Brochure Middle East SaafConsult

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Water Resource Management

About the Company The company, virtually established in 2005, is registered in The Netherlands, but its consultants live and work worldwide. We are a niche firm that specialises in: • Water Resources Management for nature, peace, climate change and development; • Institutional and policy aspects of Water Supply and Sanitation; • Investments in sustainable eco business. SaafConsult has a geographical focus on the Middle-East-North-Africa region as well as South and Central Asia. Our consultants are intimately familiar with the socio-cultural and economic conditions in these countries, and have broad experience with projects in these regions. The mission statement of SaafConsult is, “To provide consultancy, project management and investments to projects, organizations and funds that contribute to sustainable use of natural resources in developing countries and countries in transition.”

The core business of SaafConsult is Water Resources Management. We are specialised in the following topics: Water and Nature: ecosystem valuations, payment for environmental (water) services, wetlands, watershed and ecosystem management. Water and Peace: transboundary water management (aquifers, rivers, lakes, etc.), water sharing agreements, negotiations and treaties on water. Water and Climate Change: adaptation and mitigation strategies and policies for water projects and interventions. Water and Sustainable Development: integrated river basin management, integrated water resources management, water for production and energy, water for rural development and agriculture, participatory irrigation management, water for tourism.

SaafConsult B.V. Address: President Steinstraat 9, 2312 ZP Leiden, The Netherlands Tel: + 962 (0)797375727 +31 (0)6 526 36 031 Homepage: Integer egestas orci quis

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Water supply and sanitation SaafConsult actively assists urban water utilities and rural water service providers with institutional, organizational and climate change aspects of the provision of potable water and sanitation. Issues dealt with include decentralization of water provision, cost recovery, finance, organizational structuring, institutional embedding, training, evaluations, policy and project management. We are a firm believer in the need and effectiveness of appropriate water services pricing. In light of the increase in demand in most developing countries, water demand management is crucial to be able to meet this increase. Valuing of water also contributes to water demand management within systems. This is where the link between water resources management and water supply and sanitation should be made.

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In 2012 we have established a branch office in Amman, Jordan (SaafConsult Levant) to ensure a continuous presence in the Middle East/North Africa region and to cater to customer requests. For countries or regions where SaafConsult does not have primary expertise we associate with partner firms and organisations to ensure optimal service delivery. SaafConsult is therefore a network company that cooperates with a wide variety of different organisations to respond to the market and to respond optimally to client requests. Some of the main clients of SaafConsult are the African Development Bank, KfW Development Bank, UNDP, German International Cooperation (GIZ), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Wetlands International, the European Union, the World Conservation Union (IUCN), Austrian Development Cooperation, Czech Development Cooperation, private sector firms such as Sachsen Wasser in Germany and international NGOs such as WWF, IUCN, Wetlands International and Friends of the Earth Middle East.

The RENEW Fund In accordance with the mission statement of the company, the RENEW Fund is a small equity fund developed by SaafInvest that invests in projects, companies, other funds or ventures that contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources like renewable energy, environmental infrastructure, organic agriculture The fund is oriented towards the MENA/South Asia region. It is in this region that a vast potential for these investments exists, and where serious investments in environment and (re-)use of natural resources, such as water, are vital.

Investments Environmental degradation and unsustainable use of natural resources has led to severe constraints on development. While in economic terms the impact of a degrading environment on economic growth has not been fully integrated into planning and modeling of national or regional authorities, the brunt of it tends to be felt most acutely at grassroots level. Therefore, most major international financing institutions (IFIs), development organisations and corporate entities are starting to seriously account for the cost of environmental degradation in their policies.

Regrettably, in many cases, investments in projects and ventures that contribute meaningfully to the sustainable use of natural resources are impeded by access to financial instruments and support. Treatment of water, renewable energy, tradable resource rights, organic agriculture and environmental services are often not seen as commercially reliable areas for investments. To address the three parameters of sustainable development— economic, social and environmental security—SaafInvest has created the RENEW Fund, which aims to provide the impetus needed to promote and sustain investments in the environmental sector at a modest scale.

This map shows the locations of our projects since 2005

Brief selection of relevant projects Project: Client: Services:

Final evaluation of the project: The Programme Management Unit (PMU) of the Greater Amman Water Sector Improvement Programme The European Commission Delegation to Jordan Country: Jordan •

Project: Client: Services:

Project: Client: Services:

The main purpose of the project was to evaluate the EU-funded Programme Management Unit (PMU) of the Greater Amman Water Sector Improvement Programme (GAWSIP) project outcomes, develop an evaluation report, identify lessons and propose practical recommendations.

Economic valuation of a rehabilitated Lower Jordan River - Jordanian Component Friends of the Earth Middle East Country: Jordan

Period: 12/2011 – 12/2012

The project aims at providing decision makers, donors and regional actors insight in and the appraisal of opportunities for development that would result from rehabilitated Lower Jordan river. Identify positive-sum outcomes to responsible river management and rehabilitation of the Lower Jordan river.

On the basis of extensive discussions with stakeholders of all three riparians the travel cost and the contingency valuation techniques were selected for valuation of the benefits of a rehabilitated Jordan River. On the Jordanian side more than 500 people were surveyed on the basis of a questionnaire developed by the three teams. This data was used to develop the analysis and the case studies on the Jordanian side.

Regional Water Dialogue Facilitator for the European Union Water Initiative Mediterranean Component (EUWI-MED) The European Commission Country: Mediterranean Region •

Project: Client: Services:

Period: 09/2012 – 10/2012

Main tasks includes: (i) Leading the drafting of an IWRM plan according to the guidelines of the EU Water Framework Directive for the Buna/Bojana Delta (ii) Supporting cooperation with the Palestinian Water Authority for the development of a crisis management response strategy to address water scarcity in the Occupied Palestinian Territories, (iii) Support to the establishment of a Jordan River Commission, (iv) Development of an ecosystem valuation for the mountain aquifer in the OPT.

Assessment of Water Use Efficiency in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan Ministry of Water and Irrigation Jordan •

Period: 2/2010 – 12/2012

Country: Jordan

Period: 10/2009-04/2010

Within the context of increasing water scarcity in Jordan and the desire of the government to tackle this issue the consultants were commissioned to prepare a study on water use efficiency within the Kingdom. This study was prepared with inputs from public and private sectors including, but not limited to, the Royal Water Committee and the following government ministries (Water & Irrigation, Environment, Health, Agriculture, Finance, Industry, Public Works, and Planning); utility companies (Aqaba, Miyahuna, Northern Governorates); as well as the following groups (industry chambers of commerce, trade specific associations, academia, NGOs). The study had to assess and provide recommendations to address water scarcity and efficiency issues. Integrated Water Resource Management principles were used as guidelines for the analysis. The work included managing a team of three researchers, consulting stakeholders and integrating large amounts of data into a concise study report. This 6-month study, in cooperation with CEC Sajdi & Partners, endeavoured to provide added value to key water resource management issues for Jordan. Main foci were transboundary water management, institutional reform, water governance, water valuation and agricultural water use.

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