E n r i c h m e n t P r o g r a m
A f t e rS c h o o l
E n r i c h m e n t P r o g r a m
A f t e rS c h o o l
Campus opens at 7:30 am If your K-8 student needs ASE early-bird care between7:30-8a.m.,pleasecontactJoy tosignupyourchild.Theearly-birdrateis $11/morning for your student. Pre-K-8th grade students are not permitted on campusbefore7:30am
The After-School Erichment Program is open 2:45 - 6 p.m. After 6 p.m., a late fee will be charged The late pick-up penalty is $22 for the first minute and $1 for each additional minute. Habitual late pick-up (five times) will be cause for a child’s dismissalfromtheASEProgram.
Drop-insarediscouraged,however,ifyour child attends camp without prior registration,youwillbebilled$22perhour. K-5studentsoncampusafter3:15,and68studentsoncampusafter3:45p.m.who are not participating in a supervised activity (such as a club or sport) will be checked in to camp and charged the drop-inrate.
ASE will be closed during all school holidays/closures Please refer to the ASE Calendaronpage3
Please send an after-school snack for your student; the ASE program does not providesnacks
Ifyourchildhasamedicalcondition,please email the Director with accommodations required for your child after you register yourchildforASE.
If your student is attending camp after school, they will be signed in and out by a campcounselor
If your Lower and/or Middle school child is oncampusbeforeorafterschoolwithouta parent or guardian (18+ years), they need to check in to ASE and will be charged the drop-infeeifnotpre-registered
High School students are not permitted to sign their siblings out of ASE to supervise themoncampus.
Please notify Joy if any other adult will sign out your child from ASE. For sign-out purposes,havethembringaformofI.D.
All campers have the right to enjoy a positive, healthy, and safe experience in CountryDay’sASEProgram.Allstudentsare expected to follow and support our expectationsofparticipationwithapositive attitude and kind behavior at all times Behaviororlanguagethatareperceivedby theDirectorordesignatedstafftobemean spirited, hurtful, unsafe, or threatening may resultinasuspensionordismissalfromthe program Thisextendstoanybehaviorthat undermines our goal to best serve the needsofallparticipants.
Country Day values the safety of all of our community members and exercises some common-senseprecautionstosupportstudentswhohavespecificallergies.Thoughweare notanut-freeschool,westrivetomakeitsaferforchildrenandadultswithfoodallergiesto participateinthefullrangeofactivitiesavailableatschool.
Wewilleducatethefacultyandstaffabout allergies, signs and symptoms of allergy and anaphylaxis, and provide training on theuseofepinephrine(Epi-Pensandother suchdevices.)
Each child with a known allergy will have an Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency CarePlanintheschoolandPE offices,and for Lower School students, in their classroom.
We will educate students and parents about allergies and appropriate precautions
Each faculty and staff member will be madeawareofwhichchildrenintheircare haveseriousallergies.
AllemergencymedicationandEmergency CarePlanswillbetakenonfieldtrips. It is a Lower School rule that children may notshareortradefoodwitheachother
ProvideacompleteAllergyandAnaphylaxis EmergencyCarePlantotheschooloffice. Informtheschoolifyourchild’sallergycould be triggered by casual contact with the allergen(e.g.touchorinhalationratherthan ingestion). If this is the case, more specific precautions will be implemented in your child’s classroom or grade to minimize the possibilityofcontact
Provide all proper medication for your child andmedicalreleaseform.
Provide treats for the child to have on hand for birthdays or class parties. Children with known allergies may not eat food provided byothers Ifneeded,treatsmaybestoredin the refrigerator or freezer at school. Please labelthetreats.
Continue to educate and remind your child tolimithis/herfoodstothoseprovidedbyor approvedbythefamily
Help to educate teachers, parents, and if desired,classmatesaboutfoodallergies.
Monday,December18–Tuesday,January1–WinterBreak,ASEclosed 2024
Monday,February19–Pr id t ’D ASE l d
Aftercare is available to Pre-K students through the Pre-K program. Please contact StephanieCastilloatScastillo@saccdsorg
Campers will be greeted and checked in to campbyASEcounselors,thenescortedtothe restrooms to wash hands prior to snack time. Campers will engage in age-appropriate activities with counselors until picked up by a parentnolaterthan6pm
StartTimes:3pm for2nd,3:05pm for3rd 3:10pm for4th-5th
Campers will be greeted and checked in to campbyASEcounselors,thenescortedtothe restrooms to wash hands prior to snack time. Campers will engage in age-appropriate activities with counselors until picked up by a parentnolaterthan6p.m.
Middle school students must check in to the ASE Program by 3:45 p.m. unless they are participating in an after-school activity such assports,theater,band/orchestrarehearsals,
or other school-related supervised activitiessuchasclubsandpickedupby aparentnolaterthan6pm
Ifastudentremainsoncampusafteran organized activity (sports practice, drama rehearsal, etc.), the teacher or coach in charge is required to sign the student into camp. Campers signed in thiswaywillbechargedthedrop-inrate unless pre-arranged with Joy, and studentsmustbepickedupnolaterthan 6p.m.Ahighschoolsiblingmaynotsign outandsupervisestudentsoncampus.
IfyouhaveaK-5thstudentwaitingfora middle or high school sibling, they are able to wait in Camp at no charge until 3:25 p.m., at which time a teacher or counselor will escort them to Middle School cars by the Main Office There is no need for parents to sign out their children when using this service. Please contact your child's teacher and Joy to usethisservice.
ASEregistrationwillbeavailableonAugust21 Therearethreepaymentoptionsforyour family
Makesureyouareinthe2023-24schoolyear(locatedatthetoprightcornerofthe webpage)
ClickonPurchaseoptionalitemsatthetopofthepage Selectthestudent(s)thatwillbeenrollinginASE.
Selectyourpaymentplanandcompleteyourpayment.EarlybirdchargesandASE onnon-schooldays(K-8)alongwithlessonsandenrichmentclasseswillbebilled separatelyandnotincludedinanyoftheplansbelow.
Plan 1 requires families to register in advance and pay for a full four-week session of ASE,billedfromyourchild'sdismissaltimeuntilASEclosesat6p.m.Theaveragehourly rateforthisplanis$11.60/hour.
$710/fourweeksforPre-K-2ndgrade $635/fourweeksfor3rd-5thgrade $575/fourweeksfor6th-8thgrade
ASE will be prorated for nonschool days Refunds will not be issued for unused hours andunusedhoursdonotrollovertothenextmonth.Itisbesttoselectthisplanifyou knowyouwillconsistentlypickupat6p.m.forPre-Kthrough8.
Plan 2 requires families to register in advance and pay for a minimum of five hours a week for a four-week session to reserve their child's spot in the program. The cost is $266 forthefour-weeksessionandanyadditionaltimeoverfivehoursaweekwillbe chargedanhourlyrateof$13.30/hour.
Total billing will be based on usage. Hourly charges will be billed in half-hour increments. Refunds will not be issued for unused hours and unused hours do not roll overtothenextmonth.Itisbesttoselectthisplanifyourchild'spick-uptimewillvary fromdaytoday
Plan3requiresfamiliestoregisterinadvanceandpayforthe2023-2024schoolyearto reserve their child's spot in the program. The discounted rate for this plan is $10.50/hour.
$4200for3rd-5thgrade $3610for6th-8thgrade
Itisbesttoselectthisplanifyourchild'spick-upwillbe6p.m.dailyfortheentireschool year
TheAfter-SchoolEnrichmentClassSchedulewillbeavailableinlateSeptember ASEClassesare apartoftheASEprogram YourchilddoesnotneedtosignupforASEcamptoparticipateinthe amazingandfunclasses.ASEclasseshaveaseparatefeefromthecampportionoftheprogram and give your child an opportunity to get involved in some really exciting activities after the schooldayisover,anditallhappensrighthereoncampus!
EnrichmentclasseshaveaseparatefeefromthecampportionoftheASEprogramandinclude theater, choir, clay, game design, and world building...just to name just a few! Students do not needtoberegisteredforASEcamptoenrollinenrichmentclasses.
Charges:StudentsattendingASEClasseswillbesignedintoASECampbeforetheirclassesbegin but will not be charged for this time at camp. Students not picked up at dismissal of their ASE class will be checked back into ASE Camp. There is a 10-minute grace period before camp chargesbegin.Duetothedifferentstarttimesofprivatemusiclessons,studentsarechargedfor theirtimeinASECampbeforetheirlessonbegins
Changes/Cancellations:Weaskthatyoupleasemakeyourselectionscarefully.Allchangesmust bemadeinwriting,preferablybyemailtojpangilinan@saccds.org.Changeswillbemadeona space-availablebasis.Wereservetherighttocancelaclassforanyreason.
Registration & Enrollment: Classes have limited enrollment; early enrollment is recommended Classes are filled on a “first-come, first-served” basis If a class you have signed up for is full, contact Joy and you will be placed on a waiting list. In the event that a class cannot meet its enrollment, the class will be cancelled. The ASE program operates on a trimester basis and studentsareenrolledfortheentireyear;changesinyourchild’sASEscheduletakeplaceatthe endofatrimester
s cancelled or when withdrawls take place befo am’s hiring and purchasing are directly dete
ASE private music lessons offer one-on-one teaching sessions from distinguished musiciansandteachers.Allphasesofplayingaredevelopedpedagogically.
Proper posture and breathing, embouchure and tone development, musical notation, timeandkeysignatures,intervals,andscalesareallcoveredinprivatelessons.
First priority on schedules is given to returning students, then private lessons are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. If you need to cancel a private music lesson,pleasenotifyJoy24hoursinadvancetowaivethelessonfee
Lessonsare1/2anhourlongonceaweekfora$42fee.Tosignup,pleasecontactJoy Pangilinan. Due to the different start times of private music lessons, students are chargedfortheirtimeinASECampbeforetheirlessonbegins.
Private Music Lessons begin in First Grade. During teacher workdays and lower school conferences,ASE privatemusiclessonsarecancelledforlowerschoolandmiddleschool students