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After one has been meditating for a while it is helpful to invest in a more intensive period of practice. For most meditators attending meditation retreats periodically is an important complement to their daily meditation practice. Daylong meditation retreats are offered monthly in Sacramento at SIM and allow the practitioner to practice diverse aspects of meditation while delving deeper into practice. The format used is one of alternating periods of sitting and walking meditation. Instructions and discussions are usually offered. In addition, special topics and study daylongs are offered and are beneficial. The most concentrated form of practice occurs on residential meditation retreats. These range from a few days to a month or longer. Retreats are held at retreat centers such as the Spirit Rock Meditation Center (see “Additional Resources,” page 116). On retreat, practice begins early in the morning and concludes in the late evening. Instructions, dharma talks, and meditation interviews are offered. Usually sitting and walking meditation periods are alternated. The retreat is held in silence, which creates a container for going deeper inside and developing strong mindfulness and concentration. Often retreat centers charge for and provide room and board. Sometimes the retreat is offered on a dana basis. In the vipassana tradition most teachers do not charge a fee for their teachings. Usually they are supported by dana received from students. This practice allows the student to express their gratitude for the teachings in a tangible way. SIM offers an annual residential meditation retreat that is popular. The retreat experience is a precious opportunity to practice intensively in an ideal setting.