HEART Magazine - Fall 2016

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FALL 2016




n this, the 70th year of our inauguration, we have profiled those who have taken steps to improve the lives of others and have embodied the vision

of Sr. Antonine Signorelli, ASCJ, the founding principal of Sacred Heart. Among the highlights in this issue are a student who traveled to the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere primarily to teach that nation’s people that they are loved; an alumna who was knighted in honor of her tireless devotion to teaching world languages; alumnae who have dedicated themselves to educating others; and our Social Studies Department which uses the past to instill the knowledge and desire necessary to enact positive change. We hope that the examples of our students, faculty, alumnae, and friends inspire you to build a better world.





Sacred Heart Academy welcomes Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ASCJ, ’76, who comes to us after serving as principal of Cor Jesu Academy in St. Louis for ten years.



Our Social Studies Department provides students the tools to become critical thinkers and model citizens.


From the President


Excelsior Lives


Student Spotlight


Around the Academy

SACRED HEART ACADEMY IS 70! This year we celebrate 70 years since the Academy’s inception in 1946 and honor those who came before us.

Sacred Heart alumnae pass on their Excelsior education to the next generation and to those in need.




2015 - 2016 Annual Report & Honor Roll of Giving


Strong Bonds


In Memoriam

Front Cover Social Studies Department Chair Susan Allen and Caroline Kent ’18, Cronin Photography, Cheryl Cronin ’84 Honor Roll of Giving Cover Venissala Wongchai ’16, Cronin Photography, Cheryl Cronin ’84


FALL 2016


Fall 2016

PRESIDENT Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 PRINCIPAL Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ASCJ, ’76 EDITOR Director of Public Relations Beth Griffin DESIGN EP Graphic Design ı Elizabeth Parker MAJOR PHOTOGRAPHY Cronin Photography ı Cheryl Cronin ’84 FEATURE WRITERS Eric Bradley Sarah Bradley CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Director of Mission Advancement Debbie Camner Advancement Associate Alora Coppola ’08 Advancement Associate Holly Fink Director of Public Relations Beth Griffin Director of Alumnae Relations Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77 President of Student Council Katherine Mackey ’17 CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS Adam Coppola Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ, ’81 Impressions Stephen Kirck, II Robert Lisak Kathy McDonough McGarry ’77 Nicole Mele Julie Nugent Elizabeth Parker Storytellers Photography Sr. Lauren Zak, ASCJ Sacred Heart Academy is a Ministry of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. HEART magazine is published by Sacred Heart Academy for alumnae, parents, past parents, and friends of Sacred Heart Academy. To update your address visit www. sacredhearthamden.org and click the login link or send address changes to the Office of Alumnae Relations, Sacred Heart Academy, 265 Benham Street, Hamden, CT 06514 or alumnae@sacredhearthamden.org. Sacred Heart Academy admits students of any race, creed, national or ethnic origin, and handicapped status to all the rights, privileges and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate in these areas in the administration of its educational policies, scholarship and loan programs, athletic or other school-administered programs.


What a privilege it is to be here, to watch our students blossom into independent, self-confident, caring women, eager to take their place in the world. Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71

Dear Friends, Each day the halls of Sacred Heart Academy are alive with the happy voices of 500 bright and beautiful young ladies, eager to grow into the women God created them to be. Whether in the classroom, on the field, or on the stage, they are a true testament to all that is good in the world. Their passion for helping others, for sharing their talents, and for continually doing their best reminds me that the future is in good hands, and like the women highlighted in this issue, they too will help build a better world. Our new principal, Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ASCJ, ’76, has settled in nicely. She has spent countless hours visiting classes and attending games, events, and club meetings, to experience firsthand all the exciting things that are happening on our campus. She is kind and caring and takes a special interest in each student. Since she was previously an assistant principal here, Sr. Kathleen Mary’s transition has been seamless. We are so happy to have her back, sharing her unique gifts and talents. I think you will enjoy reading about our alumnae who are building a better world — Stephanie White ’94, City of New Haven Teacher of the Year, Brigid Quinn ’07 and Mollie Quinn ’05, helping to break the cycle of poverty through education in New York City, and Sr. Mary Ellen Burns, ASCJ, ’74, working with the immigrant population in New Haven. We also celebrate our Excelsior Woman, Lorraine Paszkeicz D’Ambruoso ’60, knighted twice by the French government for the promotion of the French language in the United States, and Judith Suffrard ’17 for her service to the people of Haiti. Each day these women live out our Core Values of compassion and social justice and, through sharing the love of the Sacred Heart they help to make the world a better place. As we celebrate our 70th anniversary, I pray that Sr. Antonine is smiling down on us as we strive each day to live out her legacy of Excelsior — ever higher, in every aspect of our lives at Sacred Heart Academy. What a privilege it is to be here, to watch our students blossom into independent, selfconfident, caring women, eager to take their place in the world. I so enjoy continually hearing stories of generations of women who have passed through our doors, and all the ways they live out the foundation they received here. They witness to the fulfillment of the Gospel challenge, “To whom much is given, much is expected.” All that we do here at the Academy is directly related to all that you do for us. Your prayers and your sharing of time, talent, and treasure help us accomplish great things that otherwise would not be possible. On behalf of the thousands of wonderful young women whom we have had the privilege of educating, I thank you. Know that as we celebrate year 70 and move into year 71 and beyond, you are helping to build a better world. Gratefully in the Heart of Christ,

Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 President


“Sr. Kathleen Mary leads with a caring and kind heart and seeks to inspire students to achieve their full potential. We warmly welcome her back to Sacred Heart Academy.” Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71



tudents, parents, faculty, and alumnae gathered in August in the Alumnae Rose Garden to welcome our new principal, Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ASCJ, ’76.

A native of Connecticut and a graduate of Sacred Heart, Sr. Kathleen Mary entered the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus following her high school graduation and professed her final vows in 1984. Sister holds a Bachelor of Science in Education from Duquesne University and a Master of Arts in Administration and Supervision from Manhattan College. She begins her ministry as principal of Sacred Heart Academy with 36 years of experience both as teacher and administrator. Sr. Kathleen Mary has taught on the elementary and secondary levels in Connecticut, Missouri, and Pennsylvania, served as principal of St. Raphael School in Bridgeport, and as assistant principal at Sacred Heart Academy from 2002-2006. For the last ten years she was principal of our sister school, Cor Jesu Academy, where she was the first principal to serve in the president/principal leadership model, a model also


used here. Throughout her tenure at Cor Jesu, Sister strengthened the solid tradition of academic excellence and faith formation, hallmarks of a Cor Jesu and Sacred Heart education. “I am very happy and excited to be back at Sacred Heart Academy, a strong community of learners who continually use the gifts that God has given them to grow to their full potential and to reach out in service to others. Since my return, I have experienced the enthusiasm and joy of faculty, students, and parents and I am enjoying being a part of this community. As we work together this year I pray that we may be the compassionate presence of God for each other and support and encourage one another as we 'embrace the gifts that God has given us to strive ever higher.’ ” “Sr. Kathleen Mary leads with a caring and kind heart and seeks to inspire students to achieve their full potential. We warmly welcome her back to Sacred Heart Academy,” offered President Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 at the welcoming reception.

“Since my return, I have experienced the enthusiasm and joy of faculty, students, and parents and I am enjoying being a part of this community.” Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ASCJ, ’76


— The Social Studies Department — BREATHING LIFE INTO HISTORY

The Sacred Heart Social Studies Department, from left to right, Rebecca Hyland Lendroth ’01, Department Chair Susan Allen, Richard Marino, Eileen Halloran ’04, and Tara Cantore.


ho are we, we Americans? How did we get where we are? What is our story and what can it teach us? Our story is our history, and if ever we should be taking steps to see that we have the best prepared, most aware citizens ever, that time is now.” So said the famed historian, David McCullough, in a recent plea to intensify the study of history in American schools. With the recent emphasis on STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) across the country, the importance of some traditional disciplines, including history, have been challenged. However, Sacred Heart Academy prizes its Social Studies Department,


The Social Studies Department has taken several steps over the past few years to implement an even more rigorous and relevant curriculum. recognizing that it is our duty to produce not just good students but responsible citizens. In this spirit, the Social Studies Department has taken several steps over the past few years to implement an even more rigorous and

relevant curriculum. Department members are excited about the introduction of new classes. This year, the freshmen will begin with Ancient Civilizations spanning ancient Egypt, Greece, and Rome all the way to the Middle Ages in order to provide students with an understanding of the basis of Western civilization. Building on this new foundation, the following year the department will offer a new Advanced Placement option for sophomores — AP European History. It will be the first AP course offered to sophomores at Sacred Heart to provide the same opportunities for students who excel in the humanities as for those who excel in math and science. New elective courses in

“The Social Studies Department has taught me that history is about more than facts — it is a guide. Now each time I go to class I am eager to learn and also to connect what I learn to my daily life.” Katie Mackey ’17

law and the history of art will also be offered. The law class will include an introduction to civil and criminal law and a mock trial component to engage students in the study of the judicial system. The art history course will provide a survey of the evolution of art from classical times to the 20th century by studying renowned art and artists.    “We hope that these courses will provide opportunities for students to improve the critical thinking skills offered in a liberal arts education, preparing them for careers in any field,” says Department Chair Susan Allen. “It is vital to expose students to the critical analysis that takes place in a social studies classroom,” adds department member Rebecca Hyland Lendroth ’01.  “It’s more than memorizing history; it’s about thinking through historical events and deeply questioning how and why our world exists as it does today. This foundation will stay with our Excelsior women as they navigate college and beyond." In addition to these new courses, the department also offers Psychology at the college prep and AP level, taught by Rebecca, and Middle Eastern Studies and Asian Studies, taught by Eileen Halloran ’04. In an effort to further immerse his students in history as a living subject, department

veteran Rich Marino will accompany his AP US Government classes to Washington, D.C. for four days in April. “One of the goals is to give students firsthand information on the operation of the three branches of government. We will visit both the House and Senate and hopefully be invited down on the floor. Then we will tour and sit inside the Supreme Court and hear one of the court clerks explain how the justices listen to arguments and write opinions, and finally we will visit the White House.” The trip will also give students the opportunity to see important national and cultural icons. “We will tour the Martin Luther King, Jr. Monument, the Vietnam and World War II Memorials, the Smithsonian museums, and the Changing of the Guard and the Eternal Flame at Arlington National Cemetery,” says Rich. The trip will conclude on Sunday with Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception at Catholic University and a tour of the Holocaust Memorial. “It is important that the students experience the emotional impact of this illustration of man’s inhumanity to man.” The department’s impact on the student body is best illustrated by the testimony of the students themselves. Julia Davis ’17 was encouraged by Tara Cantore, who teaches AP US History, to apply for a scholarship to attend the 2016 Civil War Institute Summer Conference at Gettysburg

College. Julia received one of ten scholarships to attend in June. The conference used historical themes to address modern controversies, such as the relationship between southern heritage, the Confederate flag, and the first amendment, and the ethics of various battle tactics that were pioneered during the Civil War. The conference helped Julia understand that history is always relevant, no matter how far in the past the events occurred, something which her teachers have worked to instill in her. Katie Mackey ’17 has also been heavily influenced by the Social Studies Department and owes her love of history to its teachers. “Before coming to Sacred Heart, I disliked history,” she recalls. “Between poor teachers and a general lack of interest, history was my absolute least favorite subject. But all of that changed during sophomore year in my Honors Western Civilization class. It brought history to life. Since then I have realized the impact history has on the present.” Katie understands what is so vital about our Social Studies Department, and as she recounts its impact on her life it is almost as if she is answering David McCullough’s call. “The Social Studies Department has taught me that history is about more than facts — it is a guide. Now each time I go to class I am eager to learn and also to connect what I learn to my daily life.”


— Our Alumnae — PROVIDING THE TOOLS TO BUILD A BETTER WORLD Today most people look at the world and think it needs to be repaired or improved in some way. The alumnae featured here share similar concerns but take it one step further. They strive every day to manifest the changes they wish to see in their respective careers. They work tirelessly with children from low-income homes, families trying to break the cycle of poverty, and immigrants struggling within a strained legal system. These alumnae aren’t just giving back to these vulnerable populations — they are empowering them to build a better world for future generations.

MOLLIE QUINN ’05, Director of College Counseling BRIGID QUINN ’07, Director of Development at Cristo Rey New York High School


raduating from Sacred Heart only two years apart, sisters Mollie Quinn ’05 and Brigid Quinn ’07 shared in many of the same community service experiences. Whether they were collecting stockings at Christmas, visiting the Sisters at the Manor, serving dinner at Ronald McDonald House, or fundraising for Tsunami victims, service was natural and organic to their Sacred Heart experience. “Giving back was at the heart of my SHA education and whether required or not, everyone felt compelled to participate in meaningful community service,” says Mollie. Brigid agrees, “There was a strong service community at Sacred Heart, but there were always so many opportunities that it never felt like an obligation.” After graduating, Mollie and Brigid attended Providence College, where they remained committed to service, and then enrolled in the Cristo Rey New York High School full-time residential volunteer program in East Harlem.

“Giving back was at the heart of my SHA education and whether required or not, everyone felt compelled to participate in meaningful community service.” Mollie Quinn ’05

In support of the school’s goal of empowering students to transform the world, Mollie and Brigid enrolled in the school’s two-year volunteer program, serving the Cristo Rey community by teaching, moderating extra-curricular activities, coaching, and training students for the work study program. Volunteers in the residential program receive a small monthly stipend, an AmeriCorps Education Award, and other benefits like loan forbearance. After completing the volunteer program, Mollie and Brigid both elected to continue their work with Cristo Rey, accepting full-time positions at the school. “I was fortunate to have had the opportunity to attend Sacred Heart and experience the benefits of a Catholic education. Not everyone has that opportunity,” says Brigid, director of development at Cristo Rey. “Working at Cristo Rey in the development office helps ensure that students who would not otherwise have the opportunity to receive a private Catholic education can do so.”

Because Cristo Rey serves a low-income population, Brigid and Mollie are working with students coming from some of the poorest neighborhoods in New York City and are often first-generation children of immigrants. Without a supportive network like the one at Cristo Rey, many of these students would not have the resources to finish high school, much less attend college. “Many of my students are earning diplomas not only for themselves, but for their parents,” says Mollie, Cristo Rey’s director of college counseling. “They are breaking the tremendous cycle of poverty that exists in their neighborhoods and fulfilling the dreams of their parents, many of whom made incredible sacrifices to come to the United States.” In their respective roles, Mollie and Brigid advocate for the students at Cristo Rey, ensuring that they have the skills to succeed in high school, college, and future careers. The odds are stacked against many of these students, but because the faculty and staff are so committed, many of them go on to attend some of the best colleges and universities in the country. This is a strong example of how having access to information breaks down many of the barriers and inequalities that exist in higher education.


Mollie Quinn ’05 counsels a Cristo Rey student on his college options.


STEPHANIE WHITE ’94, Discovery Lab Teacher at Quinnipiac STEM Magnet School


t’s no secret that some of the best teachers possess an infectious love of learning. That’s certainly true for Stephanie White ’94, Discovery Lab teacher at Quinnipiac STEM Magnet School in New Haven, who was recognized as the 2015-2016 Teacher of the Year for New Haven Public Schools. “Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a teacher. I was trying to teach my younger brother how to read and do math when I was eight,” recalls Stephanie. “It was such an amazing feeling to be named New Haven’s Teacher of the Year. All my hard work throughout my career as a teacher was recognized.”

Sisters Mollie ’05 (left) and Brigid Quinn ’07 on the Cristo Rey campus in East Harlem. “There is so much racial, social, and economic inequality on college campuses, particularly the more selective institutions,” says Mollie. “By giving my students information about the college application process and encouraging them to apply to places like Brown and Georgetown, we are helping transform the landscape of higher education. Our students bring their own unique cultural perspectives and give everyone a more meaningful college experience reflecting the world we live in.” Considering their parallel careers, it’s no surprise that Mollie and Brigid have remained close in both their professional and personal lives. “As a student at Sacred Heart, I never pictured myself working alongside Mollie. It just worked out that way,” says Brigid. “It adds a unique aspect to the workplace. We don’t work together on a daily basis, but if I want to bounce an idea off her, she’s right upstairs.” Mollie and Brigid also supported Cristo Rey and one another in 2015, when they ran the NYC Marathon. Together, they raised over $6,000 for the school and they both acknowledged that having the Cristo Rey students on their minds while they ran was a huge motivating factor. The desire to work for the benefit of others is something they learned early from their


“Our mother taught us the importance of serving others...service wasn’t so much a requirement as it was just something she did. So we did it, too.” Brigid Quinn ’07 mother, Mary-Ann Haran, Esq., who serves on our Advisory Council and chairs the Mission Advancement Committee, is a founding board member of LifeHaven, and is an active member of the Catholic Charity League. “Throughout my life I’ve learned that giving back to your community is not only personally fulfilling, but part of one’s life purpose,” says Mary-Ann. “To be able to share that vision with my daughters has been enormously satisfying, and I know all the values I have tried to instill in them were joyfully reinforced by the Apostles during their experience at Sacred Heart.” “Our mother taught us the importance of serving others,” confirms Brigid. “Whether we were going with her to volunteer at LifeHaven or serve dinner at Columbus House, service wasn’t so much a requirement as it was just something she did. So we did it, too.”

Despite her early interest in education, Stephanie tried out a few other career tracks including business, accounting, and public relations. But even within those fields, Stephanie always gravitated toward staff training and community service programs. While working full-time at a public relations firm in Boston, she decided to complete her Master’s in Elementary Education at Lesley University in preparation for a transition to teaching. “I loved my job at the PR firm, but I didn’t feel that the work I was doing was helping the world become a better place,” says Stephanie. “Sacred Heart taught us the importance of service and giving back to the community. I think that’s one of the reasons I chose to become a teacher. My amazing experience at Sacred Heart led me to follow in the footsteps of the great instructors I had.” After teaching in Massachusetts for three years and then at Christopher Columbus Family Academy for 11 years, Stephanie took on the role of Discovery Lab teacher at Quinnipiac STEM in 2014. “My main job as a STEM teacher is to create 21st century learners, those who can collaborate, communicate, and work in a cooperative manner,” she says. “When students in my class work on an engineering problem, they never work alone. I never expect any one student to have all the answers. They need to see that it takes teamwork to solve a problem and teamwork to learn from your mistakes.”

Stephanie White ’94 with her class.

“Ever since I was a little girl, I wanted to be a teacher... It was such an amazing feeling to be named New Haven’s Teacher of the Year.” Stephanie White ’94 Stephanie puts a tremendous amount of thought into what comprises a 21st century learner. She considers the strengths and weaknesses of her students when creating class teams, fosters a love of learning for less exciting material, and differentiates to accommodate the varying needs of her 297 students. Fortunately, they are as passionate about learning as she is. “We are a Title 1 School, so the students come in wanting to learn and work hard because school is the safest place for a lot of them,” notes Stephanie. “When they enter the Discovery Lab, they are excited to see what challenges face them as engineers and scientists. Students love working with their hands to create something or solve a problem, just like many professionals do in the real world.” In order to be an outstanding STEM teacher, Stephanie also has to effectively integrate technology into the Discovery Lab. Many people are intimidated by technology’s ever-evolving nature, but Stephanie sees technology as a tremendous aid to engage her students and encourage them to share her love of learning.

“My personal love for technology and staying on top of technology trends has greatly impacted the education of my students,” she says. “I use an app called ‘Nearpod’ to manage my students’ educational content, allowing me to personalize instruction for my higher level learners to enrich their experience and push them further.” Quinnipiac STEM teacher Patricia McHugh Harkins ’82 echoes the role that Stephanie’s own love of learning plays in her students’ successes. “Her love for teaching and for her students is contagious,” offers Tricia. “She inspires all of us here. She is constantly learning more so that she can provide her students with the best education possible, and is always willing to share what she learns with her colleagues. She is simply the best!” As she moves into her third year of teaching at Quinnipiac STEM, Stephanie has big plans to continue using technology to engage her 21st century learners. She recently began using an online fundraising site for public schools called DonorsChoose.org to acquire materials for her

classroom, everything from building supplies to circuitry kits to small, programmable robots that teach kids about coding. The only thing moving and growing faster than technology are Stephanie’s students; she works with kindergarteners through fifth graders, welcoming both new and returning students year after year. Former students often stop by to update her on their successes and ask for help with college applications. Given her widely recognized dedication as a teacher, there is no question that every student who leaves Stephanie’s classroom does so with the skills needed to help build a better world. “As kids grow, it’s great to see their young minds being shaped into amazing thinkers,” says Stephanie. “Sometimes you see their progress immediately, but some rewards happen down the road. Watching a student who has struggled finally put his work together and use technology to proudly show his peers is one of those lightbulb moments that makes a teacher’s heart melt.”


MARY ELLEN BURNS, ASCJ, ’74, Founder and Director of Apostle Immigrant Services


fter graduating from Yale Law School in 1989 and working in non-profit organizations in New York City for nearly 20 years, Sr. Mary Ellen Burns, ASCJ, ’74 returned home to the Provincialate in 2008 and formed Apostle Immigrant Services (AIS), a non-profit organization designed to aid local immigrants.

“We find Jesus in the margins — the margins of the Church, our society, and the peripheries of our own lives.” Sr. Mary Ellen Burns, ASCJ, ’74

“Starting AIS was both a response to the growing needs of our immigrant communities and a return to my roots,” says Sr. Mary Ellen. “I am privileged to be part of AIS. The Sisters first came to New Haven in 1906 to serve Italian immigrants, and AIS now stands just a short distance from where that all began.”

“Without our assistance, clients would either lose the opportunity to gain immigration benefits, go to an unauthorized ‘notario’ or other untrained person, or borrow thousands of dollars to pay private attorney fees,” says Sr. Mary Ellen. “In all of these scenarios, they are taking a risk. Some of our clients are in shelters or inpatient mental health facilities and without us, they simply would not get the help they need.” The services provided by AIS are invaluable, yet Sr. Mary Ellen confides that AIS receives far more requests for help than their limited capital can accommodate. Thankfully, AIS benefits from the vital assistance of several Sacred Heart volunteers, including students. The Academy Student


“Service is not only an integral part of the Christian life, it goes beyond simply giving from the top down,” Sister shares. “It’s a mutual exchange. Jesus teaches us that we encounter Him in those who are ‘the least.’ But ‘the least' means different things to different people. We find Jesus in the margins — the margins of the Church, our society, and the peripheries of our own lives.” For many in the immigrant community, being among ‘the least’ comes with a steep price. Though immigrants and refugees are no less human than legal citizens, they are often treated as such. But Sr. Mary Ellen stresses that they simply want the same things as everyone else — basic healthcare, food on the table, dignified work, a decent education, and a safe place to live and raise their children.

Operating with a small staff out of an office in New Haven, AIS provides much-needed services to immigrants searching for assistance with any of the following — applying for permanent residence, obtaining a US citizenship, reuniting with family members, renewing green cards, and receiving employment authorization. Sr. Mary Ellen and fellow Apostle, Sr. Doretta D’Albero, ASCJ, ’77, work together at AIS helping clients navigate the murky waters of immigration law. Sr. Doretta has been training in immigration law since AIS opened in 2008. She and Sr. Mary Ellen accompany clients to interviews with US Citizenship and Immigration Services in cases involving applications for naturalization and legal permanent residency. They serve with compassion and diplomacy, all for an extremely low fee.

ASCJ. The collaboration between AIS and Sacred Heart is one that resonates deeply with Sr. Mary Ellen.

“We can only do for our clients what the law allows,” says Sr. Mary Ellen. “We can’t help someone get a benefit when our broken immigration framework does not provide a benefit for them. It’s difficult to tell a client that there is nothing they can do to improve their status here, but we believe that telling them the truth is a work of mercy. Hopefully it helps them avoid being preyed upon by someone who will take their money based on false promises.”

Sr. Mary Ellen Burns, ASCJ, ’74 consults with clients at AIS, helping them navigate the murky waters of immigration law. Internship Program sends three rising seniors into the office each summer. In the past, AIS has also welcomed student volunteers as part of its Homework Assistance Program which provides homework help and skill development to children at St. Francis/St. Rose School. The program is entirely staffed by volunteers, including its director, Sr. Susan Emmerich,

Though the face of the immigrant population is as diverse as the wide-reaching countries they come from, Sr. Mary Ellen ultimately sees every client who comes into her office as an opportunity to follow in Jesus’ footsteps — to welcome the stranger and be a neighbor to the outsiders in our communities. She opens her heart and her office to those who need assistance, never running from the chance to find Jesus in the margins, despite the challenges that the work often presents. “I believe that all of us together, the AIS staff, volunteers, and clients, are working to strengthen families and ultimately our communities and society as a whole. I think we provide a little light of hope in the often dark public discourse on immigration as we help to build a better world,” says Sister.

— Celebrating 70 Years — 1946 - 2016

At the Mass of Thanksgiving in celebration of the 70th anniversary of Notre Dame High School and Sacred Heart Academy — Left, (from left) Notre Dame Student Council President Jerrell Dorsey ’17, Notre Dame President Robert Curis, Sacred Heart President Sr. Sheila O'Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D.,’71, and Sacred Heart Student Council President Katherine Mackey ’17. Right, ASCJ Provincial Superior Sr. Ritamary Schulz, ASCJ, ’59 — two-time principal of Sacred Heart, and Br. James Branigan, CSC — former president of Notre Dame.


eventy years ago, Sacred Heart Academy was founded by a young Sister on a mission. Sr. Antonine Signorelli, ASCJ established the Academy in an old mansion on New Haven’s Greene Street in 1946, after a tremendous amount of prayer, grace, and tenacity. Originally boasting just 17 students and a handful of Sisters on staff, much has changed in 70 years — the beautiful, sprawling campus on Benham Street, the student body which has grown to more than 500 students, a faculty and staff comprised of both Apostles and lay teachers, and various state and national recognitions of the high caliber of education provided.

Sacred Heart has planned a variety of events throughout the school year highlighting, in particular, the relationship we have with our brother school, Notre Dame High School of West Haven, also celebrating 70 years since its inception.

To commemorate how far we have come, Sacred Heart has planned a variety of events throughout the school year highlighting, in particular, the relationship we have with our brother school, Notre Dame High School of West Haven, also celebrating 70 years since its inception. The first of these celebratory events was a gathering in September honoring our first graduates, known collectively as the Greene Street Girls.

The reception highlighted them as pioneers and keepers of a vital component of the school’s legacy that is often forgotten — that these few women and their families were the first to have faith in Sr. Antonine’s vision and entrusted their education to the Apostles of the Sacred Heart. “You are the reason the school is here,” said Alumnae Director Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77 in her address to the women, many of whom are in their eighties. The event was a wonderful merging of the Academy’s heritage with its promising future.

“Continuing the year-long celebration of 70 years of excellence in Catholic education, Sacred Heart Academy joined with Notre Dame in a joyous liturgy in September at St. Rita Church,” offers Director of Admissions Elaine Lamboley ’60. “Because Notre Dame High School is also celebrating 70 years and has shared in so many liturgies, concerts, plays, and events with Sacred Heart over the years, it was fitting to begin our celebratory year with a liturgy and reception together.” Elaine recalls the impact the Sacred Heart/Notre Dame relationship had on her as a student. “I well remember my years as


The Greene Street Girls and their families were the first to have faith in Sr. Antonine’s vision and entrusted their education to the Apostles of the Sacred Heart .

Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 addressing the Greene Street Girls.

a student at Sacred Heart, and, especially, the awaited Spring Festival at Notre Dame each year, where we joined as “Sacred Heart Academy Corettes” with the “Notre Dame Knights” in a spectacular performance. Now, our students continue to act and sing together in performance and other social events, yet also engage in more meaningful campus ministry and community support activities.”

what promises to be a huge hit for students, there will be a fashion show highlighting the development of the Sacred Heart uniform through the decades as well as a sock-hop with Notre Dame which will include a service component. Several additional student activities and events are currently in the planning stage with the likelihood that more will be added throughout the year.

In honor of our 70th anniversary, a photo will be taken from atop the Academy’s entrance where the entire student body will assemble outside in the shape of the number 70. As a way to link the old with the new, Sacred Heart’s social media pages will feature #takemebacktuesday, presenting interesting facts from the school’s inaugural year. In

The celebrations occurring are meant to remind us that Sacred Heart Academy’s best days are not simply behind us, but before us. The legacy of the past 70 years has built a foundation which ensures that the next 70 will be just as blessed and successful as the first.

Check our social media pages to read about interesting facts from the school’s inaugural year.


Lorraine Paszkeicz D’Ambruoso ’60 graduated from Sacred Heart with a special gift, one that she has carried with her throughout her dedicated career. “Sr. Aloysius Como, ASCJ instilled in me the love of language,” she says. “I really learned to love French because of her.” As a lifelong supporter of nationwide language education in California, where she moved with her family after graduating from Sacred Heart, Lorraine taught French and AP English to high school students for 35 years, took on numerous leadership roles in language advocacy groups, and has received numerous awards for sharing her passion for non-English languages across the state. “So many languages are spoken across the country, and they are not 'foreign',” says Lorraine, who doesn’t use the term when referring to languages other than English. “They are the maternal languages of the non-native people who live here, and we need to encourage them to maintain these languages while they learn English. My parents were second generation Italians, and they told my grandparents not to speak Italian to me when I was learning English. That’s a loss I still feel today.”


Lorraine Paszkeicz D’Ambruoso ’60

Though her love of language began with French, Lorraine supports the presence of many other non-English languages. She worked with the University of California at Berkeley to expand education for Spanish and Vietnamese learners, and has spent the past five years working with colleagues to establish Mandarin Chinese programs throughout California. In fact, all of the work Lorraine has done since graduating from the University of Santa Clara in 1964 has revolved around promoting and promulgating the spread of non-English languages on the West Coast. While Lorraine enjoyed teaching high school, her interests eventually shifted toward educating educators, or helping other teachers improve their instruction methods and advocating for better statewide standards. “As the years went by, I became more involved with teacher training, realizing that world language educators had little or no voice at the tables where policy was made and funds were allocated,” Lorraine says. “So I retired from the classroom to become executive director for the California Language Teachers Association (CLTA), with hope that I could be a voice for my chosen profession.”

And a voice she was! Under Lorraine’s direction, CLTA successfully advocated for a framework of best practices and proficiency standards, funding for teacher development, textbook recommendations and approval of Spanish for Spanish speakers programs. When Lorraine retired as executive director in 2014 to become a full-time caregiver for her elderly mother, CLTA established an award in her name — The Lorraine D’Ambruoso Award for Meritorious Service to the Profession. The award is given to exceptional educators and members of CLTA. Another notable award for Lorraine’s dedication came from the French Government, which welcomed Lorraine twice into the Ordre des Palmes Académiques (Order of Academic Palms), once as an officer and then again as a knight, recognizing her contributions to French education. Though she is officially retired from both teaching and leadership duties, Lorraine remains active in language education, primarily because she believes that learning a multitude of languages — as well as how to apply them in the real world — is integral to the success of our upcoming generations. “When I first began coordinating these efforts to improve language instruction, I liked seeing students actually use the languages they were studying for real world purposes in culturally appropriate ways,” she says. “The biggest challenge for those of us working in this field is that people still think English is all one needs to succeed. But in our global society, young people need to learn other languages and cultures in order to contribute and prosper.”

Currently, Lorraine co-convenes the annual Seminar for World Language Educators at the University of California at Santa Barbara, which draws teachers from across the nation, including those who teach less common languages such as Mandarin, Farsi, Arabic, and Hindi. She is also chair of the advisory board for the California World Language Project and sits on the board of directors for the French-American School of Silicon Valley. She remains a tireless advocate for language education in California and, more importantly, a passionate learner herself. She was recently accepted into a doctoral program in social justice at Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara; she does not yet know what she will do with her degree, but is looking forward to the challenges it will present. Being accepted into the doctoral program is yet another in a long list of accomplishments for this Greene Street Girl, whose freshman class was the last to enter into Sacred Heart’s original school building on Greene Street in New Haven. Lorraine still traces her love of learning back to the Academy, where she remembers relishing the challenges of academia. “Sacred Heart made me what I am today,” she says. “My family did not have a lot of money. Buying textbooks and uniforms was a heavy burden for us. I didn’t participate in after-school activities because I worked at Pegnataro’s grocery store to help pay my expenses. I adored the Sisters, who were all so giving and encouraging. At the age of 74, I am a lifelong learner, the best result of my days at Sacred Heart.” You inspire us, Lorraine Paszkeicz D’Ambruoso ’60, this issue’s Excelsior Woman!

This column is dedicated to Sacred Heart Academy’s Excelsior Women. Nominate your Excelsior Woman by emailing alumnae@sacredhearthamden.org.


STUDENT SPOTLIGHT Judith Suffrard ’17

Judith proudly presents the Haitian flag.

Sometimes, service is just as much about going home as about traveling to a different country. For Judith Suffrard ’17, it is more the former. Even though she was born in the United States, her family is from Haiti and Haitian culture has been formative for her. She fondly recalls all the different cultural cues she had to sort through as a child. “In Haiti, saying ‘Hello’ to your mother or anyone older than you is considered disrespectful, but in America it’s perfectly fine. In the US, looking someone in the eye is encouraged, but not in Haiti. I had to grow up and learn how to be respectful in both cultures.” An important principle in Haitian culture is service, and this has had a lasting impression on Judith. In August she went on her first mission trip to Haiti to a rural place called Pestel, where her parents grew up and lived before immigrating to the US. She traveled with her parents and other members of her congregation. Upon arrival she felt something of a culture shock. “In this part of Haiti, there are no paved roads, electricity, running water, or well-constructed buildings. Dirt roads are carved into the mountain and many people fear traveling as it can be very dangerous because cars sometimes go over the edge.” The lack of

“Service is about receiving and understanding something from the people you serve.” Judith Suffrard, ’17 amenities that Judith encountered seemed daunting at first. “When I was there, my shower consisted of rain water, a bucket, and a stall made out of branches and palm tree leaves,” she offers. Far more significant were issues with some of the people she encountered. “The purpose of the trip was to go out into the streets and teach people about Jesus. It was a mission trip in the purest sense of the word. But there were a lot of people in the neighborhood who seriously practiced voodoo and owed money to voodoo practitioners for various reasons. Those people did not want to hear about Christianity, and so we put ourselves in physical danger simply by being Christians. We put our faith in God and trusted that he was watching over us.” In the United States, the thought of persecution for being a Christian is a thing of the past. In reality,

people face danger for their religious beliefs even in the Western Hemisphere. Judith’s experience highlights the many material and spiritual privileges Americans have that can easily be taken for granted. “Service is more than just giving,” says Judith. “It is about receiving and understanding something from the people you serve.” Judith is quick to mention that Haiti is also a rich country in another sense. “There is richness in Haiti that Americans may not understand,” she shares. “After I saw Pestel with my own eyes, I tried to envision growing up like my parents did. It would mean that I wouldn’t know English or the alphabet. I would not have had many clothes to wear, or a reliable source of clean water, or indoor plumbing. But I would have known many other things. I would have known how to worship. Haitian Christians adore God as though He is the only thing they have, which He is.” The biggest lesson that Judith learned in Haiti was that service cannot be reduced to feeling good about helping others. “To me, service is about giving your heart, about sacrificing your comfort and security.”

Student Spotlight appears in each issue of HEART profiling students who excel in unique ways. If you would like to nominate a student for Student Spotlight, please email bgriffin@sacredhearthamden.org. 16

AROUND THE ACADEMY Elizabeth Lamont ’17 Recognized as a National Merit Commended Student

Forty AP Scholars Recognized for Excellence The College Board’s Advanced Placement Program provides academically prepared students the opportunity to take rigorous college-level courses while still in high school and to earn advanced placement and/or credit in college for successful performance on the AP Exams. AP Scholar Awards recognize students who have demonstrated college-level achievement in AP courses. We congratulate the following students for their outstanding achievement on the 2016 AP Exams:

Elizabeth Lamont ’17 has been named a Commended Student in the 2017 National Merit Scholarship Program. Each year approximately 34,000 students receive this distinction based on their exceptional academic promise and their achievement on the PSAT. Commended Students place among the top five percent of more than 1.6 million students entering the competition. “These students have demonstrated outstanding potential and represent a valuable national resource,” offered a spokesperson for the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Congratulations to Elizabeth on her strong performance in this highly competitive program. Sacred Heart is proud!

AP SCHOLAR ı Granted to students who receive a score of 3 or higher on three or more AP Exams: Caroline Berberian ’17, Maximillian Bonito ’16, Laura Card ’16, Juliana Cofrancesco ’16, Julia Davis ’17, Laura Dolan ’16, Bilge Felek ’16, Sarah Ferrie ’16, Julie Grammatico ’16, Francesca Guarnieri ’16, Sarah Jacobson ’16, Meghan Jerram ’16, Abigail Kelly ’17, Monika Krah ’17, Elizabeth LoPreiato ’17, Elisabeth McMahon ’16, Jacqueline O’Brien ’16, Sophie Park ’17, Jaime Robinson ’16, Abigail Roth ’16, Emily Russo ’16, Catherine Valloso ’17, and Venissala Wongchai ’16 AP SCHOLAR WITH HONOR ı Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.25 on all AP

Exams taken, and a score of 3 or higher on four or more exams: Molly Bishop ’16, Anna Garbolski ’16, Samantha Kennedy ’16, Elizabeth Lamont ’17, Selena Livramento ’16, Isabella Mesturini ’16, Elizabeth Smith ’16, and Emily Wielk ’16 AP SCHOLAR WITH DISTINCTION ı Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 3.5 on all AP Exams taken, and a score of 3 or higher on five or more exams: Kristen Austin ’16, Mitali Banerjee ’16, Helena Bui ’16, Carmen Clarkin ’16, Marisa Mantovani ’16, Isobel Munday ’16, Kaitlin Nealon ’16, Jennifer Piciw ’16, and Christine Walsh ’16 NATIONAL AP SCHOLAR ı Granted to students who receive an average score of at least 4 on all AP Exams taken, and a score of 4 or higher on eight or more exams: Jennifer Piciw ’16 Sacred Heart offers 20 Advanced Placement (AP) courses on campus or through Online School for Girls in Biology, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, Chemistry, Computer Science, English Language and Composition, English Literature, Environmental Science, French Language, Human Geography, Latin: Vergil, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, Music Theory, Physics 1, Spanish Language, Statistics, US Government, Psychology, and US History.

Science National Honor Society Induction In September, our chapter of the Science National Honor Society (SNHS) inducted 25 members. To qualify for membership students meet strict requirements of grade point average and science class enrollment. SNHS is involved in tutoring, hosting Mole Day activities, and running the school Science Fair in February. Congratulations to the newest members of the Science National Honor Society: Charlotte Beatty ’18, Haley Bothwell ’18, Caitlin Buckley ’18, Anne Cunningham ’17, Jacqueline Esposito ’17, Alexa Fiala ’17, Olivia Franco ’17, Clare Gagliano ’17, Yogasai Gazula ’17, Keely Greiner ’18, Maia Jakubowski ’18, Jiwon Jeong ’18, Rachel Joyce ’18, Arushi Khanna ’18, Madeleine Lagarde ’17, Eunji Lee ’18, Katherine Mackey ’17, Sara Martin ’17, Laura Mocciola ’18, Avishan Montazer ’18, Elisa Palmieri ’17, Priya Patel ’17, Roselynn Thattil ’18, Jenna Tubby ’17, and Amy Ziobron ’18.

Mu Alpha Theta Inducts New Members This fall, 16 new members were inducted into the Sacred Heart chapter of Mu Alpha Theta, the National Mathematics Honor Society. Members are academically qualified juniors and seniors who maintain strict grade point average requirements and excel in high level math courses. They participate in Math League and the Study Buddy Tutoring Program, and host schoolwide Pi Day activities. The induction was held in a joint ceremony with the Science National Honor Society. Congratulations to the following students inducted as new members: Caitlin Buckley ’18, Jeanne Marie Cassidy ’17, Alexa Fiala ’17, Clare Gagliano ’17, Keely Greiner ’18, Jiwon Jeong ’18, Arushi Khanna ’18, Madeleine Lagarde ’17, Eunji Lee ’18, Alysse Mastriano ’17, Meredith McConnell ’18, Anna Pienkos ’18, Erika Spaulding ’17, Roselynn Thattil ’18, Catherine Valloso ’17, and Amy Ziobron ’18. 17

AROUND THE ACADEMY Musical Cast and Crew Save Our Sound

Stop and Shop for SHA We are once again participating in the Stop and Shop A+ Rewards program, a simple and easy way to support Sacred Heart. Each time you use your Stop and Shop card when shopping, Sacred Heart gets points, and points convert to dollars at the end of the year! Haven’t registered your card yet? Here’s how: 1. Go to http://www.stopandshop.com/aplus 2. Under the “Designate Your School” heading in blue, click the “Register Your Card” button. 3. In the grey box entitled “Sign in to Register Your Card,” enter the first three letters of your last name and your Stop & Shop card number. Then click the “Continue to Listings” button. 4. The easiest way to select Sacred Heart Academy is to use the “Express Registration” form. Simply enter our school’s code, 07652, next to “School 1.” You can be registered for up to two schools at once. Click the “Register” button to complete your registration. Please spread the word to family members and friends!

“God gave us a bountiful garden, but we have turned it into a polluted wasteland of debris, desolation, and filth,” Pope Francis writes in Laudato Si, a papal document released to coincide with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. Each year the cast and crew of our musical participates in a service project. Inspired by our Pope, the cast and crew this year decided to act on his words. Being “Under the Sea” can be fun, but the reality of living on the Connecticut shoreline is another story. By partnering with the non-profit organization, Save Our Sound, this year’s “Little Mermaid” team committed to several beach clean-ups throughout the month of September. Preserving nature is a vital aspect of the Pope’s call to action and our students responded with hours of dedicated service by cleaning up our shoreline.


acred Heart is my second family. As with any family, I want the best for every member of my Sacred Heart family. This has been my focus during my time at

Sacred Heart. This year I am serving as president of Student Council. Sacred Heart has an amazing student body, and I

Katie Mackey ’17

Please enjoy our feature where we hope, in 265 words or less, to capture a snapshot of life at the Academy from one of our faculty or staff, students, or alumnae.

am honored and excited to represent it. As class treasurer in my freshman and sophomore years, class president in junior year, and now STUCO president, I have learned so much — determination, perseverance, hard work, time management, and, most importantly, compassion. I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to establish many new events and initiatives in these leadership roles — charity events to raise money for Haiti, a schoolwide dog therapy session, and the new athletic branding. The Student Council is ready for a great year in which we hope to introduce new things as we continue tradition. At the end of this year I will graduate and be leaving my sisters at Sacred Heart — not only my fellow student sisters, but my actual sisters, Annie ’20 and Liz ’18. It’s nice to think that what I’ve done has helped to build a better school community.


New Faculty Welcomed conductor in her native country. Vesna is currently music director and conductor of the Hamden Symphony Orchestra and a professor and conductor of the Quinnipiac University Orchestra. Mauricio Mayorga teaches Pre-Calculus, AP Statistics, and Statistics. He earned a B.A. in Computer Science and Mathematics at Western Connecticut State University and is currently pursuing a master’s degree in mathematics.

From left, Nicole Granucci, Mauricio Mayorga, Megan Callahan, Sr. Lisa Retort, ASCJ, Patrick Grady, Mary Beth Lombardi-Mack, Anna Patel, Vesna Mehinovic, and Sr. Lauren Zak, ASCJ. President Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ‘71 and Principal Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ASCJ, ’76 announce new appointments for the 2016-17 academic year: Patrick Grady teaches Biology, Genetics, and Microbiology. He is a graduate of Xavier High School in Middletown and received a B.S. in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology from the University of Connecticut and a M.S. in Entomology from the University of Illinois. Nicole Granucci teaches Physics, AP Physics, and Astronomy, and co-moderates the Science National Honor Society (SNHS). She earned a B.S. in Physics from the University of Connecticut, a M.S. in Science Education from the University of New Haven, and is currently pursuing an

We Are the

additional Master of Applied Physics – Optics/ Astronomy at Southern Connecticut State University (SCSU). She adjuncts at SCSU and Quinnipiac University teaching General Physics and Physics of Music. Mary Beth Lombardi-Mack is our new Spanish teacher. She is a graduate of Stonehill College where she earned a B.A. in Spanish and Criminal Justice and The Graduate Institute where she earned a M.A. in Hispanic Oral Traditions. Vesna Mehinovic teaches Concert Choir, Honors Chamber Choir, Orchestra, Music Theory with Keyboard Proficiency, and Introduction to Fine Arts. She graduated from the University of Bosnia and Herzegovina as the first woman

Anna Patel, our newest guidance counselor, graduated from the College of the Holy Cross where she was a stand-out basketball player. She completed a M.A. in School Counseling at Assumption College and has served as a college and guidance counselor at Milton Academy in MA and most recently at St. Joseph High School in Trumbull. Sr. Lisa Retort, ASCJ teaches Theology I and Theology IV and assists with Kairos. Her undergraduate work was completed in 1983 at Duquesne University where she graduated cum laude with a B.A. in Political Science. In 1987, Sister earned a Juris Doctorate from the University of Akron School of Law in OH. Most recently, Sister served in congregational leadership as the Provincial Secretary for the US Province of the Apostles. Sr. Lauren Elizabeth Zak, ASCJ has joined the Theology Department. Sister earned a B.A. in Philosophy and Religion from Albertus Magnus College. In addition to teaching Theology, Sr. Lauren works with the students who run the livebroadcast morning show every day.


During the 2015-16 school year, students and alumnae were surveyed and overwhelmingly felt that the celebration of our 70th year was the ideal time to adopt a new athletic brand. Student Council President Katie Mackey ’17 spearheaded the initiative and in September we unveiled our new mascot/logo at an all-school assembly. Our new shark mascot was created by illustrator Hope Whitely Foster ’12, who is currently earning a M.A. in Illustration at the Center for Cartoon Studies in White River Junction, VT.




facebook.com/sacredhearthamden & facebook.com/groups/SHAalumnae




# SHA70


We love connecting with students, parents, alumnae, and friends through social media. This year, as we celebrate 70 years of Sacred Heart, it’s even more important for you to find and follow us!



Each month, we will feature members of the Sacred Heart Academy community who graciously share their time, talent, and treasure with us. Get to know some of these people — Sacred Heart would not be the same without them!

Be on the lookout for our SHAhamden — Celebrating 70 Years Instagram frame at school and sports events this year. Snap a photo to commemorate 70 years! Our new principal, Sr. Kathleen Mary Coonan, ASCJ, ’76, certainly has the hang of it…

#TakeMeBackTuesday In honor of our 70th anniversary, every Tuesday we will share facts from the Academy’s history including fun tidbits from 1946, the Academy’s founding year. Here's a preview... • When Sacred Heart was founded there were 17 students. Today there are more than 500. • There were actually 30,000 more people in the City of New Haven in 1946 than there are today. • Sacred Heart Academy was originally located on Greene Street in Wooster Square near St. Michael’s Church in New Haven. • Tupperware was introduced in 1946.










5 -2



2015 – 2016 Sacred Heart Academy Advisory Council Karen S. Harris, CPA, P’10 — Chair Associate Controller, Treasury & Gift Administration ı Yale University Chair, Executive Committee

Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Provincial Council

James M. Alexander P’14 Vice President, Chief Financial Officer, and Secretary, Retired ı Spinnaker Exploration Company

Sr. Anne Theresa Walsh, ASCJ, ’81 ı Provincial Superior Sr. Linda Pettinella, ASCJ, ’65 ı Vice Provincial and Councilor Sr. Ellen Cronan, ASCJ, ’58 ı Councilor Sr. Veronica Beato, ASCJ ı Councilor Sr. Virginia Herbers, ASCJ ı Councilor Sr. Lisa Retort, ASCJ ı Secretary Sr. Maureen P. Flynn, ASCJ, ’81 ı Treasurer

James E. Bowman P’12 Partner ı Bowman, Monaco & Black, PC Chair, Finance Committee

Sacred Heart Academy Administration

Richard J. Iovanne — Vice Chair Market Manager, Senior Vice President ı People’s United Bank

John F. Buckley, Jr., Esq., P’12 Attorney at Law ı Buckley & Wynne Tracy Salemme Church ’79 Senior Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer ı Hartford HealthCare MaryGrace N. Santagata Crisci ’88 Major Sales Account Manager ı Altura Communication Solutions Sallie Ann Vece DeMarsilis ’82 Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer ı Movado Group, Inc.

Sr. Sheila M. O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 ı President Sr. Maureen P. Flynn, ASCJ, ’81 ı Principal Sr. Judith Musco, ASCJ, ’61 ı Dean of Student Activities/New Teacher Mentor Sibani Sengupta, Ph.D., P’16 ı Dean of Academic Affairs Annette Vasaturo P’02, ’05, ’11 ı Dean of Studies

Mothers’ Club

Anne Fitzpatrick Donahue ’84 Senior Vice President ı U.S. Bank

Lisa DeFrancesco Pyne ’88, P’17 ı President Maribel Borruso P’17 ı Vice President Ann Marie Godbout P’19, Melissa Papantones P’14, ’19 ı Secretaries Maryanne Giaimo Pisani ’81, P’13, Special Events Coordinator ı Moderator

Dolores DeFonzo Ennico ’70 Corporate Vice President of Human Resources ı Olin Corporation

Fathers’ Club

Louise Rosarbo Dinsmore ’86 Principal ı Partners in Philanthropy, LLC

Salvatore G. Filardi P’17, ’18 Vice President, Facilities & Capital Planning ı Quinnipiac University Mary-Ann P. Haran, Esq., P’05, ’07 Attorney at Law ı Law Office of Mary-Ann P. Haran Chair, Advancement Committee Cynthia Mariani Director of Stewardship/Recording Secretary ı Yale University

David Emerson P’17 ı President Kevin Brady P’18 ı Vice President Joseph Corradino P’14, ’19 ı Secretary Angus Lamont P’17 ı Treasurer Sr. Sheila M. O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71, President ı Moderator

Alumnae Leadership Team

Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77 ı Director of Alumnae Relations Jamie Coady ’94 ı President Regina McFarland Johnson ’77 ı Recording Secretary Ann Criscuolo Pari ’67, P’94 ı Immediate Past President Kathleen L. Nastri, Esq., P’08, ’10, ’14, ’18 Tiara Pearson ’13 ı Class Agent Coordinator Attorney at Law ı Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, PC Loretta Petrillo Ambrose ’53, Violet Tortora Carbone ’55, P’80, Nardina ‘Deanie’ Sapienza Resigno ’53 ı Greene Street Girls Sr. Linda Pettinella, ASCJ, ’65 Representatives Vice Provincial and Councilor ı Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Alora Caraglio ’08 ı Website Thomas P. Smith, Jr. Robert M. McMahon P’16, ’17 Senior Managing Director ı GE Capital Chair, Investment Committee

Chief Insurance Officer ı Knights of Columbus Mallory A. Tarca ’04 SOX Leader ı W.R. Berkley Corporation

Earl W. Tucker III P’07, ’08, ’10, ’13 Project Manager and Vice President ı Empire Paving, Inc. Chair, Building and Maintenance Committee Mary Lee Weber P’04 Director of Business Development ı Cashman & Katz • Sr. Sheila M. O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D., ’71 ı President Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ, ’81 ı Principal Deborah S. Camner ı Director of Mission Advancement Maria Cammarota ı Business Manager


Committee Chairs Kathy Berry Prentice ’69 ı Legacy Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77, Sr. Mary Anne Sharron, ASCJ, ’64 ı Networking Barbara Tracchio Romano ’61, P’72, ’73, ’74, ’87 ı Reunion Betsy Fitzsimons ’76, P’15 ı Rose Garden Regina McFarland Johnson ’77 ı Spirituality Debbie Daniels Iannone ’83, P’13 ı Hospitality

P ı Parent

FROM THE DIRECTOR Dear Friends, Thanks to generous donors, my dream

The 2015-2016 academic year was filled with joy,

of getting an education at Sacred Heart

enthusiasm, and love of Sacred Heart Academy. You were

Academy became a reality. And so I thank

incredibly supportive and we thank you. Our alumnae,

you on behalf of all the students who have

parents, past parents, grandparents, students, faculty,

benefited from your generosity. Never, ever underestimate the importance of your

staff, and friends are the heart of Sacred Heart Academy.

donation. You are a big part of what makes

We are exceedingly grateful for each and every person

Sacred Heart such a vibrant place, filled

who helps make Sacred Heart Academy distinctive.

with girls who have so many hopes and

Highlights of the year include our participation in

aspirations. They leave the hill with a sense

#GivingTuesday, during which more than $20,000 was

of confidence, knowing that money does not

raised in 24 hours! Gifts came from near and far including

have to be a barrier to their dreams. Each student has their own specific needs…thank you for going out of your way to help me

California, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Texas, Oregon, and of course, Connecticut. In addition, we are pleased that more than 50 percent

with mine. God bless you always, and may

of our students participated in Class Giving Days. Our special events were well-attended and well-

you know that you truly make

received. The gym was transformed into Main Street, USA for the “Spirit of America” Auction which

the difference.

raised more than $140,000 for the Academy. The 24th Annual Golf Tournament was a hole-in-one

Andrea Sanchez ’15

with sponsors, players, and volunteers raising $25,000 to benefit the Golf Tournament Scholarship Fund. The Sacred Heart Academy Annual Fund continues to be the largest avenue for revenue. This fund supports every aspect of high school life from academics and co-curriculars to athletics and charism. In addition, your gifts helped fund our Tuition Assistance Program. With your help, we were able to bridge the gap between tuition and a family’s ability to pay for more than one-third of our population. We are forever indebted to you for your unending support. Because of you, our students are provided with the best Catholic education possible. At Sacred Heart Academy, Catholic Community is a Core Value, and, thanks to you, we are able to teach, nurture, and love our students. The words of Andrea Sanchez ’15 here express our deep appreciation for all that you do. You are an important part of our world. Thank you for making us who we are today.

With sincere appreciation,

Debbie Camner Director of Mission Advancement


Financial Report 2015 - 2016

TOTAL REVENUE ı $8,114,409 MISSION ADVANCEMENT INCOME ANNUAL FUND Annual Appeal Ad Campaign (net) Auction (net) Wine Tasting/Alumnae


$240,183 $67,419

9% ı Mission Advancement Income (net)

$135,359 $3,709 $446,670

1% ı Investment Earnings 1% ı Other Revenue

ENDOWMENT/RESTRICTED FUNDS Golf Tournament (net) Gifts & Bequests Capital Fund

$22,915 $60,890 $159,500





OPERATING REVENUE Tuition and Fees Mission Advancement Income (net) Investment Earnings Other Revenue

$7,201,024 $689,975 $124,281 $99,130



89% ı Tuition and Fees

TOTAL EXPENSES ı $8,114,409 2% ı Student Body Expenses 3% ı Instructional and Athletics


OPERATING EXPENSES Tuition Assistance Instructional and Athletics Administration Building /Plant Improvements/Rent/ Depreciation Personnel Salaries and Benefits Student Body Expenses Other/Capital Fund

$1,081,519 $4,823,507 $191,607 $278,643



$668,650 $250,231 $820,252

8% ı Tuition Assistance 4% ı Other/Capital Fund

10% ı Administration

13% ı Building/Plant Improvements/ Rent/Depreciation 60% ı Personnel Salaries and Benefits



$25,000 +












Anonymous (3) ^ Robert McMahon & Kristin McMahon, Esq. * AC Hon. Robert Nastri, Jr. & Kathleen Nastri, Esq. * AC

CORNERSTONE CIRCLE $10,000 - $24,999 Joyce B. Comer, PharmD 1970 * Dolores DeFonzo Ennico 1970 * AC Catherine Ferrie-Kilmain 1989 ^ First Niagara Bank ^ Knights of Columbus Supreme Council * Michael & Eileen Kolakowski Lambert & Joan Schommer ^

CHARTER CIRCLE $5,000 - $9,999 The Sacred Heart Academy Honor Roll of Giving recognizes donors for gifts from July 1, 2015 to June 30, 2016. The Academy regrets the omission of any names deserving recognition in this report, and apologizes in advance for any such error. We welcome any corrections, and encourage you to contact the Office of Mission Advancement.

John Cropp, Ph.D. & Anne Cropp, PharmD ^ Marilyn Petraiuolo Douglas, Esq. 1973 * Karen S. Harris & Patrick Mahoney ^ AC Stephen & Nancy LaPointe Kristin Morico 1980 ^ Roger & Linda Sciascia *

MOTHER CLELIA MERLONI CIRCLE $2,500 - $4,999 Anonymous All Pointe Care, LLC Joan Attianese 1963 ± Robert Barreira & Tara Cocchiarella Barreira 2002 * Peter Bowers, M.D. & Jean A. Stadalnik, M.D. 1981 ^ James & Michelle Bowman * AC Sharon Egan Bremer, M.D. 1965 * John F. Buckley, Jr., Esq. & Tricia Buckley * AC Ed Church & Tracy Salemme Church 1979 ^ AC Thomas & Patricia DeGrand * Anne Fitzpatrick Donahue 1984 AC Francis & Trish Donelan Eugene Harris * Ritz & Yeon Henton Timothy J. Kearney * Michael Lee & Christina DeLouise ^ Office of Catholic Schools, Archdiocese of Hartford ^ Robert & Maureen O’Keefe Hugh & Martha O’Neill * Ralph Pisani, Jr. & Maryanne Giaimo Pisani 1981* Arthur & Mary Lee Weber AC Peter & Ann Weiss ^ Mary Ann Williams ±

EXCELSIOR CIRCLE $1,000 - $2,499

* Donor for five consecutive years ^ Donor for three consecutive years ± New donor, first gift in five or more years AC 2015-2016 Advisory Council member † Deceased

Anonymous * Aldo DeDominicis Foundation Joseph & Laura Anastasio Maria Asis-Gilbride, M.D. 1981 ^ Alfredo Axtmayer, M.D. * Patricia Hayes Axtmayer * Tapas Bandyopadhyay, M.D. & Sibani Sengupta, Ph.D. * Bankwell Financial Group, Inc. ^ Michael Baumgaertner, M.D. & Irene Baumgaertner Bryan Bogen & Lisa Mastroianni Bogen 1986 * Bowman, Monaco & Black, P.C. *

Patrick Brenchak & Rita Serra Brenchak 1989 Matthew & Maria Cammarota * Mark & Deborah Camner * Kathleen Carroll, Esq. 1971 ^ Catholic Charity League of New Haven * William Christie, Jr. & Cynthia Pettella Christie 1988 ^ Suzanne Colasanto, Esq. 1973 * Joe & Michele Cordero ± Maureen Danehy Cox, Esq. 1972 * Robert & Sue Cunningham ^ Estelle D’Alessio ^ Mary Danehy 1982 * Daniel Davis III & Anne Davis ^ John & Gail DeGrand * Dennis Uniform Manufacturing Company Amy Duda 1982 * E A Group LLC ± Federico & Sette, P.C. Salvatore & Veronica Filardi AC Anthony Filorimo & Michele Mattei Filorimo 1988 * Stephen Fitzgerald, Esq. & Jacqueline Fitzgerald, Esq. ^ Daniel Gilhuly & Mary Rose Casey Gilhuly 1987 ± Thomas Gniadek & Kathryn Gniadek * Jenae Avallone Gureff, Esq. 1996 ^ Kevin Guth & Kellie Ciaburro Guth 1988 Christopher & Rosa Harrison ^ Maureen Hayes * Megan McLeod Hernandez 1974 * Charles & Ana-Cristina Herrick ± Iovanne Funeral Home, Inc. William G. & Angeline Iovanne Christopher Jakubowski, M.D. & Joanna Jakubowska, M.D. Shawn & Tina Kelly Francis Lamboley, Esq. & Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 * Mascola Group Nancy Cavallero McNamara 1980 ^ Gerald J. Moran * Tod & Robin Moynihan ^ Munzenmaier & Friel, DMD, LLC Allan Munzenmaier, D.D.S. & Daria Friel, D.M.D. New Haven Terminal, Inc. ^ Elizabeth Sugrue O’Neil 1960 ^ Barbara O’Neill Raymond O’Neill ± Frances Pascale 1958 * Renata Serafin Patterson 1995 * Leopold Peavy III & Maria Wolog Peavy 1979 ± Elisabeth Mastagni Posch 1964 Susan Pursell, M.D. 1980 Marci Garofalo Quaranta 1987 ^ John Quinn, Esq. & Mary-Ann Haran, Esq. * AC David Reed & Karen Smith Reed 1984 James Reidy & Karen Walsh Reidy 1974 * David & Tammy Robinson ^ RVRM Enterprises, LLC ± Sacred Heart University Albert & Darcy Salemme ± Erik Scaranuzzo ^ Peter & Lori Schommer ^ James & Miriam Sensale SHA Class of 1966 ± Peter & Janet Smith * Theresa D’Aiuto Sokol 1968 * St. Bridget Church Melissa Patton Sullivan 1982 ^ Steven & Deborah Sullivan ± Brian Tubby & Nicole Tung, Esq. ^ Michael & Annette Vasaturo * Rebecca Williams Kate Wilson 1966 ± Dr. Cary Yeh & Lynn O’Neil Yeh 1984


I love to volunteer at Sacred Heart Academy because I feel that it is the greatest gift that I can give back to the school. When I volunteer, I feel as though I am giving a piece of myself to the Sacred Heart Academy community, and what a joyous feeling I get by helping out. The feeling is immeasurable! Joy Giordano Parent ’17

SR. ANTONINE SIGNORELLI CIRCLE $500 - $999 Anonymous (2) * ± Timothy & Judith Ahearn Michael Ajello, Esq. & Dana Ajello * Aymen Alian, M.D. & Amal Seif ^ Stacie Mulvey Allen 1985 * Apex Developers LLC ± Barbara Lipcan Bagley 1966 ^ Robert & Virginia Barker * Robert & Cheryl Bishop Beth Iovanne Blazevich 1975 * Susan Brennan Brennan 1971 ± Bright Funds Foundation ± John Brillante, Sr. & Margaret Falsey Brillante 1972 * Keith Brokaw & Patricia Cappola-Brokaw * Peter & Ann Bruchansky * Anne Byrne Thomas Byrne, Esq. & Hon. Julie Manning ± Jacquelyn Caulfield Cahill 1982 * Kathryn Camizzi & Theodora Depalma Paul & Kelly Campanelli ^ Francine Conelli Coss 1986 Catherine Cestar Crawford 1962 ^ John Criscio & Janet Garrison Criscio 1969 * Clayton Curtiss * Barbara DeBarbieri 1961 ^ Richard & Nellie Donofrio ± Steven & Neisha Dostie ± Craig & Colleen Fecke ± Nancy Ferraro ± Edward & Frances Flynn * Foundation For Life Inc. Paula Fracasso, M.D., Ph.D. 1973 * Richard & Manon Gagliardi * Michael & Colleen Gethings ^


Mona Breault Hendrickson 1971 * Richard & Suzanne Iovanne * AC Carol Schoen Jankowski 1965 Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC Edward & Laura Jansen ^ Kim Jones Carol Mele Kennedy 1964 * Knights of Columbus Hon. W. Patrick Donlin Assembly #2459 ^ Harold J. Lamboley III, Esq. & Maureen Lamboley ^ Kevin & Marianne Lawlor * Matteo LoPreiato, M.D. & Courtney LoPreiato ^ Richard LoRicco, Sr., Esq. ^ Brian Luciani & Julie Coyne Luciani 1984 ^ Geraldine Lupoli, Esq. 1959 * John Maher, Jr. & Cheryl Abbatello Maher 1982 * John & Carolyn Mancini Craig Martin & Tamara MacDonald Martin 1980 ^ Edward & Mary Jane Maturo * Jeanne Marcarelli McCann 1975 Donna Franco Minotti 1984 * Gregory Nappo ± Renee Busca O’Keefe 1981 * John P. Orazem, M.D. & Claire Rusowicz * Elizabeth A. Parker Matthew Pekar & Domenica Cirivello Pekar 1991 ^ Gregory & Sandra Piontek * Marie Pogozelski 1965 David Pond ± Dominic & Antoinette Proto * Kathleen Raymond 1982 * Marvin & Mary Ann Rozear ±

Rev. Philip J. Sharkey ^ SHA Class of 1971 ± Carol Conte Shaw 1962 * Roberta DeLay Smith 1953 * Andre Sofair, M.D. & Mary Sofair ± Alicia Ford Spenlinhauer 1966 ± Martha Marchessault Stovall 1967 ^ Mallory Tarca 2004 ^ AC Alfred Triana & Ellen Mckeown Triana 1958 ^ Derek Turbawski ± Ann Vallombroso 1959 * Christine Wheeler Vaught 1969 ^ Gerald & Leah Verna ^ John & Margaret Walsh Lucille Marcarelli Wientzen 1958 Glenn & Anne Yeomans ^ Beth Zeranski 1980 ±

RED & WHITE CIRCLE $250 - $499 Abbate Insurance Associates, Inc. ^ Joseph M. Ajello Allied Printing Services, Inc ± Michael & Diane Amarante John Anderson & Patricia Anderson, Esq. ^ Barbara Mauriello Angelo 1964 Nancy Antin 1977 ^ Apex Lighting Solutions, Inc. ± Marie Vissicchio Barone 1953 * Paula Berry-Zeller 1971 Blanchette Sporting Goods, Inc. Peggy Crowley Boissoneau 1969 ± Wendy Lee Brown 1978 * Doreen Keogh Busca 1991 James & Lisa Cantey Renato Carboni, Jr. Arlene Starno Cassello 1966 ± Michael Celentano & Felicity Buonocore Celentano 1983 * James Chow & Theodora Dogani James & Carolyn Coady * Jamie Coady 1994 * John & Madeline Contegni ^ JoMichelle Corrales, Ph.D. 1993 * Benedict & Elizabeth Cozzi ± Michael & Gail D’Addio ± David Thompson Architects ^ Vincent T. Donnelly * Nancy D’Onofrio 1983 ^ Thomas Duffy, O.D. & Eva Marie Cekaitis, O.D. * Elisabeth Reynolds Durso 1957 * Michael & Jodi Dziczkowski William Farrell, Jr. & Dorothy Fiorillo Farrell 1950 * Robert Farrell, Esq. & Mary-Jean McGarrity * Kevin & Patricia Fennell * Jason & Holly Fink * Diane Forni 1977 * Maria Fracasso, Ph.D. 1978 * Brian & Karen Garceau Gregory Genna & June Finnucan-Genna ^ Rev. John J. Georgia ± Michael & Sheila Giordano ± Mary Hendricks Glazier, Ph.D. 1964 Elizbeth Griffin * Pamela Guardo Hall, Esq. 1982 Kevin Hallinan & Margaret Nicholls Hallinan 1983 * Stephen Hanchuruck, Esq. & Laurie Hanchuruck *

Mary Elizabeth Clark Helzer 1958 ^ Marjorie Hogan Heyd 1960 * Maureen Smith Howell 1970 I.U.O.E. Local 478, 478A, 478C, 478D & 478E ± Kristen Kearney, Esq. 2000 * Anne Donegan Kraemer 1959 ^ Kathleen O’Neill Kramer Joseph C. Lee, Esq. & Mary Jo Carney Lee 1957 * Kathryn Lee 1982 ± Ann Marie Lenart ± Mary Ann Walsh Lewis 1970 ^ Maria Acampora Loitz 1989 ^ Thomas & Patricia LoRicco Peter & Colene MacDonald ± Karen Maloney 1974 Felix Mangini & Julianne Perego-Mangini 1968 ^ Thomas Margius, O.D. & Susan Margius ^ Nancy Waselewski Marston 1970 * Edward & Karen Mayer ^ Patrick McAllister * William McEachern ± Maryellen McHenry 1971 ^ Thomas & Terry Anne McKiernan Mary Ellen Hummel McMahon 1982 * Maryellen Massicotte McMurray 1966 McPhee Electric ± Donald & Margaret Mitchell * Sister Mariette Moan, ASCJ 1977 ^ Louis Modell & Sandra Fucci Modell 1987 Mary Finney Morgan 1961 * Paul Moyher ^ Mary Sheehy Navin 1963 Thomas Noniewicz, Esq. & Maryann Sullivan Noniewicz 1982 Catherine O’Shea 1951 * William Park & Alexandria Han-Park ± Anthony & Debra Peccerillo ± The Pension Service, Inc. ± Margaret Walsh Pereira 1971 Performing Art Studio BE LLC Kathy Berry Prentice 1969 * Maureen Murphy Prior 1955 * Michael Pyne & Lisa DeFrancesco Pyne 1988 ^ Sheila McCarthy Quarz 1981 ^ Lynne Picard Quigley 1975 Elizabeth Moran Rapone 1985 ^ Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964 * Bruce Rich & Claire Keating Rich 1980 Mary Robinson ^ Paula DiLauro Robinson 1971 Frederick & Katharine Ross ± Mark & Carol Ross ^ David Samson III & Mary Lyons Samson 1981 ^ Phyllis Savo 1973 Fred D. Sette, Esq. & Barbara Sette SHA Class of 2016 Ellen Cusano Sheiffele 1966 ± Barbara Koshis Sherman 1966 Mark & Erin Sieczkowski ^ Daniel & Leslie Slater ^ Leon & Jan Slomkowski ^ St. Catherine of Siena Church ± Anne Harmon Sweeney 1970 ^ The Business Network Group Joseph & Santa Toscano United Way of Central & Northeastern Connecticut Joan Venditto 1959 * Kathleen Marecki Viani 1966 ± James O. Walsh, Esq. & Marsha Walsh Willow Treatment & Associates ± Linda Zemke 1966 ^

THE 21ST CENTURY CIRCLE $100 - $249 Anonymous (7) * ^ ± † Richard & Kimberly Agresta Anna Jean Ajello ^ Kerry Alexander * Martha Abbate Amici 1953 Harold Andersen, Jr. & Nancy Andersen * Linda Milone Apicella 1956 Regina Buonocore Apuzzo 1976 ^ Helene Astorino Augustine 1976 ± Bernadette Rossiter Ballantyne 1971 Banti & DeFelice, CPAs, LLC Michael & Kathleen Barbour ± Joseph & Janet Barone Richard Barone, Sr. & Harriet Ciaburro Barone 1953 * Matthew & Angela Bassano ± Nancy Lee Bauer 1991 Dean & Maryanne Bauknecht ± George & Elynor Bedocs * Benjamin Bellucci & Sally Ann Esposito Bellucci 1987 ^ Nelson & Louise Bernabucci ± Joann Fede Biglin 1979 ^ Richard Blakeslee & Susan Pieper Blakeslee 1960 ^ Susan Kluk Board 1996 ± Margaret Mongillo Boice 1969 Nancy Borzain 1972 * Scott Boswell ± Daniel & Amy Bothwell ± Beth Botti 1997 * Judith Clancy Boucher 1957 Kathleen Laverty Bouvier 1986 Patricia Brady 1977 ^ Jerry & Marian Brennan John Brixner ± Ty Brokaw ± William & Diane Bruno ^ John Bui & Huong Thi Quach ± Andrea Gorske Bullard 1957 Mary Ann Notaro Buonasora 1950 ^ Florence Burel ^ Burnette Miller Wollermann, PLLC ± Lorraine Owens Burns 1962 * Jennifer Hyduk Byrne 1995 C.J. Fucci Construction Co., Inc ± Corinne Vece Cacopardo 1970 ± Sally Cleto Cammarano 1968 * Anne Marie McNulty Canning 1992 ^ Chrystina Cappello 2006 ^ Cappola-Brokaw Art of Hair Alora Caraglio 2008 & Frank Coppola ^ Ronald & Rosemarie Carbone ± Violet Tortora Carbone 1955 * Paige Ferris Carney 1987 ± Robert Carroll & Nancy O’Neil Carroll 1978 ± Pasquale & Francine Cavallaro Mary Trella Champion 1975 Chartwells Campus Dining ± John & Kathy Chiaro * Elizabeth Christophy, Ph.D. * Samantha Church ± Barbara Capuano Ciesla 1950 Allen & Arlene Ciociola ± Christine Ciociola, Esq. Richard & Laurie Cisto ± Thomas & Christine Clark * Charles & Carol Clarkin ^ Alice Cleto & James DeVito ± Marlene Barone Cohen 1980 ^ Virginia Colossale


Frank & Mary Colvario ± Kevin Condon, Esq. & Laura Condon Charles & Mary Conte ± Leo Cooney, Jr. & Kathleen Cooney ^ Wayne Cooper ± Maura Wilson Coppola 1970 ^ Frank & Caroline Corniello ± William & Carol Crawford ± Henry Criscuolo & Susan Bassermann Criscuolo 1969 ± Cecelia Cropp 2018 Thomas & Doreen Crowe ± Kimberly Cramer Curbow 1981 * Judith Manzi Cuticelli 1969 ^ Diana Daggett ^ Rosemary D’Alessio 1966 ± Catherine Daly ^ Richard Daly ± Sandra D’Ambrosio * Marie D’Andrea * Joseph Debs & Karen Borsos-Debs, D.P.M. Douglas & Christine DeCerbo * Louise Merlino DeConti 1952 * Dominic & Jennifer DeFalco ± Catherine DellOro 1987 Anna Marsico DeLucia 1951 * John & Kim DeLucia ± Linda Seaman Demetrio 1966 ± Lesley DeNardis, Ph.D. 1984 Destinations Unlimited ± Harry & Kristin DiAdamo ± Harry & Maureen DiAdamo ± Dicin Electric Co., Inc. ± Jon & Nancy Dickey ± Mary Elizabeth Donadio Dickinson 1955 W. James & Diane Dinehart * Lois Dioro 1973 ^ John & Suzanne Dolan * Albert D’Onofrio, D.D.S. & Carmella Martino D’Onofrio 1950 Richard & Virginia Doyle ^ William B. Dragan, D.D.S. & Margaret P. Dragan ± Marybeth Duffy 1973 Patrick Duffy, M.D. & Suzanne Duffy ^ Jeffrey Dussetschleger, D.D.S. & Patricia Dussetschleger * John Early, Jr. & Josephine Notaro Early 1951 * Judith Dering Ellis 1957 * Ann Marie Buonasora Engstrom 1973 ^ Marilyn Clancy Erff 1960 * Linda Panico Esposito 1960 ± Johanna Coletta Fallert 1966 ^ Geraldine Fallon 1964 ^ Jane Fedorowicz, Ph.D. 1972 *


Thomas & Kim Ferencz ^ Brian Fischer, Esq. & Katherine Fischer Catherine Fitzsimons 1972 * Paula Forni 1967 * Rosemary Forni 1968 * Francis Forte & Annette Currier Forte 1961* Richard & Deanna Fowler Mark Franco & Elizabeth Navarretta Franco 1985 ^ Deborah DeWitt Frattini 1966 ^ Daniel Frier & Linda Li ± Geraldine Fusco ^ Lucille Christoforo Fusco 1962 * James & Elizabeth Gagliardi ± Traci Gallagher 1985 ± Mary Galvin 1967 Ronald Garbatini & Joanne Mastroianni Garbatini 1978 Sharon Smith Gendreau 1972 * Gary & Susan George ^ Frank & Dolores Gerzabek ^ Tiffany Burns Gherlone 1999 Father Gene Gianelli ± Keira Gibson, Esq. 2003 ± Thomas & Phyllis Giglietti ^ Marjorie Bussmann Gillis, Ed.D. 1969 ^ Joseph & Ida Ginnetti ± Susan Carlucci Gold 1964 ± Jeffrey Granquist & Frances Pellegrino Granquist, Esq. 1980 Dolores Greenspun * Barbara Ricciardi Guarniere 1961 ± John Guerin & Elizabeth Pisanelli Guerin 1981 * Ashley Guerrera 2007 ± The Guidi Family ± Charles & Carol Gunning * Deborah Merkel Handley 1971 ± Gayle Hugo Hardenbrook 1965 Lisa Vigliotti Harkness 1983 ± Katherine Harris 2010 ^ Paul & Kathleen Harris William & Linda Harvey * Patricia Joyce Heavren 1956 * Katherine Heimann 1973 ^ Lauren Henderson ^ Van M. Hendrickson & Mary J. Miller * Elise Herlihy 1969 Mary Kay Hermann 1983 ± Felipe & Glafira Heyrosa Kelsey Higgins 2010 ^ Therese Hinckley Edmund & Kristen Hohmann ± Lisa Hottin 1972 * Joshua D. Hughes, Esq. & Susanna Hughes ±

IBEW Local 90 ± Jennifer Grana Illuzzi, Ph.D. 1995 * Sandra Gomlin Ineson 1963 Intel Charitable Match Trust ^ Debra Iodice Dennis & Karin Jackson ± Natalie Jacobs ± Michael & Mary Jadach ± Charlotte Januska 1962 Stephen Jerram & Karen Witkowski Jerram 1987 ^ Jerram Winery Lauren Astorino Robbins Johnson 1996 ± Regina McFarland Johnson 1977 ^ Joseph & Rochelle Kanell ^ Joseph Keane III & Kimberly Lynch Keane 1983 ± Kate Mannion Keating 1999 ± Thomas & Linda Kiely ± Judith Keating Killoy 1981 Maureen McDonough Kitching 1958 ^ John & Diana Koons Susan Deak Kopits 1969 ^ Linda Field Kortick 1983 ± Marek & Jadwiga Kozlowski Konrad & Karen Lagarde ^ Lynn Lam ^ Rosalie Gerbi Lamontagne 1967 ^ Steven Lamoreaux, Ph.D. & Melissa Lamoreaux ± Pietro & Antoinetta Landino ± Amy Sargeant Lang, Esq. 1984 Marie Lato 1961 Joseph Laudano, Jr. & Maria DiPalma Laudano 1972 * Melissa Laudano, M.D. 2000 Dorothy Lauria ± Nora O’Neill Laverty * Law Office of John Keyes ± John & Elizabeth Leary ^ Douglas & Gina Lee ± Joseph & Barbara Lenti ^ Marc & Stefanie Levesque ^ Darlene Finer Levy 1975 Patricia Minichino Licklider 1961 ^ Mary Ann Scarpellino Limauro 1960 Amanda Palmieri Linski 1994 ± Frank Loehmann, Jr. & Carol Spignesi Loehmann 1963 Ann Zullo Lyons 1962 Anthony Malafronte & Dolores Tommaselli Malafronte 1950 * Michael Malone ± James & Mary Manning ^

Kelly Mannion 2006 Kathleen Marchetti Richard Marino Ursula Mastrianni Martino 1962 ^ Mary J. Miller, CPA * Frank Maturo, Jr. & Mary Grace Ciarleglio Maturo 1982 * Scott & Christine Maturo ^ Lynn Matus ± Joseph & Betsy Mauri ± Grace Mauro ± Michael Mazzariello & Jeanne Lawlor Mazzariello 1978 * Rosemary A. McCarthy * Sheila McCloskey 1970 ± E. Merritt McDonough ± Cathleen McMahon McGovern 1977 ^ Catherine Creagan McKnight 1964 Vincent & Mary McMahon ± John & Lynda McMillen ± Timothy & Hollyann McNabola ± Angela Biancur Meade 1979 ± Madelyn Mega Lucille Mentone 1974 ^ Meriano’s Bakery & Cannoli Truck ± William Merico, Jr. & Lori Merico * Barbara Metzler ± Elliot & Gisele Miller ± Robert Miranda II ^ Cynthia Campochiaro Mitar 1977 * Susan Dadio Mitrano 1983 H. Joseph & Juel Moan ± Ralph Mocciola, PharmD & Josephine Mocciola ^ Kathleen Crowley Monaco 1968 * Maureen Brady Moran 1975 ^ Joseph Mortati, DPT & Denise Mortati, Esq. * Madeline Mrowka * Mary Neclerio 1980 Diane DeFonzo Nehrkorn 1963 * Susan Nelson * Carol Durol Newman 1972 * Paul Noniewicz Patricia O’Brien 1973 Charles & Mary Okang Kelly O’Leary 1999 ^ Craig Olson & Laura Sims-Olson ± Gertrude Olson ± Sister Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. 1971 * James O’Rourke, Esq. & Margaret O’Rourke, Esq. ^ Peter & Janice Paduano ± Catherine Filardi Pagliaro 1983 ± Marco & Ann Palmieri ± Margaret C. Palmieri * Vincent & Margaret Palmieri ± Sophie Park 2017 ± Kimberlee Northam Parlee 1989 ± Joseph & Lorraine Patriarca ± John Patry & Suzanne Rapanault Patry 1965 Joseph Patton, Jr. & June Debowes Patton 1965 ^ Richard Pavano & Susan Navarretta Pavano 1982 Geraldine Peddle ± Alden Pelker, J.D. 2006 ± The Pellegrino Law Firm William & Dawn Pello ± Diane Dadio Perrone 1977 * Nancy Longo Perry 1976 ^ Lillian Imarisio Pesce 1957 Ann Cretella Peters 1959 Petra Construction Corporation ±

Anthony Pisanelli & Anne Ruotolo Pisanelli 1955 * Barbara Zotti Piscopo, D.N.P. 1960 ^ William & Wendy Platt ± Hugh & Kathleen Plunkett ± Joan Polidoro-Bombassei 1951 ± Charles & Nancy Poronteau ± Maureen Burgh Porter 1962 * Gail Fappiano Pritchard 1976 * Carla Proto ± Brigid Quinn 2007 * Marie Ragozzino ^ Patrick & Stephanie Redding Charles Reed & W. Glen Pierson ± Dennis & Janine Reilly ± Mary Ellen Reilly 1965 Bruce Rich & Claire Keating Rich 1980 ± Lucien Rizzo & Joan Naclerio Rizzo 1969 * William & Arlene Robinson ^ Michael Rodrigue ± Barbara Tracchio Romano 1961 * William Rossetti & Rita-Marie Rogers Rossetti 1987 ^ James Rumberger Glenn Rybacki, Esq. & Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981 * Tracy Ann Saddig-Sheppard 1997 David Sakheim, Ph.D. & Susan Devine * Mary Soderstrom Saleh 1962 ^ Anna Mae Elia Santagata 1952 ^ Paul & Toni Savino Donna Scaramella * Florence Maffoni Scarinci 1964 * William F. Schaeffer, Jr. & Paula Torgerson ± Robert Schreck Judith Kittelman Schwarz 1965 ^ Karen Scorel 1974 * Mary Scott 1963 ^ Christopher Senger & Kerry Quinn-Senger ± Timothy & Mary Seyfried ± SHA Cheerleading SHA Student Council SHAdes of SHA

John & Susan Shanley ^ Larry Shipman ± Regina Fox Shirey 1965 Robert Silvestri * Suzanne Leary Skinner 1968 ^ Beth Smith, Ed.D. 1982 * Joan Walsh Smith 1957 ± Pasquale & Sandra Somma Charles Sommo, Jr. ^ Carole Stackpole 1967 * Gregory Stamos, Esq. & Susan Stamos Amy Harris Stamp 2000 Earl & Mary Lou Stamp ± Eileen Grabowski Stephan 1982 ^ Diane Meskill Stewart 1970 ^ Edys Riordan Stine 1957 * Thomas & Debra Strong Katherine Chvisuk Stuhlman 1965 ^ Anne Farley Sturges 1968 ^ Lisa Swack ± Rev. Lawrence S. Symolon * Virginia Bauer Tagliatela 1998 ^ Maureen Healy Talbot 1961 ^ Target Corporation ^ Catherine Hawkins Tetzlaff 1959 ^ Quinnipiac University AT & BMS Faculty & Staff ± Joseph & Christine Tine Nicholas & Alberta Torello ^ Leon & Dorothy Tremblay Charles & Kathleen Underkofler ^ United Way of Greater New Haven, Inc. Louise Vannoorbeeck * Catherine Hannon Vellaccio 1966 ^ Edward & Colleen Villano ± David & Caryl Viola ± Susan Vitale * Frank & Joyce Vollero Msgr. David M. Walker ^ Sister Anne Theresa Walsh, ASCJ 1981 Donald & Jenifer Walsh ^ Kevin & Louise Ward ^



208,435 172,175

2011 - 2012

184,221 188,356

2012 - 2013

2013 - 2014

2014 - 2015

2015 - 2016


Sherese Ward 1997 Neal & Christine Wellins * Anne Murphy Wimberger 1971 ± Ann Kelleher Winch 1981 Carol Smith Witkowski 1963 * Roberta Schaefer Wolff 1962 ^ Joan Yarusso ± Gloria Brunell Ybarra 1983 Elizabeth Wolleben Yoder 2004 ^ Ann Nicoletti Zowine 1959 Lorraine Zalenski Zuwallack 1966 ^

HEART TO HEART CIRCLE $1 - $99 Anonymous (2) * ± Marchella Abbate 2018 Diane Nelthropp Abel 1971 ^ Gianna Acabbo 2016 Alphonse Acampora Kenneth & Marie Ackerman ± Susan Onofrio Afeltra 1976 ± Sheban & Sadia Ahmad ± Elaine Delchiaro Ainsworth 1965 Samantha Ajello 2019 ± Jane Tatta Akowitz 1962 ^ Marah Alian 2016 ± Casey Allen 2019 ± Cynthia Kranich Altieri 1972 ± Frank Alvarado & Filomena Ciarleglio Alvarado 1984 ± Julia Alvarado 2019 ± Linda Amarante ± Marissa Amatruda 2017 AmazonSmile Foundation Theresa Amendola Azoti 1956 Charles Amore, Jr. Donald & Diane Anastasio Sarah Anastasio 2018 Bryan & Lisa Anderson * Kathleen Anderson 2016 Sarah Carter Anderson 1996 ± Keith & Lisa Andrzejewski ± Taylor Andrzejewski 2019 ± Ashley Angeles 2018 ± Robert Antonetti, Jr. & Mary DeCaprio Antonetti 1986 Nicole Apuzzo 2009 ± Carol Maresca Armstrong 1958 Anthony & Ann Arpino ± Maria Astorino ^ Maggline Auguste 2016 ± Kristen Austin 2016 William & Karen Austin Wilfredo Ayala Paul & Antonella Bacchiocchi Lauren McNeil Backman 1969 ± Francis & Mary Baldino * Gene & Robin Baldino ± Traci Centi Bands 1980 ± Mitali Banerjee 2016 Jose Barahona & Iris Acevedo-Barahona ± Maria Barbin ± Kiana Barnett 2016 Linda Barone ± Benjamin & Guadalupe Barragan ± Lily Barragan 2017 Jenna Basile 2019 ± Clare Bassano 2019 ± Dawn Listro Basso 1976 ± Hannah Battipaglia 2019 ± Paul & Joyce Bauer * Jillian Bauknecht 2019 ± Jeffrey Beatty, Esq. & Lee Beatty ±


Joan Beauchamp ± Catherine Beckwith 2018 Anna Beebe 2019 ± Courtney Beecher 2016 ± Bridget Beiser 2018 ± Jeffrey & Margaret Beiser ± Reuel Belcher, Jr. & Dawn Belcher ^ Brittany Bell 2019 ± Linda Bellavance Santo & Patricia Bello ± Ava Bellucci 2018 Katherine Lambert Bellucci 1998 Julianne Beltz 2016 ± Julia Benanto 2018 Stephanie Bennett ± Joseph Bernabucci, Sr. & Mary Costanzo Bernabucci 1978 ± Maria Bernabucci 2019 ± Douglas A. Berv, M.D. & Cheryl Bevvino Berv Paula Bevilacqua, M.D. Linda Biondi ± Laurie Bizzario ± Olivia Bizzario 2019 ± Isabela Blackwell 2016 ± John & Janice Blake ± Amy Nizen Blakeslee 1985 * Frank & Carleen Blois ± Kathleen Blum Debra Boulay Bodner 1999 ± Adriana Bogen 2017 Diane Draper Boland 1962 Nicole Bonadies 2017 Louis & Janet Bonito ± Maximillian Bonito 2016 Rose Ann Mansi Borger 1974 * Robert & Maribel Borruso Victoria Borruso 2017 Alphonse & Jeannine Bouchard ± Nicole Boucher * John Bouteiller ± Perry Bowers 2014 ^ Nicole Bowman 2012 ^ Willie † & Eleanor Boyd Amaia Boykin 2019 ± Adrianna Bracale 2018 Christina Bradley 1998 Susan Brady ± Eugene & Marion Brandolini ± Madison Brenchak 2018 Sofia Brindisi 2016 Cheryl Madigosky Brischetto, Ph.D. 1971 ± Genesis Brito 2019 ± Norman & Theresa Brockett ± Judith Niziolek Broggi 1958 ^ Vanessa Brokaw 2016 Hollis Brooks 1973 Susan H. Brosnan 1966 * Erin Brough ± Caroline Brown * James & Patricia Brown ± Madison Brown 2016 Leona Waselik Browne 1958 * Erynne Browning 2018 Shawn & Julie Browning Maureen Buchanan ± Meghan Buckley 2012 ± David & Rosalie Buono ^ Donald & Cathy Burns Stuart & Hedy Bush ± Lynne Battista Bushey 1979 * Richard & Christina Byrnes * Kylie Cacace 2017 ± Paul & Pauline Caiafa Joseph & Joyce Caldarella ±

Hannah Callahan 2016 Kayla Cameron 2019 ± Russell & Annette Cameron ± Sydni Camillo 2011 Sophie Camizzi-Depalma 2018 Francesca Campanelli 2016 ± Sharon Good Canosa 1966 Alexa Capone 2016 ± Theresa Grannucci Capone 1953 Claudia Capozzo 2017 ± Alfred & Valerie Carbone ± Juliana Carchia 2017 ± Kylie Cardinali 2016 ± Fatima Cardozo 2019 ± Kaylyn Carew 2008 ± Kimberly Yates Carew 1976 ± Grace Carrano Alexa Carranzo 2016 George Carranzo, Jr. & Lisa Carranzo ^ Laura Carroll 2007 ± Trifomena Colavolpe Carulli 1961 * Loretta Casey ^ Christine Casner ± Jeanne Cassidy 2017 Mary Ann Blondin Cassidy 1956 Marybeth Madigan Cassidy, Esq. 1969 ± Maureen Cassidy 2019 ± Mary Castello 2018 Samantha Malucci Castiello 1996 ± Jenna Cavallaro 2016 ± Jo-Ann Cecarelli 1966 ± Cheryl Celentano Lauren Celentano 2016 Joyce Chapman ± Karlee Chapman 2018 Victoria Charron 2017 Alicia Tercyak Chasse 1984 ^ Alicia Robbins Chevalier 2001 ± Carol Chiappone ± Eunyee Cho 2016 ± Chrissy Chow 2018 Anthony Ciaramella & Teresa Caiafa Ciaramella 1977 ± Joseph Ciccone ± Donna Cifaldi ± Cynthia Durol Civitello 1967 ^ Courtney Clark 2014 ^ Joyce Rondino Clark 1963 Loretta Triana Clark 1957 ^ Madison Clark 2017 Carmen Clarkin 2016 Craig & Crystal Clarkin ± Emma Clini 2016 ± Richard H. Coffey ± Mary Carroll Colburn 1960 ^ Cassidy Collins 2016 Margaret Collins 2000 Dominic & Alina Colossale ± Cauley Comerford 2016 Lynne Pantaleo Congdon 1975 Joanne Hart Connors 1960 ^ Paul & Rosemary Considine ^ Anthony & Catherine Conti ± Sarah Conti 2018 Renee Coppola 1978 Andrianna Corbett 2016 ± Serafina Cordero 2018 Joseph Corradino, Esq. & Melissa Papantones, Esq. Frank & Rose Costanzo ± Janet Cote ± Joelle Cote 2018 Caitlin Cotter 2015 John & Margaret Cotter ^

I owe everything to you, the teachers and staff of Sacred Heart Academy. You taught me that I do have the potential to succeed. You gave me motivation, perseverance, and the courage to take on new challenges and force myself to take on new tasks that fall out of my comfort zone. I am forever grateful for everyone who played a part in my Sacred Heart experience, no matter the role. You taught me that there are people out there Dolorita Danehy Coutts 1975 Jennifer Cozzi Hernandez ± Donna LaVorgna Cramond 1967 * Samantha Cretella 2017 Mary Grace Crisafi * Criscuolo & Cusano Families ± David & Paula Crombie ± Isabella Crotta 2019 ± Janice Cronin Cunningham 1978 David & Suzanne Curzi * Julia Cyr 2017 Marissa Czarnecki 2016 William & Grace D’Adamo ^ Jenna DAgostino 2016 ± Kaitlin D’Agostino 2016 ± Victoria D’Agostino 2016 William & Mary D’Agostino ± Carol D’Amato ± Rosalie Danehy ^ Abigail Davis 2017 Jordyn Davis 2019 ± Julia Davis 2017 Phylese Davis 2019 ± Maureen De Matteo ± AnnaMarie Viscuso Deangelo 1990 ± Patricia C. Deatherage ^ Ronald & Elizabeth DeBlis ± Stephen DeFrancesco Rose DeGrand 1955 ^ Joe & MaryLee Delaney ^ Nora Wolleben DeLeonard 2004 Janice M. Dell ± Anita DellaCamera Meghan DelVecchio 2016 ± Teresa DelVecchio * Juliana Dente 2019 ± Ronald & Susan DeNuzzo ± Natalia DePonte 2019 ± Brianna DeStefano 2019 ±

Erika DiFonzo 2011 Ralph DiFonzo, Jr. & Kristin DiFonzo ^ Rocco & Jeanne DiGenova Maria Dogali ± Laura Dolan 2016 Eileen Sullivan Donadio 1960 Katherine Donahue 2011 ± Claire Donelan 2018 Grace Donelan 2016 ± Shaun Donnelly & Karyn Gallagher 1987 ^ Arlene Donohue Brendan Donohue, Sr. & Maura Donohue ± Kevin Donovan, Esq. & Deborah Donovan ± Joseph & Donna Dornfried ^ Jennifer Dorsey 1986 Larry & Sherry Dorsi ± Gabriela dos Santos 2016 Campbell Doyens 2019 ± Maria Driend 1971 Linda Drost 1988 ± Erica Drufva 2019 ± Richard & Carol Drufva ± Morgan Duffany 2019 ± Patrick Duffany, Esq. & Kathleen Duffany ± Erin Dunne 2018 ± Nancy Manzo Dunne 1958 ^ Elizabeth Dwyer 1966 * Emma Dwyer 2011 ± Carsan Dziczkowski 2018 ± Rosellen Scali East ± Maame-Adjoa Edjah 2018 Ayah Elarabi 2016 ± Gary Elliott ± Doreen Chisaski Ely 1962 ^ David & Melissa Emerson ^ Alessandra Engengro 2019 ± Salvatore Esposito, Sr. & Kathleen Esposito Ann-Marie Evans 1985 ± Kevin & Pauline Fagan ^

who want you to succeed and will be with you every step of the way, no matter how difficult the path may be. Jennifer DeGrand ’13


Sara Fagan 2015 Sylvia Olivo Fappiano 1953 ± Brian Farrell, Esq. & Barbara Farrell Anthony Federico, Jr. & Debra Vizziello Federico 1975 Perian Hanlon Fein 1978 Ashlee Feliconio 2018 ± Colleen Tracey Fenn 1986 ± Sarah Ferrie 2016 ± Alexa Fiala 2017 Francesca Fidaleo 2019 ± Rachelle Fink Maria Vuolo Fiorillo 1954 ^ Madeline Fitzgerald 2016 Carol Fitzsimons 1971 ± Elizabeth Flannery 1989 ^ Mary Mirkhani Fletcher 1978 Sister Maureen Flynn, ASCJ 1981 ^ Forming Disciples, Cultivating Faith ± Jenna Fortunati 2015 Emily Fowler 2017 Maria Carbone Fradiani 1983 Dorothy Corbett Frazier 1955 * Karissa Frederick 2019 ± Karl & Sharlene Frederick ± Edward & Joanne Fresco ± Clement & Maria Fucci Francis Gagliardi * Maria Fusco Gagliardi 1991 ± Lori Emerson Gaidish 1980 ^ Jessica Gallagher 2018 Karen Gallagher ± Andrew & Mary Lou Galushko Victoria Galushko 2015 Patricia Giaimo Gambardella 1968 ^ Anna Garbolski 2016 ± Michael Garbolski ± Mia Gargamelli 2017 Michael & Ann Gargamelli ^ Barbara Jean Garofalo ^ Sylvie Scalabrini Gavaletz 1985 Ellie Gee Frank Genovese * Dana George 2017 Ashley Gerckens 2017 Brittany Gerckens 2017 Jennifer Buell Germe 1995 Frank Gerzabek & Lisa Russo Gerzabek 1978 Lindsey Gerzabek 2016 ± Kathleen Gesuero 2019 ± Michael Gibbons & Susan Gibbons, Ph.D. Michaela Gibbons 2018 John Giordano ± Louis & Rita Giordano ± Mary Jane Boylan Gliford 1968 Heather Glynn ±

Caroline Godbout 2019 ± Christian & Ann Marie Godbout ± Moira Godman 2015 Mark & Marlene Goldman ± Erica Gonsiewski 2017 ± Glenn & Rosanna Gonsiewski Nicolina Diana Gontarz 1956 Elisa Lupoli Gorton 1981 Casey Goulden 2015 Leonard & Mary Grabowski Cleo Ingram Graham 1972 Deborah Avitabile Graham 1996 ± John & Judith Grammatico ^ Julie Grammatico 2016 Megan Gray 2016 Betty Greco ^ Anita Paduano Greenberg 1955 ± Janice Greenberg ± Alan & Karen Greene * Keely Greiner 2018 Nyasia Griffin 2016 Pamela Lyons Griffin 1973 ± Barbara McNerney Grosser 1961 * Jennifer Grund 1989 ^ Francesca Guarnieri 2016 ± Andrea Guido 2001 ^ Pasquale & Donna Guido ± Leeah Gunneson 2019 ± Jennifer Haddon ± Cathleen Halasinski 2017 Erinn Halasinski 2015 Kathryn Fitzgerald Hamlin 1969 ^ Thomas Hammerberg & Betsy Fitzsimons 1976 ± Nancy Bretton Hannans 1966 James & Sandra Hanrahan ± Kathleen Kotak Harris 1965 Madison Harris 2015 Runette Harris 2019 ± Amber Harrison 2018 Donald & Sandra Harrison ± Juliana Harrison 2016 ± Dene Hart 1957 * Theodore & Agnes Haussler * Lisa Stamos Heerdt 1975 ^ Jacqueline D’Andrea Heins 1975 Catherine Herrick 2019 ± Anna Hill 2016 ± Mary Rose Hoffman Emma Hohmann 2019 ± Sheila Holdt ± Carole Thompson Holm 1961 * Amanda Hopkins 2019 ± Helene House ± Margaret Hughes 2016 ± Robin Hunt 1990 ^ Loisann Brookman Huntley 1967 ^

Rose Iannaccone 2016 Theresa Iannaccone 2013 Michael Iannone & Debra Daniels Iannone 1983 ± Frank Iannotti & Bernadette Conway ± Alysia Iezzi 2016 Insurance Benefits Resource Company ± Francesca Izzo 2017 Gabriella Izzo 2016 Brigitte Jackson 2019 ± Jenna Jackson 2016 ± Steven & Barbara Jackson ± Sarah Jacobson 2016 ± Gabrielle Jadach 2019 ± Sharon Lewis Jakubson 1966 ± Emily Jansen 2016 David & Catherine Jaundrill * Kristin Jaundrill 2002 Meghan Jerram 2016 Catherine Thompson Johnson 1966 ± Susan Johnson 1965 ± William Johnson Madison Jones 2019 ± Steven Joyce ± Lois Kaliszewski ± Timothy & Jaime Kane Donald & Patricia Kanoff ^ Jessica Kanoff 2008 Andrew & Kathleen Kaptain * Sierra Kaptain 2012 ± Molly Keane 2019 ± Anna Silvestro Keeney 1996 ± Barbara Kefalas 2019 ± Caitlyn Keish 2016 Roseann Kellaher ± Abigail Kelly 2017 ± Lois Lynch Kelly 1953 * Brian & Karen Kennedy James F. Kennedy Samantha Kennedy 2016 ± Caroline Kent 2018 Dana & Maureen Kent ± Arushi Khanna 2018 Mary Ann Kelleher Kiely 1974 * Bernadette Kingsbury 2019 ± Kaitlyn Koch 2016 ± William & Margaret Kohlhepp ± Marilyn Hunihan Kojkowski 1967 * Ryann Koons 2018 ± Steven & Linda Koretz ± Jean Musco Kozak 1964 * Gabriela Koziol 2018 David & Susan Krah ^ Eleanor Krah ^ Bradley & Barbara Kronstat ± Carolyn Fiore Kucharski, Esq. 1986 ^





PARENTS (Alumnae)




PARENTS (Current)



Brittany LaChance 2017 Michael & Vivien LaChance * Robert & Pauline LaChance Claire Lagarde 2019 ± Madeleine Lagarde 2017 Joanne Zunda Lambert 1968 Anthony & Rozanne Lancia ± Marcella Landino 2019 ± Amalia Saracco Landolfi 1984 ± Charles & Janice Lane ± Amber Langlois 2016 ± Kayla LaPointe 2018 ± Andrea Laudano 1975 Abbey Lawlor 2015 Megan Lee 1991 Shirley Lehrer ± Josef & Theresia Leiser ^ Nicole Lenti 1990 Hannah Levesque 2017 ± Martha Maloney Libbey 1964 Colleen Danehy Lindroos, Esq. 1971 Melanie Liptrot ± Robert & Fannie Liptrot ± Johannah Litchfield 2017 ± Olivia Little 2019 ± Selena Livramento 2016 ± Russell Lloyd & Candace Chapman ± Jane Lockery 2015 Joseph & Sarah Lockery Dorothy Sosnowski Lockwood 1959 * Mary Frances Longo 2016 ± Elizabeth LoPreiato 2017 Robert Loskant ± John & Maureen Lowman ± Siobhian Lowman 2019 ± Alceo Lucarelli & Valerie Narowski Lucarelli 1968 ^ Martha Lucarelli ± Deborah Luciani ± Amanda Lupi 2007 ^ Giannina Luppi 1973 * Mégane Lyonel 2019 ± Catherine Mackey 1983 Tracy Bello Madden 1998 Cheryl Franco Maenza 1987 ^ Ann Marie Maisano 1955 * Diane Zemke Maisto 1967 ± Susan Mancini ± Olivia Mantero 2018 ± Stephanie Marcucci 1996 Rebecca Marks 2015 Patricia Gunning Marques 1988 ^ James & Ann Marshall ±

Shaylin Marshall 2019 ± David Martindale ± Anayka Martinez 2016 ± Mia Maselli 2016 ± Samantha Mason 2016 ± Steven P. Mason Charles & Cynthia Massirio ± Patricia Massirio ± Shannon Mastriano 2017 Giulia Mastroianni Rita Matazzaro ± Raymond Mathews, Jr. & Pamela Mathews * Maria Matos & Jose Maza ± Natalie Maturo 2016 ± Caroline Mayer 2018 Julia Mayer 2016 ± Carolyn Peterson Mayers 1961 Rosaleen Kiernan Mazanec 1973 * Meredith McConnell 2018 Catherine McEachern 2019 ± Robert McEachern, Ph.D. & Isabel McEachern ± Orrin & Marian McFarland ± Beth McGrimley 1999 Shannon Mckeon McKeon 1996 Mary C. McKiernan Joseph McLaughlin & Jo-Ann Pompilio McLaughlin 1966 ± Alyssa McMahon 2019 ± Elisabeth McMahon 2016 ± Kayla McMillen 2016 Megan McMillen 2019 ± Stephen & Tracy McMillen ± Shannon McMunn 1994 ^ Morgan McNabola 2019 ± Susan McNerney 1967 * Anne McNulty Nicole Mecca 2014 ± William & Marialys Meskill ± Peter & Mariam Mesturini ± Gillian Langella Meyer 2001 ± Barbara Attianese Meyers 1966 ± Frances L. Miller ± † Lauren Minichino-Fisher 1996 ± Stephen & Valerie Mirabella ± Laura Mocciola 2018 Alexa Modell 2019 ± John & Lucille Monahan ^ James Mongillo, Esq. & Barbara Mongillo ± Katherine Mongillo 2019 ± Rebecca Moniz ± Nicole Montalto 2016 Rosemary Pacelli Montesi 1957

Patricia Moore 1957 ^ Ramona Pestone Moore 1979 Mayshell Mora-Cyrus 2019 ± Charles & Raphael Moran ^ Kelly Mordecai 2016 Stephen & Catherina Mordecai Guadalupe Morel ± Gabriella Morris 2017 Jennifer Ierardi Morrissey 1995 Kathryn Mortati 2014 Isobel Munday 2016 ± Patricia Hickey Murray 1966 * Jennifer Mydosh 2016 ± Caitlyn Napierkowski 2017 Angel Naranjo & Grace Torres ± Makayla Naranjo 2019 ± Kaitlin Nealon 2016 ± Ashley Neeley 2018 Scott & Elizabeth Neeley Joseph Negro & Patricia Green Negro ^ Claire Niesobecki 2017 ± Paul Niesobecki, Esq. & Ann Marie Niesobecki ^ Marie Materessa Niro 1954 ^ Rose Natale Nolan 1973 ^ Barbara Lucibella Norcia 1954 ^ Trisha Esposito Norwood 1993 Robert & Elena Nowicki Jacqueline O’Brien 2016 Maureen Murtagh O’Brien 1967 ^ Robert & Constance O’Connor ± Julia Ryan Ogren 1962 * Maureen Okang 2019 ± Mary Olson 2019 ± Sydney Olson 2016 ± James Onofrio ± Katherine O’Rourke 2015 Maya Pacelli 2015 Paul Pacileo & Anne Vincent Pacileo 1981 * Joseph & Beverly Palladino John & May Pallotto ± Nikki Pallotto 2016 Maryann Palmieri 1960 ± Sister Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ 1965 ^ Maria Parenteau 2016 Gene Pari & Ann Criscuolo Pari 1967 ^ Paul & Janet Pascucci ± Marlene Passaretti ± Jessica Patten 2017 Joseph & Sheryl Patten ^ Margaret Tarrant Paul 2005 John Paulishen, Jr. & Michelle Paulishen Michael & Clarissa Pearson *


As an alumna of the Class of 1979 and now honored to serve on the Advisory Council, I provide financial support to Sacred Heart Academy for two reasons, both based on the calling of an Excelsior graduate. I give to convey my thanks and promote the strong bonds formed during my years at Sacred Heart. I also give to ensure that the Academy will continue to provide an exceptional and accessible education and quality learning environment to talented and smart young women for years to come. Tracy Salemme Church ’79 Advisory Council Member


Katherine Peavy 2019 ± Cara Peccerillo 2019 ± Margaret Pello 2019 ± Donna Gill Pepe 1984 ± Sara Wilson Perez 1991 Darlene Piascik 1972 ^ Jennifer Piciw 2016 ± Nicholas & Karen Piciw Anna Pienkos 2018 Blase Redding Pierce ± Theresa Proulx Pierson 1978 Olivia Pietrogallo 2018 Frank Pietrosimone, Esq. & Patricia Reynolds Pietrosimone 1972 * Kathleen McNary Pillsbury 2001 ^ Peter & Nancy Pinchot ± Sarah Pine 2009 ^ Mackenzie Pittman 2019 ± Hannah Platt 2019 ± Jonathan & Allison Platt ± Jordan & Emily Pollack ± Richard & Jodi Pollack ± Renee Mastriano Ponzio 1991 * Kathleen McCloskey Pressman 1965 Carla Spino Prims 1987 ± Ralph † & Norma Proto Alexis Pudimat 2019 ± Mark & Claire Puklin * Caitlin Pursell 2013 Florette Pursell 2012 Kaleigh Putnam 2016 Elisa Puzone 1983 ± Kathleen Quinn 2016 ± Mollie Quinn 2005 ^ Megan Quinn ± Quinnipiac Office of Administration Services ± Robert Quintin & Ellen Bontempo Quintin 1965 ^

Stephen & Barbara Radigan * Kim Radowiecki 1973 * Rachael Radwill 2017 Francesca Rallo 2016 ± Raymond Ramelli ^ Elizabeth Barone Ranchinsky 1978 * Emma Reed 2018 Kathleen O’Neill Regan 1981 Celeste Rice 2016 Olivia Riley 2016 ± John Rinkewith & Joan Eighmie Rinkewith 1970 Danielle Rizzitelli 2016 ± Jaime Robinson 2016 Lisa Milano Robinson 1981 ± Nikki Robinson 2018 Annette Rogers William Rogers ± William & Jane Roiter ± Emily Ross 2019 ± Georgia Rossetti 2018 Helen Rossik ± Abigail Roth 2016 Matthew Roth, Ph.D. & Sallie Roth Jessica Rowe 1996 Amelia Rozear 2018 ± Richard & Winnie Rubino ± Josephine Ruggiero, Ph.D. 1961 Jasmin Russo 2016 ± Emma Rybacki 2015 Sarah Rybacki 2013 ^ Eileen Sabo 1972 ± Patricia McCarthy Salvati 1956 ± Ann Samson 2017 Cara Samson 2019 ± Kelly Sandella 2019 ± Thomas Sansone & Ruth Beardsley Joanne Ozyck Santos 1968 ^

Meghan Saracco 2016 ± Marjorie Grazia Sarasin 1954 ^ Earl Sargeant & Marie Della Selva Sargeant 1955 * Taylor Sarojak 2017 Brenda Menoza Sarosario 1983 William Savastano & Dorothy Mislick Savastano 1961 ^ Amanda Savona 2019 ± Jonathan & Phyllis Savona ± Patricia Scavone ± Bill & Nancy Scerbo Olivia Schilder 2009 Jamison Schillo 2018 Kailby Schommer 2016 Alie Schreck 2016 ± Barbara Ann Flynn Schuler 1984 Amy Kanoff Schumacher 1994 ^ Michelle Vasaturo Seagull 2002 * Abigail Segal 2019 ± Robert & Judy Sembler Eva Senger ± SHA Faculty & Staff ± SHA Haiti Project ^ SHA SADD SHA Sunshine Fund Josephine Midolo Shabbott 1971 * Sister Mary Anne Sharron, ASCJ 1964 ^ Kaylee Sheehan 2016 ± Brigit Sheehy 2017 LyAsia Shirden 2017 ± David & Merle Silver ± Betsey Smith ± Elizabeth Smith 2016 ± Sister Lany Jo Smith, ASCJ Laura Cuomo Smith 2001 ± Caroline Sofair 2019 ± Charles & Jacqueline Sotnik ^ Carol Sue Giannotti Spinaci 1951 * Arthur Stevens & Catherine Webster Stevens 1981 * Maria Stevens 1969 ^ Jillian Stickles 2018 Carmela Stora Mary DeMeola Stranova 1961 ± Sister Nancy Strillacci, ASCJ 1966 ± Charles & Jacquelyn Stupakevich Brian & Christine Sullivan ± Sister John Martin Sullivan, ASCJ 1956 ± Stephanie Sullivan 2019 ± Elizabeth Chambrelli Sweeten 1970 ± Therese Szemanczky ± Usha Tailor 2016 ± Brigid Tesla 2019 ± Sheila Norton Thomas 1971 ^ Elizabeth Tine 2019 ± Emily Tokash 2019 ± Annie-jorden Tomaszek 2019 ± Frank & Laurie Tomaszek ± Mary Jane Topitzer Elizabeth Tortora 1964 ± Michael & Cynthia Tracz ± Catherine Trentini 1964 Barbara DeMusis Trocchio 1954 * Loren LoCascio Trotta 1987 ^ Marilyn Trotta ± Isabella Tufaro 2019 ± Amelia Tuttle 2016 Melissa Uy 2018 ± Donna Giglio Varsh 1975 ± Jaclyn Vasaturo 2011 * Stefanie Vasaturo 2005 * Blaise Vece ^

Emily Velez 2016 ± Jessica Venables 2014 Arianna Vessicchio 2019 ± Carol Vigorito Susy Villacis ± Glory Villano 2019 ± Carmel Sullo Viscio 1955 * Lynn Vollero 2005 ± Maureen Roland Wagner 1966 ± Barbara Pieper Walding 1956 * Jonathan & Kathleen Walker ± Julia Walker 2019 ± Eileen & Patricia Wall ± Sandra Migani Wall, Ph.D. 1966 ± Anthony Wallace ^ Cara Walsh 2016 Christine Walsh 2016 ± Joan Heimann Walsh 1969 Vivian Wang 2019 ± Marcellene Grande Ward 1957 * Meaghan McMunn Wargo 2003 ± Taylor Weiss 2017 Jaala Welch 2016 ± Emily Wielk 2016 Brian & Karen Williams ± Lauren Williams 2018 Amy Wilson 1971 Brianna Wilson 2012 ^ Sister Paul Mary of Jesus Wilson 1965 ± Venissala Wongchai 2016 ± Christina Kennedy Woodford 1977 ^ Wooster Street Travel Roberta Yaklich 1954 * Jennifer Yeomans 2016 ± Marilyn Gizzi Zalewski 1964 ± Janet Celotto Ziaks 1980 Suzanne Ziobron ± Danielle Zito 1996 Lucy Zocco ± Kathleen DeSanto Zrebiec 1965 ^

Barbara Lucibella Norcia Marjorie Grazia Sarasin Barbara DeMusis Trocchio Roberta Yaklich


1958 — 13% Participation Carol Maresca Armstrong Judith Niziolek Broggi Leona Waselik Browne Nancy Manzo Dunne Mary Elizabeth Clark Helzer Maureen McDonough Kitching Frances Pascale Ellen Mckeown Triana Lucille Marcarelli Wientzen

1950 — 31% Participation Mary Ann Notaro Buonasora Barbara Capuano Ciesla Carmella Martino D’Onofrio Dorothy Fiorillo Farrell Dolores Tommaselli Malafronte 1951 — 17% Participation Anna Marsico DeLucia Josephine Notaro Early Catherine O’Shea Joan Polidoro-Bombassei Carol Sue Giannotti Spinaci 1952 — 8% Participation Louise Merlino DeConti Anna Mae Elia Santagata 1953 — 18% Participation Martha Abbate Amici Harriet Ciaburro Barone Marie Vissicchio Barone Theresa Grannucci Capone Sylvia Olivo Fappiano Lois Lynch Kelly Roberta DeLay Smith 1954 — 10% Participation Maria Vuolo Fiorillo Marie Materessa Niro

1955 — 20% Participation Violet Tortora Carbone Rose DeGrand Beth Donadio Dickinson Dorothy Corbett Frazier Anita Paduano Greenberg Ann Marie Maisano Anne Ruotolo Pisanelli Maureen Murphy Prior Marie Della Selva Sargeant Carmel Sullo Viscio 1956 — 15% Participation Theresa Amendola Azoti Linda Milone Apicella Mary Ann Blondin Cassidy Nicolina Diana Gontarz Patricia Joyce Heavren Patricia McCarthy Salvati Sister John Martin Sullivan, ASCJ Barbara Pieper Walding 1957 — 18% Participation Judith Clancy Boucher Andrea Gorske Bullard Loretta Triana Clark Elisabeth Reynolds Durso Judith Dering Ellis Dene Hart Mary Jo Carney Lee Rosemary Pacelli Montesi Patricia Moore Lillian Imarisio Pesce Joan Walsh Smith Edys Riordan Stine Marcellene Grande Ward

1959 — 11% Participation Anne Donegan Kraemer Dorothy Sosnowski Lockwood Geraldine Lupoli, Esq. Ann Cretella Peters Catherine Hawkins Tetzlaff Ann Vallombroso Joan Venditto Ann Nicoletti Zowine 1960 — 13% Participation Susan Pieper Blakeslee Mary Carroll Colburn Joanne Hart Connors Eileen Sullivan Donadio Marilyn Clancy Erff Linda Panico Esposito Marjorie Hogan Heyd Elaine Mastagni Lamboley Mary Ann Scarpellino Limauro


Elizabeth Sugrue O’Neil Maryann Palmieri Barbara Zotti Piscopo, D.N.P 1961 — 15% Participation Trifomena Colavolpe Carulli Barbara DeBarbieri Annette Currier Forte Barbara McNerney Grosser Barbara Ricciardi Guarniere Carole Thompson Holm Marie Lato Patricia Minichino Licklider Carolyn Peterson Mayers Mary Finney Morgan Barbara Tracchio Romano Josephine Ruggiero, Ph.D. Dorothy Mislick Savastano Mary DeMeola Stranova Maureen Healy Talbot 1962 — 15% Participation Jane Tatta Akowitz Diane Draper Boland Lorraine Owens Burns Catherine Cestar Crawford Doreen Chisaski Ely Lucille Christoforo Fusco Charlotte Januska Ann Zullo Lyons Ursula Mastrianni Martino Julia Ryan Ogren Maureen Burgh Porter Mary Soderstrom Saleh Carol Conte Shaw Roberta Schaefer Wolff 1963 — 10% Participation Anonymous Joan Attianese Joyce Rondino Clark Sandra Gomlin Ineson Carol Spignesi Loehmann Mary Sheehy Navin Diane DeFonzo Nehrkorn Mary Scott Carol Smith Witkowski 1964 — 13% Participation Barbara Mauriello Angelo Geraldine Fallon Mary Hendricks Glazier, Ph.D. Susan Carlucci Gold Carol Mele Kennedy


Jean Musco Kozak Martha Maloney Libbey Catherine Creagan McKnight Elisabeth Mastagni Posch Susan Marchitto Ricciardi Florence Maffoni Scarinci Sister Mary Anne Sharron, ASCJ Elizabeth Tortora Catherine Trentini Marilyn Gizzi Zalewski 1965 — 17% Participation Elaine Delchiaro Ainsworth Sharon Egan Bremer, M.D. Gayle Hugo Hardenbrook Kathleen Kotak Harris Carol Schoen Jankowski Susan Johnson Sister Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ Suzanne Rapanault Patry June Debowes Patton Marie Pogozelski Kathleen McCloskey Pressman Ellen Bontempo Quintin Mary Ellen Reilly Judith Kittelman Schwarz Regina Fox Shirey Katherine Chvisuk Stuhlman Sister Paul Mary of Jesus Wilson Kathleen DeSanto Zrebiec 1966 — 23% Participation Barbara Lipcan Bagley Susan H. Brosnan Sharon Good Canosa Arlene Starno Cassello Jo-Ann Cecarelli Rosemary D’Alessio Linda Seaman Demetrio Elizabeth Dwyer Johanna Coletta Fallert Deborah DeWitt Frattini Nancy Bretton Hannans Sharon Lewis Jakubson Catherine Thompson Johnson Jo-Ann Pompilio McLaughlin Maryellen Massicotte McMurray Barbara Attianese Meyers Patricia Hickey Murray Ellen Cusano Sheiffele Barbara Koshis Sherman Alicia Ford Spenlinhauer Sister Nancy Strillacci Catherine Hannon Vellaccio

Kathleen Marecki Viani Maureen Roland Wagner Sandra Migani Wall, Ph.D. Kate Wilson Linda Zemke Lorraine Zalenski Zuwallack 1967 — 14% Participation Cynthia Durol Civitello Donna LaVorgna Cramond Paula Forni Mary Galvin Loisann Brookman Huntley Marilyn Hunihan Kojkowski Rosalie Gerbi Lamontagne Diane Zemke Maisto Susan McNerney Maureen Murtagh O’Brien Ann Criscuolo Pari Carole Stackpole Martha Marchessault Stovall 1968 — 11% Participation Sally Cleto Cammarano Rosemary Forni Patricia Giaimo Gambardella Mary Jane Boylan Gliford Joanne Zunda Lambert Valerie Narowski Lucarelli Kathleen Crowley Monaco Julianne Perego-Mangini Joanne Ozyck Santos Suzanne Leary Skinner Theresa D’Aiuto Sokol Anne Farley Sturges 1969 — 15% Participation Margaret Mongillo Boice Lauren McNeil Backman Margaret Mongillo Boice Peggy Crowley Boissoneau Marybeth Madigan Cassidy, Esq. Janet Garrison Criscio Susan Bassermann Criscuolo Judith Manzi Cuticelli Marjorie Bussmann Gillis, Ed.D. Kathryn Fitzgerald Hamlin Elise Herlihy Susan Deak Kopits Kathy Berry Prentice Joan Naclerio Rizzo Maria Stevens Christine Wheeler Vaught Joan Heimann Walsh

1970 — 11% Participation Corinne Vece Cacopardo Joyce B. Comer, PharmD Maura Wilson Coppola Dolores DeFonzo Ennico Maureen Smith Howell Mary Ann Walsh Lewis Nancy Waselewski Marston Sheila F. McCloskey Joan Eighmie Rinkewith Diane Meskill Stewart Anne Harmon Sweeney Elizabeth Chambrelli Sweeten 1971 — 19% Participation Diane Nelthropp Abel Bernadette Rossiter Ballantyne Paula Berry-Zeller Susan Brennan Brennan Cheryl Madigosky Brischetto, Ph.D. Kathleen Carroll, Esq. Maria Driend Carol Fitzsimons Deborah Merkel Handley Mona Breault Hendrickson Colleen Danehy Lindroos, Esq. Maryellen McHenry Sister Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. Margaret Walsh Pereira Paula DiLauro Robinson Josephine Midolo Shabbott Sheila Norton Thomas Amy Wilson Anne Murphy Wimberger 1972 — 13% Participation Cynthia Kranich Altieri Nancy Borzain Margaret Falsey Brillante Maureen Danehy Cox, Esq. Jane Fedorowicz, Ph.D. Catherine Fitzsimons Sharon Smith Gendreau Cleo Ingram Graham Lisa Hottin Maria DiPalma Laudano Carol Durol Newman Darlene Piascik Patricia Reynolds Pietrosimone Eileen Sabo 1973 — 15% Participation Hollis Brooks Suzanne Colasanto, Esq. Lois Dioro Marilyn Petraiuolo Douglas, Esq. Marybeth Duffy Ann Marie Buonasora Engstrom Paula Fracasso, M.D., Ph.D. Pamela Lyons Griffin Katherine Heimann Giannina Luppi Rosaleen Kiernan Mazanec Rose Natale Nolan Patricia O’Brien Kim Radowiecki Phyllis Savo 1974 — 8% Participation Rose Ann Mansi Borger Megan McLeod Hernandez Mary Ann Kelleher Kiely

Karen Maloney Lucille Mentone Karen Walsh Reidy Karen Scorel

Theresa Proulx Pierson Elizabeth Barone Ranchinsky 1979 — 5% Participation Joann Fede Biglin Lynne Battista Bushey Tracy Salemme Church Angela Biancur Meade Ramona Pestone Moore Maria Wolog Peavy

1975 — 13% Participation Beth Iovanne Blazevich Mary Trella Champion Lynne Pantaleo Congdon Dolorita Danehy Coutts Debra Vizziello Federico Lisa Stamos Heerdt Jacqueline D’Andrea Heins Andrea Laudano Darlene Finer Levy Jeanne Marcarelli McCann Maureen Brady Moran Lynne Picard Quigley Donna Giglio Varsh

1980 — 11% Participation Traci Centi Bands Marlene Barone Cohen Lori Emerson Gaidish Frances Pellegrino Granquist, Esq. Tamara MacDonald Martin Nancy Cavallero McNamara Kristin Morico Mary Neclerio Susan Pursell, M.D. Claire Keating Rich Beth Zeranski Janet Celotto Ziaks

1976 — 9% Participation Anonymous Susan Onofrio Afeltra Regina Buonocore Apuzzo Helene Astorino Augustine Dawn Listro Basso Kimberly Yates Carew Betsy Fitzsimons Nancy Longo Perry Gail Fappiano Pritchard

1981 — 16% Participation Maria Asis-Gilbride, M.D. Kimberly Cramer Curbow Sister Maureen Flynn, ASCJ Elisa Lupoli Gorton Elizabeth Pisanelli Guerin Judith Keating Killoy Renee Busca O’Keefe Anne Vincent Pacileo Maryanne Giaimo Pisani Sheila McCarthy Quarz Kathleen O’Neill Regan Lisa Milano Robinson Margaret Rose Rybacki Mary Lyons Samson Jean Stadalnik, M.D. Catherine Webster Stevens Sister Anne Theresa Walsh, ASCJ Ann Kelleher Winch

1977 — 9% Participation Nancy Antin Patricia Brady Teresa Caiafa Ciaramella Diane Forni Regina McFarland Johnson Cathleen McMahon McGovern Cynthia Campochiaro Mitar Sister Mariette Moan, ASCJ Diane Dadio Perrone Christina Kennedy Woodford 1978 — 12% Participation Mary Costanzo Bernabucci Wendy Lee Brown Nancy O’Neil Carroll Renee Coppola Janice Cronin Cunningham Perian Hanlon Fein Mary Mirkhani Fletcher Maria Fracasso, Ph.D. Joanne Mastroianni Garbatini Lisa Russo Gerzabek Jeanne Lawlor Mazzariello

1982 — 13% Participation Anonymous Jacquelyn Caulfield Cahill Mary Danehy Amy Duda Pamela Guardo Hall, Esq. Kathryn Lee Cheryl Abbatello Maher Mary Grace Ciarleglio Maturo


5.40 %

9.98 %

9.78 %

10.24 %

9.89 %

343 donors

648 donors

613 donors

702 donors

667 donors

2011 - 2012

2012 - 2013

2013 - 2014

2014 - 2015

2015 - 2016


Mary Ellen Hummel McMahon Maryann Sullivan Noniewicz Susan Navarretta Pavano Kathleen Raymond Beth Smith, Ed.D. Eileen Grabowski Stephan Melissa Patton Sullivan

1988 — 5% Participation Cynthia Pettella Christie Linda Drost Michele Mattei Filorimo Kellie Ciaburro Guth Patricia Gunning Marques Lisa DeFrancesco Pyne

1983 — 13% Participation Anonymous (2) Felicity Buonocore Celentano Nancy D’Onofrio Maria Carbone Fradiani Margaret Nicholls Hallinan Lisa Vigliotti Harkness Mary Kay Hermann Debra Daniels Iannone Kimberly Lynch Keane Linda Field Kortick Catherine Mackey Susan Dadio Mitrano Catherine Filardi Pagliaro Elisa Puzone Brenda Menoza Sarosario Gloria Brunell Ybarra

1989 — 6% Participation Rita Serra Brenchak Catherine Ferrie-Kilmain Elizabeth Flannery Jennifer Grund Maria Acampora Loitz Kimberlee Northam Parlee

1984 — 9% Participation Filomena Ciarleglio Alvarado Alicia Tercyak Chasse Lesley DeNardis, Ph.D. Anne Fitzpatrick Donahue Amalia Saracco Landolfi Amy Sargeant Lang, Esq. Julie Coyne Luciani Donna Franco Minotti Donna Gill Pepe Karen Smith Reed Barbara Ann Flynn Schuler 1985 — 6% Participation Stacie Mulvey Allen Amy Nizen Blakeslee Ann-Marie Evans Elizabeth Navarretta Franco Traci Gallagher Sylvie Scalabrini Gavaletz Elizabeth Moran Rapone 1986 — 7% Participation Mary DeCaprio Antonetti Lisa Mastroianni Bogen Kathleen Laverty Bouvier Francine Conelli Coss Louise Rosarbo Dinsmore Jennifer Dorsey Colleen Tracey Fenn Carolyn Fiore Kucharski, Esq. 1987 — 10% Participation Sally Ann Esposito Bellucci Paige Ferris Carney Catherine DellOro Karyn Gallagher Mary Rose Casey Gilhuly Karen Witkowski Jerram Cheryl Franco Maenza Sandra Fucci Modell Carla Spino Prims Marci Garofalo Quaranta Rita-Marie Rogers Rossetti Loren LoCascio Trotta


1990 — 3% Participation AnnaMarie Viscuso Deangelo Robin Hunt Nicole Lenti 1991 — 7% Participation Nancy Lee Bauer Doreen Keogh Busca Maria Fusco Gagliardi Megan Lee Domenica Cirivello Pekar Sara Wilson Perez Renee Mastriano Ponzio 1992 — 1% Participation Anne Marie McNulty Canning 1993 — 2% Participation JoMichelle Corrales, Ph.D. Trisha Esposito Norwood 1994 — 4% Participation Jamie Coady Amanda Palmieri Linski Shannon McMunn Amy Kanoff Schumacher 1995 — 5% Participation Marisa Anastasio Jennifer Hyduk Byrne Jennifer Buell Germe Jennifer Grana Illuzzi, Ph.D. Jennifer Ierardi Morrissey Renata Serafin Patterson

1999 — 4% Participation Debra Boulay Bodner Tiffany Burns Gherlone Kate Mannion Keating Beth McGrimley Kelly O’Leary 2000 — 4% Participation Margaret Collins Kristen Kearney, Esq. Melissa Laudano, M.D. Amy Harris Stamp 2001 — 5% Participation Alicia Robbins Chevalier Andrea Guido Gillian Langella Meyer Kathleen McNary Pillsbury Laura Cuomo Smith 2002 — 3% Participation Tara Cocchiarella Barreira Kristin Jaundrill Michelle Vasaturo Seagull 2003 — 2% Participation Keira Gibson, Esq. Meaghan McMunn Wargo 2004 — 2% Participation Nora Wolleben DeLeonard Mallory Tarca Elizabeth Wolleben Yoder 2005 — 3% Participation Margaret Tarrant Paul Mollie Quinn Stefanie Vasaturo Lynn Vollero 2006 — 3% Participation Chrystina Cappello Kelly Mannion Alden Pelker, J.D. 2007 — 3% Participation Laura Carroll Ashley Guerrera Amanda Lupi Brigid Quinn

1996 — 11% Participation Sarah Carter Anderson Susan Kluk Board Samantha Malucci Castiello Deborah Avitabile Graham Jenae Avallone Gureff, Esq. Lauren Astorino Robbins Johnson Anna Silvestro Keeney Stephanie Marcucci Shannon McKeon Lauren Minichino-Fisher Jessica Rowe Danielle Zito

2008 — 3% Participation Alora Caraglio Kaylyn Carew Jessica Kanoff

1997 — 3% Participation Beth Botti Tracy Ann Saddig-Sheppard Sherese Ward

2011 — 4% Participation Sydni Camillo Erika DiFonzo Katherine Donahue Emma Dwyer Jaclyn Vasaturo

1998 — 4% Participation Katherine Lambert Bellucci Christina Bradley Tracy Bello Madden Virginia Bauer Tagliatela

2009 — 3% Participation Nicole Apuzzo Sarah Pine Olivia Schilder 2010 — 2% Participation Katherine Harris Kelsey Higgins

Sacred Heart Academy is a community that is near and dear to my heart. The faculty, staff, and administration are all committed to the school’s mission and are so welcoming and sincere in their desire to serve others, making me pleased to contribute to the school’s continuing success. I wish every young woman had the opportunity to experience and mature in such a loving environment. Maureen Hayes Librarian/Media Specialist 2012 — 4% Participation Nicole Bowman Meghan Buckley Sierra Kaptain Florette Pursell Brianna Wilson 2013 — 3% Participation Theresa Iannaccone Caitlin Pursell Sarah Rybacki 2014 — 4% Participation Perry Bowers Courtney Clark Nicole Mecca Kathryn Mortati Jessica Venables 2015 — 12% Participation Caitlin Cotter Sara Fagan Jenna Fortunati Victoria Galushko Moira Godman Casey Goulden Erinn Halasinski Madison Harris Abbey Lawlor Jane Lockery Rebecca Marks Katherine O’Rourke Maya Pacelli Emma Rybacki 2016 — 83% Participation Gianna Acabbo Marah Alian Kathleen Anderson

Maggline Auguste Kristen Austin Mitali Banerjee Kiana Barnett Courtney Beecher Julianne Beltz Isabela Blackwell Maximillian Bonito Sofia Brindisi Vanessa Brokaw Madison Brown Hannah Callahan Francesca Campanelli Alexa Capone Kylie Cardinali Alexa Carranzo Lauren Celentano Eunyee Cho Carmen Clarkin Emma Clini Cassidy Collins Cauley Comerford Andrianna Corbett Marissa Czarnecki Kaitlin D’Agostino Victoria D’Agostino Jenna DAgostino Meghan DelVecchio Laura Dolan Grace Donelan Gabriela dos Santos Ayah Elarabi Sarah Ferrie Madeline Fitzgerald Anna Garbolski Lindsey Gerzabek Julie Grammatico Megan Gray Nyasia Griffin


Francesca Guarnieri Juliana Harrison Anna Hill Margaret Hughes Rose Iannaccone Alysia Iezzi Gabriella Izzo


83% CLASS of 2017

34% CLASS of 2018

34% CLASS of 2019



Jenna Jackson Sarah Jacobson Emily Jansen Meghan Jerram Caitlyn Keish Samantha Kennedy Kaitlyn Koch Amber Langlois Selena Livramento Mary Frances Longo Anayka Martinez Mia Maselli Samantha Mason Natalie Maturo Julia Mayer Elisabeth McMahon Kayla McMillen Nicole Montalto Kelly Mordecai Isobel Munday Jennifer Mydosh Kaitlin Nealon Jacqueline O’Brien Sydney Olson Nikki Pallotto Maria Parenteau Jennifer Piciw Kaleigh Putnam Kathleen Quinn Francesca Rallo Celeste Rice Olivia Riley Danielle Rizzitelli Jaime Robinson Abigail Roth Jasmin Russo Meghan Saracco Kailby Schommer Alie Schreck Kaylee Sheehan Elizabeth Smith Usha Tailor Amelia Tuttle Emily Velez Cara Walsh Christine Walsh Jaala Welch Emily Wielk Venissala Wongchai Jennifer Yeomans 2017 — 34% Participation Marissa Amatruda Lily Barragan Adriana Bogen Nicole Bonadies Victoria Borruso Kylie Cacace Claudia Capozzo Juliana Carchia Jeanne Cassidy Victoria Charron Madison Clark Samantha Cretella Julia Cyr Abigail Davis Julia Davis Alexa Fiala Emily Fowler Mia Gargamelli Dana George Ashley Gerckens Brittany Gerckens

Erica Gonsiewski Cathleen Halasinski Francesca Izzo Abigail Kelly Brittany LaChance Madeleine Lagarde Hannah Levesque Johannah Litchfield Elizabeth LoPreiato Shannon Mastriano Gabriella Morris Caitlyn Napierkowski Claire Niesobecki Sophie Park Jessica Patten Rachael Radwill Ann Samson Taylor Sarojak Brigit Sheehy LyAsia Shirden Taylor Weiss 2018 — 34% Participation Marchella Abbate Sarah Anastasio Ashley Angeles Catherine Beckwith Bridget Beiser Ava Bellucci Julia Benanto Adrianna Bracale Madison Brenchak Erynne Browning Sophie Camizzi-Depalma Mary Castello Karlee Chapman Chrissy Chow Sarah Conti Serafina Cordero Joelle Cote Cecelia Cropp Claire Donelan Erin Dunne Carsan Dziczkowski Maame-Adjoa Edjah Ashlee Feliconio Jessica Gallagher Michaela Gibbons Keely Greiner Amber Harrison Caroline Kent Arushi Khanna Ryann Koons Gabriela Koziol Kayla LaPointe Olivia Mantero Caroline Mayer Meredith McConnell Laura Mocciola Ashley Neeley Anna Pienkos Olivia Pietrogallo Emma Reed Nikki Robinson Georgia Rossetti Amelia Rozear Jamison Schillo Jillian Stickles Melissa Uy Lauren Williams 2019 — 60% Participation Samantha Ajello

Casey Allen Julia Alvarado Taylor Andrzejewski Jenna Basile Clare Bassano Hannah Battipaglia Jillian Bauknecht Anna Beebe Brittany Bell Maria Bernabucci Olivia Bizzario Amaia Boykin Genesis Brito Kayla Cameron Fatima Cardozo Maureen Cassidy Isabella Crotta Jordyn Davis Phylese Davis Juliana Dente Natalia DePonte Brianna DeStefano Campbell Doyens Erica Drufva Morgan Duffany Alessandra Engengro Francesca Fidaleo Karissa Frederick Kathleen Gesuero Caroline Godbout Leeah Gunneson Runette Harris Catherine Herrick Emma Hohmann Amanda Hopkins Brigitte Jackson Gabrielle Jadach Madison Jones Molly Keane Barbara Kefalas Bernadette Kingsbury Claire Lagarde Marcella Landino Olivia Little Siobhian Lowman Mégane Lyonel Shaylin Marshall Catherine McEachern Alyssa McMahon Megan McMillen Morgan McNabola Alexa Modell Katherine Mongillo Mayshell Mora-Cyrus

Makayla Naranjo Maureen Okang Mary Olson Katherine Peavy Cara Peccerillo Margaret Pello Mackenzie Pittman Hannah Platt Alexis Pudimat Emily Ross Cara Samson Kelly Sandella Amanda Savona Abigail Segal Caroline Sofair Stephanie Sullivan Brigid Tesla Elizabeth Tine Emily Tokash Annie-jorden Tomaszek Isabella Tufaro Arianna Vessicchio Glory Villano Julia Walker Vivian Wang

PARENTS Class of 2016 — 31% Participation Anonymous (2) Aymen Alian, M.D. & Amal Seif John Anderson & Patricia Anderson, Esq. William & Karen Austin Wilfredo Ayala Tapas Bandyopadhyay, M.D. & Sibani Sengupta, Ph.D. Keith Brokaw & Patricia CappolaBrokaw James & Patricia Brown John Bui & Huong Thi Quach Paul & Kelly Campanelli George Carranzo, Jr. & Lisa Carranzo Michael Celentano & Felicity Buonocore Celentano 1983 Craig & Crystal Clarkin Mary Grace Crisafi William & Mary D’Agostino Michael Lee & Christina DeLouise Francis & Trish Donelan Stephen Fitzgerald, Esq. & Jacqueline Fitzgerald, Esq.

Michael Garbolski Frank Gerzabek & Lisa Russo Gerzabek 1978 Christopher & Rosa Harrison Edward & Laura Jansen Stephen Jerram & Karen Witkowski Jerram 1987 Brian & Karen Kennedy Michael Lee & Christina DeLouise Steven P. Mason Scott & Christine Maturo Edward & Karen Mayer Robert McMahon & Kristin McMahon, Esq. Stephen & Tracy McMillen Peter & Mariam Mesturini Stephen & Catherina Mordecai Nicholas & Karen Piciw David & Tammy Robinson Matthew Roth, Ph.D. & Sallie Roth Peter & Lori Schommer Joseph & Christine Tine Donald & Jenifer Walsh Glenn & Anne Yeomans Class of 2017 — 44% Participation Anonymous Timothy & Judith Ahearn Robert Antonetti, Jr. & Mary DeCaprio Antonetti 1986 Paul & Antonella Bacchiocchi Jose Barahona & Iris Acevedo-Barahona Benjamin & Guadalupe Barragan Bryan Bogen & Lisa Mastroianni Bogen 1986 Robert & Maribel Borruso Peter Bowers, M.D. & Jean A. Stadalnik, M.D. 1981 David & Rosalie Buono William Christie, Jr. & Cynthia Pettella Christie 1988 Thomas & Christine Clark Kevin Condon, Esq. & Laura Condon Jennifer Cozzi Robert & Sue Cunningham Daniel Davis III & Anne Davis Jeffrey Dussetschleger, D.D.S. & Patricia Dussetschleger David & Melissa Emerson Salvatore Esposito, Sr. & Kathleen Esposito Thomas & Kim Ferencz Salvatore & Veronica Filardi Richard & Deanna Fowler Mark Franco & Elizabeth Navarretta Franco 1985


Sacred Heart is very close to my heart and, except for my parents, was the most positive influence on my young life. My husband and I hope that our gifts will help provide similar blessings to young women whose families sacrifice to send their daughter(s) to Sacred Heart, just as my parents did. Megan McLeod Hernandez ’74

Michael & Ann Gargamelli Gary & Susan George Michael & Colleen Gethings Glenn & Rosanna Gonsiewski William Park & Alexandria Han-Park Christopher & Rosa Harrison Kim Jones Shawn & Tina Kelly David & Susan Krah Michael & Vivien LaChance Konrad & Karen Lagarde Marc & Stefanie Levesque Matteo LoPreiato, M.D. & Courtney LoPreiato Brian Luciani & Julie Coyne Luciani 1984 Craig Martin & Tamara MacDonald Martin 1980 Robert McMahon & Kristin McMahon, Esq. Paul Niesobecki, Esq. & Ann Marie Niesobecki Vincent & Margaret Palmieri William Park & Alexandria Han-Park Joseph & Sheryl Patten Matthew Pekar & Domenica Cirivello Pekar 1991 Michael Pyne & Lisa DeFrancesco Pyne 1988 Mark & Carol Ross David Samson III & Mary Lyons Samson 1981 Daniel & Leslie Slater Brian Tubby & Nicole Tung, Esq. Charles & Kathleen Underkofler Gerald & Leah Verna Peter & Ann Weiss Class of 2018 — 41% Participation Anonymous


Aymen Alian, M.D. & Amal Seif Michael & Diane Amarante Joseph & Laura Anastasio Michael & Kathleen Barbour Jeffrey & Margaret Beiser Benjamin Bellucci & Sally Ann Esposito Bellucci 1987 Frank & Carleen Blois Louis & Janet Bonito Daniel & Amy Bothwell Patrick Brenchak & Rita Serra Brenchak 1989 Shawn & Julie Browning Donald & Cathy Burns Thomas Byrne, Esq. & Hon. Julie Manning Kathryn Camizzi & Theodora Depalma Joseph Ciccone Craig & Crystal Clarkin Dominic & Alina Colossale Anthony & Catherine Conti Joe & Michele Cordero Janet Cote John Cropp, Ph.D. & Anne Cropp, PharmD Joseph Debs & Karen Borsos-Debs, D.P.M. Francis & Trish Donelan Shaun Donnelly & Karyn Gallagher 1987 Thomas Duffy, O.D. & Eva Marie Cekaitis, O.D. Michael & Jodi Dziczkowski Salvatore & Veronica Filardi Stephen Fitzgerald, Esq. & Jacqueline Fitzgerald, Esq. Karen Gallagher Brian & Karen Garceau Michael Gibbons & Susan Gibbons, Ph.D. Daniel Gilhuly & Mary Rose Casey Gilhuly 1987 Kevin Guth & Kellie Ciaburro Guth 1988 Donald & Sandra Harrison Christopher Jakubowski, M.D. & Joanna Jakubowska, M.D.

Steven Joyce Dana & Maureen Kent John & Diana Koons Stephen & Nancy LaPointe Edward & Karen Mayer Ralph Mocciola, PharmD & Josephine Mocciola Hon. Robert Nastri, Jr. & Kathleen Nastri, Esq. Scott & Elizabeth Neeley Thomas Noniewicz, Esq. & Maryann Sullivan Noniewicz 1982 Peter & Nancy Pinchot David Reed & Karen Smith Reed 1984 David & Tammy Robinson William Rossetti & Rita-Marie Rogers Rossetti 1987 Albert & Darcy Salemme Peter & Lori Schommer Timothy & Mary Seyfried Brian & Karen Williams Class of 2019 — 48% Participation Anonymous Sheban & Sadia Ahmad Michael Ajello, Esq. & Dana Ajello Frank Alvarado & Filomena Ciarleglio Alvarado 1984 Keith & Lisa Andrzejewski Gene & Robin Baldino Matthew & Angela Bassano Dean & Maryanne Bauknecht Joseph Bernabucci, Sr. & Mary Costanzo Bernabucci 1978 Laurie Bizzario Russell & Annette Cameron Pasquale & Francine Cavallaro Joseph Corradino, Esq. & Melissa Papantones, Esq. Dominic & Jennifer DeFalco Harry & Kristin DiAdamo Larry & Sherry Dorsi Steven & Neisha Dostie Richard & Carol Drufva Patrick Duffany, Esq. & Kathleen Duffany Nancy Ferraro Karl & Sharlene Frederick Daniel Frier & Linda Li Andrew & Mary Lou Galushko Christian & Ann Marie Godbout Charles & Ana-Cristina Herrick Edmund & Kristen Hohmann Dennis & Karin Jackson Michael & Mary Jadach Joseph Keane III & Kimberly Lynch Keane 1983 Konrad & Karen Lagarde Steven Lamoreaux, Ph.D. & Melissa Lamoreaux Douglas & Gina Lee Melanie Liptrot John & Maureen Lowman Brian Luciani & Julie Coyne Luciani 1984 Michael Malone James & Ann Marshall Maria Matos & Jose Maza Robert McEachern, Ph.D. & Isabel McEachern Stephen & Tracy McMillen Timothy & Hollyann McNabola Louis Modell & Sandra Fucci Modell 1987 James Mongillo, Esq. & Barbara Mongillo Guadalupe Morel Angel Naranjo & Grace Torres Charles & Mary Okang Craig Olson & Laura Sims-Olson

Leopold Peavy III & Maria Wolog Peavy 1979 Anthony & Debra Peccerillo William & Dawn Pello Jonathan & Allison Platt Hugh & Kathleen Plunkett Charles & Nancy Poronteau Frederick & Katharine Ross David Samson III & Mary Lyons Samson 1981 Jonathan & Phyllis Savona Christopher Senger & Kerry Quinn-Senger Andre Sofair, M.D. & Mary Sofair Steven & Deborah Sullivan Joseph & Christine Tine Frank & Laurie Tomaszek Gerald & Leah Verna Edward & Colleen Villano Jonathan & Kathleen Walker

FACULTY & STAFF Kerry Alexander George Bedocs Nicole Boucher John Bouteiller John Brixner Caroline Brown Maria Cammarota Deborah Camner Alora Caraglio 2008 Cheryl Celentano Elizabeth Christophy, Ph.D. Samantha Church Jennifer Cozzi Kimberly Cramer Curbow 1981 Sandra D’Ambrosio MaryLee Delaney Teresa DelVecchio Holly Fink Sister Maureen Flynn, ASCJ 1981 Kathryn Gniadek Elizbeth Griffin Maureen Hayes Lauren Henderson Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 Richard Marino David Martindale Mary Jane Maturo Jeanne Lawlor Mazzariello 1978 Patrick McAllister Sister Mariette Moan, ASCJ 1977 Susan Nelson Sister Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. 1971 Margaret O’Rourke, Esq. Sister Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ 1965 Maryanne Giaimo Pisani 1981 Megan Quinn Raymond Ramelli Patrick Redding Stephanie Redding Karen Walsh Reidy 1974 Bruce Rich Claire Keating Rich 1980 Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981 Donna Scaramella Sibani Sengupta, Ph.D. Sister Mary Anne Sharron, ASCJ 1964 Robert Silvestri Sister Lany Jo Smith, ASCJ Carole Stackpole 1967

Cynthia Tracz Louise Vannoorbeeck Annette Vasaturo Susan Vitale

PARENTS OF ALUMNAE Anonymous (2) Kenneth & Marie Ackerman Richard & Kimberly Agresta James & Martha Alexander Donald & Diane Anastasio Harold Andersen, Jr. & Nancy Andersen Bryan & Lisa Anderson Anthony & Ann Arpino Maria Astorino Helene Astorino Augustine 1976 Alfredo Axtmayer, M.D. Patricia Hayes Axtmayer Francis & Mary Baldino Maria Barbin Robert & Virginia Barker Richard Barone, Sr. & Harriet Ciaburro Barone 1953 Joseph & Janet Barone Paul & Joyce Bauer Michael Baumgaertner, M.D. & Irene Baumgaertner Reuel Belcher, Jr. & Dawn Belcher Linda Bellavance Douglas A. Berv, M.D. & Cheryl Bevvino Berv Robert & Cheryl Bishop Richard Blakeslee & Susan Pieper Blakeslee 1960 Kathleen Blum Judith Clancy Boucher 1957 James & Michelle Bowman Willie & Eleanor Boyd Jerry & Marian Brennan John Brillante, Sr. & Margaret Falsey Brillante 1972 Peter & Ann Bruchansky William & Diane Bruno John F. Buckley, Jr., Esq. & Tricia Buckley Mary Ann Notaro Buonasora 1950 Florence Burel Richard & Christina Byrnes Violet Tortora Carbone 1955 Alfred & Valerie Carbone Kimberly Yates Carew 1976 Robert Carroll & Nancy O’Neil Carroll 1978 Loretta Casey Arlene Starno Cassello 1966 John & Kathy Chiaro Anthony Ciaramella & Teresa Caiafa Ciaramella 1977 Richard & Laurie Cisto Cynthia Durol Civitello 1967 James & Carolyn Coady Paul & Rosemary Considine Frank & Caroline Corniello John Criscio & Janet Garrison Criscio 1969 David & Suzanne Curzi Judith Manzi Cuticelli 1969 William & Grace D’Adamo Catherine Daly Marie D’Andrea Rosalie Danehy Maureen De Matteo Douglas & Christine DeCerbo Thomas & Patricia DeGrand Janice M. Dell Anna Marsico DeLucia 1951


Linda Seaman Demetrio 1966 David Sakheim, Ph.D. & Susan Devine Jon & Nancy Dickey Ralph DiFonzo, Jr. & Kristin DiFonzo Rocco & Jeanne DiGenova W. James & Diane Dinehart John & Suzanne Dolan Richard & Nellie Donofrio Albert D’Onofrio, D.D.S. & Carmella Martino D’Onofrio 1950 Arlene Donohue Brendan Donohue, Sr. & Maura Donohue Amy Duda 1982 Patrick Duffy, M.D. & Suzanne Duffy John Early, Jr. & Josephine Notaro Early 1951 Doreen Chisaski Ely 1962 Kevin & Pauline Fagan Sylvia Olivo Fappiano 1953 Brian Farrell, Esq. & Barbara Farrell Robert Farrell, Esq. & Mary-Jean McGarrity William Farrell, Jr. & Dorothy Fiorillo Farrell 1950 Anthony Federico, Jr. & Debra Vizziello Federico 1975 Kevin & Patricia Fennell Brian Fischer, Esq. & Katherine Fischer Edward & Frances Flynn Francis Forte & Annette Currier Forte 1961 Edward & Joanne Fresco Clement & Maria Fucci Geraldine Fusco James & Elizabeth Gagliardi Ronald Garbatini & Joanne Mastroianni Garbatini 1978 Barbara Jean Garofalo Gregory Genna & June Finnucan-Genna Frank Genovese Thomas & Phyllis Giglietti Thomas Gniadek & Kathryn Gniadek Leonard & Mary Grabowski John & Judith Grammatico Jeffrey Granquist & Frances Pellegrino Granquist, Esq. 1980 Alan & Karen Greene Dolores Greenspun John Guerin & Elizabeth Pisanelli Guerin 1981 Pasquale & Donna Guido Charles & Carol Gunning Jennifer Haddon Kevin Hallinan & Margaret Nicholls Hallinan 1983 Thomas Hammerberg & Betsy Fitzsimons 1976


Stephen Hanchuruck, Esq. & Laurie Hanchuruck Eugene Harris Karen S. Harris Paul & Kathleen Harris William & Linda Harvey Theodore & Agnes Haussler Van M. Hendrickson & Mary J. Miller Mary Rose Hoffman Michael Iannone & Debra Daniels Iannone 1983 David & Catherine Jaundrill Catherine Thompson Johnson 1966 Joseph & Rochelle Kanell Donald & Patricia Kanoff Andrew & Kathleen Kaptain Roseann Kellaher Lois Lynch Kelly 1953 Thomas & Linda Kiely Michael & Eileen Kolakowski Marek & Jadwiga Kozlowski Pietro & Antoinetta Landino Amalia Saracco Landolfi 1984 Charles & Janice Lane Joseph Laudano, Jr. & Maria DiPalma Laudano 1972 Nora O’Neill Laverty Kevin & Marianne Lawlor John & Elizabeth Leary Joseph Lee, Esq. & Mary Jo Carney Lee 1957 Ann Marie Lenart Joseph & Barbara Lenti Mary Ann Scarpellino Limauro 1960 Joseph & Sarah Lockery Thomas & Patricia LoRicco Alceo Lucarelli & Valerie Narowski Lucarelli 1968 Peter & Colene MacDonald John Maher, Jr. & Cheryl Abbatello Maher 1982 John & Carolyn Mancini Felix J. Mangini & Julianne Perego-Mangini 1968 Thomas Margius, O.D. & Susan Margius Richard Marino Giulia Mastroianni Rita Matazzaro Raymond Mathews, Jr. & Pamela Mathews Frank Maturo, Jr. & Mary Grace Ciarleglio Maturo 1982 Michael Mazzariello & Jeanne Lawlor Mazzariello 1978 Rosemary A. McCarthy Orrin & Marian McFarland

Joseph McLaughlin & Jo-Ann Pompilio McLaughlin 1966 Anne McNulty Lucille Mentone 1974 William Merico, Jr. & Lori Merico William & Marialys Meskill Stephen & Valerie Mirabella Donald & Margaret Mitchell John & Lucille Monahan Charles & Raphael Moran Joseph Mortati, DPT & Denise Mortati, Esq. Tod & Robin Moynihan Madeline Mrowka Allan Munzenmaier, D.D.S. & Daria Friel, D.M.D. Mary Sheehy Navin 1963 Robert & Elena Nowicki Hugh & Martha O’Neill James Onofrio John P. Orazem, M.D. & Claire Rusowicz James O’Rourke, Esq. & Margaret O’Rourke, Esq. Paul Pacileo & Anne Vincent Pacileo 1981 Margaret C. Palmieri Gene Pari & Ann Criscuolo Pari 1967 Marlene Passaretti John Patry & Suzanne Rapanault Patry 1965 Joseph Patton, Jr. & June Debowes Patton 1965 Richard Pavano & Susan Navarretta Pavano 1982 Michael & Clarissa Pearson Geraldine Peddle Felix Mangini & Julianne Perego-Mangini 1968 Diane Dadio Perrone 1977 Frank Pietrosimone, Esq. & Patricia Reynolds Pietrosimone 1972 Gregory & Sandra Piontek Anthony Pisanelli & Anne Ruotolo Pisanelli 1955 Ralph Pisani, Jr. & Maryanne Giaimo Pisani 1981 Dominic & Antoinette Proto Mark & Claire Puklin John Quinn, Esq. & Mary-Ann Haran, Esq. Robert Quintin & Ellen Bontempo Quintin 1965 Stephen & Barbara Radigan Marie Ragozzino James Reidy & Karen Walsh Reidy 1974 John Rinkewith & Joan Eighmie Rinkewith 1970 Lucien Rizzo & Joan Naclerio Rizzo 1969 Paula DiLauro Robinson 1971 Annette Rogers Glenn Rybacki, Esq. & Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981

David Sakheim, Ph.D. & Susan Devine Earl Sargeant & Marie Della Selva Sargeant 1955 William Savastano & Dorothy Mislick Savastano 1961 Paul & Toni Savino Roger & Linda Sciascia Robert & Judy Sembler John & Susan Shanley Leon & Jan Slomkowski Peter & Janet Smith Pasquale & Sandra Somma Gregory Stamos, Esq. & Susan Stamos Arthur Stevens & Catherine Webster Stevens 1981 Thomas & Debra Strong Charles & Jacquelyn Stupakevich Joseph & Santa Toscano Michael & Cynthia Tracz Alfred Triana & Ellen Mckeown Triana 1958 Michael & Annette Vasaturo David & Caryl Viola Frank & Joyce Vollero James O. Walsh, Esq. & Marsha Walsh Kevin & Louise Ward Arthur & Mary Lee Weber Neal & Christine Wellins Carol Smith Witkowski 1963

GRANDPARENTS Anonymous Anna Jean Ajello Nelson & Louise Bernabucci Richard Blakeslee & Susan Pieper Blakeslee 1960 Susan Brady Judith Niziolek Broggi 1958 Anne Byrne Joseph & Joyce Caldarella Ronald & Rosemarie Carbone Renato Carboni, Jr. Grace Carrano Charles & Carol Clarkin Virginia Colossale John & Madeline Contegni Frank & Rose Costanzo John & Margaret Cotter Henry Criscuolo & Susan Bassermann Criscuolo 1969 Thomas & Doreen Crowe Harry & Maureen DiAdamo Maria Dogali Richard & Virginia Doyle William B. Dragan, D.D.S. & Margaret P. Dragan Doreen Chisaski Ely 1962 Maria Vuolo Fiorillo 1954 Clement & Maria Fucci Ellie Gee Frank & Dolores Gerzabek Louis & Rita Giordano John & Judith Grammatico Betty Greco Theodore & Agnes Haussler Felipe & Glafira Heyrosa Therese Hinckley William Johnson Lois Lynch Kelly 1953 Eleanor Krah Robert & Pauline LaChance Josef & Theresia Leiser Robert & Fannie Liptrot

Richard LoRicco, Sr., Esq. Robert Loskant Martha Lucarelli James & Mary Manning Giulia Mastroianni Edward & Mary Jane Maturo William McEachern Thomas & Terry Anne McKiernan Vincent & Mary McMahon John & Lynda McMillen Madelyn Mega Frances L. Miller Paul Moyher Gertrude Olson Joseph & Beverly Palladino John & May Pallotto Joseph & Lorraine Patriarca Anthony Pisanelli & Anne Ruotolo Pisanelli 1955 Dominic & Antoinette Proto Marie Ragozzino Mary Robinson William & Arlene Robinson Annette Rogers Barbara Tracchio Romano 1961 Helen Rossik Marvin & Mary Ann Rozear Bill & Nancy Scerbo Lambert & Joan Schommer Eva Senger Fred D. Sette, Esq. & Barbara Sette Charles & Jacqueline Sotnik Nicholas & Alberta Torello Leon & Dorothy Tremblay Alfred Triana & Ellen Mckeown Triana 1958 Carol Vigorito Carol Smith Witkowski 1963 Suzanne Ziobron

William & Jane Roiter Richard & Winnie Rubino Therese Szemanczky In Memory of Robin Baldini 1982 Jacquelyn Caulfield Cahill 1982


31% CLASS of 2017


IN MEMORIAM In Memory of Carolyn Amendola Acampora 1955 Alphonse Acampora

CLASS of 2018

In Memory of Edward "Eddie" G. Allen Elizbeth Griffin In Memory of John & Mary Amendola Theresa Amendola Azoti 1956


In Memory of Deceased Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Roberta Yaklich 1954 In Memory of Arthur L. Astorino Maria Astorino In Memory of Mary B. Attianese Joan Attianese 1963 John & Janice Blake Eugene & Marion Brandolini Maureen Buchanan Frank & Mary Colvario William & Carol Crawford Mark & Marlene Goldman Sheila Holdt Joshua D. Hughes, Esq. & Susanna Hughes Steven & Barbara Jackson Steven & Linda Koretz Barbara Attianese Meyers 1966 Paul & Janet Pascucci

CLASS of 2019



In Memory of Helen Banas Shirley Lehrer In Memory of Dennis J. Barnum II David & Susan Krah In Memory of George J. & Jane H. Berry Kathy Berry Prentice 1969 In Memory of Alfred J. Biamonte Richard & Manon Gagliardi In Memory of Augie Biancur, Jr. Angela Biancur Meade 1979

Stuart & Hedy Bush Corinne Vece Cacopardo 1970 Joseph & Joyce Caldarella Alice Cleto & James DeVito Joyce B. Comer, PharmD 1970 David & Paula Crombie Gary Elliott James & Sandra Hanrahan Maureen Smith Howell 1970 Deborah Luciani Sheila McCloskey 1970 Blase Redding Pierce David & Merle Silver Anne Harmon Sweeney 1970

In Memory of Grace Gizzi Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964 In Memory of Frances & Andrew Gorske Andrea Gorske Bullard 1957 In Memory of Jaye Grazia Marjorie Grazia Sarasin 1954 In Memory of William Hammel Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964 In Memory of Dr. & Mrs. James C. Hart Joanne Hart Connors 1960

In Memory of Jeff Boland Diane Draper Boland 1962

In Memory of Mary V. Crowley Kathleen Crowley Monaco 1968

In Memory of Irene G. Healy Maureen Healy Talbot 1961

In Memory of Randolph Henry Bretton Nancy Bretton Hannans 1966

In Memory of Mary Fischer Curtiss 1963 Clayton Curtiss

In Memory of Fred & Eleanor Heimann Katherine Heimann 1973

In Memory of William Bridges Timothy & Hollyann McNabola

In Memory of Michael F. Daly Catherine Daly

In Memory of Florence K. Hoinski Tiffany Burns Gherlone 1999

In Memory of Agnes M. Bruno Richard & Manon Gagliardi

In Memory of Rev. Peter S. Dargan Richard & Virginia Doyle

In Memory of Joseph & Sophie Hunihan Anonymous

In Memory of Anne Flaherty Burns Kathleen Carroll, Esq. 1971

In Memory of Dr. Pasquale J. De Matteo Maureen De Matteo

In Memory of Catherine Idone Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964

In Memory of Molly Campochiaro Cynthia Campochiaro Mitar 1977

In Memory of Ralph J. DeFonzo Dolores DeFonzo Ennico 1970

In Memory of Barbara Kittelman 1959 Judith Kittelman Schwarz 1965

In Memory of Eleanor Capristo Cynthia Kranich Altieri 1972

In Memory of John Louis Dell, Sr. Janice M. Dell

In Memory of Paul A. Kluk Susan Kluk Board 1996

In Memory of Dolores Carboni Renato Carboni, Jr.

In Memory of Fred DeLuca David & Caryl Viola

In Memory of Helmuth Krah Eleanor Krah

In Memory of John Carey Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964

In Memory of Sr. Ernestine DeSidero Nicolina Diana Gontarz 1956

In Memory of Hope Kuziel 1988 Patricia Gunning Marques 1988

In Memory of Trofimena ”Trifie” Carlucci Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964

In Memory of Robert DiLauro Ashley Guerrera 2007 Paula DiLauro Robinson 1971

In Memory of Louis & Mary Lato Marie Lato 1961

In Memory of Joan Carrano 1966 Kate Wilson 1966 In Memory of Nicholas Cassella Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964 In Memory of Pasquale J. Cavallaro, Sr. Pasquale & Francine Cavallaro In Memory of Deceased Members of the Class of 1952 Anna Mae Elia Santagata 1952 In Memory of Sr. Aloysius Como, ASCJ Barbara Mauriello Angelo 1964 Patricia C. Deatherage

In Memory of Angelo Disalvatore Joan Attianese 1963 Barbara Attianese Meyers 1966 In Memory of Lou & Janice D’Onofrio Nancy D’Onofrio 1983 In Memory of Peter Esposito Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964 In Memory of Donald R. Fappiano, Sr. Sylvia Olivo Fappiano 1953 In Memory of Joseph & Marjorie Fitzgerald Kathryn Fitzgerald Hamlin 1969

In Memory of Carmen & Millie Conte Carol Conte Shaw 1962

In Memory of John Joseph Frione, Sr. Richard & Manon Gagliardi

In Memory of Julie A. Cavallaro Cooper 1960 Wayne Cooper

In Memory of Phyllis J. Gagliardi Richard & Manon Gagliardi

In Memory of Henry Coppola Donald & Diane Anastasio Joan Beauchamp Linda Biondi

In Memory of Rita Genovese Frank Genovese


In Memory of Mary Regan Giordano 1962 John Giordano

In Memory of Carmen & Florence LaVorgna Donna LaVorgna Cramond 1967 In Memory of Gloria Carvalho Leahy 1963 Class of 1963 In Memory of Jean Leary Mary Hendricks Glazier, Ph.D. 1964 In Memory of Paul & Marianna Leary Suzanne Leary Skinner 1968 In Memory of Pat Lucarelli Martha Lucarelli In Memory of Ellen Lyden 1966 Kate Wilson 1966 In Memory of Dr. Richard P. Lynch Andrew & Kathleen Kaptain In Memory of Susan Fox Mackey 1962 Ursula Mastrianni Martino 1962 In Memory of Andrew & Angelina Mansi Phyllis Savo 1973 In Memory of Frank & Tina Mansi Rose Ann Mansi Borger 1974

When our oldest daughter, Grace, began her journey at Sacred Heart Academy my husband, Francis, and I wanted to feel connected to her friends, school, and experiences. We found that volunteering at the Academy provided us with the opportunity to meet other parents and to interact with the fabulous faculty and staff. Spending time giving back to Sacred Heart allowed us to see firsthand how special In Memory of Michael & Carmel Manzo Nancy Manzo Dunne 1958 In Memory of Beverly Marenholz Richard & Manon Gagliardi In Memory of Louis & Eve Mauriello Barbara Mauriello Angelo 1964 In Memory of Carmel Mauro Raymond Mathews, Jr. & Pamela Mathews In Memory of Edward Mauro Apex Lighting Solutions, Inc. Linda Barone Norman & Theresa Brockett C.J. Fucci Construction Co., Inc. Sally Cleto Cammarano 1968 Joyce Chapman Alice Cleto & James DeVito Benedict & Elizabeth Cozzi Michael & Gail D’Addio Richard Daly Stephen DeFrancesco John & Kim DeLucia Dicin Electric Co., Inc. Albert D’Onofrio, D.D.S. & Carmella Martino D’Onofrio 1950 Richard & Nellie Donofrio Linda Panico Esposito 1960 Michael & Sheila Giordano Janice Greenberg IBEW Local 90 Debra Iodice I.U.O.E. Local 478, 478A, 478C, 478D & 478E Natalie Jacobs

Charles & Cynthia Massirio Patricia Massirio Joseph & Betsy Mauri Grace Mauro E. Merritt McDonough McPhee Electric Barbara Metzler Peter & Janice Paduano Marco & Ann Palmieri The Pellegrino Law Firm Petra Construction Corporation Jordan & Emily Pollack Richard & Jodi Pollack Dennis & Janine Reilly Lisa Swack

the Academy is and why our daughters love this school so much. Trish Donelan P’16, ’18

In Memory of Joan Rose McEachern William McEachern In Memory of Jean F. McEachern William McEachern In Memory of Eugene McGillen Kathleen Kotak Harris 1965 In Memory of William McKiernan Mary C. McKiernan In Memory of James McNabola Timothy & Hollyann McNabola In Memory of Ellen C. McNeil Lauren McNeil Backman 1969 In Memory of Madeline C. Meriano Cynthia Kranich Altieri 1972 Alfred & Valerie Carbone Chartwells Campus Dining Allen & Arlene Ciociola


Christine Ciociola, Esq. Charles & Mary Conte Renee Coppola 1978 Criscuolo & Cusano Families Carol D’Amato Ronald & Elizabeth DeBlis Ronald & Susan DeNuzzo Rosellen Scali East Thomas & Phyllis Giglietti Joseph & Ida Ginnetti Helene House William & Margaret Kohlhepp Anthony & Rozanne Lancia Charles & Janice Lane Dorothy Lauria Quinnipiac Office of Administration Services Meriano’s Bakery & Cannoli Truck Donna Franco Minotti 1984 William & Wendy Platt Patricia Scavone Betsey Smith Carmela Stora Elizabeth Chambrelli Sweeten 1970 Quinnipiac University AT & BMS Faculty & Staff In Memory of Mother Clelia Merloni, ASCJ Barbara Koshis Sherman 1966 In Memory of Anne & Andrew Migani Sandra Migani Wall, Ph.D. 1966 In Memory of Sharon Milano-Magida 1977 Lisa Milano Robinson 1981 In Memory of Maureen Leary Minnick 1990 John & Elizabeth Leary In Memory of Mariette B. Moan Kenneth & Marie Ackerman Susan Onofrio Afeltra 1976

Robert & Cheryl Bishop Bryan Bogen & Lisa Mastroianni Bogen 1986 Alphonse & Jeannine Bouchard John Brillante, Sr. & Margaret Falsey Brillante 1972 Paul & Pauline Caiafa Sally Cleto Cammarano 1968 Mark & Deborah Camner Anthony Ciaramella & Teresa Caiafa Ciaramella 1977 Anna Marsico DeLucia 1951 Forming Disciples, Cultivating Faith Maria Carbone Fradiani 1983 Edward & Joanne Fresco Ronald Garbatini & Joanne Mastroianni Garbatini 1978 Elizbeth Griffin The Guidi Family Jennifer Haddon Kevin Hallinan & Margaret Nicholls Hallinan 1983 Lisa Vigliotti Harkness 1983 Lisa Stamos Heerdt 1975 Jacqueline D’Andrea Heins 1975 Mary Kay Hermann 1983 Felipe & Glafira Heyrosa Regina McFarland Johnson 1977 Francis Lamboley, Esq. & Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 Nora O’Neill Laverty Catherine Mackey 1983 Giulia Mastroianni Shannon McMunn 1994 H. Joseph & Juel Moan Sister Mariette Moan, ASCJ 1977 Rebecca Moniz Ramona Pestone Moore 1979 Marie Materessa Niro 1954 Robert & Constance O’Connor Hugh & Martha O’Neill John & May Pallotto Elizabeth A. Parker Diane Dadio Perrone 1977

Carla Proto Norma Proto Elisa Puzone 1983 Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964 Bruce Rich & Claire Keating Rich 1980 Annette Rogers William Rogers Glenn Rybacki, Esq. & Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981 SHA Sunshine Fund St. Catherine of Siena Michael & Annette Vasaturo Joan Venditto 1959 Susy Villacis Susan Vitale Eileen & Patricia Wall Wooster Street Travel Joan Yarusso Gloria Brunell Ybarra 1983 Lucy Zocco In Memory of Peter J. Mrowka Madeline Mrowka In Memory of Robert C. & Anne M. Murtagh Maureen Murtagh O’Brien 1967 In Memory of Nicholas Niro Marie Materessa Niro 1954 In Memory of Raymond H. O’Neill Barbara O’Neill Raymond O’Neill In Memory of James F. O’Neill Sally Cleto Cammarano 1968 Mark & Deborah Camner Eileen Sullivan Donadio 1960 Elizbeth Griffin Francis Lamboley, Esq. & Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 Nora O’Neill Laverty Mary C. McKiernan Elizabeth A. Parker


June 2012 June 2013 June 2014 June 2015 June 2016 $1,989,184 $2,334,400 $2,651,542 $3,146,023 $3,171,459


Bruce Rich & Claire Keating Rich 1980 Glenn Rybacki, Esq. & Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981 SHA Faculty & Staff SHA Sunshine Fund Michael & Annette Vasaturo Joan Venditto 1959 Susan Vitale Amy Wilson 1971

In Memory of Willa C. Rusowicz-Orazem 2013 John P. Orazem, M.D. & Claire Rusowicz Sacred Heart Academy Community In Memory of Steven F. Santos Joanne Ozyck Santos 1968 In Memory of Raymond Saracco Amalia Saracco Landolfi 1984

In Memory of In Memory of John J. O’Neill, III Kathleen O’Neill Kramer

In Memory of Frances Argento Scaramella 1968 Patricia Giaimo Gambardella 1968 Felix Mangini & Julianne Perego-Mangini 1968

In Memory of James & Virginia Onofrio James Onofrio

In Memory of Adam Gregory Vasaturo Seagull James & Lisa Cantey The Pension Service, Inc.

In Memory of George & Margaret Owens Lorraine Owens Burns 1962 In Memory of Joseph A. Panico Richard & Manon Gagliardi In Memory of Sr. Mary Matthew Papallo, ASCJ Tracy Bello Madden 1998 In Memory of George A. Paradis Elizbeth Griffin In Memory of Dolores DelVecchio Perfetto 1958 Judith Niziolek Broggi 1958 In Memory of Jack Peters Ann Cretella Peters 1959 In Memory of Sr. Mary Nicoletta Pettillo, ASCJ Patricia C. Deatherage Florence Maffoni Scarinci 1964

In Memory of Susan Shea 1966 Kate Wilson 1966 In Memory of Sr. M. Antonine Signorelli, ASCJ Patricia Minichino Licklider 1961 Joan Polidoro-Bombassei 1951 In Memory of Peter Sirre Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964 In Memory of Georgianna Smet 1962 Roberta Schaefer Wolff 1962 In Memory of Gloria Rose Smith Kevin Donovan, Esq. & Deborah E. Donovan In Memory of Kathleen Smith Michael & Annette Vasaturo Susan Vitale In Memory of Marie DeFalco Sommo 1954 Charles Sommo, Jr.

In Memory of Anne Piascik Darlene Piascik 1972

In Memory of Frank Tortora, M.D. Elizabeth Tortora 1964

In Memory of Maureen Wetmore Platt 1960 Jonathan & Allison Platt

In Memory of Nora T. Toscano Linda Amarante Santo & Patricia Bello Burnette Miller Wollermann, PLLC Mark & Deborah Camner Pasquale & Donna Guido Bradley & Barbara Kronstat Kathleen Marchetti Susan Marchitto Ricciardi 1964

In Memory of John Reilly Mary Ellen Reilly 1965 In Memory of Margaret Ruotolo Anthony Pisanelli & Anne Ruotolo Pisanelli 1955

William F. Schaeffer, Jr. & Paula Torgerson Joseph & Santa Toscano Marilyn Trotta In Memory of Anthony & Eleanor Vallombroso Ann Vallombroso 1959 In Memory of William Vermeulen Konrad & Karen Lagarde In Memory of Antoinetta Viscuso AnnaMarie Viscuso Deangelo 1990 In Memory of Ronald J. Williams Mary Ann Williams In Memory of Rev. Harold R. Wimmer Richard & Manon Gagliardi In Memory of David Wong Michael & Vivien LaChance In Memory of Marilyn W. Yates Kaylyn Carew 2008 Kimberly Yates Carew 1976

IN HONOR In Honor of Abby Agresta 2014 Richard & Kimberly Agresta In Honor of Samantha Ajello 2019 Joseph M. Ajello In Honor of Kathleen Anderson 2016 Richard & Virginia Doyle In Honor of The Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Shawn & Tina Kelly In Honor of Lisa Arpino 2010 Anthony & Ann Arpino In Honor of Harriet Ciaburro Barone 1953 Marlene Barone Cohen 1980 In Honor of Julia Berv 2011 Douglas A. Berv, M.D. & Cheryl Bevvino Berv In Honor of Marie Grindell Boswell 1958 Scott Boswell


In Honor of Regina Javelle Boyd 1989 Willie & Eleanor Boyd In Honor of Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Cannizzo's 40th Anniversary Gene Pari & Ann Criscuolo Pari 1967 In Honor of Kaitlyn Carboni 2018 Renato Carboni, Jr. In Honor of Jeanne Marie Cassidy 2017 Leon & Dorothy Tremblay In Honor of Maureen Cassidy 2019 Leon & Dorothy Tremblay In Honor of Caitlin Cotter 2015 John & Margaret Cotter In Honor of Maureen Danehy Cox, Esq. 1972 & Robert Cox Thomas Sansone & Ruth Beardsley Brian & Christine Sullivan Arthur & Mary Lee Weber In Honor of Sr. Mary Faith Dargan, O.P., Ph.D. Richard & Virginia Doyle In Honor of Zoe DeFalco 2019 Dominic & Jennifer DeFalco In Honor of Maame-Adjoa Edjah 2018 Anonymous In Honor of Ally Engengro 2019 Martha Lucarelli In Honor of Alexa Fiala 2017 Joseph & Beverly Palladino In Honor of Friendship Kathleen O'Neill Regan 1981 In Honor of Katherine Fitzgerald 2018 John & Madeline Contegni Madelyn Mega In Honor of Madeline Fitzgerald 2016 John & Madeline Contegni Madelyn Mega In Honor of Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ 1981 Anonymous Elizbeth Griffin Elizabeth A. Parker Leopold Peavy III & Maria Wolog Peavy 1979 David Reed & Karen Smith Reed 1984 In Honor of Dana George 2017 Frances L. Miller In Honor of Eugene W. Harris Rev. John J. Georgia In Honor of Gene Harris' 65th birthday Earl & Mary Lou Stamp In Honor of Madison Harris 2015 Peter & Colene MacDonald In Honor of Sr. Jerilyn Hunihan, ASCJ Anonymous


In Honor of Emily Jansen 2016 Bill & Nancy Scerbo In Honor of Monika Krah 2017 David & Susan Krah Josef & Theresia Leiser In Honor of Sr. Elaine Lattanzi, ASCJ 1955 Maria Astorino In Honor of Alexis Liptrot 2019 Robert & Fannie Liptrot In Honor of Kayla McMillen 2016 John & Lynda McMillen

In Honor of Emma Pavano 2013 Richard Pavano & Susan Navarretta Pavano 1982 In Honor of Baba & Memere Pelletier Paul Niesobecki, Esq. & Ann Marie Niesobecki In Honor of Class of 1981 — 35th Reunion Sheila McCarthy Quarz 1981 In Honor of Sacred Heart Academy Class of 1980 Bruce Rich & Claire Keating Rich 1980

In Honor of Megan McMillen 2019 John & Lynda McMillen

In Honor of Amelia Rozear 2018 & Allison Rozear 2020 Marvin & Mary Ann Rozear

In Honor of Laura Mocciola 2018 Maria Dogali

In Honor of Kailby Schommer 2016 William & Arlene Robinson

In Honor of Katie Murray, my daugher — an R.N. as of May, 2016 Maryellen Massicotte McMurray 1966

In Honor of Klara Schommer 2018 William & Arlene Robinson

In Honor of Ashley Neeley 2018 Therese Hinckley Scott & Elizabeth Neeley In Honor of Sr. Sheila O'Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. 1971 Elizbeth Griffin Elizabeth A. Parker Leopold Peavy III & Maria Wolog Peavy 1979 In Honor of Sr. Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ 1965 Mark & Deborah Camner

In Honor of Sr. Mary Anne Sharron, ASCJ 1964 Mark & Deborah Camner Msgr. David M. Walker In Honor of Sr. Lany Jo Smith, ASCJ Mark & Deborah Camner In Honor of Eileen Grabowski Stephan 1982 Leonard & Mary Grabowski In Honor of Karisten Strong 2006 Thomas & Debra Strong

In Honor of Annie-jorden Tomaszek 2019 Robert Loskant In Honor of Adrienne Ward 2006 Kevin & Louise Ward In Honor of Virginia Ward 2004 Kevin & Louise Ward

SCHOLARSHIP FUNDS Reverend John P. Blanchfield Scholarship Karen S. Harris & Patrick Mahoney Bonnie L. Bieder Memorial Scholarship Hon. Robert Nastri, Jr. & Kathleen Nastri, Esq. Mary Bowman Scholarship Apex Developers LLC James & Michelle Bowman Catholic Charity League Scholarship Catholic Charity League of New Haven Alfred & Julia Celentano Scholarship Gerald J. Moran Class of 1970 Scholarship Donald & Diane Anastasio Joan Beauchamp Linda Biondi Stuart & Hedy Bush Corinne Vece Cacopardo 1970 Joseph & Joyce Caldarella Alice Cleto & James DeVito Joyce B. Comer, PharmD 1970 Maura Wilson Coppola 1970 David & Paula Crombie Gary Elliott James & Sandra Hanrahan Maureen Smith Howell 1970 Mary Ann Walsh Lewis 1970 Deborah Luciani Nancy Waselewski Marston 1970 Sheila McCloskey 1970 Blase Redding Pierce David & Merle Silver Anne Harmon Sweeney 1970 Marie D. Colasanto Scholarship Suzanne Colasanto, Esq. 1973 James & Elizabeth Gagliardi Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ 1981 Scholarship Elizbeth Griffin Elizabeth A. Parker Tara Foley 1992 Memorial Scholarship Robert & Maureen O'Keefe Amy Kanoff Schumacher 1994 Sister Nancy Strillacci, ASCJ 1966 Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Scholarship Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Lucille M. LoRicco 1955 Endowed Scholarship Richard LoRicco, Sr., Esq. Carmel Mauro Scholarship Apex Lighting Solutions, Inc. Linda Barone Norman & Theresa Brockett

C.J. Fucci Construction Co., Inc Sally Cleto Cammarano 1968 Joyce Chapman Alice Cleto & James DeVito Benedict & Elizabeth Cozzi Michael & Gail D'Addio Richard Daly Stephen DeFrancesco John & Kim DeLucia Dicin Electric Co., Inc. Albert D'Onofrio, D.D.S. & Carmella Martino D'Onofrio 1950 Richard & Nellie Donofrio Linda Panico Esposito 1960 Michael & Sheila Giordano Janice Greenberg IBEW Local 90 I.U.O.E. Local 478, 478A, 478C, 478D & 478E Debra Iodice Natalie Jacobs Charles & Cynthia Massirio Patricia Massirio Raymond Mathews, Jr. & Pamela Mathews Joseph & Betsy Mauri Grace Mauro E. Merritt McDonough Barbara Metzler Peter & Janice Paduano Marco & Ann Palmieri The Pellegrino Law Firm Petra Construction Corporation Jordan & Emily Pollack Richard & Jodi Pollack Dennis & Janine Reilly Lisa Swack Carolyn Lee McCormack 1990 Memorial Scholarship Arlene Donohue Kathryn Lee 1982 Joseph Lee, Esq. & Mary Jo Carney Lee 1957 Sr. Ellen McKeon, ASCJ 1961 Scholarship E A Group LLC John J. & Corrine S. O'Neill Memorial Scholarship Kathleen O'Neill Kramer Barbara O'Neill Raymond O'Neill Monica Ann O'Neill 1975 Memorial Scholarship Mark & Deborah Camner Eileen Sullivan Donadio 1960 Vincent T. Donnelly Ashley Guerrera 2007 Francis Lamboley, Esq. & Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 Nora O'Neill Laverty Mary C. McKiernan Hugh & Martha O'Neill Elizabeth A. Parker Paula DiLauro Robinson 1971 Glenn Rybacki, Esq. & Margaret Rose Rybacki 1981 SHA Faculty & Staff SHA Sunshine Fund Michael & Annette Vasaturo Joan Venditto 1959 Susan Vitale Amy Wilson 1971

Angelina & Philip Paolella, Sr. Scholarship Alfredo Axtmayer, M.D. Patricia Hayes Axtmayer Philip Paolella, Jr. Scholarship Mark & Deborah Camner Douglas & Christine DeCerbo James & Elizabeth Gagliardi Richard & Manon Gagliardi Sister Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ 1965

HANDS UP FOR HEART Anonymous Joseph M. Ajello Michael Ajello, Esq. & Dana Ajello Allied Printing Services, Inc. Joseph & Laura Anastasio Alfredo Axtmayer, M.D. Patricia Hayes Axtmayer Banti & DeFelice, CPAs, LLC Robert Barreira & Tara Cocchiarella Barreira 2002 Blanchette Sporting Goods, Inc. Beth Iovanne Blazevich 1975 Bryan Bogen & Lisa Mastroianni Bogen 1986 John Brillante, Sr. & Margaret Falsey Brillante 1972 John Brixner John F. Buckley, Jr., Esq. & Tricia Buckley The Business Network Group Matthew & Maria Cammarota Mark & Deborah Camner Paul & Kelly Campanelli Alora Caraglio 2008 & Frank Coppola Samantha Church Ed Church & Tracy Salemme Church 1979 John Cropp, Ph.D. & Anne Cropp, PharmD David Thompson Architects John & Gail DeGrand Thomas & Patricia DeGrand Catherine DellOro 1987 Michael Lee & Christina DeLouise Dennis Uniform Manufacturing Company Destinations Unlimited Francis & Trish Donelan Steven & Neisha Dostie Jason & Holly Fink Stephen Fitzgerald, Esq. & Jacqueline Fitzgerald, Esq. Mark Franco & Elizabeth Navarretta Franco 1985 Daniel Gilhuly & Mary Rose Casey Gilhuly 1987 Jeffrey Granquist & Frances Pellegrino Granquist, Esq. 1980 Stephen Hanchuruck, Esq. & Laurie Hanchuruck Karen S. Harris & Patrick Mahoney Richard & Suzanne Iovanne Janney Montgomery Scott, LLC Thomas & Linda Kiely Konrad & Karen Lagarde Francis Lamboley, Esq. & Elaine Mastagni Lamboley 1960 Harold J. Lamboley III, Esq. & Maureen Lamboley Stephen & Nancy LaPointe Kevin & Marianne Lawlor Michael Lee & Christina DeLouise Edward & Mary Jane Maturo Scott & Christine Maturo


Edward & Karen Mayer Robert McMahon & Kristin McMahon, Esq. Elliot & Gisele Miller Donald & Margaret Mitchell Louis Modell & Sandra Fucci Modell 1987 Gregory Nappo Hon. Robert Nastri, Jr. & Kathleen Nastri, Esq. James O'Rourke, Esq. & Margaret O'Rourke, Esq. Elizabeth A. Parker Joseph & Lorraine Patriarca Anthony & Debra Peccerillo

The Sacred Heart Academy

Heritage Society

In 2007, former principal Sr. Ritamary Schulz, ASCJ, ’59 established the Heritage Society to give alumnae, their families, and other friends an opportunity to make bequests to Sacred Heart Academy. Charitable bequests may include cash, stocks, real estate, or other property. We welcome open discussions with you or your attorney, accountant, or financial advisor on the specifics of including Sacred Heart Academy in your estate plans. Please contact the Office of Mission Advancement at 203-287-8181, x318 for further information.

Matthew Pekar & Domenica Cirivello Pekar 1991 Ralph Pisani, Jr. & Maryanne Giaimo Pisani 1981 Hugh & Kathleen Plunkett Michael Pyne & Lisa DeFrancesco Pyne 1988 Sheila McCarthy Quarz 1981 Patrick & Stephanie Redding James Reidy & Karen Walsh Reidy 1974 Bruce Rich & Claire Keating Rich 1980 David & Tammy Robinson Frederick & Katharine Ross Albert & Darcy Salemme David Samson III & Mary Lyons Samson 1981 Peter & Lori Schommer Roger & Linda Sciascia Christopher Senger & Kerry Quinn-Senger Mark & Erin Sieczkowski Andre Sofair, M.D. & Mary Sofair Steven & Deborah Sullivan Derek Turbawski Sister Anne Theresa Walsh, ASCJ 1981 Donald & Jenifer Walsh James O. Walsh, Esq. & Marsha Walsh John & Margaret Walsh Arthur & Mary Lee Weber Rebecca Williams Glenn & Anne Yeomans

MATCHING GIFTS Abbott Laboratories Fund AXA Foundation Matching Gifts Bank of America Matching Gifts Program BIC Corporation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation Citizens Bank Covidien Surgical Devices Business Unit ExxonMobil Foundation Matching Gifts Program Gartner Group GE Capital Corporation

The GE Foundation Ironshore Holdings The John G. Martin Foundation Marsh & McLennan Companies Matching Gifts Program Medtronic Employee Matching Gift Program Olin Corporation Charitable Trust Partner Reinsurance Co. of U.S. Pfizer, Inc. Pitney Bowes Matching Gift Program The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts Program PSEG Educational Matching Gift Program Stanley Black & Decker Textron Matching Gift Program UBS Matching Gift Program UnitedHealth Group United Technologies Corporation VM Ware Inc. Voya Investment Management LLC

GIFTS IN KIND James & Martha Alexander Andrew Rubenoff Design George & Elynor Bedocs Joseph & Janet Bracale Mark & Deborah Camner Cascade Fine Catering Cronin Photography DiChello Distributors, Inc. EP Graphic Design Foxon Park Beverages Inc. John DeGrand & Son, Inc. John's Refuse Removal, Inc. KBE Building Corporation Knights of Columbus Supreme Council Mad Tents, LLC Scott & Christine Maturo Kathy McDonough McGarry Photography R&R Freight Services Subway Elizabeth Barletta Salerno 1963


Through the Year 1.

Special Events 2015 - 2016





(1) Sr. Anne T. Walsh, ASCJ, ’81, Frank Loehmann, Jr., Sr. Sheila O'Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D.,’71, Fr. Jeffrey Romans, and Sr. Maureen Flynn, ASCJ, ’81 at the dedication of The John G. Martin Foundation Biological Sciences Laboratory. (2) Stephen LaPointe, 2017 Golf Chair (center) with (from left to right) Sandy Guthrie, Tom Barbarino, Peter Velcofsk, and Mike Rodrigue at the 24th Annual Golf Tournament for Scholarship. (3) Auction Chairs Dana & Mike Ajello P’15, ’19, with their daughter, Samantha Ajello ’19, at Auction 2016 — "The Spirit of America". (4) Eric Hummel at Auction 2016. (5) The Rozear sisters with Sr. Sheila O'Neill at the 2016 President's Club Gathering at the Q Club.



Sr. Adrianne DiLonardo, ASCJ recently moved from Clelian Heights in Greensburg, PA, to Sacred Heart Manor in Hamden.



Janet Sheiffele Blake lives in CA and has been happily married for more than three decades. After a fulfilling career working with writers for stage and network television, Janet is following her long-held passions — singing and storytelling. Although primarily a cabaret singer, Janet can be found several nights a week singing anywhere there is a willing pianist!


Ann Erba Vallecillo taught elementary school in the Stratford Public Schools for 18 years and then at St. Gabriel School in Milford. She recently joined St. Rita School in Hamden as a part-time fourth grade teacher. Assistant Principal Sr. Anne D’Alessio, ASCJ, ’65 was involved in the interview process during which time they shared memories of Sacred Heart in the 60s.

Jane Storlazzi Scognamillo and her husband, Fred, whom she met during her freshman year at Sacred Heart, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary in June. During the summer, they traveled to Carmel, CA, to visit with family and continue the celebration. Congrats!


has enhanced the standing and reputation of the university. Jane is the Chester B. Slade Professor of Accounting and Information Systems at Bentley where she has taught for more than 20 years.


Debra Vizziello Federico recently earned a master’s degree in marriage and family therapy. She is now working at the Franciscan Life Center in Meriden and pursuing CT licensure.



Jean Musco Kozak and her husband, Paul, recently welcomed a third grandchild. Baby Matias joins older brother, Joaquin, and older sister, Luca. Jean does a great job juggling her time serving as guidance counselor and director of student activities at St. Joseph Catholic Academy in State College, PA, following her daughter’s volleyball coaching career at Goucher College in MD, and visiting her grandchildren in Boston. She always makes a point to stop at Sacred Heart to see her sister, Sr. Judith Musco, ASCJ, ’61, on her return trip to PA! Sr. Mary Anne Sharron, ASCJ was recently appointed director of Sacred Heart Manor Nursery and Kindergarten and is thoroughly enjoying her new ministry with the young children. Sister continues to support the efforts of our Office of Alumnae Relations.


Sr. Sheila O’Neill, ASCJ, Ph.D. proudly welcomed the ninth member of her family to Sacred Heart Academy. Megan Harkins, daughter of Sr. Sheila’s niece, Patricia McHugh Harkins ’82, is a member of the Class of 2020.


Jane Fedorowicz, Ph.D. was recently awarded the 2016 Mee Family Prize at the Bentley University Convocation. This annual award recognizes lifetime scholarly achievement that

Sr. Lisa Marie Florio, ASCJ, along with several other Apostles, traveled to Krakow, Poland, this summer for World Youth Day 2016.


Polly Nugent worked as an educator and educational consultant for many years before returning to school to earn a M.A. in Social Work at Hunter College. Polly happily shares,

“I found my calling and love the work!” She is now a licensed clinical social worker at the NYC Department of Education, Division of Early Childhood Education, and lives in Brooklyn with her amazing dog, Ruby. “I have had the privilege of traveling all over the world building wonderful friendships and relationships with loved ones. I also danced professionally for several years in New York City. If anyone would like to reach out, it would be fun to hear from you…my email address is pnugentsw@gmail. com. Blessings!”

working with Bike and Build, an organization that also builds houses for those in need. After college Katie spent two years working with AmeriCorps and is now a project manager for Habitat for Humanity in Charlotte, NC. Younger sister Molly ’12 offers, “How wonderful for Katie that she was able to turn her passion for serving others into a profession!”

special education school for students with emotional, mental, and physical disabilities. She recently completed a Master’s of Science in Art Education in May, also at SCSU. Congratulations on your purchase of a new home, Betta.



Sarah Butler Piscatelli and her husband, Matthew, were married in May at St. Michael’s Church in Derby. Ann Brillante ’99 and Alessandra Fiallos ’09 served as bridesmaids. Congratulations, Sarah! Jessica Young married Angelo Saba on June 25 at St. Clare Church in East Haven. Best wishes, Jessica. Donna Bimonte has been a nurse for 11 years, and after graduating as a CT State trooper in December, was hired by the Connecticut State Police in June. She is now serving as a CT State trooper in Danielson, while still maintaining her nursing license. Congrats to Donna on her recent marriage. Lindsey Shepherd is a board certified behavior analyst and certified special education teacher. In the summer she traveled to India to volunteer with The Global Autism Project, a nonprofit which brings research-based practices to a special needs school there. The group spent two weeks teaching teachers how to use these practices for their children with autism and developmental disabilities.


Katie Hanchuruck worked with Habitat for Humanity each year during her college spring break. She also spent one summer during college


Kristin Kunze recently moved back to the New Haven area to pursue a Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) in Nurse Anesthesia at Quinnipiac University. She is in the second class of the program and will graduate in 2018. Kristin was recently inducted into the International Nursing Honors Society, Sigma Theta Tau, and has been teaching CPR and First Aid for the American Red Cross as a volunteer. Prior to returning to CT, she was a nurse in the Cardiothoracic ICU at Duke University for three years. Meagan McKernan is a full-time broadcast producer at FiOS 1 News in Rye Brook, NY.


Elisabetta Corraro graduated from Southern Connecticut State University with a degree in art education in 2013 and has since been teaching art at Cooperative Educational Services, a


Sarah Parkins graduated in May from Syracuse University with a Bachelor of Architecture degree and now attends the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill working toward a master’s degree in city and regional planning. “I am so incredibly happy in North Carolina and can’t wait to see what the future holds,” shares Sarah.


Caitlin Malloy recently graduated from the University of Connecticut Honors Program with a major in allied health sciences and a minor in gerontology. She is now attending Columbia University pursuing a master’s degree in occupational therapy.


Theresa Iannaccone is in her senior year at Iona College, majoring in finance and economics. She is working full time as a financial analyst for IBM, while also serving as president of Iona’s Council for Greek Governance.


STRONG BONDS — REUNION 2016 I was touched to see so many former classmates. It is so very hard to believe that 50 years has passed since we were together, yet we picked up right where we left off. Walking the halls of Sacred Heart brought back so many memories, and what I didn't remember my classmates quickly reminded me! There were truly strong bonds formed during our four years and they will never be broken.

Arlene Starno Cassello ’66







CLASS OF 2006 What a beautiful and special celebration of our 50th reunion! Thank you to all who made this possible! Loved being with my classmates from the Class of 1966!

Lorraine Zuwallack ’66

• Had such a great time celebrating with all the alumnae today! It was so awesome to see so many of my former students! Kim Cramer Curbow ’81

As a 1956 graduate, I am part of the alumnae group of Greene Street Girls. You made us feel so special at our 60th reunion in June! We were recognized with all the other classes and, in addition, we each received special certificates and a rose at the beautiful Mass. It was great to be together again with my classmates. Thank you for hosting a wonderful day for all of us, one to be put into our book of memories of our days at Sacred Heart!

Theresa Amendola Azoti ’56


STRONG BONDS Apostles in Action •


Honoring our Special Reunion Classes

Class of 1952 ı 65 Years Class of 1957 ı 60 Years Class of 1967 ı 50 Years Class of 1992 ı 25 Years From left, Sr. Mary Lee, ASCJ, Sr. Rita Petrarca, ASCJ, ’58, Sr. Diane Mastroianni, ASCJ, Sr. Ritamary Schulz, ASCJ, ’59, Sr. Veronica Beato, ASCJ, Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77, Sr. Virginia Herbers, ASCJ. In August the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus announced new leadership: The General Council of the Congregation ı Rome, Italy Sr. Miriam Cunha Sobrinha ı Superior General Sr. Anne Theresa Walsh ’81 ı Vicaress General/Councilor Sr. Lucia Giussani ı General Councilor Sr. Maria de Lourdes Castanha ı General Councilor Sr. Lucia Soccio ı General Councilor The US Provincial Leadership ı Hamden, CT Sr. Ritamary Schulz ’59 ı Provincial Superior Sr. Virginia Herbers ı Provincial Vicaress/Councilor Sr. Veronica Beato ı Councilor Sr. Diane Mastroianni ı Councilor Sr. Mariette Moan ’77 ı Councilor Sr. Mary Lee ı Treasurer Sr. Rita Petrarca ’58 ı Secretary

SATURDAY, JUNE 3, 2017 2:00 TO 6:00 p.m. Sacred Heart Academy


1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007, and 2012!

STRONG BONDS “shall ne’er in life be broken!”


We are especially proud of our alumnae who serve in these leadership roles and acknowledge with gratitude the past service of all former General and Provincial leaders most especially Sr. M. Clare Millea, ASCJ, ’65 who served as Superior General from 2004 to July, 2016. We ask for your prayers for our newly elected alumnae — Sr. Anne Teresa Walsh, ASCJ, ’81 newly named Vicaress General/Councilor and formerly Provincial Superior; Sr. Ritamary Schulz, ASCJ, ’59, beloved two-time Academy principal serving as Provincial Superior; Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77, our director of alumnae relations, serving as Councilor; and Sr. Rita Petrarca, ASCJ, ’58 serving as Secretary. The transition of leadership took place during a ceremony at Mount Sacred Heart in September.

Sacred Heart Academy Alumnae facebook.com/groups/SHAalumnae


After celebrating Reunion with her classmates, Mona Breault Hendrickson ’71 and family members hosted their annual Sticky Wicket Challenge here at Sacred Heart. Included among the players were seven alumnae. From left , Frances Sylvia Breault Launder ’60, Michele Breault Maciejko ’63, Simone Breault Kingsley ’66, Mona Breault Hendrickson ’71, Marcia Launder Smith ’83, and Kathy Tyrol Kingsley ’90. Missing from photo, Lisa Launder Hickey ’82.

IN MEMORIAM Sacred Heart Alumnae Maryann Esposito Bernick ’57 Janet Garrison Criscio ’69, mother of Jessica Criscio Cronk ’96 and Joanna Criscio Stavrides ’01, sister of Lisa Garrison ’75

John Donegan, husband of Elizabeth Ann Cacace Donegan ’61, brother of Anne Donegan Kraemer ’59 and the late Mary Donegan Acunto ’56

Linda Seaman Demetrio ’66, mother of Keri Edmonds ’94 and Megan Edmonds Hong ’95, sister of Deborah Seaman Ruggiero ’70

John Douglas, father of Susan Douglas Butler ’84

Marie Onofrio Duddy ’53

Harold Goodwin, husband of Dee-Ann Shannon Goodwin ’61

Anne Marie Paolella Ferris ’72, sister of Sr. Mary Jane Paolella, ASCJ, ’65

Albert Hauser, father of Kristen Hauser Murphy ’90

Elizabeth McNulty Kuhn ’70

Anne Jalowiec, mother of Marianne Jalowiec Schustek ’60

Adrienne Terrazano Mallette ’56

William Kirk, father of guidance secretary Cheryl Celentano

Willa Rusowicz-Orazem ’13

Mary “Annie” Lagerstrom, sister of Judith Lagerstrom Schaub ’64 and Paula Susan Lagerstrom Sullivan ’65

Sacred Heart Family

Leonard Fiasconaro, brother of Barbara Jean Fiasconaro Pisani ’51

Muriel Mangan, mother of Joyce Mangan Andrews ’71

Edward Allen, son of Laura Donahue Allen ’65

Laura Marcucio, mother of Laureen Marcucio Ruben ’75

Megan Albright, mother of Erin Albright ’20

Michael McCann, mother of Michele McCann McGuire ’88

Albert Auscavitch, father of Ashley Auscavitch Karstrom ’98

Joseph McGuire, father of Kim McGuire Topitzer ’85

Margaret “Betty” Barone, mother of Mary Kate Barone Spainhour ’82

James McManus, father of Mary McManus ’83

Eva Bellmore, mother of Sandra Bellmore Tufano ’77

Ellen McNeil, mother of Lauren McNeil Backman ’69

Thaddeus Bialobrzeski, father of Phyllis Bialobrzeski Milardo ’71

Lionel Menegozzi, husband of Barbara Kurzawa Menegozzi ’61

Margery Busca, mother of Renee Busca O’Keefe ’81

Norman Morrison, husband of Barbara Farrell Morrison ’62

Biagio Caiafa, father of Teresa Caiafa Ciaramella ’77

Peter Palmieri, father of Rachelle Palmieri Mathews ’86, brother of Theresa Palmieri Glynn ’59

Luis Garcia-Abrines Calvo, husband of Marie Branchini Garcia-Abrines ’58

Concetta Palumbo, mother of Karen Palumbo Papa ’78

Lucille Caponera, mother of Lynda Caponera ’67 and Lisa Caponera Chiappetta ’79

Thomas Parisi, father of Tami Parisi Chicarilli ’94

Rosemary Carotenuto, mother of Laura Carotenuto ’87, sister of former faculty member Janye Vitale

Russell Ryan, brother of Julia Ryan Ogren ’62

Michael Condon, father of Kila Condon Bagaria ’90

Charles Torcellini, father of Carolyn Torcellini Geer ’82

Marianne Pilletere, mother of Chrisanne Pilletere Wnek ’01 Christopher Skeens, Sr., father of Allyson Skeens Tanner ’99 Peter Weiss, father of Taylor Weiss ’17

This memorial listing includes information as of September 5. Information about deceased persons received after this date will appear in the spring issue of HEART. Please contact the Alumnae Office when an immediate family member or a graduate has passed so that we can express our condolences and remember that person in prayer.

Stay in Touch! If you’ve moved or married, please contact us with your updated name and address information. Think about sharing information about noteworthy events or accomplishments in your life with your fellow alumnae! Submit your photos (jpg) and news to: RED & WHITE LINE ı Sr. Mariette Moan, ASCJ, ’77 ı alumnae@sacredhearthamden.org

Be a Part of our Online Community Stay Connected Alumnae! Register or re-register today for the SHA Online Community on our website. Visit sacredhearthamden.org. Click ‘Login’ in top right corner. Click ‘New User Registration’. It’s that easy!











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NOVEMBER 29, 2016 Sacred Heart will once again participate in #GIVINGTUESDAY, a national day of giving to kick off the giving season for everyone, everywhere. Encouraging personal philanthropy and charitable giving during the holiday season, #GIVINGTUESDAY embraces the Sacred Heart Academy spirit of service and community.

sacredhearthamden.org/givingtuesday Support our 2016 - 2017 Annual Fund during this one-day giving campaign.

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