our colors Our colors help us add life to the context and to make innovation friendly. In order to keep our brand updated to trends we selected a gradient based on a new aproach to the already characteristic acccoi orange.
acccoi orange HEX E2724D
RGB 226, 114, 77
CMYK 7.4, 67.47, 75.29, 0.33
acccoi red HEX DC6564
RGB 220, 101, 100
CMYK 9.49, 74.29, 56.5, 0.44
Out of this set of tonalities we selected three new colors that are becoming part of our new palette of official colors.
acccoi gradient HEX E62A4E back layer
HEX C476A5 OP: 40% LO: 0%
HEX EAC520 OP: 40% LO: 100%
front layer @ 135ยบ
our brand strategy
our logo
acccoi pink HEX D4587E our brand symbol
RGB 212, 88, 126 our colors
CMYK 13.68, 79.97, 29.71, 0.1 our typography