1 minute read
I am grateful to the years of support that I have received from my many teachers. I especially wish to acknowledge Gil Fronsdal, John Travis, the Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi, the Venerable Thanissaro Bhikkhu, Tony Bernhard, and Andrew Olenzdki. Their wisdom and counsel has sheltered me from much mishap and unskillful practice. Dennis Warren, the founder of SIM, has shown me longstanding kindness, generosity, and wisdom. Without his guidance and vision, there would be no SIM and I would not have the honor and merit of being a community mentor at SIM. My fellow mentors, Rich Howard and Diane Wilde have also been kind and patient teachers and companions in keeping the Dhamma at SIM skillful and beneficial. My family (my mother, father, and sisters) has been supportive of my practice and continues to teach me about love. Jenny Mueller, my beloved partner, has been an invaluable source of wisdom, joy, and counsel. Her editorial assistance on this manuscript is deeply appreciated. I am very grateful for her kindness, patience, wisdom, and generosity. I also thank our two cats, Sammie and Bubbi who continually challenge me to practice. Finally, I am grateful to all the former and present members of SIM who have been supportive of my practice and tolerant of my follies. Thank you for your efforts. I am continually inspired by your practice.