Moving Forward Conventional architecture serves as an assembly of raw materials based heavily on specialized design and trade skills. Our hope in creating this book has been to democratize the process, putting the tools for good design and construction directly into the hands of those that need it. With a starting list of "state-of-the-shelf" components the reader should be able to combine and adapt readily available resources to create usable spaces that are greater than the sum of their parts. Please use the Recipe Generator to craft custom solutions to the needs of your own community. Make photo copies and share with your friends or scribble right in the book. Above all... Happy Designing! Moving Forward
Team: Rob Corser & Jack Hunter -Instructors | Gloria Cheng, Saba Fatima, Stephanie Lam, Lawson LeGore, Yunen Li, Siobhan Schramm, Daze Wu
2021 06.10