Monday News - October 2023

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Monday News First ever issue!

Table of Contents: Ninja Challenge…………….……………………………………….………. p.1 Terrific Tuesday, Theatrical Thursday………………………….…...….……p.2 Calander………………………………………………………………………p.3 Jokes and Crazy Class Bullets……………………...……...…………………p.4 A Dogs Tail………………………………………………………….………. p.5 Cucumber Sandwiches………………………………………………………. p.6

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Get Ready For Friday, October 20, 2023

Terrific Tuesday


School in general is crazy, but Tuesday, October 10th, was the craziest day so far for 6th grade of 2023 and 2024. We walked into the portables, only to find out that our beloved teacher, Mrs. Cook, wasn’t there! In her place stood Mrs. Clink (Jaxon C’s mother) and Mrs. Yu (an employee at GCA). As soon as I realized this (it took me a while because the boys were crowded in a giant blob near my table selling Prime), I marched right up to Mrs. Yu and boldly demanded, “Where’s Mrs. Cook? Is she sick?” Mrs. Yu told me that she didn’t know what happened to her. The first things that crossed my mind when she said that were this. She was a worker at GCA, and she was subbing for Mrs. Cook and placed in that high position by the principal, Mrs. Smith. How could she not know what happened to Mrs. Cook? I didn’t tell her this though, because she had to have a good reason not to tell me. During the school day, everyone started acting wacky because we didn’t have our normal teacher. We were all worried sick for her, and we hoped that our school day wouldn’t end up disastrous (though it probably would). Thankfully, we still had our read-aloud. That is the only reason some of us come to school!

Theatrical Thursday “Mrs. Cook is back!” That was the buzz around town (or at least the 6th grade classroom). The 6th graders were full of questions for Mrs. Cook about what had happened on Tuesday. She told us that her 2-year-old daughter didn’t have school (she was McKinney ISD), so she had to stay home. In our heads we were all partially disappointed that it wasn’t more exciting and dramatic. Mrs. Cook decided to give us extra tickets because we didn’t get any on Tuesday. “Thank you!” was the words on everyone’s lips. She also opened the 6th grade store for the first time and had a draw for a poster with a quote on it and the Star-Spangled Banner in the background. Joshua Hoogeveen put 55 tickets into the draw, but Sophia Howard won the picture! Joshua was extremely disappointed. He just wasted 55 tickets! And during lunch, people who started raising money for the Ninja Challenge got prizes depending on how much money they raised. 6th grade already has a class spirit day and a class pizza party because 2 students raised over $750.00! Thursday was very busy for 6th grade.

October 15-21 Calander SUNDAY 15

Monday 16 Dress like a Ninja Pep Rally Middle School Volleyball Last 3:30 Practice Quarter 2 Starts Math Chapter 4 Quiz Novel Study Begins

Tuesday Wednesday 17 18 Wear a Math Lab Sports Jersey Middle School Volleyball Away Game Bible Unit 1 Test Math Chapter 4 Test

Thursday 19 Wear your mum to school/ spirit wear

Friday 20 Ninja Challenge


SATURDAY 21 Homecoming Dance for High School


Why did the turtle cross the road? We don’t know – it’s still going!

Can you name the Great Lakes? I don’t have to – they’ve already been named!

What does a rock put on to smell better? Geoderant!

Why did the piolet fly by a rainbow during a test? He wanted to pass with flying colors!

How much do lamps weigh? Not much – they’re pretty light!

What does a dentist call X-Rays? Tooth-picks!

What time is it when an elephant sits on the fence? Tine to get a new fence!

Where do knights put their phones? On their chargers!

Why don’t you play hide and seek with Where does success come before a mountain? Because it will peak! work? In the dictionary!

What did the gift say at role call? I’m present!

What’s the season that is always hurt? Fall!


Tuesday: •

Substitute Teacher(s)

In the morning, 6th grade had 2 substitute teachers: Mrs. Clink and Mrs. Yu. In the afternoon, we only had Mrs. Clink. Both are very nice, and they both teach well. But during math, Mrs. Yu needed help understanding comparing fractions. The students ended up teaching the teacher!

Extra time in Read-Aloud

The 6th graders told Mrs. Clink in the afternoon that Mrs. Cook read a book called “The Door Within” for 10 minutes. Mrs. Clink told the students that she usually read books ‘till the end of a chapter. So, the class ended up reading longer than Mrs. Cook would have read to us! We went on with our schoolwork, but we ended up finishing ahead of schedule. Mrs. Clink decided that we deserved more time reading! We read that day for about 20-30 minutes in total.

6th grade didn’t get tickets!

At the end of the day, the volleyball girls had to leave early because they had a 3:30 game at GCA. Penni (a.k.a. Penelope) remembered that we had to get our payment for a day of hard work (tickets). The three volleyball girls got up from their seats, excited that they could skip out of school, only to find that the tickets were either invisible, or just not there! Thay looked everywhere, except they couldn’t find any. They had to leave pay-day with no mullah!

Thursday: •

Mrs. Cook is back!

When each person entered the portables, the one question on their minds was: Will Mrs. Cook be here? The class quickly entered, thinking of the worst-case scenario that could possibly happen. Thankfully, Mrs. Cook was sitting at her spot at her desk looking natural! The class was super relieved that it was their normal teacher.

Prizes are handed out for the Ninja Challenge

The class was having a normal lunch when it was time for announcements. Some people p.7 looked at the clock and saw that they started announcements earlier than usual. Mrs. Pina (the announcement person) talked about the Ninja Challenge and all the activities that it had. But after she was finished, she handed the mic to Mrs. Smith (the principal), and Mrs. Smith got out the prizes for people who started raising money for the Ninja Challenge! Because they gave out prizes earlier this year, our class already has a spirit day and a pizza party because of two anonymous people.

The class gets extra tickets!

Near the end of the day, we told Mrs. Cook that we didn’t get tickets for the last class day. Mrs. Cook said that she didn’t get them to Mrs. Clink in time. She said that was why we had notecards at our desk. Mrs. Clink could put a check on whether we got 2, 1, or no tickets depending on how good we were. Since there were no check marks on anyone’s card, she gave us all 2 extra tickets!

6th grade store opens!

At the beginning of the afternoon, the class was going crazy over the 6th grade store by pestering Mrs. Cook with all sorts of questions like: When is it going to open? Finally, Mrs. Cook said that the store would open at 2:30. She showed us all the items in the store and how many tickets you could spend. She also had a draw for a poster that had an American quote on it. Joshua Hoogeveen had 84 tickets in total because of selling Prime, so he decided to put 55 of his tickets into the draw. He thought for sure that he would win, but Sophia Howard came up to the container and put a much smaller amount of tickets in. When Mrs. Cook pulled out her ticket from the draw, Sophia screamed because she didn’t think she would win anything at all!

Mrs. Cook says Squeezier!

During math, Mrs. Cook asked Jaxon C. (the president of the Squeezies) a question about why doing the cross comparing for fractions was good. He answered, “It just makes everything easier and Squeezier!” Mrs. Cook answered, “Yes, it does make everything easier and Squeezier!” Everyone gasped. The teacher just said Squeezier! Does that mean she is becoming a Squeezie?

A Dog’s Tail


Hi, my name is Lexi! I am a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, or a dog, for people who don’t know what a dog breed is. I live with my pets, Andrea and Luke. They are very nice. They feed me, give me water, and take me on walks. The downside of that is they put me on a short leash. I want to sprint, but they force me to walk super slowly, and when I start going faster, they tug my neck. I think they are trying to suffocate me! It’s terrible! Unfair! Miserable! Mundane! Worthless! Petrifying! (I don’t actually know what that means, but it sounds amazing, don’t you think?) Anyway, yesterday, my pets took me on a walk in the park. All was peaceful and quiet. The concrete sidewalk felt warm on my paw pads. The slight breeze made my fur blow back. Trees and bushes filled my nose (not literally; I just smelled a lot of trees and bushes), and I was happy-golucky… until a very familiar scent filled my nose. CONTINUED NEXT ISSUE

Cucumber Sandwiches Grab: • • • • •

1 Cucumber 2 Pieces of bread (a bun would work too) 1 Red Onion Salt Cream Cheese

Start: 1. Lay out your bread slices. Spread a thick layer of cream cheese on them. 2. Cut cucumber into 6 thin pieces. Cut 2 of the pieces evenly in half and place 2 whole cucumber pieces on the bread slices in the opposite corners. Place 2 halves of cucumber on the bread slices in the empty corners. 3. Cut onion into short, thin slices about 1 inch long. Place on cucumber slices. Repeat on other bread slice. 4. Sprinkle on as much salt as you want. Enjoy!

Got Jokes? Art? Recipes?

Big Events That I forgot to put on the calendar? Send them to:

OR Arrange a meeting with me either at school or at my house. REMEMBER TO EMAIL

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