International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st WI State Jr. Show, 1st NEW Protein Jr. Show, 2nd & Res. Jr. Champion WI State Fair Jr. Show Michael & Megan Moede & Katie Leuvica, Algoma, WI

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Junior Contest

Sponsored by

Yearling Heifers in Milk (5)

Carly-O Tequila Always {4}-ET, 9/1/2016 1st & Int. Champion Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 3rd International Jr. Jersey Show Carly Olufs, Petaluma, CA

DKG Motion Shelby, 9/7/2016 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 2nd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 2nd OH State Fair Jr. Show Trevor, Lane & Blake Greiwe & Grace, Meredith & Garrett Hageman, Sidney, OH

Julie-Ann Tequila Asia, 9/3/2016 1st & Int. Champion International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show, 1st & Int. Champion Shippensburg District Jr. Show, PA Analise Stover, Carlisle, PA

Schulte Bros HG Griffen-ET, 10/5/2016 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show Alexandria Newbold & Isabella Sanatore, Ashville, OH

Smokin Hot Lithium, 12/3/2016 8th Jr. All-American Jersey Show Austin T. Nauman, Norwalk, WI Holstein World | February 2019 | 140

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C r o i Jun Junior Two-Year-Olds (4)

DKG Motion Jolly, 4/14/2016 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 5th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st OH Spring Dairy Expo Jr. Show, 1st OH State Fair Jr. Show Blake Greiwe, Sidney, OH

Opportunity Tequila Margherita-ET, 3/3/2016 6th International Jr. Jersey Show, 2nd WI State Jr. Show Melissa Sprecher, Sauk City, WI

Heath-Stiles Colton Bianca-ET, 6/1/2016 4th International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st, Res. Int. & Res. Grand Champion WI State Jr. Show Jacob, Logan & Madison Harbaugh, Marion, WI

Twincounty Colton Eulayla, 3/4/2016 1st International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show Landree Fraley, Muncy, PA

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2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N J E R S E Y N O M I N E E S

Senior Two-Year-Olds (4)

t s e t n o C r o i Jun

Sponsored by

DKG Ritz Relentless Sugar, 12/20/2015 1st International Jr. Jersey Show, 2nd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st OH State Fair Jr. Show, 2nd OH Spring Dairy Expo Jr. Show Lane Greiwe, Sidney, OH

Impressions Ringo, 9/23/2015 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 9th Jr. All-American Jersey Show Gerret & Anneke Boer, Dalhart, TX

LC Success Abilene, 9/13/2015 1st & Res. Int. Champion Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 4th International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st, Res. Int. Champion & Res. Grand Champion KS State Fair Jr. Show, 1st IL State Fair Jr. Show Taylor, Erin & Sophie Leach, Linwood, KS

MeadowRidge Granite Allia, 9/8/2015 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, WI

Holstein World | February 2019 | 142

Sponsored by

uJ nior ContestJunior Three-Year-Olds (3)

Klinedell Tequila Janice, 3/7/2015 1st Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 2nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show, 1st Lebanon Area Fair Jr. Show, PA Jacob Kline, Myerstown, PA

MeadowRidge Kasanova Sara, 7/15/2015 1st International Jr. Jersey Show, 5th Jr. All-American Jersey Show Emma Anderson, Cumberland, WI

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Miss Premier Mangorita, 3/21/2015 1st OH State Fair Jr. Show Colton Thomas, North Lewisburg, OH

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Senior Three-Year-Old (1)

t s e t n o C r o i n Ju

Sponsored by

Fire-Lake Premier Meg, 12/4/2014 1st & Res. Int. Champion International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st Western National Jr. Jersey Show, 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st, Int. & Res. Grand Champion All California Jr. Jersey Show Joshua, Hannah, Nicole & Rebecca Sanders, Turlock, CA

Four-Year-Olds (4)

uJ nior Contest

Chilli Nitro Cabo-ET, 3/4/2014 1st International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st Jr. All-American Jersey Show Ben, Andy, Blessing & Grace Sauder, Tremont, IL

Homeridge Tequila Viv 2, 9/18/2013 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st Mid-Atlantic Regional Jr. Show Matthew D. Boop, Millmont, PA

Smokin Hot Light The Lamp, 3/8/2014 7th Jr. All-American Jersey Show Austin T. Nauman, Norwalk, WI

Sunrise Vindication Sunup, 6/1/2014 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show Natalie & Mia Berry, Turlock, CA

Holstein World | February 2019 | 144

Sponsored by

t s e t n o C Five-Year-Olds (5) r o i Jun

LC Valentino Clover, 3/18/2013 3rd International Jr. Jersey Show, 4th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion KS State Fair Jr. Show Erin & Sophie Leach & Anna Hahn, Linwood, KS

River Valley Excitation Spice, 8/31/2013 5th International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion NY State Fair Jr. Show Mason Ziemba, Durhamville, NY

Ratliff Minister Midgee, 12/1/2012 6th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion Southern Spring National Jr. Show Taylor, Erin & Sophie Leach, Linwood, KS

SV Impression Holly-ET, 3/2/2013 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion Jr. All-American Jersey Show Ben, Andy, Blessing & Grace Sauder, Tremont, IL

Windy Willow Impression Lori J, 8/14/2013 2nd, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 2nd International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st, Sr. & Grand Champion Western National Jr. Jersey Show Natalie Berry & Nicole Sanders, Turlock, CA

Holstein World | February 2019 | 145

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2 0 1 8 A L L A M E R I C A N J E R S E Y N O M I N E E S

Aged Cows (4)

t s e t n o C r o i n Ju

Sponsored by

IC Tequila Laurie, 9/3/2011 1st OH Spring Dairy Expo Jr. Show Madelyn Topp, Wapakoneta, OH

MeadowRidge Jackknife Summer, 3/23/2010 1st, Res. Sr. & Res. Grand Champion International Jr. Jersey Show, 3rd Jr. All-American Jersey Show Alleah Anderson, Cumberland, WI

Smokin Hot Lovely Rendition, 12/21/2011 5th Jr. All-American Jersey Show, 1st WI State Jr. Show Austin T. Nauman, Norwalk, WI

ZBW Masons Remake Victoria, 3/29/2012 3rd International Jr. Jersey Show, 1st & Grand Champion NY Spring Jr. Show, 1st & Grand Champion NY State Fair Jr. Show Mason Ziemba, Durhamville, NY

Thank You to for sponsoring the Junior All-American Contests Holstein World | February 2019 | 146

Ad Design © Rebecca Abrams. Photos © Cowsmopolitan, Cybil Fisher & Vicki Fletcher.

2018 * Nominated All-American Spring Yrling * All-Canadian Spring Yrling & All-Ontario Spring Yrling st * 1 Spring Yrling & Res. Jr. Champion Ont. Summer Show th * 4 Spring Yrling World Dairy Expo st * 1 & Pulled for Jr. Champion Royal * Member of Royal Winning Jr. Herd * Nominated All-American & Tied for All-Canadian Jr. Best Three Females 2017 nd rd * 2 Spring Calf World Dairy Expo & 3 Spring Calf Royal * Honorable Mention All-Canadian OWNED BY BESLEA & KINGSDALE

* * * *

Nominated All-American Winter Calf 1st Winter Calf NY Spring Carousel 2nd Winter Calf Eastern States Fall National 1st Winter Calf World Dairy Expo

19 Se ll in g a t th e 230Sa l e! Fr a n c h is e K in d OWNED BY ALLYNDALE, LUNGWIST & BESLEA

* * * * * *

Nominated All-Canadian Fall 4-H Calf Nominated All-Ontario Fall 4-H Calf 2nd Fall Calf Ontario Summer Show 3 rd Fall Calf TD 4-H Classic Member of Royal Winning Jr. Herd Nominated All-American & Tied for All-Canadian Jr. Best Three Females


* * * * * * * *

Nominated All-American Spring Calf Res. All-Canadian Spring Calf All-Ontario Spring Calf 2nd Spring Calf Ontario Summer Show 3 rd Spring Calf World Dairy Expo 2nd Spring Calf Royal Member of Royal Winning Jr. Herd Nominated All-American & Tied for All-Canadian Jr. Best Three Females

BESLEA AN EVENING STORM a 2019 Fall Calf sired by COLTON X E&J GILLERS EVENING VG 88. A proven family with Multiple Show Winnings and Nominated Family Members. Don’t Miss Out in Ohio!

Holstein World | February 2019 | 147

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|Obituaries John Wilton McKitrick, passed away peacefully at his home on Long Boat Key, Florida, Sunday, January 13, 2019. He was 85 years old. John was born in Dublin, Ohio, October 19, 1933. John and his three siblings grew up on a farm in Plain City, Ohio. He loved farming and raising cattle beside his father John (Doc) Leslie McKitrick, DVM, and his mother Pauline Stinson McKitrick. After serving our country in the Army, John graduated from The Ohio State University with a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture. John followed his love for cattle and was an internationally known cattle judge. John is the only person to have judged all six National Breed shows in the United States. His international judging took him to all parts of the world. His career continued by becoming one of the original owners in the artificial insemination business, Genetics, Inc. He was the first director of marketing and development for Select Sires, Inc. John was President of McKitrick Real Estate Company, a 32nd degree Mason, a member of Shriners, Dublin Kiwanis,

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Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Agonis, The President Club at The Ohio State University and many philanthropic organizations. John is survived by his loving wife, Arlene of 33 years. Their passion for golf led them to many countries participating with the International Seniors and the American Seniors. Traveling, making new friends, the theater and charity work made for an inseparable relationship. He is survived by his sisters, Geneva (Owen) Rhodes, Pauline McKitrick; his brother, Jack McKitrick; his daughters, Mary M. (Rodney) Reames of Charlotte, North Carolina, Mindy M. Roberts of Cornelius, North Carolina; grandchildren, Abby (Kyle) Seymour, Casey Reames, Walter Reams, Holly (Benjamin) Hill, Brady (Clay) Johnson, Hunter Roberts; and two great granddaughters, Milly Johnson and Harper Hill. John was a kind and gentle man, he always tried to make the lives of others more fulfilled. In lieu of flowers, we ask that you show an act of kindness to someone in his honor. At John's request, there will not be a memorial

service. John wanted to be remembered by the last time he shook your hand with his big smile and asked if you were having a good day! Memories and condolences may be left online at www.MaloneyFuneralHomeCares. com. Keith E. Meyer, age 68, of Cromwell, Indiana, passed away on Thursday, January 17, 2019. He was born on May 2, 1950 the son of Elmer and Mary (Maystead) Meyer in Holstein, Iowa. On December 1, 2000 he married Ruth Proeschel. Keith is survived by his beloved wife, Ruth P. Meyer of Cromwell; three sisters, Darlene ( Jim) Ruden of Centerville, MI, Debra (Roger) Staples of Mendon, MI, and Denise ( Jim) Snyder of Churubusco, IN; Ruth’s siblings, Paula Murray of Eaton, OH, Linda (Arnie) Johnson of Lakeland, FL, Jim (Paula) Proeschel of Camden, OH, John (Diane) Proeschel of Camden, OH, Joe (Peggy) Proeschel of Liberty, IN, and Andrew (Susan) Proeschel of Eaton, CONTINUED ON PAGE 153

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News Briefs | Industry Updates Dr. John Prososki (Wausau, WI), immediate past president, presents the Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Richard Whitaker (Turner, ME) who was honored at the banquet ceremony.

The American Embryo Transfer Association awarded 10 student scholarship awards to outstanding applicants from colleges and universities across the USA and Canada.

AMERICAN EMBRYO TRANSFER ASSOCIATION Submitted by Dr. Matt Iager The AETA held its 2018 annual convention in beautiful Montreal, Quebec, Canada, with veterinarians and embryo transfer practitioners from around the globe. The AETA and CETA (Canadian Embryo Transfer Association) host a joint conference, which has been a huge success for many years and attracts the elite and certified members at the vanguard of this industry. Education is our first priority. The AETA continues to improve the quality of all embryo transfer practices by providing direct links among science, the laboratory, and the field. We support diverse learning opportunities so members can experience best practices and high levels of industry standards. Our certification process develops and maintains a gold standard of excellence. The following individuals were elected for the 2019 Executive Committee and Board of Directors: Dr. Matt Iager (Boonsboro, MD), president; Dr. Matt Dorshorst (Marshfield, WI), vice president; and Dr. Bill Croushore (Berlin, PA), secretary-treasurer. Other board members include Dr. Kory Bigalk (Rochester, MN), Dr. Clay Breiner (Westmoreland, KS), Dr. Pat Comyn (Madison, VA), Dr. Dave Dixon (Rensselaer, IN) and Dr. Jeremy VanBoening (Alma, NE). We thank our outgoing president, Dr. John Prososki (Wausau, WI), and board members, Dr. Kirk Gray Holstein World | February 2019 | 152

(Westmoreland, KS) and Dr. Mark James (Wolcottville, IN), for their outstanding leadership in 2018. The AETA presented Dr. Richard Whitaker (Turner, ME) with the Lifetime Achievement Award. “Whit” has dedicated his lifetime and career to the embryo transfer industry and has greatly contributed to the success of AETA, distinguishing himself among his peers. The AETA also presented 10 student scholarship awards to future practitioners, who attend colleges and universities around the USA and Canada. We congratulate all of the outstanding applicants on their achievements. The 2019 AETA-CETA annual convention will be held in October in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Please contact us for more information. From the members and leaders of AETA, we wish all of you the best of success in 2019.

NATIONAL DAIRY SHRINE RECOGNITION AWARD APPLICATIONS DUE MARCH 15TH Submitted by National Dairy Shrine National Dairy Shrine is again seeking nominations for the dairy industry's most prestigious recognition awards: Guest of Honor, Pioneer and Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder. The Guest of Honor is given to an active contemporary dairy leader for outstanding accomplishments and contributions to the dairy industry. It has been awarded every year since 1949 when Dean H. Kildee was named the first Guest of Honor. Also each year, three to four living or deceased dairy leaders are honored as

Pioneers by National Dairy Shrine for their service and leadership in the dairy industry. Additionally, the Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder is an award which recognizes active, progressive dairy producers who, through their expertise in managing a dairy breeding herd based upon sound genetics and business principles, serve as a model of success for fellow breeders throughout the country. All these award honorees portraits and accomplishments are on permanent display in the National Dairy Hall of Fame at the National Dairy Shrine Museum in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Nominations or applications must be submitted on official forms by March 15. If you know someone who should be nominated for these awards, please visit the NDS website at www.dairyshrine.org and click on “Awards” and then “Adult Applications” to view a complete listing of each award form. Then you can download the application for the respective award desired. The annual National Dairy Shrine awards banquet will be held on October 3, 2019 in Madison, Wisconsin. For more information please contact the National Dairy Shrine Office at info@dairyshrine. org. National Dairy Shrine membership information is also available online at www.dairyshrine.org. Dairy enthusiasts are encouraged to become a part of this important dairy organization to help honor our dairy heritage, inspire future leaders and promote the dairy industry.

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Index 58, 12 | Accelerated Genetics

65 | Oakfield Corners

68 | Ovaltop Holsteins 55 | Peace & Plenty

5 | Allyndale Holsteins

152 | Alpha Genetics

153 | Beiller Campbell Real Estate

149 | Pleasant Nook Jerseys

155 | Bella-View Holsteins

71 | Quest for Success IV

149 | Beslea Holsteins

13 | Quietcove Holsteins

11 | Reyncrest

7 | Borderview Genetics

112 | Cole & Mazzaro

132 | Riders Jerseys

152 | Cybil Fisher Photography

148 | Robinhood Holsteins & Jerseys

154 | Destiny Genetics

36 | San-Ron Holsteins

151 | Discovery Genetics

69 | Schluter Holsteins

53 | Elmvue Farm

64 | Ferme FreJour Inc.

110, 156| Select Sires

148 | Fire Lake Jerseys 2 | Franchise

6 | Select Farms & Export

Advertising Sales | Nathan Arthur

Advertising Sales | Korey Oechsle

36 | M R Sprech Holsteins

154 | Stover Farms

67 | Mercuro

10 | NY Holstein Asson.


purebred.sales@gmail.com Western & Southern US

69 | Siemers Holsteins

Advertising Sales | Bailee Whitehead

150 | Stoney Point Farm

132 | Mill Valley Farms


purebred.associate@gmail.com Northeast & East Coast

narthur@iastate.edu Midwest

Advertising Sales | Bethany Carpenter

68 | Shadow W Holsteins

59 | Heatherstone Enterprises

148 | Mike Berry & Assoc.

Creative Director | Ashley Shaffer ashaffer@usguernsey.com

Managing Editor | Cheri Oechsle 614.339.5393 purebred.editor@gmail.com

70 | Swanee Acres



kman5.2000@gmail.com Midwest Advertising Sales & Subscriptions

March Advertising Deadline: February 8

Lauren Robison 618.363.6475

lauren.robison@gmail.com Subscription Manager & Sales

Junia Isiminger

814.572.2003 purebredsubscriptions@gmail.com


OH, and Charles Simms of Oak Grove, KY; several well loved nieces and nephews, and great-nieces and nephews; along with countless friends and fellow Lions. He was preceded in death by his parents. Keith will alway be remembered as a man who dedicated his life to serving others and his countless acts of kindness will never be forgotten. He graduated from Lakeland High School in Lagrange, IN in 1968 and was a member of the Ligonier United Methodist Church and the CromwellKimmell Lions Club for over 20 years. While serving as a Lion, he was recognized with several major awards because of his service. He was also an AVID fan of IU basketball and “Bobby Knight” was his middle name. Keith owned and operated Keith Meyer Cattle Fitting for many years. He

was very well known, loved and respected for his work in the Holstein industry and was recently named an Honorary Lifetime Member of the Indiana Holstein Association. A Celebration of Life Service was held in Keith’s honor on Saturday, January 26, 2019. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be directed to Cromwell-Kimmell Lions Club.

Proofreader & Writer

Robin Alden

614.339.5390 ralden@usguernsey.com

Bookkeeping | Rita Rittgers 614.339.5396 accounting@usguernsey.com

Chief Executive Officer | Doug Granitz 509.301.1394 dlgranitz@usguernsey.com

www.HolsteinWorld.com jyoderfarms@gmail.com


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