S40 Local - March 2011

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“Walton Dam� by Mick Platt

no. 21 March 2011

The community magazine for Ashgate, Brampton, Brookside, Holymoorside, Somersall & Walton.


S40 Local

(Director of The Community Players) has written to say A few quick words this month. “Overall we raised over £5,000, the exact amount is not known We’ve had some great feedback from folk who advertise and those yet. We will distribute this money of you that read S40 Local. Seems to local groups and charities, we always give to Ashgate Hospice some of you attended the and other local cancer charities. In Community Players show at the past we have given to Hasland, and Imelda Cole Pathways, The Canal Society, Edale Mountain rescue, toddler “I am really so groups, scouts, Hasland Theatre, impressed with 'S40', Dale Diva's Autistic Support Groups and Poolsbrook not only does it Community Groups.” provide useful Hi all,

information about this immediate area, it is also a very stylish and attractive publication, which must encourage people to read it. It's also FREE!” Kay Pearson Walton.

More thanks from Carol Knock “Thank you so much for all the time and trouble you expended in publishing the article about Child Line. On behalf of ChildLine and NSPCC our sincere thanks.” Great news when people get in touch and it has a positive impact.

Phone: 01246 568519 Mobile: 07764 80 10 80 Write to us at: S40 Local PO Box 718 Chesterfield S40 9JY EMAIL: paul@s40local.co.uk Web: www.S40Local.co.uk TO ADVERTISE

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If you do have anything to tell us you can now write as we have a PO Box at long last, details below. Please do get in touch if you want, I’d love to here from you and I know not everyone has access to email. S40 Local PO Box 718 Chesterfield S40 9JY Articles this month on Destination Chesterfield, Transition Chesterfield’s Car Free Walks, an introduction to Mode Salon, links to the Chesterfield Forum, a chat with Blue Deer Ltd and information on the Chesterfield Photographic Society … plus all the usual stuff. Have a great March. Paul.

The small print: S40 Local is delivered Free of Charge to 8000 properties to the south west of Chesterfield originally based on the S40 3xx postal sector. Inclusion of a listing, advertisement or classified listing does not imply endorsement of the company or it's products by the proprietor of S40 Local, nor does it constitute a recommendation. S40 Locals proprietors cannot be held responsible for any breach of copyright arising from the artwork supplied by clients. S40 Locals proprietors will not be held liable for any potential lost business as a direct result of late or failed delivery, or incorrect adverts in S40 Local, we will only be liable for the cost of the associated S40 Local advertising. Any advertisements created by S40 Locals proprietors remain the sole property of S40 Local under copyright.

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Issue 21: March 2011 Copy Deadline for the April edition is Thursday 17th March 2010 and distribution complete by 3rd April.

S40 Local: Classifieds Adverts for stuff under £100 are free, any item or ‘collection of items’ £100+ are £5, and larger adverts with a picture are price on application. email: sales@s40local.co.uk call: 01246 568 519

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What’s On? Saturday 15 January A Modern Town: An exhibition exploring life in 20th century Chesterfield at Chesterfield Museum. to Saturday 9 April The museum is open every day (except Wednesday and Sunday), 10am until 4pm and entry is free. Tel. 01246 345727 . Thursday 24 February

Antarctic Explorers: Discover what life was like for explorers in the early 20th century at Chesterfield Museum. The museum is open every day (except Wednesday and Sunday ‐ the 1940s weekend is an exception), 10am until 4pm and entry is free. Tel. 01246 345727.

Friday 25 February The Mayor's Cuppappeal Coffee Morning: 10am to 12:30 at Eastwood Hall, Rose Hill United Reformed Church, Rose Hill S40 1JN. Tea and coffee, delicious cakes, stalls and all for a good cause. Contact: Enquiries Tel: 01246 203963. Friday 25 February Holymoorside Film: “Shine” True story of the mystery of music and the miracle of love, based on the life of pianist David Helfgott. Starring Geoffrey Rush with Sir John Gielgud Cert 15 Starts at 7.30pm. Holymoorside Village Hall. Call Ann on 01246 567118. Saturday 26 and 1940s Weekend: Experience home front life during World War Two at Chesterfield Museum. 10am Sunday 27 February until 4pm and entry is free. Tel. 01246 345727. Sunday 27 February Chesterfield Farmers' Market at Chesterfield Market, Market Place, Chesterfield S40 1AH. Monday 28 February

Brampton Living History Group: Two Queens and a Countess by David Templeman. Held in St. Thomas’s Church Meeting Room, Chatsworth Road, at 7.30pm. Admission Charge £1.50 including refreshments. ALL WELCOME.

Wednesday 2 March Holymoorside Horicultural Society: "Paradise Gardens" a talk by Stuart Dixon. 8pm at the United Reformed Church School Room, Cotton Mill Hill, Holymoorside. Small charge of £1.50 for refreshments etc. Thursday 3 March Young Enterprise Trade Fair at Chesterfield Market. 8am to 4pm. Young Enterprise will hold a Trade Fair in Chesterfield to talk to young people about becoming entrepreneurs. Young Enterprise is an organisation dedicated to promoting innovation and originality. Contact: Chesterfield Tourist Information Centre 01246 345777/8. Tuesday 8 March

Holymoorside Film: “The Hours” Three women separated across the 20th century held together by the trials of time, love and loss. Beautifully observed and performed. Meryl Streep and Nicole Kidman star. PG12 starts at 8.00pm Holymoorside Village Hall. Contact Ann on 01246 567118.

Tuesday 8 March

Chesterfield Civic Society. A talk on The Old Theatre Royal, Chesterfield. Parking and refreshments available. 7:30pm @ Eyre Chapel, Newbold Village, Chesterfield S41 8RJ. £2.00 for non‐members. Contact Yvonne Williamson (01246) 566509 for more information.

Thursday 10 March Singing for the Brain: St John's Church Centre, Walton Back Lane 2pm to 4pm. Anyone with dementia or any similar condition is very welcome to come along with their carers and enjoy an afternoon of tea, cake, song, chat and fun. Staff from Alzheimer's Society will be on hand for advice. For more information contact the Alzheimer's Society on 01246 223366. Thursday 10 March Chesterfield Farmers' Market at Chesterfield Market, Market Place, Chesterfield S40 1AH. Monday 14 March

NEDIAS: George Stephenson’s Clay Cross rail tunnel. A talk by Philip Cousins on the construction of the tunnel. 7:30 pm at the Friends' Meeting House, Ashgate Road. Details call Cliff on 01246 234212.

Friday 18 March

Holymoorside History Society: TRIBUTE TO THE WOMEN VOLUNTEERS Presented by Mr. Clive Tougher. Holymoorside Village Hall 7:30pm. Refreshments available. Contact Roy on 01246 569067.

Fri 15 April

The Tideswell Male Voice Choir will be performing at 7.30 pm in Saint John's Church, Walton Back Lane, Walton, Chesterfield. Tickets available from Anne Thompson 01246 566448 cost £6.00. Proceeds in aid of Parkinson's UK Chesterfield & District Branch.

Saturday 5 March

Transition Chesterfield Skill Share Workshop: Bread Baking. 2 – 5pm in Brookside. Learn how to make real homemade bread, in a oven rather than a machine. We'll make both yeast‐risen and soda bread. With Colin Harrison. £2 per person. To book email workshop@transitionchesterfield.org.uk or call 01246‐239289.

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What’s On? Sunday 6 March

Fairplay Winter Walk: 10am start to this enjoyable 7km (4.5 mile) walk around the historic village of Eyam in the Peak District. To sign up and get sponsor forms contact Fairplay on 01246 203963.

Thursday 10 March Singing for the Brain. St John's Church Centre, Walton Back Lane 2pm to 4pm. Anyone with dementia or any similar condition is very welcome to come along with their carers and enjoy an afternoon of tea, cake, song, chat and fun. Staff from Alzheimer's Society will be on hand for advice. For more information contact the Alzheimer's society on 01246 223366. Friday 11 March

Messy Church at Storrs Road Methodist Church. Theme: Cast‐A‐Net. Starts 3.30pm. Everyone welcome for activities, worship and meal. Children must be accompanied by an adult. For information or to book (to allow for catering). Call 01246 274021 or email storrsroad.messychurch@gmail.com.

Sunday 13 March

Transition Chesterfield Skill Share Workshop: Simple Sewing with a Machine. 10.30am – 12.30pm, Newbold. Learn the basics of using a domestic sewing machine including threading up and maintenance, and sew simple seams/darts with Lynn Tattersall. £2 per person. To book email workshop@transitionchesterfield.org.uk or tel: 01246 239289.

Monday 14 March

Fairplay Fashion Show: Pomegranate Theatre at 7pm. A fun filled evening with clothes provided by Matalan and entertainment by Chesterfield’s Got Talent winner Rachael Riley. Tickets only £3, available from Fairplay 01246 203963.

Wednesday 16 March

Fairplay Coffee Morning at the Fairplay Centre 10am to 12noon. Join us for our monthly coffee morning, delicious cake and a drink just £1.50. 01246 203963 for details.

Friday 18 March

Mayor's Charity Appeal Bid and Booze Evening. 7:30pm at Chesterfield Town Hall, Rose Hill, Chesterfield S40 1LP. The evening will feature a silent auction, entertainment, bar and a raffle. Take items of your own and then bid on others that catch your eye! Contact: 01246 345239 Entry £1.00.

Saturday 19 March Terminus Bowling Club, Chatsworth Road. Start of the Season Opening Day, 2pm start, free and all welcome. Friday 25 March

Holymoorside Film: "Mansfield Park" Jane Austen's wicked comedy. Fanny Price is possessed of beauty, but more importantly has a mind of her own! Witty and entertaining performance by Frances O'Connor. Cert. 15. Starts at 7.30pm Holymoorside Village Hall. Contact Ann on 01246 567118.

Saturday 26 March Spring Concert at St Thomas' Church. 7pm to 10pm. Featuring musical directors Rita Butler and Geoff Cox. Chesterfield Male Voice Choir will be performing their spring concert featuring special guests in the form of Castleford Male Voice Choir. Ticket prices: £5.00 each contact 01246 345777/8. St Thomas' Church, Chatsworth Road, Brampton S40 3AW. Sunday 27 March

Chesterfield Farmers' Market at Chesterfield Market, Market Place, Chesterfield S40 1AH.

Monday 28 March Brampton Living History Group: Slide show of Brampton in the Past by Nick Tomlinson. Held in St. Thomas’s Church Meeting Room, Chatsworth Road, at 7.30pm. Charge £1.50 including refreshments. All welcome. Saturday 2 April

Holymoorside Horicultural Society: Spring Show. 2:30pm to 4:30pm at the Holymoorside Village Hall. To take part contact Peter Forrow on 01246 568000 for a schedule or turn up on the day to view.

Saturday 2 April

Holymoorside Choral Society: Spring Concert An evening of inspirational music including Vivaldi Gloria at Rose Hill URC, Chesterfield 7.30pm. (Easy access to adjacent public car park). Tickets £7.00 from choir members or Tel: 01246 569428.

Wed 4th to Sat 7th Oscar Wildes "Importance of being Ernest" by the Chesterfield Playgoers Society. Performances at May the Pomegranate. Evenings 7:30pm Sat matinees 3pm. Tickets £10 adult and £8 concessions, £7.50 children £7.50. Contact Pomegranate for tickets on 01246 345222.


www.S40local.co.uk to view the What’s On Guide throughout the month

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Regular Events Newbold Community Football Training: Highfield Park, Newbold, S41 7DF. Saturdays 9:30am to 11:30am. Fun training for boys & girls of all abilities aged 5 to 15 years. Mini World Cup held last Saturday of each month. FA qualified coaches and first aiders. £2.00 per session. Contact: Tim Sadler ‐ 01246 277325 or tim.sadler2@ntlworld.com

Mondays Term Time Every Monday Every Monday Every Tuesday Every Tuesday

2nd Chesterfield Boys Brigade for boys and girls aged 6 ‐ 18 at Storrs Road Methodist Church Centre, starts 6pm. Tel: 01246 274021 or email: 2cfdbb@googlemail.com. Cock and Magpie Morris 8.00 ‐ 9.30pm @ A.C.C.A 6 Ashgate Road, S40 4AA. New wo/men dancers and musicians welcome. Tel: Shirley Niblock on 01246 207080 or www.cockandmagpiemorris.org.uk. Linedancing (Intermediates) 1pm ‐ 3pm Hasland Village Hall, Eastwood Park, Hasland. Further details tel Kathryn on 01246 569053. The Olive Branch 'Drop In' Brampton Moor Methodist Church, Chatsworth Road. 10am to 1.30pm, refreshments available. All welcome. Chesterfield Garland/Clog Dancers 7.30pm‐9.30pm at Methodist Church Hall, Jaw Bones Hill. New female dancers and wo/men musicians always welcome. Tel: Barbara Wilson on 01246 230677 for further details or www.chesterfieldgarland.org.uk.

Every Tuesday

Chesterfield Film Makers ‐ for anyone interested in making videos. Walton Village Centre, 7.30 for 7.45 pm. For more details phone 01246 277349 or visit www.chesterfieldfilmmakers.weebly.com Every Tuesday Rose & Crown: Old Road. General Knowledge quiz, gallon of ale for the winner. Last Sunday of each month, Music quiz ‐ gallon of ale for winner & rolling cash prize for 100% score. Every Tuesday Linedancing Improvers 3pm ‐ 4.15pm at Brampton Manor, Old Road, Brampton. Members FREE, Non ‐Members £4. Tel: Kathryn on 01246 569053. Alternate Tuesdays Bible Study Group 7pm at the Gospel Mission Congregational Church. Tel Tina on 01246 557719. 3rd Tuesday of the Chesterfield & District Vegetable and Fruit Growers ‐ 7:30pm ‐ Methodist Chapel Meeting Room, New Road, Holymoorside. Come and join this friendly group to share gardening experiences ‐ month beginners welcome. Tel: John on 01246 569515, Malcolm on 01246 569948 or just turn up. Every Wednesday Mes Amis ‐ Champagne Knitters. 5pm to 10pm at Mes Amis, 479 Chatsworth Road. Bring your knitting, sewing, cross stitch, crochet. Beginners and everyone welcome. £2.50 includes a hot drink and chocolate. Wine also available. Every Wednesday Brampton Ladies Club 7.15pm for 7.45pm at Storrs Road Methodist Church. Meetings held every Wednesday during school term time with a speaker or social activity. Tel 01246 272333. Every Wednesday Linedancing Easy Intermediates 11.10am ‐ 12.20pm at Brampton Manor, Old Road, Brampton. Members FREE, Non‐Members £4. Tel Kathryn on 01246 569053. Wednesdays term Free Voices Community Choir at The Friends Meeting House on Brockwell Lane ‐ 7.15 ‐9pm. A non‐ performing choir who sing for enjoyment. No need to be able to read music. Tel: Helen on 01246 time 237937 or helend@uwclub.net. 2nd Wed of the month 3rd Wed of the month

NHS Retirement Fellowship: Speaker and refreshments for anyone who has worked for the NHS in any capacity. Methodist Church Hall, Jaw Bones Hill, Derby Road from 2pm to 4pm. Just turn up or Tel: Anne Hodson on 01246 275062. Chesterfield Fairtrade Group, 6.30pm in Chesterfield Town Hall. New members welcome to help with events or attend meetings to promote Fairtrade. Contact Jenie Lismore on 01246 455178 or Wendy Blunt on 01246 345308

Last Wed of the month Every Thursday

Cotton Mill Club: Activity club for young adults with learning difficulties. 7pm ‐ 9pm at Holymoorside United Reform Church School Room. Tel: B Turner on 01246 566109 for details. Brampton Community Band: Musicians welcome to join us and play lively folk dance music. 7.00 ‐ 9.00pm at Old Hall Junior School. Details on www.bramptoncommunityband.piczo.com, bcband@hotmail.co.uk or tel 01246 236805. 1st Thursday of the Rendezvous Group: Meet at St Thomas' Church, Chatsworth Road. All seniors invited for light lunch month followed by activities. 12.45 to 3.30pm. £2.50 to cover costs. Tel: 01246 272333. Fridays Term Time 3rd Brampton (St Thomas’) Scout Group: Join the adventure for 6‐14 years olds in the Beaver, Cub or Scout Sections. Tel: Ben Widdowson, Group Scout Leader on 01246 567409 for more details. 1st Sunday of the Month

'The Way’ at Walton Evangelical Church: 3.00 ‐ 4.30pm. Adults with learning disabilities are welcome to join us for tea and biscuits followed by a short talk and activities such as craft, drama or singing. Carers welcome. For more details call 01246 231002.

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Intro: A new customer of S40 Local is Mode at 131 Chatsworth Road. I dropped by to talk to Michael Clark and find out more about this business. What’s the background to MODE? “I was the first business to move into the new 131 development on Chatsworth Road in September 2008, when I launched MODE Hair Salons. The concept was to bring city centre quality hair styling to the suburbs, cutting, and are learning new later that year we came runner up in techniques and trends. Our head the salon of the year competition. colour technician Kerren is starting It was another year, in September her WELLA colour masters degree, 2009 before other businesses came to making MODE one of only 600 salons join us in the empty units at 131 in the U.K to have a WELLA master’s Chatsworth Road, Nonnas being the stylist.” first. The salon grew to a team of five and we pushed on through the worst What is the Mode experience all economic downturn in history. Later about? “At MODE we understand hairdressing needs to be affordable, that year we agreed a partnership and that your hair is the most with WELLA – and were nominated important thing you’ll ever wear ‐ so for two awards through the you want it right! We merge top end Derbyshire Times. hairdressing with affordable prices to In September 2010 the salon grew to a give you the best possible team of ten, the plan with the WELLA experience.” partnership was revealed to the So what can we expect to pay at members of the team and now we MODE? “All our prices are on the want to tell the people in our local website and with this edition of S40 community. Local you’ll also receive 10% off all Over the last two and a bit year’s services we offer (only valid in the we’ve pumped all income back into month of March 2011) please cut and the salon, investing in the team and return the tear off on the bottom now we go into partnership with right of this page and sample what we WELLA to create top stylists in your have to offer!” local area! All stylists are undergoing What products and services do you their WELLA national diplomas in

offer? “As well as hairdressing, we offer manicure and pedicure services in the salon ‐ and we’ve recently developed a partnership with Healing Touch so we can offer all beauty/ therapy related treatments ‐ visit www.healingtouchchesterfield.co.uk to see their services and prices. From March we’ll also have a vibro plate in the salon.” For people thinking of visiting MODE, what do we need to know? “We offer late nights both Thursday and Friday until 8:00pm and free parking both in front and behind the salon. If you are unsure about anything pop in for a totally free consultation and a member of the team will gladly help.” What else is going on at MODE “MODE work closely with Andrew Markwell (Portrait Lounge) creating the latest fashion shoots, the latest was November 2010. The imagery is used on our website www.modesalons.net which is currently undergoing maintenance.” “Rumours are spreading that internationally renowned Lee Stafford (for those of you who haven’t heard of him, he was the Men’s British Hairdresser of the Year 1998, has his own product range and appeared on Celebrity Scissorhands to train celebrities), will be paying a brief visit to the salon within the next few months so watch this space for more information.” Thanks Michael. Why not make the most of the 10% off voucher and see what MODE has to offer.

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Hathersage Park, Hathersage

Taptonville Head, Sheffield

Taptonville Head, Sheffield

Market Street, Bakewell

131 Chatsworth Road, Chesterfield

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Blue Deer on Chatsworth Road


n S40 Local we’ve tried to keep you up to date with developments and future plans for the area. And one such development we’ve discussed has been 131 Chatsworth Road (where Nonnas is ‐ as many of us refer to it). Well, the developers behind 131, Blue Deer Ltd are now working on their next Chatsworth Road project, very close by, at 42 Chatsworth Road ‐ to be known as The Hanger (see opposite). Blue Deer Ltd is a regional property developer based in Hathersage, owned by Tim Turner and after meeting Tim recently in Black Eyed Susan I arranged to sit down and find out more about the projects you may know about. Here’s what we found out... Blue Deer was established in 1997 and has since been involved in a number of development projects across the region, including regenerating parts of Bakewell town centre; building a car dealership in Glossop and at Taptonville Head in Sheffield they designed and built a number of individually‐designed town houses. Closer to home, 131 Chatsworth Road is now home to a wide range of high quality tenants, including Nonnas, Dragonfly Bespoke, Precious Bridal Rooms, Mode Salons, The Portrait Lounge, Ultimate Bathrooms and, of course the stylish new florist, Black Eyed Susan. If you were looking to join this unique group of successful independent businesses, there is just one unit still available. Blue Deer’s motivation to develop on Chatsworth Road was in response to the local council’s aim of regenerating the Chatsworth Road area and wanting a high quality development that would help drive the areas renewal. If you regularly travel along Chatsworth Road you won’t be in any doubt that the once run‐down area now looks and feels very different. With an increasingly wide range of retailers and places to eat this important arterial route is becoming a destination in its own right. One comment from Tim that struck a cord with me was “I’m delighted to have played a small part in helping to rejuvenate a road that ought to become as well known as Sheffield’s Ecclesall Road.” If you want to share your views on this comment, we’ve posted a discussion thread on the Chesterfield Forum, we'd love to hear your views ‐ see page 22 for more detail. Blue Deer can be contacted on 01433 659333 or visit their web site below to see images of their projects. www.bluedeerltd.co.uk

The Hanger 42 Chatsworth Road


he latest Blue Deer development is located at 42 Chatsworth Road. Previous owners included Kingdom Pine, a car/van dealer and more recently The Fabric Warehouse.

Commenting on the new scheme Tim Turner, MD of Blue Deer, said: “The Hanger is our second development on Chatsworth Road and follows the success we have achieved at 131 Chatsworth Road.”

When the land became available Blue Deer saw the potential that the site offered, purchased the property and went to work securing planning for another high quality building, which will be set in landscaped grounds.

“We are very pleased to have attracted a variety of quality tenants whose positive attitudes to make their businesses a success have really fuelled my appetite to build our latest development further along the road ‐ signifying another important element of Chatsworth Road’s renaissance.”

The new scheme called The Hanger, will offer 6,000 sq ft of mainly single‐ storey commercial space, with 3,200 sq ft already pre‐let to Majestic Wine Warehouse. You will notice that the existing run‐ down buildings have been removed to make way for the “The Hanger”, which has been designed by Sheffield‐ based architects, Journeyman Design. The new building includes a clock tower that will display an exciting piece of three‐dimensional art, to give the building a unique identity ‐ this will be unveiled when the development officially opens later this year.

The remaining unit (2,600 sq ft) will be suitable for a wide range of retail operations and Blue Deer is already in discussion with a number of potential tenants. The scheme is scheduled to complete in summer this year.

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don’t know whether I’ve ever mentioned my background in S40 Local, but I’m not Chesterfield born and bred, I actually moved here from Nottingham after I got married. Most of my friends from Nottingham thought I was mad ‐ what do you want to move there for!? Was the typical response. However, 8 years on and they’ve changed their tune.

Brand Identity: One thing that Destination Chesterfield has already delivered is a brand identity for our town, it’s all about seeing Chesterfield “Through Fresh Eyes, Chesterfield becomes recognised as a desirable contemporary destination” Alongside this strapline is a graphic language that talks to “the iconic structure that looks over the town, reflects a modern outlook with freshness, modernity, vibrancy and fun.” You may already have seen the language in practice (see images right).

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organisations with access to a range of services and support that will have a direct impact on their success as well as increasing Chesterfield’s profile.”

I like to think of it more simply. It’s a bunch of local people who own and run businesses in the area that care about our town and want to see it maintain it’s heritage, improve as a destination for business, retail, visitors and for people looking for a great That's what Destination Chesterfield place to live. And it’s Destination aims to do, to help us, the people who Chesterfields job to raise the profile of our town and ensure it has a great live here, realise what we have here and start singing it’s praises, telling future. ourselves and people from outside 18 months ago a project kicked off, what a great place it is ‐ for living managed by ‘Thinking Places’ to look working and importantly for our at how Chesterfield can raise it’s future, for investing. game. From this project the Those same friends of mine are now Champions scheme was born, and envious that after work or school in 10 there’s now funding in place and a minutes we can be in the Peak District walking along Curbar Edge, at a weekend can go for lunch in Bakewell, pop across to Baslow and walk through Chatsworth Estate or I can do “thinkingplace is a some great mountain bike rides from company that specialises the house! We can shop locally on in working exclusively Chatsworth Road where we can get with places, helping to most of the things we need plus all improve their the stuff that the Nottingham competitiveness, image, performance and profile.” boutiques are selling and we can get a decent cup of coffee from a small independent and not a major chain. manager appointed to move it All this on our doorstep. forward and promote the good things that happen in Chesterfield. The new Of course, you and I know all this. manager is Dominic Stevens, he’s So, back to Destination Chesterfield. only been in post for a few weeks but I sat down with him in Mes Amis for a Something you might not know … quick coffee and to see if we could this year I signed up to be a Chesterfield Champion. “What’s that find out a little bit more. then?” I hear you ask, if you visit www.chesterfieldchampions.co.uk it will tell you:

“Previously a Derbyshire resident living in Matlock, a tourism hotspot, I’m looking to move my family back to “The Chesterfield Champions scheme is Chesterfield after working in a very similar role in Gloucester. That role, a powerful network helping to drive with mix of private and public the development of our economy, funding, was responsible for shape our future and showcase all that marketing and promoting Gloucester is good about us. as a destination; based on similar model used in Derby and also Hull.” It’s a direct statement of belief from organisations about their commitment As Dominic pointed out “Gloucester to Chesterfield and its successful and Chesterfield are very similar in future. It is also about providing

many ways, the size of population, also the size and history of town and proximity to great open spaces, Peak District for us and Cotswolds, Forest of Dean, and Malvern Hills for Gloucester.” In Dominic's view “To work, destination projects need physical changes ‐ which are happening in Chesterfield, we’ve seen new developments including the football stadium, Casa hotel, planned waterside developments along the A61 corridor, even the Blue Deer developments on Chatsworth Road (see page 15). These need to work alongside a programme to market the destination. Places consists of a number of elements which when combined produce a great destination. We need to consider; the people who live here, the people who commute ‐ both to and from Chesterfield, the business owners, potential investors and agents, visitors to the town and tourists and not forgetting our media image and how we’re marketed”. I wanted to understand where the project is now and what happens next ‐ but unfortunately until it’s all signed off by the project board it’s under wraps for now. The project board is made up of a collection of well healed and influential local leaders, Peter Swallow (Urbo Developments), Huw Bowen (Chief Exec of Chesterfield Borough Council), Ray Russell (Councillor and leader of Chesterfield Borough Council), Dawn Sweeny (Derbyshire Times), Judith McCarthy (Chesterfield College) and George Cowcher (Derbyshire and Nottingham Chamber of Commerce). As a business owner, resident and now a Champion I’m going to keeping close tabs on this project and I promise to keep you posted of events. S40 Local wish Dominic every success with the role and thank him for taking time out to talk to us.

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Relocation: Created Gallery After almost three years above Libby’s at 479 Chatsworth Road, Created Gallery have moved across the street to 420 Chatsworth Road (where Little Black Dress used to be). I think we mentioned last month that Created was known as ‘the hidden treasure’, but time has come for them to be more visible … “no longer hidden but still a treasure”. Deirdre Gage opened her doors on 1 February and business has been good. Why not call by and take a look at Created in its new home.

World Book Night - 5 March 2011: Watch out for Deidre Gage, from Created, appearing on the BBC2 Culture Show. She’s taking part in World Book Night and has been chosen as 1 of 20,000 people to go out and about her local area and give away 48 copies of her chosen book “A Life Like Other Peoples” by Alan Bennett. Deidre explained “I chose this book because the characters really struck a chord with me … Alan Bennett is from Leeds, as am I, and I recognised characters and how people’s aspiration are limited by what they have available, and sometimes by personal character traits, for example shyness.” So look out for Deidre in and around Brampton on the 5th March giving away her books followed by a camera crew ‐ and don’t forget to catch her on the BBC 2 Culture Show.

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Chesterfield Forum Christopher West


hristopher West set up the Chesterfield Forum 6 years ago, an online community/ message board where Chesterfield people can discuss, debate or just chat about absolutely anything (go visit www.chesterfieldforum.net) Being interested in all things local, particularly when it’s run by a local lad, S40 Local caught up with Christopher to find out more.

The forum receives approx 200-250 unique hits per day. Since the re-launch in 2008 the site has had over 39,000 unique hits. The ‘Top Poster’ on the forum has made over 3000 individual posts! www.chesterfieldforum.net Page 22 • www.s40local.co.uk

“It’s a place to congregate and exchange views ‐ a modern take on chatter at the bus stop or down the pub ‐ but you can also use multimedia, pictures and videos – if you wish!

“Whilst at University in Sheffield I was a visitor of the Sheffield Forum a hugely popular website used by large numbers of local people ‐ you could find almost any local or general information much easier and quicker than using other sites. There was nothing like it in Chesterfield, I was studying IT and keen to put my new skills to the test, so 6 years ago I registered the domain name www.chesterfieldforum.net and started it up.”

Who gets involved? “At the time of writing we’ve almost 850 registered users, with a couple of new members joining everyday. It caters for people of all ages and our members cover It covers a vast range of subjects from almost every generation. Surprisingly, Local Discussion ‐ for topics related to many of the members are retired, Chesterfield ‐ perhaps a new bar or proving you don’t need to be a something you’ve seen in town; technical whizz to get involved ‐ as History posts and pictures, through to long as you can surf the internet you’ll General Discussion where people talk be able to use the forum. We also about literally anything ‐ national have members from abroad and ex‐ news or just what mood they’re in. Chesterfield people who use the forum to maintain a hometown link.” I think it’s important we retain the community values we’ve always had Who’s involved and how do you here and the forum does this using manage it? “I try to keep on top of technology and the internet.” the forum myself and have trusted members, nominated by the When and why did you start it? Connecting Our Community

community to moderate content and ensure nothing untoward appears. We held a democratic vote (a poll on the forum) to elect the moderators, who work for free, and I’ll follow the same process should we need more moderators in the future.” What are the most bizarre things you’ve seen discussed on the forum? “Running the gauntlet in Morrisons ... where someone described their Saturday shopping hell to a tee. And a recent thread about whether the Hollywood Actor Jason Statham is from Chesterfield – he’s actually from the Shirebrook area, but it was interesting investigative work from the forum.” What are the most popular discussion threads? “Recently the contentious issue of gritting and grit bins in Chesterfield, and the incinerator which was planned for Dunston. I’m currently considering opening a section for family tree’s (geneology) and lost friends/ relatives as we often get users requesting information about old residents. There’s also a popular ‘Fun and Games’ subforum where users post jokes or anecdotes. During the elections a few local candidates registered and got involved. The dynamic worked well as the MP’s were able to answer questions informally. Toby Perkins still has an account and occasionally posts.” If I drop in, what do I have to do? Do I need to register? “To read the forum you can simply visit the site and browse around. To get involved in the discussions you must create an account, all you need is a unique username (this can be anything and doesn’t have to relate to your actual name) and a valid e‐mail address. Registering is completely free and very easy.” Are there any rules? “Put simply it’s ‘No unapproved business advertising’ and ‘be polite to other forum members’. We do have a list of rules you’re encouraged to read when you first sign up, but it’s generally common sense.” Where next for the Chesterfield Forum? “I would like to see the user base expand and see more regular users on the site. I’ve never done any formal advertising and I don’t make money from the forum (the advertising is an attempt to cover running costs and is meant to be as unobtrusive as possible). I’d like the forum to be a place where people discuss local services and comment on things honestly and openly. I’d also like to develop links with local groups and even other websites ‐ such as S40 Local, so we can advertise events and meetings etc… without people needing to trawl for information. The forum is very flexible and organic regarding what it can accommodate so I’d like people to sign up, give it a go, and put forward ideas to me. All suggestions will be taken on board and quite possibly acted upon.” Thanks to Chris for taking time out to introduce us to the Forum. He has kindly set up an S40 Local area for me to post threads for comment . There are 2 posts this month covering local development and public transport if you want to get involved. Please mention S40 Local • Page 23

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Car Free Walks

Colin Harrison Transition Chesterfield

7 reasons to leave the car behind when walking in the Peak District. 1. It reduces dependency on oil as public transport is a more efficient way to travel 2. It reduces carbon emissions and air pollution 3. It reduces congestion in the Peak District 4. You are not restricted to circular walks 5. You don’t need to worry about parking 6. You can relax and enjoy the local beer 7. You are helping to maintain rural bus services

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ransition Chesterfield has produced a series of six leaflets describing walks in the Peak District accessible by bus, for people who don’t have or don’t want to use, cars.

can’t be seen from any road, and passes through the model village of Edensor. A couple of possible variations make the distance between 5km and 8km, so it should take 2 to 3 hours.

The project came about when Lisa Hopkinson, a Transition member (who then went on to organise and co ‐ordinate the project), became frustrated at the amount of time that had to be spent looking at maps and checking bus timetables to find walks suitable for her family to do at weekend. There are many books, guides, leaflets and websites that detail all sorts of walks, but the overwhelming majority begin with phrases like ‘starting from the car park’. The Peak District National Park Authorities Sustainable Development (supported by Peak Connections) were approached and offered enough funds to cover the cost of researching and (originally) printing 500 copies of each of 6 leaflets with details of walks with suitable bus access.

2: Robin Hood Inn Circular. A varied

The walks had to be relatively easy, not too long, as they are meant for families; not involve too many separate bus journeys; be mainly in the Peak District and have a reasonable weekend bus service. Initially someone would suggest a walk they had done, with a description and navigation points, which were followed by another volunteer. They would modify the original description and their new version would be used by another volunteer to check for clarity; in a couple of instances sections were checked again to ensure the clearest descriptions could be given in the limited space available. All the walks are generally easy, with any difficult or steeps parts mentioned in the text. Here are brief descriptions of the walks; all distances and times are approximate (5km is about 3 miles).

walk passing both the Nelson and Wellington monuments, across moorland and through woods full of moss‐covered rocks. 6.5km, time about 21/2 hours.

3: Warlow Mires to Monsal Head via Cressbrook Dale. Goes along peaceful dales and through woods (with a variation giving a superb panoramic view over part of it), passing the historic mill village of Cressbrook where it joins the Monsal Trail, ending after a steep ascent up to Monsal Head. 6km, time 2‐3 hours.

4: Matlock to Winster. Largely following the Limestone Way, including ancient lanes and through a landscape apparently unchanged for years. It starts with a long ascent but is worth it for the splendid, far‐ reaching views across the dales. 8.5km, about 3 hours.

5: Middleton to Bakewell via Bradford and Lathkill Dales. Follows two tranquil and lovely dales, with plenty of paddling spots, then goes through the village of Over Haddon and descending over fields to Bakewell. 9.5km, about 3 hours.

6: Baslow Circular via Froggatt Edge. Easily accessible and varied, though starting with a long and sometimes steep ascent to the moors, then along Curbar and Froggatt Edges, down through woodland and largely following the River Derwent back to Baslow. 10km, about 31/2 hours.

The walks were done and leaflets prepared in two lots, so the first three could be printed for the holiday season. So popular have they been that, by the time the second three 1: Baslow to Bakewell via were ready in September, we ordered Chatsworth. Passes through three 1000 of each of those and had extra classic English landscapes; tended copies of the first three printed. We parkland, farmland and old woodland. were able to do this because several Has fine views of Chatsworth that volunteers had bus passes so didn’t

need their fares refunded, and we undertook most of the layout work ourselves, rather than paying the printer. They have been distributed from local tourist information offices, and we have now nearly completely run out of 1 to 3, as all the original print run had been used by the time of the second. However, all 6 can be downloaded from the Transition Chesterfield website, www.transitionchesterfield.org.uk, to which we will shortly be adding some extra information including some updated timetable information. Unfortunately, the council are withdrawing subsidies for some of the bus services, probably resulting in a reduced evening and weekend service, the very times buses are needed to encourage their use. Transition Chesterfield has made representations about these changes, but we are not optimistic about the outcome. Thanks to Colin for outlining the walks and what they are all about. The article references the fact that some bus subsidies are to be removed with a likely impact on services in the evenings and weekends. Would you like to make any comment on this? If so, please visit the S40 Local thread on www.chesterfieldforum.net

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Streamline Swim School Children's Swimming Lessons Mon to Thu evenings Sat mornings Adult Only Swimming Lessons Mon Evenings & some Thu Evenings Ashgate Croft Children's School Holiday Courses Call for details & dates One to One Lessons for all abilities

Call Marie on 07773 158 925 eMail: k.higgins4@homecall.co.uk Ashgate Croft School Brookfield Community School Chesterfield

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Chesterfield Photographic Society Ken Davis

We meet every Thursday evening at 7.30 from September to April and twice monthly in summer at the Lecture Theatre in Chesterfield Library. There are competition evenings where everyone can disagree with the visiting judges on the merits of the winning photos, however the members are not overly competitive and run critique evenings for those wanting to develop their skills in inter‐ club photography. We’re aware of the ‘Camera Club’ image of largely male, and not necessarily sociable nerds who only want to show off their latest camera or lens ‐ we try to avoid falling into this. A number of people who have joined in recent years have learned from existing members and now produce excellent photographs to be proud of. Since the advent of digital photography the number of women members has grown and they are producing great, high quality photographs. Digital cameras of all types are brilliant for capturing all sorts of subjects. Most members use digital single lens reflexes but it’s surprising Page 32 • www.s40local.co.uk

Some members enjoy taking their original photos and manipulating them to create a totally different picture. Terry Haywood’s pictures of Bolsover Castle and the daffodil, show the sorts of things you can do. We also have members who like to use film cameras so we’ve an active slide group that meet monthly. Bob Woodcock’s photograph of Bolsover Castle contrasts with Terry Haywood’s, but viewpoint and angle add creativity to this shot. In 2009 we set up an Audio Visual Group who set themselves a mammoth project to create a show about the Market and its iconic Market Hall. It shows the history, the various markets that take place today and other activities around the squares. The Group presented the AV to the Council to use in publicity.

Peter Shelton

The winter and summer programmes include lectures from visiting experts and shows of national collections of work. Members often run workshops and teach‐ins to help less experienced members with the technical side, picture taking skills and computer photo processing using products like Adobe Photoshop.

When digital photography started we set up a digital special interest group to understand and master this new world. Now digital is the norm but there’s still lots to learn so the group meet to discuss particular techniques or problems.

Terry Haywood

It’s an active society who set up and get involved in a wide range of activities to develop photographic skills.

what can be achieved on a compact digital camera.

History It all started in late 1937 with a letter to the Derbyshire Times offering to form a Photographic Society in Chesterfield. This led to a meeting in January, 1938 and Chesterfield Photographic Society has continued throughout huge changes in both photography and society. Even through the Second World War when it was very difficult to get photographic materials ‐ the government asked photographers to hand in their Leicas and Contaxes for the war effort, but even if you did have a camera with film, you wouldn’t know what the weather was going to do because there were no weather forecasts.

Bob Woodcock


his month we’re featuring the Chesterfield Photographic Society, who often supply us with great cover shots and topical photos, such as the snow pictures included in the last issue.

Vaughan Williams

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The Society is a member of the North and East Midlands Photographic Federation, who host annual exhibitions and shows of selected members work from the entire region’s clubs.

In 2008 the Society put on an exhibition to celebrate its 70th anniversary in conjunction with Chesterfield Museum called “Say Cheese!” all about the development of popular photography from origins to the present day.

Brian Davis Page 34 • www.s40local.co.uk

Shirley Davis

Ken Davis

Ken Davis

Hitoshi Yokokume

The Society aims to provide members with as many channels to show their photographs as possible. You might also see members work hanging on the walls of Chesterfield Royal, the The Society mounted a major displays in ‘Boots’ or the annual exhibition in Darmstadt (our twinned exhibition in the Tourist Information town) in 2007 and each year exchange Centre. members work with Toyota City Camera Club. The shows demonstrate It’s also great to support local magazines like this one, and we’ve the different styles of each club’s photographers and give inspiration as had spreads in Reflections and Derbyshire Life ‐ this gives members well as entertainment. Friendships have grown and some members were the chance to see their work in print, published to wider audiences. honoured to visit and stay in Toyota City.

Hitoshi Yokokume

Until about 10 years ago, most serious photographers would find space for a wet darkroom and enjoy to processing and enlarging their own pictures.

Hitoshi Yokokume

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Terry Haywood Ken Davis

Other places to study members’ work Social Events and Trips Out include, the coffee bar in Chesterfield Photographic excursions have library, over an excellent cream slice featured ever since the Society’s and cup of coffee. formation. Recent ones included the You can visit the website: action of the Duxford air show and www.chesterfieldphotosociety.org. the more leisurely pace of rhubarb to see what’s going on and view a growing in Yorkshire. Last year saw small selection of member’s pictures. more local trips to Crich Tramway Museum, Morley Church and Dale There’s a flickr gallery of the Society’s Abbey and also to the National work: http://www.flickr.com/ Coalmining Museum. groups/61916095@N00/ and from here you can visit member’s own flickr But it’s not all about taking photo’s, pages. the extensive social programme includes meals out, a Christmas party, Some of our members are also active and a summer garden party. in other circles and organisations. Shirley and Brian Davis gained nearly Members’ range of subjects and 400 acceptances each, in international photographic interests is great, with competitions last year alone and both enthusiasts for pictorial, landscape, have won a gold medal in recent natural history, railway, abstract and months in an International. aviation photography among others. For many years the Society has The current President, Steve Williams chronicled Chesterfield’s had the photograph of the Common development and contributed images Hawker Dragonfly, shown above, to archives. We’ve included some of accepted for the National Trust our photographs for you on these Desktop Calendar and his Red Kite pages, I hope you enjoy them. Climbing was on the BBC Springwatch interactive show.

Geoff Hicks

Steve Williams

Steve Williams

Paul Tilley

Ken Davis

Brian Hardy

Brian Hardy

Elin Smith

Sheila Curzon

Sheila Curzon Please mention S40 Local • Page 37

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S40 Sport: Ashley Davies By Howard Borrell


his months sports article feels like a change from the norm, as we focus on Ashley Davies, an individual from our area who's achieving great success in a sport that doesn’t receive much media attention ‐ squash! Ashley lives in Ashgate, attends Brookfield Community School and is a Junior squash champion. He started playing when he was just 8, but before settling on squash as his chosen sport Ashley was quite a keen

equestrian and swimmer. With swimming he couldn’t complete his Gold swimming honours, as he didn't have the strength to do the distance in the time required ‐ his swimming instructor, Jason Fearn, also a squash coach at Brampton Manor suggested he change sport! In his spare time he enjoys Carp fishing with his mates, playing golf and playing on his X‐Box online. Ashley has progressed through junior club tournaments, leagues and the graded Derbyshire Grand Prix. His first major success arrived in 2005 when he won the Manchester Junior Open Under 11 event; this got him noticed and attracted French racquet company Tecnifibre who have sponsored him ever since. Incredibly by the time he was 13 he was ranked number 2 in England and number 5 in Europe. In 2007 he won the Irish Junior Open at under 13 without dropping a game. Ashley had the opportunity to represent his country for the first time in 2008 and won the Home International Team Championships. In his first European Super Series, "The Pioneer" in Germany, Ashley took 6th place, from a draw of 96 juniors from all over the World, and the same year enjoyed a two week trip to Saudi Arabia as part of an England Select team, as guests of the Saudi Government, to train and play with the Saudi National Team. At the start of the 2009/2010 season Ashley was Ranked No 2 in England and No 5 in Europe.

So this season, 2010/2011, Ashley is playing in the men’s leagues, for Brampton Manor, in Derbyshire League Division 1, for the Hallamshire in the Sheffield and District Men’s League Division 1, and the Pro/Semi Pro Yorkshire Men’s Premier League. Ashley playing at the Tecnifibre British Closed He has retained his East Midlands Page 40 • www.s40local.co.uk

Regional title at under 17, won the County Championships at 17 and 19, is the Sheffield Junior Open Champion at under 19, Doncaster Junior Open Champion at under 19, runner up at Manchester Junior Open, under 19, and first under 17 Silver event win in Bishops Stortford, and 3rd place in Belgium at the Belgian Junior Open ‐ a list of achievements to take the breath away! As with all sporting achievements they don't come easy ‐ Ashley trains 5 days a week for up to 3 hours, at Brampton Manor, either strengthening and conditioning programmes or working on his racquet technique and movement. And of course relies on the support of quality coaches ‐ John Robertson at Brampton Manor, who Ashley acknowledges he owes a great debt to... Danny Massaro, husband of World Woman's player, Laura Massaro and Neil Guiery from Leeds. Ashley is also fortunate to be being mentored by World No 1 and World Champion, Nick Matthew at his second club, the Hallamshire in Sheffield. We were hoping Ashley was going to be one of our local Olympic hopefuls, but unfortunately squash didn’t make the Olympics for 2012 or 2016, so Ashley is setting his sights on the junior level European and World Championships, and also on becoming British Champion, British No 1, World Champion and then on to the Commonwealth Games! To achieve this he needs to remain injury free and committed, he also requires funding and sponsorship to cover the costs of travelling and competing in events. He’s been helped financially by several individuals and would like to thank those people ‐ he says you know who you are. If you are interested in helping nurture Ashley please get in touch with Ashley's Dad, Trevor on 07713 630 988.

With mentor Nick Matthew.

S40 Local wish you every success Ashley!

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We are able to Diagnose & fix your Laptop & PC Problems A SONY SPECIALIST * Free Estimates Given * Help When You Need IT! Situated in Chesterfield, Derbyshire. * No Fix No Fee * 9am to 9pm Mon to Sun EGYTEC 3 Raneld Mount Walton Chesterfield S40 3RE Phone: 01246 237465 Mobile: 07903224417 Website: www.egytec.co.uk Email: info@egytec.co.uk

Experience providing support and repairs for a wide range of IT Equipment. You can bring your laptop or PC to our office or we can collect fix and return it. If you are local to S40 we can arrange a home visit if preferred.

We have a selection of used Laptops available and we carry a large stock of spare parts. Give us a call or email us with your make, model and problem and we will give you a price.

“Youssef” Your Local IT Technician

Things to do in the garden: March After this years winter, hopefully their should be signs that spring is on its way in March. 1. Divide clumps of perennials. 2. Cut back ornamental grasses and perennials left for winter colour 3. Check if any containers need watering and top dress them with fresh compost 4. Give your lawn its first mow (just take the tops of the blades of grass) on a dry day towards the end of the month if needed. 5. Continue to plant deciduous hedges, trees and shrubs. 6. Plant roses, but do not plant where an old rose has been Page 42 • www.s40local.co.uk

grown to avoid the risk of disease. 7. Prune Cornus (dogwood), Salix alba (white willow), buddleia, hydrangea, roses and lavertera but avoid pruning spring flowering shrubs until after they have flowered 8. Start weeding your garden again to stop the weeds getting out of hand 9. Clean out the filter on the pump in your pond and start feeding any fish again 10.Plant summer flowering bulbs, shallots, onions and early potatoes. Thanks to Paul Ashgate Garden Care

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Holymoorside Film Committed to Community Cinema


olymoorside Film started in 2006 as part of a project to promote local village hall film screenings. Following a successful pilot season, lottery funding was sought by the Holymoorside & Walton Arts Festival Society to purchase a sound system, projector and big screen, installed with the kind permission of the Parish Council, in Holymoorside Village Hall.

Members are treated to special bonus film talks, events and opportunities to take advantage of discounts on tickets for the Arts Festival events in June.

Audiences love to share the film experience among friends, instead of watching at home alone.

Free admission in March On offer to any new members who sign up on the night for the next season.

Over the last 6 years we’ve enjoyed almost 70 great films in two monthly programmes. 4th Friday Films offers popular, feel‐good features such as Brassed Off, Shakespeare in Love and The Duchess.

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Mid‐Week Movies, shown on Tuesdays are slightly more challenging, including foreign language films and discussion topics eg. La Vie En Rose and Frost/Nixon.

Tues 8th March: “The Hours” and Fri 25th March: “Mansfield Park”. For details etc see ‘What’s On’ pages and www.holymoorsidearts.co.uk A warm welcome awaits you.

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Business News


rampton Brewery will be taking part in the Beer2Net Festival taking place at Chesterfield FC's new home (B2net Stadium) on Friday 11th & Saturday 12th March , where you'll have the chance to sample the biggest selection of Derbyshire brewed beers ever under one roof . Alongside beer from Grohe Brewery of Darmstadt, Germany, all lager, cider and wine available at the Festival has been produced in Derbyshire. Tickets are £3 and the closest place you can pick them up is the Rose and Crown, Old Road, Brampton. Brampton Brewery will be hosting two Beer Festivals of their own at two Pubs on two consecutive weekends. The first one, at the Rose & Crown will be over the weekend of 22nd April ‐ 25th April and will be an Easter / St Georges Day Beer Festival theme. The following weekend 29th April ‐ 2nd May, at the Tramway Tavern ... this one is currently themed the '(Not) The Royal Wedding Beer Festival'.


Both events will have live music & an outside bar, further details will be released nearer the time. Ashgate Garden Care are pleased to announce that they are now offering traditional mole catching as one of their services. Paul Gregory of Ashgate Garden Care said “Traditional mole catching is an excellent addition to our existing portfolio of service we offer domestic an commercial customers. As well as making a mess of lawns and flower beds, molehills can damage garden machinery and render sports pitches unusable. They also reduce the viability of agricultural land.” Like all traditional mole catchers, Ashgate Garden Care work on a no catch, no fee basis. For further information, contact Ashgate Garden Care on 01246 234320 or visit our website – www.ashgategardencare.co.uk

he Walton and West Safer Neighbourhood Team continues to tackle the issues that concern local residents. As a result of the last community panel meeting on Thu 3rd February the team’s priorities have changed.

clothes patrols to try to catch offenders in the act.

The team will now be tackling the criminal damage in the Somersall Lane area. This was decided after a number of residents from the area suffered damage to their fences and cars during the last few months. Officers will be carrying out extra patrols in the evening and weekend and working with CID to carry out plain

If you would like to input and help decide the priority issues, please come along to the next community panel meeting at Walton Evangelical Church on Thursday 26 March 2011 at 7pm. For more information about the team and to find out the latest crime figures for your neighbourhood visit the Derbyshire Constabulary website.

Residents asked that the team continues to tackle the anti‐social behaviour in the Walgrove Road area, and handbag and purse thefts at the local Morrison’s supermarket. PC The anti‐social behaviour issue in the Dave Randell is working closely with Hazel Drive area was closed after a big the store’s security guard and management to increase safety drop in the number of reports to measures and prevent this type of police about the problem. Officers conducted a survey with a number of crime. He will also be holding regular surgeries and crime prevention days residents to check they were no at the supermarket to deter thieves longer suffering from anti‐social behaviour and the results showed no and to speak to residents about any problems during the last few months. concerns they may have.

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Free Oil & Filter Change on any Annual Service Worth up to £40

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01246 272 749 172 Chatsworth Road Chesterfield S40 2AR www.noblemotorsportltd.co.uk

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AF PLUMBING AND HEATING Boiler Installations Gas Fires & Cookers Servicing & Breakdowns Landlord Certificates & Gas Safety Checks Bathroom & Shower Installations

Tel 01246 203748 Mob 0775 773 7283 www.afplumbing.net

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A&H Paving Ltd

Call Tony on: t: 01246 207 046 m: 07890 657903

Block Paving Fencing Drainage Concrete Drop Kerbs Patios Tarmac DCC Registered All construction

Vernon Road • Brampton • Chesterfield S40 1EL

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Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning

“A Polite, Reliable Service”

 Free Deodorising (quick dry)  Seven Day Service  Furniture Removed & Replaced  Family Business est. 1992

NO CALL OUT FEE NO VAT Bathrooms, showers & kitchen installations Leaks & repairs No job too small


Tel: 01246 205 000 Mob: 07971 447 040

Contact Michael Cox

7 Redgrove Way - Walton - Chesterfield - S40 3JN

01246 211112 or 07754 603 460






6 2

8 7




Last months solution:

8 3



1 9

4 3

6 4

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8 3

2 9




Fill in the grid so every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the numbers 1 through to 9, with no repetition.



















































































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S40 Local Classifieds

Junior Beds (2): £150 A pair of beautiful wooden junior beds. Size 5’ x 2’6” as new; occasionally used by visiting grandchildren; Suitcases (2): £20 each 2 Carlton Trolley Suitcases sleep up to age 10 years. with zip pockets on front. Complete with John Lewis Used once only Size 28” x duvets etc. Call 01246 566177 to view 182 x 11” £20 each or £35 (Somersall). for both. 01246 237 772 (Walton). Gas Cooker: £150 Cannon double oven gas TV: £30 Colour TV 28” widescreen cooker. Model number CRT. Remote control. £30. C50 GKX 6 months old. Cost £415 accept £150. Call 07973 423712 Call Chris on 01246 567131. (Somersall). Bathroom Cabinet: £50 Swivel bathroom cabinet 30cm x 30cm 200cm tall mirror one side adjustable shelving plus lower cupboard with shelf. New £50. 01246 270316 (Walton).

Phil & Teds Sleeping Bag & Cocoon: £30 Phil & Teds beige cocoon with grey sleeping bag. Both used but in good condition £30. Call Paul on 568519 (Brookside).

DJN Home Services Joinery □ Locksmith Purpose made joinery, e.g.

     

Radiator covers Shelving Meter cupboards Under stair cupboards Garden Gates etc.

Supply, fitting or repair of locks and locking mechanisms for both UPVC and timber doors/windows.

Insured and all work guaranteed For a free quote, then please contact Dean.

Tel: 01246 567637 Mob: 07876 352041

Useful Numbers

Somersby Avenue, Walton


Utility Services Transport Help


Chatsworth Road Medical Centre Chesterfield Royal Hospital Holme Hall Medical Centre NHS Direct The Surgery @ Wheatbridge

01246 568 065 01246 277 271 01246 211 435 08 45 46 47 01246 22 33 50

BT Fault Line Electricity Power Loss Gas Emergency Water – Severn Trent

0800 800 151 0800 056 80 90 0800 111 999 0800 783 4444

Train Times / Enquiries Traveline (Public Transport) Noble 7 till 7 Emergency Car Recovery

0845 748 4950 0871 200 2233 01246 272 749

Chesterfield Police Non Emergency Citizens Advice Bureaux Relate NSPCC Childline

0345 123 33 33 01246 209 164 01246 231 010 0800 1111

Chesterfield Borough Council Chesterfield Central Library Chesterfield Tourist Information Crimestoppers Divisional Community Police Contact Derbyshire County Council S40 Local

01246 345 345 01629 533 400 01246 345 777 0800 555 111 0345 123 33 33 08456 058 058 01246 568 519

Please mention S40 Local • Page 57

Business Cards

Holiday Transfers Airports Ports Coastal Air Conditioned 1 to 6 Seater 01246 569 646 07801 059 721

Somersall Park Road • Walton • Chesterfield S40 3LD

WALTON POST OFFICE Greetings Cards • Stationary ATM for most major banks Foreign Currency & Traveller Insurance MoneyGram Agent ‐ Send & Receive Money Worldwide Photocopying & Fax Service

01246 207 612 3 Breckland Road • Chesterfield S40 3LJ

Page 58 • www.s40local.co.uk

Paul Redfern Painting & Decorating Domestic and Commercial Insurance Work Undertaken Fully Insured Reliable & Recommended 01246 569618 or 0773 436 2551 Based in Holymoorside

BIRDS FUNERAL SERVICES Established 1913 Father & daughter familyfamily-run business 24 hour service with Private Chapel of Rest PrePre-Paid Golden Charter Funeral Plans available Tel: 01246 566592 Mob: 07831 851 639 44 Loads Road, Holymoorside, Chesterfield S42 7EU

New boilers fitted Fire & boiler servicing Bathrooms & kitchens fitted Tiling Small building work undertaken


01246 568 669 or 07980 142 901 JC Plumbing, Heating & Property Services Parkhall Avenue Walton S42 7LR

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