1 minute read

What is the Officers ’ Uniform Assistance Plan?

• The Officer

’ s Uniform Assistance Plan is designed to share the cost of uniform supplies for Officers • The Officer ’ s Plan is governed by Minute No. 30N • What is included? • Shirts/Blouses • Pants/Skirts • Sweaters • Uniform Hats/Caps • Ties • Belts • Jackets • Uniform Trim • $110.00 of alterations per year • This amount is covered 100% by your appointment or the Officer ’ s Uniform Replacement Program • Anything beyond this amount is the personal responsibility of the officer • How does the plan work? • Ifyou have a corporate card • 75% of the cost of uniforms is charged to your corporate card • 25% of the cost is paid personally • Ifyou do nothave a corporate card • 100% of the cost is paid personally • A letter will be given with your receipt authorizing 75% reimbursement to be drawn from official funds • How do I order and utilize the plan? • E-mail your order to USE Trade Uniforms on Outlook • Include details of what you would like to order including sizes • It is the officer ’ s responsibility to provide payment information to Trade • No officer uniform items can be billed to your appointment • Schedule an appointment to come in and shop in person • No phone orders are accepted for Active Officers

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