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Form Meets Function

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Home Office Trends

Home Office Trends

Forecasting trends in any industry can be a complex

undertaking. Will we see a slight change from last year, or will the landscape be transformed completely?


When 2020 began, it looked like it would pick up where le t off. Furniture with clean, modern lines, su tle colors, and simple forms would dominate and function would be le t ehind. id century urniture has een taking o er the industry as we all e ected. owe er, in ust a ew short months, the andemic changed how and where we worked. Dining rooms became board rooms and bedrooms became classrooms. This trans ormation caused e eryone to rethink their li ing s ace. Furniture that once was decoration we ound oursel es using more than e er. Our couches and chairs needed to e more com orta le. Our shel ing and ta les needed to e more unctional. Whether it was long days o oom calls or inge watching Netfli , we ha e ne er li ed in our homes more. We needed e erything to ha e a ur ose. We required our furniture to be more comfortable and functional ut also ring oy into our li es. cellent orm causes oy, and the seamless merging of both form and function brings a sense o satis action when we des erately needed it. intage urniture and amily heirlooms once again ecame cherished. As 2020 came to a close, our furniture’s function and comfort brought us either a sense of comfort or the desire to reimagine our s aces. Chea and dis osa le mass roduced urniture that rought little or no oy into our li es made way or unctional, uality uilt ieces that ring warmth, ha iness, and care ack into our homes. This year will e alanced y unctional ieces with natural wood tones, comfortable chairs and couches (often in bright colors , and restored intage urniture that trans orts us to a ygone era. odern urniture will still ha e its lace in , ut it will need to ha e a hea y dose o unctionality and not merely e a con ersation iece. As we s end more and more time at home, uilt in storage and organi ation will ecome more o ular to a oid clutter and stress.

One o the many enefits o custom urniture is si e, sha e, and color customi ation. Incredi le custom homes in the Truckee Tahoe region, and other eauti ul wide o en s aces can e challenging to urnish with off the shel ieces that come in standard si es and colors. en when these mass produced pieces come from high end furniture companies, they can eel out o lace. Si e conscious ca ins can also run into this problem when store bought furniture is too large, wastes space, or does not appropriately match the look and eel. Whether large or small, restored or new, uality custom made urniture has a lace in e eryone’s home. This year and the years to come will bring us all back together, and we’ll want the urniture that hel s make that ossi le.

Thanks to Paul Schnobrich at Schnobrich Woodworks for writing this article. You can contact Paul at 530.559.5509, schnobrichwoodworks@ gmail.com or www.schnobrichwoodworks.com.

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