SACS Update 3

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600 locals benefited SACS’ 2nd Medical, Dental and Legal Mission


he San Agustin Center of Studies (SACS) at Project 6 in Quezon City held a very successful medical, dental and legal mission in the seminary compound last February ll, 2012 (Saturday). It was the second time that the “Committee on Mission and Apostolate” of the Professorium of the Province of the Sto. Nino de Cebu — Philippines of the Augustinian Order (OSA) organized such a form of public service. The first time a similar activity was organized was last year (2011). This year’s “Committee on Mission and Apostolate” was headed by Fray Mark Anthony Tampos, OSA,

True service. One of the volunteered medical intern doctors of UST Hospital offer his free service to make the medical mission successful.

assisted by Fray Antonio Nombrefia, OSA, and Fray lan Geoffrey Kasilag, OSA. Doctors with various specializations (such as dentists, pediatrics, obstetrics, gynecologists, EENT specialists, etc.) participated in the activity as volunteers alongside medical intems, nurses and other assistants. Aside from the medical and dental services, legal assistance was also offered by volunteer lawyers. MEDICAL MISSION/page 2

15 Villanovans Graduate for Academic Year 2011-2012


n March 17, 2012, at 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon, the St. Thomas Institute of Philosophy held its 13th Commencement Exercises. Held at the San Agustin Chapel, Augustinian Vocation Jamboree 2012 this year’s Commencement Exercises has a theme ‘Mission as Sharing in Man’s Humble State before God” with Rev. Fr. Eusebio celebrated at SACS Berdon, OSA, Prior Provincial of the Augustinian Province of n the 27-28 of January 2012 with the theme: Vocation and Sto. Niño de Cebu-Philippines as main celebrant and preacher. Augustinians and other guest priests concelebrated with him. 2012 at the St. Thomas Mission: More Fun with Christ. of Villanova Institute Over one hundred seventy Graduation ceremony followed the Baccalaureate Mass. The fifMulti-purpose Hall, the San participants from La Consolacion teen (15) graduates are: Agustin Center of Studies Office College-Caloocan, St. Patrick School 15 VILLANOVANS/page 2 of the Local Vocation Director, of Quezon City, Colegio San Agustinin cooperation with the Profes- Biñan, Incoming 2nd year 4 SPs finish acasorium and Collegium Commitand 3rd year off to demic studies in tees on Vocation, sponsored the parish exposure MST and RST VOC JAMBOREE/page 2 Augustinian Vocation Jamboree








Fr. Obiezu gives informative talk to seminarians


he Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu and the SACS community were gracious to have Fr. Emeka Obiezu, OSA in the Philippines. Fr. Obiezu is the newly appointed permanent representative of the Order of St. Augustine to the United Nations. He belongs to the Province of Nigeria. He stayed in the Philippines for around one week from February 26 to March 6, 2012. While being in the country, one of his scheduled activities was to give an informative and inspirational talk about the Augustinian Mission at the United Nations to the seminarians of the Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu – that includes the Late-vocation/ professional seminarians in Makati City, college students and simple professed friars. It was on March 3, 2012 at 2:00 in the afternoon that he shared his knowledge and experience about the Order’s apostolate in the UN. The Order’s mission activities at the United Nations are, first, to encourage

“Fr. Obiezu”/pg 3



The “Medical, Dental and Legal Mission 2012” started at 8:00 AM and lasted till 12:00 NN. Almost 600 people from neighbouring barangays (like Culiat, VASRA, the San Agustin Compound, Palanas, Tatalon Munti, Metro Heights Compound, etc.), aged from two months to 77 years old, signed in for free consultation and medicines. At least 489 of them availed of` medical services, 74 received dental treatment, and six consulted volunteer lawyers. Many inhouse seminarians also profited from such services.

Working together. Seminarians and nurse volunteers work together for one vision, to serve arduously our brothers and sisters in need.

The organizers express their heartfelt thanks and gratitude to this year’s generous sponsors who donated both cash and medicines. Special thanks to United Laboratories Inc., Westmont Pharmaceuticals Inc., Basic Pharmaceutical Corp., RiteMED Philippines Inc., Mr. Peter Abria, Atty. Maricon Sotalbo and the Ventanilla-Alvarez Family. Without them and dedicated volunteers, the Augustinian “Medical, Dental and Legal Mission 2012” would not have been possible. Sincere thanks also go to the college students of the Saint Thomas of Villanova Institute (STVI) and to the Theology students of the Professorium for their precious help and collaboration. Fr. Czar Emmanuel Alvarez, OSA

sacsupdate vol. 12, no. 3 january to march 2012

Fr. Andrew’s encounter with other Augustinians strengthens collaboration


he thrust of the 2010 Intermediate General Chapter of the Order of St. Augustine focuses entirely on the theme Unity of the Order. Thus, in order to live out this important aspect of Augustinian life, Rev. Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA, Prior of the House of the San Agustin Center of Studies and a member of the Core Animating Team of the Augustinian Pacific and Asian Conference (APAC) was able to spend his time by sharing his expertise on Augustinian Spirituality to the other members of the Augustinian family in Metro Manila. On February 2, 2012, the topic on “Spirituality of Love in John’s Gospel and Augustine” was given to Augustinian Contemplative Nuns in Bulacan. On February 4, 2012, Fr. Andrew talked on the topic “Prayer According to Augustine” to the novices of the Augustinian Family. On Feb-

“Fr. Andrew”/pg 3

Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery

ast February 18, 2012, an Orientation Session about Human Trafficking as a form of Modern Day Slavery was held at the La Consolacion Convent in Santolan Road, San Juan City. The said orientation was conducted through the efforts of the Asia-Pacific Augustinian Conference (APAC) - Commission on Apostolate in partnership with the Asia-Pacific Women Religious Against Trafficking of Human (APWRATH) and the Advocacy Desk of the Augustinian Sisters of Our Lady of Consolation (ASOLC).

Among the STVI seminarians who participated in this session were Postulants Arcie Baric, Jaime Parmisano, James Habaradas, Jorge Ferraris III , and Noel Eday. On the other hand, the Professed community was represented by Frays Imman Abellana, Mark Tampos, and Reo Cabahug. Together with them were the priests, Fr. John Paul Szura, OSA and Fr. Frederick Comendador, OSA; with Mrs. Cynthia Prats and Alice Mujar (Is this their real names?). Three series of talks were conducted in the session

and the first was that of Fr. John Paul Szura, OSA, which is about the purpose of the Augustinian presence in the United Nations (UN). In his talk, Fr. Szura shared his knowledge of St. Augustine’s own involvement on the said issue, giving the Augustinians a reason to actively participate also in dealing with this phenomenon. The second talk was that of Ms. Jean Enriquez, the executive director of Coalition Against Trafficking of Women (CATW) - Asia Pacific. Her talk delved on the nature of human trafficking and its current situations in

the local, national and global level. The third talk delved on the Faith-Based Foundations in dealing with the problem of human trafficking by Ms. Dallie Garcia, a staff of APWRATH. The entire activity ended with a plenum which highlighted on what can each participant do on these areas of concern in human trafficking: Prevention, Protection or Assistance, and Networking. This activity started at 8:00 AM and ended at 3:15 PM. Reo Cabahug, OSA.

sacsupdate vol. 12, no. 3 january to march 2012




SACS joins annual national parade of Sto. Niños

ast January 29, 2012, the SACS community jubilantly joined for the fifth time (since 2008) in the annual parade of Sto. Niños in Roxas Boulevard. It was a response of an invitation from the president of the Cofradia de Sto. Niño de Cebu - SACS Chapter, Mrs. Myrna Garido. The community was joined together with the members of the Cofradia, the emplpoyees of the president’s company and some lay Augustinian friends. With more than 300 images of different devotions to the holy child and at the same time adorned with colorful flowers on their carriages, the Augustinians magnificently carry with them the image of Sto. Niño de Cebu. The parade lasted for almost three hours of walk from the World Trade Center compound to Quirino Grandstand. While on the walk, seminarians and friends threw candies to different people standing and watching on the sides as a sign of gratitude and blessing. Aside from enjoying the parade, the Cofradia members give away the Perpetual Novena to the Image of the Sto. Niño de Cebu that is used in Cebu in order to spread the devotion of the oldest and miraculous image of the child Jesus. After an exhausting walk, the SACS community and friends lighted chinese lanterns to culminate the parade with vigor and moving memories.

“Fr. Obeizu” from pg 2

awareness and to train Augustinians in the mission of educating and promoting the culture of peace and human rights and second, to familiarize the laity with the declarations, projects and activities of the United Nations, particularly in the fields of education, human rights and the eradication of hunger, and to encourage their participation. For the promotion of peace and human rights, the seminarians were also able to hear the realities of Human Trafficking through a short sharing of Sr. Flolyn Catungcal, OSA, who is working with the APWRATH (Asia-Pacific Women Religious Against Trafficking in Humans). After the talk, an open forum followed between the solemn professed friars and seminarians and the two guest speakers. The successful activity was a work of collaboration through the help of Fr. John Paul Szura, OSA and Mrs. Alice Mujar, who are working together with Fr. Obiezu and the assistance of Committee on Education and Publication of the Simple Professed Friars. Genesis P. Labana, OSA

Fr. Emeka Obiezu, OSA (4th L-R) and Sr. Flolyn Catungcal, OSA (3rd L-R) pose for a souvenir picture together with the working committee after the fruitful talk on the Augustinian Mission at the United Nations shared by Fr. Obiezu, OSA.

Fray Harold and his batch mates to be ordained deacons in April


ray Harold Langahin, OSA, together with his batch mates, Fray Romeo Coronel, OSA and Fray Lolibert Endam, OSA, will be ordained to the diaconate on April 14, 2012. Their ordaining prelate is the Bishop of the Archbishop of Cebu, Most. Rev. Jose S. Palma, DD, STD. The solemn

ordination will take place in the historical church of the Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu in Cebu City. Fray Harold is currently assign in SACS as a member of the community. The whole community is praying and all out support for the graceful success of the ordination as well as to his batch mates.

“Fr. Andrew” from pg 2

ruary 11, 2012, he also talked on the topic “Augustine on Mysticism and Prophecy” during the Annual Assembly of the Sisters of the Augustinian Missionary of the Philippines (AMP). Indeed, as the document of the IGC 2010 The Unity of the Order in service to the Gospel says that “the signs of mutual cooperation already achieved, which flow from our Order-consciousness as well as from the demands of our work, are many and significant (n. 25),” Fr. Andrew’s collaboration with and participation to the activities of the other members of the Augustinian family here in the Philippines and in the Asia Pacific gives clear and convincing witness to the possibility of achieving true international brotherhood among Augustinians. Fr. Andrew, being one of the officers of both the Augustinian Pacific and Asian Conference (APAC) and the Union of the Order of St. Augustine in Asia and Pacific (OSAAP), attended the APAC Triennial Convention on February 27-29, 2012 and the OSAAP meeting and renewal on February 29 – March 1, 2012. Both events were held at the Augustinian Sister’s Retreat House in Novaliches, Quezon City.


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“VOC JAMBOREE” from pg 1

Rondon National High School, some youth from Mt. Carmel Parish, youth representatives from Nuestra Señora de Gracia Parish-Makati (with the professional seminarians from Guadalupe Community) and youth from San Agustin Compound attended the event. Friars from Biñan and Guadalupe communities also graced the occasion as they accompanied the participants from their communities. The participants started to arrive at around eight in the evening and were welcomed by the Prior of the House, Rev. Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA. Father Batayola’s remarks encouraged the youth to discern well as they choose the future path of life they are to take. Videos prepared by the seminarians for the said activity were played as part of the evening activities just before the talk to be given by Rev. Fr. Czar Emmanuel Alvarez, OSA. Father Alvarez, OSA delivered a talk on the Different Vocations in Life. After the talk the participants were then assigned into smaller groups for faith-sharing as a response to the substatianl and very informative talk that introduced more the Augustinian way of life to the participants. The simply professed friars helped facilitate the sharing while a college seminarians served as the ushers. Group presentations (singing and dancing) and an overnight praise jam prepared by the college brothers followed. Rev. Fr. Ericson Borre, OSA, SACS Local Vocation Director, gave an inspirational message to the participants in the morning of the jamboree before the praise jam ended. At six in the morning, on the 28th of January 2012, Rev. Fr. Dennis Cuervo, OSA, Local Vocation Director of San Agustin Seminary-Monasterio de Giagalupe Community, presided over the Eucharistic Celebration together with the other Augustinian priests in the house. Rev. Fr. Joel Beronque, OSA gave the homily. A simple breakfast was served after the Mass. After which, the participants were toured around the seminary vicinity just before going home. The SACS Local Vocation Promotion Office that sponsored the jamboree were indeed thankful and grateful to all who contributed their time and efforts, especially to the National Vocation Promotion Office for aiding us financially, to make the Augustinian Vocation Jamboree 2012 at SACS a success. Fray Aimark Asor, OSA.

NEWS BLITZ The National Convention of the Confradia del Santo Niño will be held on April 13-15, 2012. The Augustinian Vicariate of the Orient in Intramuros is the host for the said event. Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA attended a formation for local superiors at the Loyola House of Studies in Ateneo de Manila University. The course highlighted how to develop skills and leadership in formation. In May 2012, SACS will have a new assigned friars for the next four years after the 8th Ordinary Provincial Chapter in April. Fray Ric Anthony Reyes, OSA and Fray Elmer Lendo, OSA will attend the 8th Ordinary Provincial Chapter from April 2012 Cebu as observers.

SACS holds series of seminar on Prayer


he Committee on Liturgy and Music of the Professorium community in coordination with the Committee on Liturgy of the Collegium community conducted a series of seminar on Prayer for all seminarians at the St. Thomas of Villanova Institute Multi-purpose hall. Rev. Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA, Prior of the House and House Liturgist explained that the seminar on prayer aims to improve the manner of prayer of seminarians and to enliven the appreciation of the liturgy of the hours and Lectio Divina after having observed that these two forms of prayer in the community are not being observed well by the seminarians. The first seminar was on

Lectio Divina held last January 8, 2012. Speakers during the first series of seminar were Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA, Fr. Jose Seidel, OSA, Fray Ric Anthony Reyes, OSA and Fray Rodel Magin, OSA. Fray Reyes presented the historical development of Lectio Divina. He later expounded on the importance of Lectio Divina in Religious Life. Fr. Batayola and Fray Magin talked on the different models of Lectio Divina. They then presented a Lectio Divina model for the use of San Agustin Center of Studies community. Fr. Seidel discussed the practical tips on how to conduct Lectio Divina. After their presentation, a Lectio Divina proper was conducted, and participated by Fray Jasper Valmores, OSA, Fray

Robert Lee Lingo, OSA, Fray Rodel Magin, OSA, Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA and Fr. Jose Seidel, OSA as the main facilitator. The second series of the seminar was on the Psalm held last January 21, 2012 with Fr. Czar Emmanuel Alvarez, OSA as the facilitator. Fr. Alvarez focused his talk on the following: The nature of the Psalms in the Sacred Scriptures, the earliest version of the Psalms, the proper way of interpreting and understanding the Psalms, the different types of literary genres of the Psalm, the Christian interpretation of the Psalms, the role of the Psalms in Christian Worship and Psalms that are included in the Breviary. The third series of the Seminar on Prayer was on Gospel Canticles held last February 17, 2012. Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA facilitated a talk show with Fray Aimark Asor, OSA, Fray Robert Lingo, OSA and Fray Wendell Allan Marinay, OSA as guests. The three guests focused their sharing on the theology and the spirituality of the three gospel canticles which we use in the Liturgy of the Hours: Benedictus, Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis. During the break, Fray Ian Geoffrey Kasilag,

OSA made an angelic interpretation of the Benedictus. The Committee on Liturgy and Music also played the instrumentals of the Magnificat. The seminar ended up with a creative Night prayer. The last of the four series of the seminar which capped the whole conference was held last February 18, 2012 with Fray Harold Langahin, OSA. Fray Harold shared a reflection on Augustine on Prayer. He emphasized the need for prayer in every Augustinian in as much as prayer is a search for God and a humble yearning for the union with God who is our Happiness. An open forum was held after Fray Harold’s sharing. In his final remarks, Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA thanked the facilitators, organizers and all members of the community for their participation of the four series of the seminar on Prayer. He said that though the formation year is ending, hopefully what they learned from the seminar will be lived out thoughtfully in both personal and community prayers of each member of SACS community. Fray Rodel Magin, OSA.

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Friars send to different summer exposure areas

n the evening Mass of March 15, 2012, the twenty four simple professed friars were solemnly blessed by their Father Master, Andrew P. Batayola, OSA , and witnessed by some solemn professed friars, their sending-off rite before they go to their respective summer and pastoral exposures in the different Augustinian communities in the country. Before the final blessing the following assignments were announced.


Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA blesses the Sp friars during the send-off ceremony before they go to their respective summer exposure in the different Augustinian communities in the country.

SPs participate in the 28th JSF Big Day


n February 5, 2012, at the Saint Paul University of Quezon City Gym, the twentyfour simple professed friars graced the 28th Junior-Seminarians Forum (JSF) with their Father Master, Rev. Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA. This year’s JSF Big Day has the theme: New Social Media, New Evangelization: Its Challenges to Young Religious Today. It aims to imbibe among the young religious the love and importance of mass media in our ecclesial life. Rev. Fr. Stephen Cuyos, MSC, Electronic Media Director of Communications Foundations in Asia (CFA), elucidated the theme in the morning talk which he facilitated. The Eucharistic Celebration in the afternoon capped the whole-day gathering. It was presided over by Rev. Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP and was joined by Rev. Fr. Andew Batayola, OSA and Rev. Fr. Christian Buenafe, OCarm. (JSF Adviser) as Mass concelebrants. Fun and laughter filled the air as over two hundred and thirty religious brothers and sisters in temporary vows attended the inter-congregational gathering. It was noted during the gathering that the JSF family is happy that the OSA, though not one of the pioneering congregations, has let the organization feel its presence for the longest time. This year, the friars are glad to have Fray John Ion Miranda, OSA and Fray Cyril Jeth Tagalog, OSA elected as the auditor and treasurer respectively. They will be joined by other 29th JSF Officers under the leadership of a Jesuit brother as the president.

I. Summer Exposure (2 April – 11 May 2012)

A. BEC-Community Organizing Exposure: First Year Professed A.1 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, Socorro, Bucas Grande Isl., Surigao del Norte 1. Fray Reo G. Cabahug, OSA 2. Fray Peter John C. Cardos, OSA 3. Fray Christian E. Funtanares, OSA 4. Fray Wendell Allan A. Marinay, OSA 5. Fray John Ion C. Miranda, OSA 6. Fray Melitito Pocholo C. Visda, OSA A.2 Sta. Ana Sub-Parish, Burgos, Siargao Island, Surigao de Norte 1. Fray Peter S. Cantones, OSA 2. Fray Ian Geoffrey D. Kasilag, OSA 3. Fray Rodel D. Magin, OSA 4. Fray Cyril Jeth N. Tagalog, OSA

B. Parishes: Second Year Professed 1. Fray Edmar A. Escobar, OSA - Nuestra Señora de Gracia Parish, Guadalupe Viejo, Makati City 2. Fray Genesis P. Labana, OSA - Sto. Niño de Cebu Parish, Biñan, Laguna 3. Fray Robert Lee D. Lingo, OSA - San Jose Parish, Ilo-ilo City 4. Fray Ryan P. Pasabilla, OSA - Sto. Niño de Cebu Parish, Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu 5. Fray Arvin C. Salceda, OSA - Sto. Niño de Cebu Parish, Mohon, Talisay City, Cebu 6. Fray Mark Anthony C. Tampos, OSA - Our Mother of Good Counsel Parish, Chrysanthemum Village, San Pedro, Laguna 7. Fray Julius D. Tubid, OSA - St. Lawrence, the Deacon Quasi Parish, Gubat, Sorsogon C. Schools: Third Year Professed 1. Fray Imman Noel A. Abellana, OSA - Colegio San Agustin – Bacolod 2. Fray Aimark P. Asor, OSA - Colegio San Agustin – Bacolod 3. Fray Oswald F. Duran, OSA - University of San Agustin, Ilo-ilo City 4. Fray Antonio O. Nombrefia, OSA - Colegio San Agustin – Bacolod 5. Fray Jasper V. Valmores, OSA - University of San Agustin, Ilo-ilo City

D. Mission-Cultural Minorities/Indigenous People: Fourth Year Professed (1 – 15 April) 1. Fray Elmer J. Lendo, OSA - Agtas of Infanta, Quezon 2. Fray Ric Anthony A. Reyes, OSA - Agtas of Infanta, Quezon

II. Pastoral Exposure (2 May-30 September 2012) 1. Fray Elmer J. Lendo, OSA - Gubat Community 2. Fray Ric Anthony A. Reyes, OSA - Socorro-Burgos Community



sacsupdate vol. 12, no. 3 january to march 2012


4 SPs finish academic studies in MST and RST

rays Rodel Magin, OSA, Elmer Lendo, OSA, Ric Anthony Reyes, OSA and Jasper Valmores had finally finished their academic studies in Theology on their respective schools last March 16 and 30, 2012. Fray Magin, a first year simple professed, is now holding a degree of Master of Arts in Theology major in Pastoral Ministry granted to him by the Faculty of the Maryhill School of Theology. He received his diploma and walked with honor on the stage last March 16, 2012 at the grounds of the CICM Provincialate in New Manila, Quezon City. Meanwhile, last March 30, 2012, Frays Lendo, Reyes and Jasper walked on the stage with valour receving the degree Bachelor of Arts Major in Sacred Theology at the Recoletos School of Theology in Miranilla Subdivision, Quezon City. Three of them received a diploma from

the Pontifical University of Sto. Tomas, wherein RST is an affiliate. Fray Reyes received special awards of Magna Cum Laude and Best in Comprehensive Exam on the graduation. The respective batch mates of the graduates were also present in the graduation as a sign of support to the achievement of the four brothers. And Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA, Master of the simple professed friars, also graced both occasions. Since Rodel and Valmores have not yet finished their formation program, they are planning to take further studies in order to fill the vacuum of the remaining years of their formation. Fray Rodel will study in Loyola School of Theology while Valmores plans to enroll in the Institute for Consecrated Life in Asia to take up Missiology courses. On the other hand, Lendo and Reyes will continue their formation program to a year of Pastoral exposure.

Benedictine contemplative nun inspired Augustinian friars

Editorial Board Fray Genesis Labana, OSA


Asp. Phillip Andrew Mimay

Collegium Associate Editor Fray Ric Anthony Reyes, OSA Fray Rodel Magin, OSA

Professorium Asssociate Editors

Fray Aimark Asor, OSA Fray Reo Cabahug, OSA


Fray Ryan Pasabilla, OSA Asp. Roy Echeveria

Circulation Managers

Fray Genesis Labana, OSA

Lay-out Artist


he simple professed friars of SACS visited the Benedictine Sisters of the Reparatrices of the Sacred Heart at Parian, Mexico, Pampanga on February 25, 2012. As part of year-long plans of the professorium community, spearheaded by the Vocation and Spirituality Committee, the friars’ visit to the sisters aimed to be spiritually inspired with the way of life the Benedictine sisters live. Indeed, this was achieved with the talk facilitated by Sr. Mary Angelica Luzano, OSB with the theme: The Benedictine Spirituality and Prayer Life. Sr. Angelica shared with the friars how they view prayer life in their tradition as contemplative Benedictine nuns. This was also the focus of the discussion and sharing she had with the group. During the open forum the friars, together with Rev. Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA (Master of

SACS Mass Media Center Staff

the Simple Professed), enthusiastically asked questions that helped in making the talk more personal and meaningful. The beautiful talk and insights of Sr. Angelica will be cherished by the friars. Such activity also served as the friars’ recollection for the month of February. Right after the visit the group headed to Mrs. Lilian Borromeo’s house just near the convent. Mrs. Borromeo, and her family, is famous for making the St. Nicholas of Tolentino bread. This tradition she received from her ancestors begun in the 1700s hitherto. Mrs. Borromeo taught and encouraged the friars make the St. Nicholas Bread to spread more the devotion to the Augustinian Saint. It was certainly a fruitful visit and informative encounter. Fray Aimark Asor, OSA


Fr. Czar Emmanuel Alvarez, OSA English Consultant Fr. Andrew Batayola, OSA


In behalf of the Editorial Staff of SACS Update, we would like to express our warmest gratitude to our formators and the community in general for their untiring support in the success of this publication. Without their prayers and financial support, everything would only remained a dream. Ad servos Dei!

sacsupdate vol. 12, no. 3 january to march 2012



Friendship Game with San Lorenzo


Team work! STVI’s volleyball varsity players listen attentively to their coach, Fr. Ericson Borre, OSA during their friendship game with the selected students of CDSL. The Villanovans won the the volleyball game while in the basketball team lost to the varsity players of the school.

n February 12, 2012, a friendship game between varsity players of St. Thomas of Villanova Institute and Colegio de San Lorenzo was held at the CDSL covered court. STVI Volleyball team brought home the crown while CDSL Basketball team won the tournament beating the STVI basketball team. Graced by the presence of Fr. Ericson Borre, OSA and Fr. Nicholas Echeveria, OSA, the said friendship game was an act of gratitude to CDSL for accepting the first year and the second year STVI student in their institution every Thursday. It is to be noted that starting 2nd semester of this school year, the 1st and 2nd year students of STVI are sent to Colegio de San Lorenzo for their Biology Class handled by Mrs. Marichelle Corpuz for the morning lecture and by Mr. Jason SuĂąer afternoon laboratory. Asp. Phillip Andrew C. Mimay

Collegium unwind in Sariaya


s part of seminary tradition in thanking God for the successful school year, the Collegium community went to Paraiso Beach Resort in Sariaya, Quezon for an excursion last March 19- 20, 2012. This 2-day and 1-night bonding among college students with their formators was filled with fun and surprises as they enjoyed swimming, drinking, singing and playing.

Incoming 2nd and 3rd year off to parish exposure


he summer vacation of the college seminarians started last March 21, 2012. Since they will not anymore have their summer classes at the University of San Agustin in Iloilo City, the incoming 3rd year and 4th year students were advised to report to their respective parishes for their summer apostolate. The Father Master of the Collegium, Fr. Joel Beronque, OSA sent a letter to their respective parish priests to allow the seminarians to serve in their parishes during summer break. The purpose of the said apostolate is to intensify in the hearts of every student the love for the church by rendering service in whatever way one can. It is the hope of the formation team of the Collegium community that the incoming 3rd year and 4th year seminarians will be able to appreciate mission and service to the church as one of the three core values of Augustinian spirituality along with interiority and community.

Last March 4, 2012, some of the 2nd Year aspirants showcased their talent in music on their farewell apostolate to children in Baseco, Manila. The seminarians visit the place together with their Master, Fr. Joel Beronque, OSA every frist Sunday of the month. This apostolate is a collaboration between the Augustinian friars of the Vicariate of the Orient, who holds a regular apostolate in the area.



sacsupdate vol. 12, no. 3 january to march 2012

Seniors’ Thesis defense “15 VILLANOVANS” from pg 1 successful


n February 27, 28, 29 and March 14 2011, fifteen postulants of the STVI had successfully defended their thesis at the St. Thomas of Villanova Multi-purpose Hall. The members of the panel were the philosophy teachers of the STVI. Here are the postulants’ theses: 1. Post. Albethe Q. Agura “The Truth of Gender in the Human Person in Michel Foucault” 2. Post. James Carlo M. Atienza “Pierre Teilhard de Chardin on the Role of Love-Energy in Evolution Process” 3. Post. Jubanie Rey F. Baller “The Place of Revolution in Hannah Arendt’s Thought” 4. Post. Arcie F. Baric “Augustine and Aquinas on Just War” 5. Post. Mark N. Domasian “The True Christian as an Authentic Individual in Kierkegaard’s Thought” 6. Post. Noel L. Eday Jr. “George Berkeley on the Problem of Evil” 7. Post. Jorge S. Ferraris “An Analogy Between Nietzsche’s Ubermensch and Christ” 8. Post. James Alex T. Habaradas “An Exposition on Karl Marx: Capitalism as the Root of Alienated Labor” 9. Post. Jiro D. Pagtolon-an “Max Scheler: A Theory of Ressentiment” 10. Post. Jaime Silvestre C. Parmisano “Gabriel Marcel on Hope as a Possible Response to the Broken World: An Exposition” 11. Post. Christian Jhon G. Paspe “Human Soul, Music and God in St. Augustine’s De Musica” 12. Post. Armar D. Poliquit “Sympathy as a Basis of Morality in David Hume’s Thought” 13. Post. Rolly F. Povadora “Saint Augustine on Temporal and Eternal Peace” 14. Post. Florentino Galo P. Revilla III “Fortune and Happiness in Boethius’ De Consolatione Philosophiae” 15. Post. Nouie R. Soco “Saint Augustine on the Relationship Between the Body and the Soul”

1. Post. Albethe Q. Agura 2. Post. James Carlo M. Atienza 3. Post. Jubanie Rey F. Baller 4. Post. Arcie F. Baric 5. Post. Mark N. Domasian 6. Post. Noel L. Eday Jr. 7. Post. Jorge S. Ferraris 8. Post. James Alex T. Habaradas 9. Post. Jiro D. Pagtolon-an 10. Post. Jaime Silvestre C. Parmisano 11. Post. Christian Jhon G. Paspe 12. Post. Armar D. Poliquit 13. Post. Rolly F. Povadora 14. Post. Florentino Galo P. Revilla III 15. Post. Nouie R. Soco This year’s class valedictorian in the Director’s List Award is given to Post. Jubanie Rey Baller. He is also the recipient of the Distinction of Philosophy Award, Academic Award together with Post. Jaime Silvestre Parmisano, and the Prior Provincial’s Award for Excellence. The other four postulants who made it at the top five (5) in the Director’s List Award are: Post. Jaime Silvestre Parmisano (2nd Honors), Post. Mark Domasian (3rd Honors), Post. James Carlo Atienza (4th Honors), and Post. Armar Polliquit (5th Honors). Dear brothers and sisters! Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the peace and joy of the Lord be with you now and always. We hereby appeal for your support toward the training of our seminarians. The following are the account details: PESO SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Bank of the Philippine Islands Account Name: San Agustin Center of Studies Library Account Number: 3371-0034-43 DOLLAR SAVINGS ACCOUNT: Bank of the Philippine Islands Account Name: San Agustin Center of Studies Library Account Number: 3374-0300-77 May the good Lord grant your heart’s desire and fulfill every plan of yours through Christ our Lord. We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. We count on your support. Thank you and God bless! SACS Friars

Congratulations! The new graduates of STVI jubilantly pose together with their professors and the Dean of USA-CAS and Fr. Eusebio Berdon, OSA.

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