Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
This muscle helps in moving the arm away from the body and in holding the arm into the shoulder socket.
CENTRAL CV Meridianen
STOMACH ST Meridianen
This muscle in the back of the shoulder draws the arm in and keeps it turned out.
Teres major
Pectoralis major clavicular refers to the upper fibres of the muscle illustrated. This muscle helps to bend and turn the arm at the shoulder. Pectoralis major clavicular
The levator scapulae muscles in the the back of the shoulder and neck are often weak causing the neck to twist. Levator scapulae
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
These muscles are found in the front and sides of the neck. Weakness can cause curvature of the upper spine and neck causing headaches and shoulder tension.
STOMACH ST Meridianen
Anterior neck flexors
SPLEEN SP Meridianen
This muscle flexes the elbows and helps turn the wrist. Weakness of this muscle can make it difficult to lift the arm up and behind the back. Brachioradialis
This muscle holds the shoulder down and keeps the back straight. A weak muscle on one side can show up as a raised shoulder. Latissimus dorsi
This is one of the muscles that keeps the shoulder blades in and turns it out.
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
This muscle is involved in gripping using the thumb. Weakness of this muscle can lead to 'tennis elbow'.
SPLEEN SP Meridianen
Opponens pollicis longus
As the name suggests, this muscle is below the scapula and allows the shoulder blade to turn the arm and draw the arm in when raised above the shoulder.
HEART H Meridianen
These muscles on the backs of the arms help in straightening the elbow.
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
These muscles straighten the knee and flex the thighs. Weakness can result in difficulty climbing the stairs, getting up from sitting down and knee pain.
These muscles help keep the internal organs in place. Weakness can result in low back pain.
This lower leg muscle flexes the side of the foot upward and out. Weakness will cause the foot to turn in and can produce foot and ankle problems.
BLADDER Bl Meridianen
These muscles run adjacent to the spine. Weakness on one side will cause sideways curvature of the back, back pain, poor posture and possibly shoulder and elbow problems.
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
BLADDER Bl Meridianen
These muscles flex the foot out and up. Weakness can cause flat feet or fallen arches.
Anterior and posterior tibials
These muscles help keep the lumbar curve in the spine. Weakness on one side will cause the hip to drop or the foot to turn in on the affected side. Can also cause low back/pelvic pain.
KIDNEY K Meridianen
This refers to the upper fibres of the muscle illustrated. This muscle tilts the head and pulls the shoulder blade in. Upper trapezius
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
These muscles if weak can cause a problem with the ileocaecal valve (the valve that regulates flow of chyme from small to large intestine), low back or shoulder pain.
KIDNEY K Meridianen
These muscles help hold the thigh in flexing and rotating it inward. Weakness can make the pelvis tilt forward.
These muscles pull the leg out and rotate the leg. Weakness can lead to bowed legs and a limp.
Gluteus medius
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
CIRCULATIONSEX P Meridianen Piriformis
These hip muscles are important to posture. The hip rotator allows the leg to move outward when seated. Weakness on one side can cause the sacrum to twist causing knock knees and the ankle on that side to turn in. Piriformis issues can also cause sciatica.
Gluteus maximus
These shoulder muscles rotate the arm and forearm and can be involved in elbow and wrist problems. Weakness on one side will cause the arms to hang unevenly by the side.
TRIPLE WARMER TW Meridianen SJ Meridianen TB Meridianen
Teres minor
These large muscles stabilise the lower back, extend the thigh and help pull the leg in. Weakness on one side will cause the pelvis to twist. Weakness on both sides makes walking difficult.
These thigh muscles flex the leg and thigh and turn the thigh sideways. Weakness will cause the pelvis to twist causing knock knees and unstable knee joints. Sartorius
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
TRIPLE WARMER TW Meridianen SJ Meridianen TB Meridianen
This muscle works with sartorius and hamstrings. It is used to bend the knee when lying down. Weakness makes it difficult to flex the knee without involving the hip. Gracilis
This calf muscle flexes the foot and lower part of the leg stabilising the foot. Weakness may cause a forward lean. Soleus
This calf muscle works with the soleus in flexing the foot and lower part of the leg. Weakness can cause hyper-extension of the knee, the inability to rise on the toes and may interfere with knee bending.
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
This muscle turns the foot and knee in and flexes the leg. Weakness can cause knee pain, hyperextension of the knees and may make bending the knee difficult or painful.
This muscle along with coracobrachialis is used in flexing the shoulder with the elbow bent (eg: brushing hair).
Anterior deltoid
The lower fibres of the muscle illustrated are responsible for moving the arm in and turning and drawing it forward.
LIVER LV Meridianen
These muscles pull in and turn the shoulder blade.
Rhomboids Pectoralis major sternal
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
These muscles draw the shoulder blade forward and raise the ribs. Weakness makes it difficult to push things forwards with the arms straight and can affect breathing. LUNG LU Meridianen
Anterior serratus
This works with the anterior deltoid to straighten the arm when it is held over the head and in flexing the shoulder with the elbow bent (eg: brushing hair). Coracobrachialis
The diaphragm is the main muscle used in breathing. Weakness can cause breathing difficulties, hiccups, and reduce breath holding time.
These muscles draw the arm away from the body and lift the elbow. Weakness makes it difficult to raise the arm. Deltoids
Muskler, Meridian og Organ sammenhæng
These muscles in the back of the thigh flex the leg and turn the leg sideways when the knee is bent. Weakness cause bow legs or knock knees.
These muscles help flex or bend the thighs drawing them away from the body sideways. Weakness may result in bowed legs. LARGE INTESTINE Li Meridianen CO Meridianen
Fascia lata Hamstrings
Quadratus lumborum
This muscle flexes the spine and draws it toward the hip. It also assists in breathing. It is a major stabilising muscle of the lower back. Weakness on one side will show in elevation of the ribs on the affected side and lumbar curvature.