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n o i t i s o p Juxta

h c r a Rese

Production plan All pieces are of my photography and digital and physical white foregrounds with circular whole to make them the new focus point for the project 1. Getting nice/ modern/ attractive buildings and only highlighting the focus point 2. Having a poor area and only highlighting the good points of the area 3. Having a nice area and finding somewhere around or next to the area which is quite poor and photographing it Areas for location: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Pudsey Roundhay Harehills Moortown City Centre

This is my first example of how I’d like my photography to look. I like this image as you can tell when looking at it that the area around them is backstreets and quite rough but the photographer has focused on photographing the band members and making a bad location looks better with having a band practise or even be in the shot. The quality of the image is also quite strong as the setting is quite rough you look into the image and whats around the band members. I would like to use this type of photography but with my idea of the cardboard hole but if the band was in my type of idea it would work well as it would block of the bad area and focus on the band. Overall I think this has helped me out in themes for my project and will be trying this type of photogaphy in my test shoots.

This is my second example for my inspiration. This image is of 4 children in a backstreet in London during World War 2. The image shows 4 children look extremely miserable but also look from a rough area with a bad upbringing. This type of image is what I would like to use for my own with the image only having the four children inside of the hole and the rest covered to see what people say about these children and how they judge the appearence of them before the area they live in.

This is my third example of inspirstional images, this image is quite strong as it shows a car crash but the reason I have chosen this image is because it shoes a bad disaster in a good area as the image is taken in a forest in the Yorkshire Dales that has a repretation of being a safe and friendly environment but people get put off by seeing bad parts of a good area and this image shows the nice scenery in the background but focuses on something bad than good and this type of image is also something I’d like to show people.

This is my fourth image I will be researching. This image is of a typical, nice London street which has then been vandilised by local graffiti artists. This image is my favourite as it shows how a nice area can be destroyed by a piece of art and then start a lot of constroversy. The photograph I chose was actually on a website to stop graffiti artists. I could photograph many pieces like this to show the difference between a nice area that is clean and one that has been used for graffiti.

l a s o Prop

For this certain assignment my idea is to take images of location photography but with a twist. What I am going to do is cut out a circular hole in the centre of singular white piece of cardboard and then photograph people, objects and places inside of this hole and leave the rest of image covered with this white cardboard. The idea is to photograph a location but pick out the section of the image that wouldn’t usually be the focus point and make it the focus point by only showing that section of the shot using this hole. The rest of the image will be left for the viewer to think what is around this area or for people to start looking deeper at the image instead of one part. What I would like to photograph is horrible or not preferred areas around Leeds and find somewhere that doesn’t seem nice or safe and try photograph something in the image that is a good thing or that makes you feel as if its a nice place to live. That was one idea, the second idea is to stick basic and go to a location that is a nice scenery and photograph singular parts to that area which you wouldn’t usually pay attention to.

ot h S Test 1

ot h S t Tes 2

l a n i F s e g a Im


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This assignment is called Juxtaposition. My idea was to produce 5 images of location photography. The way I was to make my images different to others is shooting through a hole in some thick white paper. The reason I was to do this is because I wanted to make a new focus point to what people look at first in the image and also to highlight specific points of the shot that make the image different. The equipment I used to photograph this project is a Canon 60D with a 15-85mm lense. The places I wanted to photograph was suberberian areas and backstreets which aren’t known for their positives and to find something in the image to highlight as a good thing or something that you don’t expect in these areas. My backup idea was to photograph objects, places or people and only focus at what I felt people should be looking at or what people don’t notice until they see the main focus point. Due to my schedule not being planned properly and being late with the deadlines and close to the mark I went with the second plan which was my first negative as my initial idea which sounded like the better option I ruined. The location I chose to photograph was in Ilkley as it has some nice scenerys and it’s not the usual city centre location. My idea was to stick to the photographing objects and things that people look at last and when I got their we had some problems with the weather which meant we didn’t take as many photos as

wanted. The 5 final images I have chosen are of objects and places but I failed my initial plan and ended up getting the main focus point in each image. Although the 5 images I chose I feel are strong quality they wasn’t planned but with being there I had to work with what I had and I feel maybe staying in Leeds centre it would have allowed me more choice and allow me to fit my inital theme.The location was the wrong choice and for that I feel the project didn’t fit it’s needs so for next time I would stick to my first plan of the backstreets but also not cut short on time and test shoot more places to see what theme would be best for the brief. Some positives from this piece is that I got to use a new style of photographing images and the images I did take was quite strong and had a nice quality to them and theme but they didn’t show what my proposal said they would be about. The negatives of the brief are that the first idea was not reached or I didn’t try it and also my backup choice also failed which meant the project could have been a lot better and had meaning to it but has now no meaning and a bad approach to them. Overall I feel I could and should have done a lot better with the final outcome.

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