Fall 2012
The Magazine of Sacred Heart Academy
Magazine Fall 2012 Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 President Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ, ’81 Principal Managing Editor Beth Griffin Director of Public Relations Editor Allyson Wuerth Design EP Graphic Design ı Elizabeth Parker Cover and major photography Cronin Photography ı Cheryl Cronin ’84 Contributing Writers Debbie Camner Director of Mission Advancement Alora Caraglio ’08 Web Administrator/Online Communications Coordinator Beth Griffin Director of Public Relations Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77 Director of Alumnae Relations Contributing Photographers Chrystina Cappello ’06 Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ, ’81 Maureen Hayes Robert Lisak Kathy McDonough McGarry ’77 Aliya Roginiel ’07 Rosemary Rubsam Media Collette Sembler ’08 Storytellers Photography
HEART magazine is published by Sacred Heart Academy for alumnae, parents, past parents, and friends of Sacred Heart Academy. Send address changes to the Office of Alumnae Relations, Sacred Heart Academy, 265 Benham Street, Hamden, CT 06514 or alumnae@ sacredhearthamden.org. Sacred Heart Academy admits students of any race, creed, national or ethnic origin, and handicapped status to all the rights, privileges and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate in these areas in the administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic or other school-administered programs.
Transformation into the
Excelsior Woman
In this 3
From the President
Young Alumnae, Excelsior Women
Living Out the Enthronement through “Gifts & Gaps”
10 Young Writers Today, Excelsior Women Tomorrow
The cover of this latest issue of HEART Magazine captures a smiling Willa Disbrow ’15 as she engages with her classmates in her chemistry course. She is just fifteen years old, and there is still so much she must learn about this world and its people. Her smile epitomizes the zeal of every Sacred Heart Academy student espousing hope, grace, and love. Some who receive this issue of HEART will look at Willa and see themselves, perhaps the self of many decades before. Those women may remember themselves as girls, students at Sacred Heart Academy, so curious and so very excited to step out into the big world that lay just a few short years away. As Sacred Heart Academy students they studied hard, shared their gifts, and cultivated friendships that would last a lifetime. They, like Willa, gathered in Sacred Heart’s peaceful chapel and prayed together with their SHA sisters. And somehow, those four years flew by, ended on some glorious May day, and that big life beyond the comfortable bounds of Mount Sacred Heart began. The years at SHA may have ended, but the education continued. Those girls grew into women, women who kept the values of Sacred Heart Academy close to their own hearts. Willa’s visage begins the narrative of the Excelsior Woman.
El Camino de Santiago: From the Travel Diaries of Maureen Hayes
Around the Academy
2011 - 2012 Honor Roll of Giving
Red and White Line
Strong Bonds
Cover photo Willa Disbrow ’15 Cheryl Cronin ‘84 Photographer Inside Cover photo Robert Lisak Photographer Honor Roll of Giving photo Rebecca Marks ’15 Cheryl Cronin ‘82 Photographer Back cover photo Anjali Sood ’14 Cheryl Cronin ‘82 Photographer
Mission Sacred Heart Academy, founded by the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Roman Catholic tradition and committed to the expression of strong Christian values and intellectual growth, provides a challenging college preparatory education for young women. The school is a community which promotes the growth of the whole person in a caring environment that encourages personal integrity, compassion, justice, and a sense of responsibility to self, others, and the needs of society.
Vision Sacred Heart Academy will be a nationally recognized Catholic college preparatory school for young women. True to its motto Excelsior, Sacred Heart Academy will welcome students of diverse backgrounds, develop their potential through an academically rigorous program of studies, and lead them to discover their unique talents. Through a culture of service, Sacred Heart Academy will foster an awareness of the changing needs and challenges of the world. By embracing the call of the Gospel, the Sacred Heart Academy woman will become who God created her to be, ready to transform the world.
The Excelsior Woman A woman who is impelled by the Love of Christ to live authentically and passionately, sharing her compassion and integrity with the world, continuing to be a life-long learner, thinking critically, communicating effectively and intelligently, upholding the human dignity of each person, committing to be an active participant in her faith community, valuing ‘strong bonds’ with her class and the wider Sacred Heart community, and fully embracing the gifts God has given her to strive “ever higher.”
On the Charism
of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Fundamental to the Development of the Excelsior Woman As Apostles we creatively develop the gifts of grace and virtue entrusted to us, reveal our identity as faithful spiritual daughters of Mother Clelia, and emulate the first Apostles, Apostles of love, and Apostles of reparation.
Our Congregation strives to imitate the first Apostles. The Apostle of the Sacred Heart is called to live in the world in order to build the Body of Christ. She is called to consecrate her life to the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and to diffuse that love to her neighbor.
From the President Dear Friends, Autumn is a beautiful time of year. The tree colors in New England remind me of the wonderful transformation that takes place in nature each year. It is much like the transformation of a Sacred Heart Academy student, into an Excelsior Woman. What a gift and a privilege it is for me to be a part of that process. And like the impressive leaves of fall, Excelsior Women come in all shapes, colors, and sizes and bring their multi-faceted gifts and talents to our school community. How blessed we are. The 2011-2012 school year was a very special one as we celebrated our 65th anniversary, beginning with our “65 years of SHA” student body photograph and ending with the completion of the “65 hours of service” project. We have been given so many gifts, and will continue to share our gifts with those in need. Sacred Heart Academy is steeped in tradition, and we annually celebrate those events that are at the core of our mission: First Friday liturgies, including the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, our hallmark event; May Crowning; and the Junior Ring and Baccalaureate liturgies. These celebrations were especially lovely this year, and give me great hope that our young women will one day become our future Catholic leaders. Academics were enhanced by the upgrades of our classroom technology and the introduction of “flipped” classrooms. In this model of instruction, students watch recorded lectures for homework and complete assignments, labs, and tests in class. Teachers also enhanced classroom preparation through the use of “Backwards Design,” a method in which goals are set before instructional materials are chosen. Both models of instruction help students to think more critically and to problem solve more effectively, much needed skills for the 21st century. In addition to the strength of our academics, Sacred Heart Academy continues to produce exceptional musicals. This year’s huge success, White Christmas, like last year’s The Wiz, was performed at the Shubert Theater. The acting, singing, and dancing were incredible! The set design dazzled! Students loved not only performing at this historic theater, but also working behind the scenes as part of the crew. What a wonderful way to embrace the spirit of Christmas! We are very proud of our sports program as our students are very dedicated and passionate about our teams. I just adore the fall when most teams play home games. The campus just comes alive! Sacred Heart Academy is a true community, supported by generous alumnae, parents, and friends. On behalf of more than 6,500 young women who have passed through our doors, I want to thank you for your support. This year we were able to award in excess of $400,000 in tuition assistance. We could not have done that without generous friends like you. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus bless you abundantly and keep you close to His heart. Gratefully in His Heart,
Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 President
Sacred Heart Academy
excelsior women
Young Alumnae, Excelsior Women
t seems only yesterday that these young graduates sat in Mr. Rich Marino’s government class or Sr. Mary Jane Paolella’s biochemistry class. Yet in the few short years that have passed since graduation, these incredible young women have managed a lifetime worth of accomplishments. Chrystina Cappello ’06, Aliya Roginiel ’07, and Collette Sembler ’08 have each grown into Excelsior Women, ready to transform the world.
“I fondly remember the community spirit of Sacred Heart Academy Masses. At my first First Friday Mass I saw all of the seniors (almost literally) jumping over pews during the sign of peace to hug their friends. My whole homeroom smiled at each other and laughed about it. Sure as anything, four years later, there we were (probably literally) jumping over pews to hug our friends!” –Chrystina Cappello ’06
Chrystina Cappello ’06 working for Deloitte on a client site in Louisiana.
ince graduating in 2006, Chrystina Cappello decided that architecture is her life’s passion. She cites her interest in math and science as a factor in her decision to pursue her dream. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in architectural engineering from Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvannia, Chrystina made her dream come true. She says, “Drexel has a co-op program, which means that throughout my five-year program I had several internships. For my second internship I was a construction consultant at Deloitte, which is actually the job that I have today.” As a capital projects consulting associate at Deloitte, Chrystina spends the majority of her time in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where her client is located. And in typical “SHA girl” fashion, she doesn’t let her busy work schedule stop her from 4
doing the things she loves. “I joined the Baton Rouge Chorus of the Sweet Adelines, an all-female choir that sings barbershop music. Also, in my free time, I blog at www. chrystinanoel.com,” Chrystina elaborates. And although life has taken her far from Hamden, the values she learned at Sacred Heart Academy follow her wherever life leads her, “Sacred Heart taught me not to worry about what other people think of you, and how to be yourself.”
liya Roginiel ’07 has spent a good part of her young life advocating for the disenfranchised children of developing countries. This passion, instilled in her by her mother and cultivated at Sacred Heart Academy, has guided Aliya’s goals and dreams for much of the last decade. Indeed,
even as a freshman at Sacred Heart, Aliya founded a chapter of the Operation Smile Club, a non-profit organization that provides cleft lip/palate surgeries for children across the world. She elaborates, “I had just been accepted for mission training with Operation Smile and was told that the mission to Nakuru, Kenya would run during the first two weeks of November, which meant I had to miss school. My principal, Sr. Ritamary Schulz, ASCJ, ’59 was beyond supportive and really encouraged me to take in as much of the experience as I could. Returning from the medical mission, I was asked to share my stories with my classmates, all of whom were greatly enthusiastic and wanted to help in whatever way they could, whether it was to assist with fundraising or gathering
Aliya Roginiel ’07 and her young friend, Abigail, smile for the camera.
“Underneath, all of us were artists, musicians, activists, team members, and leaders at heart. Our teachers knew that and encouraged our many talents. For these experiences, I will always be thankful.” –Aliya Roginiel ’07
Aliya, on the job, reviews charts of infant feeding patterns in relation to child growth and respiratory illness.
supplies for future medical missions. This was confirmation for me that I wanted to pursue a career in global health, to have such a motivating and inspiring student body and amazing mentors is something that I will always cherish during my time at SHA.” After graduation, Aliya founded a college chapter of Operation Smile at Fairfield University, where she earned a BS in biology and a minor in English literature in 2011. Shares Aliya, “At Fairfield University, my primary focus was academics, research, and of course, Operation Smile. I was awarded two consecutive grants for conducting studies in the epigenetic mechanisms of phenotypic plasticity in Japanese knotweed. I also worked on a project investigating neurodevelopmental outcomes of patients with craniosynostosis. In August 2011,
our team was awarded first place at the Plastic Surgery Research Council and we are currently finalizing results.” Aliya was awarded the 2011 Wilbur G. Downs Fellowship by the Yale School of Public Health. She offers, “One of the reasons I was so drawn to Yale’s program was its requirement for a public health practicum between a student’s first and second year. To me, public health practice is essential and really enables students to translate their skill sets from the classroom to the real-world. The Downs Fellowship gives students the chance to work on an independent project in the global health setting. I am primarily interested in child health and really wanted to examine education and coping skills for children who are HIV positive.” Continues Aliya, “Last summer I conducted interviews with patients Sacred Heart Academy
excelsior women
Collette Sembler ’08 stands on the 50-yard line at MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, New Jersey, after a global marketing community meeting held at the stadium last summer.
and their caregivers at the University Hospital of the West Indies in Kingston, Jamaica. It was a wonderful opportunity not only to work with my local professor, Dr. Christie-Samuels, but also to interact with and learn from children who have to cope with and overcome one of the most virulent diseases in today’s world.” As Aliya looks forward to her bright future, she credits Sacred Heart Academy with giving her the tools to succeed: “SHA teaches students not only to have aspirations but to work toward them with dedication that comes from a deep personal commitment to making a difference in the lives of others. I am very lucky to have been one of those students and to be in an environment that nurtures the qualities of compassion, self-motivation, and kindness. Without these values, I certainly would never have the opportunities that I have today; I cannot thank my classmates and mentors at SHA enough for teaching me the importance of living every day with the desire to reach ‘ever higher.’ ”
ollette Sembler ’08 always knew she wanted a career in corporate America. And now, just five years after leaving Sacred Heart Academy, her dream is realized. After graduating,
Collette went to the Fordham University Gabelli School of Business in New York City, and began the life she’d always imagined: “I graduated from Fordham University in May 2012 with a major in marketing, a minor in English, and GLOBE (an international business specialization) recognition for my proficiency in the French language, study abroad experience, and internationally focused coursework.” Adds Collette, “Throughout my four years, I was heavily involved with the Rose Hill Society, Fordham’s equivalent of Key Club, and became co-president my senior year.” Collette had the opportunity to accept several internships during the course of her college career, and was offered a full-time position at MetLife’s corporate headquarters in New York City, after completing an internship there. She elaborates, “As a global brand delivery consultant, my responsibilities focus on supporting and managing projects that help MetLife deliver on its brand promise, and protecting the brand’s integrity around the globe. My role also involves supporting the management and implementation oversight of MetLife’s Peanuts Worldwide relationship, contractual obligations and worldwide usage.”
“I carry the spirit of Sacred Heart within me. SHA taught me Excelsior, a motto that empowered me to set high goals and standards for myself in the classroom, in my career, and in my relationships with others. Above all, SHA instilled passion in me, a quality that resonates throughout the entire community. One of my favorite elements of the school is the strength of the community. From the Sisters, to the faculty, to the alumnae, and current students, all members are connected by the ‘strong bonds’ formed by the SHA experience.” –Collette Sembler ’08
Collette and two of her young friends take a break from a game of soccer at St. John Bosco’s orphanage in Georgetown, Guyana.
Collette, who currently lives in Manhattan, recently received the MetLife Golden Blimpie Award for her stellar performance. Not only is she the youngest employee in MetLife headquarters, but she was granted this award after only two months as a full-time employee! Despite her busy life in corporate America, Collette still makes time to volunteer in her community and beyond. While at Fordham, she participated in a service trip to Guyana, South America for two weeks through Fordham’s Global Outreach program that offers students a cultural immersion and community service experience. In fact, during her senior year, Collette was the recipient of the 2011-2012 UNOVA Scholarship, an award based on both student involvement in the community and professional accomplishments. When her service experiences are mentioned, Collette cannot help but be reminded of her time at Clelian Heights: “I was greatly influenced by Clelian Heights School for Exceptional Children, in Greensburg, Pennsylvania, where I volunteered for two consecutive summers. Both times, I traveled with incredible members of the Sacred Heart community. It was truly special to see the Apostles’ mission in action, after already knowing how unique the community
SHA is. I have many memories from those trips that I will remember for a lifetime. Without my Clelian Heights experience, I would not have had the confidence to make the trip to Guyana, South America. It is great to see that service experiences such as A Day of Caring and the mission trip to Mexico have been incorporated at Sacred Heart. Caring for others is at the essence of SHA’s mission, and experiencing this first-hand is invaluable.” Says Collette, “Sacred Heart empowered me to pursue my career path. There is a lot to be said for an all-female high school experience, especially under the passionate guidance of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. SHA made me an independent female. I learned to be confident in my decisions, to never settle, to have an opinion, to reach for my dreams, and to treat others with kindness and respect. I appreciated my time at SHA and the friendships I made while I was there, and as time goes by my appreciation grows. If it weren’t for the lessons I learned and the people I met, I do not know if I would have had the confidence to excel in the competitive business school at Fordham, and now in the corporate world at a Fortune 500 company.”
Sacred Heart Academy
excelsior women
Our students’ enthusiasm for “Gifts & Gaps” is palpable.
Living out the Enthronement through “Gifts & Gaps” “Every member of our community is already blessed with so many gifts and talents, they just need an opportunity to share these gifts and fill the gaps of others.” – Allie Novak ’13
his fall Sr. Lany Jo Smith, ASCJ, Director of Campus Ministry, presented students and faculty with the “Gifts & Gaps” Enthronement Challenge. As we are all “instruments of Jesus’s love and peace,” so must we all rise to that challenge and fulfill our promise to Him. Sr. Lany Jo decided that with our gifts we could fill the gaps we saw around us. Says Sister, “Our community is so blessed with many gifts, yet there are so many people outside of our community who have gaps. These individuals lack the most basic necessities of life: spiritually, emotionally and physically.” These “gifts” to which Sr. Lany Jo refers were selected by each of the nineteen homerooms. Homerooms chose charities ranging from My Sister’s Place, a thrift store in Ansonia whose proceeds directly benefit battered women and their children, to St. Ann’s Emergency Pantry and Soup Kitchen, Hamden’s only soup kitchen. Students in each homeroom will pool their “gifts” in order to fill their charity’s “gaps.” Sr. Lany Jo is quick to stress that this challenge is not about collecting money: “one’s gift is her time and talent, not her money. I wanted students to choose a local organization, or a chapter of a local organization, so that they would have the opportunity to serve that organization hands on.” The school community has embraced Sr. Lany Jo’s challenge as evidenced by a large heart shaped wall display located by our senior staircase. Sophomore Lauren Davis, whose homeroom 251 chose My Sister’s Place, agrees, “I cleaned out my sister’s room over the weekend, and thought. . .My Sister’s Place!” Lauren’s homeroom teacher is the designated driver, bringing items to My Sister’s Place as they accrue. While homeroom 251 decided their “gifts” included a surplus of clothing, other homerooms chose charities for more personal reasons. The charity chosen by junior homeroom 246, Catie’s Wish, was started by the aunt of Madeleine Donohue ’14 after she lost her daughter Mary Catherine to cancer in 2008. The charity aims to fulfill Mary Catherine’s wishes, which included raising money for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital and eradicating pediatric cancer through prayer and research. Says junior Jaina Maher, “Every year on Mary Catherine’s birthday, her parents donate money they’ve raised
Sr. Lany Jo Smith, ASCJ and students finish decorating cards for the Alzheimer’s Association.
throughout the year to St. Jude’s Children Hospital. We are excited to help them this year!” The idea for “Gifts & Gaps” grew out of Campus Ministry’s Cor Team’s weekly Heartbeat lunch prayer. Elaborates senior Allie Novak, “Each prayer begins with the joining of hands. Your fingers are the gifts and the spaces between your fingers are your gaps. When we join hands in prayer, the whole group fills each other’s gaps with their gifts. This is the tradition that formed the framework for ‘Gifts & Gaps.’ ” It was Allie who concretized this prayer, and brought her ideas to Sr. Lany Jo. From that moment, the “Gifts & Gaps” Enthronement Challenge was born. Says Allie, “Every member of our community is already blessed with so many gifts and talents, they just need an opportunity to share these gifts and fill the gaps of others.” Allie’s homeroom 344 has chosen Columbus House, a non-profit organization that benefits the homeless of New Haven. “Our service will include donating items to Columbus House, as well as volunteering there. I know there are a lot of opportunities for getting involved in preparing and serving a meal at the Columbus House,” shares Allie. Although we have just begun to incorporate “Gifts & Gaps” into our school community, students are enthusiastic about using their gifts to fulfill the needs of others. “I feel ‘Gifts & Gaps’ is a really good way to get the SHA students involved in helping the community, maybe in ways they had never before thought about,” says Paige Vollero ’14, a student in homeroom 313. Sr. Lany Jo says that soon the Cor Team homeroom representatives will be providing monthly updates and pictures of students out in the community experiencing the satisfaction that comes from helping others. She hopes to see this challenge mature in many ways as the homerooms provide what their charities need. Indeed, this is a fabulous way for charities to benefit from the “gifts” of Sacred Heart Academy.
Sacred Heart Academy
excelsior women
Young Writers Today, Excelsior Women Tomorrow
lthough they have different skills, hobbies, and passions, four students devoted a portion of the summer to the craft of writing. Whether prepping for college level writing or hoping to build upon their already exemplary creative writing skills, these students continue on their path to becoming Excelsior Women. Shares Katie Baum ’13, “Last summer I enrolled in an Introduction to College Writing class at Boston College in Chestnut Hill, Massachusetts. I knew the class would help me prepare for college level writing, and for life! I wanted to work on getting my ideas down on paper.” The course Katie completed focused on many different types of writing, including process analysis, argumentative writing, and persuasive writing; allowing Katie to compare college level expectations with those at Sacred Heart Academy. “I can’t wait to go off to college and use my new skills,” adds Katie. While Katie sat in her Boston College classroom, Rachel Wells ’15 was cultivating her own fiction writing skills at The Juilliard School in New York City where she attended Teen Ink’s NYC Summer Writing Program. The two-week intensive writing program for high school aged girls focused on honing creative writing skills through individualized instruction and group writing workshops. Elaborates Rachel, “I read Teen Ink Magazine and when I saw the ad for Teen Ink’s NYC Summer Writing Program, I applied on a whim.” Although she may have applied on a spur of the moment decision, Rachel’s hunch truly paid off: “To apply I had to submit four pieces of creative writing, complete a questionnaire, and interview by phone. I found out a week later that I was in!” In addition to attending workshops and conferences, Rachel also toured the city of New York and became inspired by city life. Rachel offers, “We saw plays and we went to
4 10
“I love to examine society through my unique perspective. I like stretching the boundaries, but realistically.” – Rachel Wells ’15
museums. We experienced New York and I loved that!” Perhaps some of what Rachel experienced will one day work its way into her fiction. Rachel, who has been writing since the seventh grade, deems this a distinct possibility: “I love to examine society through my unique perspective. I like stretching the boundaries, but realistically.” Rachel was not the only sophomore to spend her summer nurturing her writing and thinking abilities. Phoebe Costello ’15 also has a passion for creative writing and, in June, spent time in Lake Forest, Illinois at Lake Forest College’s Writing and Thinking Workshop. Despite being the youngest student accepted to the program, Phoebe thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of this intensive creative thinking program: “I was one of the younger members at the workshop and I knew my writing wasn’t as advanced but seeing them made me want to keep writing, to improve my own skills.” While she so enjoyed drafting her own pieces of poetry and fiction, Phoebe most enjoyed when writing and exploring joined together affording her the best of both worlds: “I especially enjoyed the first night of the program when we brought an inspirational piece of writing to a local beach and sat by the water and read and discussed it.” In addition to beach reading and writing, Phoebe and her classmates toured Chicago and incorporated the sights of the city into their writing. Having made this
journey to Illinois with her father, Phoebe is hoping to attend a similar writing program in Oregon next summer. Junior Natalia Fronsaglia hopes that one day she will become a journalist and decided to begin pursuing that dream a bit early. Last summer, Natalia got a little closer to achieving that dream at the Columbia Scholastic Press Association Journalism Summer Workshop. This program, hosted by Columbia University in New York City, chooses 30 high school students each year to cultivate their writing, editing, or design skills. Natalia, an editor for the front page of SHA’s own Alethea, attended the writing workshops that Columbia offered. Says Natalia, “I’ve been interested in journalism since joining my seventh grade newspaper. I really liked the fact that we were writing about our school. I like to write about things that are going on around me.” Indeed, Natalia co-authored an article in the fall issue of Alethea that advised SHA students on how to prepare for college, a concern on the mind of many seniors right now. This workshop afforded Natalia the opportunity to perfect the skills she had already learned working on Alethea. Says Natalia, “The highlight of my week was winning an award at the end of the course for Best Feature Package Plan.” The talents of Sacred Heart students are boundless. These four students are emblematic of the culture of the Academy. Our students’ determination to realize their goals and dreams truly makes them Excelsior!
An excerpt from Phoebe Costello’s “Memory Flash”
he house was alive with Christmas cheer, the air smelled strongly of pine and cinnamon. Children
were singing carols by the piano filling the house with lively Christmas music that was slightly off key. The women were in the kitchen making a feast that would be talked about all year and the men were in the sitting room making a fire and simultaneously talking about the women. Everything was in place, when a loud resounding knock broke through all the sounds in the house, someone was at the door.
Pictured here are our young writers Rachel Wells ’15, Phoebe Costello ’15, Natalia Fronsaglia ’14, and Katie Baum ’13.
Sacred Heart Academy
excelsior women
El Camino de Santiago: From the Travel Diaries of Maureen Hayes
lthough she began her journey unsure of where it might lead, head librarian Ms. Maureen Hayes discovered exactly how far her legs would carry her as she concluded a 37 day pilgrimage on the famous El Camino de Santiago in Spain. Her journey began in Roncesvalles, a town on the border of France, continued to the cathedral of St. James in Santiago, and ended in Finisterre on the Atlantic Ocean. Maureen began her “walk along” questioning her choice of journey, but quickly began noticing the beauty that existed all around her. Enjoy Maureen’s blog in its entirety at awalkalong.wordpress.com.
Maureen on the trail to Santiago.
Day 1
Zubiri to Pamploma – 22k:
“It is a stunning walk to Zubiri. I am still in the foothills of the Pyrénées and walking on high ridges, with lots of ups and downs. The countryside looks alpine. I made the walk comfortably until the last 4K which was straight downhill and gravelly; it was slow and scary.”
As her pilgrimage continued into the ancient countryside of Spain, Maureen stayed in the albergues (hostels) that welcomed pilgrims along the Camino, many of these refugios have been welcoming pilgrims for centuries. Indeed, the Camino de Santiago has been a popular pilgrimage since the ninth century. During the Middle Ages a half a million people a year did this pilgrimage.
Day 7
Torres del Rio to Logrono – 21k:
“This is one of the wonderful things about this experience, I am not the first or the last pilgrim on the Way. I am not the slowest, or the one that has walked for so very long or only for a short time. We are a river of people making our way to the same place.”
Despite the extraordinary beauty of Spain, Maureen’s journey was not free of hardship and struggle. Early in the trip she developed bronchitis and later sprained her ankle after tripping over cobblestones and had to spend five days recovering before she was able to walk again.
Day 16
Burgos to Horñillos – 21k:
“Each morning, while walking I think how lucky I am to do this. By late morning and early afternoon I think I am crazy to do this. Before I stop walking for the day I am sure that this is the last day I can stand it – the heat, the pain, the soreness. Then I get into an albergue (hostel), get a bed, take a shower, wash my clothes; and then I sit outside, always in the shade, only in the shade, and drink limonada – lemonade with some beer in it. And then I think, life is good, and I am happy.”
Maureen’s mantra, “walk in the moment,” helped her get through each day of her pilgrimage, as she walked with special intentions for friends, family, grace, and world peace. Whatever her reasons, her Camino left time for self-reflection and built confidence just when it was needed most.
Left page above: Back in Hamden, Maureen surrounds herself with friends, family, and of course, books! Right: Maureen triumphs after reaching Santiago.
Day 33
Santiago to Negriera – 22k:
“Nothing is perfect in life, and you should not require your Camino to be either. All my life I’ve had a problem thinking everything needed to be perfect. I need to start at the beginning and finish at the end in order to feel like I deserve something. Like I would not be a real pilgrim if I didn’t start in St. Jean and finish walking every single step to Santiago. I think I may have let go of those expectations. Maybe not entirely, but I feel like a pilgrim, one that did her Camino.” Sacred Heart Academy
around the academy
Sisters Unite at Sagrado Rede in Brazil
Through collaboration and prayer, these Sisters hope to give their students the tools for success.
n August, Principal Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ, ’81, along with Sr. Mary Grace Walsh, ASCJ, ’75, and Provincial Superior Sr. Maureen Martin, ASCJ, traveled to Brazil to attend the Second International Congress of Education sponsored by Sagrado Rede, the network of ASCJ schools in South America. This educational conference, held at the Universidade do Sagrado Coracao (USC) in Bauru, was hosted by Apostles from the Provinces of Parana, Sao Paulo and the viceprovince of Brazilia. The Congress united more than 750 sisters and lay educators from the Apostle provinces in Brazil, along with the Apostles from the United States and five Apostles from Italy. Though the Apostles’ schools have been collaborating for many years, the Sagrado Rede network was officially formed in 2011 and is bound by a common branding and marketing strategy, as well as by similar educational initiatives and the sharing of best practices. In addition to attending the conference, Sr. Maureen Flynn, Sr. Mary Grace Walsh, and Sr. Maureen Martin toured Apostle-run schools, visited Apostle ministries, and did some sightseeing. Sr. Maureen Flynn found herself thinking about her beloved Sacred Heart Academy and thanking God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon our school: “When I visited the Brazilian schools that had student populations of more than 2000, I was grateful for the small size of our school which enables me to know our students and faculty on a
personal level. The young Brazilians who shared their talents in song or dance reminded me of the talented students whom I am privileged to serve each day. When I observed Brazilian teachers compassionately listening to their students, I thought of our faculty members who genuinely care for each student at Sacred Heart.” Sr. Mary Grace agrees, “I was very moved to experience the ASCJ charism among both the Sisters and lay educators at the congress and while visiting the various ministries. Their work in the Sagrado Rede is amazing and very evident in the schools.” Although she was hesitant to leave at the beginning of a new school year, Sr. Maureen Flynn truly embraced all this visit had to offer: “My time in Brazil helped concretize how the values of compassion and the ‘strong bonds’ formed at Sacred Heart are truly present in our community. I will continue to create an environment where we can embrace these gifts and strive to use them to the best of our ability.” In addition to the many visits to area Apostle schools, the sojourn to Brazil afforded the Sisters time for personal reflection and prayer. “The entire experience was a gift,” said Sr. Mary Grace Walsh. “I think the highlight was living and praying with our Sisters from so many provinces and sharing our stories.” Adds Sr. Maureen Flynn, “When we all gathered in prayer, I carried the intentions of Sacred Heart Academy students and their families in my heart. I know that, together, our prayer was heard.”
Senior Named National Merit Semifinalist
SHA Sisters Accept Board Appointments
Senior Tess Cersonsky has been named a semifinalist in the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program.
President Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 has been named to the Board of Trustees of St. Martin de Porres Academy, a faith-based, NativityMiguel middle school in New Haven. Says Sr. Sheila, “I am eager to serve St. Martin de Porres as I strongly support their mission and vision.” Sr. Sheila also serves on the Ann Curran Center for American Catholic Studies Board at Fordham University, the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Board, and the Association of Catholic Admissions and Advancement Professionals (ACAAP) Board.
Selected as a Sr. Antonine Signorelli, ASCJ Scholar for her outstanding entrance exam scores and for her exceptional academic potential, Tess has earned highest honors each quarter while at Sacred Heart. She is a member of the National Honor, French National Honor, Science National Honor, as well as the National Math Honor Society – Mu Alpha Theta. Actively involved in the school’s musicals, she had leading roles in both The Wiz and White Christmas. A member of Honors Chamber Choir, Tess has served as manager for two years and planned the Academy’s 2012 French Choir Trip. This summer, Tess was selected as a Yale Discovery to Cure intern working in the reproductive immunology lab on her project, Developing an In Vitro Model for Implantation. Her awards include The Yale Book Award, Princeton Book Award, Certificate d’Honour in the National French Contest, Second Honors in the Connecticut State Science Fair, and Second Place in the Sacred Heart Science Fair. Offers Tess, “I am planning to major in biomedical engineering and to minor in French as an undergrad and hopefully go to medical school down the road. My dad was a pediatrician and I am interested in pediatric surgery or research as my experience in the Yale lab this summer was so fascinating.” Outside of school, Tess enjoys debating and talking politics, singing, acting, reading, cooking, studying French, and helping her mom, a teacher, with her elementary school students. About 1.5 million juniors in nearly 22,000 high schools entered the 2013 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2011 PSAT, which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of semifinalists represents less than one percent of U.S. high school seniors and includes the highest scoring entrants in each state. These academically talented high school seniors now have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 8,200 National Merit Scholarship awards, worth $35 million, that will be offered next spring.
AP Scholars Recognized for Excellence The following students and alumnae have been recognized by the College Board for their outstanding achievement on the 2012 AP exams. AP Scholars, students who received an average score of 3 or higher on three or more AP exams, include Jenna Bucetti ’12, Tess Cersonsky ’13, Marisa Ferraro ’12, Jenna Hernandez ’12, Christina Jiang ’13, Hannah Kolb ’12, Caroline Luciani ’12, Florette Purcell ’12, Roxanne Raiola ’12, Emily Roth ’12, Alexus Skobodzinski ’12, Nicole Sroka ’12, Jessica Widman ’13, Brianna Wilson ’12, and Kathy Xu ’12. Students recognized as AP Scholars with Honor received an average score of 3.25 on all of their AP exams, and scores of 3 or higher on four or more exams. These students include Sara Campos ’12, Nicole Casasanta ’12, Taylor DeRosa ’12, Sarah Fusco ’12, Allysandra Giannini ’12, Raeanne Nuzzo ’13, and Caroline Secola ’12. Students who received an average score of at least 3.5 on all of their AP exams, and scores of 3 or higher on five or more exams are recognized as AP Scholars with Distinction. These include Meghan Buckley ’12, Clare Donohue ’12, Rita Matta ’12, and Christine Smith ’12.
In addition, Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77 has accepted an appointment to the Advisory Committee for the Promotion of the Catholic and Dominican Heritage at Albertus Magnus College.
Seventeen Inducted to National Mathematics Honor Society Seventeen students were recently inducted to the Sacred Heart Academy Mu Alpha Theta National Mathematics Honor Society, bringing the total membership to thirty-three students. Members are academically qualified juniors and seniors who maintain strict grade point average requirements and excel in high level math courses. Members participate in Math League, a group that competes in the American Mathematics Contest and the New England Math League, and are active in the Study Buddy tutoring program. During March, Mu Alpha Theta will host Pi Day activities. The following students were inducted to Mu Alpha Theta National Mathematics Honor Society: Morgan Brokaw ’14, Alexa Cafasso ’14, Natalia Fronsaglia ’14, Anjali Sood ’14, Caroline Kohnert ’14, Christina Mercugliano ’14, Demery Ormrod ’14, Deirdre Reidy ’14, Emma Dragan ’14, Maria Beecher ’14, Campbell Disbrow ’14, Madeleine Donohue ’14, Molly Duffy ’14, Michaela Matos ’14, Madeline Ross ’14, Olivia Kelly ’14, and Willa Rusowicz-Orazem ’13. Sacred Heart Academy
around the academy
Students Monitor Solar Flares
Jenna DeMartino ’13 interprets transmission signals.
Students Inducted into Science National Honor Society
Sacred Heart Academy is now included on the list of solar monitoring stations, as a radio astronomy observatory, in the United States with the addition of a radio that is tuned in to VLF (very low frequency) radio stations and records the incoming transmission signals. These signals are analyzed and graphed. The graphs will show when a SID (sudden ionic disturbance) has occurred in the form of a solar flare. This data is forwarded to Stanford University each night for analysis in Stanford’s SuperSID project. The monitoring equipment (receiver, antenna wire, and coaxial cable) was purchased through a grant from SARA (Society of Amateur Radio Astronomers) and Mr. William D’Agostino, father of Kristina D’Agostino ’14. Students and their teacher, Mr. Fred Centrella are still in the process of learning to use the equipment and interpret the results.
SHA Partners with WTNH’S WXedge Junior Academy
In September, the Sacred Heart Academy Science National Honor Society inducted twenty-nine new members who joined the six returning members. Members of this Honor Society must meet strict requirements of grade point average and science course enrollment to qualify for membership. SHA’s Science National Honor Society is active in tutoring, hosting Mole Day activities, and running the school Science Fair, among other science related events. The following students were inducted to the Science National Honor Society: Lucy Andersen ’14, Katie Arnone ’13, Edrienne Arroyo ’14, Victoria Bollinger ’14, Alexzandrea Buscarello ’14, Carla Ciaramella ’13, Courtney Clark ’14, Rachel D’Andrea ’14, Torrie DeGennaro ’13, Bryanna Dellaripa ’14, Sienna DeMaio ’14, Campbell Disbrow ’14, Madeleine Donohue ’14, Molly Duffy ’14, Alison Dunne ’14, Siobhan Fennell ’14 , Natalia Fronsaglia ’14, Deirdre Hughes ’14, Olivia Kelly ’14, Caroline Kohnert ’14, Rachel Korolyshun ’14, Cameron Maselli ’13, Michaela Matos ’14, Christina Mercugliano ’14, Alexandra Novak ’13, Nneoma Obi ’14, Demery Ormrod ’14, Madeline Ross ’14, and Willa Rusowicz-Orazem ’13 . 16
Marisa Dussetschleger ’13, Serena Sakheim ’14, and Allie Novak ’13 enjoy being a part of WXedge.
Mr. Fred Centrella’s physics and astronomy classes have been chosen by WTNH as participants in the WXedge Junior Academy, an educational exchange between WTNH WXedge and local high school science classes or clubs. WXedge is an interactive, user friendly, weather website powered by WTNH. Students will elaborate on weather reports through Skype conversations or videos, create weather journals, and perhaps even be invited to WTNH to be featured on camera with actual WTNH meteorologists. The goal of this partnership is to give students real-world experience and the opportunity to share their classroom curriculum with the community at large. Check out www.wxedge.com for physics and astronomy class postings. Congratulations to Mr. Centrella’s classes!
Science at Sacred Heart Academy Continues to Lead 16th, 17th, and 18th DNA Sequences Published in Genbank Sacred Heart Academy was just informed by Genbank, the U.S. Government’s National Genetic Database, that our 16th to 18th DNA sequences were published. These included accession numbers JX215257, JX215259, and JX215260. Nineteen students, including current seniors and 2012 graduates, are responsible for these original works. This talented group of students presented their scientific posters at the United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation (UMDF) Genomics and Mitochondrial Medicine Scientific Meeting held in Bethesda, Maryland during the summer. While in the Washington, D.C. area, these students also had the honor of advocating on behalf of those with mitochondrial disease as they visited the offices of Senators Joseph Lieberman and Richard Blumenthal and Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro, encouraging Congress to allocate National Institute of Health (NIH) funding for genetic research. “The students were not only confident and poised with their research presentation, but also well-versed on mitochondrial disease and as a result, the senators confirmed that they would support the resolution regarding funding,” offered Sr. MaryJane Paolella, ASCJ, ’65, founder of the biotechnology program. “We are not aware of any other high school that can claim to have published numerous sequences completely derived by students without scientific intervention…our students view Erin Hillis ’12 and Meghan Buckley ’12 sequence this experience as a privilege, especially since they sequence genes related to human disease DNA in Sr. Mary Jane’s biotechnology class. without using human DNA, “ Sister added.
Register with Stop & Shop A+ Rewards Program From now through March 28, 2013, Sacred Heart is participating in the Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards Program. Each time a registered alumna, parent, student or friend shops at any Stop & Shop in any state, Sacred Heart will earn money to support our tuition assistance program as well as other educational needs. With more than 500 students, 6,500 alumnae, 70 plus faculty members and many, many friends, we stand to benefit greatly from this program – but only with your participation. Taking just a minute of your time to register will make a huge difference! To register your card online today:
Share Your Career, Enrich a Student’s Summer!
1. Google Stop & Shop A+ Rewards Program 2. Under the “Designate Your School” heading in blue, click the “Register Your Card” button. 3. In the gray box entitled, “Sign In To Register Your Card,” enter the first three letters of your last name and your Stop & Shop card number. Then click the “Continue to Listings” button. 4. The easiest way to select our school is to use the “Express Registration Form.” Simply enter our school’s code, 07652, next to “School 1.” You can be registered for up to two schools at once. Click the “Register” button to complete your registration!
Sacred Heart Academy offers rising seniors the opportunity to gain real-world experience through its Summer Internship Program (SHASIP). Launched by Mary Gniadek ’04 in 2009, SHASIP continues to grow each year due to the support and participation of alumnae, parents, and friends of the school.
Please consider mentoring a student. SHASIP internships are unpaid and require a minimum of 80 hours that are scheduled throughout the summer as determined by the mentor and the student intern. Further information is available on the website. If you have any questions, please email Sr. Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ, ’65 at smj@sacredhearthamden.org or Mary Gniadek at mary.gniadek@gmail.com.
Sacred Heart Academy
around the academy
Impresses Audiences and Inspires Students to Reach Out to Veterans
tarring Maggie McAndrew ’13 and Kayla Hansen ’15 as sisters Judy and Betty Haynes, and Tess Cersonsky ’13 as Martha “The Megaphone” Watson, White Christmas dazzled audiences at New Haven’s Shubert Theater during its November 30 and December 1 run. The musical boasted a talented cast of more than 100 students, including male actors Chris Mazzacane, Gavin McNicholl, Scott Redmond, Peter Charney, and Ian Spak. After opening night, one member of the audience commented, “My favorite part was when the three female leads sang ‘Falling out of Love.’ It was super peppy and upbeat. I loved it.” Adds senior Caroline Ney who attended the December 1 performance, “What a great musical! It was the best I’ve seen yet! ‘Sisters’ was so enjoyable to watch. The actors were true professionals! I loved the costumes they wore.” Irving Berlin’s White Christmas follows the story of two friends who fall in love with two sisters; eventually they all work together to help an army general turned innkeeper who has fallen on hard times. Adds director Mary Lee Delaney, “White Christmas speaks to the plight of veterans who have served our country and returned home to difficult circumstances. Our musicals always incorporate a service component, and this year we wanted to center on veterans.”
And in this case of life imitating art, the cast and crew of the musical are involved with outreach projects to benefit House of Heroes and the Fisher House, both local organizations that benefit veterans. A group of students including musical producer and science teacher Fran Saukas cleaned and painted trim at the home of a disabled veteran through the House of Heroes organization, their way of giving back to the brave men and women who have protected and continue to protect our country. Mrs. Saukas elaborates, “Students who take part in the musical understand how fortunate they are to have the opportunity to showcase their talents, and their desire to share their good fortune with others makes me so proud.” Kayla Roddy ’13, Rachel Lawlor ’13, Isabella Buda ’14, and Olivia Gizzi ’16 took pride in helping a man who spent so much of his life in service to our country. Maggie McAndrew, Kayla Hansen, Tess Cersonsky, and Rose Iannaccone ’16 shared information about the House of Heroes service project and sang the musical numbers “Sisters” and “White Christmas” on a local news station in November. The students, accompanied by Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71, Mary Lee Delaney, and Fran Saukas truly exemplified the spirit of the Academy with their impressive singing and passion for service. The cast of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas
could not have captivated audiences without an extremely dedicated and professional crew. Andie Sansone ’15, a member of the stage crew, shares, “This was my second year working behind the scenes, and I very much enjoyed it. I loved helping make the musical happen, and I loved working with crew chief, Mrs. Curbow. I also made many new friends.” Indeed, not only did a great many students work behind the scenes, but some alumnae also returned to take part in the magic of the musical. In the triumphant finale, Theresa Aflalo ’10, a U.S. Army cadet, made a cameo appearance alongside Colleen Harrison ’09, a cadet captain at the United States Military Academy at West Point. Stephanie Vasaturo ’05, the sales leader at Paul Mitchell Cosmetology School, returned as part of the hair and makeup crew. Stephanie adds, “Being an alumna, I know the importance of the musical, and with the support of Paul Mitchell’s owners, Mario and Laura Landino, we were able to take part in this great event. Our Future Professionals were excited to work with the cast and crew.” In addition, Julia Bowers ’04, a set and costume designer at both Long Wharf Theater and Hartford Stage, designed the much celebrated set for the show. We congratulate everyone involved in making Irving Berlin’s White Christmas one winter’s tale to remember!
office of the president
Building on Excellence
A Road Map for our Future – 2011- 2014
Dear Friends, Our founding principal, Sr. M. Antonine Signorelli, ASCJ chose our motto, Excelsior, because she believed that Sacred Heart Academy’s future held unlimited possibility. Emulating her pursuit of excellence, I initiated a process which included more than 100 alumnae, parents, and friends of Sacred Heart Academy who were asked to dream about the future of Sacred Heart. It was very enriching to discuss all that the Academy has to celebrate, and to assess how to continue living out our mission in a way that provides a challenging college preparatory education for today’s young women. This process evolved into our Building on Excellence initiative, on which I am happy to share this update. I ask you to pray for God’s continued guidance, inspiration, and wisdom so that we may continue to implement Building on Excellence, keeping in mind our mission and vision for the Academy and for our beloved students. I also ask you to join us in prayers of thanksgiving for all the many ways Sacred Heart Academy continues to be showered with bountiful blessings. In the Heart of Christ,
Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 President
Components Completed ı 2011-2012 Academic Year Academics
• Considered additional language offerings • Evaluated Advanced Placement offerings
Campus Facility Renovations
Mission Advancement
• Created a Teacher Education Fund • Developed and executed a branding process • Evaluated salaries, stipends, and benefits
Mission and Charism
• Replaced ceilings in original classrooms • Replaced floors and ceilings in main hallways • Replaced lighting in entire school for energy efficiency • Replaced lockers
• Established a Mission and Charism Council • Reviewed the retreat program
Faculty and Staff
• Evaluated and set goals for clubs and activities
• Clearly defined roles of teachers and administrators • Increased professional development opportunities
Student Life
• Implemented a teacher laptop turnover plan • Upgraded technology in the classrooms • Increased technology support and training
Components In Progress ı 2012-2013 Academic Year Academics
• Increasing the endowment • Reviewing and enhancing recruitment
Campus Facility Renovations
• Enhancing the school culture of service • Implementing the Kairos Retreat Program
Faculty and Staff
• Enhancing school spirit • Enhancing the marketing of the Guidance Department • Establishing a task force to evaluate the athletic program • Establishing a task force to evaluate the performing and visual arts program
• Enhancing student leadership • Preparing students for the 21st century • Creating a master plan • Providing air conditioning for the gymnasium • Considering alternate forms of personnel review • Establishing a process for professional development opportunities
Mission Advancement
• Continuing to strengthen alumnae relations • Increasing the Annual Fund 20
Mission and Charism
Student Life
• Continuing to update the technology plan
Hillhouse Scholars Program
CORNERSTONE CIRCLE $10,000 - $24,999
Church of the Assumption Reunion Prospector Partners Asset Management, LLC
CHARTER CIRCLE $5,000 - $9,999
The school regrets the omission of any names deserving recognition in this report, and apologizes in advance for any such error. We welcome any corrections, and encourage you to contact the Office of Mission Advancement.
James & Michelle Bowman Kevin & Patricia Fennell First Niagara Bank Michael Hillis, Esq. & Lynne Hillis, M.D. William Kosack & Carolyn Morrell Kosack, M.D. 1970 Patrice Amendola Palombo, Esq. 1977 Roger & Linda Sciascia Brian Smith, M.D. & Keiren Smith, M.D.
Peter Bowers, M.D. & Jean A. Stadalnik, M.D. 1981 John Bremer & Sharon Egan Bremer, M.D. 1965 D’Addario Buick GMC Cadillac Nissan Thomas & Mary D’Addario Thomas & Patricia DeGrand Amy Duda 1982 Robert & Rosemary Hughes Knights of Columbus Supreme Headquarters William & Laureen Korolyshun Luchs Consulting Engineers, LLC - DeCarlo & Doll, Inc. Peter & Colene MacDonald Robert Nastri, Esq. & Kathleen Nastri, Esq. Hugh & Martha O’Neill Thomas Pursell, Esq. & Mary Brunell Pursell 1982 Stanley Black & Decker United Technologies Corporation The Vernal W. and Florence H. Bates Foundation
EXCELSIOR CIRCLE $1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous Elizabeth McKeon Afragola 1960 Richard & Kimberly Agresta Loretta Petrillo Ambrose 1953 Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, U.S. Province Alfredo L. Axtmayer, M.D. & Patricia M. Hayes Axtmayer Sharon R. Bohon Patrick & Therese Bowman Bowman, Monaco & Black, P.C. Anthony & Michelle Bracale James & Charlene Brindisi John F. Buckley, Esq. & Tricia Buckley William & Cynthia Burns Brian & Susan Campbell Vincent & Lucia Capasso
Capital Guardian, LLC Eugene & Mary Pat Caputo Catholic Charity League of New Haven Citizens Bank Joyce B. Comer, Ph.D. 1970 The Community Foundation for Greater New Haven Francis & Susan Conlon JoMichelle Corrales 1993 Daniel T. Cosgrove Marie D’Andrea John & Gail DeGrand Edward & Pamela DeMarseilles Dennis Uniform Manufacturing Company Pat & Ann Destito Anne Fitzpatrick Donahue 1984 Steven & Neisha Dostie Marilyn Petraiuolo Douglas, Esq. 1973 William & Stephanie Dragan Eugene W. Harris & Company Wealth Management Fairfield County Community Foundation Benigno & Lisa Fronsaglia General Electric Company Kevin Hallinan & Margaret Nicholls Hallinan 1983 Stephen & Laurie Hanchuruck James & Josephine Hanrahan Eugene & Marylouise Harris The Hartford Insurance Company Maureen Hayes Ronald & Bonnie Heckert Lance Helms & Jocelyn Greco Helms 1999 Scott & Teri Hovhannissian Terence & Jeanne-Marie Hughes E. William Iovanne Richard & Suzanne Iovanne Timothy J. Kearney Shawn & Tina Kelly Francis E. Lamboley, Esq. & Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 Kevin & Marianne Lawlor Phyllis Brunell Lobo 1984 Walter Longo, M.D. & Janice Longo Geraldine A. Lupoli, Esq. 1959 Richard P. Lynch Cheryl Abbatello Maher 1982 Robert Malison, M.D. & Eugenia Vining, M.D. John O. & Carolyn C. Mancini Robert & Kristin McMahon Meriden Automotive Inc. Roger & Frances Milici Mary Danehy Miller 1982 Mitchell’s Auto Parts Gerald J. Moran & Joyce Celentano Moran 1957 Munzenmaier & Friel, DMD, LLC Robert & Maureen O’Keefe John J. O’Neill Lynn O’Neil-Yeh 1984 John Orazem, M.D. & Claire Rusowicz Jeffrey Park, Ph.D. & Dorothy Koch, Ph.D. Margaret Walsh Pereira 1971 Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP John Quinn, Esq. & Mary-Ann P. Haran, Esq. Mario & Barbara Ricozzi David Sakheim & Susan Devine, M.S.N., R.N. Albert & Marie Scharf
The Excelsior Woman A woman who is impelled by the Love of Christ to live authentically and passionately,
Carl Secola, Esq. & Linda Secola Peter & Janet Smith Smith, Klein & Pavano, CPA’s, LLC Melissa Patton Sullivan 1982 Cheever Tyler, Esq. & Sara Tyler UIL Holdings Corporation Michael & Annette Vasaturo Arthur & Mary Lee Weber Richard Zorena & Joan O’Neill Zorena 1983
Anonymous Michael Ajello, Esq. & Dana Ajello Theresa Andrasy-Sokol 1968 Barbara Mauriello Angelo 1964 Jacqueline Anglin-Dixon Arnold Supply, Inc. Celeste Asis Leslie & Esther Baird Robert & Virginia Barker George & Elynor Bedocs Bic Corporation Peter & Ann Bruchansky Anthony J. Ciaramella & Teresa A. Caiafa Ciaramella 1977 Tara Cocchiarella 2002 Suzanne Colasanto, Esq. 1973 Martin & Tracy Corraro MaryGrace Santagata Crisci 1988 Daniel & Anne Davis Augusto & Maria de Asis Louis & Shirley Degennaro Salvatore DeGennaro & Lynn Cichowski Michael & Sandy Dowley Richard & Diane Dunne Ed Mor Electric Co. Inc. Dolores DeFonzo Ennico 1970 Joseph & Clare Falcha Louis & Melissa Ferrara Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education Anthony & Michele Mattei Filorimo 1988 Edward & Frances Flynn Maria Fracasso, Ph.D. 1978 Pamela Giannette 1970 Alexander & Joan Goulopoulos Joan Kelly Hall, Ph.D. 1971 Christopher & Rosa Harrison Hatcher Group, Inc. Mona Breault Hendrickson 1971 Megan McLeod Hernandez 1974 Holiday Hill Management Company Andrew & Kathleen Kaptain Carol Mele Kennedy 1964 Alexander & Dianne Kohnert Todd & Theresa Laggis Brian E. Laucks & Mary C. Clifford Laucks 1979 Ronald & Francesca LoRicco Mark Maresca & Martha Kelleher Maresca 1978 Jeanne Marcarelli McCann 1975 Stefan M. McKosky Mary Ellen Hummel McMahon 1982 William Metcalf, Ph.D. & Jane Salinger Joseph Mortati, M.D. & Denise Mortati 22
Joseph & Christine Pellegrino Pfizer, Inc. Ralph Pisani & Maryanne Giaimo Pisani 1981 Ronald & Tracey Quagliani James P. Reidy & Karen A. Walsh Reidy 1974 John & Eileen Riccardi Keith & Elizabeth Rice David & Tammy Robinson Herman & Marianna Sachse Eric & Lynn Schwalm Amy Smoyer Edward & Judy Taddei Tate & Associates, LLC Kevin & JoAnn Thornton Thurston Foods, Inc. United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut Ann Marie Vallombroso 1959 Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program Gregorz & Beata Wylezinski Emmanuel & Efstathia Zorgias
Albert & Roxanne Ackerson Jude & Kimberly Ann Ahern Aymen Alian, M.D. & Amal Seif Stacie Mulvey Allen 1985 Harold & Nancy Andersen The Andrus Family Tomy Aprame & Beena Thomas Christa Maria Bernacchia 1993 Beth Iovanne Blazevich 1975 Nancy Borzain 1972 John Brillante & Margaret Falsey Brillante 1972 Mark & Deborah Camner Mario Ceste, Esq. & Rachael Ceste Antonio & Lisa Ciaramella Teresa Caiafa Ciaramella 1977 Covidien Employee Matching Gift Program Maureen Danehy Cox 1972 Diana Daggett Mark & Deborah DeFelice Lawrence J. DeNardis, Ph.D. & Mary Lou DeNardis Leone & Maria DiSorbo David & Sarah Duff Thomas M. Duffy, O.D. & Eva Marie Cekaitis, O.D. Elisabeth Reynolds Durso 1957 Michael Ferris & Anne Paolella Ferris 1972 Joseph A. Gagliardi, M.D. Richard & Manon Gagliardi Nicole Garlock Jeanne D’Agnese Garofalo 1958 John Guerin & Elizabeth Pisanelli Guerin 1981 Sara B. Harris 1997 Marjory Hogan Heyd 1960 Intel Charitable Match Trust Iovanne Funeral Home, Inc. Michele Kastancuk Lawrence LaConte Harold J. Lamboley III Maria DiPalma Laudano 1972 Ann Marie Lenart Maria Acampora Loitz 1989
Jorge & Alice Lopes Thomas & Patricia LoRicco Anthony & Chinwe Madu Edward & Mary Jane Maturo Patrick McAllister William & Lisa McCarthy Maryellen F. McHenry 1971 Donna Franco Minotti 1984 James & Kristine Montano Laura Moran 1987 Richard Munday & Rosemary Jones Duc Nguyen & Thanh-thuy Tran John W. O’Brien, M.D. & Randi O’Brien Joseph & Monica Ochenkowski Michael & Cheryl O’Hare Lawrence O’Keefe & Renee Busca O’Keefe 1981 Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Frances Pascale 1958 Renata Serafin Patterson 1995 Patricia Reynolds Pietrosimone 1972 Gregory & Sandra Piontek Sheila McCarthy 1981 Karen Smith Reed 1984 The Rosen Group - Professional Recruiting Consultants, LLC Maureen Salzillo Phyllis Savo 1973 Brian & Holly Serewicz Seward & Monde Timothy & Mary Seyfried Carol Conte Shaw 1962 Edward & Cheri Smeriglio Roberta DeLay Smith 1953 Amy Harris Stamp 2000 Susan Lagerstrom Sullivan 1965 Joseph & Santa Toscano Donna Pisanelli Veci 1980
Anonymous Pamela Pellegrino Acquarulo 1982 Aetna Foundation Annajean Ajello Gary & Linda Albertson David & Jennifer Alexandro Alliance Marketing Services, Inc. Maria Altieri John & Maureen Ambrogio Martha Abbate Amici 1953 Bryan & Lisa Anderson Pamela Antoni Apex Pharmacy Linda Milone Apicella 1956 The Aqua Turf Club, Inc. George & Lea Asmus Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Joseph & Janet Barone Marie Vissicchio Barone 1953 Joanne E. Beers & Earl C. Cree III Joan Zullo Biondi 1963 Eleanor Sullivan Biondo 1982 Robert & Cheryl Bishop Amy Nizen Blakeslee 1985
George & Mary Ellen Boath Mary Cedro Bogrette 1953 Raymond Davies & Anne-Marie Boulade-Perigois Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Keith & Patty Brokaw Wendy Lee Brown 1978 The Buccetti Family The Bucciferro Family Andrea Gorske Bullard 1957 Jennifer Hyduk Byrne 1995 Richard & Christina Byrnes Jacquelyn Caulfield Cahill 1982 Maria Federico Caiafa 1976 Caitflo, LLC Joyce W. Calcagnini Maria Cammarota John & Jacqueline Campoli Violet Tortora Carbone 1955 Clifford & Denise Castellano Michael & Mia Cavanagh Felicity Buonocore Celentano 1983 Richard & Janis Celone John & Kathy Chiaro Barbara Capuano Ciesla 1950 Joseph & Susan Civitello Thomas & Christine Clark James & Carolyn Coady James & Ann Marie Conte Lynda E. Corcoran Joseph Corradino, Esq. & Melissa Papantones, Esq. Philip & Wendy Costello Donna LaVorgna Cramond 1967 Janet Garrison Criscio 1969 Rocco & Maria Crocco Maryann Cuomo Albert Curbow & Kimberly Cramer Curbow 1981 John Curran & Loren Buonocore Curran 1977 Dairy Queen of New Haven & West Haven Patricia Wheeler Dallai 1961 Douglas & Christine DeCerbo Salvatore V. DeFilippo, Jr., M.D. & Carol DeFilippo Crescenzo & Laurie Deluca William DeLuca & Mary DeLuca, Esq. Anna Marsico DeLucia 1951 Sallie Vece DeMarsilis 1982 Raymond & Sandra Diette Mario & Donna DiGioia Walter & Diane Dinehart Albert M. D’Onofrio, D.D.S. & Carmella Martino D’Onofrio 1950 Thomas & Maria Donofrio Jacqueline Beaudette Downing 1977 Jeffrey Dussetschleger, M.D. & Patricia Dussetschleger Josephine Notaro Early 1951 Judith Dering Ellis 1957 Ann Marie Buonasora Engstrom 1973 Karen Esposito James & Carol Falco Francis Fallon David Falls & Kristen Falls, Esq. Timothy Fanning & Rita Angellino Fanning 1985 Brian Farrell, Esq. & Barbara U. Farrell
Robert Farrell, Esq. & Mary-Jean McGarrity Federico & Sette, P.C. Jane Fedorowicz, Ph.D. 1972 James & Caroline Feeney Alfred & Sherry Felice Jason & Holly Fink Gregory & June Genna Edward Fitzpatrick, M.D. & Maureen Fitzpatrick Catherine Fitzsimons 1972 Regan Flynn 2004 Rev. Christopher M. Ford Diane Forni 1977 Paula Forni 1967 Rosemary Forni 1968 Paula M. Fracasso, M.D., Ph.D. 1973 Geraldine Fusco Joanne Mastroianni Garbatini 1978 Edward S. Gensicki, D.P.M. & Kimberly Gensicki Kenneth Gerry & Roseann McManus Gerry 1976 Dolores J. Giampetro Rosemarie Casanova Gibbons 1957 Dennis W. Gillooly, Esq. & Christine Banta Gillooly Thomas & Jennifer Ginz Dominic & Grace Giulietti Lynette Sember Glynn 1988 Daniel & Susan Gooley The Grande Family Jeffrey Granquist & Frances Pellegrino Granquist, Esq. 1980 Alan & Karen Greene David & Sylvia Greene Richard & Norma Grossi Barbara Ricciardi Guarniere 1961 Charles & Carol Gunning Louise H. Gurciullo Samuel & Kelly Hahn Kathleen T. Hanchuruck Channing Harris & Theresa Fairbanks-Harris Paul & Kathleen Harris William C. & Linda Harvey Stephanie Cappetta Herzog 1999 Sandra Gomlin Ineson 1963 Robert & Catherine Jenney Jo Anne Anastasio Jones 1959 Kristen Kearney, Esq. 2000 Dana & Maureen Kent Martin & Alberta King Theodore & Jean Konstantino Anne Donegan Kraemer 1959 John & Judy Lahey Amy Sargeant Lang, Esq. 1984 Melissa A. Laudano, M.D. 2000 Nora O. Laverty Joseph Lee, Esq. & Mary Jo Carney Lee 1957 Joseph & Sarah Lockery Michael & Barbara Long Hua Lou & Yuelian Xu, M.D. Brian Luciani & Julie Coyne Luciani 1984 Joseph E. & Charlotte Luzzi Dolores Tommaselli Malafronte 1950 Mary Marino William Marston & Nancy Waselewski Marston 1970 Dorothy J. Martino Ronald & Eileen Masiero
The Excelsior Woman ...sharing her compassion and integrity with the world,
Steven & Mary Grace Mason Master Custodial Service Alexa Mastrobuoni 2011 Lorraine Mattei 1960 Mary Grace Ciarleglio Maturo 1982 Michael Mazzariello & Jeanne Lawlor Mazzariello 1978 William & Karen McAndrew Rosemary A. McCarthy Terence & Kerry McGuire Anna Tebano Micci 1974 Mary J. Miller, CPA James & Angela Milone Cynthia Campochiaro Mitar 1977 Kathleen Crowley Monaco 1968 Joseph & Jo Ann Montalto Mary Ellen Rose Montefusco 1979 Ricardo O. Montesi Dominic & Patricia Moreggi Mary Finney Morgan 1961 Octovianus & Bertha Mote Peter & Madeline Mrowka Karl & Suzanne Muller Brian Murphy & Maureen Sullivan Murphy 1975 Naugatuck Savings Bank Mary Therese Sheehy Navin 1963 Mary Neclerio 1980 Diane DeFonzo Nehrkorn 1963 Robert & Maria Neubauer Carol Durol Newman 1972 William & Linda Ney Lorrie Arseneault Oberdick 1971 Patricia O’Brien 1973 Catherine O’Shea 1951 Our Lady of Fatima Church Margaret C. Palmieri Domingo Palmieri & Mary Lou Pellegrino Palmieri 1982 Helen C. Papa John S. Papa Elinor Harris Parise Corinne Spinelli Patrick 1960 Michael & Clarissa Pearson People’s United Bank Lillian Imarisio Pesce 1957 Anne M. Ruotolo Pisanelli 1955 Charles & Elin Pistey II Pitney Bowes Matching Gift Program Maureen Wetmore Platt 1960 Maureen Burgh Porter 1962 Radha & Sue Prasad Kathy Berry Prentice 1969 William & Camille Prentice Maureen Murphy Prior 1955 Gail Fappiano Pritchard 1976 Dominic F. & Antoinette Proto Richard Quatrano Stephen M. & Barbara G. Radigan Nancy Lynch Rafferty 1957 Kathleen Raymond 1982 Patrick & Stephanie Redding Joeseph Reidy, Jr. & Elizabeth Reidy Joan Naclerio Rizzo 1969 Dennis & Karen Robitaille Peter Rocco Brian Roche
Wilfred Rodie, Esq. & Christine Rodie Most Reverend Peter A. Rosazza, D.D. Matthew E. Roth, Ph.D. & Sallie A. Heinz Roth David Ryan,Jr., Esq. & Caroline Ryan Glenn Rybacki, Esq. & Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981 Frances Saukas Paul & Toni Savino Donna Scaramella Florence Maffoni Scarinci 1964 Thomas & Christine Schuster Jay & Annette Serniak Rev. James A. Shanley Margot Sharp Edward & Linda Sink Beth Ann Smith, M.D. 1982 Jenna Somma 2007 Pasquale & Sandra Somma Mattie Roberta Spann St. Rita Church Gregory J. Stamos, Esq. & Susan M. Trabka Stamos Catherine Webster Stevens 1981 Doug Stitz Rev. Lawrence S. Symolon T.M. Byxbee Company P.C., C.P.A.s Louis Tagliatela, Sr. Target James & Gracy Thengumthyil Christopher Thurston Torello Tire Company Tracey Energy Services, LLC Louise Vannoorbeeck, RN Catherine Hannon Vellaccio 1966 Joan E. Venditto, Ph.D. 1959 James O. Walsh, Esq. & Marsha Walsh John & Beth Webster Neal & Christine Wellins Carol Smith Witkowski 1963 Charles & Noreen Wolleben Eric & Elizabeth Zsampar
Anonymous Heather Florio Abati 1984 ACI Catering Group Inc. Kerry Alexander Susan Allen Enrica Pizzorusso Amore 1961 Desiree Anderson 2012 Amanda Vecchio Armstrong 1994 Maria E. Astorino Anthony Avallone, Esq. Alicia Avino 2011 AXA Foundation Joseph & Elaine Bacchiocchi Barbara Christophy Badore Francis & Mary Baldino Kristie Balisciano 1994 Isabel Balmaseda 1971 Harriet Ciaburro Barone 1953 George & Doreen Bastian Paul & Joyce Bauer Nicole Cormier Beaudwin 1999 Alan Beck & Melissa L. Considine Beck 1991 Arnold & Jean Belfonti
Douglas Berv, M.D. & Cheryl Bevvino Berv Mary Bicanic Theresa Bisson, Ph.D. Susan Kluk Board 1996 Lisa Mastroianni Bogen 1986 Rose Ann Mansi Borger 1974 Nicole Bowman 2012 Eric Bradley Joseph & Barbara Brandi Nina Brandi 2011 Joseph Brigante & Cheryl Asid Brigante 1981 Jennifer Britner Paul & Joan Brixner John Brixner Judith Niziolek Broggi 1958 Susan H. Brosnan 1966 Caroline Brown Leona Waselik Browne 1958 Pamela Brownell Rev. Robert J. Burbank Florence Burel Lorraine Owens Burns 1962 Lynne Battista Bushey 1979 Sarah Butler 2009 Diane L. Cadrain 1967 Paul & Pauline Caiafa Halle Cairns 2012 Joanne Cairns Louis & Kathryn Caliendo Sally Cleto Cammarano 1968 Mark Candido Sharon Good Canosa 1966 Kaylyn Carew 2008 Kimberly Yates Carew 1976 Carol Norton Carter 1973 Trifomena Colavolpe Carulli 1961 Ann Caruso Nicole Casasanta 2012 Dayna Cavanaugh Cheryl Celentano Frederick & Lorraine Centrella Alicia Tercyak Chasse 1984 Elizabeth Christophy, Ph.D. Peter Ciardiello Kathryn Cioffi Joyce Rondino Clark 1963 Susan Clinton Jamie E. Coady 1994 Edwin & Virginia Collins Erin Collins 2002 John & Gene Cook Mary Ellen Coonan 1984 Kristina Jensen Coppola 1992 Teresa Salemme Cosenza 1959 Mary Fischer Curtiss 1963 David & Suzanne Curzi William & Grace D’Adamo Carey Dalton 1996 William D’Amato Sandra D’Ambrosio Arianne deAsis 2011 Pasquale Dechello & Lisa Milone Louise Merlino DeConti 1952 Rosemary Deegan Rose M. DeGrand 1955 Janina DeJesus 2002
Gene & Josephine Del Mauro Antonio & Marie DelGreco Joseph & Theresa DeLucia Teresa DelVecchio Monica Delvy Lesley DeNardis, Ph.D. 1984 Rocco & Jeanne DiGenova Agatha DiPalma John & Suzanne Dolan Eileen Sullivan Donadio 1960 Vincent T. Donnelly Brendan & Maura Donohue Walter & Rosemarie Donovan Thomas & Mary Doyle Maria T. Driend 1971 Chris & Anne Duhaime Nancy Manzo Dunne 1958 Irene Durol Elizabeth Dwyer 1966 Marilyn Clancy Erff 1960 The Esposito Family Beth Botti Esposito 1997 David & Susanna Esposito Krista N. Esposito Stephanie Esposito Linda Papa Falcigno 1960 Fantasia Colleen A. Farrell 2002 Dorothy Fiorillo Farrell 1950 James McPherson & Susan Fasulo-McPherson 1980 Marguerite Federico The Honorable Brian Fischer & Katherine Fischer Harold & Janet Fitch William P. & Cindy L. Fitzmaurice Annette Currier Forte 1961 Hope Foster 2012 Anthony & Frances Franco Dorothy Corbett Frazier 1955 Lawrence & Danuta Fusco Lucille Christoforo Fusco 1962 Sarah Fusco 2012 Nancy Gagliano Francis Gagliardi Ronald J. Garbatini Sharon Smith Gendreau 1972 Frank Genovese Anthony J. Gentile Dolores Giannini Audrey Giapponi Thomas Gniadek, M.D. & Kathryn Gniadek Nicolina Diana Gontarz 1956 Cleo Ingram Graham 1972 Sandra Bowen Graikoski 1984 Robert & Margaret Granquist Barbara Anderson Granucci 1959 John & Clarisse Grave Deborah Meriano Greenblatt 1972 Dolores Greenspun Elizbeth Griffin Vincent & Lucy Anne Grignano Barbara McNerney Grosser 1961 Brianna Gurciullo 2011 Danielle Gurciullo 2009 Marianne Haesche Kathryn Fitzgerald Hamlin 1969
Theodore & Agnes Haussler Thomas & Patricia Joyce Heavren 1956 Lisa Stamos Heerdt 1975 Harold & Janet Helland Van M. Hendrickson & Mary J. Miller Katelynn Henrich 2008 Jenna Hernandez 2012 Mary Higgins Patrick & Mary Ann Higgins Erin Hillis 2012 Carole Thompson Holm 1961 Lisa Hottin 1972 Carolyn M. Hunihan 1963 Kristen Iannucci 2006 Jennifer Grana Illuzzi 1995 Antoinette B. Incampo David & Catherine Jaundrill Kristin Jaundrill 2002 Katherine Johnson 2010 Kristine Johnson 2007 Scott & Andreanne Johnson Cheryl Juniewic 1981 John & Elizbieta Kabala Sierra Kaptain 2012 Dene Hart Keithline 1957 Lois Lynch Kelly 1953 Harold & Maureen Kennedy John & Maria Kennedy Mary Ann Kelleher Kiely 1974 Marilyn Hunihan Kojkowski 1967 Sarah Kondziela 2012 John & Arlene Korolyshun Jean Musco Kozak 1964 David & Susan Krah Stephen & Roberta Krawczyk Michael & Vivien LaChance Gregory & Mary Ann Lainas Joanne Zunda Lambert 1968 Anthony & Susan Laudano Christine DeLise Lena 1981 Sylvie Levallois-Sanchez Dorothy Sosnowski Lockwood 1959 Rodney & Ruth Loomis Giannina L. Luppi 1973 Ann Zullo Lyons 1962 Richard Mackey Ann Marie Maisano 1955 Barbara Mangini Mary K. Mannion 1971 Kerry Marrone Carmen Martinez, Ph.D. Carolyn Cavaliere Maselli 1981 Donald & Denise Maselli Josephine A. Masselli 1959 Joseph & Amy Mastriano Linda A. Roth Mathews 1968 Raymond & Pamela Mathews Mark & Susan Mathiasen Michael Mazanec & Rosaleen Kiernan Mazanec 1973 Beth McGrimley 1999 Mary C McKiernan Shannon M. McMunn 1994 Maryellen Massicotte McMurray-Jones 1966 Susan A. McNerney 1967 Flora Menchetti
The Excelsior Woman ...continuing to be a life-long learner, thinking critically, communicating effectively and intelligently,
Pasquale & Rosemarie Mendillo William D. & Lori Merico, Jr. Phyllis J. Bialobrzeski Milardo 1971 Carla Minutillo 1980 Donald & Margaret Mitchell Carole Mongillo 1961 Maria Fusco Moniello 1967 Edward & Rosemarie Montesi Mark & Corliss Montesi Lia Moreggi 2008 Esther Muller Patricia Hickey Murray 1966 Mary Nelligan 1972 Susan Nelson Ashley Niro 2008 Sharon Sullivan Norby 1961 James & Claudia O’Connell Julie Ryan Ogren 1962 Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. 1971 James C. Onofrio Thomas Morgillo & Lisa Onofrio-Morgillo Theresa Orts Catherine Pacileo 2006 Paul Pacileo & Anne Vincent Pacileo 1981 Peter & Patricia Papoosha Raymond & Gloria Peach Anthony & Catherine Pegnataro Diane Dadio Perrone 1977 Theresa Proulx Pierson 1978 Barbara-Jean Fiasconaro Pisani 1951 Renee Mastriano Ponzio 1991 Verna Russillo Prentice, Ph.D. 1963 PSEG Educational Matching Gift Program Carol Ann Wall Pugliese 1959 Mark & Claire Puklin Brigid A. Quinn 2007 Mollie Quinn 2005 Anthony & Jacqueline Raccio William M. Raccio Kim M. Radowiecki 1973 Alexander & Rosalie Ramadei Elizabeth Barone Ranchinsky 1978 Nardina Sapienza Rescigno 1953 Maria Rethis Raeanne Viscuso Reynolds 1987 Robert & Marilyn Ricci Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964 Karen Maschio Riccio 1986 Josephine D’Amato Richardson 1961 Suzanne Richey Elizabeth Barbarito Richo 1955 Geraldine Caciopoli Rienzi 1961 Joan Eighmie Rinkewith 1970 Beth E. Rogers Barbara Tracchio Romano 1961 Tammy Vitagliano Ronan 1987 Evelyn M. Rubano Shirley Russo Humbert & Carol Sacco Michael & Linda Saffer William & Teresa Santillo Charlotte Sappo 2011 Marie Della Selva Sargeant 1955 John Sastri Mary Savino 2010
Donald F. Scharf Olivia Schilder 2009 Dominic Schioppo, M.D. & Corinne Schioppo Karen Scorel 1974 Sibani Sengupta, Ph.D. SHA Student Council Josephine Midolo Shabbott 1971 Barbara Koshis Sherman 1966 Barbara Kennedy Shortell 1966 Patricia Ghirardini Sidor 1968 Robert Silvestri Ross & Anita Skinner Rev. Anthony J. Smith Christine Smith 2012 Gloria Smith Mary Lou Rubano Sorensen 1957 Rosalind Gallo Spader 1964 Carol Sue Giannotti Spinaci 1951 Carole Stackpole 1967 Angelika Stamos 2011 Courtney Stanley 2002 Sasha Stein 2009 Edys Riordan Stine 1957 Brian & Linda Stone Charles & Jacquelyn Stupakevich Eleanor M. Sullivan Robert & Debra Surprise Fred & Mary Tarca Sheila Norton Thomas 1971 Danielle Thorne 2012 Mary Jane Topitzer Harry & Marie Torello Debora Townley Barbara Ann DeMusis Trocchio 1954 Carmine & Elaine Trotta United Way of Greater New Haven, Inc. Jaclyn Vasaturo 2011 Michelle Vasaturo 2002 Stefanie Vasaturo 2005 Patricia Riccio Velleca 1955 William & Catherine E. Vicenty Albert & Carol Vigorito Whitney Viola 2008 Carmel Sullo Viscio 1955 Susan Vitale Andrew Wagner, M.D. & Catherine Wagner Barbara Pieper Walding 1956 Marcellene Grande Ward 1957 Kenneth Watkins & Christine Licata Watkins Jody D’Andrea Watson 1987 Jeanne Weeks Kathleen Westervelt Thomas & Ann White Brianna Wilson 2012 Elizabeth Wolleben 2004 Christina Kennedy Woodford 1977 Walter E & Muriel Ann Woodmansee Maria Loda Woodward 1986 Allyson Wuerth Dana Yakabowskas 2012 Roberta Ann Yaklich 1954 Charles & Dianne Zepp Caroline Zwahlen 2008 Meghan Zwahlen 2011
Barbara Capuano Ciesla Dorothy Fiorillo Farrell Dolores Tommaselli Malafronte
Judith Niziolek Broggi Leona Waselik Browne Nancy Manzo Dunne Jeanne D’Agnese Garofalo Frances Pascale
Anna Marsico DeLucia Josephine Notaro Early, R.N. Catherine O’Shea Barbara-Jean Fiasconaro Pisani Carol Giannotti Spinaci
Louise Merlino DeConti
Loretta Petrillo Ambrose Martha Abbate Amici Marie Vissicchio Barone Harriet Ciaburro Barone Mary Cedro Bogrette Lois Lynch Kelly Nardina Sapienza Rescigno Roberta DeLay Smith
Barbara Ann DeMusis Trocchio Roberta Ann Yaklich
Violet Tortora Carbone Rose M. DeGrand Dorothy Corbett Frazier Ann Marie Maisano Anne M. Ruotolo Pisanelli Maureen Murphy Prior Elizabeth Barbarito Richo Marie Della Selva Sargeant Patricia Riccio Velleca Carmel Sullo Viscio
Linda Milone Apicella Nicolina Diana Gontarz Patricia Joyce Heavren Barbara Pieper Walding
Andrea Gorske Bullard Elisabeth Reynolds Durso Judith Dering Ellis Rosemarie Casanova Gibbons Dene Hart Keithline Mary Jo Carney Lee Joyce Celentano Moran Lillian Imarisio Pesce Nancy Lynch Rafferty Mary Lou Rubano Sorensen Edys Riordan Stine Marcellene Grande Ward
Teresa Salemme Cosenza Barbara Anderson Granucci Jo Anne Anastasio Jones Anne Donegan Kraemer Dorothy Sosnowski Lockwood Geraldine Lupoli, Esq. Josephine Masselli Carol Ann Wall Pugliese Ann Vallombroso Joan Venditto, Ph.D.
Elizabeth McKeon Afragola Eileen Sullivan Donadio Marilyn Clancy Erff Linda Papa Falcigno Marjory Hogan Heyd Elaine Mastagni Lamboley Lorraine Mattei Maureen Wetmore Platt
Enrica Pizzorusso Amore Trifomena Colavolpe Carulli Patricia Wheeler Dallai Annette Currier Forte Barbara McNerney Grosser Barbara Ricciardi Guarniere Carole Thompson Holm Carole Mongillo Mary Finney Morgan Sharon Sullivan Norby Josephine D’Amato Richardson Geraldine Caciopoli Rienzi Barbara Tracchio Romano
Lorraine Owens Burns Lucille Christoforo Fusco Ann Zullo Lyons Julie Ryan Ogren Maureen Burgh Porter Margot Quatrano Sharp Carol Conte Shaw
Joan Zullo Biondi Joyce Rondino Clark Mary Fischer Curtiss Carolyn Hunihan Sandra Gomlin Ineson Mary Therese Sheehy Navin Diane DeFonzo Nehrkorn Verna Russillo Prentice, Ph.D. Carol Smith Witkowski
Barbara Mauriello Angelo Carol Mele Kennedy Jean Musco Kozak Corinne Spinelli Patrick Susan Marchitto Ricciardi Florence Maffoni Scarinci Rosalind Gallo Spader
Sharon Egan Bremer, M.D. Susan Lagerstrom Sullivan
Susan H. Brosnan Sharon Good Canosa Elizabeth Dwyer Maryellen Massicotte McMurray-Jones Patricia Hickey Murray Barbara Koshis Sherman Barbara Kennedy Shortell Catherine Hannon Vellaccio
Diane L. Cadrain Donna LaVorgna Cramond Paula Forni Marilyn Hunihan Kojkowski Susan A. McNerney Maria Fusco Moniello Carole Stackpole
Theresa Andrasy-Sokol Sally Cleto Cammarano Rosemary Forni Joanne Zunda Lambert Linda Roth Mathews Kathleen Crowley Monaco Patricia Ghirardini Sidor
Janet Garrison Criscio Kathryn Fitzgerald Hamlin Kathy Berry Prentice Joan Naclerio Rizzo
Joyce B. Comer, Ph.D. Dolores DeFonzo Ennico Pamela Giannette Carolyn Morrell Kosack, M.D. Nancy Waselewski Marston Joan Eighmie Rinkewith
Isabel Balmaseda Maria Driend Joan Kelly Hall, Ph.D. Mona Breault Hendrickson Mary Mannion Maryellen McHenry Phyllis Bialobrzeski Milardo
The Excelsior Woman ...upholding the human dignity of each person,
Lorrie Arseneault Oberdick Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. Margaret Walsh Pereira Josephine Midolo Shabbott Sheila Norton Thomas
Nancy Borzain Margaret Falsey Brillante Maureen Danehy Cox Jane Fedorowicz, Ph.D. Anna Paolella Ferris Catherine Fitzsimons Sharon Smith Gendreau Cleo Ingram Graham Debbie Meriano Greenblatt Lisa Hottin Maria DiPalma Laudano Mary Nelligan Carol Durol Newman Patricia Reynolds Pietrosimone
Carol Norton Carter Suzanne Colasanto, Esq. Marilyn Petraiuolo Douglas, Esq. Ann Marie Buonasora Engstrom Paula Fracasso, M.D., Ph.D. Giannina L. Luppi Rosaleen Kiernan Mazanec Patricia O’Brien Kim M. Radowiecki Phyllis Savo
Rose Ann Mansi Borger Megan McLeod Hernandez Mary Ann Kelleher Kiely Anna Tebano Micci Karen Walsh Reidy Karen Scorel
Beth Iovanne Blazevich Lisa Stamos Heerdt Jeanne Marcarelli McCann Maureen Sullivan Murphy
Kimberly Gydus Caiafa Kimberly Yates Carew Roseann McManus Gerry Gail Fappiano Pritchard
Teresa Caiafa Ciaramella Loren Buonocore Curran Jacqueline Beaudette Downing Diane Forni Cynthia Campochiaro Mitar Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ Patrice Amendola Palombo, Esq. Diane Dadio Perrone
Wendy Lee Brown Maria Fracasso, Ph.D. Joanne Mastroianni Garbatini Martha Kelleher Maresca Jeanne Lawlor Mazzariello Theresa Proulx Pierson Elizabeth Barone Ranchinsky
Lynne Battista Bushey Mary Clifford Laucks Mary Ellen Rose Montefusco
Susan Fasulo-McPherson Frances Pellegrino Granquist, Esq. Carla Minutillo Mary Neclerio Donna Pisanelli Veci
Cheryl Asid Brigante Kimberly Cramer Curbow Elizabeth Pisanelli Guerin Cheryl Juniewic Christine DeLise Lena Carolyn Cavaliere Maselli Renee Busca O’Keefe Anne Vincent Pacileo Maryanne Giaimo Pisani Sheila McCarthy Quarz Beth Sargeant Rogers Margaret Rose Rybacki Jean Stadalnik, M.D. Catherine Webster Stevens
Pamela Pellegrino Acquarulo Eleanor Sullivan Biondo Jackie Caulfield Cahill Sallie Vece DeMarsilis Amy Duda Cheryl Abbatello Maher Mary Grace Ciarleglio Maturo Mary Ellen Hummel McMahon Mary Danehy Miller Mary Lou Pellegrino Palmieri Mary Brunell Pursell Kathleen Raymond Beth Smith, M.D. Melissa Patton Sullivan
Felicity Buonocore Celentano Mary Ellen Potash Gustainis Margaret Nicholls Hallinan Joan O’Neill Zorena
Heather Florio Abati Alicia Tercyak Chasse Mary Ellen Coonan Lesley DeNardis, Ph.D. Anne Fitzpatrick Donahue Sandra Bowen Graikoski
Amy Sargeant Lang, Esq. Phyllis Brunell Lobo Julie Coyne Luciani Donna Franco Minotti Lynn O’Neil-Yeh Karen Smith Reed
Marisa Caiafa Tara Cocchiarella Erin Collins Janina DeJesus Colleen Farrell Kristin Jaundrill Courtney Stanley Michelle Vasaturo
Stacie Mulvey Allen Amy Nizen Blakeslee Rita Angellino Fanning, R.N.
Lisa Mastroianni Bogen Karen Maschio Riccio Maria Loda Woodward
Laura Moran Raeanne Viscuso Reynolds Tammy Vitagliano Ronan Jody D’Andrea Watson, CPA
Mary Grace Santagata Crisci Michele Mattei Filorimo Lynette Sember Glynn
Maria Acampora Loitz
Melissa Considine Beck Renee Mastriano Ponzio
Kristina Jensen Coppola
Christa Mrowka Bernacchia JoMichelle Corrales
Amanda Vecchio Armstrong Kristie Balisciano Jamie Coady Shannon McMunn
Jennifer Hyduk Byrne Jennifer Grana Illuzzi Renata Serafin Patterson
Susan Kluk Board Carey Dalton
Beth Botti Esposito Sara Harris
Nicole Cormier Beaudwin Jocelyn Greco Helms Stephanie Cappetta Herzog Beth McGrimley
Kristen Kearney, Esq. Melissa A. Laudano, M.D. Amy Harris Stamp
Regan Flynn Elizabeth Wolleben
Mollie Quinn Stefanie Vasaturo
Kristen Iannucci Catherine Pacileo
Kristine Johnson Brigid A. Quinn Jenna Somma
Kaylyn Carew Katelynn Henrich Lia Moreggi Ashley Niro Whitney Viola Caroline Zwahlen
Sarah Butler Danielle Gurciullo Olivia Schilder Sasha Stein
Katherine Johnson Mary Savino
Alicia Avino Nina Brandi Arianne de Asis Krista Esposito Brianna Gurciullo Alexa Mastrobuoni Charlotte Sappo Angelika Stamos Jaclyn Vasaturo Meghan Zwahlen
Desiree Anderson Nicole Bowman Halle Cairns
Nicole Casasanta Hope Foster Sarah Fusco Jenna Hernandez Erin Hillis Sierra Kaptain Sarah Kondziela Christine Smith Danielle Thorne Brianna Wilson Dana Yakabowskas
PRESENT PARENTS Anonymous Albert & Roxanne Ackerson Richard & Kimberly Agresta Jude & Kimberly Ann Ahern Michael Ajello, Esq. & Dana Ajello Aymen Alian, M.D. & Amal Seif Harold & Nancy Andersen The Andrus Family Jacqueline Anglin-Dixon Tomy Aprame & Beena Thomas George & Lea Asmus Alfredo L. Axtmayer, M.D. & Patricia M. Hayes Axtmayer George & Doreen Bastian George & Mary Ellen Boath Peter Bowers, M.D. & Jean A. Stadalnik, M.D. 1981 James & Michelle Bowman Patrick & Therese Bowman Anthony & Michelle Bracale James & Charlene Brindisi Keith & Patty Brokaw Peter & Ann Bruchansky The Buccetti Family John F. Buckley, Esq. & Tricia Buckley Florence Burel Richard & Christina Byrnes Joanne Cairns Brian & Susan Campbell John & Jacqueline Campoli Vincent & Lucia Capasso Clifford & Denise Castellano Michael & Mia Cavanagh Mario Ceste, Esq. & Rachael Ceste Anthony J. Ciaramella & Teresa A. Caiafa Ciaramella 1977 Antonio & Lisa Ciaramella Thomas & Christine Clark James & Ann Marie Conte Lynda E. Corcoran Joseph Corradino, Esq. & Melissa Papantones, Esq. Martin & Tracy Corraro Daniel T. Cosgrove Philip & Wendy Costello John & Loren Curran Marie D’Andrea Daniel & Anne Davis Salvatore DeGennaro & Lynn Cichowski Thomas & Patricia DeGrand William DeLuca & Mary Schuler DeLuca, Esq. Joseph & Theresa DeLucia 29
The Excelsior Woman ...committing to be an active participant in her faith community,
Monica Delvy Leone & Maria DiSorbo Thomas & Maria Donofrio Brendan & Maura Donohue Steven & Neisha Dostie William & Stephanie Dragan David & Sarah Duff Thomas M. Duffy, O.D. & Eva Marie Cekaitis, O.D. Richard & Diane Dunne Jeffrey Dussetschleger, M.D. & Patricia Dussetschleger Joseph & Clare Falcha David Falls & Kristen Sotnik Falls, Esq. James & Caroline Feeney Kevin & Patricia Fennell Edward Fitzpatrick, M.D. & Maureen Fitzpatrick Benigno & Lisa Fronsaglia Lawrence & Danuta Fusco Joseph A. Gagliardi, M.D. Edward Gensicki, D.P.M. & Kimberly Gensicki Thomas & Jennifer Ginz Dominic & Grace Giulietti Michael & Lynette Glynn Jeffrey Granquist & Frances Pellegrino Granquist, Esq. 1980 John Guerin & Elizabeth Pisanelli Guerin 1981 Stephen & Laurie Hanchuruck James & Josephine Hanrahan Channing Harris & Theresa Fairbanks-Harris Christopher & Rosa Harrison Ronald & Bonnie Heckert Lance & Jocelyn Helms Michael Hillis, Esq. & Lynne Hillis, M.D. Scott & Teri Hovhannissian Robert & Rosemary Hughes Robert & Rosemary Hughes Terence & Jeanne-Marie Hughes Robert & Catherine Jenney Andrew & Kathleen Kaptain Michele Kastancuk Shawn & Tina Kelly Dana & Maureen Kent Martin & Alberta King Alexander & Dianne Kohnert William & Laureen Korolyshun John & Arlene Korolyshun David & Susan Krah Todd & Theresa Laggis Brian E. Laucks & Mary C. Clifford Laucks 1979 Kevin & Marianne Lawlor Joseph & Sarah Lockery Walter Longo, M.D. & Janice Longo Jorge & Alice Lopes Ronald & Francesca LoRicco Thomas & Patricia LoRicco Hua Lou & Yuelian Xu, M.D. Brian & Julie Luciani Peter & Colene MacDonald Anthony & Chinwe Madu John & Cheryl Maher, Jr. Robert Malison, M.D. & Eugenia Vining, M.D. John O. & Carolyn C. Mancini Donald & Denise Maselli Steven & Mary Grace Mason Joseph & Amy Mastriano William & Karen McAndrew
William & Lisa McCarthy Stefan & Deborah McKosky Robert & Kristin McMahon William Metcalf, Ph.D. & Jane Salinger James & Angela Milone Joseph & Jo Ann Montalto James & Kristine Montano Joseph Mortati, M.D. & Denise Mortati Richard Munday & Rosemary Jones Robert Nastri, Esq. & Kathleen Nastri, Esq. Robert & Maria Neubauer William & Linda Ney Duc Nguyen & Thanh-thuy Tran John W. O’Brien, M.D. & Randi O’Brien Joseph & Monica Ochenkowski Michael O’Hare James C. Onofrio John Orazem, M.D. & Claire Rusowicz Domingo J. Palmieri & Mary Lou Pellegrino Palmieri 1982 Jeffrey Park, Ph.D. & Dorothy Koch, Ph.D. Michael & Clarissa Pearson Ralph Pisani & Maryanne Giaimo Pisani 1981 Charles & Elin Pistey II Thomas & Mary Pursell Ronald & Tracey Quagliani James P. Reidy & Karen A. Walsh Reidy 1974 John & Eileen Riccardi Keith & Elizabeth Rice Mario & Barbara Ricozzi David & Tammy Robinson Dennis & Karen Robitaille Peter Rocco Wilfred Rodie, Esq. & Christine Rodie Matthew E. Roth, Ph.D. & Sallie A. Heinz Roth David Ryan, Jr., Esq. & Caroline Ryan Glenn G. Rybacki & Margaret R. Rose Rybacki 1981 David Sakheim & Susan Devine, R.N. Thomas & Christine Schuster Carl Secola, Esq. & Linda Secola Jay & Annette Serniak Timothy & Mary Seyfried Edward & Cheri Smeriglio Brian Smith, M.D. & Keiren Smith, M.D. Peter & Janet Smith Arthur & Catherine Stevens Charles & Jacquelyn Stupakevich Edward & Judy Taddei James & Gracy Thengumthyil Kevin & JoAnn Thornton John & Beth Webster Gregorz & Beata Wylezinski Emmanuel & Efstathia Zorgias Eric & Elizabeth Zsampar
FACULTY & STAFF Anonymous Kerry Alexander David Alexandro Jennifer Alexandro Susan Allen Barbara Christophy Badore Nicole Cormier Beaudwin 1999 Alan Beck
George Bedocs Mary Bicanic Nicole Boucher Anne-Marie Boulade-Perigois Eric Bradley Joan Brixner John Brixner Caroline Brown Pamela Brownell Maria Cammarota Deborah Camner Dayna Cavanaugh Cheryl Celentano Frederick Centrella Elizabeth Christophy, Ph.D. Kathryn Cioffi Susan Clinton Kimberly Cramer Curbow 1981 Sandra D’Ambrosio Teresa DelVecchio Holly Fink Kathy Gniadek Elizbeth Griffin Maureen Hayes Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 Sylvie Levallois-Sanchez Barbara Mangini Carmen Martinez, Ph.D. Mary Jane Maturo Jeanne Lawlor Mazzariello 1978 Patrick McAllister Susan Nelson Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. 1971 Karen Walsh Reidy 1974 Maria Rethis Shirley Russo Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981 John Sastri Frances Saukas Donna Scaramella Sibani Sengupta, Ph.D. Carole Stackpole 1967 Sara Tyler Louise Vannoorbeeck, R.N. Annette Vasaturo Susan Vitale Allyson Wuerth
In Memory of Michael Buonasora Ann Marie Buonasora Engstrom 1973
In Memory of Robert Gagliardi Richard & Manon Gagliardi
In Memory of Joseph Cocchillo John & Arlene Korolyshun
In Memory of Sr. Anita Marie Giampetro, ASCJ Dolores J. Giampetro
In Memory of Molly Campochiaro Cynthia Campochiaro Mitar 1977
In Memory of Frances & Andrew Gorske Andrea Gorske Bullard 1957
In Memory of Edward Nicholas Campoli John & Jacqueline Campoli
In Memory of Barbara K. Heald Harold & Maureen Kennedy
In Memory of Anna Cedro Maria DiPalma Laudano 1972
In Memory of Sophie A. Hunihan Carolyn M. Hunihan 1963 Marilyn Hunihan Kojkowski 1967
In Memory of Deceased Members of the Class of 1952 Josephine Pettola Esposito 1952
In Memory of Louis and Rose Iannarone Shawn & Tina Kelly
In Memory of Deceased Members of the Class of 1960 Eileen Sullivan Donadio 1960 In Memory of Carmen & Millie Conte Carol Conte Shaw 1962 In Memory of Thomas H. Coonan, Jr. Mary Ellen Coonan 1984 In Memory of Florine Amore Corraro 1954 Martin & Tracy Corraro In Memory of Mary Crowley Kathleen Crowley Monaco 1968 In Memory of Bompa Deegan Rosemary Deegan In Memory of Ralph J. DeFonzo Diane DeFonzo Nehrkorn 1963 In Memory of Theresa Delgrosso Kathryn Fitzgerald Hamlin 1969 In Memory of Frank Della Camera Edward & Linda Sink
In Memory of Angelo C. J. DeLucia Anna Marsico DeLucia 1951
In Memory of George Battista Lynne Battista Bushey 1979
In Memory of Robert Delvy Monica Delvy
In Memory of Jane Berry Rocco & Jeanne DiGenova Maria T. Driend 1971 Francis Fallon Audrey Giapponi John & Clarisse Grave Rodney & Ruth Loomis Kerry Marrone William & Camille Prentice Thurston Foods, Inc. Debora Townley
In Memory of Lorenzo DiPalma Maria DiPalma Laudano 1972
In Memory of Pat Brozek Linda A. Roth Mathews 1968
In Memory of Mary Garvey Fusaris 1955 Rose M. DeGrand 1955
In Memory of Raymond J. Eagan, Jr. Maria DiPalma Laudano 1972 In Memory of Pete Esposito Josephine Pettola Esposito 1952 In Memory of Mrs. Friot Maria DiPalma Laudano 1972
In Memory of Frank Incampo Antoinette B. Incampo In Memory of Michael Gerard Ineson Sandra Gomlin Ineson 1963 In Memory of Dorothy Iovanna Maria DiPalma Laudano 1972 In Memory of Jeffrey Catherine Jones Maryellen Massicotte McMurray-Jones 1966 In Memory of Stephanie Kabala John & Elizbieta Kabala In Memory of Doris Auger Lamb 1963 Rosemary Forni 1968 In Memory of Carmen and Florence LaVorgna Donna LaVorgna Cramond 1967 In Memory of Lucille Cipriano Loricco 1955 Ronald & Francesca LoRicco In Memory of Ellen F. Lurie Carol Norton Carter 1973 In Memory of Bridget M. Mahon 1971 Josephine Midolo Shabbott 1971 In Memory of Andrew & Angelina Mansi Phyllis Savo 1973 In Memory of Frank and Tina Mansi Rose Ann Mansi Borger 1974 In Memory of Carmel & Michael Manzo Nancy Manzo Dunne 1958 In Memory of Louis C. Marino Mary Marino In Memory of Lisa Martone Massaro 1983 MaryGrace Santagata Crisci 1988 In Memory of Phyllis Mattei Lorraine Mattei 1960
The Excelsior Woman ...valuing ‘strong bonds’ with her class and the wider Sacred Heart community,
In Memory of Eve and Louis Mauriello Barbara Mauriello Angelo 1964 In Memory of Carmel Mauro Mr. & Mrs. Raymond D. Mathews, Jr. In Memory of William McKiernan Mary C McKiernan In Memory of Paul J. Morello Richard & Manon Gagliardi In Memory of Karen Torgerson Mudano 1961 Patricia Wheeler Dallai 1961 In Memory of Richard Nelson Gary & Linda Albertson Brian & Holly Serewicz In Memory of Barbara Carney Norton Carol Norton Carter 1973 In Memory of Monica O’Neill 1975 Vincent T. Donnelly In Memory of John & Eleanor Onofrio Ashley Niro 2008 Mr. Thomas Morgillo & Mrs. Lisa Onofrio-Morgillo In Memory of Elizabeth Parise Osborne 1964 Elinor Harris Parise In Memory of Freda Proiette Ostburg 1955 Rose M. DeGrand 1955 In Memory of Nancy Barbiero Palmieri 1963 Rosemary Forni 1968 In Memory of Philip Paolella, Jr. Richard & Manon Gagliardi In Memory of Philip Paolella, Sr. Alfredo L. Axtmayer, M.D. & Patricia M. Hayes Axtmayer In Memory of George A. Paradis Kimberly Yates Carew 1976 Beth Griffin In Memory of Dolores Pellegrino Heather Florio Abati 1984 Pamela Pellegrino Acquarulo 1982 Annajean Ajello Maria Altieri John & Maureen Ambrogio Linda Milone Apicella 1956 Anthony Avallone Joseph & Barbara Brandi Laurie Giannotti Butterworth 1980 Maria Federico Caiafa 1976 Paul & Pauline Caiafa Joyce W. Calcagnini Mark Candido Kimberly Yates Carew 1976 Ann Caruso Peter Ciardiello
Rocco & Maria Crocco Maryann Cuomo William & Grace D’Adamo William D’Amato Pasquale Dechello & Lisa Milone Salvatore & Carol DeFilippo Mary Stanton DeGennaro 1981 Gene & Josephine Del Mauro Antonio & Marie DelGreco Lawrence & Mary Lou DeNardis Raymond & Sandra Diette Mario & Donna DiGioia Albert M. D’Onofrio, D.D.S. & Carmella D’Onofrio Walter & Rosemarie Donovan Thomas & Mary Doyle Mary Gaffney Dunn 1980 ED-MOR Electric Co. Inc. David & Susanna Esposito Karen Esposito James & Carol Falco Marguerite Federico Sandra Ramadei Fillion 1980 Harold & Janet Fitch Anthony & Frances Franco Nancy Gagliano Joanne Mastroianni Garbatini 1978 Jeanne D’Agnese Garofalo 1958 Anthony J Gentile Dolores Giannini The Grande Family Robert & Margaret Granquist David & Sylvia Greene Vincent & Lucy Anne Grignano Richard & Norma Grossi Marianne Haesche Mary Higgins Patrick & Mary Ann Higgins Janice Viscio Ingarra 1980 John & Maria Kennedy Judith Keating Killoy 1981 Theodore & Jean Konstantino Stephen & Roberta Krawczyk John & Judy Lahey Anthony & Susan Laudano Joseph E. & Charlotte Luzzi Mary F. Masterson 1981 Mark & Susan Mathiasen Karen Killoy McLaughlin 1980 James McPherson & Susan Fasulo-McPherson 1980 Pasquale & Rosemarie Mendillo Edward & Rosemarie Montesi Mark & Corliss Montesi Ricardo O. Montesi Esther Muller Karl & Suzanne Muller Nancy Navarretta 1980 James & Claudia O’Connell Theresa Orts Helen C. Papa John S. Papa Peter & Patricia Papoosha Raymond & Gloria Peach Anthony & Catherine Pegnataro Joseph & Christine Pellegrino Radha & Sue Prasad
Dominic F. & Antoinette Proto Richard Quatrano Anthony & Jacqueline Raccio William M. Raccio Alexander & Rosalie Ramadei Kathleen O’Neill Regan 1981 Suzanne Richey Elizabeth Barbarito Richo 1955 Michael & Linda Saffer Maureen Salzillo William & Teresa Santillo Albert & Marie Scharf Donald F. Scharf Dominic & Corinne Schioppo Pasquale & Sandra Somma Brian & Linda Stone Louis Tagliatela, Sr. Harry & Marie Torello Jeanne Weeks Kathleen Westervelt Thomas & Ann White Charles & Dianne Zepp In Memory of Miriam S. Radowiecki Kim M. Radowiecki 1973 In Memory of Catherine Bishop Rocco Peter Rocco In Memory of Jean Flanagan Rocco 1961 Carole Thompson Holm 1961 In Memory of Mr. and Mrs. John Romano Alexa Mastrobuoni 2011 In Memory of John Rossik, Sr. Douglas & Christine DeCerbo In Memory of James and Genevieve Ryan Julie Ryan Ogren 1962 In Memory of Joseph Santagata MaryGrace Santagata Crisci 1988 In Memory of Lucille Esposito Sette 1952 Arnold & Jean Belfonti In Memory of Kathleen Sullivan Smith 1969 Brian Murphy & Maureen Sullivan Murphy 1975 Eleanor Sullivan In Memory of Mary Abbate Snopkowski 1951 Martha Abbate Amici 1953 In Memory of William F. Sullivan Brian Murphy & Maureen Sullivan Murphy 1975 In Memory of Patricia Szuba Agatha DiPalma In Memory of Anthony & Eleanor Vallombroso Ann Marie Vallombroso 1959 In Memory of Irene B. Verneris Richard & Manon Gagliardi
In Memory of Arlene Wall Jason & Holly Fink In Memory of Robert Sheridan Walsh Lorrie Arseneault Oberdick 1971 In Memory of Katy Quinn Wichlac 1966 Maryellen Massicotte McMurray-Jones 1966
In Honor of Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. 1971 ACI Catering Group Inc. SHA Student Council In Honor of Lisa Radigan Pagano 1993 Stephen M. & Barbara G. Radigan
In Memory of Ann Yaklich Roberta Ann Yaklich 1954
In Honor of Sr. Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ 1965 Mark & Debbie Camner Kenneth Watkins & Christine Licata Watkins
In Memory of John & Rose Zunda Joanne Zunda Lambert 1968
In Honor of Michael R. Platte Maryellen Massicotte McMurray-Jones 1966
In Honor of Bridget Reidy 2007 Joseph Reidy, Jr.
In Honor of Andrea Antoni 2012 Pamela Antoni
In Honor of Clare Reidy 2009 Joseph Reidy, Jr.
In Honor of Amymarie Bartholomew 2009 Raymond Davies & Anne-Marie Boulade-Perigois
In Honor of Deirdre Reidy 2014 Joseph Reidy, Jr.
In Honor of Margaret Brillante 1972 Cleo Ingram Graham 1972
In Honor of Karen Reidy 1974 Joseph Reidy, Jr.
In Honor of The Campoli & Dorso Families John & Jacqueline Campoli
In Honor of Sarah Roper 2013 Ross & Anita Skinner
In Honor of SHA Class of 1960 Eileen Sullivan Donadio 1960
In Honor of Mother Rosalia, ASCJ Dorothy Fiorillo Farrell 1950
In Honor of Sr. Aloysius Como, ASCJ Carolyn M. Hunihan 1963 Dorothy Sosnowski Lockwood 1959
In Honor of Sr. Lany Jo Smith, ASCJ Most Reverend Peter A. Rosazza, D.D.
In Honor of Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. 1971 In Honor of Gina Gagliardi 2015 Joseph A. Gagliardi, M.D. In Honor of Kate Gorman, SHA Teacher Mark & Debbie Camner In Honor of Theresa Hargadon Susan Lagerstrom Sullivan 1965 In Honor of Michael Hillis Nicole Garlock
In Honor of Sr. Nancy Strillacci, ASCJ Maryellen Massicotte McMurray-Jones 1966
NAMED SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Bonnie Bieder Scholarship James Bartolini Assumption Reunion Scholarship Church of the Assumption Reunion Dorothy J. Martino Alfred Celentano Scholarship Gerald J. Moran & Joyce Celentano Moran 1957
In Honor of E. William Iovanne Sacred Heart Academy
Class of 1955 Scholarship Violet Tortora Carbone 1955 Marie Della Selva Sargeant 1955
In Honor of Alexandra LoRicco 2015 Ronald & Francesca LoRicco
Class of 1958 Scholarship Leona Waselik Browne 1958
In Honor of Carol McShane Maryellen Massicotte McMurray-Jones 1966
Class of 1961 Scholarship Patricia Wheeler Dallai 1961 Barbara Ricciardi Guarniere 1961
In Honor of Elena Milone 2015 James & Angela Milone In Honor of Sr. Judith Musco, ASCJ 1961 Karen Smith Reed 1984
Marie Colasanto Scholarship In Memory of Edward Colasanto Suzanne Colasanto, Esq. 1973
The Excelsior Woman ...and fully embracing the gifts God has given her to strive “ever higher.”
Tara Foley Scholarship Robert & Maureen O’Keefe Hillhouse Scholars Program Scholarship Hillhouse Scholars Program Carmel Mauro Scholarship Raymond D. Mathews, Jr. & Pamela J. Mathews Sr. Ellen McKeon, ASCJ 1961 Scholarship Elizabeth McKeon Afragola 1960 Corinne S. O’Neill Memorial Scholarship John J. O’Neill Monica Ann O’Neill Scholarship Joanne E. Beers & Earl C. Cree III Sharon R. Bohon Vincent T. Donnelly Nora O. Laverty Hugh & Martha O’Neill Philip Paolella, Jr. Scholarship Mark & Deborah Camner Michael Ferris & Anne Paolella Ferris 1972 Richard & Manon Gagliardi Lucille Sette Scholarship Arnold & Jean Belfonti SHA Alumnae Association Scholarship Lesley DeNardis, Ph.D. 1984
HANDS UP FOR HEART Richard & Kimberly Agresta Michael Ajello, Esq. & Dana Ajello David & Jennifer Alexandro Alfredo L. Axtmayer, M.D. & Patricia M. Hayes Axtmayer Christa Maria Bernacchia 1993 Eleanor Sullivan Biondo 1982 George & Mary Ellen Boath James & Michelle Bowman Patrick & Therese Bowman Anthony & Michelle Bracale John Brillante & Margaret Falsey Brillante 1972 Keith & Patty Brokaw John F. Buckley, Esq. & Tricia Buckley Maria Cammarota Joseph & Susan Civitello Tara Cocchiarella 2002 Francis X. Conlon II & Susan DeGrand Conlon Joseph Corradino, Esq. & Melissa Papantones, Esq. Donna LaVorgna Cramond 1967 MaryGrace Santagata Crisci 1988 Tom & Mary D’Addario Mark & Deborah DeFelice Louis & Shirley Degennaro John & Gail DeGrand Thomas & Patricia DeGrand Crescenzo & Laurie Deluca William DeLuca & Mary Schuler DeLuca, Esq. Leone & Maria DiSorbo Thomas & Maria Donofrio David Falls & Kristen Sotnik Falls, Esq. 34
Jason & Holly Fink Daniel & Susan Gooley Alexander & Joan Goulopoulos Jeffrey Granquist & Frances Pellegrino Granquist, Esq. 1980 John Guerin & Elizabeth Pisanelli Guerin 1981 Samuel & Kelly Hahn Stephen & Laurie Hanchuruck Sara B. Harris 1997 Eugene Harris Michael Hillis, Esq. & Lynne Hillis, M.D. Richard & Suzanne Iovanne Robert & Catherine Jenney Dana & Maureen Kent William Kosack & Carolyn Morrell Kosack, M.D. 1970 Francis Lamboley, Esq. & Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 Harold J. Lamboley III Kevin & Marianne Lawlor Phyllis Brunell Lobo 1984 Michael & Barbara Long Brian & Julie Luciani Edward & Mary Jane Maturo William & Karen McAndrew William & Lisa McCarthy Terence & Kerry McGuire Mary Ellen Rose Montefusco 1979 Robert Nastri, Esq. & Kathleen Nastri, Esq. William & Linda Ney Patricia Reynolds Pietrosimone 1972 Ralph Pisani & Maryanne Giaimo Pisani 1981 Sheila McCarthy 1981 Patrick & Stephanie Redding Karen Walsh Reidy 1974 Wilfred Rodie, Esq. & Christine Rodie Glenn Rybacki, Esq. & Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981 Herman & Marianna Sachse Marabel Santagata Roger & Linda Sciascia Amy Harris Stamp 2000 Cheever Tyler, Esq. & Sara Tyler Michael & Annette Vasaturo Eric & Elizabeth Zsampar
MATCHING GIFTS AXA Foundation Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Bic Corporation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Covidien Employee Matching Gift Program Fidelity Foundation Matching Gifts to Education General Electric The Hartford Insurance Company Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Pfizer, Inc. Pitney Bowes Matching Gift Program PSEG Educational Matching Gift Program Stanley Black & Decker UIL Holdings Corporation United Technologies Corporation Wells Fargo Educational Matching Gift Program
Ways to Give
GIFTS IN KIND American Medical Response Barone Chiropractic Biagetti’s Restaurant Bic Corporation Cronin Photography, Cheryl Cronin 1984 Albert Curbow & Kimberly Cramer Curbow 1981 Empire Paving, Inc. Foxon Park Beverages Inc. Knights of Columbus Scott & Christine Maturo Michael McGarry & Kathy McDonough McGarry 1977 William & Jeanne Mecca New England Linen Petonito’s Pastry Shop Rosemary Rubsam Media
Whether you support the Annual Fund, the Sacred Heart Academy Endowment, or a fundraising event, our students are impacted in a positive way. There are many ways to contribute to SHA. Secure Online Donations ı Visit us on the web at www.sacredhearthamden.org and go to the “Support SHA” page. Checks ı Make checks payable to Sacred Heart Academy. Please accompany your donation with a note as to where the gift is intended and mail to President Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71, Sacred Heart Academy, 265 Benham Street, Hamden, CT 06514. Stock, Appreciated Securities and Mutual Funds ı Contact us to review procedures.
2011 – 2012 ANNUAL GIFT and Financial Report MISSION ADVANCEMENT INCOME ANNUAL FUND Annual Appeal Ad Campaign (net) Auction (net) Wine Tasting (net) Other
$198,321 $68,040 $142,070 $4,626 $5,150
ENDOWMENT 60th Anniversary Golf Tournament (net)
$8,450 $25,563
Restricted Funds Gifts & Bequests
$28,938 $481,158
2011 – 2012 Financial Report Operating Revenue Tuition and Fees Fundraising & Special Events Investment Earnings Other Revenue
$5,610,300 $481,158 $7,823 $295,606
Operating Expenses Instructional & Athletics Administration Building & Grounds/Plant Improvements Personnel Salaries & Benefits Student Body Expenses Other
$220,818 $670,679 $748,488 $4,217,503 $138,830 $437,616
Life Insurance and Planned Giving ı Contact us for information on bequests, charitable remainder or lead trusts, pooled income funds, and other ways to include Sacred Heart Academy in your estate plan. For a donation of life insurance, Sacred Heart Academy must be named as both beneficiary and irrevocable owner of a policy for gifts of life insurance to the school. Real Estate ı Gifts of real estate may include developed property, undeveloped property or donations subject to a prior life interest. Real estate may be given outright or through a bequest or may be used to fund a charitable trust or other life income plan. Contact us for further information. Gifts in Kind ı Gifts to the school are always welcome. Whether books for our library, audio/visual equipment for our classrooms or sporting equipment for our athletic program, we accept most inkind donations. The Academy is prohibited by law from appraising the value of gifts of tangible personal property in any form. For donations of personal property valued at $5,000 or more, the donor must complete the appropriate IRS forms for tax deduction purposes and obtain a qualified, independent appraisal. Corporate Matching Gifts ı Double your dollars! Many companies offer matching gift support. Complete your employer’s form and mail it with your gift to Sacred Heart Academy. United Way ı If you give charitable donations through your employer, you can earmark funds directly to Sacred Heart Academy. Please speak with the director of human resources for the appropriate code for Sacred Heart Academy. To contact the Office of Mission Advancement call 203-288-2309, x318.
Sacred Heart Academy
Oh, What a Year!
Special Events 2011 – 2012
Top: (left) Students commanded the stage during our performance of The Wiz. (right) Theology teacher Sandy D’Ambrosio or FantaSHA jockey? Bottom: (left) left to right: Ashley Ublena, Peter Thomas, Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D.,’71, and Jojo Corrales ’93 showing off their golfing skills. (right) Maria Lion DelVecchio ’81 and Tricia McHugh Harkins ’82 (right) enjoy and evening of good wine and good conversation.
he 2011-2012 Ad Campaign was a huge success as students once again surpassed their goal, raising $70,000 to underwrite the production of The Wiz and Sacred Heart Academy’s pursuit of excellence in all areas of education.
guests attended the 65th Anniversary Wine Tasting organized by a wonderful volunteer crew comprised of alumnae and parents. While celebrating 65 years of excellence in education, the wine tasting raised much needed funds for the Academy.
Sacred Heart hosted a wine tasting to celebrate its 65th Anniversary. Fabulous wines were served courtesy of Amity Wine & Spirit Co. and, with the help of Zupparti’s Pizza and Sysco, delicious hors d’oeuvres were enjoyed. Live entertainment by the John Mastroianni Jazz Quartet truly made for an enjoyable evening. More than 200
Run for the Roses, our FantaSHA 2012 celebration of the Kentucky Derby, raised $140,000 to support Sacred Heart Academy. The gymnasium was transformed into Churchill Downs, complete with marvelous hats, a real horse, and two jockeys. Perhaps the best part of the evening, “Hands up for Heart,” raised more than $40,000 for need-
based scholarships. Thank you to everyone who participated, especially auction chairs Pat and Terry Bowman and an outstanding committee. The 20th Annual Sacred Heart Academy Golf Tournament took place in May at the Wallingford Country Club. Many thanks to the sponsors, donors, and players who supported this great day of golf! The tournament raised $25,500 to benefit the Sacred Heart Academy Golf Tournament Scholarship Fund, enabling more young women in need of financial assistance to attend the Academy.
Mark your calendars for these upcoming 2013 Special Events!
Featuring Live Auction ı trips, sports & entertainment tickets, jewelry and more! Silent Auction ı stunning baskets, collectibles, gift certificates, SHA Boutique & What Women Want areas and the all new Take Your Chance Raffle & Winner Takes All Lottery
Tickets are $90 per person and go on sale in January For event information or to donate an item visit www.sacredhearthamden.org ı contact Dayna Cavanaugh at 203.287.8181, x366 or dcavanaugh@sacredhearthamden.org
The 21st Annual Sacred Heart Academy Golf Tournament Tuesday, May 14 New Location ı Race Brook Country Club – Orange, Connecticut Sponsorships and golf packages are available now!
Please visit www.sacredhearthamden.org, or contact Dayna Cavanaugh at 203.287.8181, x366 or dcavanaugh@sacredhearthamden.org for event information and sponsorship opportunities.
Sacred Heart Academy
red & white line
Marie Materessa Niro lives in East Haven. In addition to enjoying her four beautiful grandchildren, Marie remains active in dancing and roller skating.
project, Tuning In to God’s Call, they address questions about life’s choices; their book also serves as a companion for those who seek and follow the will of God. Tuning In to God’s Call is available online at www.liguori.org.
Rosemary O’Brien is eagerly awaiting the publication of her second novel, Scraps, by Solstice Publishing in several e-book formats before Christmas and as a paperback shortly thereafter. Check www.RosemaryOBrien.net for publication information. Her first novel, First Saturday, was recently republished as a Kindle book and in paperback, and she is currently writing a book called Pocket Parks of NYC. For more information visit www. PocketParksNYC.com.
1984 Baby Isaac and his furry friend
Carolyn Rubano Fitz-Gerald and several classmates recently gathered for an impromptu lunch in New Haven. Carolyn proudly shares, “After all these years, we still have our ‘strong bonds’ and feel blessed to all be together if only for a few hours.” Keep up that great spirit, Class of ’59!
Sr. Christine Kiley, ASCJ is currently stationed in St. Louis, Missouri, where she is principal of St. Ambrose School on “The Hill.” Her most recent accomplishment is co-authoring a book on the discernment process with Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom, OP. In their joint
Carolyn Peterson Mayers is thrilled to announce the birth of her first grandchild, Isaac Frederick Mayers, born on July 16 at St. Francis Hospital in Peoria, Illinois.
Mary Glazier Hendricks is a sociology professor. Still enjoying life in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Mary is especially pleased to have reconnected with her classmates on Facebook!
Sheri Weidner Fitzgerald and her husband Michael welcomed twins, Ana Madison and Max Jefferson, on October 22. They make their home in Rutherford, New Jersey, and are delighted with the new additions to their family. Congratulations!
Kim Yates Carew and her husband James recently celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. They have two children, Kaylyn ’08 and son, Jamie, who hosted a party to celebrate this milestone. Ad multos annos!
Two Schools ı One Reunion During the second week of June, as the summer ushered in warmer breezes and brighter days, the Class of 1972 gathered in Hamden at DeMil’s. Nearly 70 classmates celebrated at this remarkable reunion of friends. In addition to our alumnae, this reunion included graduates of the St. Mary’s High School Class of 1972. Several St. Mary’s alumnae came to share their memories. Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77, Director of Alumnae Relations, thoroughly enjoyed the irony of the evening, given the intense rivalry that existed between the two schools in the years past. Shares Sr. Mariette, “The thoughtful sensitivity that our alumnae showed in planning this reunion of two schools made me so proud. It was truly a great experience for everyone!”
Donna Franco Minotti lives in Branford and is completing requirements on a master’s degree in athletic coaching from Ohio University.
Emma Stefania and Sara Maria
Giuseppina Bisceglia Routh and her husband Vinny announce the birth of twin girls, Emma Stefania and Sara Maria, born on April 21. Congratulations!
Kristin Toscano Vollero lives in North Haven with her husband Sal and their daughters, Alexandria and Victoria. Kristin teaches language arts at North Haven Middle School.
In spring 2011, she and her husband Keith traveled to Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands as teacher chaperones on a humanitarian trip to install water filters in rainforest villages. Last summer, they also traveled to the Czech Republic, Poland, Peru, and Bolivia.
2004 Brooklyn Rose and Cayden Lily
Simone Poutot Ketchum, husband Shawn, and big sister Taylor, welcomed twin girls, Brooklyn Rose and Cayden Lily. Congratulations!
Brittany McDermott Figueiredo and husband Mark were married on May 12 at Corpus Christi Church in Wethersfield. Brittany earned a degree in business management and is currently an assistant store manager for Stop & Shop. Best wishes, Brittany!
Caroline Dearborn recently received her MBA from Southern Connecticut State University and is currently studying at UMass Dartmouth School of Law. Congratulations, Caroline!
service trips. Heather plans to pursue a master’s degree in music therapy.
Chelsea Rubsam is a design and merchandise major at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Stephanie Baldwin, a freshman at Fordham University, was recently awarded second place in the East Villagers Service Scholar Essay & Art Contest for her essay, “An Unlikely Friend,” first featured in the fall 2011 edition of HEART Magazine. Read Stephanie’s essay at http://www.servicescholar.com/ high-school-winners.html.
2008 Leslie Torre and David Lipp were married on September 10, in Brooklyn, New York. The ceremony was held in Brooklyn Bridge Park, followed by a reception at the Galapagos Art Space. Classmates in attendance included best lady Allison DeMatteo ’95, Marisa Anastasio ‘95, Maria Barile ’95, and officiant Jennifer Grana Illuzzi ’95. Leslie works as a graphic designer in New York City and is currently in school studying funeral science.
Tiffany Burns Gherlone and her husband Marc are the proud parents of one-year old son, Leo, and are eagerly awaiting the birth of their second child in March, 2013. Elizabeth Ortoleva Smolinski recently graduated from The Graduate Institute with a sixth year degree in holistic thinking.
Christa Gniadek, a full-time singersongwriter/recording artist in Boston, Massachusetts, is currently working on her third record and hosting a monthly singer-songwriter showcase in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Check out her website at www.christagniadek.com.
Bianca Cornacchia, a senior at Bryant University majoring in marketing, just received a job offer from Ross Stores in New York City as an assistant buyer. Recently, Bianca returned from studying abroad in Florence, Italy, where she pursued her interest in international business and learned more about the importance of globalization and its impact on our world.
Heather Vicenty is currently a music performance major and a special education minor at York College of Pennsylvania. A student ambassador, she continues the commitment to service from her Sacred Heart days. Involved in Habitat for Humanity, she will be traveling to both Kauai, Hawaii, and Dade City, Florida, this year on Habitat
Deirdre Fitzpatrick
Deirdre Fitzpatrick, a freshman at the University of Southern California, competed in the World Junior Rowing Championship for the second straight summer. This year’s event was held in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Deirdre rowed on the girls’ 4-Boat, finishing second. Keep up the winning pace, Deirdre! Brianna Wilson is majoring in early childhood, elementary, and special education at St. Bonaventure University. Recently selected as one of 13 essayists, from a field of 500 freshmen, Brianna had the opportunity to meet Neil White, author of In the Sanctuary of Outcasts, as well as having her essay published. Brianna recently participated in a mission trip to Rochester, New York, where she helped set up an apartment for a refugee family from Nepal. Brianna also teaches religious education to first and third graders.
Sacred Heart Academy
strong bonds
The Class Ring
lthough Sacred Heart’s class ring has been a tradition since our beginnings on Greene Street, this year’s Junior Ring Ceremony will mark a special 50th anniversary. The Class of 1964 proudly claims the distinction of being the first class to have the Junior Ring Ceremony as we know it today. Sacred Heart graduates immediately recognize the iconic Sacred Heart Academy class ring and its meaning of tradition and excellence. Have you misplaced your class ring since leaving Sacred Heart? Lost it in the sand or surf on a recent vacation or in the clutter of a move across state lines? If your ring has been lost or misplaced, contact the Alumnae Office to be connected with a representative from Herff Jones to reorder a class ring and once again commemorate your years at the Academy.
Homecoming Reunion 2013 A New Time of the Year
lumnae Homecoming Reunion, celebrating the Classes of 1953 (60th anniversary class), 1958, 1963 (50th anniversary class), 1968, 1973, 1978, 1983, 1988 (25th anniversary class), 1993, 1998, 2003, and 2008 will take place on Saturday, June 8, 2013. This is the first year that the Homecoming Reunion will be held at the start of summer. What better way to welcome the months of sunshine and travel than by reconnecting with some of your oldest and dearest friends. Save the date! Stay tuned for online registration.
answer the call! The 2012-2013 Alumnae Phone-a-thon will be held on February 26, 27, and 28. Please donate generously!
Online Community As part of our newly redesigned website, the Online Community is the ultimate social network for alumnae. Register at www. sacredhearthamden.org today to help build our alumnae directory – an interactive tool for alumnae to search fellow graduates by class year, state, college or university, profession, or industry. Register or re-register today for the Alumnae Online Community on the school’s website – It’s as easy as 1, 2, 3! 1. Go to www.sacredhearthamden.org 2. Click Login in top right corner 3. Click the New User Registration (under the login form)
Calling all class agents! The first planning meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 16 at 7:00 p.m. in the Alumnae Room, Room 505. The Alumnae Office will have class lists available as well as information on local restaurants in order to plan evening offcampus celebrations.
FEBRUARY 8 february 27 MARCH 23 may 8 MAy 11 MAy 22 june 8
Little Valentines Dinner Dance Open Meeting for all Alumnae Children’s Easter Party Open Meeting for all Alumnae Ladies’ Day of Reflection at Sacred Heart on the Lake Alumnae Induction for the Class of 2013 Homecoming Reunion
Alumnae Memorial Rose Garden Donors In Memory of
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Antinora and Angeline Sr. Catherine Antinora, ASCJ Paul and Lillian Barbiero and Victor H. Forni Diane Forni 1977 Brillante and Falsey Families Deceased Members Margaret Falsey Brillante 1972 Brodeur and Moan Families Deceased Members Mariette B. Moan Michael Buonasora Ann Marie Buonasora Engstrom 1973 Carney, Norton, and Ryan Families Deceased Members Carol Norton Carter 1973 Stephanie Rose Celone 2003 Richard and Janis Celone Violet Civitello Carol Civitello Martineau 1967 Class of 1955 Deceased Members Violet Tortora Carbone 1955 Class of 1977 Deceased Members Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, 1977 John and Anna Colowitch Mary Colowitch Moll 1977 Marcella Cornacchia 1986 Kim Yates Carew 1976 Mary Lacy D’Agata 1957, Agnes and Raymond Moore, and Susan Madigan Kobza 1962 Patricia Moore 1957 Rosa T. Dio JoMichelle Corrales 1993 Phyllis Dorman Alicia Dorman-Nieforth 1983 Janice Edwards 1980 Louise Moan Bouteiller 1980 Theresa Fisco April Fisco Keib 1987 William J. Iovanna Carol Iovanna DiPietro 1963 Richard D. Kline Hilary Kristan Kline 1962 Rosemarie Koczy Terri Palmieri Glynn 1959 Sr. Joan Krueger, ASCJ Jeanne Lawlor Mazzariello 1978 Lawrence Lupoli Lorraine Lupoli Wihbey 1970 Phyllis D. McHenry Maryellen McHenry 1971
In Memory of Arthur E. Moan, Jr.
Dolores Pellegrino
Contributor Louise Moan Bouteiller 1980 H. Joseph and Juel Moan Michael and Doreen Moan Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, 1977 Laurie Gianotti Butterworth 1980 Mary Stanton DeGennaro 1981 Joann Sardilli Ditta 1978 Mary Gaffney Dunn 1980 Judy Keating Killoy 1981 Mary Foley Masterson 1981 Karen Killoy McLaughlin 1980 Nancy Navaretta 1980 Katie O’Neill Regan 1981 Barbara Pieper Walding 1956 Tracy-Ann Saddig 1997 Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, 1977
Frank and Elsie Pieper George Saddig Sr. Antonine Signorelli, ASCJ Kathleen Sullivan Smith 1969 and William Sullivan Eleanor Sullivan Janet Somma 1977 Sandy Somma Mary and John Valente Emily Valente 1962 Anthony and Anne Venditto Joan Venditto 1959 Jorge Hernan Venegas and Aristobulo Villegas Sr. Luisa Villegas, ASCJ 1993 and Family SSG Thomas E. Vitagliano Tammy Vitagliano Ronan 1987 Phyllis and John Walsh Karen Walsh Reidy 1974 Joseph and Anne Wondrach Nancy Wondrach Uranker 1965 Kristie O’Connell Wright 1995 Marisa Anastasio 1995 Allison DeMatteo 1995 Leslie Torre 1995 In Honor of Mariette B. Moan SHA Alumnae
Contributor Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, 1977 Joan Petrucci Soderburg 1958
Stay in touch!
Alumnae Events
Just a click away!
With alumnae spread far and wide across Connecticut, the United States, and even the globe, registering for an alumnae event has never been easier! Whether you are coming back to town for your 25th reunion or for the popular Little Valentines Dinner Dance, registration is just a click away at www.sacredhearthamden.org.
If you’ve moved or married, please contact us with your updated name and address information. Think about sharing information about noteworthy events or accomplishments in your life with your fellow alumnae! Submit your photos (jpg) and news to: Red and White Line Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77 alumnae@sacredhearthamden.org
Sacred Heart Academy
strong bonds
Homecoming Reunion ı Welcomes Back Nearly 250 Alumnae
ast September, alumnae were welcomed back for a day of reconnecting, reminiscing, and enrichment. Attendance for the event reached new heights and exceeded the expectations of Alumnae Director Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ‘77.
The Class of 1962
“I was just so pleased with the turnout for Homecoming Reunion 2012,” said Sr. Mariette. She added, “The opportunity for alumnae to register online is a definite advantage and each reunion keeps getting better. I want to congratulate the class agents and all those who helped to make this reunion such a success. From the earliest graduates of the Class of 1952, to those from the Class of 2007 brimming with excitement about their first five-year reunion, there was
What a wonderful reunion afternoon! It was welcoming, joyful, and inspiring! My “golden rose” is beautiful!
The Class of 1987
–Mary Soderstrom Saleh ’62
Twenty-five years! What a great night with my SHA sisters! Thanks to all who attended! It was truly awesome! –Rita-Marie Rogers Rossetti ’87
such a wonderful energy. It is a real pleasure for me to witness their incredible spirit whenever alumnae come back to campus.” Alumnae were greeted by current students as well as current and former faculty as they gathered and reunited with former classmates in the Mary and James DiMeo Library. While many alumnae paused at the tables lining the hallways filled with yearbooks from many years of SHA, others headed to classrooms for alumnae enrichment
opportunities, a new addition to the weekend festivities. The merriment continued at the wine and cheese reception, held in the Alumnae Memorial Rose Garden, with a backdrop of blossoming flowers and the songs of yesteryear. Between posing for group photos and laughing over shared memories, President Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 invited alumnae to raise their glasses in a toast to the 25th and 50th Reunion classes, the Class of 1987 and the Class of
Many thanks for a wonderful reunion. It was great seeing and talking to old friends. Ladies, we’re not getting older, we’re getting BETTER! We were a special group 35 years ago, and we are still special today! Love you all! –Regina McFarland Johnson ’77
1962, respectively. A Reunion liturgy was then held in Mount Sacred Heart Chapel, with members of all the reunion classes participating. Following a lovely rendition of the alma mater, the Class of 1962 and the Class of 1987 were inducted into the Silver and Golden Alumnae Societies. The celebration of good times and long-lasting friendships continued off campus at local restaurants, as planned by the class agents.
Sacred Heart Academy
2012 – 2013
Sacred Heart Academy Advisory Board Roger J. Sciascia, FP—Chair Managing Partner ı Weinstein & Anastasio, PC Mary Patricia Caputo, FP—Vice Chair Director of Marketing and Publications, Office of Public Affairs ı Southern Connecticut State University MaryGrace N. Santagata Crisci ’88 Major Sales Account Manager ı Altura Communication Solutions Thomas M. D’Addario, FP President ı D’Addario Buick GMC Cadillac Nissan Lesley DeNardis, Ph.D., ’84 Assistant Professor, Department of Government & Politics ı Sacred Heart University Anne Fitzpatrick Donahue ’84 Senior Vice President ı U.S. Bank Amy E. Duda ’82, FP Strategic Planner Medical Director ı Suddler and Hennessy Mary-Ann P. Haran, Esq., FP Attorney at Law ı Law Office of Mary-Ann P. Haran Karen S. Harris, FP Associate Controller, Treasury & Gift Administration ı Yale University Lynne M. Hillis, M.D., FP Internal Medicine ı West Haven Medical Group Richard J. Iovanne Senior Commercial Loan Officer ı People’s United Bank Carolyn Morrell Kosack, M.D., ’70, FP Cardiovascular Disease Physician ı Cottage Grove Cardiology Roger A. Milici, Jr. Vice President Office of Development & University Relations ı Fordham University Robert Nastri, Jr., Esq., FP, CP Attorney at Law ı Tinley, Nastri, Renehan & Dost, LLP Sr. Lisa A. Retort, ASCJ Provincial Secretary ı Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Thomas P. Smith, Jr. Executive Vice President Agency and Marketing ı Knights of Columbus Joseph Toscano, FP Fire Investigation Consultant ı Chillworth Technology Mary Lee Weber, FP Director of Business Development ı Cashman & Katz Sr. Sheila M. O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71, President ı Sacred Heart Academy Sr. Maureen P. Flynn, ASCJ, ’81, Principal ı Sacred Heart Academy Deborah S. Camner, Director of Mission Advancement ı Sacred Heart Academy Maria Cammarota, Business Manager ı Sacred Heart Academy FP—Former Parent CP—Current Parent 44
In Memoriam Philip J. Biondi, husband of Joan Zullo Biondi ’63 and stepfather of Tricia Biondi Donovan ’87 Cynthia Bouteiller, sister of staff member John Bouteiller Patricia Brozek ’68 Josephine DiDonato Butler ’60, mother of Barbara Butler ’88 and Janice Butler ’91 Ann Florio Cirillo, mother of Patti Cirillo Rahl ’85 Dave Cuffy, father of Lennix Cuffy ’15 Hon. Richard Damiani, father of Stephanie Damiani ’95 James L. D’Andrea, father of Cynthia D’Andrea Miranda ’79 Brian K. Dell, husband of Lynn Skoronski Dell ’76 Helen DelStritto, mother of Rosanne DelStritto Stephens ’65 Clara Falato, mother of Claire Falato Proiette ’62 Katherine Flannery, mother of Rita Flannery Marcinkus ’71 Louise Gargiulo, sister of Linda Gargiulo Kwochka ’84 Paul Giaimo, son of Geraldine Antonucci Giaimo ’56 and brother of Maryanne Giaimo Pisani ’81 Marylouise Harris, wife of former Advisory Board President Eugene Harris and mother of Sara Harris ’97, Amy Harris Stamp ’00, and Rebecca Harris Kerrigan ’01 Michael Gerard Ineson, husband of Sandra Gomlin Ineson ’63 Judith F. Keating, mother of Marybeth Keating ’78, Claire Keating Rich ’80, and Judy Keating Killoy ’81 Alida Krash ’62 Lena LaBonia, mother of Joyce LaBonia Sullivan ’72 Robert W. Martindale, father of staff member David Martindale Maureen Leary Minnick ’90, sister of Kathleen Leary Roberge ’88 Barbara Carney Norton, mother of Carol Norton Carter ’73 Lawrence A. Paquin, Jr., brother of Michelle Paquin Cuomo ’84 Whitey Pawluk, father of Niki Pawluk Kingston ’94 and Jaime Pawluk ’97 Robert Phelan, Jr., father of Diane Phelan ’96 Ralph Pisani, husband of Barbara-Jean Fiasconaro Pisani ’51 Christopher Sanseverino, son of Joyce Candelora Sanseverino ’69 and brother of Melissa Sanseverino ’99 Geraldine Sharron, mother of Sr. Mary Anne Sharron, ASCJ ’64 Mother Rosalia Sosso, ASCJ, former Superior General of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and former faculty member from 1953-1960 Mary Ellen Tarrant, mother of Meg Tarrant ’05 James Tirrell, husband of Diane Conti Tirrell ’69 Lenora Catania Turcio ’54 Ronald G. Vashlishan, father of Amy Vashlishan Murray ’98
Why Giving Matters
“My family’s association with the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus began in the 1950s when my father, Desmond, and John Sullivan, father of Sr. John Martin Sullivan, formed Kearney & Sullivan Insurance Agency. My first visit to Sacred Heart Academy was in 1966 to see a neighbor from McKinley Avenue, Gayle Pantaleo ’66, perform as Maria in The Sound of Music. In 1980, I followed in my father’s footsteps and began my business relationship with Sacred Heart as a provider of insurance protection. My association has allowed me the opportunity to experience the compassion and integrity exhibited at SHA and I feel privileged to contribute a portion of my income to the Annual Fund to assist the Academy.” Timothy Kearney ı Friend and Business Associate
“Our daughter, Sarah, graduated from Sacred Heart Academy in 2008. We feel very fortunate that she was able to take advantage of the wonderful academic, spiritual, and social experience that Sacred Heart offered her. We believe that the Sacred Heart community played a very important role in her development and had a huge impact on the confident young woman that she has become. We support Sacred Heart because as parents we feel a deep gratitude to the SHA community for all that they have provided Sarah. Our gift is a small way of saying thanks and we encourage other parents, alumnae, grandparents, faculty, and friends to support the Annual Fund and this wonderful school.” Gene and Mary Pat Caputo ı Advisory Board Vice Chair Parents of Sarah Caputo ’08
“The education I received at Sacred Heart provided a strong foundation for my career path. It started with a single moment in biology class when Sr. Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ, ’65 announced a fellowship from the American Heart Association, which awarded a stipend to a high school student to perform research over the summer. My early exposure to genetics research helped me get into graduate school and led me to where I am today. I am indebted to Sacred Heart, and can only hope that my contribution to the Annual Fund will help unlock the potential of a bright, young Sacred Heart woman.” JoMichelle Corrales, Ph.D., ’93 ı Alumna
“We have been blessed with many good fortunes in our lives: a strong marriage, four healthy children, and the opportunity to be part of the Sacred Heart family. We give to the Annual Fund at Sacred Heart Academy in the hope that other young women and their families can have the same opportunity and share in the wonderful experiences that our daughter has - academically, socially, and spiritually. We refer to it as The SHA Life!” Josephine and James Hanrahan ı Parents of Juliana Hanrahan ’14 “I am impressed by the qualities of the young women I teach: their diligence, their thoughtfulness, and their kindness. They are doing such a fine job of growing up! It is a pleasure and a privilege to teach them and I support their education by donating to the Sacred Heart Academy Annual Fund.” Sally Tyler ı Faculty Member
We are forever grateful for your generous hearts and we are most appreciative of your support. Please make the Annual Fund a top priority on your list of charitable choices. Your donation matters! To make your gift to Treasures of the Heart ı The Sacred Heart Academy Annual Fund, please use the enclosed envelope or donate online by visiting our website at www.sacredhearthamden.org and then clicking the Support tab. Funds generated from the 2012-2013 Treasures of the Heart Annual Fund are directly allocated to: Tuition Assistance ı Capital Improvements ı Facility Upgrades ı Student & Faculty Enrichment For more information about the Sacred Heart Academy Annual Fund, please contact Debbie Camner, Director of Mission Advancement at dcamner@sacredhearthamden.org or 203-288-2309, x318.
Treasures Heart of the
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