21 minute read
With the railroad going through Roy, the community was often approached by tramps who liked to ride the trains. They called them “railroad tramps.” Henry Dalton taught his family to be kind to them. He liked to sing a song that ended with these words:
“And now then kind folks, please remember That every poor man’s not a scamp, For there’s many a true heart a-beating Beneath the old coat of a tramp.” He kept extra blankets in the hay loft for them, with the understanding that they would not smoke or light a match. They never did. One time, a young man that looked haggard and nervous asked if he could stay the night. Henry said yes. While helping him to the loft, Henry asked him when he had eaten last, how long he had been away from home, and how long it had been since he had heard from his family. Henry made sure he had a good meal that night and left him with writing paper and a pencil so he could write to his family. The next morning, the boy handed Henry a letter and said, “Mail this for me. I hope I can beat it home.” One summer’s day, Henry’s daughters, Golda, age 9, and Florence, age 6, were working in the house while the rest of the family was in the orchard, when a tramp came to their door. Before they answered the door, they thought it would be a good idea to ask the man to help with chopping wood while they prepared some food. Neither girl wanted to be the one to ask the man for help. Florence was the bravest of the two, but when she asked, the man did not look happy. He walked back towards the wood pile, but when the girls went back with some food, this man was nowhere to be found. He had gone. At least they tried. The Dalton family is a great example of LOVE and KINDNESS to those who needed a little boost.

Have a special Roy history moment you would like to share? We would love to hear from you. Please contact melissa@connectionpub.com

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In the 1830s, many Native Americans were forced from their homeland and were relocated to territories west of the Mississippi River. The journey they took is infamously known as the Trail of Tears, due to the thousands who died from the extreme cold, starvation, and harsh conditions they faced. The Choctaw people were one of the tribes affected, and they tried their best to make Oklahoma their home, despite losing many beloved family members along the way. Sixteen years later, news reached the tribe of the Irish Potato Famine. A disease called late blight decimated the potato crop which was the staple food source for most Irish. People were starving. An estimated 1 million people died and another estimated 1 million people emigrated from the country. The Choctaw saw their suffering and viewed it as unnecessary, similar to their own trial, and it inspired action motivated by empathy. The tribe donated $170, which is equivalent to about $5,000 today. The amount was small, but the love behind the donation had bound these unlikely nations together. Their contribution made headlines in Ireland. It was extraordinary because it came from very far away and from a group who didn’t have familial ties with the people who were suffering. The Irish people remember the seemingly small amount of money gifted as being legendary. Their bond remains strong and inspiring. We don’t have to look across the globe to find magnificent examples of charity, though. In fact, according to an article published on Oct. 3, 2019, Ogden was ranked the most charitable city in the country, with Salt Lake City coming in as the 6th most charitable city! MagnifyMoney, a personal finance website created by LendingTree, reported that 87% of residents in Ogden itemized returns with charitable donations on their tax returns that amounted to about 6.9% of the residents’ income. The study suggests cities that are religious centers, and cities that are highly charitable, seem to be linked. Beyond the regular citizens who donate their resources to charity, there are some individuals and organizations that are taking action to shape our communities into better places. We have highlighted just a few, and we hope you take advantage of opportunities to show love through giving or service. Not only can it make others’ lives better, but it can bring more joy and fulfillment to your own.
Scott Decaria, his friend Dave Marin, and another Syracuse man, Jay Tucker, were all inspired to start a chapter for Sleep in Heavenly Peace in Syracuse after they saw a TV segment highlighting the charity. The three of them have been helping to get children their own beds in Northern Utah ever since. The organization builds and delivers beds to children between 3 and 17 who are in tough situations and don’t have a bed of their own. At SHP, they work to raise money to build beds and then rally the community to construct them. “We bring in the tools and use the money donated to buy the material. We set up everything, and then volunteers help us build the beds. It’s a community effort,” said Decaria. It’s an all-volunteer organization, even for the founder, so no one has a salary and all the money goes to helping the people. Decaria said usually an organization will sponsor a build and then bring in the volunteers after they raise enough money. A full bunk bed costs $350, so divide the amount raised by the cost, and you have the amount of beds they can make. They’ve had many organizations participate, including Lowes and Crossfit; most recently, a Boy Scout used it for his Eagle Scout project in December of 2019. They even made the deliveries on Christmas Eve. When they deliver beds, they deliver bedding and pillows, so it really helps when people donate these items. The Syracuse Lady Lions have been instrumental in making and donating quilts for the deliveries. Decaria said SHP also takes any monetary donations, even if a person or organization can’t sponsor a build. Once they get enough money raised, the three of them put on a community build. Stay tuned to their Facebook page to know when you can be a part of one! SHP connects with people who need beds primarily through the SHP website www.shpbeds.org/. A person can fill out a form to request a bed. From there, the requests get routed to the nearest chapter based on their zip code. The Syracuse chapter takes all requests in Utah from the Salt Lake area to the north. They try to get the word out to organizations that are plugged into the community. Decaria said they didn’t realize how much demand there was in their own community. “In our first year, we delivered over 200 beds… We are delivering beds as often as we can and still have a backlog of over 100 requests that need to be delivered.” Sleep in Heavenly Peace

Kristi Corless saw a need to help women with their feminine hygiene needs when she and her daughter were on a humanitarian trip in Kenya. Girls did not have the sanitary supplies to go out in public and, therefore, would miss 3-5 days of school every month. Missing school so consistently makes it challenging for young women to graduate, and graduating from school is the key to escape poverty for a Kenyan woman. Her organization, Whole International, teaches Kenyan women how to sew reusable pads and make kits that last 3 years for the young women. This helps the girls going to school and gives women a viable option to earn money. For $10, a young woman can attend school for 3 years without having to worry about her natural cycle. There is a lot of pressure for women to take care of themselves or stay home when they are menstruating. One 12 or 13-year-old girl was publicly shamed for soiling her uniform at school. She came home and committed suicide. Corless said it is heartbreaking to see young women who are dedicated to school turn to selling sexual favors to men as a way to earn money to pay for their hygiene supplies. She said it happens more often than you would think. Money is scarce within many families, and paying for supplies month to month is just not a realistic option. Whole international is focused on educating and empowering the women in Kenya. Anita is a local Kenyan who works closely with the Days for Girls organization and is the “boots on the ground” person who helps keep things running for Whole International. Corless said the biggest way anyone can help is through monetary donations, since it can be difficult to transport donated cloth and sewing supplies all the way to Kenya. Whole International
Stacy Bernal is a mom of two boys, and her 14-year-old son, Haiden, has Autism Spectrum Disorder. In March of 2018, she saw there were Autism Walks planned in Logan and Provo, but there was nothing happening in Ogden. She took matters into her own hands. She put together an autism walk in downtown Ogden, and that is how Awesome Autistic Ogden got its start. Bernal said one of their goals at AAO is to teach others to love and appreciate people with neuro diversity. Sometimes, ASD manifests itself when a person doesn’t act the way people expect in social situations. They can look like anyone else, but they act and learn differently. Underneath the differences that might be obvious, they are still people who have a sense of humor, quirks, and personality. It’s just a matter of getting to know them. Bernal said there is a pretty good awareness of autism in the community, but what we need are more people who care and get to know the people who have it. “If you see the kids who are a little different, if you see someone who could use a friend, be that friend. Stand up for the person if you see someone getting made fun of.” Today, Bernal and her committee are also working to connect resources with the people in and around Ogden who need them. Making the drive to Haiden’s multiple appointments each week in Salt Lake was tough, and she is hoping to coax more organizations to serve the Ogden area closer to home. AAO held their first annual event last year that brought organizations from all over Northern Utah to Weber State for a screening of Extraordinary People. This year, Bernal hopes to bring more resources and people who would benefit from them to their event on April 11th, at the Ogden school district Special education building. It will be an open house with sensory activities geared for kids with ASD, and booths will be set up for the parents to get information about the various organizations. Anyone interested in volunteering at the event can connect with Bernal via the Awesome Autistic Ogden Facebook page. Two people can be diagnosed with autism, but how it affects their day-to-day life can be very different. There isn’t a “one size fits all” solution, and Bernal emphasized that what works for one person doesn’t always work for another. She said that’s one reason why it’s so important for parents to have access to resources so they can find what works for their child. The love and passion behind Awesome Autistic Ogden comes from knowing what it’s like to be a special needs parent, and she hopes AAO can help bridge the gap for other parents. Awesome Autistic Ogden
JOIN US: April 11, 2020 11 am- 2pm They Shiny Gym @ Ogden School District 1950 Monroe Blvd. ASD information, resources, vendors, products, kids' activities and food trucks “If you see the kids who are a little different, if you see someone who could use a friend, be that friend."

Historically, United Way has dispersed funding to various charities, but now that’s just a part of what they do. Tim Jackson, the President CEO of United Way in the Ogden and North Ogden area, explained they have programs that focus on education, income, and health. Jackson said the volunteers find it very rewarding, especially when they see the difference their work is making. The people who tutor children reading in schools can see the improvement over time. Some volunteers are trained through an organization to do taxes for free for low income families. They walk away knowing they’ve saved families a lot of money where every little bit makes a big difference. United Way
“People face crisis and run into situations that are out of their control,” said Jackson. He emphasized the importance of giving people a hand up instead of a hand out. United Way oversees the 211 resource and referral hotline. Anyone can call this number and get help for whatever type of service they need. Are you about to be evicted? There is help for that. Need a counselor? They’ll connect you to one. The number isn’t only for people in need. Anyone can call, tell the operator what city they’re in, and ask for opportunities to volunteer as well. HELP NOW: You can also find opportunities online at 211utah.org/index.php/volunteer or at Justserve.org
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Most insurances cover education from an accredited diabetes center. Be sure to use your benefits for a healthier 2020.
Did you know that 1 in 9 Americans currently have diabetes? It’s projected that 1 in 5 people will develop diabetes by 2025. Diabetes-related heart disease is now the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has made diabetes education a top priority as part of its Healthy People 2020 initiative.* The goal of diabetes education is to prevent diabetes and help those diagnosed with diabetes to gain knowledge and skills to successfully manage diabetes and prevent complications. Diabetes education is a covered insurance benefit for most plans. Research shows that people who receive diabetes education are more likely to be more proactive in their care, take medications as prescribed, control their glucose, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, and have lower health care costs. Evidence proves diabetes education can make a significant difference in patient outcomes and satisfaction, but less than 50% of people with diabetes receive formal diabetes education. Physicians provide great basic diabetes education, but additional education can fill in knowledge gaps and help patients navigate new challenges as they arise. Diabetes educator and dietitian, Gina Ward, has been counseling patients for 20 years. She relates a recent experience she’s had with a patient. “As a diabetes educator, I have the privilege of teaching people at really scary times when diabetes is more difficult to manage. I recently met a patient who had diabetes for almost 15 years. He did not monitor his blood sugar, even though he was on insulin. He had never received diabetes education and did not know to check his feet daily. He was admitted to the hospital with an infected foot wound and had no idea his blood sugars were out-of-control. His toe was amputated. Our team taught him nutrition for diabetes and wound healing and worked with his provider to acquire a continuous glucose monitor. He continued his education in our clinic. He made A TON of progress in just a month. He thanked us for ‘making a HUGE difference’ in his life and feels he now has the skills to manage his diabetes. He periodically calls to update us on his success. We aren’t just patient and educator; we’re friends.” Davis Hospital and Medical Center 2132 N. 1700 W., B150 Layton, UT 84041 Diabetes Clinic..........(801) 807-7360 Fax...........................(801) 807-7363 Hospital Office ..........(801) 807-7184 Mobile/Text ...............(801) 726-0082 Diabetes education teaches healthy eating, weight management, active living, glucose monitoring, medication management and affordability, problem solving, healthy coping, reducing risks of diabetes-related complications and information on the latest and greatest diabetes technologies. Make 2020 your best YOU yet! If you would like to see a diabetes educator, you can start the process by: Make 2020 your best YOU yet Authored by: Gina R. Ward, MS, RDN, CDE Clinical Nutrition Manager, Certified Diabetes Educator Diabetes Care Special article brought to you by Davis Hospital and Medical Center
Asking your physician for a referral. Calling a center like the Diabetes Care Center at Davis Hospital where they can set up education to fit your needs including group classes and individual appointments. Contacting your insurance to check on diabetes education or prevention benefits. Did you know that 1 in 9 Americans currently have diabetes? It’s projected that 1 in 5 people will develop diabetes by 2025. Diabetes-related heart disease is now the 7th leading cause of death in the U.S. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has made diabetes education a top priority as part of its Healthy People 2020 initiative.* The goal of diabetes education is to prevent diabetes and help those diagnosed with diabetes to gain knowledge and skills to successfully manage diabetes and prevent complications. Diabetes education is a covered insurance benefit for most plans. Research shows that people who receive diabetes education are more likely to be more proactive in their care, take medications as prescribed, control their glucose, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol, and have lower health care costs. Evidence proves diabetes education can make a significant difference in patient outcomes and satisfaction, but less than 50% of people with diabetes receive formal diabetes education. Physicians provide great basic diabetes education, but additional education can fill in knowledge gaps and help patients navigate new challenges as they arise. Diabetes educator and dietitian, Gina Ward, has been counseling patients for 20 years. She relates a recent experience she’s had with a patient. “As a diabetes educator, I have the privilege of teaching people at really scary times when diabetes is more difficult to manage. I recently met a patient who had diabetes for almost 15 years. He did not monitor his blood sugar, even though he was on insulin. He had never received diabetes education and did not know to check his feet daily. He was admitted to the hospital with an infected foot wound and had no idea his blood sugars were out-of-control. His toe was amputated. Our team taught him nutrition for diabetes and wound healing and worked with his provider to acquire a continuous glucose monitor. He continued his education in our clinic. He made A TON of progress in just a month. He thanked us for ‘making a HUGE difference’ in his life and feels he now has the skills to manage his diabetes. He periodically calls to update us on his success. We aren’t just patient and educator; we’re friends.” Davis Hospital and Medical Center 2132 N. 1700 W., B150 Layton, UT 84041 Diabetes Clinic..........(801) 807-7360 Fax...........................(801) 807-7363 Hospital Office ..........(801) 807-7184 Mobile/Text ...............(801) 726-0082 Diabetes education teaches healthy eating, weight management, active living, glucose monitoring, medication management and affordability, problem solving, healthy coping, reducing risks of diabetes-related complications and information on the latest and greatest diabetes technologies. Make 2020 your best YOU yet! If you would like to see a diabetes educator, you can start the process by: Make 2020 your best YOU yet Authored by: Gina R. Ward, MS, RDN, CDE Clinical Nutrition Manager, Certified Diabetes Educator Diabetes Care Special article brought to you by Davis Hospital and Medical Center
Asking your physician for a referral. Calling a center like the Diabetes Care Center at Davis Hospital where they can set up education to fit your needs including group classes and individual appointments. Contacting your insurance to check on diabetes education or prevention benefits. *American Diabetes Association, diabetes.org February 2020 | royconnection.com 21
The Tale of the Toothpaste Tube or How to Communicate in a Marriage BY MARION STEWART
When we were married, 45 years ago, toothpaste came in a soft metal tube, and in order to get all of it out, one was supposed to squeeze it from the end and constantly push it up into the opening. At least, that’s how my husband looked at it. I, on the other hand, being a creative person and often distracted, sometimes forgot to do this. I knew it was important to him, but time often got in the way. Eventually, he would fix the tube. And he hardly ever complained about it. I chose to not feel controlled by his fixing and just appreciated that he would make it right—most of the time! I suppose we could have just bought separate tubes for each of us. But working this out contributed greatly to our happy married life. After all, we were working out more than toothpaste! We were learning to communicate. You have a choice when you are married. You can insist there’s only one right way, you can blame, you can get upset over silly things, or you can embrace your different styles, life experience es, and choose to assume the best in your spouse. Why bring this up now? Because Valentine’s Day is coming. You can get traditional flowers, candy, and spend the night out dining and dancing. But if you really want to give a great gift this year, try restraint, understanding, and letting some of the small things go. Even with toothpaste, neither of us is perfect, but after 45 years together working to resolve conflict, we think we are pretty perfect for each other!
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