2023 Camp Cavalier for High School

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High School Classes for High School Classes for Current Country Day Students Current Country Day Students

HS Biology

KellieWhitedandVictoriaConner 8:30a.m.-12:30p.m.






HS Pre-Calc Honors

PatriciaJacobsenandJoFrench 8:30a.m.-12:30p.m.




Studentsmustcommittoallfiveweeks Theteachermustapprovethestudent's articipationinthesummerclass.

Class Descriptions


This course introduces general biology themes while building

upon the concepts introduced in chemistry Themajorthemescoveredincludecellbiology,genetics,evolution,ecology,plantandanimal physiology, and biodiversity In addition to textbook learning, the class also focuses on daily laboratory work and learning how to apply the scientific method. Additionally, relevant current issues in the news mediaprovidetopicsfordiscussionanddebate Ayearofchemistryisrequiredbeforetakingthisclass ThisclassisaUC-certifiedlabsciencecourse.


This course introduces coordinate geometry (also known as Cartesian and analytic geometry) and trigonometry to the student. It provides the basis for analysis, which in turn prepares students for analytical studies in physical and social sciences As the name implies, the course is a prerequisite for calculus Topics covered include functions and graphs, linear functions and equations, systems of equations and inequalities, nonlinear functions and equations, polynomial and rational functions, inverses of functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, growth and decay applications, data analysis, trigonometric functions, trigonometric modeling, analytic trigonometry, conic sections, sequences,series,andprobabilitylimits

Financialassistanceisavailabletofamiliestoensureallcampershavetheopportunitytoparticipatein theseCampCavalierClasses PleasecontactBillPetchaueratbpetchauer@saccdsorgforinquiries

ParticipationinCountryDay’sCampCavalierprogramiscompletelyvoluntary Studentsmustcommittofiveweeksoftheirdesiredclasssession.Theschoolwillnotproratefees.

By enrolling your child in Camp Cavalier, you agree to adhere to the school's COVID-19 guidelines and protocols Specifically, parents/guardians agree to monitor themselves and their children for symptoms consistentwithCOVID-19andremainhomeiftheyaresymptomatic Symptomsthatrequirechildrentoremainhomeinclude1004+temperature,cough,shortnessofbreath, sorethroat,runnynose,congestion,headache,nausea,diarrhea,orvomiting

Please inform Summer Director Joy Pangilinan by email (jpangilinan@saccdsorg) if your camper is experiencing symptoms An individual assessment will be done to determine when the camper may return Any positive COVID-19 cases must be reported to Joy Pangilinan at jpangilinan@saccdsorg and willbehandledperpolicies.

ByvoluntarilyenrollingyourchildinCountryDay’sCampCavalier,youacknowledge: YouareassumingtheriskthatyouoryourchildmaycontractCOVID-19.

You are voluntarily waiving any claim of liability against Country Day should you and/or your child contractCOVID-19

Camp Cavalier has the right to resume COVID testing and indoor masking if conditions worsen over the summer


9th-12thGradestudentsattend8:30am to12:30-12:45pm


Allparticipantshavetherighttoenjoyapositive,healthy,andsafeexperienceinCountryDay'sCampCavalier As part of this right, all students are expected to follow and support our expectations of participation, positive attitude,andrespectfulbehavioratalltimes BehaviororlanguageperceivedbytheSummerDirector,faculty, andstafftobedisrespectful,hurtful,unsafe,orthreateningmayresultinthecamper’ssuspensionordismissal from the program This extends to any behavior that undermines our goal to best serve the needs of all our participants


Sacramento Country Day School values the safety of all of our community members and exercises some common-sense precautions to support students who have specific allergies Though we are not a nut-free school, we strive to make it safer for children and adults with food allergies to participate in the full range of activitiesavailableatCampCavalier

The school’s responsibilities: We will educate the Camp Cavalier employees about allergies, signs, and symptomsofallergyandanaphylaxis,andprovidetrainingontheuseofepinephrine(Epi-Pensandothersuch devices). Each child with a known allergy will have an Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan in the Camp office We will educate students and parents about allergies and appropriate precautions Each employeewillbemadeawareofwhichchildrenintheircarehaveseriousallergies.Childrenmaynotshareor tradefoodwitheachother Wewillinformotherparentsifastudent’sallergyissoseverethatparticularitems cannotbebroughttoCamp

Thefamily’sresponsibilities:Parents/guardiansshouldprovideacompleteAllergyandAnaphylaxisEmergency CarePlantotheSummerDirector/Campofficeandinformusifyourchild’sallergycouldbetriggeredbycasual contact with the allergen (eg touch or inhalation rather than ingestion) If this is the case, more specific precautions will be implemented to minimize the possibility of contact Please also provide all proper medicationforyourchild Familiesarealsoencouragedtoprovidelabeledtreatstohaveonhand,aschildren withknownallergiesmaynoteatfoodprovidedbyothers Ifneeded,treatsmaybestoredintherefrigeratoror freezeroncampus.Parents/guardiansshouldcontinuetoeducateandremindtheirchildtolimithis/herfoods tothoseprovidedbyorapprovedbythefamilyandremindteachers,parents,and,ifdesired,classmatesabout foodallergies.



AQI of 200+: A sudden spike in AQI will be monitored and may not necessarily require closure However, when AQI reaches 201 and is forecast to remain above 200, we will close campus When a closure is necessary, remote learning will continue as scheduled for High School classes while Lower School and Middle School classes and recreation programs are cancelled until further notice Camp fees will not be refunded for smoke dayclosures

AQIof150+:Allauthorizedactivitiesoncampuswillremainindoorsanddoorsandwindowswillremainclosed withourACfiltrationsystemrunning

AQI of 135-149: All authorized outdoor activities on campus will be permitted, with the exception of athletics classes which will be moved indoors Sensitive individuals will be asked to remain indoors All windows and doorswillremainopenforventilationofindooractivities.


CountryDayreservestherighttousephotosfromCampCavalierforsocialmediaaccounts,futurebrochures, andotherpromotionalmaterials

P o l i c e s a n d P r o c e d u r e s

How To Register

Registration opens on March 20th for Country Day students and closes on June 1st Instructions on how to register will be sent out to Country Day families via email When you register online, you will select the session(s) you want your child(ren) to participate in at Camp Cavalier A deposit is required at the time of registrationandtheremainingbalancewillbebilledtoyour2023-24BlackbaudTuitionManagementaccount Deposits are non-refundable There is a registration processing fee required for enrollment only Camp Cavalier is filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. In the event the session you signed up for is full, please contact Joy Pangilinan at jpangilinan@saccdsorg and she will place you in the wait pool The Summer Directorisresponsibleformakingfinaldecisionsonacamper'senrollmentandregistration.

Financial assistance is available to families to ensure all campers have the opportunity to participate in the CampCavalierexperience PleasecontactBillPetchaueratbpetchauer@saccdsorgforinquiries


The remaining balance due for Camp Cavalier will be billed and paid using your 2023-24 Blackbaud Tuition Managementaccount Invoiceswillbesentviaemailonthe1stofJulyandAugust Paymentsareduenolater than the 20th of each invoiced month Automatic payments can be set up with Blackbaud Tuition Management Payments can be made via the Blackbaud Tuition Management website, over the phone, via mobileapp,orbymail Allcreditanddebitcardpaymentsaresubjecttoa285%creditcardconveniencefee Blackbaud Management accepts ACH payments and checks without additional fees Checks should be payabletoBlackbaudManagement BlackbaudManagementwillchargealatefeeof$40ifpaymentsarenot receivedontime Ifyouwanttopaythefullremainderofyouraccountimmediatelyafterregisteringyourchild orneedassistancewithyouraccount,pleasecontactHannahFrankathfrank@saccds.org.


AcreditorrefundwillbeissuedthroughBlackbaudTuitionManagementifyourchild'ssessioniscancelled All billingquestionsshouldbedirectedtoHannahFrankathfrank@saccds.org.





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