Arc541 Panel Set

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Dance of the Cannibals


Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Olympic Legacy Garden Apartments Passive dwelling solution towards Brazilian culture.

Sheet: Title: Cover Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341


Table of Contents Cover Sheet... G.1.0 General Information... G.2.0 Zoning Information... Z.1.0 Site Analysis... C.1.0 Architectural Drawings... A.1.0 Structural Drawings... S.1.0 HVAC/ Plumbing Systems... M.1.0 P.1.0 Fire Protection... FP.1.0 Power and Lighting... E.1.0 Critique... AP.1.0

Sheet: Title: Table of Contents Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Use and Occupancy Classification:


Construction Type:

Regulatory Requirements - Primary Building Codes:

- IBC 2009 Type III A


Primary Use Groups:

- International Building Codes (2009) - National Fire Protection Association - Internatinoal Energy Conservation Code - American Disabilities Act



- Residential: R-2 E

Height and Area Limitations Construction Type: Type III A

Use and Occupancy Classification


Construction Type III A

Primary Use Group: 310 R-2

Primary Use Group

- Height: 19 meters 4 Storys


- Actual Height: 10.5 meters 3 Storys

Height and Area Limitations


- Area: 2,230 sq. meters (24,000 sq. feet)


Modification Considerations

Occupancys Floor Area in Sq. Meters Per Occupant Residential: 200 gross

Height: 19 meters 4 Storys


- Section 504.2: Height and Area limitations increase due to automatic sprinkler system installtion. - Section 506.3: Area increase due to automatic sprinkler system installation.

Residential 2

Actual: 10.5 meters 3 Storys K


1620 sqm /200= 8.1 1110 sqm /200= 5.5 1620 sqm /200= 8.1 1110 sqm /200= 5.5 1530 sqm /200= 7.6 1620 sqm /200= 8.1 1620 sqm /200= 8.1 1020 sqm /200= 5.1 1020 sqm /200= 5.1 2040 sqm /200= 10.2 1620 sqm /200= 8.1 1200 sqm /200= 6 1020 sqm /200= 5.1 1530 sqm /200= 7.6

Area: 2,230 sqm Actual: (varies) 1,020 sqm - 2,040 sqm per building Fire Protection


Total Sqm= 19,680 sqm

Occupant Load Per Building Unit

Automatic Sprinkler Protection Smoke Detection 1 Parking Space per 1 Dwelling Unit


Sheet: G.1.0 Title: General Information Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions Building Egress

Area of Refuge (2)



Heights: 10.5 meters 3 Storys - Each building includes exterior egress balconies.

15 m

170 sqm 2 Bedroom

- Each plan diagram represents a typical dwelling building configuration.


IBC 2009 Min. Number Exits: 2 per 1-500 occupants


IBC 2009 1022.1 Encloser Requirements


200 sqm 3 Bedroom

IBC 2009 Exit Access Travel Distance R-2: 250ft w/sprinkler

18 m

3. Stairways serving and contained within a single residential dwelling unit or sleeping unit in Group R-2 occupancies are not required to be enclosed. Parking 2m Below Grade 1m Below Grade



170 sqm 2 Bedroom

On Grade


1m Above Grade Area of Refuge (2)

IBC 2009 1027.3 Exit Discharge Location Exterior balconies, stairways and ramps shall be located at least 10 ft (3m) from adjacent lot lines and from other buildings on the same lot unless the adjacent building exterior walls and openings are protected in accordance with section 705 based on fire separation distance.

Site Circulation Building Circulation Egress Stairs Elevators

Typical Egress Plan

Typical Egress Site Plan

Sheet: G.2.0 Title: General Information Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

General Regulations: The City of Atlanta - It is the intent of these regulations to provide for development of such districts at locations appropriate in terms of the comprehensive development plan and the transportation facilities plan, and in close proximity to mass transit facilities, in accord with standards set forth herein. - It is further intended that PD-MU development shall be in complexes within which mutually supporting residential, commercial and office uses are scaled, balanced and located so as to reduce general traffic congestion by providing housing close to principal destinations, and where convenient pedestrian circulation systems and mass transit facilities further reduce the need for private automobiles. - Where such districts adjoin residential neighborhoods, it is intended that arrangement of buildings, uses, open space and vehicular access be such as to provide appropriate transition and reduce potential adverse effects.

Principal Uses and Structures 1. Single Family, duplex, multi-family dwellings. 2. Offices; clinics. 3. Banks, orther financial institutions. 4. Retail stores. 5. Eating and drinking establishments. 6. Barbershop and beauty shop. 7. Laundry and dry cleaning. 8. Tailoring, custom dressmaking, millinery. 9. Repair establishments. 10. Hotels, motels. 11. Child care. 12. Recreation establishments. 13. Operations of MARTA. 14. Adult businesses. 15. Broadcasting tower and telephone. 16. Religious warship facilities. 17. Supportive housing. 18. Shelter with a special use permit. 19. Assisted living (defined in 16-29.001(16)(b)) 20. Farmers markets. Sustainable Accessories - Uses and structures which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures shall be permitted in this district. Devices for the generation of energy, such as solar panels, wind generators and similar devices, are allowed.


Off-Street Parking and Loading (1) Residential: Sector 6, applicable ratio to appropriate FAR (2) Recreational: One per 37 sq meters (3) Eating and Drinking: One space for each 37 sq meters of floor area. (4) Other: One per 37 sq meters (5) Accessory Outdoor Dinning: Limited to 25% of total gross floor area of the building, unless exceeds 25%, then one space per 74.3 sq meter (6) One space for each on duty staff member, additional space for each van, bus or other vehicle used. One additional space shall be provided for every 186 sq meter Site Planning - External Relationships: Principal Vehicular Access Points; Access for Pedestrian and Cyclists; Protection of Visibility. - Internal Relationships: The site plan shall provide for safe, efficient, convenient and harmonious groups of structures, uses, facilities and open spaces in a manner facilitating pedestrian movement between major origins and destinations within and adjacent to the district with a minimum of conflicts with vehicular traffic. (a) Pedestrian systems and open space network: Pedestrian systems through buildings shall relate to a network of exterior open spaces reserved for pedestrian use and enjoyment. Interior and exterior pedestrian ways shall be scaled for anticipated traffic and form a convenient pattern connecting major concentrations of uses within the district, and shall connect to principal mass transit stations or stops within and outside the district. (b) Streets, parking areas and service areas: Streets, parking areas and service areas shall be so located and designed as to separate private vehicular use within the district from principal pedestrian areas. Such separation may be horizontal, with vehicular areas concentrated and grouped in a logical location or locations at edges of the district adjacent to major or collector streets, or vertical. (c) Relationships of uses: Relationship of uses shall be such that major commercial and service establishments are grouped for maximum pedestrian convenience in locations uninterrupted by residential or general office occupancies. Residential or general office uses may either be in separate areas within the district or may be separated vertically from commercial and service areas.

- The following Code of Ordinances applies to Atlanta, Georgia. - Atlanta, GA Code of Ordinances shall be applied to Rio De Janeiro Olympic Legacy site due to insufficient information on local Code of Ordinances - The following regulations and requirements apply to PD-MU Planned DevelopmentMixed Use District (Refer to section 16-19B) - Project site should use Sector 6 Land Use Intensity Ratio for maximum Floor Area Ratio

LUI x Gross Land Area Floor Area Ratio- 6.40 Total Open Space- 1.46 Useable Open Space- 1.05 Parking Per Lodging- .27 Parking Per Dwelling- .47

- Height Restriction: Where R-1 through R-5 classifications reside adjacent to project site, no portion of any structure shall protrude through a height- limiting plane beginning 35 feet above the buildable area boundary nearest to the common district boundary and extending inward over this district at an angle of 45 degrees. - Yard Requirements: Front yard- 12 meters

Sheet: Z.1.0 Title: Zoning Information Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Rio de Janeiro Crime


- Rio de Janeiro has been rated “Critical” for crime by the State Department for the past 25 years. Crimes statistics for 2012 reflect critically high and rising levels of crime in both the state and city of Rio de Janeiro in the categories of robbery, rape, fraud, and residential thefts.

- Atlanta, GA Code of Ordinances shall be applied to Rio De Janeiro Olympic Legacy site due to insufficient information on local Code of Ordinances - The following regulations and requirements apply to PD-MU Planned DevelopmentMixed Use District (Refer to section 16-19B)

- Homicide rate continues to fall, since 2003, homicides in the state of Rio de Janeiro have declined over 50 percent in real numbers and in the homicide rate.

- Latitude Longitude: Barra de Tijuca 22°54’S, 43°10’W

- Foreigners may be at risk for being targeted for crime. Criminals are aware that foreigners frequently do not file police report and will probably not return to testify against them, making foreigners and attractive target for robbery.

- Total Site Area: 150,000 sqm - Rio Population: 5,600,000 people

- One tactic of organized gangs is to target individuals observed withdrawing money from ATMs or exiting banks after making withdraw. These gangs frequently operate in teams and are armed.

- Ethnic Composition: African, White, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian - Police Departnment: 19a Delegacia de Policia Civil

- Specialized criminal gangs place cloning devices on ATMs that are extremely difficult to detect and record the card number and the PIN.

- Public Hospitals: Gafree Guinle

Considerations to design safe areas are advised.

- Fire and Saftey Department: Fire Station 1 Gbs

Sheet: Z.2.0 Title: Zoning Information Date: 12/10/2014 Highlighted Portion of the AECOM rendered master plan site is to use Sector 6 Zoning Codes

Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions -Project description: Redesign of the 2030 Rio de Janeiro Olymipic Legacy project currently renderd by AECOM. -Regional Location Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 22° 59’ 58” S, 43° 21’ 57” W -Local Location North peninsula on the Lagoa de Jacarepague - Ethnic Composition: African, White, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian - Rich culture in performing arts, outdoor sports and carnivals Rio De Janeiro North

Parque Pedra Branca

Parque Nacional da Tijuca

Fig. 1 gbg2a4ab5/2014_06_27_ T233634_Z_1693620479_GM1_EA6_S0_L2_ L01_RTRM.jpg Copacabana

Barra da Tijuca

Atlantic Ocean

Fig. 2 Fig. 3 brazil-the-face-of-rios-favelas/

Rio De Janeiro Urban Landscape

Photos to the right display sites of Rio de Janeiro. Fig. 1: Olympic Village Construction Fig. 2: Copacabana Fig. 3: Favela of Rio

Sheet: C.1.0 Title: Site Analysis Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions - Rio Population: 5,600,000 people - Barra da Tijuica population is less dense than the North eastern portion of Rio de Janeiro - Within Rio de Janeiro, Barra da Tijuica has a relatively high income population compared to the rest of Rio’s population. South of the project site is high income residing along the coast line. Just north of the site are lower income areas. This makes the project site middle class, or a design project directed toward affordable low to middle class income dwelling units.

Sheet: C.2.0 Title: Site Analysis Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions Site Weather Conditions - Southern Winds primarily year round. - Hottest month: February Coolest months: June and July - Most Rainfall: June - Located South of equator means Northern sun - Summer Solstice: 90.5 degrees Winter Solstice: 43.5 degrees

Sheet: C.3.0 Title: Site Analysis Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions - The existing Barra site is a conceptual master plan presented by AECOM for the design of the 2030 Olympic Legacy plan that is to proceed the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic games. - The requied portion for redesign is the southern tip of the peninsula. - Current design is to add new residential, parks and efforts to restart the mangrove trees along the coast of the lagoon. - The highlighted area is to be redesigned and accomodated with residential complexs, a hotel, health care, security, parks, and many other programs that allow for mixed use programing.

Sports complex Central pedestrian path Live Park Residential Living Mangrove reserves and parks

Sheet: C.4.0 Title: Site Analysis Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Soil Conditions -The top soil is peat- a brown, soil-like material characteristic of boggy, acid ground, consisting of partly decomposed vegetable matter. It is widely cut and dried for use in gardening and as fuel. -Under the peat is clay- a stiff, sticky fine-grained earth, typically yellow, red, or bluishgray in color and often forming an impermeable layer in the soil. In some areas on this site the clay is 12 m deep -The water content of the very soft, highly compressible clay varies from 500% near the surface to 100% at the base of the deposit. Vertical draining was found to be effective at the top but negligible at the base. -Under the clay is alluvium- a deposit of clay, silt, sand, and gravel left by flowing streams in a river valley or delta, typically producing fertile soil.

Decisions Site Condition Considerations - Favorable of natural lighting due to tropical climate. The use of light shelves and frosted glass to decrease solar gain in buildings. Large amount of window surface area on southern facade to increase indirect lighting. Ventilation considerations to allow for air circulation and reduce HVAC mechanical equipment costs and size. - General building orientation and shape should effect solar and wind design considerations. - Foundation types: Raft foundation Pier w/ bell caissons - Surrounding site water sources are polluted. Considerations to bring ecology back into the ecosystem. - Strong views of lagoon and mountains surrounding site.

-Lastly is the Residual Soil-the soil that is remaining after the soluble elements have been dissolved

Soil Compaction Methods for Building Foundations

Sheet: C.5.0 Title: Site Analysis Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341


Master Plan

Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Olympic Legacy Master Plan - The site includes a design solution to maximize green space and reduce vehicular traffic. This causes for a safe environment to live and allows for greater activity to happen throughout the site. - Program includes apartments housing, a hotel, marina, beach, recreation center, school, child care center, police and fire station, clinic center, retail and restaurants, and many parks and green spaces.

Sheet: A.1.0 Title: Architectural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Concept Related Terms art noun \ ärt\


Dance of the Cannibals

Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro,

: something that is created with imagination and skill and that is beautiful or that expresses important ideas or feelings

Brazil Olympic Legacy Garden Apartments Passive dwelling solution towards Brazilian culture.

dance verb \ dan(t)s, dän(t)s\

Jack Wolfe Brazil Maybe

: to move your body in a way that goes with the rhythm and style of music that is being played : to move with and guide (someone) as music plays : to dance with (someone)

“In his 1928 Cannibal Manifesto, Oswald de Andrade polemically argues that Brazil’s history is typified by cannibalisms of other cultures. He advocates for the Brazilian people to continue this metaphorical tradition in order to detach themselves from oppressive impositions of European cultural and religious ideals, such that Brazil might re-establish their own imagination, sentiments, and expression. To Andrade, cannibalism offers the possibility of improvement, it is a positive destruction.”

3favela noun \ fe-’ve-le\ : a settlement of jerry-built shacks lying on the outskirts of a Brazilian city Inspiration Louis Khan Burle marx Oscar Niemeyer

Published in RETROSPECTA 37 YSOA

Concept Building Form Using vibrant colors and obscure shapes, this urban form shows cultural aspects of Rio’s high appreciation of the visual arts. These also represent the current urban sprawl that nestle up into the mountains, which specifically relate to the favelas of Rio de Janeiro.

Sheet: A.2.0 Title: Architectural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions Building Dance Form Study

Dance of the Cannibals

Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro,

The building form expressed represents two forms dancing. This is an idea of Rio culture and expresses movement and freedom.

Brazil Olympic Legacy Garden Apartments Passive dwelling solution towards Brazilian culture. -The center diagram shows the relationship between the building forms and the central circulation path. This path becomes a secondary form of the buildings as they “dance down the length of the site. The section diagram below shows the 3 dimensional relationship between each of these forms. - Each blue represents a level above or below the 0 grade level. This articulation gives the site dimension and allows for interesting things to happen.


Buildings on the site undulate on a vertical plan, similar to the favelas of Rio. Each building is unique to its approach and appearance, creating a dynamic complex.

Sheet: A.3.0 Title: Architectural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341


Dance of the Cannibals

Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Olympic Legacy Garden Apartments Passive dwelling solution towards Brazilian culture. -This render shows the final result of the dance between two forms. In the previous panel, the buildings show in blue are accompanied by a long circulation walkway. This walkway becomes a sculptural path as steel forms move around the suspended walk.

Sheet: A.4.0 Title: Architectural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341


Dance of the Cannibals

Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Olympic Legacy Garden Apartments Passive dwelling solution towards Brazilian culture. Living Space

Bedrooms DW F. RE




Kitchen DW







Utility and Laundry



-Each unit is designed to be efficient in space, supply plentyful storage, all while keeping an open floor plan to allow for clear public/ private spaces, lighting accomodations, and ventialtion and air circulation considerations. - Each unit also is oriented with the rear towards the southern winds, while the front is exposed towards nothern light.

Typical Dwelling Units Options 2 Bed: 165 sqm 3 Bed: 190 sqm

Sheet: A.5.0 Title: Architectural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341


Dance of the Cannibals

Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Olympic Legacy Garden Apartments Passive dwelling solution towards Brazilian culture. -This section demonstrates the landscape and environment that these buildings reside on. It also shows a relationship to the sculpture walk that dances with each building. - The construction of the building is primarily cast in place concrete, due to cheap construction labor costs. Each unit is supported by a 350mm concrete shear wall and is connected with a waffle slab grid system, in order to space the width of the unit. Each north and south end is entirely exposed to light and air current. This allows for day lighting and air circulation. Taking consideration to the tropical environment, each interior partition wall extends just before the ceiling. This allows for air circulation between rooms when doors are closed. -The egress balconies of the buildings are comprised of a steel grate system. This is designed to allow natural light to beam through to the floors below. - All buildings on the site are 3 stories tall to keep a minimal impact of an urban feel.

Typical Section

Sheet: A.6.0 Title: Architectural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341


Dance of the Cannibals

Barra de Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Olympic Legacy Garden Apartments Passive dwelling solution towards Brazilian culture. -The final plan expresses Rio de Janeiro’s rich culture of the visual arts. Each of the components are derived from other cultures, but due to Brazil’s “cannibalism” there are many positive attributes that come together to create a collage of art and design excellence. - Within the landscape of the site, visual inspiration from burle marx shows thoughtful and artful forms that create interest within the site. Art pieces that act as interactive forms and playgrounds are placed periodically on the site and the sculpture walk to give the site its active cultural needs.

Sheet: A.7.0 Title: Architectural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions Structural Analysis - Each plan diagram represents a typical dwelling building configuration. Building Type: R-2 Construction Type III A Maximum Story: 3 Maximum Floor to Floor Height: 3.5m Exposed Waffle Grid Ceiling Primary Structure: Cast in Place Bearing Walls (350mm)

Typical Structure

Triangular Waffle Grid Slab Floors/ Ceilings Cast in Place Concrete Bearing Walls




15.000 m 9.681 m

18.000 m 5.319 m

7.791 m


9.681 m

5.319 m

1.890 m

15.000 m 8.319 m

7.791 m

Foundation: Raft Foundation

9.681 m

8.319 m

1.890 m

5.319 m

7.791 m

5.319 m

4.145 m

1.890 m

Primary Floor Structure: Triangular Waffle Grid System (350mm)

2.848 m

1.600 m



Raft Foundation 350mm Conc Bearing Wall


350mm Triangular Waffle Grid Slab

12.580 m



2.940 m

7.960 m

4.100 m

2.940 m

1.673 m




Interior Partitions 140mm (1-hr)

7.960 m

7.100 m

2.940 m

7.960 m

4.100 m


Exterior Glazing Facade

Typical Structure Plan 1:200

Sheet: S.1.0 Title: Structural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions Structural Analysis Typical detail wall sections Maximum Story: 3 Maximum Floor to Floor Height: 3.5m Exposed Waffle Grid Ceiling Primary Structure: Cast in Place Bearing Walls (350mm) Primary Floor Structure: Triangular Waffle Grid System (350mm) Foundation: Raft Foundation

Sheet: S.2.0 Title: Structural Drawings Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions - Passive ventilation design considerations are for primary use of cooling and air circulation.


- Secondary HVAC system is to be used to heat and cool when necessary.




HVAC Product DW


Mitsubishi Mini Split HVAC system - Quiet and compact system - Variable control settings - Small pipe work need - Includes up to 5 connections







Mitsubishi Mini Split HVAC system Exterior Unit Interior Unit Interior Air Duct Piping Natural Ventilation

Sheet: M.1.0 Title: Mechanical Systems Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions - Each plan diagram represents a typical dwelling building configuration. - Occupant Loads are based on total square meters of building. Range from 5.1- 10.2 - Each dwelling Unit contains min. 2 water closets, 2 Lavatories, and 1 bathtub/shower



- Reqd. Water Closets: 1 per male 1 per female - Reqd. Lavatories 1 per male 1 per female - Reqd Bathtubs/showers 1 per male/ female







170 sqm 2 Bedroom

200 sqm 3 Bedroom

170 sqm 2 Bedroom

Typical Plumbing Layout

Sheet: P.1.0 Title: Plumbing Systems Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions - Each plan diagram represents a typical dwelling building configuration. - Each dwelling unit is sprinklered and includes smoke detectors. -Group R-2 Fire Protection - Manual Fire Alarm system not required.


- IBC 2009 907.2.11.2 Groups R-2 Single or multiple station smoke alarms shall be installed and maintained in Group R-1 regardless of occupant load for all the following locations.


1. On the ceiling or wall outside of each separate sleeping area in the immediate vicinity of bedrooms. 2. In each room used for sleeping purposes.











Sprinkler Range







Typical Sprinkler and Smoke Detector Layout


170 sqm 2 Bedroom




200 sqm 3 Bedroom

170 sqm 2 Bedroom

Smoke Detector Egress

Sheet: FP.1.0 Title: Fire Protection Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions Indirect


- Each plan diagram represents a typical dwelling building configuration. - Much of light during daytime will come from day lighting design conditions. - Night lighting will supply sufficient lights to the interior spaces of the dwelling units. - LED light technology will be used for all light fixtures within the interior and local exterior. This will save on power costs and decrease lighting maintenance.

Rectangular Lighting Fixture

Typical Daylighting

Circle Lighting Fixture UP


Power Supply

170 sqm 2 Bedroom Typical Lighting Plan

200 sqm 3 Bedroom







170 sqm 2 Bedroom

Sheet: E.1.0 Title: Power and Lighting Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions - Lighting on the landscape is important in order to lower crime rates and keep the local community at all hours of the night. Runway lights along the sculpture walk allow for people to use the walk at any time, feeling safe and inclined to use the path. - Lighting on the sculptures allows for a dramatic effect to the artwork scattered throughout the site.

Sheet: E.2.0 Title: Power and Lighting Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

Decisions General thoughts on the project were positive. Both team and individual projects performed well and designed an outstanding project. General critique included adding dimension to the sculpture walk. Overall critique of the project requires more in depth detail and correction of architectural and code issues.

Completed Master Project

Sheet: AP.1.0 Title: Critique Date: 12/10/2014 Drawn by: Ryan Northcutt Instructor: Thad Heckman Course: ARC 341

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