1 minute read
Ladder Placement by Mexican Army
by ryan9127
A Mexican Unit carrying a ladder must be against the Alamo wall for a ladder placement attempt. The Mexican Player must roll a DIE to determine if the ladder placement attempt was successful.
DIE ROLL: 1, 2, 3, or 4 …………. Successful Ladder Placement
A Mexican Unit cannot advance up a ladder into the Alamo if an Alamo Defender is directly in front of the ladder. The Mexican Unit must remain on the ladder and melee with the Alamo Defender. Melee (Hand-to-Hand Combat) - discussed in Section VI.
If a ladder bearer becomes a casualty during the siege, then the Mexican Player can roll a DIE to determine if the ladder was lost or recovered by another Mexican Unit. To recover a ladder, the other Mexican Unit must be within 3” of the ladder bearer at the moment the ladder bearer became a casualty.
DIE ROLL: 1, 2, 3, or 4 ………………. Ladder Recovered DIE ROLL: 5 or 6 …………………….. Ladder Lost or Damaged
A Mexican Unit carrying a ladder cannot fire his weapon while carrying a ladder. If the Mexican Unit lays down the ladder so that he can fire his weapon, then the Mexican Player must roll a DIE to determine if the ladder was lost or recovered. Use the same DIE ROLL indicators described in the previous paragraph.