2 minute read

introduction and Objectives


(Created and developed by Ronald D. Elizondo – June, 1987 – Revised Nov. 2016)



The game can be played with two to nine players.

The game is played on a detailed diorama of the Alamo Mission as it may have appeared on March 6, 1836, with 25mm hand painted lead figures that represent the Alamo Defenders and the Mexican Army. These lead figures are referred to as Alamo Defender Units or Mexican Army Units in the instructions of this game.

Historical sources differ in the number of participants that took part in the final battle, but it is estimated that there were 189 Alamo Defenders and approximately 1,200 Mexican soldiers involved. When the battle ended, all 189 Alamo Defenders were dead and approximately 600 Mexican soldiers (50%) were dead or wounded. To make the game easier and quicker to play, the number of playing units has been cut in half, so that the game requires 94 Alamo Defender Units and 600 Mexican Units. However, there are only 300 Mexican Units available, therefore fallen Mexican Units are resurrected at the end of each TURN. This will be explained in Section VIII. – RESURRECTION OF FALLEN MEXICAN UNITS.


The objective of the Mexican Player is to eliminate all the Alamo Defender Units within 11 TURNS and with less than a 50% loss of all Mexican troops. This would give the Mexican Army a respectable victory.

The objective of the Alamo Defender Player is to eliminate more than 60% of the Mexican Army Units and to have at least five Alamo Defender Units left after the end of 11 TURNS. This would be considered a Glorious Victory.

To achieve an Honorable Victory, the Alamo Defender must eliminate 50% of the Mexican Army Units before all the Alamo Defender Units are put to the sword.

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