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that all have different qualities unconventional materials different kinds of lighting ceiling heights etc. Development of the pedway began in

1951 and since then the system has expanded to connect more than fifty buildings in a string like a beaded necklace. It has grown through partnerships between the city and private building owners this makes it a curious mixture of public space like a normal outdoor plaza or a street but also a space that is monitored and controlled by the adjacent parties. This ad-hoc growth and ownership certainly contribute to a strange and confusing spatial condition while experiencing the space of the pedway as one continuous and unbroken sequence of interior spaces this is not really how it was planned. The space is contingent on several external factors that are mysterious to anyone walking around inside this. Instead, find your way through a series of uncoordinated wayfinding signage interior décor, and material changes. The smells, one of the stranger areas is just underneath a hotel whose pool abuts the pedway, there are glass partitions that separate the public space from where one would disrobe and then go for a dip. This area of the pedway also always smells like chlorine. There are huge urban scale factors that determine where the pedway snakes through even though we cannot see the streets or where buildings stop and start those things have a huge impact on where the pedway can take us. Building columns for instance pierce right through it and the spaces dodge all sorts of things like the subway or sewers or ducks or other amenities that populate the ground. There is a small gallery that shows the architecture and art shows. There's the outside world the stuff that supports the outside world that's inside of the dirt of the earth and then there's this system of tunnels that creates another inhabitable world it's distinct from that world outside, but the two worlds are intricately dependent on one another. what makes the pedway so convenient is that in a way it has its own weather Chicago winters and even its summers can be brutal today there are a few inches of snow on the ground for instance and this pressure to keep people out of harsh whether it can be a driving factor for other interior vanities like the pedways around the world.


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