The community magazine for Ashgate, Brampton, Brookside, Holymoorside, Somersall & Walton
no. 18 November 2010 connecting our community Cover Shot: Spire Sunset by Rob Falconer Photography
S40 Local
i and welcome to the 18th businesses talking of a major slow down in work, as people stop edition of S40 Local. spending and sit tight whilst they I had a strange chat with wait to see what happens next. someone about S40 Local last week, they started talking to me I normally keep my thoughts to about the team behind S40 Local. myself but I don’t look forward to When I explained that I ran S40 Local the prospect ahead as we try and on my own, with help from my wife reduce the national debt ... how and my fantastic delivery team they we’ve run up a debt greater than were amazed. It occurred to me that that left after the world wars I’ll never know. Our philosophy at some people think there is a large home is simple, if we can’t afford it, business behind the magazine. we don’t have it. We’re not a Unfortunately printing house “I always look some of the people and I’m not a responsible for graphic designer forward to managing the or journalist ‐ I receiving S40 finances of the just have a Local and island don’t think passion for the like that. Our place in which I particularly enjoy dependence on live and want to Paul’s feature on see Chesterfield goods and supplies survive and from overseas a different seems to grow thrive. business each daily, as our ability I thoroughly month” Jill, from to produce stuff enjoy meeting all ourselves shrinks Walton the business each week. Every owners in the time I think about it area and have built some great I come back to the same view, why relationships with them. As Andrew can’t we keep our money in the UK? Markwell, from Portrait Lounge says Surely this would boost the in his article this month, I feel like economy? I like to think I’m doing many of them have become good my bit by supporting my local friends. Perhaps this is what sums businesses, if I can get it locally I will. the area up, a bunch of good folk I don’t drive up to Meadowhall or trying to lift the area. Anyway, I start with the major department thought you might be interested to stores ‐ this only happens when I’ve know that S40 Local is just me! exhausted my local stores in my hunt October’s a strange month for many for whatever it might be. I feel much better knowing my £ has gone direct people this year. Some are waiting to the guy behind the till and not into to see what happens with cuts in budgets at a local level in the public the pockets of faceless shareholders. sector, and then other large corporations (one in particular with a significant base in Chesterfield) are looking to drastically reduce their workforce to cut costs. This makes it a rather unsettling time as people tighten their belts in preparation for the worst and with Christmas approaching there are many
I hope this doesn’t seem to be all doom and gloom, but it seems to me that the way to fix things might just start on our own doorsteps. See you next month for a much jollier Christmas edition. Paul.
The small print: S40 Local is delivered Free of Charge to 8000 properties to the south west of Chesterfield originally based on the S40 3xx postal sector. Inclusion of a listing, advertisement or classified listing does not imply endorsement of the company or it's products by the proprietor of S40 Local, nor does it constitute a recommendation. S40 Locals proprietors cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright arising from the artwork supplied by clients. S40 Locals proprietors will not be held liable for any potential lost business as a direct result of late or failed delivery, or incorrect adverts in S40 Local, we will only be liable for the cost of the associated S40 Local advertising. Any advertisements created by S40 Locals proprietors remain the sole property of S40 Local under copyright.
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Issue 18: November 2010 Copy Deadline for December edition is Thursday 18th November and distribution complete by 5th December. S40 Local: Classifieds Unwanted items cluttering the loft or garage? Adverts for stuff under £100 are free, any item or ‘collection of items’ £100+ are £5, and larger adverts with a picture are price on application. email: call: 01246 568 519
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What’s On? Saturday 11 to Sunday 31 October ‐
18 Sept to 31 Dec ‐ Saturday 23 October ‐ Wed 27 October ‐
Wed 27 October ‐
Thu 28 October ‐ Thu 28 October ‐ Thu 28 to Sat 30 Oct ‐
Friday 29 October ‐
Saturday 30 October ‐ Sunday 31 October ‐
Tuesday 2 November ‐ Sunday 7 November ‐
Monday 8 November ‐
Tuesday 9 November ‐
Tuesday 9 November ‐ Tuesday 9 November ‐
Thursday 11 November ‐
S40 Local
Created Gallery Exhibition: Jerry Daniel. His latest collection of landscape photography can be seen as part of the Gallery’s Autumn Afternoon celebration. For further details please contact Created Gallery, 479 Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield, S40 3AD. Tel 01246 232205, or Chesterfield Museum: Made In Chesterfield. An exhibition about manufacturing in Chesterfield today. Open 10am ‐ 4pm, Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri, Sat Call 01246 345727. Highfield Allotment Association’s Autumn Sale: At the main gates on Highfield Road, 10am ‐ 2pm. Winter hanging baskets, produce, pickles and jams will be on sale. Holymoorside United Reform Church 10th Birthday Concert: The Phoenix Choir will be performing, 7:30pm at the Church. Tickets £4. For tickets and details contact B Turner on 01246 566109 or G Nunn on 01246 568546. Chesterfield Murder Walk: A three hour walk starting inside The Rutland on Stephenson’s Place and calling in to see where tragic events happened, hearing tales of murder and the macabre, followed by a supper. Tickets are on sale in The Rutland or The Royal Oak in the Shambles. Great Lives of Derbyshire: A talk at the Whitwell Community Centre, Whitwell 7.30pm. For further info contact Jo Weldon on 01909 723230. The Vikings are Coming: Find out about life in Viking times. Chesterfield Museum & Art Gallery, open 10am ‐ 4pm. More details on 01246 345727. Chesterfield Arts and Market Festival: The Festival offers a varied programme of entertainment for visitors and local people. A full programme of festival events is available from the Tourist Information Centre on 01246 345777/8 or online at Chesterfield Arts & Market Festival ‐ Art Competition. 10.00am ‐ 3.00pm. Use any medium to create your picture of Chesterfield on the day. Prizes for U7's U11's U18's and adults. Pick up your entry form at the Chesterfield Action for Arts Forum stall on the day or Chesterfield Tourist Information Centre. Phone Shirley Niblock on 01246 207080 for further details. Meet a Roundhead: Find out about life in Cromwell's army. Chesterfield Museum & Art Gallery, open 10am ‐ 4pm. More details on 01246 345727. Events for families at St. Thomas’ Church: Alternative Halloween Celebration for those who don’t want to celebrate traditional Halloween: The Treat, 6‐8pm, games, craft, food for families with primary aged children. Booking essential. Tel: 558461 or email admin@st‐thomas‐ for further details. Tales of Murder & Macabre in Chesterfield at Chesterfield Library Theatre, 7.30pm. Contact Sue Peach on 01246 209292. 'The Way' at Walton Evangelical Church: 3.00 ‐ 4.30pm. A group for adults with learning disabilities which meets on the first Sunday of each month. You are most welcome to join us for tea and biscuits followed by a short talk and activities such as craft, drama, singing. Carers welcome. For more details call 0808 108 2354. NEDIAS: Longshaw Estate an illustrated presentation by Thelma Griffiths. North East Derbyshire Industrial Archaeology Society meeting at 7.30, Friends’ Meeting House, Ashgate Road. For details contact Cliff on 234212. Holymoorside Film: 'Inside I'm Dancing' ‐ When rebel Rory O'Shea moves into a Dublin Home for Disabled, his effect on the residents is immediate! James McAvoy and Romola Garai star. Comedy/Drama Cert. 15 104 mins. Starts at 8.00pm Holymoorside Village Hall. Contact Ann on 01246 567118 Chesterfield Civic Society: Memories of the Queen Alexandra Nurses – Part 2. 7.30pm in the Eyre Chapel, Newbold. Call Yvonne Williamson 01246 566509 for details. Hello Beads Workshop: "Making Christmas Baubles", no experience necessary, all materials and refreshments included. See website for booking details or ring Jaqui on 01246 859886. Course costs £8.00 ‐ repeated on Sat 13 Dec. Singing for the Brain: St John's Church Centre, Walton back Lane 2pm to 4pm. Anyone with dementia or any similar condition is very welcome to come along with their carers and enjoy an afternoon of tea, cake, song, chat and fun. Staff from Alzheimer's Society will be on hand for advice. Contact the Alzheimer's society on 01246 223366. Connecting Our Community
S40 Local Relax at MesAmis.
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Mayoral Events
hesterfield’s Mayor Councillor Keith Morgan has been in touch and wants to let us know about the Mayoral Events that are planned through the remainder of his term. These events help bring the community together and play an important part in raising money for the Mayors Charity. 28th October: Bargain Hunt with the Mayor and Mayoress presenting prizes. Market Festival Event: Chesterfield Market. 20th November: Abertillery Orpheus Male Voice Choir. 7.00pm ‐ 9.30pm at St. Thomas’ Church, Brampton. 21st November: Chesterfield Christmas Lights switch on 4.00pm at Chesterfield Market. 28th November: Chesterfield’s got Talent! The Winding Wheel at 7.00pm ‐ 9.30pm. Throughout December ‐ Carol singing events along Chatsworth Road, details from the Mayors Office. 21st February: Mayor’s Quiz Night. 7.00pm to 9.30pm at The Olde House. February DATE TBA: Barn Dance. FairPlay Charity. 8th April: Charity Gala Dinner. A black tie event but lounge suit optional. 7.30 for 8.00pm at The Casa Hotel, Chesterfield. If you would like to attend any of these events please get in touch with the Mayors Office on 01246 345 238.
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What’s On? Friday 12 November ‐
Saturday 13 November ‐ Tuesday 16 November ‐
Tuesday 16 November ‐
Friday 19 November ‐ Friday 19 November ‐
Saturday 20 November ‐ Sunday 21 November ‐ Monday 22 November ‐
Friday 26 November ‐
Saturday 27 November ‐ Saturday 27 November ‐
Friday 3 December ‐ Saturday 4 December ‐
Sunday 5 December ‐
Thursday 9 December ‐
Friday 10 December ‐
Sunday 12 December ‐
Sunday 12 December ‐
S40 Local
An Evening Of Entertainment With HALLMARK OF HARMONY at Saint John's Church Centre, Walton Back Lane, Chesterfield at 7.30pm. Tickets £6.00 including refreshments. Tickets available from Anne Thompson on 01246 566448. Parkinson's U K Chesterfield & District Branch. Ashgate Hospice: Christmas Market. At the hospice from 1pm till 3pm. Contact them on 01246 568801 for more details. Chesterfield & District Vegetable and Fruit Growers ‐ 7:30pm ‐ Methodist Chapel Meeting Room, New Road, Holymoorside. Come and join this friendly group to share your gardening experiences ‐ beginners welcome. Contact John: 01246 569515 or Malcolm : 01246 569948 or just turn up. Regular meets ‐ third Tuesday, monthly. Hello Beads Workshop: More Christmas Baubles. No experience necessary, all materials and refreshments included. See website for booking details or ring Jaqui on 01246 859886. Course costs £8.00 ‐ course is repeated on Sat 20 Dec. Luxury Shopping Night: St Mary’s High School. Featuring many of our local businesses. 7pm till 9pm.Tickets available from the School Office on 01246 201191. Storrs Road Methodist Church launch of the Messy Church Family Event called 'Searchlight' at 3.30pm. What are we looking for? For further details please contact Come and join us in the search! Brampton Gospel Mission: Christmas Fayre @ 2 pm. Details contact Tina on 557719. Brampton Gospel Mission: Shoebox Service @ 10.45 am. Anyone wishing to help with the Samaritan's Purse Shoebox appeal, please contact Tina 557719. Brampton Living History Society: Exploring the Alleyways of Derbyshire a talk by Godfrey Holmes. Held in St. Thomas’s Church Meeting Room, Chatsworth Road, at 7.30pm. Admission Charge £1.50 including Refreshments. ALL WELCOME. Holymoorside Film: 'Waking Ned' ‐ Irish village lottery winner dies of shock and chaos ensues as his neighbours try to claim the money! Cert PG 90 mins. Starts at 7.30pm Holymoorside Village Hall. Contact Ann on 01246 567118 Ashgate Hospice Winter Ball @ Winding Wheel in Chesterfield. Tables of 10 are £350. For further details please contact the Fundraising Team on 01246 567250 Charity Christmas Market: St John's Church Centre, Walton Back Lane 11 ‐ 3pm. Come and enjoy a snack, explore our new building, and help us to raise funds for the Smiles Foundation. New and 'nearly new' stalls (art, crafts, food, china, bric a brac and books/ videos), as well as activities for youngsters. Even Santa will be there! Contact: Lindsay Gutteridge on 01246 234696. The SONARA Singers in concert at Storrs Road Methodist Church. 7.30 pm. Tickets £6 including interval refreshments. Please contact 556721 or 232169 for details. Westfield Infants School Christmas Fair: 2pm till 4pm. Raffle, tombola, book and toy stalls home made cakes … refreshments and hot dogs. Westfield Infants School, Vincent Crescent, Brampton S40 2NW. Call 01246 566124 for details. Ashgate Hospice Santa Run @ Carsington Waters organised by Wirksworth Rotary, 50% of the proceeds will come to Ashgate Hospice. For more information please call the Fundraising team on 01246 567250 Singing for the Brain: St John's Church Centre, Walton back Lane 2pm to 4pm. Anyone with dementia or any similar condition is very welcome to come along with their carers and enjoy an afternoon of tea, cake, song, chat and fun. Staff from Alzheimer's Society will be on hand for advice. Contact the Alzheimer's society on 01246 223366. Derbyshire Constabulary Male Voice Choir Christmas Concert for Pathways. St John's Church, Walton Back Lane 7.45pm Tickets £4 (U16's £2) Contact 01246 271313 Come join us for an enjoyable Christmas themed evening of song & help a worthy cause. Ashgate Hospice Festive Family Fun Run in Chesterfield. Come dressed as your favourite festive character. To take part in this festive family fun run contact 01246 567250 or visit to download a registration form. Lights of Love Service at Ashgate Hospice at 6pm. Dedicate a Light of Love in memory of your loved ones this year. Please contact the Fundraising Team at Ashgate Hospice on 01246 567250 for an application form or visit to dedicate your Light of Love online. Connecting Our Community
S40 Local
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What’s On?
S40 Local
Local Football CHESTERFIELD TOWN FC are expanding the girls section and would like to hear from any girls interested in football who are currently at junior school level. For further details please contact club secretary Tim Sadler on 01246 277325. NEWBOLD COMMUNITY FOOTBALL TRAINING takes place Saturday morning, fun training for boys and girls of all abilities aged from 5 to 15 years‐old. Sessions take place at Highfield Park, Newbold from 9‐30 to 11‐30am each week and the cost is only £2‐00 per session. For further details please contact club secretary Tim Sadler on 01246 277325.
Regular Events Mondays Term Time
2nd Chesterfield Boys Brigade for boys and girls age 6 ‐ 18 at Storrs Road Methodist Church Centre. Every Monday during term time, starts 6pm. For further details 01246 274021 or email
Every Monday
Cock and Magpie Morris 8.00pm ‐ 9.30pm @ A.C.C.A 6 Ashgate Road Chesterfield S40 4AA. New wo/men dancers and musicians always welcome. Phone Shirley Niblock on 01246 207080 for further details or
Mondays Term Time Every Tuesday Every Tuesday
Totzone : Events for families at St. Thomas’ Church: Monday afternoons during term time ‐ Craft, play & songs for pre‐school children and their carers. The Olive Branch 'Drop In' at Brampton Moor Methodist Church, Chatsworth Road. Every Tuesday 10a.m. to 1.30p.m. Refreshments available. All welcome. Chesterfield Garland/Clog Dancers 7.30pm‐9.30pm at Methodist Church Hall, Jaw Bones Hill, Chesterfield. New female dancers and wo/men musicians always welcome. Phone Irene Hicken on 01246 230677 for further details or
Every Tuesday
Chesterfield Film Makers invite anyone interested in making videos to their regular weekly Tuesday evening meetings at Walton Village Centre, 7.30 for 7.45 pm. For more details phone 01246 277349 or visit Rose & Crown: Old Road. General Knowledge quiz every Tuesday night ‐ gallon of ale for the winner. Last Sunday of each month, Music quiz ‐ gallon of ale for the winner & rolling cash prize for 100% score.
Every Tuesday Alternate Tuesdays Every Wednesday Wednesdays and Saturdays
Bible Study group ‐ meets at 7 pm at the Gospel Mission Congregational Church. Contact Tina on 01246 557719. Brampton Ladies Club meet at 7.15 for 7:45pm at Storrs Road Methodist Church. Meetings held every Wednesday during school term time with a speaker or social activity. Details 01246 272333. Bring 'n Bead ‐ Beading Coffee Mornings ‐ No previous experience necessary, bring your current project, choose a new one, or just come alone to enjoy the company of others with a cup of coffee & biscuits. Meet every alternate week on Wednesdays and Saturdays. Also courses and workshops. Call Jaqui on 01246 859886 for more details or to book. £1 cover charge.
2nd Wed of the Month
NHS Retirement Fellowship: For anyone who has worked for the NHS in any capacity. Usual format is a speaker and refreshments. Meet at the Methodist Church Hall on Jaw Bones Hill, Derby Road from 2pm to 4pm. Turn up on the day or for more information call Anne Hodson on 01246 275062.
Fridays Term Time
3rd Brampton (St Thomas’) Scout Group: Join the adventure for 6‐14 years olds in the Beaver, Cub or Scout Sections. Meeting Friday evenings during term time. Please contact Ben Widdowson, Group Scout Leader on 01246 567409 for more details.
Last Wed of each Month
Cotton Mill Club: Activity club for young adults with learning difficulties. 7pm till 9pm on the last Wednesday of each month at Holymoorside United Reform Church School Room. Contact: B Turner on 01246 566109 for details.
Luxury Shopping Night Featuring many of our local businesses Fri 19th Nov 2010 from 7pm till 9pm St Mary's High School Upper Newbold
Tickets available from the School Office on 01246 201191 8
Connecting Our Community
¿hablas español? parlez-vous français? SPANISH • FRENCH GERMAN • ESOL • Beginners & Intermediates • Classes for all ages designed to individual needs • 6-week courses - groups, couples, families, individuals Booking all year round Please ring for details
S40 Local Language Learning Centre
Jane Reed
07548 520700 1 Brampton Courtyard • 11a Old Hall Road Brampton • Chesterfield S40 3RG
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S40 Local
Development: Update
t’s been a couple of months since we met up with Alan Morey from the Planning Department at Chesterfield Borough Council, so I met up with Alan again earlier this month ‐ here’s a round‐up of developments.
On the back of their success at 131 Chatsworth Road (Nonnas/Mode), Blue Deer Development is looking to redevelop the ex‐Kingdon Pines showroom, now the Fabric Warehouse. Initial plans propose new units, built onto the existing building, which will be completely refurbished and updated. The old B&Q site has a new occupier. As you may have noticed refurbishment work has begun and Matalan will soon be opening their doors. The Robinsons sites, to the South of Chatsworth Road, are still vacant, however, it is understood that developers are in discussion with the land owners. Whatever plans emerge will then need to align to the
Connecting Our Community
S40 Local
Also on the site is Kentucky Fried Chicken and an IN‘n’OUT car servicing business occupying two units on the site, leaving just one plot looking for an occupier.
The Waterside development – running from the old Tesco site along the canal and alongside the A61 into town, has a planning application in progress and detailed applications are expected to be in place for early 2011. Chesterfield as a whole seems to be Local residents were concerned about Peter Swallow of Bolsterstone Plc, riding the recession well. If you look the impact of traffic, so a Stadium based at Dunston, is managing this at other towns of a similar size there Travel Management group has been development which hopes to become is a sense of doom and gloom, not so established to assess the flow of home to a thriving new community of here, there is interest from developers traffic and ensure minimal impact on businesses and residents and a major and the number of empty retail and residents. Detailed travel plans are in attraction for visitors. commercial units in the town centre is place and the Group are monitoring slightly below the national average at against a set of criteria. The old Tesco site is still vacant and at 12.9% compared to 13%. Our three present there are no plans on the Directly opposite is the exciting Casa horizon. Planning consent has been neighbouring cities are struggling to Hotel development, due to open early removed so it can no longer be used get close to 13% ‐ Sheffield at 21.3%, Derby at 17.2% and Nottingham at 23%. November. It promises to provide a for retail, and it’s hoped it will link into high quality experience for businesses the Waterside development. As an example, the old Woolworths looking for conference and meeting store was quickly occupied, and it’s facilities, and for couples celebrating The old Fire Station site on Sheffield estimated that around 300 of the original 807 Woolworth stores are still the most important day of their lives. Road is vacant with the new station The hotel is split into three sections ‐ now sited behind the new B&Q ‐ an vacant nationwide – so that’s a real the ground floor offers bars, a ideal location for the new Community win for us here. restaurant, banqueting suite, gym and Station as a great percentage of their A little further afield, you’ll be aware conference and business services, the calls are to sites to the south of centre section housing the 100 4star Chesterfield and to the M1 corridor, so of the huge changes along Sheffield hotel rooms and the top two floors this new location reduces travel time. Road and the A61 corridor. will be the head offices for Global Tesco on the old Dema Glass site will Brands Ltd, the local company behind have been open a year in November. such names as Vodka Kick, Kick Chesterfield Football Club have Energy and who’s owner Steve Perez relocated and kicked off the season in is a local guy not afraid to reinvest in their new ground, which seems to be his home town ‐ great news for us all. sending good vibes to the team, who, There is also outline planning at time of writing, had not lost a permission for additional offices on games played there (not wishing to the site. We hope to bring you more jinx their success). on this development in future issues. Masterplan (we covered the council’s planning masterplan in issue 6, if you weren’t receiving S40 then or you’ve simply forgotten please revisit at
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hope you don’t think I’ve lost the plot. I realise some of you will be receiving this in October, but in our house Christmas starts early. I hate the last minute rush to get stuff done, and as the final countdown approaches I’d rather be out on my mountain bike getting ready to take on all those festive calories that I don’t really need!
Loads! You might even be able to walk there, saving on fuel and parking costs. A quick call into an eatery for lunch whilst you’re out, we’ve loads of great choices now in the area.
We’re very lucky in S40 to have such great independent shops on our doorstep, and chances are you’ll be able to pick up gifts that you wouldn’t get in the major shopping temples.
Why not set yourself a goal and see if you can get 80% of your presents within a 5 mile radius of the house?
Not sure what you want? I bet you’ll get a warm welcome and loads of help, as more often than not the person behind the till owns the business. If you don’t So I thought it best to do an early see what you want it’s worth calling back as stock will change gift guide so you’ve plenty of time to get your presents locally. regularly.
So, what else can I achieve locally? Well for us the turkey will be a local bird from Highfield As I said in the intro, for many House Farm Shop (see their people times are hard, so getting the right gifts at the right advert on page 36 for a discount) and for the tree, perhaps visit price is even more important. Hudsons Florists. Why not spend a weekend checking what’s on offer and see Remember ... it starts on our what you can achieve ‐ what’s to doorstep. lose? Nothing! What’s to gain? 12 12
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S40 Local
Connecting Our Community
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Celebrity Photographer Andrew Markwell
Aleshia Dixon Photographed by Andrew Markwell
ome of you will know about Portrait Lounge after seeing their previous adverts in S40 Local and from their studio space above Amelias café. The more observant amongst you will have seen display my work and promote the that they have moved and opened their doors at 131 Chatsworth Road on additional brands with which I’m associated such as Touch The Dream the top level, next to Nonnas. or Models Republic. I see Chatsworth I went along to have a chat with Road changing and it’s an ideal place Andrew Markwell the man behind to locate the business.” Portrait Lounge to see what the new studio has to offer and find out what Q. There are a growing number of makes him tick. photographers out there at present, what gives you the egde, why should I Q. Tell us about your background, buy my photography services from you’ve not been on Chatsworth Road Andrew Markwell? long, so are you Chesterfield born and >> “We take a creative approach to bread or is this a new move. photography, Sarah, my wife, is a >> “I am a Barnsley lad and until graphic designer and we work well recently the majority of my work was together. Our projects are better based in London and Manchester summarised as photo art which we doing freelance work for music and think gives us a unique selling point. celebrity events. The move to We have over 30 years experience so Chesterfield came about after can apply this to any event.” meeting my beautiful wife Sarah. ” Q. You must be involved with loads of Q. 131 is a new development and projects and people, what’s given you seems to be almost fully occupied, the most pleasure? why the move from further up the road? >> “This has to be an exhibition I did for the Sense charity, I remember >> “Portrait Lounge has a lot to offer, watching a documentary about the we do everything from portrait work, wonderful job the carers do and the family sessions, weddings through to deaf/blind people and their specialist celebrity events etc, it’s achievements. Being someone who great work, I never know where it will loves to DJ, has a huge range of music take me from one day to the next. and obviously loves photography I Having said that we need a shop front was amazed by the story of a 6 year and this space gives me the ability to
old deaf and blind boy and how he coped with the world around him. I did eight portraits to help raise awareness and an exhibition in Sheffield. It was great to meet so many excellent people, I felt very humbled by what they do.” Q. What was your favourite shoot? >> “Difficult one this as I have worked with some great people. However, I’m a huge fan of Paul Weller and when the opportunity arose to do some shots I jumped at it and am very pleased with the results. I’ve worked with Howard Donald from Take That, Amy Winehouse, Noel Gallagher of Oasis and Aleshia Dixon (below) now more famous for her role in Strictly Come dancing, this work is always interesting and I really enjoy the music relationship.” Q. Your web site mentions two items Touch The Dream and Models Republic, what’s this all about? >> “Touch The Dream is a partnership I have with Neil Balmforth who collects football memorabilia. When an important cup or trophy is produced, such as the Premier and Champions League trophies the manufacturers produce a small quantity of replica items, typically six are made, Neil owns a number of these and Touch The Dream enables us to use these in photo shoots.” We set up Models Republic as we feel people are often taken advantage of in the modelling world, we offer a quality transparent service through Models Republic.” And what do you think of S40 ... Q. Favourite place for a meal? Nonnas. Q. Place you go to unwind or escape from it all? The Park at Inkersall Green. Q. Best thing about the community in which you work? The people, many customers are now friends. Thanks to Andrew for taking the time out, just before he opens his doors for business, to give us some background. As Christmas approaches his portrait packs might just be the perfect gift.
S40 Local
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Advertising Feature
nvestors looking for income have faced an increasing challenge ever since the financial crisis tightened its grip when Lehman Brothers collapsed two years ago. Dividends came under pressure and interest rates dropped to record lows. Bond markets were unnerved and commercial property fell from grace. In short, there were – and have been since ‐ few places for income‐seekers to turn. Two years on and interest rates remain low. Investors wanting to secure an income stream have realised that they must accept some risk, by looking beyond simple cash deposits. History shows that investing in shares has provided investors with a decent long‐term chance of
outrunning inflation, particularly if the shares pay growing dividends. And dividends have also started to reappear after a poor couple of years when some payouts were scrapped or reduced. Yet the latest figures from Capita Registrars (half year 2010) showed that companies increasing or reinstating dividends this year outnumbered those cutting or cancelling payouts by 2:1. Last year the ratio was 1:1. With dividend payouts on the turn, the outlook for equity income funds could also be on the up. Equity income funds have a strong track record for delivering attractive, sustainable income and steady returns over the long term, but inevitably were impacted by the crisis of recent times. Many funds were heavily exposed to the big banks – not surprising given their history of paying dividends – but the banks’ obligations to rebuild their balance sheets meant their dividend distributions were cut by £6bn in 2009 compared to 2008 (source: Neptune Investment Management, March 2010), which had a detrimental impact 20 20
on both fund values and on the yield they were generating. These funds have had time to adjust to the post‐financial crisis world, but it is worth remembering that not all equity income funds are the same. Some are better for income, while others are better for those aiming for a decent total return buoyed by capital growth. So if it’s income you are after make sure you research and understand the individual fund fully. It is not just UK equity funds that might tempt income seekers. There has been a pick up in interest in overseas equity income funds ‐ experts believe that if a “dividend culture’’ takes hold in other parts of the world in the way it has in Britain, high‐yield stocks could be re‐rated, producing attractive returns. Corporate bond funds, which are by their nature income producers, remain popular, particularly with cautious investors. But the decision on which bond fund to choose is less than clear‐cut. Economists are split on whether the UK is about to enter a double‐dip recession, or whether inflation will rise sharply. This divided opinion does little to help investors. Investment‐grade corporate bonds suffer at times of inflation (the fixed interest rate means that the real value of the income is eroded over time), while non‐investment‐grade bonds, which pay a higher yield, tend to struggle during a recession (as more companies default). As applies with all asset types, a diversified fixed interest strategy will ensure you can capture the potential of the wider corporate bond market. Another income producing asset, commercial property is also beginning to attract attention again. It was the third most popular sector in June, according to the Investment Management Association (published June 2010). Connecting Our Community
Commercial felt the full the credit the fall in values left investors significant Never had suffered
property effects of crunch and property many nursing losses. the sector such a sharp decline. But again, history suggests that commercial property has a place in a portfolio for income investors. Its long‐term track record is strong, while it offers diversification from shares. But commercial property is not without its risks. Property prices may have risen steadily over the past year, but there have been signs that these increases are running out of steam. According to the IPD Index Statement published in July 2010, commercial property values rose by just 0.2 per cent in July, the smallest gain since the market started to recover last year. If the UK economy does fall back into recession, the commercial property sector could come under pressure again. There can also be liquidity problems, as many investors have learned to their costs, and you may not be able to get your money out of a fund immediately if the sector does turn sour. Interest rates remain at record low levels and even if they start to pick up they are likely to remain subdued for some time. Investors are going to have to have their wits about them to maximise income opportunities from their investments – but it can be done. To receive a complimentary guide covering Wealth Management, Retirement Planning or Inheritance Tax Planning, contact Peter Boardman, Somersall Financial Management Ltd on 01246 559616, by email or visit:
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YOGA FOR LIFE Gentle Yoga & Relaxation for People Living with Cancer Classes will consist of gentle yoga movements, breathing techniques, meditation and deep relaxation selected to support people living with the challenges of a life changing illness.
For further information please contact Pauline Nunn 0779 115 7672 or email: Classes at the Friends Meeting House, Chesterfield
Things to do in the garden in November
The clocks have gone back, the 4. Put out bird food to encourage evenings are dark early and winter is winter birds. on its way. 5. Insulate containers from frost 1. Clear leaves from your lawn and using bubble wrap. water features. 6. Cut back faded perennial plants. 2. Plant tulips. 7. Put any tender plants in your 3. Lightly prune roses to prevent greenhouse. wind rock.
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8. Dig new flower beds and veggie patches as long as it is not too wet. 9. Plant out hedging, trees and shrubs. 10. Don't forget to empty the fuel tank on your mower after its final cut. Thanks to Paul Ashgate Garden Care
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A Local Pub Classic!
while ago we sat down with Craig Lynch of Brampton Manor to understand a bit more about the Manor and what makes it unique. Craig’s been busy since we last spoke and you may have spotted the changes going on at the Fox & Goose, another exciting business acquired by Craig recently. I went up there a few weeks ago and was really impressed with the changes, various people have commented on what great food they offer, so my next job is to get up for a meal one evening. Anyway, although I haven’t had chance to eat there I thought it would be good to catch up with Craig to understand what’s new. For years the Fox and Goose on Pudding Pie Hill, Old Brampton, has been a local favourite ‐ with a reputation as THE place to go for good food, a decent pint and a warm welcome for various clubs and societies. Now, following a £200,000 facelift, and the addition of a stunning orangery and dining terrace, it’s looking even more appealing for regulars and a new generation of visitors.
So what’s changed at the Fox and Goose? The upstairs Function Suite has been refitted with a new bar and transformed into an attractive venue suitable for Civil Weddings. The restaurant also plays host to corporate conferences and music events like jazz festivals and tribute nights drawing fans from a wide area. For more intimate family functions or business lunches there’s also a private dining room. The pub downstairs has stayed true to its traditional roots, offering a wide array of locally‐brewed guest ales in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Care has been taken to maintain its history ‐ hence the classic car memorabilia collected by a previous landlord which now takes pride of place on the wall along with a picture of the legendary pub cat, Boddington. Ramblers with muddy boots and all, passing through the area can take a welcome rest and enjoy a pint and tasty refreshments in the snug.
S40 Local
But it is the latest development of the which he hopes will one day rival elegant orangery and dining terrace ‐ historic Bakewell Pudding. which is proving the icing on the cake. The name, Pudding Pie, apparently The orangery is idyllic; with its sunny came about when farmers would bright atmosphere, it’s perfect for a create a limestone moat around their light lunch, celebration supper, a fields to stop the spread of infection. traditional Sunday lunch or a The locals said it made the fields look delightful afternoon tea whilst like pudding‐pies. The pies are enjoying the panoramic view. proving so popular that they’re selling them to eat in the restaurant or to Lovely surroundings are one thing ‐ take away ‐ and developing a savoury good service is another and the Fox version. and Goose has a dedicated team for whom nothing is too much trouble Any last comments to make? with General Manager, Gary Wilson at the helm ‐ many of you will know Gary “Local’s really important. I’m competing against the big pub from the Rising Sun at Whirlow. companies and want to encourage people in the community to support In the kitchens they’ve developed a their locally‐owned local. And, I practice new concept giving British pub classics a tasty modern twist. It means this wherever possible, by patronising you can enjoy proper pub sandwiches other local companies ‐ hence the range of homemade ‘doorstep bread’ with a of exclusive wines from Chesterfield based Barrels and Bottles. It’s choice of fillings including Owen Taylor’s award‐winning pork sausages important we all work together to boost the local economy, so we’ll use and sweet red onion marmalade or local suppliers in preference to anyone mature farmhouse cheddar with else. homemade chutney. And in tribute to former pub landlord Don Newsome ‐ who made The Fox and Goose famous for steak sandwiches cooked on a copper grill, which is still behind the bar ‐ there is a signature Steak Canadienne with a secret sauce. The superb nightly a la carte specials change regularly but with food such as crab and red pepper tian for starters, fillet of beef, wilted spinach, green beans wrapped in pancetta with a rosemary fondant to follow and cappuccino creme brulee with hazelnut biscotti to finish ... I’d recommend leaving the diet at home for the evening. There are also imaginative salads, great pies and rib‐sticking grills, not to mention the range of homemade desserts – at very competitive prices.
“The opening of the orangery and the dining terrace has been a major step for us ‐ but much of what has been achieved is down to the fact that The Fox and Goose takes note of the details. We don’t just welcome ramblers and their muddy boots, families and provide hearty food – we’ll also help you get there with The Fox Trotter a free shuttle service which chauffeurs six or more private or a la carte diners to and from the venue.
With its village location, Craig Lynch is very aware that The Fox and Goose has a role to play in the community - and not just as a pub and restaurant. That’s why plans are in hand to incorporate a village shop and post office for the convenience of local people. In future there could also be a discreet site for caravans and a stable block of bedrooms attracting visitors from outside the area and giving other local businesses a boost.
“And we’ve also launched ‘Foxin’ About’ an outside catering service which can provide everything from canapes to a hog roast. “With the festive season fast approaching, the wide array of menus and festive functions at the Fox and Goose it’s proving to be a real magnet for families, local businesses and groups of friends.”
To celebrate the new opening they’ve (Ed: Make mental note to self ‐ must introduced a new dish, Pudding Pie, which pays homage to the location of get the baby sitter arranged and a The Fox and Goose ‐ Pudding Pie Hill ‐ table booked!)
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Business News
s always the businesses in the area have been busy expanding product ranges and offering great services. This months news demonstrates again what a great place to be Chatsworth Road is.
clothing designer Jodie Huckle for a while now and is very excited to be putting the stock on the shelves. To celebrate they are hosting a launch night on 2nd December where the range will be available to view and purchase along with the rest of the extensive range of stock on offer. Brampton Picture Framing has Contact Yvonne on 01246 297615 for launched it's website where you can more detail. view over 2500 picture frame Want a jug like moudlings online. As well as viewing, we can now sell mouldings the Queen? If either "on chop" that is mitred for you do you’d you, or as lengths, so you can make better be quick you own frames. as Jannine at is now JMJ Pottery on the UK's largest picture framing Chatsworth website with almost 3000 pages Road only has and ranks third out of 73.4 million one left! This results on! is the last of three pots, one of which was presented to the Queen Pete Currey of Entire Maintenance by Chesterfield Borough Council? Solutions has been in touch to let us There can’t be many people that know that last year they helped set can boast the Queen has their up and erect Christmas Decorations goods displayed on her for a number of businesses. If you mantelpiece. need help please give them a call. Hudsons Florists will be selling Also, if you’re looking for interior design skills, they have successfully Christmas Trees this year, to redesigned and project managed a complement the bomb cosmetics and the flowers, choose it and then number of jobs recently. have it delivered. Give them a call If you pop into Libby’s you’ll see a to make your booking. new range of products from Autour du Parfum … yes they are French. What’s more impressive is that they are only available in two places in the UK, one is Libby’s on Chatsworth Road and the second is Fortnum and Mason, the quintessential English store in the heart of London’s Piccadilly. They make perfect gifts so you’d better Created Gallery is now selling online get down there quick before the through the website Gift Wrapped shelves are cleared. & Gorgeous. “This is a big step for the gallery so it's great to have help from Amanda and Alison at GWAG” says Deirdre Gage. “It will introduce new customers from all over the web to the fantastic makers we have at Created.” So now you can shop at Created Gallery from anywhere and at anytime, just in time for Christmas. Go to the Yvonne Clarke at Making It For You Created Gallery homepage is very proud to be launching her ( & look own range of ladies clothing called for the Gift Wrapped & Gorgeous Silhouette. She has been working logo to visit the online shop. on the project with award winning 30
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NE 5 P HO TEL E 68 80 5 6 E 4 IL 012 OR MOB 7314 4 3 05 etails 078or more d F
In these times of financial uncertainty why pay Salon prices when a Salon trained stylist can come to your very home. Salon prices are typically 30 to 40% more expensive and remember we use the same hair products as those you’ll find in a Salon, so ...
“why go to the Salon when the Salon can come to you?”
31 Westbrook Drive • Brookside • Chesterfield S40 3PQ
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S40 Local Classifieds
Book Launch:
Oceanic 156 Snowboard: £99 Twenty Four/Seven Oceanic Cap Women's Snowboard 156cm ‐ complete with bindings. Call Rob on 04773 7978444 (Brampton). Travel System: Silver Cross £85 Silver Cross Wayfarer Travel system in blue, with pram, pushchair, car seat, cover and changing bag. In good condition. Call Ann Smith on 01246 566421 (Walton). Rainwater Collection Tanks: £80 ono 400 gallon rainwater collection tanks (3 available) £80 ono each. Call Ann Smith on 01246 566421 (Walton). Gas Hob: £30 CDA 4 ring gas hob. Call Ann Smith on 01246 566421 (Walton). John Lewis Skipper Junior Bed: £45 Wooden bed, beech, removable cot sides. Dimensions: 1460x830x200. Available with mattress (used ‐ John Lewis Premium Foam 1400x700) if wanted. Contact Mike on 01246 566361 or 07715171887 (Brampton).
o Cannon, a GP living in Chesterfield, is launching her first published collection of short stories ‐ “Insignificant Gestures”. The stories touch on exile, belonging and celebrate the unexpected interactions that alter lives. Jo explores what it is like to be an outsider, from working as a doctor in an African hospital with very limited resources, to refugees trying to come to terms with their previous and present lives and through individuals who deal with epilepsy or simply want to sort out their own lives. She is launching her book on November 20th 2010 at Scarthin Books in Cromford, from 5.30 to 7.30 pm. Everyone welcome. Jo will be reading extracts from her collection and signing copies. Jo will also be doing readings in Chesterfield and Sheffield during November, contact the Chesterfield Library for details. Her book is available from bookshops and www.pewter‐rose‐ where you can get it for a special offer price of £7 (usually £8.99).
Office Chair: £28 IKEA type swivel office chair in blue fabric. Never used. Contact Audrey on 01246 569403 (Somersall). Green Bumbo: £10 Bright green Bumbo, used a few times. Call Paul on 01246 568 519 (Brookside).
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Want to raise some extra cash for Christmas? Having a clear out in the run up to Christmas?
Waxing and Electrolysis Thread Vein Removal Specialist bridal packages Half day pampering sessions
What about selling some of your unwanted stuff in the S40 Local Classifieds? Adverts for stuff under £100 are free, any item or ‘collection of items’ £100+ are £5, and larger adverts with a picture are price on application.
email: call: 01246 568 519 32
Gift Vouchers
01246 566111 For friendly and professional beauty treatments 521 Chatsworth Road • Chesterfield S40 3JS
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Streamline Swim School Children's Swimming Lessons Mon to Thu evenings Sat mornings Adult Only Swimming Lessons Mon Evenings & some Thu Evenings Ashgate Croft Children's School Holiday Courses Call for details & dates One to One Lessons for all abilities
Call Marie on 07773 158 925 eMail: Ashgate Croft School Brookfield Community School Chesterfield
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PC Security: Egytec
dentify theft, PC viruses, online shopping and banking scams are big business and are always in the news, so we thought it would be good to talk to our local expert, Youssef Abou Elela from Egytec, for some hints and tips to help protect our PCs and information and minimise security risks.
scan, you must update first to make sure the software can detect and remove the latest viruses. PHISHING AND EMAIL SCAMS Never open an email that doesn’t seem genuine. Look out for ones supposedly from your bank and NEVER reply to emails asking you to send credit or debit card details. Do not reply to emails requesting passwords or asking you to enter login details for your online banking or eBay. These are always scams they are known as “phishing emails” or “spoof emails” never respond to them. If in doubt ring your bank. In some cases do not even click on the unsubscribe link. Quite often the unsubscribe link is just a way to verify an active email address ‐ if you click on it you’ll just encourage more junk mail.
VIRSUES In the last few months there’ve been a lot of viruses generated which can harm your operating system (windows). These viruses can make it very slow and some programs will not open. You can also lose some if not all of your data. To stay protected ‐ install a good brand of antivirus software such as Norton internet security, MacAfee and Kaspersky. Most internet providers offer free security with their broadband package and some banks offer it free to customers. It is worth checking to see if you are missing out. You can download free ones from the internet but I would not recommend these as they need to be renewed after a short while and don’t offer all the safety features so you
PASSWORD PROTECTION Make sure you use good passwords. Make them long, use a mix of letters in upper and lower case and numbers. Don’t use the same password for everything. If you need to write them down, keep in a secure location. Never just use your name or date of birth. Never save passwords on a public computer. ONLINE SHOPPING If you’re shopping online, only provide financial information when you have a secure connection to online shopping sites. Your browser should show a locked padlock icon when you are connected to a secure site, the padlock symbol will usually be in the bottom right of the screen. CHILD FRIENDLY You can install software to block unsuitable sites for young children. Take an interest in what your children are doing when on the internet. Occasionally ask questions and get them to talk about what they are doing online. If they are chatting with strangers you should ask them what they are saying in the chat room! Make them aware that some people they chat to might not be what they seem.
may not be fully protected. As new viruses emerge every day it’s vital you run an update followed by a scan as often as possible. Please don’t just 34 34
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Don’t be frightened of the internet, it is a wonderful thing for all ages. It allows people to keep in touch with friends and family whatever their distance, it offers a wealth of information, allows you to visit places around the world, to see pictures and video’s of things you didn't even know existed. You can find out about anything and everything you have ever wanted to, all from the comfort of your own home. BACK‐UP Finally please back up your data regularly, especially your pictures and remember if the worst should happen, I’m only a phone call away. I’m always here to get your laptop or PC decontaminated, up and running and virus free.
We are able to diagnose & fix your Laptop & PC Problems A SONY SPECIALIST * Free Estimates Given * * No Fix No Fee * 9am—9pm Mon—Sun
EGYTEC 3 Raneld Mount Walton Chesterfield S403RE Phone: 01246 237465 Mobile: 07903224417 Website: Email:
Help When You Need IT! Situated in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. Experience providing support and repairs for a wide range of IT Equipment. You can bring your laptop or PC to our office or we can collect fix and return it. If you are local to S40 we can arrange a home visit if preferred. We have a selection of used Laptops available and we carry a large stock of spare parts. Give us a call or email us with your make, model and problem and we will give you a price.
“Youssef” Your Local IT Technician
I’ve previously had PC & laptop repair companies in Dubai and Egypt. I do repairs on all makes and models, but primarily I’m a Sony specialist. When I first came to England I worked for a couple of PC repair shops to see how business was done here, before starting my own business. I quickly saw that companies didn’t mend components and keep costs low, but simply replaced them at a higher cost to the customer. As I have the knowledge to mend laptops and PC’s at component level I decided I would offer this service to my customers. This enables me to keep the cost of repairs down and makes a repair a more viable option than buying a new laptop. If there is a fault on the motherboard most shops would replace it, but I will always attempt to repair it first ‐ 9 out of ten boards can be repaired. I have invested in the latest infrared equipment to enable me to do the repairs. A large part of my work is repairing for other repair companies. Additionally, I am also
sent laptops from all over the country ‐ but I prefer repairing for my local customers. I’ve had a lot of s40 readers use my services and have always had a very good response from advertising in the s40 magazine. I enjoy visiting people in their homes
or having them come to me. I get a lot of satisfaction in my job, nothing is better than getting a dead laptop from a customer and seeing their faces as they see it come to life again. I have met such a lot of nice people.” Youssef Abou Elela
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Highfield House Farm Shop The Prince family have run the farm for 24 years and we pride ourselves on providing quality locally sourced produce.
Our beef comes from Ashover, Bakewell and Baslow. Our lambs are home reared or from within a 5 mile radius of the farm. Our home dry-cured bacon is a bit of a speciality. Our Christmas poultry comes from Barlow and Calow. Our vegetable are picked daily & delivered from the surrounding counties. Place your Christmas order before 13th December & all orders will be ready for collection from Thursday 23rd December up until 3pm Christmas Eve. Christmas order form is available via email or post please call us.
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01246 590817 We’re just off the Matlock Road, then 200 yards past the Red Lion at Stone Edge … just look for our signs.
B5057 Darley Road • Stonedge • Ashover • Chesterfield S45 0LW
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Visit your local Redwell stockists Brampton Carpets and Blinds
217 Chatsworth Road Chesterfield S40 2BA Opposite GK Ford
Tel: 01246 557767
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AF PLUMBING AND HEATING Boiler Installations Gas Fires & Cookers Servicing & Breakdowns Landlord Certificates & Gas Safety Checks Bathroom & Shower Installations
Tel 01246 203748 Mob 0775 773 7283
DJN Home Services Joinery □ Locksmith Purpose made joinery, e.g.
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Supply, fitting or repair of locks and locking mechanisms for both UPVC and timber doors/windows.
Insured and all work guaranteed For a free quote, then please contact Dean.
Tel: 01246 567637 Mob: 07876 352041 Somersby Avenue, Walton
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A&H Paving Ltd Block Paving Fencing Drainage Concrete Drop Kerbs Patios Tarmac DCC Registered All construction
Contact Tony on: t: 01246 207 046 m: 07890 657903 Vernon Road Brampton Chesterfield S40 1EL
M.J. Redford Full Building & Construction Services Extensions & Alterations Roofing & Conservatories New Builds & Maintenance Inclusive Of Planning Plumbing, Electric, Joinery & Plastering etc No Job Too Small Quality Workmanship, Reliable & Trustworthy Free Quotations Over 25 Years Experience A Message To All Our Customers “The Price We Quote Is The Price You Pay” (No Hidden Extras)
T: 01246 568700 M: 07774 150 177
Yew Tree Drive - Chesterfield S40 3NB
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Local Footballing Opportunities For All Ages
for girls and boys of all ages in a safe environment; there’s a beginners group for youngsters up to age 7 and another for those 8 and over. Rovers were the first junior club in Chesterfield to be awarded the FA Charter Standard, and do their best to BRAMPTON ROVERS promote an ethos that I strongly believe in: To encourage and promote Brampton Rovers have been around healthy sporting activity through since 1966 and had great success in football for youngsters from the age their early years. Chairman Sean of 5, up to 18. Just as important is the Newton joined the club in 1989, he fact that football builds wider and explains: “There were just three broader relationships, enhances teams when I started but since then the club has grown at a real pace. This confidence and often creates contacts season we are fielding 21 teams, that that last a lifetime – not bad if, at the enables over 300 local youngsters to same time, fitness is achieved too! play regular competitive football. Many of the teams play at the old Newbold Green school site but the The make up of the club is very club’s roots remain immersed in S40 different from years ago when adult teams dominated; today they account with meetings held at Brampton Manor and training regularly taking for only two of the teams, one U‐14 place at Somersall Park and Brookfield girls team (we’re looking to add School. more) and the rest are boys teams that range from Under‐7s to Under Sean added “We’re really proud of 16s. And, we’ve just added netball on how the club has grown; it’s big but Saturdays for girls and adults and not so big that it fails to look after that’s proving very popular” each individual’s progress. So many people join and stay for many years The club offers more than just matches; there is a Saturday morning because they feel a part of the club and believe in its simple principle that club that offers foot‐balling activity s we’re deep into the football season I thought we’d have a look at some options for those of you who may want to get involved with our local teams:
Pictures: (Left to Right); Jack from Brampton Rovers; Chesterfield Towns Under 7’s; Brampton Rovers; Chesterfield Towns Under 10’s.
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“sport should be fun” as well as about “The majority of players in our junior teams start at the club by attending winning.” the club’s weekly Sunday morning Interested? Then contact Sean ‘Feeder Squad’ which takes place at Newton on 07814 225155. Highfield Park, Newbold. We’d love to welcome some new faces. We are also CHESTERFIELD TOWN FC looking to attract more players to our Chesterfield Town FC may not have Girls Section and girls of junior school the history of Brampton Rovers but age are very welcome to come and it’s certainly doing its best to make up join us for our Tuesday evening for lost time. Founded in 2004 it has training sessions.” grown to such an extent that it now Because of the sheer size of the hosts 33 teams, in seven different organisation, matches take place at leagues. three venues around Chesterfield: They field teams at every age group Stand Road, Highfield Park and from under 7s to under 18s; in addition Holmebrook Valley Park and also they have a girls section, a men’s Darley Dale and Cavendish Fields, Saturday team, two men’s Sunday Matlock. League teams and even an over 35s Tim added “Nowadays the club has a team (seems such a young age, I real family feel and that is largely thought, to be categorised down to the hard work of our separately!). officials; everyone is dedicated to Like Brampton they are an FA Charter making all the players feel welcome Standard club; they’ve also, and well looked after. As a result the impressively, won the Derbyshire club continues to grow.” Sports Club of the Year and the The club is hosting a Sportsmans Derbyshire FA Charter Standard Club dinner at the new home of of the Year, so there’s little doubt about the quality of coaching and care Chesterfield FC, the B2net stadium, on Thursday 4 November; if anyone that all participants receive. fancies a great night out that will Club Secretary Tim Sadler explained
feature Phil Tooley (Sheffield Star) and ex‐Spireite legend Bob Newton get in touch with club Treasurer, Barry Tomlinson on Tickets are priced very reasonably at £25 per person – if you ring quickly you may just grab one of the few remaining. For further details on the ‘Feeder Squad’, our girls training or any other aspect of the club please contact club secretary Tim Sadler on 01246 277325. One thing’s for sure, we’re spoilt in this area, whether you’ve youngsters (boys or girls) who want to kick start an interest in football or you’re grown up and want to renew an interest; both Brampton Rovers or Chesterfield Town FC will do their best to ensure an interest is nurtured, developed and you enjoy the sport in the spirit it was meant to be played in – firm, fair and friendly. Howard Borrell Please contact me with your local sporting stories on
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Cleanright Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning
Saving money by cutting back on ads?
Free Deodorising (quick dry) Seven Day Service Furniture Removed & Replaced Family Business est. 1992
Maybe if you stop your clock, you’ll save time too. to place your ad today
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01246 211112 or 07754 603 460
Mini Diggers - £40 per day Self Drive or Operated MOT Type 1 - £18.35 (incl VAT) Grit Sand - £29.85 (incl VAT) Ballast - £31.30 (incl VAT) Building Sand - £30.65 (incl VAT)
0797 592 1770 For more information
All aggregate prices include delivery Minimum delivery of half tonne Walton Back Lane • Chesterfield S42 7AA
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Top Quality Kitchens & Bedrooms at Affordable Prices A range of beautiful kitchens on display in our showroom A family run business All bespoke units & doors UK made Expert advice & personal service guaranteed Complete design, supply & installation service All work undertaken by experienced craftsman Disabled access and off-road parking Finance now available
01246 271727
Or visit our showroom at 456 Derby Road, Chesterfield 43
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Global Motorsport Brampton Tuned Engine
think Noble Motorsport and Service Centre are a great alternative to the main dealer, the type of place where after a few visits they know your name … and more importantly your car. But for others they are a top quality engine tuning workshop equipped with their own 1000 bhp (brake horse power) rolling road.
At this point Arash started to distance himself from the project, he was much more into hypercar performance.
Eventually former racing driver Chris Marsh, who had worked as project manager for Arash, took on the project and the car became the Farbio GTS. Chris set about creating something a little more realistic, he changed the engine to a Ford 3.0ltr One of those ‘others’ who know them V6 , the engine that Noble know well as the latter is Ginetta, the iconic and built for the Noble M12 sports car. British car marque, who’ve just agreed a contract with Noble to build the first In March this year Ginetta, the Leeds batch of engines for the new Ginetta based manufacturer, acquired the Farbio Sports Car. Their aim ‐ to take F400 (see images below). the car to great heights on the global motorsport scene. Chris Marsh Before Ginetta took over the F400, remains as managing director, the car lead an interesting life. working with Noble Motorsport who It started out with Arash Farboud, a will now build the engines from their Cambridge business man, who’s workshop in Brampton. company Unisurge, produce health care products. Arash wanted a Porshe So we can look forward to spotting GT1 Road Car, but only four were sold the Ginetta F400 out for a road test to the public, the sale was by along Chatsworth Road. invitation only, and Arash wasn’t (By the way ‐ if you decide you want a invited. This was his incentive to build used Farbio GTS ‐ at time of writing his own sports car. there’s one on Autotrader for Arash formed Farboud Sports cars and £78,995). hired a skilled team to help him achieve his dream. The only two Farboud sports cars built feature an Audi engine and a £250K price tag and it soon became clear that this price was too extreme ‐ he needed a more marketable car.
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o, for Petrol Heads like me ‐ what do you have to do to a typical Ford Mondeo engine to take a sports car to speeds approaching 200mph? According to Peter Dibble at Noble it’s all quite simple. “The original engine is very strong and open to significant modification without making major changes to the internals.
Pictures: Top: The 3.0ltr V6 used in the F400. Bottom: The Arrow (foreground) con‐rod shown against the original.
“The basic approach is to take Arrow con rods (they connect the pistons to the crank shaft), replace the originals and do some extensive remapping of the engine management system. The basic result is that the stronger and slightly shorter con rods create a larger space at the top of the pistons stroke, this means you can feed in more fuel, compress it, and you get a bigger bang. “We take the standard 200bhp engine of the Ford Modeo, up to 410bhp for the Ginetta and the resulting spread of torque is very smooth. It’s not quite as simple as that, but that’s the crux of it.”
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CAR AIRAIR-CON SERVICING BUMPER & WHEEL SCUFFS Bumper Scuffs & Repair Alloy Wheel Scuffs Door Mirror Casings Dash & Trim Repairs Seat Cigarette Burns Mobile Air Con Service System Serviced & ReRe-Gas Fully Mobile Service No VAT Contact Steve on
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Lincoln Street
Automotive Solutions
Car & Light Commercial
Servicing Brakes Clutches Tyres Exhausts Electrical Repairs & Diagnostics Vehicle Recovery Courtesy Vehicle Available Free Collection & Delivery Service
Special Offer Lubrication Service & MOT £100 07976 427436 01246 208624 Lincoln Street (Off Storforth Lane) Birdholme S40 2TW
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Community News Jigsaw Puzzled? Rosemary Beney has been in touch with us at S40 Local. She is a very keen fan of jigsaws, not the huge boxes with loads of pieces but the beautiful
hand cut type. These jigsaws are a different beast entirely, typically cut by hand they have no picture just a description and are more tactile to put together (two examples shown).
See what’s cooking this Christmas! With Christmas fast approaching and family entertaining planned, there’s a rush to call Ovenclean to ensure ovens are sparkling clean for the celebrations! Douglas from Overclean says “An oven functions better if it is in good condition; our customers know that and book early to avoid another job over such a busy period! “An oven that has been cleaned professionally is astonishingly different to the standard you can achieve yourself, even after hours of hard work and elbow grease. Ovenclean will be in and out in a matter of a few hours, making no mess and restoring your oven to ‘as good as new’ ‐ leaving more time for Christmas shopping!” Douglas adds. Oven cleaning services are in high demand at this time of year, so if you fancy treating yourself pre Christmas, ensure you get booked in soon! Ovenclean use a unique, environmentally‐friendly, 100% caustic free cleaning system. This system ensures a safe, hygienic and fume‐free environment. To get your oven booked in before Christmas call
Douglas on 0800 8407127 or 01246 211212. 50
form the basis of the charity fund.
If you’d like to get involved please give Rosemary a call on 01246 557961 or email, she’s based in Brampton so nice and When Rosemary called she was central to the readership. We’ll be thinking about selling them as she has checking back to see how the scheme so many and has had her enjoyment ‘comes together’, every pun intended. from making them. However as Many thanks to Rosemary for getting conversations went on she started in touch. thinking how she would rather share them with others and perhaps raise a Sunshine Nursery have contacted us few pounds for worthy good causes. to say a big thank you to all those people who attended their This is where S40 Local comes in anniversary event in September and handy, she can tell people about them to all the businesses along Chatsworth and see what response she gets! Call Road who donated prizes. On the day it a Charity Jigsaw Library. Obviously they raised in excess of £600 for Rosemary is concerned which they are very grateful. about lending them, imagine how you’d Peter from Stephenson Court on feel if the last piece Chatsworth Road wishes to pass on went missing! So a his thanks to everyone who attended small deposit will be the coffee morning they held in required and then a support of the Macmillan Cancer small lending charge Support charity … they raised applied which will £1232.79, a great effort.
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Taylored Driver Training I don't have cheap rates, deals or discounts ‐ however...I do provide… Car driving tuition to prepare you to drive in reality ‐ skill that is well above the test requirement and I teach eco‐defensive driving technique as standard… From novice to experienced ‐ I provide driving instruction via individual 1½ or 2 hour sessions on a 'as and when' required basis or via intensive driving course. Subject to my availability. Training is also available for Theory & Hazard Perception, Motorway Driving, Passplus and Refreshers
For enquiries, or simply for a chat for advice & guidance contact
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Every life matters ‐ Learn to drive, not just pass a test. Also for the Commercial & Private Sector Driving Instruction, Theory & Hazard Perception Training can also be arranged in categories B, B+E, C1, C, C+E, D1, D Eco‐ Defensive driving technique reducing fuel consumption & emissions, Drivers Hours, Tachographs, WTD Training, Reports and Assessments Bespoke Courses and Presentations
Delivering over 20 years experience in the Transport Industry Please ensure you mention S40 Local when responding
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Baby P, Victoria Climbie ‐ rather than lay the blame on various official bodies we all need to consider our responsibility as a caring community to take action.
“A Polite, Reliable Service”
“People worry so much about getting it wrong, or about causing offense, or being identified as a trouble maker. They forget that the most important thing they can think about is the child”
NO CALL OUT FEE NO VAT Bathrooms, showers & kitchen installations
The NSPCC has a free helpline you can call on 0808 800 5000 just to talk through your concerns and get the best advice on how to proceed.
Leaks & repairs
Children themselves, so competent with mobile phones and the internet, can get free support and help whenever and wherever they need it via the services of Childline.
No job too small
Childline answers 90 calls a minute, each one answered by a trained counsellor?
NSPCC recently launched a campaign to raise awareness of these vital services and have trained speakers available, free of charge, to talk to community groups.
Tel: 01246 205 000 Mob: 07971 447 040
If you would like a speaker to come and talk to your group I’m based in S40 just contact me at any time on 07976432311.
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Business Cards Driveways • Patios • Decking • Turfing Ponds • Power Jetting • Pergolas Steps • Fencing • Hedge Cutting Tree Services • Walton Based
01246 272351 or 07909 984263
Holiday Transfers Airports Ports Coastal Air Conditioned 1 to 6 Seater 01246 569 646 07801 059 721
Somersall Park Road • Walton • Chesterfield S40 3LD
Useful Numbers Health
Utility Services
Chatsworth Road Medical Centre Chesterfield Royal Hospital Holme Hall Medical Centre NHS Direct The Surgery @ Wheatbridge
01246 568 065 01246 277 271 01246 211 435 08 45 46 47 01246 22 33 50
BT Fault Line Electricity Power Loss Gas Emergency Water – Severn Trent
0800 800 151 0800 056 80 90 0800 111 999 0800 783 4444
Train Times / Enquiries Traveline (Public Transport) Noble 7 till 7 Emergency Car Recovery
0845 748 4950 0871 200 2233 01246 272 749
Chesterfield Police Non Emergency Citizens Advice Bureaux Relate
0845 123 33 33 01246 209 164 01246 231 010
Chesterfield Borough Council Chesterfield Central Library Chesterfield Tourist Information Crimestoppers Divisional Community Police Contact Derbyshire County Council S40 Local
01246 345 345 01629 533 400 01246 345 777 0800 555 111 0345 123 33 33 08456 058 058 01246 568 519
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416 Chatsworth Road Chesterfield S40 3BQ
01246 20 90 40 Order Online @
Ivy Cattery provides a “Home from Home” experience for your cat where your pets care, health and security are our main priorities.
Contact Jane for details on 01246 859989
BIRDS FUNERAL SERVICES Established 1913 Father & daughter familyfamily-run business 24 hour service with Private Chapel of Rest PrePre-Paid Golden Charter Funeral Plans available Tel: 01246 566592 Mob: 07831 851 639 44 Loads Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield S42 7EU
New boilers fitted Fire & boiler servicing Bathrooms & kitchens fitted Tiling Small building work undertaken
01246 568 669 or 07980 142 901 JC Plumbing, Heating & Property Services Parkhall Avenue Walton S42 7LR
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