2 minute read
Interior Concrete Trends
From the beginning of the building industry, concrete has always played a role as the stable base material.
Recently it has developed into a popular material to finish the interior o not only commercial buildings, but now into the residential space.
From flooring, counter to s, fire laces and even accent walls, concrete has become a popular choice due to its boldness and durability. Although with some applications it can be pricey, once done it is asically maintenance ree. As the modern and industrial homes become more popular, the sharp tight lines o concrete lay right into the design.
Concrete is a heavy material and o ten di cult to work with, ut when done right the end result will be a ocal oint o a home. As the use o concrete evolves, the ability to color the concrete as well as change the texture and a earance make concrete an attracti e finish o tion. Concrete has always een thought o as a cold rough material but when heated and polished it has ecome increasingly o ular or residential applications. In our area, oard orm concrete seems to e one o the go to choices or interior walls and fire laces.
Architects are always thinking out o the o with their designs and not only want to challenge the builders but ha e their designs stand out rom the others. The integration o ig eams, either wood or metal, and especially concrete on the inside o homes rings out the wow actor they are looking or. Concrete counter to s and floors are the most cost effecti e and easiest way to add concrete into a home design. When heated and polished, concrete floors not only offer some o the most com orta le seamless tem erature control and durability, but also stands u to the test o daily li e, kids and ets. Concrete countertops are a bold and stylish choice to make your kitchen or bathroom anything but normal. The o ularity o interior concrete is rapidly growing and the bar continues to rise. Large oard orm concrete fire laces and accent walls that were rarely seen are finding their way into many homes throughout the region. Although concrete is not or e eryone, it is definitely a roduct that is noticed and will always make a statement.
Thanks to Grady Jones at Bobby Jones Concrete for writing this article. You can contact Grady at 530.563.5005, grady@bobbyjonesconcrete.com or www.bobbyjonesconcrete.com.