1 minute read
by ryan9127
Deduct from Standard Movement:
2” …. Going over a short wall. Wall not higher than the figure unit. 3” …. Going in and out of a ditch. 3” …. Going up or down stairs. 5” …. Going up or down a ladder. 5” …. Climbing over a barricade or wooden palisade. 5” …. Jumping off a building or wall – Also see Jump Table below
DIE ROLL - 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 level ………. NE NE NE S/ 1-T S/ 1-T S/ 2-T
2 levels ……… NE S/ 1-T S/ 2-T S/ 2-T casualty casualty
NE: No Effect S/ 1-T: STUNNED for 1 turn, all movement deducted for current turn S/ 2-T: STUNNED for 2 turns, all movement deducted for two turns.