Monday News - November 2023

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Monday News ®

November issue!

Table of Contents: Thanksgiving Feast …………….………………………......……….………. p.1 Monstrous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Theatrical Thursday…....…...….……p.2 Calander………………………………………………………………………p.3 Artist’s Corner……………….……………………...……...…………………p.4 Cray-z Class Calamities......………………………………………….………. p.5 Jokes!.................................................................................................................p.7 First Corinthians 6…...………………………………………………………. p.8 A Dog’s Tail, Pumpkin Pie Pancakes…………………………………………p.9

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Get Ready For Monday, November 6th, 2023

Thanksgiving Feast

Monstrous Monday Monday was the day where we presented our cells. Complete chaos had erupted in the classroom when Mrs. Cook told us that it was time. Half of the class was begging Mrs. Cook for their turn, while the other half thought that their cell models were terrible. Grayson Mize had the most monstrous cell of all! He made his cytoplasm with old, clear gelatin, but soon it turned yellow and foul-smelling. He described it as something that we shouldn’t print in any newspaper that exists! Grayson was inspired to make his animal cell by a slide that Mrs. Cook showed to the class. For his ending, he told the class that models helped science students study, and that they don’t help scientists at all because they already “know all about cells and stuff.” Mini Jaxon created a plant cell with Legos, rope, plastic wrap, and a figit toy. He said that models simply help us understand. Noah said that models help kids not get an F- in all their classes! Nathen made an animal cell, and he got his base, a Styrofoam ball, from Hobby Lobby. He said it cost $35.00! His cell was inspired by “me!” Science was… strange. Terrific Tuesday Tuesday, we met Ant, Lama, Wizard, and Unicorn. People were getting a lot of warnings in the afternoon, so Mrs. Cook decided that she was going to introduce the work “modes” to the class. She showed us some handmade signs that she created, and as the class looked closer, we saw 4 mysterious characters. Mrs. Cook explained, “These are the guys I drew in collage. I call them Ant, Lama, Wizard, and Unicorn!” Mrs. Cook showed us the work “modes” which were Class Work, Group Work, Partner Work, and Student Work. She also gave all the kids who got warnings, mercy. She had everyone who was on a yellow card flip back to green, orange flip back to yellow, and so on (thankfully, no one was on a red card). Mrs. Cook said, “I want you to know the rules before you get in trouble.” And the four characters witnessed it all! Theatrical Thursday “Popcorn!” “Cranberry Sause!” “Mac & Cheese!” Thursday, our class divided into neighborhoods. Mrs. Cook thought that it would be easier for her to give everyone digital tickets if she divided us into 3 groups that she called “neighborhoods.” She let us choose the names of our neighborhoods if they were Thanksgiving foods. Neighborhood 3 wanted to be Pumpkin Rolls, but the person who got to choose the name had never had a pumpkin roll before. She went with Mac & Cheese. All the team was a little bit disappointed, but Mac & Cheese stands strong! Mrs. Cook said that the first team to put away spelling and take out reading would get an extra ticket! Everyone who wanted a ticket raced as fast as possible to be the first. There were a few crashes in order to do so. Team 3 was a minute ahead of everyone, but 1 person on their team was finishing copying Spelling. Because of that, Cranberry Sause won. Other than that, the day was good. We had 2 more competitions until it was finally time to head home and sleep on the couch.

November 5-11 Calander SUNDAY 5 Noah’s Birthday! Daylight Savings Time Ends

Monday 6 Thanksgiving Feast Bible Quiz 2A History Quiz 3C

Tuesday 7 Science Chapter 4 Test English Chapter 3 Test Reading Quiz 3 Election Day

Wednesday 8 Math Lab

Thursday 9 Regular School Day

Friday 10 Home Day

SATURDAY 11 Veterans Day Remembrance Day (Canada) Weekend

Artist’s Corner Caliana’s Art

Penni’s Art (a.k.a Penelope)

Monday: •

Grayson’s Cell model

Our class presented models of cells that we created at home. The class went crazy over Grayson Mize’s animal cell. He created it with gelatin, but it was old, so it turned yellow and started smelling disgusting. He said it took 12 hours to make it! He thought the gelatin would either disintegrate or explode. He called it a “cancer cell.”

Emory’s Cell Model

Emory was one of the last people to present her cell. She was giving a nice little speech when she asked if anyone had any questions. Someone asked what inspired her and she said she didn’t know. Mrs. Cook tried to help her answer, and she finally said, “My mom helped me.” Mrs. Cook answered, “Then your mom inspired you!” Some of the class thought that UR MOM inspired her. No wonder UR MOM is inspiration!

Fly Spy

During the cell model presentations, a sneaky little fly landed on Mrs. Cook’s desk. Then in the blink of an eye (literally), he was gone! He reappeared on the exact table that the cells were placed on for the presentation. Maybe he smelled Grayson’s cell model!

Tuesday: •

Mrs. Cook has mercy

In the afternoon, it seemed like everyone was getting warnings. Mrs. Cook realized that she hadn’t explained the rules of silence that well. She decided to give all the people who got warnings mercy. She had everyone flip their warning card back 1 color. Thank you! Mrs. Cook is the best!

Little guys

Before class started, Mrs. Cook introduced the 6th grade class to Ant, Lama, Wizard, and Unicorn. They were the characters that she came up with in collage! They look exactly like and ant, lama, wizard, and unicorn! Mrs. Cook is an amazing artist!

Thursday: •


Mrs. Cook decided to give us digital tickets one day. She thought that it would be easier for her if we were in little groups that she called “neighborhoods.” There are 3 different groups: Popcorn, Cranberry Sause, and Mac & Cheese. We were getting points like crazy! It was epic.

Mixed up names

In History class, we were learning about Egyptian gods. We were trying to pronounce some of their names, but they got a little confusing. We were trying to say Horus, but poor Harris was humiliated because it came out “Harris!” And when Sophia said Osiris, is sounded like “Oreos!” It was mixed up!


Mrs. Cook was talking about how our opinions might change when we get older. She said that we might change our view of marriage! The class went bonkers! Mrs. Cook said that she was being serious. I guess she was! When some of the class asked her what her favorite shape was, she said HER HUSBAND!!!

Scan this code to watch a demolishing video!

What do you call a belt covered in watches? A waist of time!

What did the hat say to the scarf? You hang around while I go on ahead!

What’s the fastest thing in your backpack? An e-racer!

What did the nucleus say to his girlfriend? Chromohome to me!

What are turkeys thankful for at Thanksgiving? Vegetarians!

What dous a mom triangle call her baby triangle? A-cute triangle!

Why are fish so easy to weigh? Because they have scales!

What is a pastor’s favorite dessert? Sundaes!

What does the house wear? A-ddress!

What does the doorknob say when there’s a problem? I’ll handle it!

What is a tooth’s favorite animal? A molar bear!

What do astronauts use to stay warm? Space heaters!

What do you call an angry cat? Fur-ious!

Why did the crayon feel sad? Because it was blue!

1 CORINTHIANS 6 Lawsuits Among Believers 1If any of you has a dispute with another, do you dare to take it before the

ungodly for judgment instead of before the Lord’s people? 2Or do you not know that the Lord’s people will judge the world? And if you are to judge the world, are you not competent to judge trivial cases? 3Do you not know that we will judge angels? How much more the things of this life! 4Therefore, if you have disputes about such matters, do you ask for a ruling from those whose way of life is scorned in the church? 5I say this to shame you. Is it possible that there is nobody among you wise enough to judge a dispute between believers? 6But instead, one brother takes another to court—and this in front of unbelievers! 7The very fact that you have lawsuits among you means you have been

completely defeated already. Why not rather be wronged? Why not rather be cheated? 8Instead, you yourselves cheat and do wrong, and you do this to your brothers and sisters. 9Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived.

These verses are saying that you shouldn’t sue people even though they might have wronged you. You should let them be. If you must go to court, go to a Godly judge, and base all your truth on the Bible. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you and guide you through all your decisions. And pray without stopping. Ask God to lead you through your life and tough decisions that you have to make. If you need any prayer, contact me immediately by emailing the word PRAYER to I don’t have to know your trouble if you don’t want to tell me or it’s personal. All I want to do if pray for you.

A Dog’s Tail CONTINUED FROM LAST ISSUE “Squirrel!” I barked at the top of my lungs. I pulled and pulled my leash until finally… freedom! “Lexi, come back!” Andrea shouted. “Not a chance!” I thought. I chased the squirrel with all my speed and skill. “No way are you going to hurt my pets!” I howled. Luke grabbed my leash from Andrea’s sweaty hands and ran top speed at me. “Yay, a game of chase!” I thought. I completely forgot about the squirrel. I rounded a tree, dashed around the corner and… was caught. Not fair! We just got started! “Come on Lexi, we’re going home before you can cause any more trouble.” Luke said, grumbling as he tried to put the tough leash around my squirmy body. As soon as we got home, I jumped onto the windowsill and collapsed. “Ahh, it’s good to be home after a long day of walking and walking and walking. Oh yeah, I chased a squirrel too! I forgot about that.” I thought. Andrea took of my leash, “Thank you!” and then went to play something with Luke that involved a flat, black screen and some buttons that you hold in your hand. They start waving their arms everywhere and screaming! What’s the point in that? While they were doing that, I was pondering the day that I … wait, what’s that smell? A SQUIRELL!!! I must protect my pets! Window! Come back here squirrel! “Lexi, come back! Here we go again.”

Pumpkin Pie Pancakes Grab: • • • •

2 slices pumpkin pie (½ cup filling) 1 ½ cups flour 2 teaspoons baking powder ½ teaspoon salt

• • • • • •

1 cup milk 2 tablespoons oil 2 tablespoons vinegar maple syrup whipped cream cinnamon

Start: 1. Remove pie filling from crust. Discard or eat it while you cook. 2. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. 3. In a second bowl, combine pie filling, milk, oil, and vinegar. 4. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients, stir just until combined. Let the batter sit for 5 minutes. 5. Heat a large, greased skillet over medium heat. 6. Pour a small amount of batter into pan. Cook on one side until bubbles appear in the center. 7. Serve with maple syrup, whipped cream, and a dash of cinnamon.

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