Newsletter July 2013 SaafConsult

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Quarterly Newsletter Saafconsult B.V. Newsletter July 2013

Contents: Introduction | Projects & Pipeline | Photos | Happy Holidays

Introduction This is the second newsletter of SaafConsult in 2013. The last three months new projects and opportunities came our way, multiple assignments in various countries were conducted and we welcomed a new colleague, Dr. Loay Hidmi, whom we would like to introduce first. New colleague - Dr. Loay Hidmi Dr. Loay Hidmi, a senior water supply and sanitation expert, joined SaafConsult as a partner in the company. Loay is a Jordanian senior consultant and has broad relevant experience to boost our water supply and sanitation work. We are very happy to have him aboard. Loay has started his work with us by leading the Southern Governorates project we recently acquired from GIZ (more information about the project on page 4 of the newsletter).

Projects & Pipeline Swaziland This month, Ele Jan went to Swaziland. He provided technical support to the EU Delegation and the Government of Swaziland to design and implement a sound water governance plan for the Malkerns Irrigation and Development Corporation to benefit from the efforts of agriculture diversification. The work included the drafting of documents according to EDF standards and the EU PCM Logical Framework Approach. Consultant involved: Ele Jan Saaf

SAAFCONSULT B.V. Netherlands Office President Steinstraat 9 2312 ZP Leiden The Netherlands M: 00962 (0)7 973 75 727 0031 (0)6 526 36 031 @:

Photo’s by: Heleen Saaf van der Beek Sabrina Doetjes

Quarterly Newsletter Saafconsult B.V. Newsletter July 2013 Middle East SaafConsult signed an extension of the contract with IUCN WESCANA for the implementation of activities for “Strengthening Synergies between Governance of Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation in Jordan with a View to Reduce Poverty.” This project is implemented in cooperation with UNDP Jordan. Activities will include stakeholder consultations and participatory planning for strengthening synergies between Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction, empowerment of Project Advisory Committee (PAC) members so that they are able to engage in planning and decision-making processes and institutionalization of the PAC. Consultant involved: Ruby Assad and Sabrina Doetjes Ethiopia This month, Marie Körner successfully finished the evaluation of two projects in the sector of (i) Soil and water conservation and rural water supplies: Anti-erosion measures around Lake Awassa, Ethiopia, 2008- 2010 (34/MZe/B/08-10) and (ii) Sustainable Management of Soil, Forest and Water Resources as a Pilot Model for Community Development in Southern Ethiopia. The first project was implemented by the Czech NGO People in Need in Awassa Zuryia District, the second one by the MENDEL University Brno in Awassa Zuryia District and Alaba Special District of Ethiopia’s Southern Region. The principal purpose of this evaluation was to obtain information that will guide decision-making on upcoming interventions of Czech development cooperation (CZ DC) in Ethiopia (one of the program countries) in the sectors Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing and Water Supply and Sanitation. Consultant involved: Marie Körner

SAAFCONSULT B.V. Levant Office Wadi Saqra Arar street No. 136 Amman Jordan

Quarterly Newsletter Saafconsult B.V. Newsletter July 2013 Jordan - PSI Project Since the beginning of May 2013, SaafInvest and its Jordanian partner, Green Spectrum Environmental Services have been conducting a feasibility study for renewable energy installations at small business and manufacturers. The purpose of this study is to apply for the Private Sector Investment (PSI) fund of NL Agency in the Netherlands. So far the consortium has visited a number of locations, met with the owners and made initial assessments of their energy needs around the year. We are carefully diversifying our selection of projects across sectors; agriculture, education, food production and manufacturing, as it is our firm belief that successful implementation of a project in one sector will pave the way for other projects in the same sector. Upon receiving the grant, we hope to install around 350400 KWp solar photovoltaic systems in about 4-5 different locations as a pilot project. We would operate based on the nett-metering system of tariff, developed by the Jordanian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. We are currently in the process of writing the grant proposal, crafting our budget and making final decisions about the locations. Consultant involved: Mohammad Azraq

Quarterly Newsletter Saafconsult B.V. Newsletter July 2013 Jordan GIZ Project Southern Governorates After restructuring took place in Amman, Aqaba, the four Northern Governorates and is underway in the Middle Governorates of Jordan, the options for the future institutional structure of water service provision in the Southern Governorates of Jordan (Karak, Ma’an and Tafieleh) needs to be developed. Hence, the GIZ has contracted SaafConsult to develop the Restructuring Options for the Southern Governorates of Jordan. The proposed options should act as an example for a new approach towards communicating water sector reforms to the different stakeholders. The options will take into consideration the participation of the different stakeholders in the implementation process as well as the communication of the restructuring to them. By doing so, the process in the Southern Governorates could become the pilot for improved transparency and communication in the water sector of Jordan. Consultants involved: Cees Vulto, Loay Hidmi and Yasar Hidmi

Quarterly Newsletter Saafconsult B.V. Newsletter July 2013

Ele Jan Saaf took this picture when he made his last visit to the Danube Delta in July 2013 for the project ‘Climate Change Adaptation Strategy for the Danube Delta ‘ for the WWF Danube-Carpathian Programme.

Marie Körner during her work in Tajikistan

Ele Jan Saaf during the project in Swaziland

Marie Körner in Tajikistan - June 2013

An impressive picture that Ele Jan took during his stay in Swaziland where he worked on a Water Governance Plan for the Malkerns Irrigation Canal

Quarterly Newsletter Saafconsult B.V. Newsletter July 2013

Happy summer holidays!

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