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Special article brought to you by Rentmeister It’s Time to Go Tankless
Homeowners are continually searching for energy efficient home improvements that both create an environmentally friendly home and cost savings for them. Tankless water heaters are one means to accomplish both objectives. Unlike standard units that continuously heat and reheat water so that it is always hot, tankless heaters generate water almost instantly with high-powered gas burners or electric coils. While this instant heating requires more on-demand power, the water does not have to be reheated again and again like in a standard tank model, which allows tankless systems to use less energy overall. According to Consumer Reports, which studied these appliances extensively, gaspowered tankless water heaters are approximately 49% more efficient when compared to traditional water heaters. This provides a typical family energy savings of about $128 or more per year, depending on water usage. Aside from energy efficiency and a more environmentally friendly home, we have compiled our top 10 reasons to go tankless: 1. The tankless water heater units heat water as needed when you turn on a faucet, shower, or appliance such as a dishwasher. 2. They operate on natural gas, which makes conversion easy, as most homes already operate on a natural gas system. 3. Tankless systems eliminate the extra cost of keeping 40 to 50 gallons of water continuously heated in a tank. 4. They provide a virtually endless supply of hot water, which is ideal for larger families, as it allows for multiple showers and appliances to run simultaneously. They can also fill an oversized, jetted or walk-in tub without running out of hot water. 5. They are more compact than a standard water heater and are mounted on a wall. This means they take up less room and allow for better air circulation in utility areas. 6. Tankless water heaters have a significantly longer lifespan than a tank water heater if properly maintained. Most manufacturers warranty standard tank water heaters for 6 years, while tankless water heaters are generally warrantied for 10 years but have an average lifespan of 20 or more years. 7. You’ll have unlimited hot water whenever you need it. The hot water is available in seconds instead of the minutes it typically takes for a tank heater. 8. No tank means no risk of leaks and floods that can damage flooring and walls. 9. Tankless models reduce the risk of scalding, as they can be set to safer temperatures of 105 to 110 degrees Fahrenheit. 10. Having no tank means there is little to no space to harbor bacteria, which makes your home cleaner and more resistant to viruses and infections. Tankless water heaters are a convenient and effortless way to improve your home and upgrading to a tankless water heater is easier than ever before. Home improvements often qualify for financing options and rebate offers from local utility companies. If you're ready to get a tankless water heater installed in your home, call Rentmeister Total Home Service for a free estimate, or visit our website at rentmeister.com

Special article brought to you by Stevens-Henager College A Career in High Tech–What Could Your Future Hold?
The information technology industry has experienced incredible growth over the past 20 years and shows no signs of slowing down. If you’re looking for a career with stability, even during tough economic times, consider this ... our most recent recession that started in late 2007 and ended in 2009 had little effect on technology growth!1 If you are interested in entering this rapidly growing field, then looking forward may be of more interest to you. There you’ll find more good news. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment of computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 12 percent from 2018 to 2028. That is much faster than the average for all occupations. In addition, these occupations are projected to add about 546,200 new jobs. The demand for tech workers will stem from greater emphasis on cloud computing, the collection and storage of big data, and information security.2 According to Bernard Marr, contributor at Forbes.com, we are in the midst of a “4th Industrial Revolution, and technology is evolving faster than ever.”3 He further indicates that those who don’t keep up with today’s major IT trends run the risk of being left behind. Individuals and businesses that look ahead and understand key trends are better positioned to grasp new opportunities. Marr believes the seven biggest technology trends for 2020 include: artificial intelligence, 5G data networks, autonomous driving, personalized and predictive medicine, computer vision, extended reality, and block-chain technology.3 (See source for additional information on these trends.) You’ll find tech professionals in almost every industry; however, the majority— 56%--are in the information technology industry. And though you may have more opportunities for landing a job with a smaller company, you may want to set your sights on working for one of the six top tech companies in the Fortune 500: Apple, Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.4 Although there is an abundance of IT jobs across the country, the majority of opportunities tend to center around specific locations. Prime locations for finding high-tech employment include: Raleigh-Durham, NC; San Jose (Silicon Valley), CA; Austin, TX; Portland, OR; Provo, UT; Fort Collins, CO; Indianapolis, IN; Boise, ID; Nashville, TN; and Manchester, NH.5 How do you prepare for a high-tech career? First, decide what area of IT you would like to specialize in. Next, make sure the college you attend has the support you may need and offers certification after learning specific skills, a computer language, or software program . Stevens-Henager College offers Bachelor’s degrees in specialized IT fields. With tutoring included with enrollment, tech students get the individualized support they need to complete their IT degree in preparation for career success. For more information on IT degree programs offered at our West Haven (Ogden) location, call 801-284-3216.
Sources: 1 thebalancecareers.com/tech-careers-4161774 2https://www.bls.gov/ooh/computerand-information-technology/home.htm. Last modified September 4, 2019. 3 forbes.com/sites/bernardmarr/2019/09/30/the7-biggest-technology-trends-in-2020-everyonemust-get-ready-for-now/#4b4305d42261 4 fortune.com/2015/06/13/fortune-500-tech/ 5 thebalancecareers.com/the-10-bestcities-to-live-in-for-tech-2071178

Special article brought to you by Wasatch Peaks Credit Union Wasatch Peaks Credit Union Celebrates 90 Years!
Wasatch Peaks Credit Union is excited to celebrate our 90-year anniversary with our members throughout 2020. Founded in 1930 by employees of both the U.S. Postal Mail Terminal and the U.S. Forest Service, Ogden Government Employees Credit Union was the beginning of the credit union’s history. The Wasatch Peaks history is filled with mergers of smaller credit unions that each brought their own strengths in volunteers, staff, and membership. However, the most recent merger was a strategic partnership of choice that is unique among credit unions. Wasatch Peaks Federal Credit Union is the result of the mergers between Alliance Federal Credit Union, Weber Credit Union, and SummitOne Federal Credit Union. After approval by the NCUA and a majority vote by credit union membership, Alliance and Weber were merged as Wasatch Peaks Credit Union on July 1, 2011 and SummitOne Credit Union was merged on July 1, 2013. Over the years, the credit unions have been chartered by both the state and federal regulators. Now, Wasatch Peaks Credit Union is a federally chartered credit union. All those who live, work, worship, or attend school in Weber, Davis, and Morgan Counties are eligible for membership. The three credit unions combined have seven branch locations, over 33,000 members, and more than $345 million in assets. As Wasatch Peaks Credit Union continues to grow, we remember our humble beginnings and are committed to serving all our member's financial needs. With Wasatch Peaks, you can save more on loans, earn more on savings, all with low fees and great service. To celebrate our 90th anniversary, we have a special offer as a way to say thank you to our members. Wasatch Peaks members can enjoy 90 days of no payments on auto, RV, or boat loans!* To get started and learn more about our loans, contact our specialists at 801-627-8700 or by visiting your local Wasatch Peaks branch.

*On approved credit. See Wasatch Peaks for details, some restrictions apply. Membership eligibility required.


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