5 minute read
Pop’s Puzzles and Jokes
By Kirit Shukla

Note: * denotes abbreviation of the word or phrase Clues Across:

1. An Indian folk dance that originated in Punjab. 7. A double-sided barrel drum played in qawwali music. 10. Fully grown and developed; Mature. 11. A Celtic bear goddess. 13.A liquor made by fermenting & distilling sugarcane juice. 15. A persecuted minority of the west France & north Spain. 17. Annual spring harvest festival in the Punjab. (4/13/2022) 20. Lay in place in a specified position. 21. To enroll oneself in the armed forces. 22. Long Island. (*) 24. Rupees. (*) 25. Street. (*) 26. Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral Spectrum. () 28. To seize suddenly. 30. Australian trademark, a portable insulated container for keeping food and drink cool. 32. A state in northern India: Cap. Chandigarh. 35. Black insect of the family Formicidae, having a queen. 36. American Registry for Internet Numbers. (*) 38. Alternative Network Operator. (*) 39. A sudden sharp breaking. 41. An attention-drawing, often, wildly playful or funny act. 43. A circle of light appearing to surround the sun or moon. 45. Et cetera. (Latin phrase) 46. Kingdom in ancient Palestine. Cap. Jerusalem. 48. Irish Republican Army. (*) 50. One dressed for use as a cord or thread. 51. Partially or totally dark. 1. The American professional baseball team based in Atlanta. 2. Hawaii. (*). 3. The forth month of the Gregorian calendar year. 4. Indigenous people of uncertain linguistic affiliation south of the lower Neuse river in North Carolina. 5. The Egyptian sun god and major deity. 6. The raised curved area on the bottom of the foot. 7. To excavate. 8. The rim of a basketball goal. 9. Continues to live. 12. The rear, elongated end of the body of an animal. 14. An active volcano in Nicaragua. 16. A headdress worn by Sikhs. 18. A metallic device (such as a rod or wire) for radiating or receiving radio waves. 19. A dedicated movie channel in Tamil, India. 23. An establishment for the lodging of travelers. 27. To make yarn by drawing out and twisting fibers. 29. A city of west Corsica, France. Birthplace: Napoleon. 31. Joseph ___. Soviet political leader who governed the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953. 33. To make as if not counted. (Now obsolete) 34. Mumbai. 35. The remains of the dead human body after cremation. 37. Erase (Archaic). 40. A sustained posture. 42. Information Technology. (*) 44. Explosive Remnants of War. (*) 47. Silver. (Chemical notation for a metallic element.) 49. Room. (*)

(solution on page 88)
Hee Hee
Jokes & Riddles From Around The World
Booddhoo went to a dentist. “Doctor. My two front teeth are broken.” Dentist: “What happened?” Booddhoo: “My wife made very hard laddu for me to eat.” Dentist: “Why did you eat them?” Booddhoo: “No, I refused to eat them!” ***** Booddhoo called police station to complain about a theft. Booddhoo: “Sir, there was burglary in my home. They took everything except the TV.” Police: “That’s strange! Why did they leave the TV?” Booddhoo: “I was watching the TV.“ ***** Dad: “How did your History test go at school? Son: “Bad! All the questions were from before I was born.”
Find & circle the words in the puzzle. Subject: Rajasthan


The unused 15 letters spell: ”The biggest salt lake in India.” (answer on page 88)

Math Magic
Fill in the empty squares to get = the final given answers. Use any number from 1 to 9 only once (except 4): Note: Follow the order of operation per basic math rule: ×,÷, +, - The multiplication or division is done before addition and subtraction. (solution on page 88)
TEST YOUR IQ The common letters are “APR” - Fill in the blanks) 1. Belief in a deductive principles. APR _ _ _ _ _ _ 2. The usually unintentionally humorous misuse or distortion of a word or phrase. _ _ _ APR _ _ 3. Disintegrated rock in its original place. _ APR _ _ _ _ _ 4. Fourth month of the Gregorian calendar. APR _ _ 5. A major project or undertaking. _ _ _ APR _ _ _ _ _ 6. Very minutely exact. _ _ _ _ APR _ _ _ _ _ 7. Spice made from ground, dried red peppers. _ APR _ _ _ 8. An ACE inhibitor C24H34N2O5 taken orally to treat hypertension or to treat heart failure. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ APR _ _ 9. Oval orange-colored fruit similar to a peach. APR_ _ _ _ 10. The antihypertensive drug C20H28N2O5; an ACE inhibitor taken orally. _ _ _ _ APR _ _ 11. The main fatty acidic found in coconut oil. _ APR _ _ _ _ 12. A corporate executive who develops new enterprises within the corporation. _ _ _ _ APR _ _ _ _ _ 13. Abnormal inability to sustain attention. APR _ _ _ _ _ _ 14. Dark-colored fine-grained igneous rocks. _ _ APR _ _ _ 15. Loss of ability to execute complex coordinated movements without muscular or sensory impairment. APR _ _ _ _ 16. Blunder; To utter stupidly. _ _ _ APR _ _ _ _ 17. Southern European herbs of the genus Gypsophila whose roots are used as a substitute for soap. _ _ APR _ _ _ 18. Italian Island in the south Bay of Naples. _ APR _ 19. A leading US provider of home healthcare equipment delivery & in-home clinical services. APR _ _ _ 20. A messenger boy, peon. (Hindi, India) _ _ APR _ _ _ 21. 10th zodiac sign; the water goat. _ APR _ _ _ _ _ (Puzzle solutions are on page 88. NO peeking!)
Saathee Puzzle Master Kirit Shukla kiritsshukla@gmail.com