Wintertime Camping for Beginners | Ryan Bufton | Travel
a Wintertime Camping for Beginners by Ryan Bufton | Jan 7, 2021 | Ryan Bufton
Wintertime camping is an activity for the intrepid and the brave. It takes a tremendous love of the outdoors and nature to want to venture outside in ice, snow, or below-freezing temperatures just to go exploring and maybe light a camp re. For those willing to take such risks, however, the payo s can be momentous: crisp evenings drinking cocoa while snow akes fall all around and the northern lights illuminate the sky, or a full day of snowshoeing in the backcountry. If you have a yearning to experience this kind of adventure, it is important to prepare correctly before you venture out in the cold. A few preparations can make wintertime camping immensely enjoyable, even for beginners.