2013-2014 Annual Report

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Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton 2013-14 Annual Report


THE GOALS OF A SACRED HEART EDUCATION: Goal I: A personal and active faith in God Goal II: A deep respect for intellectual values Goal III: A social awareness which impels to action Goal IV: The building of a community as a Christian value Goal V: Personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom

Table of Contents Table of Contents Letter from the Chair of the Board| page 5 Letter from the Director of Schools| page 7 Making the Commitment| page 8 Two families reflect on why engagement in the SHS community remains a high priority

The Roundup| page 10 Auction co-chairs rope in pivotal success

Carrying on the Mission| page 11 Alumni Board implements community service initative

Building to Scale| page 12 Faculty expansion at the Prep was the result of time, strong leadership, and careful financial planning

Renaissance of an Icon| page 14 Historic Main Building completes multi-year renovation, ensuring its preservation well into the next century

2013-14 By-the-Numbers| page 18 Highlights and accomplishments from the 2013-14 academic year

Financial Overview| page 20 Operating, Endowment, and Annual Fund reports

Annual Fund Chairs and Volunteers| page 24 Annual Fund by Giving Society| page 28 Annual Fund Alumni Participation| page 38 Annual Fund Grandparent Participation| page 40 Annual Auction Benefit| page 42 General Endowment| page 48 Specific Purpose Gifts, Gifts-in-Kind| page 50 Named Scholarship Funds| page 52 Restricted and Special Funds| page 54 1898 Society| page 56 Tribute and Memorial Gifts| page 60 Tower Circle Society| page 64 Ways to Give| page 66

Disclaimer The 2013-14 Annual Report includes all gifts received between July 1, 2013, and June 30, 2014. Please accept our sincere apologies for any inadvertent omissions, and contact us with corrections: Office of Institutional Advancement at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton, 650.473.4003 or advancement@shschools.org.



From the Chair of the Board Dear Sacred Heart Community, I am very pleased to share that 2013-14 marked a very productive year for Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton (SHS) on a number of fronts—financial, operational, and academic, among others. In review, it was also a particularly active year for the SHS Board of Trustees, administration, and strategic committees, as we move beyond the success of the most recent capital campaign and determine the future direction of this institution, ensuring its position of strength and value in an ever-widening educational landscape. Among many highlights from this past fiscal year, SHS trustees assisted in the completion of the new Practice Pavilion and restoration of the Main Building; conducted a close evaluation of our endowment investment strategy; reviewed and analyzed recent constituent improvement surveys; and participated in a planning retreat, featuring a keynote by Dr. John Hennessy, president of Stanford University. Predominantly, our work with the SHS administration focused on further refinement of our Vision 2020, which outlines our intended goals ahead. Central to this plan are its four driving themes, contextualized by the Goals and Criteria of a Sacred Heart Education, the heritage and charism of the Religious of the Sacred Heart (RSCJ), and the evolving tradition of the Catholic Church:

• • • •

Intellectual Formation Character Formation Community Formation Stewardship

Intellectual formation will embody several areas, from hiring and retaining the best faculty to providing innovative, rigorous, interdisciplinary, and coordinated curricula that utilize the latest teaching methods and technology. Given the values of a Sacred Heart education, character formation is clearly a differentiator for our school. Under the Vision 2020, we will continue to develop programs and activities that encourage personal responsibility, moral thinking, self-awareness, compassion, and humility. The strength of our community was emphasized in the responses to our school surveys this last year. Our families love being a part of the Sacred Heart community! Building on that strength, community formation will honor our Catholic identity and target growth in parent initiatives, expansion of alumni opportunities, and amplified diversity through increases to financial aid and aligned admission policies, to name a few. Essential to the theme of stewardship, we will conduct a comprehensive study of the SHS endowment—a critical fund whose continued growth assures the long-term financial viability of the school for years to come. Endowment contribution to financial aid and the impact on affordability will be reviewed over the long term, to ensure equitable funds are available to meet future student and family need, while preserving the overall health of the school’s portfolio. As this vision for the future of Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton continues to develop, I look forward to sharing more tangible initiatives that we will pursue, and identifying specific areas in which your participation will be helpful and your support, critical. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I remain grateful for your investment in our community and in our school, and I look forward to our continued work together in the year ahead. God bless,

Eric Lamb Chair, Board of Trustees 5


From the Director of Schools Sacred Heart Families, Alumni, and Friends, Each year, as we prepare our annual financial report to this community, we are afforded the opportunity to assess our progress and position as a fiscally responsible and transparent institution and as a continued worthy investment for the families we serve. Carefully reviewing our monetary performance, seeing where we can improve or modify operations, anticipating and addressing future needs—all of these are part of an ongoing strategy to build the strength of this institution, to propel us forward, and to ensure generations of students to come will benefit from the exceptional education we provide here at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton. Equally important, we also get the chance to celebrate our successes, and to extend our deepest gratitude for the generous contributions of time, treasure, and talent so many of you continue to deliver, year over year. From parents volunteering countless hours toward important classroom or campus activities, to grandparents and alumni who enliven our programs by their support and participation, to individuals and families who annually include Sacred Heart among their highest priorities for charitable giving—you all are among our most vital resources, an essential part of what makes this community so enduring and vibrant. Looking at the academic year already underway, I am happy to report that the financial support you delivered in 2013-14 is already at work and directly benefiting our students. Due in part to gifts made within the last fiscal cycle, we have been able to move from planning to full implementation of a number of initiatives designed to enhance the curriculum, strengthen our campus community, and deepen the academic preparation of students across all grade levels, including: • Attracting and retaining top-tier faculty and staff by offering competitive salaries and benefits, work-life balance, and opportunities for ongoing professional growth; •

Meeting incoming and returning families’ need for tuition support by increasing our financial aid fund, endowed scholarships, and disbursement capacity;

Increasing faculty-student mentorship and faculty scholarship at the Prep by hiring additional teachers and limiting faculty course loads to four classes;

Deploying the Singapore Math model, which, aligned with the Common Core standards, is an innovative approach utilizing visual and contextual cues to emphasize problem-solving and conceptual comprehension, rather than rote memorization of formulas and equations; and

• Hiring Reading Specialists for grades 1-3, to augment critical early skills development and to regularly assess and track individual progress. And the list does not end here. In fact, it is because we have such a strong community involvement that we are able to meet our ambitious goals each year and envision our next era with excitement, possibility, and promise. Because of you, Sacred Heart continues to thrive, enabling our students and faculty to have access to tremendous opportunities that complement our curricular programs, ensuring the education we deliver remains relevant, forward-thinking, and rooted in our Catholic values. I thank you for your energy, your enthusiasm, your loyal philanthropy, and your steadfast devotion to Sacred Heart—its legacy and its future. In gratitude,

Richard A. Dioli Director of Schools 7

The Year in Review

Making the Commitment Two families reflect on why engagement in the SHS community remains a high priority each year



our years ago, when they relocated from the East Coast to the West Coast, Devon and Pete Briger sought a school that would provide a solid and supportive community for their four children, one that offered a breadth of strong academic and co-curricular programs and that was well-attuned and responsive to individual student strengths and needs. Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton (SHS) ably met this profile, and as a result, the Brigers have been part of the Sacred Heart family for the past three academic years. In that time, both Devon and Pete have taken on increasingly greater roles in the daily life and strategic operations of SHS. A volunteer classroom parent, Devon has served on the school’s Marketing & Communications Committee and has recently joined the Advancement Committee. Pete is a member of the school’s Investment Committee. What SHS does extremely well is “build community among the students,” says Devon, citing her eldest son Jack’s eighth grade class as example.


“There were all types of students in his grade, but regardless of their differences, they all graduated from the Middle School feeling connected to one another.” “It’s important to us that our children develop a good work ethic as well, that they experience the feeling of success that only comes from working hard,” adds Pete. “Ultimately, we want them to be good citizens, to be compassionate and able to contribute to society—even when it’s not that easy to do. “We give to SHS because our kids are here and we are part of this community. We love the governance of the school, and we can clearly see that philanthropic investment is being put to use in a positive way that demonstrates careful, thoughtful planning, and a history of making the right moves. “Adding to SHS’ present value by making a gift—the benefits of doing this today are truly priceless.”



ob and Betsy Plaschke have been active members in the SHS community for more than a decade, supporting annual fundraising activities and campaigns, and equally important, volunteering for everything from room parent, to field trip chaperone, to classroom speaker, and more. Throughout, their relationship with the school has continued to deepen and flourish. Not long after they enrolled their eldest child at the PSK in 2004, friends with older children at Sacred Heart helped them realize that getting involved and ingrained early on with a community that espoused—and practiced— their own family values could only bring tremendous benefit in the long run. Now, with their four sons in attendance, and all four participating in sports, the performing arts, and other enrichment activities, the pair spends a lot of time on campus, “It feels like our second home.’” The unintended but welcome consequence from all this activity has provided, as Bob notes, a social context that is etched into the fabric of their Sacred Heart experience. “It’s true, the more you contribute [here], the more you get back,” affirms the tech executive, whose enthusiastic service has included chaperoning the annual fourth-grade Outdoor Ed trip to Coloma, and visiting his sons’ classes as a costumed “mystery reader”—dressed as Abraham Lincoln, Yertle the Turtle, Sinterklaas, and others—bringing literature to life for young readers.

Each year, the Parents’ Association at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton provides numerous avenues for family engagement within the campus community, from participation in the Annual Fund and Pledge Day drive, to organization of numerous events and activities, to the more than 50 active committees at the PSK through Preparatory levels.

“As parents, the reason you initially join is to feel like you belong, and somewhere along the way, you feel the invisible hand sweep you along, nurturing and encouraging you. Eventually your role changes to mentor, and then you’re showing new parents the ropes and helping them find their way.” The couple encourages families to take advantage of the numerous volunteer opportunities available and to contribute in any form or fashion, either in the classroom, as they did when their children were in PSK and Lower School, or for school-wide activities, as they did when their children approached and entered Middle School. In doing so, they say, “your kids will not only find their way” but what’s more, “you will too.” “The wonderful thing about the Sacred Heart community,” says Betsy, “is that it really has become an extension of our family. The development of longstanding friendships, the exposure to service, the focus on spiritual inclusion, the emphasis on participation—all of these are a continuation of things we embrace as a family. And I think that’s pretty typical for most families here. “As our boys approach high school, too, knowing they have a strong surrounding community that will help them continue to develop personally and academically and to make wise choices—that’s what makes the difference and helps us all get through,” she adds. And that, says the couple, is a long-term benefit that has been well worth their investment of time.


The Year in Review

The Roundup Auction co-chairs rope in pivotal success


ne of the most anticipated activities each spring, the annual auction benefit garners significant participation across campus and has raised close to $1million in past years from underwriting, ticket sales, and auction items, with 100 percent of net proceeds directly benefiting students. The 2014 event, "Boot-Scootin' Western Night," recorded the highest attendance to date, with more than 650 members of the Sacred Heart community hightailing it to campus in their best jeans, cowboy hats, bandanas, and an array of colorful plaid. Spearheaded by a team of three co-chairs—Sarah Boyden, Susie Frimel, and Julianne Wagner—work on the auction began in early fall, as committees were recruited and plans took shape. In all, the trio led approximately 200 parent volunteers and staff over several months in numerous details and tasks, designing the overall event, coordinating logistics, fare, and entertainment, and procuring the most alluring auction items. As the trio confirms, however, finding the right theme each year is one of the most important steps in the production, and balance is sought in creating an event to appeal to the widest possible audience that also lends itself to the transactional, as well as celebratory, aspects of the evening. "Our [overall] goal was focused on building community, so we really wanted [to make sure] everyone would feel welcome and comfortable," recalls Frimel, chair for the logistics team, about their decision to go with a Western theme. "We knew that if people could wear jeans, they would be more inclined to come and let their hair down for an evening." Boyden, whose chair responsibilities focused primarily on the event's visual design and execution, was particularly enthusiastic about the broad-based theme, which meant "endless possibilities" in terms of venue decor, creation of auction items, and guest attire.

DROVERS. From left to right, 2014 Auction co-chairs Sarah Boyden, Julianne Wagner, and Susie Frimel. 10

“Creativity and ingenuity were key to our success in decor,” she says, “especially as the unexpected weather caused us to alter our [extensively designed entryway] three days before the event.”

Carrying on the Mission

For both Frimel and Wagner, this was their first experience as auction volunteers, let alone auction chairs, so the learning curve was somewhat steep. The biggest challenge, says Frimel, was “not knowing how it was all going to come together, since there are so many moving parts and pieces.”

Alumni Board implements community service initiative

Not a job for the faint-of-heart by any means, to produce the auction the chairs work with staff to recruit and supervise numerous parent and student volunteers, identify and secure underwriters and auction package donors, manage the item inventory and event registration database, create promotional materials and signage, map the event space and displays—all of which has to take place in synchronicity over a period of about seven months. “There are so many talented, accomplished volunteers who pitch in to pull off this event—people far more knowledgeable than we are about specific aspects of putting on an auction,” says Wagner. “What a treasure of a community we have.” All three chairs credit SHS Director of Special Events Lisa Gamitian for operating a “well-oiled machine” that made acclimation to leadership decidedly easier, enabling the trio to put their own stamp on the occasion. For example, Wagner, who led the committee charged with soliciting and securing auction items, set objectives for herself focused on inclusion, specifically to “rope in [greater participation from] the PSK and lower grades,” and to “create more community-building Pay-to-Play sign-up parties that covered the entire community—all grades, all genders.” For her part, Frimel found the overall experience “highly rewarding.” “The best part of being a co-chair was meeting so many people at SHS and being part of a school-wide event. It was wonderful to witness so many people working together with a common goal; the parents, teachers, administration, students, maintenance, and operations teams all come together for the auction, and the support is overwhelming,” she said. Adds Boyden, “Our goal as chairs was to succeed in raising as much funding as we could from this event, and to make sure it was [the kind of event] where guests leave excited to be part of the SHS community. [In addition to achieving these goals,] I think the relationships developed over the course of time with my two co-chairs, and with all the volunteers—my friends—was something truly invaluable.”


ast fall the SHS Alumni Association Board launched its latest initiative: an alumni day of community service.

Designed to more clearly align the board’s goals and activities with the Sacred Heart mission and school community, and to foster the network among the SHS alumni population, the service day event will now be part of the annual alumni calendar. Local organizations that already have ties with the Schools—in particular, those working with the Prep’s Service Learning Department—will be supported by this venture, further strengthening the relationship between the school and broader community. Heading to the Second Harvest Food Bank in San Carlos, board members from SHP ’74 to SHP ’05 came together to sort and compile foodstuffs for dissemination among the agency’s dual county outlets. Second Harvest is one of the largest food banks in the nation, providing for more than one-quarter of a million people each month. “In all, the board was very excited and committed to its first service event, coordinated by Formation to Mission Vice President Ellen Gallagher Parsons (SHS Newton),” said Shannon Melinauskas, alumni relations manager. “The camaraderie among the alumni participants, and the gratitude expressed by the organization’s staff, was wonderful to see. “Next year, as leadership of the presidency transitions from Peter Coleman (SHP ’88) to Christine O’Neal (SJSH ’94, SHP ’98), our plan is to grow the program further and increase not only the number of volunteers from our alumni association, but also the number of organizations who benefit.” 11

The Year in Review

Building to Scale Faculty expansion at the Prep was the result of time, strong leadership, and careful financial planning

It was an idea several years

in the making, achieved by faculty and administration working together to increase academic excellence, and the results are quite simply transforming the way education is happening on the Preparatory campus. The idea was to cap faculty courseloads to four, in order to preserve and bolster the highly personalized education that characterizes the Sacred Heart classrooms. Implementation—which hinged on a bold move to grow the full-time faculty by more than 30 percent—would achieve and enable adequate time for additional scholarship and collegial collaboration, professional development and essential training, new course development, and the increased opportunity for student-faculty mentorship. “Almost since I arrived at Sacred Heart and on par with peer schools, this has been an identified need and recurring topic of conversation,” notes SHP Principal James Everitt. “Today’s education requires proficiency in new skills—skills that are not always content-driven. We’ve seen a quick shift toward increasing instruction through technology. The immediacy and reach of social media has changed the landscape in how students approach learning.”


Across the board, Everitt explains, there has been a renewed focus to transition from industrial age education with its discreet disciplines and traditional pedagogies, to a 21st century approach, which requires a curricular and instructional model that encompasses interdisciplinarity and innovation, and integrates multicultural values and perspective into the classroom. The lines between high school and college are fast blurring, he cautions, and it is incumbent on educators to ensure graduates are well-prepared to take that next step, wherever it may lead. For faculty both seasoned and entering, this equates to considerable training—and adequate time to do so. Time not easily available under a five-or-more regular teaching courseload. And at Sacred Heart Prep, it was fast becoming a critical need. Building Support “It took time. We took opportunities to slowly and gently make a case.” Clearly, Everitt says, there was support early on from Director of Schools Richard Dioli and Chief Financial Officer Susan Raffo. But what really

propelled the initiative forward was an “unbelievably generous and responsive group of trustees.” In particular, he cites the leadership of trustee Mindy Rogers and former Board Chair Anne Holloway, who quickly recognized the exponential benefit in a bold move such as this, and recommended its consideration at the trustee-level. But Everitt is adamant that the road to success was only possible due to backing from numerous quarters. Prep faculty, members of the senior advisory committee, individual trustees, the Finance Committee—over time, this plan was dissected, discussed, and endorsed by many. And that’s what it took to convert this idea to implementation. “At some point, it was a perfect alignment of the stars.” Getting the Green Light While the conversations began more than a decade ago, the actual path to execution took “just about three budget cycles,” according to CFO Raffo. “Going into it, we knew this would be an incredible opportunity, but it would also mean a significant long-term investment.” When it was eventually brought to the school’s Finance Committee in 2010, discussion ensued among the leadership as to how this plan could expediently be put into action without causing financial strain on the available operational dollars and foreseeable annual budget. What emerged was a concrete, tactical plan, which included directives to: 1), thoroughly assess annual expenditures and identify opportunities for conservation; 2), aggressively control spending over a given period of time in order to build reserves; 3), conduct careful analysis of the existing faculty salary scale to ensure competitive, equitable, and appropriate compensation; and 4), incrementally increase the Annual Fund to further augment and relieve the allocated budget. In all, it took three years to arrive at a place of financial comfort suitable to launch and sustain this new faculty corps—an effort well worth the wait. “Because we were able to be thoughtful and plan well in advance,” says Raffo in retrospect, “we were able to effect a smooth transition within our operating budget, and importantly, without causing undue hardship to our community.” The Applicant Pool Able to move forward once the budget was approved in March of 2013, and operating under an extremely tight hiring timeframe (academic cycles

typically begin up to one year out), Everitt began the search for quality teachers who could perhaps contribute something new to the already strong dynamic among the existing faculty. “Aside from the obvious academic credentials and experience,” he recounts, “what we really focused on was finding candidates who were interested in global education, who would be mindful of introducing students to a larger context and multiple world views. We wanted teachers who would be comfortable engaging students in the role and place of their respective faith and church in contemporary issues. We looked for those willing to take risks, try new things, practice new strategies as they consider how—and what—students today are learning and how it can be improved upon.”

“We knew this would mean a significant long-term investment.” Susan Raffo, CFO Return on Investment Last fall, the academic year began with the notable addition of 26 new teachers to the high school, bringing the total faculty roster to about 100 serving grades 9-12. Each discipline now boasts between 10 and 14 dedicated faculty, each of whom plans and instructs no more than four core courses per year. In tandem, the weekly class schedule has been modified to a rotating “block system,” reducing or expanding dedicated class and lab time depending on the day, which in turn, ensures daily free time for students and faculty to further explore auxiliary ventures or study. Now, at the conclusion of year one, this well-planned investment is clearly paying off. And according to Everitt, faculty morale has exponentially escalated. New interdisciplinary courses are developing as faculty embrace the opportunity to initiate and guide collaborative projects, finding new ways to integrate disciplines and provide more depth in instruction and context. With expansion in offered courses, physical classroom usage has increased to approximately 93 percent, and shared faculty office space has replaced the “assigned classroom” silos that previously existed. Being in close proximity with teachers from a variety of disciplines has increasingly resulted in additional, active collaboration, and significantly, has encouraged lively discourse on current topics in education and instruction. And fittingly, a one-to-one faculty instructional group has emerged, with “tech savvy” teachers offering guidance, training, and support to help their colleagues achieve competency in new and emerging tools of their trade. 13

The Year in Review

Renaissance of an Icon Historic Main Building completes multi-year renovation, ensuring its preservation well into the next century

“This building has a soul,”

former teacher Janet Whitchurch once wrote about Sacred Heart’s iconic edifice. And truer words have never been uttered—from the stark cross atop the arching cupola, to the imposing portè-cochere, the intimate chapel and expansive library, and innumerable minute architectural details—the Main Building has been the school’s flagship structure since its earliest days, witness to generations of dedicated religious living and working alongside eager students, and surviving the test of time throughout the school’s evolution. More than that, though, the storied Main Building is the very reflection of a Sacred Heart education—a visual feast that suggests history, tradition, grace, and longevity, and whose locus tangibly integrates the four educational pillars: the academic, the spiritual, the cultural, and the physical. Rightfully so, it has also become the architectural aesthetic by which all contemporary campus buildings have a defining relationship. And this fall, at long last, the beloved icon has emerged from its final phase of planned restoration, ensuring its preservation well into the next century.


A Timeless Classic In 1897, a team of local artisans and builders were hired to start construction on the Academy of Sacred Heart, a two-story, red-brick structure in the French style, whose purpose would be to house the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (RSCJ) and Academy students, with adequate quarters for educational instruction, spiritual reflection, and a quiet, self-sustaining community life. Originally conceived with four sides and a meditative courtyard within, the building’s first wing was completed and opened in 1898. Only eight years later, the historic 1906 San Francisco earthquake severely damaged the exterior front balustrade, the necessary repairs permanently altering its original design but paving the way for significant construction. Over the course of the next decade, a third floor with Mansard roof was added to the existing wing (West Wing), while the second phase of building added a whole new structure (South Wing), which included two parlors and a chapel, more dormitory rooms and classrooms, and the formidable portècochere. Further changing the Sacred Heart skyline, a cupola was installed, its plain, white cross an eloquent symbol of the school’s spiritual foundation. Over the course of the next 60 years, in concert with community need and school enrollment, additional construction took place around campus,

directed by the RSCJ and supported by prominent local families, among others. Throughout, the Main Building retained its dominant and primary place at the heart of activity—though it, too, would evolve in functional use as warranted by the changes in school operations, most notably with the closure of the student residence program and conversion of the high school to co-education. Nearly a century past its opening, the Main Building again suffered significant impact from an earthquake, the 1989 Loma Prieta. This time damage forced its closure to any and all activity—a dire event that neatly paralleled the high school’s decreasing enrollment, financial woes, and precarious future. In many ways, over the next six years this was the manifest crossroads—for the school and for the structure—as the building lay vacant and leadership struggled with the question of whether or not to restore the historic icon, or demolish and replace it all together.

Renovate or Innovate? Fortunately, by the mid-90s, the school had begun a steady turnaround, experiencing measured growth in applications and enrollment, and taking steps to shore up its financial foundation year over year. However, the question of whether or not to heavily invest in the Main Building remained an active topic of conversation among the leadership. According to Bill Neidig, a former trustee involved in the decision-making process, it was Sacred Heart graduate and fellow trustee Maria Otto who was the most ardent advocate for the building’s preservation. “She passionately argued that this building is the essence of Sacred Heart, and that we had to keep it.” “But an equally prevailing school of thought among the board was that ‘we are not in the business of architectural restoration, we are in the business of educating children’— and this was the main source of tension as the issue was debated and the reality of costs confronted,” says Elizabeth Dunlevie, a trustee instrumental in several capital projects on campus, including the Main Building. Ultimately, though, the board did reach consensus and unanimously cast its vote in favor of retaining and repairing the aged structure—with a caveat that no construction was to take place without the funds in place. (A strategy that Dunlevie and Neidig note is typical to Sacred Heart, which still today carries no debt.)

To that end, the Main Building restoration became the centerpiece in the school’s mid-90s fundraising campaign, “Investing in Excellence,” garnering $4.5 million to cover the first of a multi-phased project. With funds in hand and over the course of two years, essential repairs were made to the South Wing, targeted first because, as newer of the two structures, its steel frame construction was “infinitely easier and less expensive to repair,” and its interior was comparatively better designed to meet immediate instructional needs. And in 1998, only two years after the start of work, the RSCJ and Sacred Heart community enthusiastically celebrated the re-opening of the Main Building’s South Wing. Work on the elder West Wing did not occur until 2000, when Dunlevie, Neidig, and current Site Management Committee Chair Mike Mohrman spearheaded a plan to gut and repurpose the entirety of interior square footage, creating adequate space to install a new library that would match both immediate and future needs of the school’s increasing enrollment, the evolving curricular requirements, and the integration of current technology.

“Trustees are stewards of this institution, and that building and the institution can’t be separated— they are one.” Elizabeth Dunlevie, SHS Trustee “The internal structure itself no longer worked for the school’s needs,” explains Mohrman. “Gutting the confines entirely meant more freedom, bigger spaces that were flexible. The bad news is that [this type of renovation] costs more; the good news is that you have the chance to put in something like the library and central stairwell.” The estimate for the work, which to date had been prohibitive, was significantly adjusted once Mohrman reached out to leading structural engineers Degenkolb, who at the time were working on St. Patrick’s Seminary in Menlo Park—a building of the same age and crafted by the exact same artisans a century ago. After assessing the West Wing project, the firm agreed the early estimate was too high, and that the project could be completed for much less. With Dunlevie and the Lucas Family as leading supporters, and with Neidig and Mohrman overseeing tactical execution, the West Wing was finally re-opened in 2001, less than one year after work began. In addition to a state-of-the-art library, the re-imagined space now offered exponential room for critical programs such as instructional technology, academic counseling, and student activities, to name a few. 15

The Year in Review The Home Stretch With the conclusion of major construction to the Main Building, other capital projects across campus took precedence for the next decade. All that remained was the final phase of restoration, affecting the exterior of the entire structure and predominantly cosmetic. And because of that more superficial nature of work, says Sandy Dubinsky, Sacred Heart’s chief operating officer, the final phase was purposefully delayed in favor of other, more pressing priorities. “Within operations, structural safety is always our driving factor,” she explains. “And for a long while, the building did not present any ‘imminent threat’ to our community that would require action and justify expense.” However, she continues, in 2008, there began a series of minor issues that together over time advanced the project to the top of the queue. “About that time, we started to suspect a growing water intrusion on the third floor, indicating impairment to the roof. Because we locally have woodpeckers who work on the eaves, cornices, and other architectural features, holes open that invite bees and other pests that over the years have increasingly become a problem, especially as we’ve had to remove several active beehives. Last, normal deterioration from weather and other external factors has impacted the building’s aesthetic. “Basically, we saw it was time to address these issues before they compounded further.” And thanks to a seasoned Site Management Committee, says Dubinsky, the starting architectural estimates were quickly negotiated down to a feasible budget. Materials and crews were selected, a tight timeline of three months—when campus disruption would be at minimum—was agreed upon and implemented, and scaffolding was raised in May of 2014. In all, this last phase of restoration has addressed a number of areas, including repair of the aged slate roof and seepage around the dormer windows; critical modifications to the roof drainage system; replacement of static windows for those with operable lower halves for ventilation; repointing of the brick on the portè-cochere; and full restoration of the historic bell tower, with installation of uplighting, screening to deter pests, and a wireless access point for campus.

REACHING HIGH. Crews work on restoration of the cupola, where a 100-year-old inscription was discovered. 16

Of course, in any historic restoration discovery of the unanticipated is typically unwelcome. The Main Building, with connected wings built in two distinct centuries, has been no different in this regard.

On this job, in addition to a few structural surprises, crews working on the cupola also unearthed a previously concealed inscription on the historic bell, noting the “Class of 1914” with a listing of seven names—presumably those who contributed to the purchase of the bell years ago. A stunning revelation, as it was the Class of 2014 that unknowingly chose to contribute funds toward the tower’s restoration, exactly 100 years later.

In Pursuit of a Century More Throughout Sacred Heart’s 116-year history, the Main Building has remained a campus landmark and beloved icon. From its earliest days under the auspices of the RSCJ to its present iteration, its place in the school’s history has been preserved—thanks, in large part to leadership that recognizes its value not simply as a working structure, but as a connective tissue that binds an important past, a vital present, and a promising future. “Trustees are stewards of this institution, and that building and the institution can’t be separated—they are one,” sums up Dunlevie. “Therefore, it is up to us to make sure the next generation of learners get to experience the history of these same halls that have been a part of the Sacred Heart education since the late 1800s. And, while repairing roofs and wood trim may not seem as exciting as providing new classrooms or a new library, these are actually just as vital to the building’s integrity.” The reason this building is still here, she continues, is because generations of the RSCJ and school community have loved and valued it, and because school directors Richard Dioli and Joseph Ciangalini have been vested in ensuring its legacy, no matter the trial faced or time required. “But throughout, it’s gone through a series of stewardship, and nobody passes through without admiring it. It’s a well-loved building, and it will continue to stand the test of time.”

PRISTINE. The southern side of the Main Building is renewed with exterior repairs and fresh paint. 17

The Year in Review


percent pledged parent participation to the Annual Fund



exchange students hailing from Sacred Heart schools in Europe, Australia, and South America attended the Prep for a month or more


million dollars in financial assistance provided to SHS families


endowed scholarships available for students, thanks to generous donors


student productions, involving participants from PSK through grade 12, mounted in the visual and performing arts


league and CIF section championship titles claimed in 12 SHP men’s and women’s varsity sports


National Merit Scholars named from the SHP Class of 2014

noted children’s authors headlined a literary panel for Lower School students


Middle School students participated in the Model United Nations International Affairs Forum in New York City


graduates from Sacred Heart Preparatory in the 116th commencement ceremony at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton


the highest cumulative GPA achieved among the SHP Class of 2014



professional internships secured for college-enrolled SHS alumni via the Alumni Board’s new career network initiative



new Practice Pavilion opened

countries around the globe hosted SHS students over summer through the Sacred Heart International Network Exchange 18

SHP Class of 2014 grads attended SHS since kindergarten


percent of the SHP Class of 2014 accepted into one or more colleges and universities


SHP graduates supported by the Barat College Access Fund


Financial Overview (In millions, unaudited) 3% 2%





Annual Fund



Funding from Endowment/Other Gifts

1 .7


Other (rentals, after-school care)





Auction 2013 - Midnight in Marrakech Total Revenues








Plant and Maintenance



Financial Assistance




6.5 14%

Total Revenues

Capital, Endowment & Restricted Gifts Auction 2014 - Boot-Scootin’ Western Night

60% 15%













Total Fundraising Revenue


* Includes gifts and new pledges; does not include payments on previously reported pledges. Figures do not reflect depreciation.



$50 million $45.5 $40 million

$37.5 $33.5

$33.6 $30.9

$28.5 $26.1


$32.1 $30 million



$20 million

$10 million








FY1 1





The Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton endowment supports scholarships, faculty development, and many other areas critical to the success and financial well-being of the Schools. Each year the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees carefully reviews the spending policy and recommends an annual spending rate that is appropriate to meet these needs. This spending rate is applied to all gifts where the donor has not otherwise made a specific spending request. The remaining unspent monies are reinvested for continued growth as a hedge against inflation. The spending rate for 2013-2014 was four percent, based on a three-year average of the endowment’s market value.


Financial Overview 2013-2014 ANNUAL FUND PARENT PARTICIPATION BY GRADE Overall SHS Participation 99% 100% 100%




100% 100% 100% 99% 100% 98%


9 8%



















1 1 th




80% 2004-2005 74% 2005-2006 86%


2006-2007 83% 2007-2008 87%


2008-2009 88%








2013-2014 99%


2012-2013 97%


2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2 98%


2010 - 201 1 96%


2009-2010 96% 20%



80% 2004-2005 74% 2005-2006 86%


2006-2007 83% 2007-2008 87%


2008-2009 88% 2013-2014






2013-2014 99%


2012-2013 97%


2 0 1 1 - 2 0 1 2 98%


2010 - 201 1 96%


2009-2010 96% 20%



Annual Fund


critical, yearly campaign for Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton (SHS), the Annual Fund helps close the gap between the cost of tuition and the actual cost of educating each student. By doing so, operating dollars that would otherwise be allocated to address this gap can be redirected toward immediate, identified priorities. Among a host of critical initiatives, Annual Fund support enables Sacred Heart to:

• • • • • •

enhance classroom technology and instructional resources; offer a robust slate of co-curricular programs and activities in the arts, sciences, and athletics; deliver financial assistance to deserving students and their families; minimize tuition increases each year; provide competitive salaries and benefits to faculty and staff; and improve and maintain the historic beauty of Sacred Heart’s 64-acre campus.

These priorities directly benefit our community and impact life on the Sacred Heart campus every day. For the third consecutive year, SHS achieved 100 percent in pledged parent participation—a significant endorsement that reflects a strong belief in our educational mission and ensures faculty and students have the necessary resources and tools to augment intellectual and spiritual growth. We are deeply grateful to the SHS community for its continued, generous support of the Annual Fund, and we acknowledge the numerous parents and family members who worked tirelessly to help us close another successful year. These dedicated volunteers are instrumental in the growth of this annual campaign, providing overall camaraderie and furthering philanthropic support at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Annual Fund Chairs Gaurang Desai Laurie Farros Sheila McWilliams

Annual Fund Volunteers Emina Abrams Maryan Ackley Stephen Ackley Afsaneh Akhtari Sandra Archer 24

Kristina Homer Armstrong Kathryn Avery Scott Barnum Marilee Bell Mary Bellack Katherine Bianco-Sylvester Tina Bird Amy Boggs Christina Borchers Anitra Bowers Mark Box

Kelly Burke Noha Carrington Hilary Charlton Lillian Chun Patti Cluss Lynn Cullen Marissa Cushman Stacey Davidson Gaurang Desai Jennifer Desler Michelle Dillabough

Denise Donnelly Elizabeth Dunlevie Jennifer Wiegand Edwards (SJSH ’79) Susan Evans Steven Everett Laurie Farros Laura Flessel Blair Ford Lyn Galliani Erin Rosenberg Gillett (SHP ’90) Sarah Goldberg Amy Gurley Catherine Harvey Natalia Hawthorne Charlie Hays Sharon Herrell Mary Pang Hinson (SJSH ’72, SHP ’76) Frauke Janssen Trish Jimenez Lisa Kerns Tim Kerns (SJSH ’92) Kelly Kruse Stephanie Kruse Stephanie Lempres

Shari Lessing Heidi Leupp James Lim Chelsea Davis Lynch (SJSH ’84) Marnie Marcin Marion McBride Suarez Jung-Kyu McCann Ethna McGourty Sheila McWilliams Karla Mohrman Liesl Moldow Katherine Morganroth Hannah Norup Frances Nuelle Eleanor Park Carrie Pendolino Betsy Plaschke Moni Puri-Schlotter Kendra Ragatz Kathryn Rakow Sharmila Ravi Kathy Razaghzadeh Kendall Rohlen John Rollins

Carley Rydberg Liza Salamé Teni Sarkisian Kimberly Stinson Serrano Susan Shrader Bonnie Smyth David Spreng Lisa Stephenson Sara Steppe Ann Stevens Mary Stevens Dana Stone Kimberly Summe Seksom Suriyapa Chris Surowiec Lori Sutherland Gabby Tapper Salli Tazuke Julie Tenenbaum Kathleen Texido Linda Thaure Todd Tuomala Stephanie von Thaden Julianne Wagner 25

Annual Fund Gabriela Wehner Amy Wendling Brian Westcott Michele Wheeler Karin Wick Tori Moore Wu

Pledge Day Chairs Patti Cluss Frances Nuelle

Pledge Day Volunteers Kathryn Avery Marilee Bell Anitra Bowers Jackie Brandin Devon Briger Kelly Burke Noha Carrington Laurie Farros Diane Flynn Susan O’Brien Frimel (SJSH ’83, SHP ’87) Susan Garay Charlie Hays Mary Henry Lisa Henske Sharon Herrell Frauke Janssen Beth Kawasaki Guy Kawasaki Kelly Kruse Stephanie Kruse Eleanor Lacey Karen Lanfear Marnie Marcin Marion McBride Suarez Melissa McJannet Michele Ono Eleanor Park Carrie Pendolino Betsy Plaschke Moni Puri-Schlotter Kristen Quinlan Sharmila Ravi Sumi Ravi 26

George Repple Liza Salamé Stacey Schuman Susan Shrader Ann Stevens Kathryn Straser Seksom Suriyapa Kathleen Texido Amy Underwood Julianne Wagner Gabriela Wehner Angela Weiden Karin Wick

Phone-a-Thon Volunteers Michelle Dillabough Laura Flessel Heidi Leupp Ethna McGourty Sheila McWilliams Dana Stone Linda Thaure Stephanie von Thaden


Annual Fund Donors by Giving Society Bell Tower Society ($50,000 & above) Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Peter Briger Jr. Mr. Timothy Haley & Dr. Ethna McGourty Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Harman Mr. Omid Kordestani Mr. Steve McAdams & Ms. Hilarie Koplow-McAdams Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Rogers Très Bien Society ($25,000 - $49,999) Anonymous Mr. John Arrillaga Jr. & Mrs. Justine A. Stamen Arrillaga Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Bannick Mr. Greg Becker Mrs. Michelle Becker Mr. Craig Buchsbaum & Ms. Tamara Barr Mr. & Dr. Robert Burlinson Mr. Jeffrey Chambers & Mrs. Andrea Okamura Mr. & Mrs. John Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kepner Mr. & Mrs. Karol Marcin Mrs. Elaine Murphy Mr. Michael Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Peter Oppenheimer Mr. Eric Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schumacher Dr. Peter Stamos & Dr. Soonmee Cha Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stratford Sacré Coeur Society ($10,000 - $24,999) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ackley Anonymous Mr. Jason Armstrong (SJSH ’96) & Mrs. Kristina Homer Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. John Balen Ms. Kendall Barrera Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bell 28

† deceased

Dr. & Dr. Jeffrey Bird Blaisdell Family Mr. & Mrs. John Borchers Mr. & Mrs. David Burke Mr. & Mrs. James Callinan Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Brent Callinicos Carrington Family Mr. & Mrs. Craig Chapman Mr. & Mrs. Erik Charlton Mr. & Mrs. Vic Cheung Patti & Ed Cluss Mr. & Mrs. Bret Comolli Mr. & Mrs. Erik Corrigan Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Cullen Mr. & Mrs. John Daane Mr. Gaurang Desai & Mrs. Nancy Paxton Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dillabough Mr. & Mrs. John Donahoe Sr. Duane Family Mr. George Duebner & Ms. Cathleen Benko-Duebner Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dunlevie Mr. & Mrs. Cree Edwards (Jennifer Wiegand Edwards, SJSH ’79) Mr. & Ms. Robert Falkenberg III Mr. & Mrs. James Fassio Mr. & Mrs. Charles Fitzgerald Jr. Frank A. Campini Foundation Roger E. & Hanna Casper George Mr. & Mrs. James Greene Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gurley Dr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Gurtner Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Harvey Mr. & Mrs. Laszlo Horvath Mr. Steven Humphreys & Ms. Meredith McClintock Mr. & Mrs. Robert Isackson Mr. & Mrs. David Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David Kerko Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Koenig (Lauren Gray Koenig, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lanfear Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lavelle Mr. William Long & Ms. Erica Warren

Mr. & Mrs. Howard Love Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Rick Magnuson Mr. & Ms. James McLean Mr. & Mrs. Keith McWilliams Mr. Matt McWright & Ms. Ann M. Morrical (SJSH ’77, SHP ’81) Mr. & Mrs. Harold “Max” Messmer Jr. Dr. & Mrs. John Milligan Mr. Thomas Neff & Mrs. Donna Neff Mr. & Mrs. Rezwan Pavri Dr. Raja Petrakian & Ms. Phyllis Oreskovic Dr. Leonard Radzilowski & Dr. Janet Lai Mr. & Mrs. John Rakow III Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ricci Mr. & Mrs. Mark Robson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rowland Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sallaberry Mr. Steve Schoettler & Dr. Juliette Faraco Mr. & Mrs. Alan Sclafani Mr. & Mrs. John Shenk Mr. David Spreng Ms. Debra Spreng Mr. & Mrs. Dana Stalder Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stevens Ms. Dana Stone Mr. Robert Stone Dr. & Mrs. Erik Straser Mr. David Strohm & Mrs. Kathy Reavis Mr. Ron Sturzenegger & Ms. Lisa Sturzenegger Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Taweel Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Tenenbaum The Corrigan-Walla Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thompson Mr. David Tsiang & Ms. Michelle Tsui Mr. & Mrs. John Twichell Mr. & Mrs. Scott VanDeVelde Mr. & Mrs. James Verner Mr. & Mrs. David Wehner Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wick Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wishart Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Ken Xie (Winnie Lee, SHP ’82)

Barat Society ($5,000 - $9,999) Mr. & Ms. Gregg Alton Anonymous (4) Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Archer Mr. & Mrs. Brian Avery Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Avery Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Bachler Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barnds Sr. Ms. Rhonda Bassett-Spiers Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bergeron Mr. & Mrs. Sanjay Bhardwaj Mr. Steven Bird Mrs. Susan Bird Mr. & Dr. Jeffrey Birdwell Dr. John Boggs & Dr. Amy Boggs Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bowlsby II Mr. & Mrs. John Box Mr. & Ms. Robert Chaplinsky Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Child Mr. & Ms. David Chun Mr. & Dr. Timothy Colby (Antje Zapf Colby, SJSH ’81) Mr. Jonathan Coslet & Dr. Jeanne Rosner Mr. Gregory Davidson & Mrs. Helen Wilmot Mr. & Mrs. Bret DiMarco Mr. David Dollinger Ms. Michelle Dollinger Mr. & Mrs. David Donatelli Mr. & Mrs. Jack Eickhoff Mr. & Mrs. Dan Fishback Mr. & Mrs. Robert Freitas Mr. & Mrs. William Frimel (Susan O’Brien Frimel, SJSH ’83, SHP ’87) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Gibeau Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glockner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gordon Mr. & Mrs. James Greene Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harper Mr. & Mrs. Michael Harrison Henriquez Family Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Holterman II Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ivey Mr. & Mrs. Michael Janssen

Ms. Tricia Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson Dr. & Mrs. Stuart Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Phil Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Guy Kawasaki Mr. & Mrs. David Keil (SJSH ’55) Mr. & Mrs. John Kerrigan (Elizabeth Hunter Kerrigan, SJSH ’78) Mr. & Mrs. Eli Khouri Dr. & Mrs. Christopher Kim Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kirkham Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Kruse Mr. Randolph Lamb & Mrs. Lisa Carey-Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lane Mr. & Mrs. James Larson Mr. Beng-Hong Lim, Ph.D. & Ms. Angela Chang, Ph.D. Dr. & Dr. Michael Longaker Mr. Casey Lynch (SJSH ’85, SHP ’89) & Mrs. Chelsea Davis Lynch (SJSH ’84) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lynch Mr. Manny Maceda & Ms. Lyra Rufino-Maceda Mr. & Mrs. James Marshall Mr. & Mrs. Mark Martella Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Melinson Ms. Amity Millhiser Mr. & Mrs. David Mitchell, Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Moldow Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Molumphy Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Morris Mr. Scott Morrison & Ms. Jennifer Minton Mr. Daniel Mummery & Ms. Frances Nuelle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Mustarde Mr. Clinton Newby & Mrs. Mary O’Flanagan Mr. & Mrs. Paul Nikcevic Mr. & Mrs. Todd Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Mark Papermaster Mr. & Mrs. Ian Parker Mr. & Mrs. Mitch Parker Mr. & Mrs. Russel Patterson III Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Pica Mr. & Mrs. John Pleasants Mr. & Ms. Andrew Purpura Mr. & Ms. Marty Putnam

Mr. & Mrs. Erik Ragatz Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Ralston Mr. & Mrs. Sreekanth Ravi Mr. & Mrs. Sudhakar Ravi Related Production Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Roberts, Ph.D. Mr. William Romans & Ms. Susan Barsamian Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rydberg Mr. & Mrs. William Salisbury Mr. Rajpal Sandhu & Ms. Mary Henry Mr. & Ms. Ted Schlein Mr. & Mrs. David Tai-Man Shen Mr. & Mrs. Ian Smith Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Smith Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith Mr. Gregory Smith & Mr. Keith Purcell Mr. & Mrs. Warren Spieker Jr. (SJSH ’58) Dr. & Ms. Robert Sutton Sutton Family Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swan Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Sweeney Mr. & Mrs. Victor Szczerba Mr. Kit Tam & Ms. Charlotte Chang (SHP ’81) Mr. & Mrs. Kirt Thomson Dr. & Mrs. Richard Trihy Mr. James Tung & Ms. Elaine Tse Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Jason Wheeler Mr. & Ms. Jim White Mr. & Mrs. John Wilson Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Jon Woodruff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yaffe Duchesne Society ($2,500 - $4,999) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Abbott Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Craig Adas Mr. & Mrs. Jim Ahn Allied Lomar Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Rajeev Amara Mr. & Mrs. Jin An Anonymous (12) Mr. & Mrs. Nikesh Arora † deceased


Annual Fund Association of Silicon Valley Brokers Mr. & Mrs. Steve Bair Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Barclay Mr. & Mrs. Brian Beattie Mr. Zachary Beekler Mr. Wayne Behrens & Ms. Kimberly Hamrick Mr. & Mrs. John Bellack Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Belton Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bigley Dr. Sean Bohen Ms. Nancy Boughton Mr. & Ms. Bruce Bower Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bradley Ms. Karen Brandenburg Dr. & Mrs. James Breitmeyer Mr. & Mrs. John Brigden Dr. Todd Brinton Mr. Gary Burbach Mrs. Judy Burbach Mr. & Mrs. Brian Burns Ms. Elizabeth Burr & Ms. Mary Lea Kirven Mr. David Carter & Dr. Katharine Brady Cheng Family Mr. Ken Cheng & Ms. Gloria Sin Mr. Duk Cho & Mrs. Kyoung Cho Dr. & Mrs. Tom Chou Dr. & Dr. Kirk Churukian Mr. & Ms. Jeff Clark Mr. & Mrs. Mark Costigan Mr. & Mrs. David Crawford Kellie & Aaron Custino Mr. & Mrs. Kurt de Grosz Mr. & Mrs. Murray Demo Mr. & Mrs. John Denniston Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Brian Desler Mr. Pietro Dova Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Drazan Mr. Mark Duchesne & Ms. Cynthia Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. William Facteau Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flessel Mr. & Mrs. Roger Flores Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Jody Ford Ms. Ana Galutera Gary A. Gavello Family 30

† deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Glasby Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Grad Dr. & Dr. Jeffrey Guardino Mr. & Ms. Andrew Hamer Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Eric Hao Dr. & Mrs. Gary Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hayse Mr. Douglas Hiemstra & Ms. Ellen Feeney Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Hill Dr. & Dr. Brad Hinrichs Mr. & Mrs. James Hinson (Mary Pang Hinson, SJSH ’72, SHP ’76) Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Hogan Mr. & Mrs. John Holloway (Anne Marie Holloway, SH Newton ’73) Mr. & Mrs. Mark Holman Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Howe Dr. & Mrs. Timothy Howes Hsing Family Ms. Nancy Huang & Mr. Daniel McCormick Dr. Hoyoung Huh & Mrs. Eleanor Park Mr. & Mrs. Deke Hunter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John N. Hunter Mr. Joel Jewitt & Ms. Chris Surowiec Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Johnson Mr. & Ms. Randy Keller Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kinsey II Mr. & Mrs. Yukimasa Kitano Mr. Bob Komin & Mrs. Charlie Hays Mr. & Ms. John Kremer Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lessing Leupp Family Mr. & Mrs. David Levison Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Michele Libraro Mr. & Mrs. Michael Liebsch Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris Ligtenberg Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lim Mr. & Mrs. Felix Lin Dr. & Mrs. Davis Louie Mr. & Mrs. Alistair Low Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch (Laural Gifford Lynch, SHP ’78) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Machado Mr. & Mrs. Jose Macias

Dr. David Mack & Mrs. Kathleen Mulligan Mr. & Ms. Don Mahnke Mr. & Mrs. Barry Mainz Mr. & Mrs. Alex McGraw Mr. & Mrs. David McJannet Mr. & Mrs. Dorian McKelvy (Teri Gray McKelvy, SJSH ’72, SHP ’76) Ms. Jean McLaughlin Mehta Family Mr. & Mrs. David Miller Ms. Susan Miner Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mischke-Reeds Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mohrman Dr. & Mrs. Greg Morganroth Mr. Jim Morrone Mr. & Mrs. James Moses Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Muir Mrs. Hannah Norup Mr. & Ms. John Novitsky Mr. & Mrs. Pejman Nowzad Dr. & Mrs. Jim Page Mr. & Mrs. Lou Palatella Mr. & Ms. Gary Palmer Mr. Xiaofeng Pan & Mrs. Rong Xie Mr. & Mrs. Brian Peay Mr. & Mrs. Mike Pegler Mr. Kenneth Pelowski & Ms. Lori Mirek Mr. & Mrs. James Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Pietro Mr. & Mrs. Mark Pitchford (Laura Daschbach Pitchford, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77)

Mr. & Ms. Hans Plesman Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Quinlan Radar Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Jim Reilly Ms. Lilli Rey Dr. Michelle Rhyu Mr. & Mrs. James Riley Mr. & Mrs. Hasan Rizvi Ms. Courtney Roberts (SJSH ’89, SHP ’93) Mr. & Mrs. John Rollins III Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rosekrans Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rudolph Dr. Eric Rulifson & Dr. Salli Tazuke Mr. & Mrs. John Runkel

Mr. James Russell & Ms. Jane Haake-Russell Mr. & Mrs. Charles Ryan III Mr. & Mrs. D. Casey Safreno Mr. & Mrs. Mansour Salamé Ms. Sally Sammut-Johnson Mr. & Dr. Richard Sarwal Mr. Bernd A. Schlotter & Ms. Moni K. Puri-Schlotter Mr. Gregory Schott & Mrs. Grace Mercer Schott Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schwerdfeger Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Scordella Mr. Chris Scully Mr. & Mrs. Kamal Shah Mr. & Mrs. William Shaughnessy Mr. & Mrs. Mauricio Simbeck Mr. & Dr. Laird Simons III Mr. Clint Smith & Ms. Elizabeth Arndorfer Mr. & Ms. Edward Sprague Mr. & Ms. Nikhil Srivastava Mr. & Mrs. Gregory St. Claire Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Steppe Mr. & Mrs. Dave Stevens Mr. & Mrs. David Still Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gary Swart Mr. & Mrs. Scott Tandy Mr. Paul Tauber & Ms. Mary Wang Oskamp Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Taylor Mrs. Helen Texido Mr. & Mrs. Michael “Mike” Texido (SJSH ’80) Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Ken Tinsley (Suzanne Walsh Tinsley, SJSH ’79) Mr. Thanos Triant & Mrs. Ingrid Marlow Mr. Salman Ullah, Ph.D. & Dr. Marnie Elizaga Mr. & Mrs. John Underwood Dr. & Mrs. James Vetter Mr. Joseph Vetter Ms. Sara Vetter Mr. & Ms. Thomas Villeneuve Mr. & Mrs. Gregg von Thaden Mr. & Ms. Craig Vought Mr. & Mrs. Guy Wanger Mr. & Mrs. David Weiden Mrs. Whitney Weisel Mr. Wyatt Weisel

Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Welch III Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wendling Mr. & Mrs. Joel Wine Mr. Sonny Wu & Ms. Yuyan Wang Mr. Ronald Wu & Dr. Victoria Moore Mr. David Yuen & Ms. Mandy Quach Mr. Pierluigi Zappacosta & Mrs. Enrica D’Ettorre Mr. & Mrs. Eric Zimits Mr. & Ms. Tony Zingale Stuart Society ($1,000 - $2,499) ableBanking Mr. Joseph Aboukhalil & Ms. Lisa Paszkowski Aitken-Young Family Mr. & Mrs. Faraj Aalaei Mr. & Mrs. Catalino Alfelor Jr. Ms. Margarita Alvarez-Neuman (SHP ’93) Mr. Michael Anderson & Ms. Bethany Coates Mr. Vincent Angotti & Mrs. Jennifer Smith Anonymous (11) Mr. Matthew Apfel & Ms. Jacqueline Reses Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Arons Dr. & Mrs. Nick Athens Mrs. Marion Avery Mr. & Mrs. Scott Barnum Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bechtel Mr. & Mrs. Bader Behbehani Mr. David Berkey & Mrs. Eleanor Lacey Mr. & Mrs. Jason Berry Mrs. Anne Biagini Mr. Joseph Boerio & Ms. Rosario Aleli Arevalo Mr. & Mrs. Scott Bohannon (Mary Miller Bohannon, SHP ’77) Mr. & Mrs. Chris Bowers Mr. Mark Broughton & Mrs. Mignon Page-Broughton Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Burdick Mr. & Ms. Bruce Burlington Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Camozzi Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cassar Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Catlin Mr. & Mrs. Spencer Chen

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cho Mr. George Choi & Mrs. Michele Ono Mr. & Mrs. Harry Chou † (Lily Chou, SH Villa Duchesne ’51) Mr. & Mrs. George Chrisman III Mr. & Mrs. James Conn (Joelle Walsh Conn, SHP ’57) Mr. & Mrs. William Conner Mr. & Mrs. Ronny Conway Mr. Michael Crockett & Ms. Carla Boragno Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Cushman Ms. Melissa Daniels & Mr. Kevin Dulsky Mr. Andre de Baubigny Ms. Juliet de Baubigny Mr. & Mrs. Roger de Lusignan Mr. & Mrs. John Del Santo Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Dioli Mr. & Mrs. Mike Dubinsky Dr. Steven Everett & Dr. Zahra Hakim Mr. & Mrs. Tom Friel Mr. & Mrs. William Galliani Mr. & Mrs. Michael Galvin Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Geary Dr. & Dr. Ritu Ghumman Mr. & Mrs. Brett Goldberg Mr. & Mrs. Juan Grau Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Hagerty Mr. & Mrs. Emad Hamrah Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hardy Mr. & Mrs. Grant Harmon Mr. & Mrs. James Harris Mr. & Mrs. Terry Haught Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hawley Mr. & Mrs. Brad Henske Mr. & Mrs. Kelly Herrell Hillspire, LLC Mr. Franklin Ho & Ms. Lisa Chang Hogan Family Mr. Robert Horsley & Ms. Laura Hamilton Mr. & Mrs. Glen Howard Mr. Christopher Iannuccilli & Ms. Michele Schiele Mr. Peter Isaacson & Ms. Stacey Geis Ms. Marie Jackson Mr. Rick Jackson † deceased


Annual Fund Mr. & Mrs. Eric Jones Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jordan Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kelley Mr. Kory Khosravi & Mrs. Parisa Paknia Mr. & Mrs. Jan King Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kraemer Mrs. Jocelyn Kung Mr. & Dr. Thomas Kurian Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lanesey Mr. & Mrs. Mark Leahy Mr. & Mrs. Grant Lee Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lempres Ms. Ursula Leonardi (SJSH ’30) † Mr. & Mrs. Grant Leschin Jr. Mr. James Lim & Ms. Colleen McDonough Mr. & Ms. Mark Lockareff Dr. Dorene Loew & Dr. Jennifer Brown Mr. & Mrs. Roderick MacFarquhar Dr. & Ms. Ken MacWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Michael Manning Dr. & Mrs. Philippe Marco Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Markey III Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Marr (Elizabeth “Betsy” Barth Marr, SHP ’59) Mr. Antonio Solanas & Mrs. Marina Martin Mr. & Mrs. David Matthews Ms. Mary Mavrakakis Mr. Thomas Mavrakakis Mr. & Ms. James McCann Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McCracken Mr. Daniel J. McGanney (SJSH ’65) Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKenna Mr. & Mrs. Thomas McMahon Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Robert McNamara Mr. & Mrs. John Meehan (Shealagh Meehan, SH Broadway ’72) Mr. & Mrs. H. Stephen Meisel Mighty Play, LLC Monjeri Investments, LLC Mr. & Ms. Charles Newton Mr. Hoang Nguyen & Mrs. Bichhuyen Pham Mr. Zhi Ni & Ms. Renee Zhou Mr. & Mrs. Keith Nilsson 32

† deceased

Mr. & Dr. William Nuttle Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Ogawa Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Ogawa (SJSH ’93, SHP ’97) Mr. & Ms. Brian O’Kelly Mr. Chamath Palihapitiya & Ms. Brigette Lau Mr. & Ms. Dhaval Panchal Dr. & Mrs. David Pizzuti Mr. & Mrs. Maxym Polyakov Mr. Ken Preminger Mr. Jeff Randall Mrs. Sally Randall Dr. Ronald Ratcliffe & Ms. Kathleen Kailing Mei Mr. George Repple & Ms. Lisa Fontenot Mr. & Mrs. William Rieflin Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ritchey Mr. & Mrs. Peter Robinson (Edita Piedra Robinson, SH Stone Ridge ’79) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Romeo Mr. Kormann Roque & Mrs. Marleen Trias-Roque Mr. & Mrs. Carl Rosendahl Mr. Richard Ruch & Ms. Karen Hyun Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Russo Mr. & Mrs. Scott Ryles Dr. & Mrs. Mark Sarkisian Mr. Andreas Schlotter Mrs. Sandra Schlotter Mr. & Mrs. David Schroeder (Carmen Sofia Rojas Schroeder, SHP ’83) Mr. & Ms. Bert Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Schuman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwartz Mr. Lawrence Seeff & Dr. Maya Adam Segre Family Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Serrano Shanahan Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Smyth Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Spina Mr. & Mrs. John Stangenes Mr. & Mrs. Jim Steele Dr. & Ms. John Stoner III Mr. & Mrs. Philip Summe Shrader-Suriyapa Family Mr. & Mrs. Brian Suzuki

Dr. & Mrs. James Swain (Rebecca Newell-Nicosia Swain, SHP ’94) Dr. Karl Sylvester & Dr. Katherine Bianco-Sylvester Mr. Leon Szeptycki & Ms. Mary Magill Mr. & Mrs. David Thayer The Ursula Leonardi Trust Thompson Family Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Tiso Ms. Christine Tomomatsu Mr. & Mrs. Tim Tully Mr. & Mrs. Todd Tuomala Mr. & Mrs. Jack Van Sweden Mr. & Mrs. Tom Welch Mr. & Ms. Erin Whalen Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Wilkins Mr. & Mrs. Geoff Yang Mr. Mark Zdeblick & Dr. Melanie Smitt Mr. Yi Zhuang & Ms. Jia Dai Fox Society ($500 - $999) Ms. Gay Abuel-Saud (SHP ’75) Mr. & Mrs. Siddhartha Agarwal Mr. Scott Alexander & Ms. Christa Gannon Mr. & Mrs. Aaron Amaro Anonymous (19) Armistead Family Mr. Firas Azmeh & Mrs. Nora Dahr Mr. & Mrs. Michael Banks Mr. & Mrs. Kayvan Baroumand Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Baugh Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berra (Kathy Keogh Berra, SHP ’63) Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Bertolacci Mr. & Ms. Norman Blears Mr. Sherif Botros Dr. Antony Bourdillon & Dr. Ningxia Tan-Bourdillon Mr. & Mrs. Steve Boyden Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Bradford Mrs. Jacqueline Brandin Mr. & Mrs. Jack Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Ray Chau

Annual Fund Mr. & Mrs. Herschel Cobb (Madelyn “Lyn” Jason Cobb, SHE ’65, SHP ’69) Mr. & Mrs. Victor Colunga Mr. & Mrs. Gregory DeLong (Betsy Foster DeLong †) Mr. & Mrs. Erik Doyle Mr. & Ms. William Draper III Mr. Dale Duncan (SJSH ’80) & Mrs. Eva Yuen Mr. & Mrs. Fred Eder III (Ellen Glockner Eder, SJSH ’78, SHP ’82) Mr. Matt Eichner & Dr. Sanaz Hariri Ms. Ann Ellison Mr. & Mrs. Grant Evans Mr. & Ms. Thomas Fallon Mr. & Dr. Richard Ferranti Mr. & Mrs. Steven Fieler Mr. Thomas Fleischli & Dr. Susan Garay Foster Family Mr. & Mrs. Chris Freire Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Furukawa Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Galligan Mr. & Mrs. Naren Goel Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Goodenough Ms. Elena Hai-Hong Tao Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Hatton Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Holland Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ingram Mr. & Mrs. Terence Irwin Dr. Adam Jarczewski & Ms. Janina Pawlowski Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Jones III Mr. & Mrs. Bajis Katwan KDS Software & Consulting Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kennedy Mr. & Ms. Michael Kunde Mr. Antoine “Tony” Lahlouh (SJSH ’98, SHP ’02) Lahlouh, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. John Leung Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lochtefeld Mrs. Danette Magilligan Mr. & Mrs. Lisiate Makoni Makoni Construction Mr. & Mrs. John Malcolm Ms. Amy Callahan McHugh (SJSH ’83) Mr. & Mrs. Boris Micha

Mr. Michael Miller & Ms. Lisa Lommel Dr. & Mrs. Dev Mishra Mr. & Mrs. Matt Moran Mr. & Mrs. William Morgan Mrs. Maria Morrissey Mr. & Mrs. Christophe Moustirats (SHP ’90) (Cristina Echevarria Moustirats, SHP ’90) Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Myers Mr. & Mrs. Tom Myers Mr. & Mrs. William Nunn Mr. & Mrs. Bill Odell Ms. Ellen Gallagher Parsons (SH Newton ’74) Mr. Jack Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Bhupendra Patel Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Pendolino Mrs. Virginia Perkins Mr. & Ms. James Pistorino Mr. & Mrs. Bob Plaschke Ms. Libby Raab Ms. Susan Raffo Ms. Marjaneh Ravai Ms. Connie Reyes Ms. Angela Robbiano (SJSH ’72, SHP ’76) Mr. & Mrs. George Rogers III Ms. Jennifer “Jen” Rogers (SJSH ’05, SHP ’09) Mr. & Mrs. Vince Sakowski Mr. & Mrs. Marc Schiavo (SJSH ’88) Ms. Caroline Selfridge Mr. & Mrs. Bin Shen Mr. Klaus-Dieter Spatz & Mrs. Karen Chong Mr. & Mrs. Tom Stephenson Mr. & Mrs. Randall Stuewe Dr. & Mrs. Larry Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Eric Takaha Mr. & Ms. Greg Tapper Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tarantino (SH Stuart Hall ’71) Mr. Alan Truman & Ms. Susan Keck-Truman Mr. & Mrs. John Van Dyke III Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Wachtel Mr. & Mrs. Craig Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Richard Warren Jr. (SJSH ’77) Mr. James Waterbury & Ms. Wei Li Dr. & Mrs. Eric Weiss Dr. Brian Westcott Mr. & Mrs. Mike Willard

Mr. Seran Wilson & Mrs. Siji Chacko Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Wise Mr. & Mrs. Alan Young Mr. Mohamad Zarringhalam Porte-Cochère Society (Up to $499) Ms. Sonia Abuel-Saud (SHS ’13) Ms. Sophia Abuel-Saud (SHS ’11) Ms. Guiti Adjami Ms. Afsaneh Akhtari Mr. & Mrs. Hossein Alaee Mr. & Ms. James Albera Mr. Logan Allin (SHP ’99) Mr. & Ms. Paul Allyn III (Elizabeth Accornero Allyn, SHP ’01) Dr. & Mrs. Dana Andersen Mr. & Mrs. Ragnar Andersen Mr. & Mrs. Scott Anderson Ms. Minghui Anderson Mr. Paul Ang & Ms. Maria Ong Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Angel Anonymous (84) Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Anstrom Mr. & Mrs. Bob Antonacci Ms. Katrina Armistead (SHS ’12) Ms. Kendra Armstrong (SHP ’03) Ms. Clarice Arné Mr. Marco Arrigoni Mr. George Ayala (SHS ’12) Mr. Joel Ayala & Mrs. Antonia Garcilazo Ms. Lucy Baldwin Mr. John Balen (SHS ’14) Mrs. Julie Ball Mr. & Mrs. Steven Baloff Mr. Ralph Banks & Mrs. Jennifer Eberhardt Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Barada Mr. Miguel Barajas Mr. Walker Barnum (SHS ’14) Mr. & Mrs. Hector Barragan Mr. & Mrs. David Barry (Elaine Berra Barry, SHP ’87) Mr. & Dr. Mehran Bashiri Mr. & Mrs. Mark Basnage † deceased


Annual Fund Mr. & Mrs. Larry Bauer (Pauline Wood Bauer, SHP ’54) Ms. Rebecca Baugh (SHS ’11) Mr. Robert Beaulieu & Mrs. Corinne Cho-Beaulieu Mr. & Mrs. Adam Beck Ms. Ciara Bedingfield Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bell Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Beltramo Mr. & Mrs. Larry Benner (Joan Argall Benner, SHP ’61) Ms. Julie Bennett Ms. Rosaria Bercow Mrs. Margaret Berkey Ms. M’Lis Greenfield Berry (SJSH ’77, SHP ’81) Mr. Ernest Bianco Mr. & Mrs. Brent Biggs (Maria Apezteguia Biggs, SHP ’95) Mrs. Norma Bishop Mr. & Mrs. Roger Blandford Ms. Lauren Blears (SHP ’03) Ms. Kathleen “Kate” Bocci (SHS ’13) Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Boesen Ms. Bette Bohler (SH Forest Ridge ’67) Mr. William Bonnell Mr. Andrew Botto (SHS ’13) Mr. & Mrs. Greg Botto Sr. Mr. Gregory Botto (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Charlie Bozzo Mr. Daniel Brady (SHP ’04) Mr. & Mrs. Alan Brake Ms. Megan Brennan Ms. Elizabeth Brezinski (SHP ’06) Ms. Keara Brosnan (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Brown Ms. Diane Brugos Mr. Patrick Bruni (SHS ’12) Ms. Kristina Bruning (SHP ’60) Mr. Carter Brutschy (SJSH ’00, SHP ’04) Mrs. Florence “Flo” Eyre Bryan (SJSH ’38, SHP ’42) Ms. Suzanne Bryan Ms. Mayrin Bunyagidj Mr. Jonathan Burke 34

† deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Cacchione Miss Kathleen Cahalan (SHP ’69) Mr. R. Nicholas “Nick” Caine (SHS ’11) Mrs. Melissa Calcaterra Freeman (SJSH ’78, SHP ’82) Ms. Barrie Callender (SJSH ’74, SHP ’78) Mr. H. Keir Campbell & Ms. Cee Salberg Ms. Claire Campodonico (SHE ’59) Mrs. Ann Carter Cane (SHP ’61) Ms. Gianna Capovilla (SHS ’11) Caprock Partners Management, Inc. Miss Alicia Carcione (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Carcione III Mr. & Mrs. Rod Cardamone Mr. & Mrs. Arnulfo Cardona Jr. Mrs. Ann Carey (SJSH ’71, SHP ’75) Mr. Carmelo Carlos & Ms. Erika Chavez Mr. & Mrs. Sean Carney Mr. & Mrs. Jhonny Carrillo Ms. Ellen Carroll Mr. Matthew Carroll Ms. Olivia Carroll (SHS ’11) Ms. Lidia Cartacai Mr. & Mrs. Jake Caruso Ms. Mai Cat Mr. & Mrs. Martin Cattaneo (Cherie “Cookie” Conway Cattaneo, SH Broadway ’67) Ms. Elaine Cavalin Ms. Kate Ceremsak (SHP ’08) Mrs. Monica Dean Chastagnol (SHP ’95) Mr. Jose L. Chavez & Mrs. Maria De La Luz Chavez Mr. Christopher Chiang Mr. Brandon Child (SHP ’04) Mr. David Chiorini Mr. Jungwhan “JW” Cho (SHS ’12) Mr. Zachary “Zach” Churukian (SHS ’13) Mr. & Mrs. Wayne Ciardella Dr. & Mrs. Terence Clancy (Lisa Lippert Clancy, SHP ’79) Ms. Elizabeth “Zizi” Clark (SHP ’03) Mr. & Mrs. Terry Clark Mr. & Mrs. James Clifford Ms. Geraldine Clinton

Ms. Kendall Cody (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Rich Cody Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Coffey Mr. Michael Colby (SHS ’12) Mr. John Cole & Ms. Wendy Parker Coleman Family Ms. Sharon Collins (SH Lone Mt. ’69) Ms. Isabella Colosso (SHS ’11) Ms. Shirley Connolly (SH Lone Mt. ’58) Ms. Amy Conte Mr. & Mrs. Peter Conway (Mary “Lyn” Horwitz Conway, SHP ’62) Ms. Sarah Coogan Mr. & Mrs. Roger Cooper (Lydia Dioli Cooper, SJSH ’57, SHP ’60) Mr. Patrick Corcoran (SHS ’12) Ms. Dora Cornelio Mr. & Mrs. John Corpos Mr. & Mrs. Terrence Cullen (SJSH ’60) Ms. Meskerem Daba Mr. & Mrs. Jamie D’Alessandro (Carey McIntosh D’Alessandro, SJSH ’93, SHP ’97) Ms. Stacey Dalupan Mr. Bahram Darya-Bari & Mrs. Afsaneh Rahili Mr. Arya Daryabary (SHS ’15) Ms. Vida Daryabary (SHS ’22) Mr. Bahman Daryabary & Mrs. Farkhondeh Saebmonfared Mr. & Mrs. Mark Daschbach Mr. & Mrs. Michael Davidson (SJSH ’80) Mr. Christophe de Bord Ms. Gail Dearing Mr. & Mrs. William Decker Mr. John “Jack” Del Santo Jr. (SHS ’13) Ms. Madeleine “Maddie” Del Santo (SHS ’11) Ms. Barbara Deméré Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Deppmeier Sr. Patricia Desmond (SHE ’45) Mr. & Mrs. Mark DeZutti Miss Lauren Diefendorf (SHS ’13) Mr. & Mrs. George Dinolt Dirty Work Landscape Co. Sr. Kathleen Dolan (SH Greenwich ’56) Ms. Catherine Donahoe (SHS ’11)

Mr. Kevin Donahoe (SHS ’13) Ms. Marilla dos Santos Miss Caren Duane (SHS ’11) Mr. Charles “Charlie” Duane (SHS ’14) Mr. & Mrs. Benoit Dubuisson Mr. Alejandro Duenas Dr. & Mrs. Michael Dumas Mr. Robert Dunlevie (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. James Dyer (Christine “Chris” Lussier Dyer, SHE ’63, SHP ’67) Mrs. Joan Eagleson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Eagleson Ms. Elizabeth “Liz” Eder (SHS ’13) Miss Katharine Eger (SHS ’12) Mr. Gus Elmashni Ms. Hanna Elmore (SHS ’11) Mr. Ryan Elmore & Ms. Jennifer Feyling Elmore (SJSH ’91, SHP ’95) Mrs. Genevieve “Genny” Sidone El-Zahhar (SJSH ’98, SHP ’02) Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Enright Mr. Jeffrey Enright & Ms. Martha Hill-Enright Mr. & Mrs. Philip Evans Dr. James Everitt Mr. & Mrs. Glenn Farris Mrs. Virginia Imboden Faulk (SHE ’40) Ms. Rosemary Feerick Ms. Kerry Fender Mr. Bradley Ferkol & Ms. Carol Scott Ferkol Mr. Matthew Ferranti (SHS ’11) Ms. Anna Fichtner Mr. & Mrs. Peter Filice Mr. & Mrs. Chad Fillinger (Mary Morey Fillinger, SJSH ’95) Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Finnigan Mr. Richard Fitchen Mr. & Ms. Daniel FitzSimons Ms. Alexandra “Ally” Flessel (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Sam Folsom (Mary Texido Folsom, SJSH ’78) Mr. Christopher Fox (SHP ’01) Dr. & Mrs. Clancy France Mr. James Frank Mr. & Dr. Robert Fraser

Ms. Natalie Friel (SHS ’12) Ms. Joannie Fu & Ms. Nani Sarosa Mr. Kevin Fu (SHS ’12) Ms. Ashley Gaddis (SHS ’12) Mr. Ryan Gaertner (SHS ’13) Mr. & Ms. Ernest Galaviz Ms. Melanie Galindo-Huaume (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Galvin Dr. Christiane Gautier Ms. Jillian Geary (SHP ’13) Mr. John Geary (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Gelbach Mr. & Mrs. Steven Gerber Ms. Leana Giannini (SHP ’75) Mr. & Ms. Scott Gibson Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gillett (Erin Rosenberg Gillett, SHP ’90) Mr. John Gilmore Giving Vines, LLC Ms. Whitney Glockner Black (SJSH ’88, SHP ’92) Gold Gate Network Solutions Mr. & Ms. Victor Gomez Mr. Salvador Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Dan Gordon Ms. Lisa Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Piyush Govil Mr. & Mrs. Sunny Goyal Dr. & Mrs. Varish Goyal Mr. Stephon Grace (SHS ’13) Ms. Geena Graumann (SHS ’11) Mr. & Ms. Mark Grieb (Erin Moix Grieb, SHP ’97) Mr. Bradley “Brad” Gritsch (SHS ’13) Mr. & Ms. Keith Halcovich Mr. & Mrs. Lee Hall-Mineau (Helen Boren Hall-Mineau, SJSH ’45, SHP ’49) Dr. & Mrs. Scott Hallsted Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hamilton Hamilton Family Mr. Timothy Harden Mr. & Mrs. William Hardiman Mr. Hayden Harding (SHS ’13) Ms. Kathryn Hardy

Mr. Matthew Hardy (SHS ’11) Mr. Thomas Hardy & Ms. Mary Boland Ms. Allison Harman (SHS ’14) Ms. Kirsten Harman (SHP ’09) Mr. Stephen Harman (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hart Mr. Kristopher Hauck Dr. Tom Hausken & Ms. Vivian Brates Ms. Jennifer Hawks Mrs. Heather Hawley Logan (SHP ’94) & Mr. Ken Logan Mr. & Mrs. Klaus Hedbabny (Katarina Hartung Hedbabny, SHP ’57) Ms. Cady Hellman (SHS ’13) Mr. Robert Hellman III (SHS ’13) Mr. & Mrs. Todd Hemm Ms. Eliza Henderson (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Grant Hendrick, Ph.D. Dr. Katherine Hennessey Miss Rachael Henry (SHS ’12) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hewitt (Diana Beltramo Hewitt, SJSH ’83, SHP ’87) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph “J.” Hickingbotham IV (SHP ’88) Higgins Family Mrs. Faith Hill Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hill (Lindsay A. Galloway Hill, SHP ’76) Mr. Bret Hinrichs (SHS ’13) Mrs. Jessica Hoag Mrs. Agatha de Marthon Hoff (SHE ’50, SHP ’54) Mr. Michael Holloway (SHS ’13) Mrs. Sue Reid Hopgood (SHP ’63) Ms. Julie Horvath Ms. Caroline Hoskinson (SHS ’11) Mr. Kenneth Howell & Ms. Peggy O’Leary Ms. Jessica Huang Mr. & Mrs. Prys Hughes Mr. Ben Hunter Ms. Allison Hurley Ms. Sydney Huss (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Bill Hvidt Mr. Sam Irwin (SHS ’13) Mr. Tyler Jackson (SHS ’11) † deceased


Annual Fund Mr. & Mrs. Chris Jacobs Mrs. Toni Townsend Jacobs (SH Forest Ridge ’76) Mr. & Mrs. Vajid Jafri Mr. & Mrs. Mehdi Jazayeri Mr. Michael Jenkins Mr. Clint Johns Mr. Kenneth Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ray Jones (Wesley Ann Pribyl Jones, SJSH ’59, SHP ’63) Mr. Shawn G. Jones & Mrs. Fehmeen Picetti Mrs. Dana Jordan Mr. Matthew Juelsgaard (SHP ’01) Ms. Shereda Julian-Spears Mrs. Kristen Jurgens Mr. & Mrs. Kyle Kalmbach Ms. Mary Nadine Sangiacomo Kane (SH Broadway ’02) Mr. Christopher Kanelopoulos Ms. Lise Karna (SJSH ’76) Mr. Colin Kelley (SHS ’11) Mr. Scott Kelley (SHS ’13) Mrs. Kristen Kelly Mr. Daniel Kennedy Ms. Maureen Kennelly (SHP ’03) Mrs. Gloria Kennett Ms. Mary Noel Keough (SJSH ’53) Kepler’s Books and Magazines Mr. & Mrs. Tim Kerns (SJSH ’92) Ms. Jane Khoury Mr. Cameron Kirkpatrick (SHS ’14) Mr. & Mrs. Jon Klas (Adriana Irvine Klas, SJSH ’95, SHP ’99) Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Klein Mr. Vincent Koeten (SHS ’12) Ms. Madeleine “Maddy” Kohlberg (SHS ’13) Mr. Vafa Kordestani & Mrs. Neda Mandegarian Mr. Alan Kornfield & Mrs. Genette Yogi Kornfield Mr. & Mrs. Ajay Koshy Mr. & Mrs. Brian Kreutzkamp Mr. & Mrs. Franz Krieg Mr. Maximilian Krieg (SHS ’13) Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Krikorian (SJSH ’73) Miss Natalie Krikorian (SHS ’12) 36

† deceased

Mr. & Dr. Rajiv Kumar Dr. Chester Kunnappilly & Dr. Jeanette Aviles Mr. & Mrs. Scott La Rue Dr. Christopher LaBonte Mr. Steve Langford Mr. John “Jack” Larson (SHS ’12) Dr. & Ms. Randal Leistikow Dr. Guy Letteer Ms. Jennifer Lettieri Mr. & Mrs. Ron Lim Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lindblom Mr. Colin Lockareff (SHS ’13) Mr. Alfonso Lopez Mrs. Angelica Lopez Ms. Joy Lopez Mr. John Loschmann Mr. Stewart C. Lotz & Mrs. Jane Hanley Lotz (SJSH ’44, SHP ’48, SH Lone Mt. ’52) Mr. Patrick Louie & Ms. Yanhong Chen Mr. Isaias Luna & Mrs. Herma Acevedo Ms. Monique Lusse (SHP ’74) Lutticken Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Denis Lynch Mrs. Genevieve Olwell Lynch (SHP ’50) Miss Gianna “Ginny” Maceda (SHS ’11) Ms. Leticia MacGinley Dr. & Mrs. Brian Madigan Ms. Sally Mahoney (SH Lone Mt. ’61) Mr. & Mrs. Kosema Mahoni Sr. Mr. Jaime Maldonado Aguilar & Mrs. Esmeralda Maldonado Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Manos Mrs. Jillian Manus Ms. Sydney Maples (SHS ’13) Mr. & Mrs. James March Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Marconi Ms. Kathryn Marcus Mr. Almir Marin & Ms. Olga Melo Ms. Nicole Marris Mr. Carlos Marron & Mrs. Dora Arredondo-Marron Ms. Alexandra “Alex” Marshall (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Tony Martinelli Ms. Debbie Martinez Dr. Duncan Mason &

Ms. Deirdre McHugh (SHP ’66) Mr. & Mrs. Len Materman Ms. Stephanie Mathews Ms. Cindy Matsuyama & Ms. Karin Van Amelsvoort Ms. Madeleine “Maddy” Matthews (SHS ’13) Dr. Christine McBride Ms. Shanterra McBride Mr. & Mrs. Brian McCarthy Mr. Ryan McCarthy (SHS ’12) Mr. & Mrs. Steve McCarthy Ms. Mary Pat McChesney (SHP ’62) Ms. Gabrielle McColgan Mr. Cole McConnell (SHS ’12) Mr. Reed McConnell (SHS ’11) Mr. William McConnell (SHS ’11) Mr. Raymond McDade & Mrs. Diemchi Nguyen Dr. Anna McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McDonald (Susan Lochtefeld McDonald, SHP ’78) Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McDonald (Julia Haynes McDonald, SH Bloomfield Hills ’85) Ms. Kylie McNamara (SHS ’13) Miss Jane Meehan (SHS ’14) Mr. Kevin Meisel (SJSH ’04, SHP ’08) Mr. Albert Mejia Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Melgoza Mr. & Ms. Christian Mellberg Ms. Brisbane Mendoza-Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Andres Mera (Maggie San Martin Mera, SH 91st St. ’62, Manhattanville College ’66) Mr. & Mrs. Ken Merrill Mr. Reed Merrill (SHS ’11) Mr. Ross Merrill (SHP ’09) Mr. & Mrs. Warren Merrill Mr. & Mrs. Tom Merz (Mimi Breene Merz, SHP ’63) Mr. Anthony Milki (SHS ’13) Ms. Joanna Milner (SHP ’09) Mr. Alec Mishra (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Modesitt Mr. Jake Moffat & Dr. Elizabeth DuBose Mr. Michael Mohrman (SHS ’12) Mr. J. Kelly Monaghan & Ms. Marilyn Voelke

Mr. Jose L. Monteon & Ms. Mayola Gonzalez Ms. Maria Mont-Reynaud Ms. Christina Moore (SHS ’11) Ms. Pamela Helen Moore (SHP ’59) Mr. & Ms. Walter Moore Ms. Anna Moorman (SHP ’03) Mr. Brian Moran (SHS ’11) Mr. Charles Moran (SHS ’11) Mr. William “Duke” Moran (SHS ’12) Mr. & Mrs. Paul Morin Mr. Kevin Morris (SHP ’90) & Dr. Libby Jones Miss Ashley Morton (SHS ’12) Mr. & Mrs. L. James Mosso (SJSH ’55) Moultrup Family Ms. Jessica Mueller Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Muñoz Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Greg Myall Ms. Monika Nagy Ms. Paula Nawas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nawn Ms. Colleen Nawn (SHS ’12) Mr. Patrick Neary Mrs. Diana Neebe Ms. Kathleen Neville-Fritz Mr. & Mrs. Bob Nguyen Mr. & Mrs. Carl Nordman Mr. Pavel Nosovitskiy (SJSH ’99, SHP ’03) Dr. & Mrs. James Nourse Ms. Colleen O’Donnell Mr. Andrew Olivier (SHP ’07) Ms. Jennifer Olsson Ms. Christine O’Neal (SJSH ’94, SHP ’98) Ms. Jennifer O’Neal (SJSH ’93, SHP ’97) Mr. & Mrs. William O’Neal (Michelle Lastreto O’Neal, SH Broadway ’64) Mr. Arturo Orocio & Mrs. Sonia Gonzalez Mr. & Ms. Christopher Oswald (Legia Rillos Oswald, SJSH ’78, SHP ’82) Mr. Lukas Oswald (SHS ’12) Ms. Amy Owens Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Pacheco Ms. Aimee Padilla Dr. Amado Padilla & Ms. Deborah Farrington Padilla

Ms. Laura Panos Ms. Stephanie Paoly Ms. Michelle Pasicatan Mrs. Joan Patch Mr. & Mrs. Roger Patel Dr. Dennis Paustenbach Ms. Louise Paustenbach Mrs. Caroline Pederson Mr. & Dr. Forrest Pendleton (Heidi McHugh Pendleton, SHP ’64) Ms. Riley Perdue (SHS ’11) Mr. Marcelino Perez (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Brian Perone Mr. Anthony Peterson & Ms. Isolina Martinez Mrs. Lindsay Phillips Mr. Joseph Pike Ms. Elizabeth Pinelli Mr. Rooney Pitchford (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Pjesky Drs. Michael A. Pleiss & Christine E. Brotherton-Pleiss Ms. Aubrie Pollock (SHP ’06) Mr. & Mrs. Ted Pollock Mr. Zachary Pollock (SHP ’05) Mr. & Mrs. Ken Ponce (Marielle Saussotte Ponce (SHP ’71) Ms. Amanda Poon Mr. Jason Powell (SHP ’06) Sr. Clare Pratt Mr. & Mrs. Lamont Quattlebaum (Wendy Miller Quattlebaum, SHP ’93) Mr. & Mrs. James Quilliam Ms. Caroline Quinn (SHS ’13) Mr. Moshe Quinn Mr. T. Anthony Quinn (SJSH ’55) Mr. & Mrs. Colin Quinton Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ramey Mr. Jesus Ramos Mr. Andy Ramsay (SHP ’03) Dr. & Mrs. Beatty Ramsay Jr. Ms. Christina Ramsay (SHP ’07) Mr. Jack Randall (SHS ’12) Mr. & Mrs. Peter Randall Mr. Juan Rascon & Mrs. Maria Martinez Miss Danielle Redd

Rees Properties Inc Ms. Rachel Reese Mr. & Mrs. Marc Reeve (Marc Reeve, SJSH ’84, SHP ’88) Mr. Daver Refioglu (SHS ’12) Mr. & Mrs. William Regan III (SJSH ’53) Ms. Nicole Rehberg Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Reis Mr. Luis Reyes Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Bill Richardson (Karen Kiskila Richardson, SHP ’63) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Riffle Mrs. Mary Ann Robbiano Mr. Patrick Roberts Mr. Chris Rochester (SHP ’05) Mr. & Mrs. Frank Rodriguez Mr. Frank Rodriguez (SHS ’13) Mr. Rafael Rodriguez Mr. Steven Roeser (SHP ’95) Ms. Christine Rogers (SHS ’11) Dr. & Ms. Campbell Rogers Ms. Jeffrey Ann Roos (SHE ’59, SHP ’63) Ms. Yazmin Rosa Ms. Gayle Rosenberg Sr. Martha Roughan (Newton College ’66) Ms. Nicole Rubin Mr. Rob Runkel (SHP ’08) Sr. Mary Pat Ryan Mrs. Jennifer Harris Sabo (SHP ’95) Dr. Parsa Safa & Ms. Ana Maria Lasala Ms. Kim Sagasty Mr. Alan Salzman Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Sanchez Mr. Lino Sanchez & Mrs. Norma Sanchez Soto Mr. & Ms. George Sarrouh Mr. Paul Sawyer Mrs. Carol Schaffer Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Scherba Dr. Kim Schneider Mr. & Mrs. William Schreeder III Mrs. Miriam Schulman Mrs. Susan Nerney Schumann (SHE ’50, SHP ’54) Mr. Christopher Scott † deceased


Annual Fund Mr. & Mrs. Walter Sedgwick Ms. Silke Sen Ms. Kennedy Shields (SHS ’12) Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Siam Ms. Leslie Silver Mr. Ian Simon (SHP ’04) Mr. Jason Simpson & Ms. Rachel Prouty Mr. Will Skaff Dr. Stewart Slafter & Ms. Amy Prevedel Mr. Jeremy Smart Mr. & Mrs. Jason Smith (Abigail “Abby” Mates Smith, SHP ’88) Ms. Sheila Smith Mr. David Smock Mrs. Catherine Smyth Mr. Hudson Smythe (SHP ’05) Ms. Stacie Snow Mr. & Mrs. Mark Soltau (Valerie Dewey Soltau, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Spieker Mr. Brendan Spillane (SHS ’13) Mr. Austin Stahley (SHP ’07) Mr. & Mrs. Scott Stahley Ms. Sophia Steplowski Mr. Christopher Stoner (SHP ’94) Ms. Katherine Murphy Stoner (SHP ’65) Ms. Christina Storslee Mr. Sloane Sturzenegger (SHS ’12) Mr. Michael Summers & Ms. Nancy Gray Mr. Justin Suran Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Surraco Mr. Airen Surzyn (SHS ’11) Mrs. Lori Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. Gerrit Swart Mrs. Edie Switzer Ms. Myra Syed Target Take Charge of Education Mr. Michael Taverna Mr. Colin Terndrup (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. David Terpening Teu Electric Ms. Linda Thaure Mrs. Susan Davidson Thomas (SHE ’51, SHP ’55) Mr. Bradley Thompson (SHP ’04) 38

† deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Thompson Mr. Patrick Tinney Mr. Patrick Tinsley (SHS ’13) Mr. & Mrs. Paul Titterton Dr. & Mrs. Fouad Tobagi Sr. Frances Tobin Dr. & Mrs. Gary Toig Mr. Arun Tolani & Dr. Nisha Advani Mr. Varun Tolani (SHS ’13) Ms. Shannon Toole (SHS ’13) Dr. & Mrs. Vincent Tornabene Mr. & Mrs. David Traub Mr. Barry Treseler Ms. Julie Tsutsui Mrs. Kathy Tuccio Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Turchetti Ms. Corie Tyson Mr. Adam Ullman & Mrs. Stephanie Bowe Ullman Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Vaida Dr. Sally Vance-Trembath & Dr. Kern Trembath Mr. Jason Varga (SJSH ’91, SHP ’95) & Mrs. Audrey Eve Harper Mr. & Mrs. Peter Varga Mr. & Mrs. Douglas VauDell Mr. Tyler VauDell (SHS ’13) Village Stationers Mrs. Kimberly Stoner Voldseth (SHP ’91) Dr. Judith Wagner Mr. J. Peter Walker & Ms. Megan Harbison Mr. & Dr. Jonathan Walker Ms. Cynthia Wallis (SHP ’63) Ms. Samantha “Sammi” Walsh (SHS ’12) Mr. JD Ward Mr. & Ms. Roger Waters Mr. Patrick Watkins (SHS ’12) Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Watterson Mr. Zachary Watterson (SHS ’11) Ms. JoAnne Mari Webb (SHE ’59) Mr. & Mrs. George Wildey (Janet Dyer Wildey, SJSH ’65, SHP ’69) Dr. & Dr. Colin Williams Ms. Serene Williams Mr. Joseph Wise (SHS ’11) Mr. Phil Wong

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wong Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Wood Ms. Vivian Wu (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Tim York Ms. Lynne Young Mr. & Mrs. John Yujuico (SJSH ’92) Ms. Christine Zaky Mr. & Mrs. Dietmar Zapf (SJSH ’83) Mr. Daniel Zdeblick (SHS ’13) Mr. Steven Zelinger Ms. Jamie Zerber Mr. Kevin Zerber Mr. Biao Zhang & Dr. Yue Xu Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Zuck Ms. Adriana Zuno (SHS ’12) Annual Fund Gifts-in-Kind Anonymous Calstone Company Mr. & Mrs. Robert Isackson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Morey Ms. Susan Seely

Young Alumni Club Classes of 2004-2014

Ms. Sophia Abuel-Saud (SHS ’11) Ms. Sonia Abuel-Saud (SHS ’13) Anonymous (’14) Ms. Katrina Armistead (SHS ’12) Mr. George Ayala (SHS ’12) Mr. John Balen (SHS ’14) Mr. Walker Barnum (SHS ’14) Ms. Rebecca Baugh (SHS ’11) Ms. Kathleen “Kate” Bocci (SHS ’13) Mr. Andrew Botto (SHS ’13) Mr. Gregory Botto (SHS ’11) Mr. Daniel Brady (SHP ’04) Ms. Elizabeth Brezinski (SHP ’06) Ms. Keara Brosnan (SHS ’11) Mr. Patrick Bruni (SHS ’12) Mr. Carter Brutschy (SJSH ’00, SHP ’04) Mr. R. Nicholas “Nick” Caine (SHS ’11)

Ms. Gianna Capovilla (SHS ’11) Miss Alicia Carcione (SHS ’11) Ms. Olivia Carroll (SHS ’11) Ms. Kate Ceremsak (SHP ’08) Mr. Brandon Child (SHP ’04) Mr. Jungwhan “JW” Cho (SHS ’12) Mr. Zachary “Zach” Churukian (SHS ’13) Ms. Kendall Cody (SHS ’11) Mr. Michael Colby (SHS ’12) Ms. Isabella Colosso (SHS ’11) Mr. Patrick Corcoran (SHS ’12) Mr. John “Jack” Del Santo Jr. (SHS ’13) Ms. Madeleine “Maddie” Del Santo (SHS ’11) Miss Lauren Diefendorf (SHS ’13) Ms. Catherine Donahoe (SHS ’11) Mr. Kevin Donahoe (SHS ’13) Miss Caren Duane (SHS ’11) Mr. Charles “Charlie” Duane (SHS ’14) Mr. Robert Dunlevie (SHS ’11) Ms. Elizabeth “Liz” Eder (SHS ’13) Miss Katharine Eger (SHS ’12) Ms. Hanna Elmore (SHS ’11) Mr. Matthew Ferranti (SHS ’11) Ms. Alexandra “Ally” Flessel (SHS ’11) Ms. Natalie Friel (SHS ’12) Mr. Kevin Fu (SHS ’12) Ms. Ashley Gaddis (SHS ’12) Mr. Ryan Gaertner (SHS ’13) Ms. Melanie Galindo-Huaume (SHS ’11) Ms. Jillian Geary (SHP ’13) Mr. John Geary (SHS ’11) Mr. Stephon Grace (SHS ’13) Ms. Geena Graumann (SHS ’11) Mr. Bradley “Brad” Gritsch (SHS ’13) Mr. Hayden Harding (SHS ’13) Mr. Matthew Hardy (SHS ’11) Ms. Kirsten Harman (SHP ’09) Ms. Allison Harman (SHS ’14) Mr. Stephen Harman (SHS ’11) Ms. Cady Hellman (SHS ’13) Mr. Robert Hellman III (SHS ’13) Ms. Eliza Henderson (SHS ’11) Miss Rachael Henry (SHS ’12) Mr. Bret Hinrichs (SHS ’13) Mr. Michael Holloway (SHS ’13)

Ms. Caroline Hoskinson (SHS ’11) Ms. Sydney Huss (SHS ’11) Mr. Sam Irwin (SHS ’13) Mr. Tyler Jackson (SHS ’11) Mr. Colin Kelley (SHS ’11) Mr. Scott Kelley (SHS ’13) Mr. Cameron Kirkpatrick (SHS ’14) Mr. Vincent Koeten (SHS ’12) Ms. Madeleine “Maddy” Kohlberg (SHS ’13) Mr. Maximilian Krieg (SJSH ’09) Miss Natalie Krikorian (SHS ’12) Mr. John “Jack” Larson (SHS ’12) Mr. Colin Lockareff (SHS ’13) Miss Gianna “Ginny” Maceda (SHS ’11) Ms. Sydney Maples (SHS ’13) Ms. Alexandra “Alex” Marshall (SHS ’11) Ms. Madeleine “Maddy” Matthews (SHS ’13) Mr. Ryan McCarthy (SHS ’12) Mr. Cole McConnell (SHS ’12) Mr. Reed McConnell (SHS ’11) Mr. William McConnell (SHS ’11) Ms. Kylie McNamara (SHS ’13) Miss Jane Meehan (SHS ’14) Mr. Kevin Meisel (SJSH ’04, SHP ’08) Mr. Reed Merrill (SHS ’11) Mr. Ross Merrill (SHP ’09) Mr. Anthony Milki (SHS ’13) Ms. Joanna Milner (SHP ’09) Mr. Alec Mishra (SHS ’11) Mr. Michael Mohrman (SHS ’12) Ms. Christina Moore (SHS ’11) Mr. Brian Moran (SHS ’11) Mr. Charles Moran (SHS ’11) Mr. William “Duke” Moran (SHS ’12) Miss Ashley Morton (SHS ’12) Ms. Colleen Nawn (SHS ’12) Mr. Andrew Olivier (SHP ’07) Mr. Lukas Oswald (SHS ’12) Ms. Riley Perdue (SHS ’11) Mr. Marcelino Perez (SHS ’11) Mr. Rooney Pitchford (SHS ’11) Ms. Aubrie Pollock (SHP ’06) Mr. Zachary Pollock (SHP ’05)

Mr. Jason Powell (SHP ’06) Ms. Caroline Quinn (SHS ’13) Ms. Christina Ramsay (SHP ’07) Mr. Jack Randall (SHS ’12) Mr. Daver Refioglu (SHS ’12) Mr. Chris Rochester (SHP ’05) Mr. Frank Rodriguez (SHS ’13) Ms. Christine Rogers (SHS ’11) Ms. Jennifer “Jen” Rogers (SJSH ’05, SHP ’09) Mr. Rob Runkel (SHP ’08) Ms. Kennedy Shields (SHS ’12) Mr. Ian Simon (SHP ’04) Mr. Hudson Smythe (SHP ’05) Mr. Brendan Spillane (SHS ’13) Mr. Austin Stahley (SHP ’07) Mr. Sloane Sturzenegger (SHS ’12) Mr. Airen Surzyn (SHS ’11) Mr. Colin Terndrup (SHS ’11) Mr. Bradley Thompson (SHP ’04) Mr. Patrick Tinsley (SHS ’13) Mr. Varun Tolani (SHS ’13) Ms. Shannon Toole (SHS ’13) Mr. Tyler VauDell (SHS ’13) Ms. Samantha “Sammi” Walsh (SHS ’12) Mr. Patrick Watkins (SHS ’12) Mr. Zachary Watterson (SHS ’11) Mr. Joseph Wise (SHS ’11) Ms. Vivian Wu (SHS ’11) Mr. Daniel Zdeblick (SHS ’13) Ms. Adriana Zuno (SHS ’12)

† deceased


Annual Fund Grandparent Participation Anonymous Sophia Manganaro (SHS ’23) Mrs. Marion Avery Alex Avery (SJSH ’04) Amanda Avery (SJSH ’05) Meg Avery (SHS ’15) Mrs. Margaret Berkey Sophia Berkey (SHS ’20) Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berra (Kathy Keogh Berra, SHP ’63) John “Jack” Barry (SHS ’20) William “Huck” Barry (SHS ’21) Mrs. Norma Bishop Susan Nourse (SHP ’05) Thomas “Tommy” Nourse (SJSH ’98, SHP ’02) Mrs. Florence “Flo” Eyre Bryan (SJSH ’38, SHP ’42) Megan Bryan (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Harry Chou† (Lily Chou, SH Villa Duchesne ’51) Derek Chou (SHS ’15) Grant Chou (SHS ’13) Kevin Chou (SHS ’10) Mr. & Ms. William Draper III Adam Draper (SJSH ’00) Eleanor “Ellie” Draper (SJSH ’06, SHP ’10) Jessica Draper (SJSH ’97) William “Billy” Draper (SJSH ’03) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glockner Elizabeth “Liz” Eder (SHS ’13) Fred Eder (SHS ’16) Hannah Morris (SHS ’17)


† deceased

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Goodenough Caren Duane (SHS ’11) Charles “Charlie” Duane ( SHS ’14) Erin Duane Jon “Jack” Duane (SHP ’09) Michael Duane (SHS ’15) Patrick “Peach” Duane (SHS ’18) Mr. & Mrs. John N. Hunter Claire Kerrigan (SHS ’18) John Patrick Kerrigan (SHS ’24) Lauren “Lulu” Kerrigan (SHS ’14) Keighley “KK” Lane (SHS ’11) Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kennedy Teresa Tiso (SHS ’15) Mr. & Mrs. Charles Lochtefeld Casey McDonald (SHS ’14) Cory McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Michael Manning Nora Still (SHS ’27) Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Melgoza Juliette Barragan (SHS ’21) Lex Barragan (SHS ’25) Vincent “Vince” Barragan Jocelyn Melgoza Rafael “Alejandro” Melgoza Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schwartz Alexander “Alex” Swart (SHS ’13) Hannah Swart (SHS ’18) Michael Swart (SHS ’15) William Swart (SHS ’23) Mr. & Mrs. Warren Spieker Jr. (SJSH ’58) Gavin Comartin Lane Comartin

Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stratford Benjamin “Ben” Barrera (SHS ’16) David Barrera (SHS ’22) Marina Barrera (SHS ’18) Mr. & Mrs. Gerrit Swart Alexander “Alex” Swart (SHS ’13) Hannah Swart (SHS ’18) Michael Swart (SHS ’15) William Swart (SHS ’23) Mrs. Edie Switzer Sabrina Switzer (SHP ’05) Mrs. Helen Texido Anne “Annie” Texido (SHS ’20) Megan Texido (SHS ’16) William Texido (SHS ’18) Mr. & Mrs. David Traub Anna Janson

Matching Gift Organizations Adobe Systems Matching Gift Program Amgen Foundation Applied Materials Avago Technologies Gift Matching Program Bank of America Matching Gifts BlackRock Inc. BNY Mellon Community Partnership Franklin Templeton Investments Genentech Employee Contribution Matching Program Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Google Matching Gifts Program Hewlett Packard, Cupertino Hewlett-Packard PAC IBM Corporation Matching Grants Program Intel Corporation Political Action Committee Intel Matching Gifts to Education JustGive Macy’s Foundation Merck Company Foundation MMC Matching Gifts Program Morgan Stanley Matching Gift Pacific Gas & Electric Corp. Campaign for the Community Raytheon Matching Gifts for Education Program SurveyMonkey Inc. Synopsys Employee Philanthropic Programs TE Connectivity Matching Gift Program Texas Instruments Foundation The Walt Disney Company Foundation United Way of the Bay Area United Way Tocqueville Society Varian Medical Systems, Inc. VMware Foundation Matching Gift Program Wells Fargo Foundation Educational Matching Gift Program Western Asset Management Matching Gift Program

WARM-UP. The new Practice Pavilion adds an essential 11,000 ft2 facility to the competitive sports program. Pictured: Assistant Principal, Athletics Frank Roderiguez, COO Sandy Dubinsky, and Director of Schools Richard Dioli. 41

Annual Auction Benefit


ne of the community’s most anticipated events, the Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton annual auction benefit takes place each spring and garners participation from the entire school. Chaired by current parents working closely with SHS staff, this yearly, themed benefit celebrates the true spirit and generosity of the extended Sacred Heart community, attracting a breadth of attendees, volunteers, and donors for a lively evening of music and dance, auction bidding, fine cuisine, and above all, camaraderie. One hundred percent of auction net proceeds benefit students and are directed toward priorities in academic programs, co-curricular activities in the fine arts and athletics, student scholarships, and others. Re-introduced in 2013, the “Fund-a-Need for Financial Aid” campaign is also held during the evening’s event, collecting monies specifically to support current and future family need.

Auction Chairs Sarah Boyden Susie Frimel Julianne Wagner

Donors Mr. Faraj Aalaei & Mrs. Susan Akbarpour ABC Worldwide Transportation Mr. & Mrs. Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Craig Adas Adler & Co. Gallery, San Francisco Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Alton Alys Grace Aaron Amaro Anderson Family Mrs. Emina Abrams Mr. Jeff Anstrom Mr. Matt Apfel & Mrs. Jackie Reses Ms. Karen Appleton Mr. & Mrs. Tim Archer Ms. Ardelean Jeff Arons Tennis Mr. John Arrillaga & Mrs. Justine Stamen Arrillaga 42

Art of the Garden Athens Family Avenir Restaurant Group Avery Family Mr. & Mrs. Phil Bachler Ms. Bacon Bair Family Mrs. Mia Banks Mrs. Susan Barclay Barnds Family Barnum Family Ms. Rhonda Bassett-Spiers Ms. Marilyn Bautista Ms. Bedingfield Mr. Brian Bell Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bell Mary and John Bellack Mr. & Mrs. Doug Bergeron Mr. David Berkey & Mrs. Eleanor Lacey Mr. & Mrs. Jason Berry Mr. & Mrs. Sanjay Bhardwaj Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bigley Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Bird Steve Bird Family

Mrs. Elizabeth Blandford Mrs. Nancy Blears Mrs. Virginia Boesen Mr. William Bonnell Mr. & Mrs. Cortland Bohacek Mr. & Mrs. John Borchers Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Bower Bowers Family Mr. Dan Brady (SHP ’04) Mrs. Francesca Brake Brennan Family Ms. Annie Brown Ms. Sarah Buckley (SJSH ’83) Mrs. Mayrin Bunyagidj Burke Family Mrs. Kelly Burke Mrs. Paige Burns Ms. Busy Burr & Ms. Mary Lea Kirven Ms. Barrie Callender (SJSH ’74, SHP ’78) Callinan Family Mr. William Campbell Mr. Rod Cardamone Mr. Matt Carroll Carter Family

Caruso Family Mrs. Cattaneo (Cherie “Cookie” Conway Cattaneo, SH Broadway ’67) Mr. & Mrs. Vic Cheung Mr. Chris Chiang Mr. David Chiorini Choi Family Churukian Family Mr. & Mrs. Joe Cirone Mrs. Peggy Clifford Ms. Deenie Clinton Patti and Ed Cluss Connect2 Marriage Counseling Mrs. Amy Conte Ms. Sarah Coogan Cooper-Garrod Estate Vineyards CORE Media Group CTG Salon Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Cullen Cushman Family Mr. Andre de Baubigny Ms. Juliet de Baubigny Mr. Christophe de Bord Mrs. Lisa De Lusignan Ms. Gail Dearing Ms. Sally Decker Mrs. Carol DeZutti Mrs. Michelle Dillabough DiMarco Family Djerassi Resident Artists Program Mrs. Michele Donatelli Ms. Marilla dos Santos DPR Construction Mr. Richard Draeger & Mr. Chris Acquino, Draeger’s Supermarkets Duane Family Ms. Olynda Dubuisson Duckhorn Vineyards Mrs. Diane Eagleson Mrs. Jennifer Edwards (SJSH ’79) Mr. Gus Elmashni Mrs. Virginia Evans Dr. James Everitt Mr. & Mrs. Bob Falkenberg

Fallon Family Ms. Kerry Fender Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco Fishback Family Keoki Flagg Flynn Family Mrs. Jennifer Fonstad Ford Family Freitas Family Mr. & Mrs. Tom Friel Friends of Sacred Heart (15) Mr. & Mrs. Bill Frimel (Susie O’Brien Frimel, SJSH ’83, SHP ’87) Galante Vineyards Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Galaviz Mr. & Mrs. George Garrick Mrs. Christiane Gautier Mrs. Kristina Gavello Mrs. Jean Geary Mrs. Sophia George-Steplowski Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gillet (Erin Rosenberg Gillet, SHP ’90) Mr. John Gilmore Giving Vines Glockner Family GoDaddy Mr. & Mrs. Rashmi Goel Mr. & Mrs. Sunny Goyal Mr. & Mrs. Varish Goyal Mr. & Mrs. Nick Granoski GR8WORK Builders Inc. Greenblott, LLC Gurley Family H&H Company Mr. Keith Halcovich Halo - A Blow Dry Bar Ms. Maureen Hamer Mrs. Cindy Hamilton Mr. Emad Hamrah & Mrs. Kathy Razaghzadeh Mr. Tim Harden Mr. Kris Hauck Mrs. Charlie Hays Hays-Komin Family Mr. & Mrs. Lars Herlitz Mrs. Sharon Herrell

Mr. & Mrs. J. Hickingbotham (J. Hickingbotham, SHP ’88) Ms. Jessica Hoag Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Hogan Homer-Armstrong Family (Jason Armstrong, SJSH ’96) Mr. & Mrs. Laszlo Horvath Hokin Phhotography, Joshua Ets Howard Family Ms. Sally Hvidt Ms. Toni Jacobs (SH Forest Ridge, ’76) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Janssen Ms. Trish Jimenez John Bentley’s Restaurant Mr. Clint Johns Mr. & Mrs. Phil Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Albert Jordan Emily Joubert Mr. Matt Juelsgaard (SHP ’01) Ms. Mary Nadine Sangiacomo Kane (SH Broadway ’02) Ms. Lise Karna Mrs. Beth Kawasaki Mrs. Kristen Kelly Mr. Dan Kennedy Mrs. Melissa Kepner Kerrigan Family (Elizabeth Hunter Kerrigan, SJSH ’78) Mr. & Mrs. Gary Kirkham Kistler Vineyards Koenig Family (Lauren Gray Koenig, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Kohanaiki Mr. & Mrs Ajay Koshy Kruse Family Mrs. Kelly Kruse La Belle Day Spa Mr. Emilio Lacayo-Valle Lamb Family Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lamb Lanfear Family Larson Family Lau-Palihapitiya Family Mr. Pete Lavorato Lee Family 43

Annual Auction Benefit Legarza Basketball Camp Ms. Kally Leistikow Lempres Family Dr. Guy Letteer Mrs. Sandy Levison Mrs. Cindy Liebsch Lim Family Mr. John Loschmann LMS Administrative Team Sacred Heart LMS Faculty & Staff Lockareff Family Longaker Family Mr. Patrick Louie & Mrs. Yanhong Chen Love Family M&M Bling Mr. Manny Maceda & Mrs. Lyra Rufino-Maceda Mr. Brian Madigan Mr. & Mrs. Rick Magnuson Ms. Katie Marcus Matthews Family McAdams Family Mr. Scott McDade Mrs. Julia (Haynes) McDonald (SH Bloomfield Hills ’85) McGourty-Haley Family Mr. & Mrs. Alex McGraw McJannet Family McKelvy Family (Teri Gray McKelvy, SJSH ’72, SHP ’76) Ms. Tamara McKinney McLean Family Sheila McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Amish Mehta Mr. & Mrs. Boris Micha Milagros Miller Design Company Ms. Anna Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mischke-Reeds Mr. Jake Moffat Mohrman Family Mrs. Liesl Moldow Molumphy Family Ms. Maria Mont-Reynaud Ms. Anna Moorman (SHP ’03) Dr. Mary Lynn Moran 44

Morganroth Family Mr. Kevin Morris (SHP ’90) Mr. Jonny Moseley Mountain Camp Woodside Mrs. Cristina (Echevarria) Moustirats (SHP ’90) Jessica Mueller Mr. Daniel Mummery & Frances Nuelle Murphy Family My Director’s Cut Ms. Paula Nawas Mr. Patrick Neary Mrs. Diana Neebe Ms. Kathleen Neville Fritz Mr. Tom Newby & Mrs. Maisie O’Flanagan Nilsson Family Ms. Sheryl Nonnenberg Mr. & Mrs. John Novitsky Lower & Middle Schools Booster Club Mr. & Mrs. Pejman Nowzad Mr. John O’Connor Ms. Lindsey Oh Ms. Debbie O’Keeffe O’Kelly Family Mrs. Peggy O’Leary Oliver Family Palatella Family Palmer Family Ms. Laura Panos Danica Patrick Ms. Louise Paustenbach Pelowski Family Pendolino Family Mrs. Karen Perone Mrs. Annie Peterson Pica Family Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Pietro Ms. Lisa Pinelli Mr. & Mrs. John Pleasants Ms. Amanda Poon Ms. Kelly Power Mrs. Rachel Prouty Mr. & Mrs. Marty Putnam Putnam Lexus, Redwood City Quinlan Family Mr. & Mrs. Colin Quinton

Mrs. Kendra Ragatz Lindsay Raike Rakow Family Mrs. Sue Ramey Mr. & Mrs. Shreekanth Ravi Mr. & Mrs. Sudhakar Ravi Ms. Danielle Redd Ms. Nicole Rehberg Roberts Family Roberts Market Rogers Family Mrs. Anna Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Rogers Ms. Sarah Rogers Mr. & Mrs. John Rollins Martha Roughan, RSCJ (Newton College of the Sacred Heart ’66) Mrs. Pati Ruiz Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rydberg Mrs. Lisa Safreno Sakowski Family Liza Salame Mrs. Amy Salisbury San Carlos Flight Center San Francisco 49ers San Francisco Opera Mr. Bernd Schlotter & Mrs. Moni Puri-Schlotter Dr. Kim Schneider Mrs. Chris Schumacher Schumacher Photography Scordella Family Mr. & Mrs. Kamal Shah Mr. & Mrs. David Shen Mrs. Stacey Shenk SHP College Counseling Office SHP Parents’ Association SHS Aquatics Athletes SHS Faculty and Staff SHS P - 8 Parents’ Association Dr. Stewart Slafter Mr. Jeremy Smart Mrs. Gina Smith Mr. Greg Smith & Mr. Keith Purcell Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. J.T. Snow

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Soltau (Valerie Dewey Soltau, SJSH ’73) Mrs. Kathy Spieker Mrs. Marian Sprague Squaw Valley USA Mr. & Mrs. Greg St. Claire Mrs. Angie Stalder Stanford Men’s Basketball Program Stanford Women’s Basketball Program Mrs. Bridget (Geibel) Stefanski (SHP ’01) Mr. & Mrs. Dave Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stevens Still Family Straser Family Ms. Stephanie Struna Mrs. Marion Suarez Summe Family Sundance The Steakhouse Mr. Seksom Suriyapa & Mrs. Susan Shrader Mrs. Chris Surowiec Mr. James Swain Mr. Greg Tapper Taylor Family The Palazzo Hotel and Casino of the Las Vegas Sands Corporation The Plumed Horse The Village Doctor Mr. Ken Thompson Mr. & Mrs. Rick Thompson Suzi Tinsley, The Sugar Shack (Suzi Walsh Tinsley, SJSH ’79) Mrs. Beth Tornabene Mrs. Mary Traub Ms. Julie Tsutsui Mrs. Michele Turchetti Mr. & Mrs. John Twitchell Underwood Family US Ski Team Mrs. Jennifer Vaida Van Dyke Family Mrs. Genevieve Varga Mr. & Mrs. Gregg von Thaden Wag Hotels Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wagner Mr. & Mrs. John Walecka

HEARTY FEAST. Not quite as low-key as a campfire cookout, the more than 650 auction guests nonetheless enjoyed intimate table settings and dined on elegant, themed fare.

RANCH HANDS. Rustling up potential auction bidders, student volunteers work the room, transformed into the “SHS Ranch.” 45

Annual Auction Benefit Mr. Peter Walker Mr. & Mrs, David Wehner Mr. & Mrs, David Weiden Dr. Eric L. Weiss, The Village Doctor Mr. & Mrs. Tom Welch Jim Wells Catering Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wendling Ms. Vanessa Woods Yaffe Family Ms. Christine Zaky Zingale Family Zuck Family

Sponsors Blazing Buckaroos $20,000 and above Mr. William Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Bret Comolli Friends of Sacred Heart Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gurley Mr. & Mrs. Fred Harman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Harvey Mavericks $10,000 to $19,999 Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bell Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dunlevie Dr. Michelle S. Rhyu & Mr. Stephen C. Neal Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stevens Bucking Broncos $5,000 to $9,999 Mr. John Arrillaga & Mrs. Justine A. Stamen Arrillaga Mr. & Mrs. Peter Briger Jr. Costigan Family Mr. & Mrs. Bill Frimel (Susie O’Brien Frimel, SJSH ’83, SHP ’87) Mr. Tim Haley & Dr. Ethna McGourty Mr. & Mrs. Brad Koenig (Lauren Gray Koenig, SJSH ’77, SHP ’77) Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lamb Mr. Michael Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Sreekanth Ravi 46

Rowland Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rydberg Wranglers $2,500 to $4,999 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ackley Atherton Lane Advisors Mr. & Mrs. Matt Avery Mr. & Mrs. Doug Bergeron Ms. Karen Brandenburg Mr. & Mrs. Erik Charlton Mr. & Mrs. Gary Dillabough Facteau Family Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ivey Mr. & Mrs. Ron Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ray Lane Mr. & Mrs. Alistair Low Mr. & Mrs. Jim McLean Mr. & Mrs. Keith McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. Tom Mitchell Mr. Hans Plesman & Mrs. Samira Nawas Plesman Dr. Len Radzilowski & Dr. Janet Lai Mr. & Mrs. Casey Safreno Mr. & Mrs. Philip Summe Mr. & Mrs. Paul Wick Mr. & Mrs. Mike Wishart Cowgirls & Cowboys $1,000 to $2,499 Abbott Family Mr. & Mrs. John Balen Ms. Kendall Barrera Dr. & Dr. Jeffrey Bird Mr. & Mrs. Ed Cluss Mr. & Mrs. John Donnelly Duane Family Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flynn Mr. & Mrs. Mike Harrison Mr. & Mrs. Jack Holloway (Anne Marie Holloway, SH Newton ’73) Keller Family Mr. Randolph Lamb & Mrs. Lisa Carey-Lamb Longaker Family Dr. & Mrs. Philippe Marco

Mr. Steve McAdams & Ms. Hilarie Koplow Ms. Jean McLaughlin Mr. & Mrs. Mike Mohrman Mr. & Mrs. Vince Sakowski Mr. Raj Sandhu & Mrs. Mary Henry Mr. Ron Sturzenegger & Mrs. Lisa Sturzenegger Mr. & Mrs. Scott Tandy Mr. & Mrs. John Underwood Vort Family Vought Family White Family General Underwriting Mr. & Mrs. John Brigden Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Dioli Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hayse Mr. & Mrs. Chris Oswald Mr. & Mrs. Erik Ragatz SHS Faculty and Staff Mr. & Mrs. David Thayer Dr. Colin Williams & Dr. Ginger Barth Faculty Sponsorships Mr. & Mrs. Tim Archer Mr. & Mrs. John Balen Mr. & Mrs. Brad Baugh Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bell Mr. & Mrs. Doug Bergeron Mr. & Mrs. Mark Box Mr. & Mrs. David Burke Ms. Elizabeth Burr & Ms. Mary Lea Kirven Mr. Michael Crockett & Ms. Carla Boragno Mr. Greg Davidson & Mrs. Helen Wilmot Mr. & Mrs. John Donnelly Mr. & Mrs. Cree Edwards Mr. & Mrs. Jochen Heck Mr. & Mrs. Brad Henske Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hogan Mr. & Mrs. Randy Keller Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lavelle Dr. & Dr. Michael Longaker Mr. & Mrs. Barry Mainz Dr. & Mrs. Philippe Marco Mr. Steve McAdams & Ms. Hilarie Koplow Mr. & Mrs. John McHutchison

Mr. & Mrs. Russel Patterson III Mr. & Mrs. Tom Pendolino Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Randall Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Rogers Mr. Gregory Schott & Mrs. Grace Mercer Schott Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Scordella Mr. Clint Smith & Ms. Elizabeth Arndorfer Mr. & Mrs. Dana Stalder Mr. & Mrs. Jim Steele Mr. & Mrs. Steve Steppe Mr. & Mrs. David Still Mr. & Mrs. Scott Tandy Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Taylor Mr. & Mrs. David Thayer Dr. & Mrs. Richard Trihy Mr. & Mrs. Scott Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Craig Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Jon Woodruff Gifts-in-Kind Betty Zlatchin Catering Campeon Tequila, Marci and Lou Palatella Classic Party Rentals Friends of Sacred Heart Gordon Biersch Brewery, Melissa and Dan Gordon Island Creative Red Hawk Ranch, Lisa Newton Sierra Fence and Lumber

TWO-STEPPIN’. Auction attendees danced the night away to musical entertainment by a local Bay Area band. 47

Endowment & Special Gifts


very year, a top priority at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton (SHS) is to increase endowment and the income it generates. Valued at approximately $45.5 million in 2013-14, the SHS endowment remains the financial nexus of the institution. Building slowly over time and functioning as a principal revenue source, core endowment funds provide and preserve the Schools’ long-term financial security, while annual earnings from endowment investments assure available support for school operations, new or ongoing initiatives, student financial aid, programmatic leadership positions, faculty professional development, instructional technology, campus enhancements, and overall competitive growth. Gifts made to endowment are added to the portfolio and managed in perpetuity, under guidelines set and annually reviewed by the Board of Trustees. Each gift is preserved as principal, while a portion of its investment earnings are spent. In short, contributions made toward endowment have exponential impact, bolstering the Schools’ financial foundation, supporting its current operations, and ensuring its future health and wellbeing. Guided by the Investment Committee of the Board of Trustees, the SHS endowment portfolio is regularly reviewed for progress, to assess and ensure maximum earning potential. Each year, the Committee likewise reviews the Schools’ spending policy and recommends, based on a three-year average of the endowment’s fair market value, an appropriate allocation—or “spending rate”—to meet needs for the fiscal year ahead. This spending rate is applied to all earnings from unrestricted endowment gifts, those in which the donor has not indicated a specific program, initiative, or other beneficiary. Remaining unspent monies are then reinvested for continued growth and as a hedge against inflation. In 2013-14, the spending rate remained at four percent.

General Endowment Alex Sourikoff Insurance Agency Ms. Barbara Amrofell Anonymous (3) Ms. Carole Barry Mr. & Mrs. David Barry (Elaine Berra Barry, SHP ’87) Ms. Diane Bauer Dr. & Mrs. John Beare Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berra (Kathy Keogh Berra, SHP ’63) Ms. Virginia Bispo Mr. & Mrs. George Blankenship Mr. & Mrs. John Borchers 48

† deceased

Mrs. Florence “Flo” Eyre Bryan (SJSH ’38, SHP ’42) Ms. Suzanne Bryan Ms. Marlene Callejas Ty, Nancy & Jennifer Campbell Ms. Susan Cline Ms. Judith Coenen Ms. Sheila Collins Mr. & Mrs. Robert Comartin (Susan Otto Comartin, Manhattanville College) Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Connolly Ms. Diane Corradini Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corvino Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dice

Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Donnelly Mr. & Ms. Jonathan Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick IV Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fitzpatrick III Ms. Denise Flaherty Mr. James Flaherty III Mrs. Donna Gilboa Giving Vines, LLC Ms. Dorle Gross Mr. & Mrs. Wallace Hawley Ms. Penelope Hedges Mr. & Mrs. David Hertzog Ms. Eleanore Howard Mr. & Mrs. G. Thompson Hutton Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Huysentruyt

Mr. & Ms. John Imbimbo Ms. Ruth Jaffe Ms. Ann Jaime Mr. Gregori Jakovina & Mr. Lawrence McDonald Ms. Hilary Kaiser Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kappler II Kathleen P. McKenna 2013 Trust Ms. Lee Anna Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Koenig (Lauren Gray Koenig, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Larrenaga Mr. Hector Lee Ms. Ruth Pruitt Leif Ms. Delia Levine & Mr. Tony Cannuli Mr. & Mrs. Paul Longhini

Mr. & Mrs. John Loughran Louise M. Davies Foundation Ms. Diane Lucas Mr. Stephen Lundberg Mr. & Mrs. Brian Madigan Mrs. Sara Young Maennle (SHP ’89) Ms. Carolyn Mahoney Marie C. De Dampierre Memorial Foundation Marie Kendrick Otto Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCleskey Mr. Daniel J. McGanney (SJSH ’65) Mr. & Mrs. James McGinnis Mr. & Mrs. Bob McGrath Ms. Kathleen McKenna (SH Broadway ’64) Mr. & Mrs. John Meehan

(Shealagh Meehan, SH Broadway ’72) Mr. & Mrs. Harold “Max” Messmer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. William O’Neal (Michelle Lastreto O’Neal, SH Broadway ’64) Outrageous Foundation Mr. Ronald Peterson Preschool to Eighth Grade Parents’ Association Mr. & Mrs. Richard Quinlan Mr. & Mrs. Denis Ragan Ms. Barbara Rohlapp Mr. & Mrs. Frank Romeo Dr. & Mrs. Bert Rouleau (Mary Dugoni Rouleau, SHE ’70) Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruggeri Sacred Heart Preparatory Parents’ Association † deceased


Endowment & Special Gifts Mr. & Mrs. D. Casey Safreno Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Sarraille Ms. Jaqueline Sciarrillo Sonoma Valley Vistors Bureau Mr. & Mrs. Gary Spaugh Susan Stevens-Toole, M.D. Ms. Sandra Stribolt Mr. & Mrs. Paul Tarantino (SH Stuart Hall ’71) The Margaret E. McLellan Trust Mrs. Susan Tierney Ms. Ruth Traver Ms. Anne Tremaroli Ms. Antonine Tremaroli Ms. Lillyan Tremaroli Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vishria

Specific Purpose Gifts Mr. & Mrs. Todd Ackerman Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ackley Mr. & Mrs. Robert Andrews Mr. Paul Ang & Ms. Maria Ong Mr. Vincent Angotti & Mrs. Jennifer Smith Anonymous (7) Mr. Jason Armstrong (SJSH ’96) & Mrs. Kristina Homer Armstrong Mr. John Arrillaga Jr. & Mrs. Justine A. Stamen Arrillaga Mr. & Mrs. John Balen Mr. & Mrs. Scott Barnum Mr. & Mrs. Richard Bechtel Mr. Wayne Behrens & Ms. Kimberly Hamrick Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bell Dr. & Dr. Jeffrey Bird Mr. Steven Bird Mrs. Susan Bird Blaisdell Family Dr. John Boggs & Dr. Amy Boggs Mr. & Mrs. Cortland Bohacek Mr. & Mrs. Steve Boyden Mr. & Mrs. Kerry Bradford Mr. & Mrs. Mark Bradley Mr. & Mrs. John Brigden Mr. & Mrs. Peter Briger Jr. Ms. Elizabeth Burr & Ms. Mary Lea Kirven 50

† deceased

Mrs. Roberta Campbell Mr. William Campbell Mr. Terry Carlson & Mrs. Danielle Gaubert-Carlson Mr. David Carter & Dr. Katharine Brady Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Cassar Mr. & Mrs. Ray Chau Mr. & Mrs. Vic Cheung Mr. Duk Cho & Mrs. Kyoung Cho Mr. & Mrs. Rich Cody Mr. & Mrs. William Conner Mr. & Mrs. John Corpos Mr. & Mrs. Michael Cyrus Mr. & Mrs. John Daane Mr. Gregory Davidson & Mrs. Helen Wilmot Mr. Gaurang Desai & Mrs. Nancy Paxton Sr. Patricia Desmond (SHE ’45) Mr. & Mrs. John Donnelly Duane Family Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dunlevie Dzambala Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Cree Edwards (Jennifer Wiegand Edwards, SJSH ’79) Mr. Jeffrey Enright & Ms. Martha Hill-Enright Mr. & Ms. Ronald Espeseth Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Grant Evans Dr. James Everitt Mr. & Ms. Robert Falkenberg III Ms. Rosemary Feerick Mr. Bradley Ferkol & Ms. Carol Scott Ferkol Mr. Richard Fitchen Mr. & Mrs. Mark Flessel Mr. & Mrs. Robert Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Galvin Mr. & Mrs. George Garrick Genentech Employee Contribution Matching Program Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Glasby Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glockner Ms. Lisa Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Gordon Mr. & Mrs. Juan Grau Mr. Timothy Haley & Dr. Ethna McGourty Mr. & Ms. Andrew Hamer Sr. Hamilton Family

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hanson (Elizabeth “Beth” Hanson, SH Broadway ’78) Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Harman Mr. & Mrs. James Harris Dr. & Mrs. Gary Hartman Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Harvey Dr. Edward Hattler & Dr. Mary Margaret Smeal Mr. & Mrs. Tom Hayse Ms. Renee Hellman Ms. Ruth Hinson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Holman Mr. & Mrs. Bradley Howe Mr. Steven Humphreys & Ms. Meredith McClintock Mr. & Mrs. John N. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Ivey Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Jones III Mr. & Mrs. Guy Kawasaki Mr. & Mrs. John Kerrigan (Elizabeth Hunter Kerrigan, SJSH ’78) Mr. Paul Kirincich & Ms. Kelly Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Klein Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Koenig (Lauren Gray Koenig, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Mr. & Ms. John Kremer Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Krikorian (SJSH ’73) Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lamb Mr. & Mrs. James Larson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Lavelle Dr. Guy Letteer Leupp Family Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Michael Liebsch Sr. Mr. Beng-Hong Lim Ph.D. & Ms. Angela Chang Ph.D. Mr. Stewart C. Lotz & Mrs. Jane Hanley Lotz (SJSH ’44, SHP ’48, SH Lone Mt. ’52) Mr. & Mrs. Howard Love Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Lynch (Laural Gifford Lynch, SHP ’78) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lynch Mr. & Mrs. Roderick MacFarquhar Dr. David Mack & Mrs. Kathleen Mulligan

Mr. & Mrs. Len Materman Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mayle Mr. Steve McAdams & Ms. Hilarie Koplow-McAdams Mr. & Mrs. Dorian McKelvy (Teri Gray McKelvy, SJSH ’72, SHP ’76) Ms. Jean McLaughlin Mr. & Ms. James McLean Mr. & Mrs. John Meehan (Shealagh Meehan, SH Broadway ’72) Mr. & Mrs. Tobias Mellows Mr. & Mrs. David Miller Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mischke-Reeds Dr. & Mrs. Dev Mishra Mr. & Mrs. David Mitchell Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Mohrman Mr. & Mrs. Matt Moran Mr. Scott Morrison & Ms. Jennifer Minton Moultrup Family Mrs. Elaine Murphy Mr. Michael Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Tom Myers Mrs. Diana Neebe Mr. & Mrs. Carl Nordman Mr. & Ms. John Novitsky Mr. & Mrs. Todd Oliver Mr. & Mrs. Peter Oppenheimer Mr. & Ms. Christopher Oswald (Legia Rillos Oswald, SJSH ’78, SHP ’82) Dr. & Mrs. Jim Page Mr. & Ms. Gary Palmer Ms. Ellen Gallagher Parsons (SH Newton ’74) Mr. Jack Parsons Mr. & Mrs. Roger Patel Dr. Raja Petrakian & Ms. Phyllis Oreskovic Mr. & Mrs. John Pleasants Mr. & Ms. Hans Plesman Preschool to Eighth Grade Parents’ Association Mr. & Ms. Marty Putnam Radar Foundation Dr. Leonard Radzilowski & Dr. Janet Lai Mr. & Mrs. John Rakow III Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Ralston Mr. & Mrs. Jim Reilly Mr. & Mrs. Hasan Rizvi

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Robson Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Rogers Mr. William Romans & Ms. Susan Barsamian Ms. Jeffrey Ann Roos (SHE ’59, SHP ’63) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rudolph Mr. James Russell & Ms. Jane Haake-Russell Sacred Heart Preparatory Parents’ Association Mr. & Mrs. D. Casey Safreno Mr. & Mrs. Vince Sakowski Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sallaberry San Francisco Forty Niners Foundation San Mateo County Schools Mr. Rajpal Sandhu & Ms. Mary Henry Mr. & Mrs. Roderick Scherba Ms. Cindy Schlaefer Mr. & Ms. Ted Schlein Mr. Steve Schoettler & Dr. Juliette Faraco Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schumacher Segre Family Shanahan Family Mr. & Mrs. William Shaughnessy Mr. & Dr. Laird Simons III Mr. Will Skaff Mr. & Mrs. Dana Stalder Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Steppe Mr. Ron Sturzenegger & Ms. Lisa Sturzenegger Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Surraco Dr. & Ms. Robert Sutton Mr. & Mrs. Robert Swan Mr. & Mrs. Eric Takaha Mr. Paul Tauber & Ms. Mary Wang Oskamp The Nicholson Family Foundation Thompson Family Mr. Arun Tolani & Dr. Nisha Advani Ms. Christine Tomomatsu Dr. & Mrs. Richard Trihy Dr. & Mrs. James Vetter Mrs. Marjorie Wagstaffe Mr. & Mrs. Craig Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Ron Walter Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Welch III Dr. Brian Westcott Mr. & Mrs. Mike Willard Dr. & Dr. Colin Williams Ms. Ivy Winters

Mr. & Mrs. Jon Woodruff Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Yaffe Mr. Steven Zelinger Mr. Biao Zhang & Dr. Yue Xu Mr. & Ms. Tony Zingale Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Zuck

Gifts-in-Kind Anonymous California Pacific Commercial Corporation Mr. William Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Brad Henske Honey Bear Trees Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Koenig (Lauren Gray Koenig, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kraemer Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lamb Mr. & Mrs. James Marshall Mr. Daniel J. McGanney (SJSH ’65) Mr. & Ms. James McLean Mr. & Mrs. Robert McNamara Mr. & Mrs. Keith McWilliams Mr. & Mrs. David Mitchell Ph.D. Mr. & Ms. Christopher Oswald (Legia Rillos Oswald, SJSH ’78, SHP ’82) Mr. & Mrs. John Pleasants Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Rogers Mr. & Mrs. William Salisbury Show The Love LLC The Old Pro Mr. & Mrs. David Tognotti Mr. & Mrs. John Van Dyke III Mr. & Mrs. Gregg von Thaden

† deceased


Endowment & Special Gifts Endowed, Named Scholarship Funds Albert J. Romeo Scholarship Fund Grant awards a junior male student at Sacred Heart Preparatory (SHP) who is a “good, hard-working individual.” The recipient is announced each spring at Honors Convocation, with the award applied toward senior year tuition at SHP.

Director’s Scholarship Fund Selected by the Director of Schools annually, one student from Sacred Heart Preparatory and one from the Lower & Middle Schools receive this special recognition. Recipients embody the tenants of Goal IV, “building of community as a Christian value,” and have demonstrated financial need.

Edward E. Ford Endowment Fund Grant awards Preparatory students with demonstrated financial need.

Anne Cleary Kerns Memorial Scholarship Fund Established in memory of Anne Cleary Kerns, daughter of former trustee Al Cleary and Kathleen Kerns and the mother of St Joseph’s alumni Michael (SJSH ’91), Tim (SJSH ’92), and Kara (SJSH ’94). The scholarship is granted to a Lower & Middle Schools student, who demonstrates financial need and is a “person of good character.”

Aya Nakano Memorial Scholarship Fund Awards annual scholarship to support a Preparatory freshman throughout the duration of his/her enrollment at SHP. Preference given to students who attended Notre Dame Elementary School.

Grant awards a Lower & Middle Schools student with demonstrated financial need and with academic competence.

Elmore Family Scholarship Fund Provides annual financial aid support to one or more students through his/ her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Erler Family Scholarship Fund

Balen Family Scholarship Fund

Grant awards an incoming Preparatory freshman with demonstrated financial need, who “shows great motivation, a history of hard work, and a commitment to learning.”

Provides annual financial support to one or more Sacred Heart student(s) throughout his or her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Goltz Family Scholarship Fund

Budd-Thanos Endowed Scholarship Fund

Provides annual financial aid support to one or more students, through his/ her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Grant awards a disadvantaged Preparatory student of the “lowest economic stratum,” throughout his/ her enrollment at SHP.

Haley Family Scholarship Fund

Carlysle Franzia Ciocca Scholarship Funds

Grant awards a Lower & Middle Schools student of color with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship follows the student throughout his/her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Grants a scholarship to two, incoming Preparatory freshmen who are Catholic and show high motivation, a history of hard work, a demonstrated commitment to learning, superior potential, and financial need.

Helen Costello Community Service Scholarship Fund

Child Family Scholarship Fund

Alumna Lorraine Horn (SHP ’39) and her husband, Albert Horn, created this scholarship in honor of Lorraine’s sister, Mother Helen Costello, who dedicated her life to community service. Announced at Honors Convocation, the recipient is a Preparatory sophomore or junior who has performed outstanding community service. The grant is applied to the following year’s tuition.

Provides annual financial support to a Preparatory freshman with demonstrated financial need who excels in math or science.

Homer Family Scholarship Fund

The Coyne Family Scholarship Fund

Grant awards a Lower & Middle Schools student of color with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship follows the student throughout his/her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

The Carmen M. Christensen Scholarship Fund Grants two annual scholarships: one to a Lower & Middle Schools student, the second to a Preparatory student.

Grant awards a financial need.


Elaine Launer Scholarship Fund

Lower & Middle Schools student with demonstrated

Jean Bone (SJSH’32) & Adrian Ward (SJSH’29) General Scholarship

Marie C. de Dampierre Endowed Scholarship Fund

Provides annual financial support to one or more student(s) throughout his/ her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Established in memory of Marie C. de Dampierre, a 1900 graduate of Convent of the Sacred Heart, Menlo Park, this scholarship provides financial assistance to Preparatory students.

Joseph J. Ciancaglini Endowed Scholarship Fund

Marini Kuo Scholarship Fund

Supporting the financial aid budget for Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton, income generated from the fund may support one or more students from any school division: Preschool & Kindergarten, Lower & Middle Schools, or Sacred Heart Preparatory.

Grants a scholarship to a Lower & Middle Schools student with demonstrated academic competence and financial need.

Josephine Spagnola Endowment Fund Provides support for one or more Lower & Middle Schools student(s) who is African-American and with demonstrated financial need. The scholarship follows the student throughout his/her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Mason Family Scholarship Fund Created through a bequest from Elizabeth Mason, who taught at several Peninsula schools, the fund grants scholarships to students with demonstrated financial need.

McGlynn Family Scholarship Fund Provides support to a Preparatory student with demonstrated financial need. Preference is given to graduates of St. Elizabeth Seton School.

Kate Basile De Blois Alumni Scholarship Fund Established by the SHS Alumni Association in memory of Kate Basile de Blois, a graduate of the Schools of the Sacred Heart (San Francisco) and the San Diego College for Women (currently USD). The fund awards two scholarships annually. The first, to a Lower & Middle Schools eighth-grader who matriculates at Sacred Heart Preparatory, in recognition of his/her demonstrated leadership qualities and scholastic aptitude during middle school. The second, to a student at any of the school divisions who is a child of an alumna/us. Although financial need is considered in awarding this second scholarship, it is not required.

Parents of Alumni Endowed Scholarship Fund

Koenig Family Scholarship Fund

Patricia Conley Larwood Scholarship Fund

Provides support for one or more students at the Lower & Middle Schools with demonstrated financial need.

Honoring Patricia Conley Larwood, mother of past trustee Mark Larwood and a graduate of the San Francisco College for Women at Lone Mountain. This scholarship is granted to a Preparatory student with demonstrated financial need.

Louise Wilbur Bailey Scholarship Fund Established in memory of Louise Wilbur Bailey, a 1942 graduate of Convent of the Sacred Heart, Menlo Park, this fund provides support for one or more Lower & Middle Schools students with demonstrated financial need.

Provides annual financial aid support to one or more students in any grade, throughout his/her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Pat and Kip Morey Scholarship Fund Created in honor of Pat and Kip Morey, who were involved in many early building projects at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton. Scholarships are distributed to eight Lower & Middle Schools students each year he/she has demonstrated financial need.

Putnam Family Scholarship Fund Provides annual financial support to one or more student(s) through his/her enrollment at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton.

Maggie Fong & Family Scholarship Fund Awarded during Honors Convocation, the recipient is a graduating Preparatory student with a minimum 3.0 GPA, who “excels in academic work and whose daily social presence establishes deep, dynamic, and accepting relationships with others. As well as being intellectually curious, this student is a keen listener, sage advisor, and dutiful friend.”

Sarah Hanson Dance Fund Provides financial support to a Preparatory junior deemed the “most enthusiastic dancer who exemplifies the Sacred Heart philosophy.” Should a student not meet the aforementioned criteria, the funds will support the Sacred Heart dance program.


Endowment & Special Gifts Schowe Family Scholarship Fund Grant awards an incoming Preparatory freshman with demonstrated financial need, high motivation, a history of hard work, and a commitment to learning. Special consideration is given to students with disabilities or students who have attended St. Elizabeth Seton School.

Sean C. McLarry Scholarship Fund Created in memory of alumnus Sean McLarry (SHP ‘90), the scholarship is granted to SHP students with demonstrated financial need, who show a commitment to a career in music, as well as high motivation and a history of hard work.

Sister Joan McKenna Scholarship Fund Honoring former trustee and Interim Director of Schools, Sr. Joan McKenna, this scholarship is awarded to one or more SHP students who demonstrate strong leadership skills, evidenced through academic performance, test scores, and/or extracurricular activities.

Sister Nancy Morris Scholarship Fund Created as a tribute to Sr. Nancy Morris on the occasion of her Silver Jubilee, her 25th anniversary as a Religious of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Scholarships are awarded to one or more Preparatory students.

Taylor Family Scholarship Fund Provides annual financial support to a Preparatory student from a middle class family, continuing throughout his/her enrollment at the high school.

Tom and Susan Ford Scholarship Fund Awarded to an Preparatory student with demonstrated financial need.

Non-Endowed, Named Scholarship Funds Agape Foundation Financial Aid Scholarship Fund With a goal to promote ethnic and socio-economic diversity, awards are given to students of African American, Hispanic, Filipino, or Samoan descent who have demonstrated financial need, and who live in cultural communities that have a history of being social or economically disadvantaged. Awards may also be granted to disabled students who have traditionally been marginalized.

Mildred Gordon DeVivo Scholarship Fund Announced each spring at Honors Convocation, the award is given to a Preparatory junior female with demonstrated financial need, who has a history of strong academic performance. The grant is applied to senior year’s tuition at SHP.

Mother Helen Costello Society Scholarship Fund Supported by a group of donors, each of whom annually contribute $1,000, this fund awards annual scholarships of up to $11,000 per student, designed to help bridge the gap between the cost of tuition at Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton and other Catholic schools.

Pajaro Scholarship Fund Designed to increase school diversity, the fund grants full scholarships to at least two Preparatory students who are from minority backgrounds and could not otherwise afford a Sacred Heart education.

Sacred Heart Preparatory Fashion Show Senior Legacy Scholarship Fund Announced at Honors Convocation and funded by a portion of the proceeds from the SHP Fashion Show, this grant is annually given to two, junior Preparatory students, one female and one male. Scholarships are approximately $5,000 each and applied to the following year’s tuition.

Sheila Peterson Memorial Scholarship Fund Awarded to one or more rising Preparatory seniors at Honors Convocation, this scholarship provides one-time financial aid support to a recipient who embodies the spirit of Goal IV, “the building of community as a Christian value,” in both academic work and daily social presence, establishing deep, dynamic, and accepting relationships with others. As well as being intellectually curious, the recipient is a keen listener, sage advisor, and dutiful friend.


Restricted and Special Funds Aquatic Center Endowment Fund Agape Foundation Learning Specialist Chair Beatrix Mesmer Standish Library Fund Connie Solari Chair for English Director’s Opportunity Fund Donna Gilboa Chair for History Dunlevie Chair for Music Dunlevie Director of Aquatics Edward E. Ford Professional Development Fund General Endowment Guy Letteer Chair for Physics Hanson Family Funds Lilia and Camillo D’Ettorre Grant Fund Lucille J. Fox Fund Marie C. de Dampierre Chair for Religious Activities Marie C. de Dampierre Chair for Religious Studies SJSH Learning Specialist Chair St. Joseph’s Faculty Development Fund St. Joseph’s Library Endowment Fund Sustainability Endowment Fund Living Our Mission, Building Our Future Endowed Campaign Funds

ALL HANDS ON DECK. Each year the Sacred Heart Schools community benefits from strong parent participation in classrooms. 55

1898 Society


he 1898 Society recognizes individuals, families, and agencies whose generous contributions to Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton (SHS) culminate in $100,000 or more, based on gifts received through the fiscal year and inclusive of employer-matching gifts. The 1898 Society is Sacred Heart Schools’ most prestigious giving society, whose members have provided significant philanthropic leadership for the SHS community and its legacy, addressing many of the school’s highest priorities and needs and ensuring its continued financial strength for generations to come. We are deeply grateful for their continued commitment and support.

Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Ackley Mr. & Mrs. Saeed Amid-Hozour Anonymous Mr. Jason Armstrong (SJSH ’96) & Mrs. Kristina Homer Armstrong Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Bachler Mr. & Mrs. John Balen Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Bannick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Barnds Sr. Ms. Kendall Barrera Mrs. Ann Fay Barry (SHP ’62) Mr. & Mrs. David Beirne Mr. & Mrs. Peter Bell Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Bergeron Dr. & Dr. Jeffrey Bird Mr. Steven Bird Mrs. Susan Bird Mr. & Mrs. Michael Boich Mr. Eric Brandenburg Ms. Karen Brandenburg Mr. & Mrs. Lee Brandenburg Mr. & Mrs. Peter Briger Jr. Mr. Craig Buchsbaum & Ms. Tamara Barr 56

† deceased

Mr. & Mrs. David Burke Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Burton Mr. & Mrs. Preston Butcher Mr. & Mrs. James Callinan Sr. Mrs. Roberta Campbell Mr. William Campbell Mr. Jeffrey Chambers & Mrs. Andrea Okamura Mr. & Mrs. Michael Child Mr. & Mrs. Claudio Chiuchiarelli Mrs. Carmen Christensen Mr. & Ms. David Chun Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Ciocca Mr. & Mrs. Peter Clark Mr. & Mrs. Edward Cluss Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John Colligan Mr. & Mrs. Bret Comolli Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Connolly Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Conway Mr. Kevin Coyne Sr. (SH Stuart Hall ’63) Mrs. Susan Coyne Mr. & Mrs. Brendan Cullen Ms. Bita Daryabari Mr. Andre de Baubigny

Ms. Juliet de Baubigny Mr. & Mrs. John Denniston Sr. Dr. Douglas DeVivo Mr. David Dollinger Ms. Michelle Dollinger Mr. & Mrs. John Donahoe Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dorsey Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Draper Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Drazan Mr. Jon Duane & Mrs. Catherine Friedman Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Dunlevie Ms. Barbara Ellison Ms. MJ Elmore Mr. William Elmore Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Erler III Mr. & Ms. Ronald Espeseth Jr. Estate of Mary W. Thacher Mr. Charles Evans Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Oliver Evans Mr. & Ms. Thomas Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Farwell Mr. Jonathan Feiber & Ms. Heather Buhr Mr. & Mrs. Dan Fishback

Mr. & Mrs. Martin Flanagan Dr. Kenneth Fong Dr. Pamela Fong Frank A. Campini Foundation Mrs. Kristina Gavello Mr. & Mrs. Robert Glockner Goldman, Sachs & Co. Matching Gift Program Mr. & Mrs. Frederick Goltz (Emma Goltz, SH Ireland) Mr. & Mrs. Peter Gotcher Mr. & Mrs. R. James Green Mr. & Mrs. James Greene Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Bill Gurley Mr. Timothy Haley & Dr. Ethna McGourty Mr. & Mrs. Mark Hanson Mr. & Mrs. Fredric Harman Harold K.L. Castle Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Harvey Mrs. Karen Heaney Hook Hellman Family Mr. & Mrs. Manuel Henriquez Mr. & Mrs. John Holloway (Anne Marie Holloway, SH Newton ’73) Mr. Duane Hook Horn Family Mr. & Mrs. Ben Horowitz Dr. Hoyoung Huh & Mrs. Eleanor Park Mr. & Mrs. Deke Hunter Jr. Mr. & Mrs. John N. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. G. Thompson Hutton Mrs. Suzanne Jackson Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Jaggers Mr. & Mrs. John Jarve Mr. Nick Jimenez (SJSH ’91) Ms. Trish Jimenez Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Johnson Mr. & Mrs. David Keil (SJSH ’55) Ms. Patricia Kenney Mr. & Mrs. Scott Kepner Mr. & Mrs. John Kerrigan (Elizabeth Hunter Kerrigan, SJSH ’78) Mr. & Mrs. Edward Kinsey II Mr. Paul Kirincich & Ms. Kelly Kruse Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Klein Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Koenig

(Lauren Gray Koenig, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Mr. & Ms. Jim Kohlberg Mr. Bob Komin & Mrs. Charlie Hays Mr. Omid Kordestani Labé Family Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lamb Mr. Randolph Lamb & Mrs. Lisa Carey-Lamb Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Lane Mr. & Mrs. James Larson Mr. & Mrs. Mark Larwood III Mr. & Mrs. Richard Leao Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Leone Leupp Family Mr. & Mrs. Craig London Mr. Donald Lucas Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Christopher MacDonald Sr. (Nicole “Maisie” de Sugny MacDonald, SH Broadway) Mr. & Mrs. Robert MacDonnell Mr. Manny Maceda & Ms. Lyra Rufino-Maceda Mr. John Malcolm Mrs. Jillian Manus Mrs. Elizabeth Maples Mr. Mike Maples Mr. & Mrs. Karol Marcin Marie C. De Dampierre Memorial Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Marquardt Mr. Steve McAdams & Ms. Hilarie Koplow-McAdams Mr. & Mrs. J. Casey McGlynn Mr. & Mrs. Jack McGraw (Joan Davey McGraw, SH Maryville) Mr. John McGraw (SJSH ’76) Mr. & Mrs. Michael McGraw Sr. (SJSH ’79) Mr. & Mrs. J.B. McIntosh Kathleen P. McKenna 2013 Trust Mr. & Mrs. Bill McKenna Ms. Kathleen McKenna (SH Broadway ’64) † Mr. Denny McLarry Mrs. Otilia McLarry Mr. & Ms. James McLean Mr. & Mrs. H. Stephen Meisel Mr. & Mrs. Harold “Max” Messmer Jr. Mr. & Mrs. David Mitchell Ph.D. Mr. & Mrs. Matt Moran

HAND-CRAFTED. 1898 Society members were feted in an evening showcasing SHS sustainability. 57

1898 Society Mr. Matt McWright & Ms. Ann M. Morrical (SJSH ’77, SHP ’81) Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Morris Mr. & Mrs. John Mumford Mrs. Elaine Murphy Mr. Michael Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Nawn Mr. & Mrs. Nersi Nazari Mr. Thomas Neff & Mrs. Donna Neff Mary Anne Nyburg Baker & G. Leonard Baker, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Dennis O’Brien Mr. Kenneth Olivier & Mrs. Angela Nomellini Mr. & Mrs. Peter Oppenheimer Mr. & Mrs. Lou Palatella Mr. Kenneth Pelowski & Ms. Lori Mirek Peninsula Bridge Program Preschool to Eighth Grade Parents’ Association Mr. & Ms. Marty Putnam Dr. Leonard Radzilowski & Dr. Janet Lai Mr. & Mrs. Sreekanth Ravi Mr. & Mrs. Sudhakar Ravi Mr. George Roberts Mr. & Mrs. Mark Robson Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Rogers Mr. William Romans & Ms. Susan Barsamian Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rosensweig Mr. & Mrs. David Roux Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rowland Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rudolph Mr. & Mrs. Paul Rydberg Sacred Heart Preparatory Parents’ Association Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton Alumni Association Mr. & Mrs. D. Casey Safreno Mr. & Mrs. Paul Sallaberry Mr. Alan Salzman Mr. Rajpal Sandhu & Ms. Mary C. Henry Mr. & Mrs. Paul Schaller Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schowe Mr. & Mrs. Kamal Shah Mr. Raymond Smith & Ms. Ofelia Delgadillo Mr. & Mrs. John A. Sobrato (SJSH ’52) Mr. & Mrs. Warren Spieker Jr. St. Joseph’s School eScrip Progam 58

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Stevens Susan Stevens-Toole, M.D. Mr. & Mrs. George Still Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Stratford Mr. David Strohm & Mrs. Kathy Reavis Mr. Ron Sturzenegger & Ms. Lisa Sturzenegger Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Suiter Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. David Tai-Man Shen Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Taweel Mr. & Mrs. Art Taylor Mr. & Mrs. Nathaniel Taylor Mr. James Thanos & Ms. Christine Budd The Barkley Fund The Edward E. Ford Foundation The Master Charitable Foundation, III The Odell Fund The Rey Vaden Family Foundation Thompson Family Mr. & Mrs. Richard Thompson Mr. & Mrs. David Thomson Mr. & Mrs. John Underwood Mr. Joseph Vetter Ms. Sara Vetter Mr. & Mrs. John Walecka Ward-Bone Trust Mr. & Mrs. David Welch Mr. Douglas Whitman Ms. Quintilla Whitman Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Wiggans Mr. & Mrs. Michael Wishart Sr. Mr. Sonny Wu & Ms. Helen Wang Mr. & Mrs. Ken Xie (Winnie Lee, SHP ’82) Mr. & Mrs. Geoffrey Yang Mr. Pierluigi Zappacosta & Mrs. Enrica D’Ettorre


Tribute and Memorial Gifts


ifts designated “In Tribute” or “In Memoriam” enable the donor to honor a special friend or loved one by making a transformative contribution to the school in his/her name. Tribute or memorial gifts may be made toward any new or existing SHS fund, initiative, or campus priority.

In Tribute In honor of Laura McGinnis Austin (SHE ’56) Mr. & Mrs. James McGinnis In honor of Adam Barycza (SHS ’26) Anonymous In honor of Alexandra Barycza (SHS ’24) Anonymous In honor of Boston Bautista (SHS ’18) Anonymous In honor of Jessica Bird (SHS ’14) Mr. Steven Bird Mrs. Susan Bird In honor of Kathleen Bird (SHS ’14) Mr. Steven Bird Mrs. Susan Bird In honor of William “Bill” Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Eric Vishria


† deceased

In honor of Seung “Yeon” Cho (SHS ’16) Mr. Duk Cho & Mrs. Kyoung Cho In honor of Nick Chrisman (SHP ’06) Mr. & Mrs. George Chrisman III In honor of Lucina “Lucy” Conway (SHS ’28) Mr. & Mrs. Ronny Conway In honor of Arya Daryabary (SHS ’15) Mr. Bahman Daryabary & Mrs. Farkhondeh Saebmonfared In honor of Vida Daryabary (SHS ’22) Mr. Bahman Daryabary & Mrs. Farkhondeh Saebmonfared In honor of Richard A. Dioli Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. William O’Neal (Michelle Lastreto O’Neal, SH Broadway ’64)

In honor of Andrew “Drew” Dowd (SHS ’20) Anonymous In honor of Christine Lussier Dyer (SHE ’63, SHP ’67) Dr. & Dr. Michael Longaker In honor of James Everitt Mrs. Kristen Kelly In honor of Tom & Shannon Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Peter McCleskey In honor of Elena Fassio (SHS ’20) Mr. & Mrs. James Fassio In honor of Peter Fitchen (SHS ’14) Mr. Richard Fitchen In honor of Scott Fitchen (SHS ’16) Mr. Richard Fitchen In honor of Justin Galvin (SHS ’15) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Galvin

In honor of Ryan Galvin (SHS ’14) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Galvin

In honor of Chiara Libraro (SHS ’23) Mr. Michele Libraro † & Mrs. Clare Libraro

In honor of Lisa Gamitian Aitken-Young Family

In honor of Maya Libraro (SHS ’24) Mr. Michele Libraro † & Mrs. Clare Libraro

In honor of Maureen Hamer Mr. & Ms. Andrew Hamer Sr. Radar Foundation

In honor of McKenzie Lynch (SHS ’14) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Lynch

In honor of Shannon Hamilton (SJSH ’04, SHP ’08) Ms. Kate Ceremsak (SHP ’08) In honor of Sr. Ellen Hoffman Anonymous Dr. & Mrs. Gary Hartman Mr. Thomas Neff & Mrs. Donna Neff In honor of William Horvath (SHS ’16) Mr. & Mrs. Laszlo Horvath

In honor of Arabella Machado (SHS ’24) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Machado In honor of Duncan MacWilliams (SHS ’15) Dr. & Ms. Ken MacWilliams In honor of Dylan Modesitt (SHS ’16) Anke Hebig Prophet & Tony Prophet

In honor of SHS Class of 2011 Anonymous Ms. Kendall Cody (SHS ’11) Ms. Isabella Colosso (SHS ’11) Mr. Stephen Harman (SHS ’11) In honor of SHS Class of 2014 Ms. Allison Harman (SHS ’14) Mr. Cameron Kirkpatrick (SHS ’14) Mr. & Mrs. Lamont Quattlebaum (Wendy Miller Quattlebaum, SHP ’93) In honor of Reagan Smith (SHS ’20) Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Smith In honor of Eduardo Tapper (SHS ’26) Mr. & Ms. Greg Tapper In honor of Isabella Tapper (SHS ’24) Mr. & Ms. Greg Tapper

In honor of Julene Hunter (SHP ’78) Anonymous

In honor of Mr. & Mrs. William O’Neal (Michelle Lastreto O’Neal, SH Broadway ’64) Jennifer O’Neal (SJSH ’93, SHP ’97) Christine O’Neal (SJSH ’94. SHP ’98)

In honor of Tyler Hyland (SHP ’07) Dr. & Mrs. James Vetter

In honor of Tevin Panchal (SHS ’17) Mr. & Ms. Dhaval Panchal

In honor of Wiebke Janssen (SHS ’18) Mr. & Mrs. Michael Janssen

In honor of Laura Daschbach Pitchford (SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Mr. & Mrs. Eric Lamb

In honor of Ariana Triant (SHS ’23) Mr. Thanos Triant & Mrs. Ingrid Marlow

In honor of Mindy & Jesse Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bowlsby II

In honor of Janice Zhang (SHS ’15) Mr. Biao Zhang & Dr. Yue Xu

In honor of Sr. Mamie Jenkins Miss Katharine Eger (SHS ’12) In honor of Paige Kelley (SHS ’17) Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kelley In honor of Malaika Koshy (SHS ’16) Mr. & Mrs. Ajay Koshy In honor of Christopher Lee (SHS ’14) Ms. Christine Tomomatsu

In honor of The Morey Family Mr. & Mrs. Chad Fillinger (Mary Morey Fillinger, SJSH ’95) In honor of The Robinson Family Mr. & Mrs. Peter Robinson (Edita Piedra Robinson, SH Stone Ridge ’79)

In honor of Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton Alumni Association Mr. Hudson Smythe (SHP ’05) In honor of Emely Sandoval (SHS ’16) Anonymous In honor of SHP Class of 2009 Ms. Kirsten Harman (SHP ’09) † deceased


Tribute and Memorial Gifts In Memoriam In memory of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat Anonymous (2) In memory of Emo U. Biagini Mrs. Anne Biagini Mr. & Mrs. David Matthews In memory of Sir Ernest Bullock Anonymous In memory of Suvanna Cullen Ms. Julie Bennett In memory of Marie De Guigne De Dampierre (SHP 1900) Marie C. De Dampierre Memorial Foundation In memory of Betsy Foster DeLong Ms. Clarice Arné Association of Silicon Valley Brokers Ms. Lucy Baldwin Mr. & Mrs. Steven Baloff Caprock Partners Management, Inc. Ms. Barbara Deméré Mr. & Mrs. Erik Doyle Ms. Anna Fichtner Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Goodenough Mr. & Mrs. Rick Hart Mr. & Mrs. Denis Lynch Ms. Cindy Matsuyama & Ms. Karin Van Amelsvoort Mr. & Mrs. Brian McCarthy Ms. Jennifer Olsson Mrs. Joan Patch Mr. & Mrs. Ted Pollock Rees Properties Inc Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Reis Ms. Nicole Rubin Mrs. Miriam Schulman In memory of Michele Daschbach Fast (SHP ’82) Mr. & Mrs. Mark Daschbach 62

† deceased

In memory of Gary A. Gavello (SJSH ’59) Gary A. Gavello Family In memory of the grandmother of Jaiden Ghumman (SHS ’26) Dr. & Dr. Mandeep Ghumman In memory of Jane & Dick Gordon Mrs. Susan Bird In memory of Roy Hills III Mr. & Mrs. Greg Myall In memory of Cynthia B. Jennings Mr. & Mrs. Howard Love Jr. In memory of Anne Gilles Kennelly (SHP ’67, SH Lone Mt.) Ms. Maureen Kennelly (SHP ’03) In memory of Ursula Leonardi (SJSH ’30) The Ursula Leonardi Trust In memory of Mr. & Mrs. Dan McGanney Jr. Mr. & Ms. Catalino Alfelor Jr. Frank A. Campini Foundation In memory of Laura Coffey McGinnis (SH Broadway, College at Menlo ’25) Mr. & Mrs. James McGinnis In memory of Sr. Joan McKenna (SH Broadway ’49, SH Lone Mt. ’53) Mr. & Mrs. David Barry (Elaine Berra Barry, SHP ’87) Ms. Diane Bauer Dr. & Mrs. John Beare Mr. & Mrs. Richard Berra (Kathy Keogh Berra, SHP ’63) Ms. Susan Cline Ms. Judith Coenen Ms. Diane Corradini Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dice Mr. & Ms. Jonathan Fitzpatrick

Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick IV Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fitzpatrick III Ms. Denise Flaherty Mr. James Flaherty III Mrs. Donna Gilboa Ms. Penelope Hedges Ms. Eleanore Howard Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Huysentruyt Mr. Gregori Jakovina & Mr. Lawrence McDonald Kathleen P. McKenna 2013 Trust Ms. Lee Anna Kelly Mr. & Mrs. Bradford Koenig (Lauren Gray Koenig, SJSH ’73, SHP ’77) Mr. & Mrs. Paul Longhini Mr. & Mrs. John Loughran Ms. Diane Lucas Mr. & Mrs. Brian Madigan Mrs. Sara Young Maennle (SHP ’89) Mr. & Mrs. Bob McGrath Ms. Kathleen McKenna (SH Broadway ’64) † Mr. & Mrs. John Meehan (Shealagh Meehan, SH Broadway ’72) Outrageous Foundation Mrs. Caroline Pederson Mr. Ronald Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Quinlan Mr. & Mrs. Denis Ragan Ms. Barbara Rohlapp Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruggeri Ms. Jaqueline Sciarrillo Ms. Sandra Stribolt Ms. Ruth Traver Ms. Anne Tremaroli Ms. Antonine Tremaroli Ms. Lillyan Tremaroli In memory of Kathleen McKenna (SH Broadway ’64) Alex Sourikoff Insurance Agency Ms. Barbara Amrofell Ms. Carole Barry Dr. & Mrs. John Beare Ms. Virginia Bispo Ms. Marlene Callejas Ty, Nancy & Jennifer Campbell

BLESSED. Throughout the school year, Masses were held open to all community members, with families invited to participate in the liturgy and music. Ms. Sheila Collins Ms. Diane Corradini Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Corvino Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dice Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Donnelly Mr. & Ms. Jonathan Fitzpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Fitzpatrick IV Mr. & Mrs. Tom Fitzpatrick III Mr. James Flaherty III Mrs. Donna Gilboa Ms. Dorle Gross Ms. Penelope Hedges Mr. & Mrs. David Hertzog Ms. Eleanore Howard Mr. & Mrs. Kurt Huysentruyt Mr. & Ms. John Imbimbo Ms. Ruth Jaffe Ms. Ann Jaime Mr. Gregori Jakovina & Mr. Lawrence McDonald Ms. Hilary Kaiser Kathleen P. McKenna 2013 Trust Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Larrenaga

Mr. Hector Lee Ms. Ruth Pruitt Leif Ms. Delia Levine & Mr. Tony Cannuli Mr. & Mrs. Paul Longhini Ms. Diane Lucas Mr. Stephen Lundberg Ms. Carolyn Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. John Meehan (Shealagh Meehan, SH Broadway ’72) Mr. & Mrs. William O’Neal (Michelle Lastreto O’Neal, SH Broadway ’64) Mr. Ronald Peterson Mr. & Mrs. Denis Ragan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Ruggeri Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Sarraille Ms. Jaqueline Sciarrillo Sonoma Valley Vistors Bureau Mr. & Mrs. Gary Spaugh Ms. Sandra Stribolt Mrs. Susan Tierney Ms. Ruth Traver Ms. Anne Tremaroli

Ms. Lillyan Tremaroli In memory of James & Philomena McPartlan Anonymous In memory of Catherine Michelis Renee Michelis Hellman In memory of Sheila Sullivan Peterson (SHP ’59) Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Gillett (Erin Rosenberg Gillett, SHP ’90) In memory of Sr. Yvonne Pometti (SHP ’37) Mr. Alan Kornfield & Mrs. Genette Yogi Kornfield In memory of Richard Price Anonymous † deceased


Tower Circle Society


he Tower Circle Society honors those benefactors who choose to include Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton (SHS) in their estate plans or through the creation of a lifetime charitable trust or annuity contract with the school. Through this caring and thoughtful endorsement, this generous group of individuals helps ensure the continued excellence of SHS educational programs and advances the mission of the Religious of the Sacred Heart. To learn more about how to make a planned gift to the Schools, please visit us online at www.shschools.org/plannedgiving, contact your financial advisor, or call the SHS Office of Institutional Advancement at 650.473.4003.

Anonymous (4) Ms. Patricia “Pat” Baillargeon (SHP ’45) Mrs. Ann Fay Barry (SHP ’62) Ms. Beata Bartholomay (SJSH ’70, SHP ’74) Mrs. Allanah Beh Ms. Kristina Bruning (SHP ’60) Mrs. Florence “Flo” Eyre Bryan (SJSH ’38, SHP ’42) Mr. Ryan Connolly (SHP ’97) Mrs. Mary Corcoran Mr. Rick Corcoran Ms. Gail A. Gavello (SH Broadway ’56, SHP ’60) Mrs. Erin Rosenberg Gillett (SHP ’90) Mrs. Ginger Glockner Mr. Robert Glockner Mrs. Lee Collins Harnett (SHP ’51) Mr. Marc Hebert Mrs. Stephenie Hebert Mrs. Lindsay A. Galloway Hill (SHP ’76) Mrs. Sheila Doyle Kiernan (SHP ’44) Ms. Ursula Leonardi (SJSH ’30) † 64

† deceased

Mrs. Molly Molloy Linneman (SHP ’59) Mrs. Jane Hanley Lotz (SJSH ’44, SHP ’48, SH Lone Mt. ’52) Mrs. Linda Lynch Mr. Daniel J. McGanney (SJSH ’65) Mr. David Moyles Mrs. Denise Moyles Mrs. Cindra Gravelle Nicholson (SHP ’71) Ms. Louise Paustenbach Dr. Heidi McHugh Pendleton (SHP ’64) Mrs. Mary Katherine “Mary K.” Kroeger Porter (SHE ’55, SHP ’59) Mr. Bow Rodgers Mrs. Montye Rodgers Mrs. Paula Shevlin Mr. Thomas Shevlin Ms. Celeste L. Smith (SHE ’63) Mrs. Sandra Smith Mr. Stephen Smith Mr. Fred I. Sommer Mrs. Sara Steppe

Mr. Stephen Steppe Dr. John Stoner III Ms. Marianne Stoner Mrs. Mary Frawley Thompson (SHP ’38) Mrs. Lowell Amey Van Vechten (SHP ’71) Ms. Mary Slavin Wallace (SJSH ’74, SHP ’78)


Ways to Give


t Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton (SHS) we deeply appreciate the wonderful gifts made by our generous community. Thank you for the many ways you make SHS extraordinary!

Gifts of all sizes matter and collectively support a variety of SHS initiatives that preserve and enhance our educational mission and dynamic community. Contributions to the Annual Fund and auction offset yearly operating expenses, relieving the budget and enabling reallocation of funds to immediate school priorities. Gifts to the SHS endowment ensure the Schools’ long-term financial health by providing a permanent, ongoing, and reliable source of revenue. We are pleased to offer a wide variety of gift vehicles to help make supporting Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton a rewarding experience. If you would like assistance planning your contribution, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement, 650.473.4003 or advancement@shschools.org.

Gifts of Cash (Cash, Check and Credit Cards) Gifts of cash are the simplest form of giving. Credit card gifts can be completed securely online at www.shschools.org/giveonline. Checks should be made payable to “Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton” and mailed to the Office of Institutional Advancement at the address below.

Annual Fund Pledge Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton encourages pledges to the Annual Fund so that participation can be counted early in the year. All pledge commitments should be fulfilled by June 30, in order to count for the current school year. You can make a pledge to the Annual Fund online at www.shschools.org/ giveonline.

Gifts of Appreciated Securities (Stock) Donors making gifts of stock should instruct their broker to notify the Office of Institutional Advancement. Please contact us for more information on how to transfer securities.

Planned Gifts Remembering Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton in your will, charitable remainder trust, or life insurance policy offers the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy benefiting generations of future SHS students. For more information, please visit www.shschools.org/planned giving.

Matching Gifts Many corporations will match an employee’s gift to a charitable institution such as SHS, leveraging the donation and increasing its impact. Please ask your employer for matching gift guidel. Office of Institutional Advancement Sacred Heart Schools, Atherton 150 Valparaiso Avenue Atherton, CA 94027 650.473.4003 (Tel) 650.473.4099 (Fax) www.shschools.org www.shschools.org/giveonline


2013-14 Trustees & Administration Board of Trustees

School Administrative Council

Eric Lamb, Chair Maryan Ackley Peter Bell Sandra Bergeron David Burke Ed Cluss David Crawford Barbara Dawson, RSCJ Richard A. Dioli Elizabeth Dunlevie Diane Flynn Cathy Friedman-Duane Tim Haley Fredric Harman Catherine Harvey Mary Henry Kristina Homer Armstrong John Kerrigan Manny Maceda Sandra McNamara Amity Millhiser Mike Mohrman Peter Oppenheimer Clare Pratt, RSCJ Shami Ravi Mindy Rogers Steve Rudolph Chick Runkel Mary Pat Ryan, RSCJ Paul Rydberg Paul Sallaberry Sue Sutherland Jeff Wachtel Michael Wishart

Richard A. Dioli Director of Schools James Everitt Principal, Sacred Heart Preparatory Martha Roughan, RSCJ Principal, Lower & Middle Schools Director of Formation to Mission Cee Salberg Principal, Preschool & Kindergarten Francesca Brake Dean of Academics Vice Principal, Middle School Sandy Dubinsky Chief Operations Officer Susan Raffo Chief Financial Officer Kathy Tuccio Director of Human Resources Scott Alexander Director of Institutional Advancement Dora Arredondo-Marron Director of Equity, Justice and Multicultural Education Wendy Quattlebaum (SHP ’93) Director of Admissions Joy Lopez Director of Technology

Trustees Emeritus

Beth Tornabene Director of Strategic Planning & Institutional Projects

Robert Glockner John Hunter

Jennifer Hawks Executive Assistant to the Director of Schools

Representatives to the Board of Trustees Alumni Peter Coleman (SHP ’88) President, Alumni Association Board Parents Tracey Avery Diane Flynn Kim Palmer Faculty and Staff Julie Ball Kelly Power

Alumni Association Board of Directors Peter Coleman (SHP ’88) President, 2009-2014 Gay Abuel-Saud (CSH ’75) Maria (Apezteguia) Biggs (SHP ’95) Lauren Blears (SHP ’03) Sarah Buckley (SJSH ’83) Mike Budelli (SHP ’97), Brandon Child (SHP ’04) Jennifer (Feyling) Elmore (SJSH ’91, SHP ’95) Allison Harman (SHS ’14) Maureen Kennelly (SHP ’03) Deirdre McHugh (CSH ’66) Christine O’Neal (SJSH ’94, SHP ’98) Jennifer O’Neal (SJSH ’93, SHP ’97) Ellen Gallagher Parsons (SHS Newton) Steve Roeser (SHP ’95) Hudson Smythe (SHP ’05)


150 Valparaiso Avenue Atherton, California 94027-4402

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