Saddle Up April 2024

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Publisher Editor

Tassila Speer Co-Editor

Ruby Gerhart

Graphic Designer Lindsay Lorraine Founder Nancy Roman


TOLL FREE 1-866-546-9922


Saddle Up magazine PO Box 371 Armstrong, BC, Canada V0E 1B0

Published and Printed In Canada

HCBC 2010 Business of The Year

2014 A/S Chamber President’s Choice Award

Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521

GST Reg. No. 751444159RT0001

ISSN No. 1701-6002

© All Rights Reserved



$24.00 CDN plus tax per year or $42 US per year. (11 issues)

Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor.

Iam so happy to have found the (I believe) right person(s) to hand over the reins to and continue my passion with Saddle Up. Tassila (Tass) and her daughter Ruby have assured me they want to keep the direction and purpose of the magazine the same, I am happy with that, and am sure our readers and advertisers will be as well. I will be hanging around to help them out for some time… so you aren’t rid of me yet. Saddle Up will have a booth at the Horse Expo in Red Deer at the end of the month - come and meet the new owners - see you all there! I wish them both well and much success in their new venture!

From the NEW Editors!

Firstly we would like to thank Nancy for all her hard work in providing a great magazine for our horse communities, we are honoured and thrilled to be filling her very large boots! At the heart of Saddle Up has always been our horse communities and loyal horse loving readers, so moving forward our focus will be to continue this. The magazine will remain free and community based continuing to support Western Canada’s equine world through horse people, clubs, associations, shows, events, and any other horseplay activity. Keeping our horse communities and readers connected for generations to come!

Ruby and I will be looking forward to all your news, pictures, and article ideas are always welcome! Reach out to us anytime and in between issues you can keep current on our website and socials.

Here’s to a great Horsey year together!

Tass and Ruby

OUR REGULARS KIDS 19 Top Dog! 20 Back Country Horsemen of BC 25 Clubs & Associations 26 What’s Happening? Let’s Go! 27 Business Services 28 On The Market (Private Sale) 29 Rural Roots (Real Estate) 30 Shop & Swap 31 Stallions & Breeders 31 FEATURES Horse Expo Canada 6 Changing the Face of ECR 8 Spotlight: Equine Vet Practice 9 Becoming Self-Confident 10 Celebrating Grated Coconut 11 EFC Scholarship Recipient 12 Building Better Ag Societies 13 Dressage w/Thomas Ritter 14 CTHS (AB Division) Update 16 Equine Guelph (Vaccinations) 18 ON THE COVER: Fern Valley Appaloosas, (Cover background photo by Andrew-Charney on Unsplash) CONTRIBUTORS: Elisha Bradburn, Amanda Enmark, Dr. Crystal Lee DVM, Chilcotin Holidays, Calgary Stampede, Thomas Ritter, Lindsay Ward, Jackie Bellamy-Zions, Patricia Skinner-Porter. VOICE FOR: The Back Country Horsemen of BC
with the old… in with the
From the OLD Editor…
Ruby Tass
5 APRIL 2024 SADDLEUP.CA • COVER FEATURE Sherry Sikstrom is a Published Author with collections of children’s stories and cowboy poetry along with a farm safety/first aid book; a Mental Health First Aid Facilitator; an Equine Assisted Learning Coach; and a Wellness Advocate. Sherry is available for speaking engagements and storytelling. Martin and Sherry Sikstrom • Onoway AB  780-951-1090  Or keep up-to-date on the blog: Check out our for sale page at: Raising Quality Appaloosas in Central Alberta QUALITY YOUNG HORSES FOR SALE Ranging from Weanlings to 4-Year-Olds STALLION SERVICES FernValleys Phoenix (Limited Bookings for 2024) Windwalker Cactus (Closed Book; but we are looking forward to a small foal crop from him in 2024) The Legacy continues… Fern Valley Appaloosas 250-540-5904 Tailored website services for the equine community. Gallop ahead with OnLocal Marketing today

Why Attend Horse Expo Canada?

Whether you’re a relative “newbie” or a seasoned horseman or woman, Horse Expo Canada attracts people from near and far and repeatedly serves up a riveting 3 days of horse lover’s heaven!

What is it about Horse Expo Canada that keeps crowds coming, with building momentum and climbing attendance, for the 3rd consecutive year in a row? Let me fill you in on just three of the plethora of great reasons why.

As a “Horse Nut” myself, I can attest to the desire to see all things new, cutting edge and wonderful in the horse industry. From better ways to use a traditional piece of tack I already own, to the most innovative and effective horsemanship ideas and techniques, to really discipline specific instruction, I want to be able to access it all! Getting to attend an event where so many varied clinicians, fellow horse lovers, and like-minded businesses and individuals gather at once energizes me. It inspires me. So, staying on top of what, and who, is new and outstanding in the horse world today definitely keeps me coming back to Horse Expo year after year. Horse Expo’s organizers truly bring the best of what is happening in the horse world to horse enthusiasts each year.

The who’s who of the horse industry in all the major disciplines are carefully curated for Horse Expo to bring us top notch clinicians to learn from, from all over the world, all under one roof. What this does at events such as this is gives us access to the best and most current information and knowledge on whatever it is we are interested in with horses, so we can take it all home to our own horses. Horse Expo happens to also be at a most advantageous time of year, being spring, when we are switching gears to get busy again doing things outdoors with our horses. What better time to be refreshed and inspired by one of your favourite clinicians in the horse world, or several, and, the best part, it is all included in one admission price. It is one of my favourite things to sit and steep myself in the learning that can take place by attending one of the many quality clinics at Horse Expo or the always

awe-inspiring Trainer’s Showdown. Of course you will find me doing all this learning while sipping a nice latte from Cheyenne Coffee, of course also on location!

Lastly, who doesn’t like to shop?! And even far better than that… for all things horse related!! From custom saddles, chaps and chinks, to the newest technologies in feed and equipment, to fancy horse trailers, innovative grooming products, clothing, boots, jewelry, art and so much more. I can find it all in the trade show at Horse Expo! There is truly so much good stuff from a fantastic and large selection of top notch vendors, and again, all conveniently curated for us under one roof. Whether you love hand-made goods, a custom hat, the right rope, the newest and best in saddle pads or matching sets of barrel racing tack in patterns that truly top all, it is really all there! The best part, you get to step out of the cold, into the huge heated trade show floor, and again, sip that latte, while perusing the latest in equine goods! The shopping budget in my household for the year is definitely allocated to Horse Expo’s expansive and impressive trade show.

So there you have it folks, the question has probably changed from why Horse Expo to how are you going to get there?! Then the next question is how will you divide up your time when you are there to ensure you get to see everyone and everything you want to while you are there!

Happy Trails and I hope to meet you for some much needed spring inspiration (and a latte) at Horse Expo Canada 2024!

Trainers Showdown Fashion Show Shopping Clinics And More! April 26 - 28, 2024 Westerner Park, Red Deer, AB 2024 LEGENDSEDITION Doug Mills Glenn Stewart Pat Parelli

The Alberta Donkey and Mule Club is very fortunate to have a local celebrity and WORLD CHAMPION in our membership. A very talented trainer, exceptional horsewoman and wonderful human being, Melissa Glowinski. Recently Melissa and her 8-year-old molly mule, Jessica Rabbit made the 40-hour drive south to Glenrose, Texas (south-west of Dallas) for the Extreme Cowboy Racing World Championships for the pair’s third time. This trip was special, though. For the first time, the organization has recognized the competitive application of the long-ear influence offering an open mule division. Let’s back this story up a bit to when Melissa first saw pictures of a long-yearling baby Jessica Rabbit on a Facebook ad having been seized from a neglective situation. The molly had been foaled from an Arabian mare and orphaned before she was 3 months old. Melissa bought her sight unseen.

This was not her first encounter with a long ear, however. Most lucky children’s first riding animal is a pony or a horse. Not Melissa! Her first was a young, white, standard jack donkey named Snowball that she and her dad, Kent Maerz, trained together. Many lessons learned; the experience influenced Melissa’s interest in colt starting as she grew and trained more youngsters.

With an eye to colt-starting competition, Melissa asked the advice of Canadian horsemanship and training icon, Johnathan Field, his advice on how to best prepare herself to be successful in this genre. Since colt-starting competition focuses a lot of obstacles, Johnathan suggested she try Extreme Cowboy Racing. The sport has been around roughly 20+ years created by Craig Cameron, who wanted to encourage the versatility of the working horse in a competition for all ages, breeds and locations. Extreme cowboy is not like “trail”, it is about speed and confidence of a horse and rider pair working together through obstacles that can include moving cattle, roping, gates, side pass, jumping, moguls, crossing bridges and SO MUCH MORE!

Perhaps a half-Arabian mule is not the obvious choice to be successful in such a busy and full arena, but Jessica Rabbit has become very confident in Texas. Melissa shared that every run, Jessica Rabbit went into the arena feeling relaxed, confident and game to tackle all the obstacles. “I want to win, but I never want to win by sacrificing my animal.” Spending the season focusing on gaining Jessica Rabbit’s confidence with the extensive variety of obstacles they may encounter was obviously the right plan of action as they came out with the 2023 EXCA World Finals Open Mule Division CHAMPION!

So, what’s next for this exceptional trainer and rider? If you’re guessing it involves another mule, you’re right! Crosshairs Bomb Dot Com aka Halo is a molly Appaloosa mule who will make her futurity debut in 2024. While Melissa and Jessica have no plans on slowing

Melissa Glowinski and Jessica Rabbit, Changing the Face of Extreme Cowboy Racing

down, they’re definitely having an influence on not only the sport of Extreme Cowboy Racing, but the local equestrian community. If you take a count of all the long ears at the facility where Melissa trains from, Sawatzky Equine Services, it’s remarkable how many you’ll find with aims to train not only in Extreme Cowboy Racing, but also English sports!

We wish Melissa and Jessica Rabbit more success in their future together and thank them for putting mules properly on the world stage as incredibly successful, capable partners.

Melissa and Jessica Jessica game face

Burwash equine hosts a first of its kind event, addressing critical shortages in canadian equine veterinary practice

Burwash Equine Services (Burwash Equine) of Cochrane Alberta recently hosted 60 veterinary students and vet tech students from across Canada at an event appropriately called Spotlight: Equine Vet Practice in Canada (Spotlight), an industry-leading weekend conference that highlights the positives of a career in Equine medicine.

With equine veterinarians representing only 4.9% of veterinarians in private practice, there is a critical shortage of veterinarians in Canada. By many accounts, the shortage of registered veterinary technologists (RVTs) is even more critical; there currently are not enough RVTs in the industry, and those coming out of school are being pushed away from equine practice and lead to pursue other veterinary sectors.

“Vet and vet tech students are often discouraged from pursuing a career in equine practice,” begins Dr. Crystal Lee, Equine Veterinarian and co-owner of Burwash Equine Services. “The shortage of veterinarians in Canada is becoming a major problem, and this shortage is acute to the equine field in particular. Spotlight is the first of its kind and I plan to host it every year at Burwash as my way of answering the call to highlight the positives of the career that I love for students.”

There were 14 industry partners and 27 veterinary clinics involved in sponsoring this innovative event January 13-14, 2024 in addition to the 50 helpers — veterinarians from across western Canada, vet techs from across Alberta, industry reps, and other friends of the industry — that helped make Dr. Lee’s vision a success.

“There were so many equine veterinarians and vet technicians from across western Canada that stepped up to help teach labs and to speak about a day in their lives,” continues Dr. Lee. “You could feel the excitement and passion for equine practice in every moment of this weekend!”

Thanks to generous sponsorship, the Spotlight event was completely funded so that there was no cost for students to attend, covering student’s hotel, flight, and fuel expenses. Attendees raved that it was an “amazing hands-on experience with excellent mentorship and teaching — the labs, lectures, and networking opportunities were something we could never have gotten at school, and it was so cool to meet students from across the country!”

2024 Hoof Trimming Clinics



May 23-26 Kindersley SK

May 30-Jun 2 Kaslo BC

Jun 06-09 Winlaw BC

Jun 13-16 Langley BC

Jun 20-23 Courtenay BC

Jun 27-30 Squamish BC

Jul 04-07

Jul 11-14

Jul 18-21

Jul 25-28

Aug 01-04

Aug 08-11

Enderby BC

Heffley Creek BC

Two Rivers BC

Grande Prairie AB

Langdon AB

Fort Saskatchewan AB

Aug 15-18 Balgonie SK

Burwash Equine’s vision is to deliver complete and compassionate equine healthcare by providing exceptional diagnostics and personalized care. Committed to excellence in the continued training of equine veterinarians and technicians, Burwash Equine is excited to host events that prepare up-and-coming equine professionals for a successful, well-rounded career in equine practice.

To learn more about Spotlight, visit:

No one gets remembered for the things they didn't do Becoming self-confident
“No one gets remembered for the things they didn't do” means that being scared isn't a reason not to do something. If I want to achieve something, I can't let fear hold me back. So,

I came to Chilcotin Holidays to learn to be a horseback guide, working with animals and learning all the new skills I could absorb.

In my first week of Guide School, I learned to pack and shoe horses, then on my week-long pack trip, I explored mountain trails, learned to make a fire and chop wood. The first time I tried shoeing a horse, I didn't know how I would ever be able to trim and nail on a shoe without the job taking several days, but within a few short weeks, I was excited by the task.

Over the next month, my skills at finding landmarks to navigate without a compass or GPS developed exponentially, I came to recognize familiar mountains and teach them to others. I taught new students the skills I had only learned a couple of weeks ago, and found a love of teaching I didn't know I possessed. Then, when I hadn't even been here a month, I was the assistant guide on a guest pack trip. I was worried I wasn't ready for this, and considered going back to the ranch early. But I didn't give up, I spent the weekend up in the mountains with the guests and discovered I was elated by this experience – it wasn't anything to be scared of.

When I returned to the ranch after this pack trip, I found I had developed from someone who was quiet and reserved to having the

• unlock your strengths and potentials

• horsemanship skills

• conservation and stewardship

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• horse shoeing, saddling and packing

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• start living a purposeful life

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confidence to interact with the guests and join in group conversations. I came back from the pack trip ready to go again, eager to share my knowledge of the area with whoever I could guide.

Taking the Guide Training at Chilcotin Holidays has given me the perfect environment to grow in confidence and face my fears. I have learned how to work with horses, guide guests and students through the mountains, drive a logging horse, run the chainsaw and organize schedules. But what I have really learned was the value of responsibility, initiative, determination and perseverance. I have learned not to give up and to face challenges with positivity and a willingness to develop as a person.

“All these things have given me the confidence to become the master of my own destiny."

Submitted by Chilcotin Holidays

Celebrating Grated Coconut the Life & Legacy of a Legendary Bucking Horse

The Calgary Stampede has lost a legend. G-65 Grated Coconut passed away peacefully earlier this year at home on the Stampede Ranch near Hanna, Alberta. The six-time World Champion and six-time Canadian Champion was a remarkable 27-year-old.

H"e was something special, both in and out of the rodeo arena. To have such a successful career, and then go on to be the foundation stallion of the Stampede’s herd. We will see his impact on the sport of rodeo for generations to come,” said Tyler Kraft, Manager of the Stampede Ranch and Stock Contracting operations.There is no question the big bay stallion was Born to Buck™. His mother, the Stampede’s Coconut Roll, was a 10-time National Finals Rodeo qualifier. His sire, the powerful Wyatt Earp, was twice selected as the Saddle Bronc Horse of the National Finals Rodeo. But their accolades cannot compare to the great Grated Coconut.

In a dominant first full rodeo season in 2002, Grated Coconut made his Canadian and National Finals Rodeo debut, and he never looked back. From 2003 to 2009, he was a force to be reckoned with, named both the World Champion and Canadian Champion Bareback Horse six times over seven years. Of the competitors who were able to match his moves for eight seconds, more than 30% ended up at the top of the leaderboard. An additional nearly 40% of riders found themselves somewhere in the money. Put simply, it paid to draw Grated Coconut.

The skilled bronc ruled the arena with his athleticism and competitive spirit, becoming arguably the most successful bucking horse in the history of professional rodeo to date. Retired at the top of his game in 2010, Grated Coconut was named to the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association Hall of Fame in 2012 and the ProRodeo Hall of Fame in 2020.

A fierce competitor in the arena, it was Grated Coconut’s nature to be gentle and patient outside of competition. While raised in a natural herd environment, he enjoyed engaging with the people around him.

“His personality was unbelievable. He

was such an athlete and so quiet. He loved to be around people,” said Ken (Goose) Rehill, Stampede Livestock Specialist. “I could walk up and he’d come to the fence to be scratched and talked to. You could do anything with him, lead him anywhere.”

Grated Coconut’s longevity is a testament to the care he received throughout his life at the Stampede Ranch and along the rodeo trail. His legacy speaks to his unique character, strength and spirit. Now, through his bloodlines, that legacy lives on with horses such as granddaughter Xplosive Skies, 2023’s Canadian and World Champion Saddle Bronc Horse.

Grated Coconut spent his final summer doing what he’d done each year since retirement. Surrounded by his youngest offspring, the next generation of Born to Buck™ athletes, he roamed and grazed the wide-open grasslands of the 23,000-acre Stampede Ranch under the bright blue Alberta sky. It is there where he will be laid to rest, forever remembered and honoured as truly one of the best.


Equine Foundation of Canada / George F. Wade

Memorial Scholarship Atlantic Veterinary College Scholarship Recipient

For centuries, Saint Dunstan's University, Prince of Wales College, and UPEI and its Atlantic Veterinary College, have been dedicated to providing students with life-changing opportunities; the chance to learn, grow, and be their best professionally and in their community.

Our university’s mission is only possible because of you and other generous individuals, foundations, and corporations that support our AVC students. This report is a very small way for your 2021 recipient to say thank you for helping them and caring about their AVC experience. Please know that everyone at the university is grateful for your support and confidence.

The information below was provided specifically for you by your student recipient!

Award Received: Equine Foundation of Canada / George F. Wade Memorial Scholarship Recipient: Anam Hamza

What year of study at AVC are you enrolled in?

Fourth year of study

Which professor or person has been your greatest inspiration and why?

My greatest inspiration within AVC has been Dr. Laurie McDuffee. I had the pleasure of conducting my Masters research under her supervision. She embodies patience and compassion when working with animals and has made special efforts to study animal behaviour and positive reinforcement training to optimize the welfare of the animals that she works with. She also is a strong, intelligent, hardworking and ambitious female large animal surgeon, which is extremely encouraging to see as a female looking to pursue large animal medicine. I hope to continue to learn from her throughout my time at AVC.

My greatest inspirations outside of AVC have been my parents. They immigrated from a foreign country with three children and very little to their name, in pursuit of a better life for us. They are the epitome of resilience and perseverance. Continuing to make them proud and validate their sacrifices is one of my biggest motivators. Other than completing your degree, what are your goals while you are a student here?

Other than completing my degree, I hope to learn as much as I can about equine medicine, outside of the science that we learn in vet school, as it is such a nuanced field. I hope to continue to improve my skills in leadership, teamwork, and communication. I also hope to build long lasting relationships with my friends and colleagues. Lastly, I hope to make a difference, even to just a few animals and clients, if I can. Do you volunteer and what extracurricular activities do you enjoy?

Prior to COVID, I was an active volunteer at the Upper Room

Hospitality Ministry and the PEI Humane Society, and I hope to return to these positions when my schedule allows. Prior to moving to the Island, I was a long-standing volunteer with the Canadian National Institute for the Blind as a vision mate to an elderly lady and a Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Currently, I find great joy in volunteering to care for the teaching horses as part of the Equine Club and facilitating communication between the AVCs Equine Club and the equine community on the Island. I also participate on the executive committee for my class, as the secretary and serve as a student liaison for the American Association of Equine Practitioners Student SubCommittee.

Here's a bit more about me…

Upon completion of my DVM, I will be moving to Calgary Alberta to complete an equine rotating internship at Moore Equine Veterinary Centre. I currently work as a student assistant in the large animal hospital, and that has solidified my desire to pursue large animal medicine (although I love small animal medicine as well!). I look forward to learning as much as I can about equine medicine so that I can one day provide the same level of care that I would want for my own horse! During my downtime, I love to spend time with my family, my horse Libby, and my dog Bruiser. I also love to read and am not picky when it comes to genre, although I do love a good mystery novel!

Donor Thank you letter

Dear Equine Foundation of Canada and the Estate of George F. Wade:

I would like to extend my sincerest gratitude to the awards committee for selecting me as the recipient for the Equine Foundation of Canada / George F. Wade Scholarship, and for the Equine Foundation of Canada and the Estate of George F. Wade for their continued support of future equine practitioners, especially during a time of such critical need in this field. I am incredibly grateful to have been chosen from a pool of such high caliber applicants and will continue to strive towards my goal of being a compassionate and knowledgeable equine practitioner, and advocate for my patients and their people!

This award will help me pursue new learning opportunities and initiatives, as I work toward beginning my internship next year and eventually my career as a Canadian equine practitioner. I hope to pursue a career in equine sports medicine and rehabilitation, as I have personally witnessed the impact this field can have on horses and their welfare.

I would like to thank my mentor Dr. Laurie McDuffee for encouraging my research endeavours and for epitomizing professionalism, dignity, and kindness in veterinary medicine. I hope to one day provide the same level of mentorship and guidance to the next generation of future veterinarians and continue to display the values and characteristics represented by this award.

Thank you again for this recognition!

Best, Anam


The 2023 Agricultural Societies Infrastructure Revitalization Program (ASIRP) is granting $2.5 million to 34 ag societies to update existing facilities like community halls, arenas and rodeo grounds. Modern buildings and amenities encourage community involvement and growth.

“Agricultural societies play a key role in improving rural communities and wellmaintained facilities support their continued success. With these funds, ag societies across Alberta will be able to expand programs and keep their spaces safe, modern and accessible. These facilities play an essential role in rural communities, offering residents and visitors opportunities to gather, build connections and engage with their neighbours.”


Sigurdson, Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation

Each year, Alberta’s government supports the work of agricultural societies through the ASIRP. Individual projects may receive funding between $10,000 and $100,000.

The most common types of facilities applied for under the program were arenas, curling rinks, community halls and grandstands. Some of the approved projects the funding will support include roof repairs, kitchen and bathroom renovations, window and door upgrades, and increasing accessibility.

“We’re pleased to see a strong uptake of this new capital grant by ag societies across Alberta. These facilities are gathering spaces for a range of activities, including farmer’s markets, rural fairs, team sports and rodeos. The facility upgrades that are now possible with this funding will immensely benefit rural communities.”

Agricultural Societies

“On behalf of the Madden Ag society, I would like to thank the provincial government

Building Better Agricultural Societies

Submitted by Alberta Agriculture and Irrigation

Agricultural societies play a significant role in the social life of Alberta towns, villages and rural communities. Throughout the year, they can be counted on to host community events from farmer’s markets and craft fairs to children’s programs and summer rodeos.

along with the Alberta Association of Agricultural Societies for their financial support to help maintain and enhance our wonderful community centre. This funding makes it possible to both replace the flooring in our commercial kitchen as well as upgrade our curling rink with newer energy-saving liners to help reduce operating costs and improve the overall quality of the ice.”

- Dustin Helm, president, Madden & District Agricultural Society

Alberta’s government will continue to support agricultural societies through

the Agricultural Societies Infrastructure Revitalization Program in 2024, with the intake opening later this year.


• Alberta has 291 agricultural societies, the most in Canada.

• Alberta’s agricultural societies own or operate more than 900 facilities and host more than 37,000 activities and events per year.

• The oldest agricultural societies date back to 1879, predating the province.

FRIDAY, MAY 3 2:00 p.m. Preview of Driving Horses 4:00 p.m. Tack Auction to start 5-6 p.m. Social & Supper 6:30-8:30 p.m. Tack Auction SATURDAY, MAY 4 8:30 a.m. Tack Auction to start 1:00 p.m. Horses sell followed by miscellaneous tack, wagons & equipment 28th Annual Sale MAY 3-4, 2024 Some of our ENTRIES WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE SALE For Information Contact: Barb Stephenson, Sale Secretary E-mail 403-933-5765 (8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.) or visit: Additional Contact: Bob Lewis: 403-559-7725 INVITES CONSIGNMENTS OF Horse Drawn Equipment, Harness, Tack, Shoes, etc; Purebred, Crossbred & Grade Draft Horses; Draft Mules & Mammoth Jacks WE WILL BE OFFERING ONLINE BIDDING Stay tuned to the website as more information becomes available. Cow Palace, Agricultural Fairgrounds, Olds, Alberta

The Problem

If the horse is not “through the back,” his back is tight and rigid. The rib cage tends to be narrow instead of expanded, and the back is usually dropped instead of raised. The gaits are uncomfortable to sit in this case. There's no wave-like swinging motion, but instead, it feels more like a jackhammer. If the horse is not through the back he is generally either inverted or the neck is short.

Horses can go with their head down and a round neck, but without having a connection from back to front and to the reins. It feels like there's nothing in your hands because the back isn’t transmitting the impulses that are coming from the hind legs.

The Goal

For me when the horse is moving through the back, it means that the back and the withers are raised and the ribcage expands and fills my leg and seat. I feel the energy flowing from the hind legs through the back and along the whole top line to the bit and then back. It is like a stream of water or electricity that flows from the hind legs along the spine that you receive in your hands with a connection also in the other direction. If you close your fingers on the reins you can send impulses into all four legs. There is a back-to-front connection, a front-to-back connection, a left-to-right connection, and a right-to-left connection. The energy has to be able to reach every corner of the body without skipping any part of it, and without exiting somewhere. There's also a top-down connection from my body, my weight, through the horse's legs into the ground. The movement of the horse's back feels like it's swinging up and down, like a wave that you can ride.

Once you have felt it you know what I'm describing and you will never forget it. It leaves a very powerful impression. As the hind leg

“Through the back” is one of those things that means different things to different people. I often get the feeling that to many competition judges, it just means that the horse’s head is down with a round neck. But there is actually much more to it.

pushes the horse into the suspension phase of the trot, the horse's body lifts up. His pelvis, back and withers move up and forward which creates a wave that lifts the rider. Upon landing after the suspension phase, the horse will descend again and the rider swings down together with the horse’s back. Next time you ride, try to feel the wave of the horse’s back swinging up and down and try to accommodate it so that you're synchronized with it.

This swinging connection is not something that is automatically present all the time. It's something that needs to be created by removing blockages and patching up leaks so that the energy circuit can be established and the back is able to move freely in all directions. Once you have established it, it’s not guaranteed for life. For instance, if the horse loses balance, he will brace his legs against the ground and his back against the rider, and the supple, swinging motion disappears. Or if the horse suddenly gets scared and tense, he will brace his neck and tighten his back. The better trained the horse is, the more advanced he is, the more reliable this connection through the back will become.

How to Achieve It


Lifting the withers is the result of the engagement and flexion of the hind legs and the abdominal muscles engaging at the same time.

The first step is to bring the inside hind leg more under the body. Enlarging the circle, shoulder-fore, or shoulder-in are excellent tools for this.

The next step is to flex this hind leg by riding a turn, corner, volte, or a turn on the haunches. Half halts and down transitions work as well. Flexing the hind leg and supporting the body mass is followed


by extending its joints and pushing again. If the grounded hind leg is out behind the body, it can only push it forward onto the forehand, but it can’t lift it up, and the back will drop as a consequence. If the hind leg touches down close enough to the centre of gravity, it can lift the body up in such a way that the back and the withers lift up as well.


In order for the horse to be able to lift his back and withers the rider may have to make a little room with her seat. If the seat is static it will push the horse’s back down towards the ground as a result of gravity. This makes it more difficult for the horse to lift his back than is necessary, and horses with a weak back may not be able to do it at all.

The rider can make the horse’s job much easier by semi-actively accommodating the upward motion of the horse’s back with her seat. The reason is that when the horse’s abdominal muscles contract to pull the hind leg forward, they lift the back at the same time. So if we ask the hind leg to take a bigger step we need to allow the back to rise higher. Otherwise, the horse’s back bumps into the bottom of our pelvis like a ceiling and has to drop back down again, which cuts the stride of the hind leg short.

When you watch horses move you can see that horses whose neck is elevated too much and whose back is dropped, usually step short behind. This is a bit of a chicken-and-egg situation. If the hind legs step short, the back will collapse under the weight of the rider, and the neck will lift up with a contracted top line. Or, conversely, if the rider sits too heavily on a weak back and/ or artificially elevates the head and neck with her hands, the back collapses and the hind legs are prevented from engaging.

Only when the back and withers are lifted and the top line is stretched, can the hind legs engage optimally (and vice versa).


In the sitting trot you can create space under your pelvis in such a way that you're swinging a little higher than you normally would in the sitting trot, but not as high as in the rising trot. You may have to support yourself more with the insides of your knees for a step or two and use the momentum of the horse’s back to create a little air pocket under your seat. If the horse has enough impulsion, he will lift his back

higher and stay in touch with your seat. The hind leg will engage more as a result as well. If your seat loses touch with the saddle, you can apply a driving aid with your inside lower leg or touch the horse with the whip on the inside when the inside hind leg is in the air to increase the engagement of the inside hind leg and the lifting of the back and withers. When it works you feel like you're swinging up, but you are not leaving the saddle because the saddle is coming with you and the horse's back is lifting into it.

This can become a game. How much can I lift my pelvis without losing touch with the horse’s back and with the saddle? Can I get the horse to lift his back more by making room and driving? Explore that. How much can I rise? How much do I need to rise? Do I need to drive or not? When you consistently create this little space underneath your seat every time you drive, the horse will connect the dots and respond to a lightening of the seat by engaging his hind legs more and increasing his energy output. Then you get the effect of a driving aid, but without driving, merely by creating space.

You can explore this on simple arena patterns, like a 20m circle, or whole-school, or even on a trail ride. Once you get the feel for it, you can apply it in all the lateral movements as well. Depending on whether you accentuate the upward swing when the inside or outside hind leg is in the air, you can increase the reach of one individual leg. In lateral movements, this means you can accentuate either the sidestepping aspect or the forward aspect of the movement.

What goes up must come down. After you have created more space under your seat to encourage the horse to reach farther under the body with a hind leg, you could accentuate the downward motion with your seat for a stride or two in order to flex the joints of this hind leg more.

The same principle can be applied in the canter as well. You can make the horse’s canter bigger and rounder by increasing the upward motion of your pelvis here and there when the outside hind leg is on the ground and the forehand lifts up. I wouldn’t do it every stride, otherwise, it gets too noisy, but you can do it two strides in a row, and then stay passive for a couple of strides, and repeat it as needed. You may have to add a driving aid here and there to create a bigger jump.


The swinging movement and energy connection that are the result of a horse working properly through the back create a feeling you will never forget. Choose exercises and arena patterns that encourage the horse to engage and flex his hind legs, and remember to use your seat in a dynamic way that supports the horse’s movement, so that he is able to lift his back, engage his hind legs, flex his hind legs, and push off again with them in a forward-upward direction.

15 APRIL 2024 SADDLEUP.CA • NOW OFFERING SAWDUST DELIVERY Caleb 250-463-1132 or Josh 250-833-2507 Serving the Okanagan and Shuswap Contact us for all your equine disposal needs, including manure and bedding! Caleb 250-463-1132 or Josh 250-833-2507 Serving the Okanagan and Shuswap

Canadian Thoroughbred Horse Society (Alberta Division)

CTHS (Alberta Division) is pleased to announce the 2025 Foal Incentive Maiden

and Open Mare Program

This program is for Maiden and Open Mares bred in 2024 for foals of 2025. Current CTHS (AB) Full Members with registered Thoroughbred mares that have not foaled in either 2023 and/or 2024 will be eligible for funding of $2,500 if sired by a Thoroughbred stallion standing in Alberta and $1,500 if sired by an out of province Thoroughbred stallion. The breeder of the resulting Alberta bred foal will be paid upon proof of registration of the Alberta bred foal with The Jockey Club and CTHS National office. Deadline for submitting copies of the completed foal registration certificates (Jockey Club and Canadian) is December 1, 2025.

All yearlings from this program are eligible for the 2026 Alberta Thoroughbred Sale with the cost of the sale entry fee covered by the CTHS (Alberta Division). Breeders will be responsible for the Sale Stake In fee of $100 (and the $200 Out fee if unsold).

Mares must be registered, and an application approved by the CTHS (Alberta Division) office prior to foaling. The deadline for approval to this program for 2025 is August 1, 2024. Each mare is only eligible once for this program. A maximum of 30 mares will be accepted into the program. Members may submit multiple applications to the program, but a maximum of two applications will be paid out to each applying CTHS Member. Each individual CTHS member will have priority over any member's second mare application. Application priority will be based on the date received by the CTHS (Alberta Division) office. If the program is undersubscribed, unused funds from the Foal Incentive funding will be added to the Breeders’ Bonus and distributed to all breeders.

All applicants must be CTHS full members in good standing for both 2024 and 2025 and prior to each of the program deadline dates in order to be approved into the program. This program cannot be

combined with any current CTHS or HBPA program. The CTHS reserves the right to deny any application it deems not in the best interest of CTHS (Alberta Division).

Visit the CTHS Alberta website at for further information.

It Pays to Breed Alberta Breds!

Breeders of Alberta bred Thoroughbreds had exciting opportunities to share in the winnings of their racehorses through the Breeders’ Bonus which was over half a million dollars in 2023! Horse Racing Alberta’s Breeding Support totals $538,110 in 2023 and has now been distributed through the Thoroughbred Breed Improvement Program to qualifying breeders. The bonus is based on horses of all ages foaled in Alberta placing win, place and show in all sanctioned races in Alberta having a minimum $9,000 purse and where entered at or above a minimum $6,250 claiming price. This year’s bonus is 21.36% of the earnings of all races held at Alberta racetracks in 2023.

Congratulations to all the recipients of the Breeders’ Bonus for the 2023 race season. The following are the top five leading Alberta breeders by Breeders’ Bonus earnings.

Pierre Esquirol is the top breeder this season with a total Breeders’ Bonus earned of $48,941. The leading runner bred by Esquirol was the It’s No Joke filly, NO MORE JO KING. The 3-year-old won a Maiden Special Weight and an Allowance Optional Claiming races to finish the season with a record of 8-2-2-0. Other Esquirol bred runners include the Red Diamond Express Handicap winner, Jeff Fa Fa, Pacheco, Lanny Mac, Pump the Brakes, E Pay All The Way, Goldie Socks, Kulsum, Keepmeinpower, Sassy Miss Elliott, Golden Fortynine, Pull the Pin, Ynotgiveitago, Flashing Joker and Distorted Rose.

Bar None Ranches Ltd. earned second spot with a total Breeders’ Bonus of $47,679 led by their homebred runner, BRYNN’S DREAM. The Gayego 3-year-old filly placed in the $50,000 Alberta Oaks and completed the season with a record of 8-0-5-1. Bar None Ranches Ltd. bred runners Stolen Jewel, Go Mama, Perdition, I Said Quiet, Silverfoot, Wish on a Star, Doc Cope, Monopolize, Boss Man Can, Out Front, Chatty Gal, Duke of Dewinton, Dramatic Flair, Count on It, Perpetual Bliss and Papichulo all contributed earnings toward the Bar None Ranches breeders bonus.

Third on the Breeders’ Bonus list is Stone Ranches with a bonus earned of $43,214. The leading runner bred by Stone Ranches is the 2-year-old ITSALLGOODMAN. The Speightster gelding won both the $100,000 CTHS Sales Stakes and the Alberta Premier’s Futurity. He also placed second in the black type Canadian Juvenile Stakes and third in the Martin Deerline Juvenile Stakes to finish the season with an impressive record of 5-3-1-1. The Alberta breds Bootiful Rose, Social Cues and Mohamad all helped Stone Ranches earn their breeders’ bonus.

Chalet Stable is fourth with a total Breeders’ Bonus earned of $21,954. The 2022 Champion Alberta 2-year-old BIG HUG earned Chalet Stable their bonus with wins in the $50,000 Chariot Chaser Handicap, the $50,000 CTHS Sales Stake and the $50,000 Alberta Oaks. The Mr. Big filly finished the 2023 season with a record of 8-3-3-1. H K RAPPER


was the leading earner for breeder Kerry Wilson who earned a 2023 Breeders’ Bonus of $20,171. The Singing Saint runner won a Maiden Special Weight race and went on to win the $50,000 Beaufort Stakes to finish the season with a record of 8-2-3-1. Singing Bell and H K Melody also contributed earnings toward qualifying Kerry Wilson for fifth spot on the leading Breeders’ Bonus earners list.

Alberta breeders have the potential to earn big rewards through the success of Thoroughbreds they have bred. Remember, your Best Bet is an Alberta Bred!

Full details of the Horse Racing Alberta Breed Improvement Program may be found on the CTHS (Alberta Division) website at www.cthsalta. com.

17 APRIL 2024 SADDLEUP.CA • servingProudlyprofessional farriers & horse owners since 1982! 403-252-1661 #3, 343 Forge Road SE, Calgary, AB T2H 0S9

Your Vaccination Program may be Impacted by Climate Change

Have you noticed bug season starting earlier and finishing later? Have changes in the weather caused more standing water in your paddocks? If you answered yes to these questions and wonder how climate change may impact your horses, not to mention your vaccination program, read on!

Each year, Equine Guelph declares March as Vaccination Education Month. Before the vector borne diseases get their wings, it is a good time to visit the Vaccination Equi-Planner (TheHorsePortal. ca/VaccinationTool) kindly sponsored by Zoetis. The interactive healthcare tool helps you start the conversation with your veterinarian by exploring what a customized immunization schedule looks like for your horse.

“Vaccination is an incredible tool for enhancing a horse’s level of protection against infectious disease. Zoetis' portfolio of equine vaccines can be tailored to meet the needs of YOUR horse, with products providing coverage against core and risk-based diseases in a range of convenient formats designed to elicit optimal levels of protection," says Tamara Quaschnick, DVM, Veterinary Services Manager, Zoetis. "Your veterinary care team can help you best utilize this tool, ensuring that your horse is getting the right coverage at the right time.”

Core vaccines usually include vaccines that protect against fatal diseases. For example: tetanus, Eastern equine encephalitis, rabies and West Nile virus.

West Nile virus is spread by mosquitos. It is fatal in 30% of horses showing neurological signs of the disease. Survivors can have residual neurological deficits for months or can be permanently disabled.

If you are in an area experiencing extra rainfall or flooding, you have the perfect storm for increased mosquito populations. Having a pond on the property is excellent from an emergency preparedness standpoint but it should factor into your vaccination plan as well. With global warming, mosquitos are arriving sooner and sticking around longer. What used to be April vaccinations are turning into February and March immunization plans in some areas to get ahead of the pesky blood suckers. Veterinarians are more often recommending a booster every 4–6 months.

Tetanus is a growing concern as the frequency of windy storms increases. Debris blowing into your horse pastures or bringing down tree branches are just a few more ways your curious partner can cut themselves. Tetanus is caused when a wound becomes infected with the organism clostridium tetani, which is commonly present in soil. Tetanus is hard to treat but vaccination is highly effective providing protection from this disease.

The sharp rise in wildfires affects not only your emergency planning but also your vaccination strategies. When wildfires rage, forest dwellers run! The displacement of wild animals can result in an increased chance your horse will happen upon a rabid critter. In Canada, the most common wild animals to transmit rabies to domestic animals or humans are foxes, skunks, racoons and bats. The virus is found in saliva and transmitted to other animals and people typically

Consider how your vaccination program may change. Photo Credit: Istock.

by a bite. Rabies is among the core recommended vaccines due to the deadliness of this disease affecting the nervous system, but it is easily prevented by annual vaccination.

The Vaccination Equi-Planner ( VaccinationTool) also covers the importance of planning vaccinations well ahead of travel plans to ensure horses have had the time to build up immunity, protecting them against diseases they may encounter. Depending on the vaccine used, you will want to schedule at least 2-4 weeks out from the shipping date. Making sure your horses are appropriately vaccinated for the place to which they are travelling is important as well.

Finally, don’t forget the horses at home will still require protection from the returning herd, especially if they co-mingle with horses that frequently travel. A travelling horse can be completely asymptomatic and still transmit disease to the home team, so a combination of biosecurity protocol and vaccination for all those likely to be exposed is the best defense.

Last but certainly not least, your veterinarian is the best source of information for diseases that are endemic to your area. With equine herpes virus and strangles making the news on disease alert pages everywhere, it is more important than ever to obtain the risk-based vaccines to reduce the chances of your horse getting sick. Information in Vaccination Equi-Planner ( provides guidelines only and should never replace information from your veterinarian.

Learn more about simple ways to keep your horse healthy with short online courses available at

Equine Guelph is the horse owners' and caregivers' centre at the University of Guelph in Canada. It is a unique partnership dedicated to the health and well-being of horses, supported and overseen by equine industry groups. Equine Guelph is the epicentre for academia, industry and government - for the good of the equine industry as a whole. For further information, visit


Kids... What Are You Doing With Your Horse?

It's your turn to tell us about YOU!

It's all about the kids!

Hi! My name is Hayley and this is my lease horse Shadow! We train at Northside Stables in Port Coquitlam. We are learning how to walk, trot and canter (on the correct lead) as well as jumping, and are hoping to do my first hunter jumper horse show this spring!!

- Hayley, age 9, Port Coquitlam BC

My name is Jasmine. I am six years old. I love horses, rabbits, cats, and dogs, and all other creatures. I play with the horses every day. Here I am being Zorro in the field with my horse River (a rescue). Behind us is River’s best friend Sage. She’s an older horse that I ride by myself. River is still too young to be ridden. He is still a baby but hopefully I will be OK to ride him this summer. He loves playing with me and follows me everywhere. He is kind of like a dog.

- Jasmine, age 6, Falkland BC

WhereKIDS!Are You? This Could Be You!!

Send in ONE photo with a caption (no more than 40 words). Include your first name, age, city/province. Photos will be printed on a space availability basis. Email to with the subject line “KIDS”


Tip of the Month - Lover Dog or a ‘Yeah but’?

As a ‘custom care’ dog boarding kennel I provide, well, custom care, which includes

one care, exercise and interaction at all times of the day, with each dog.

Iget to meet and interact with many doganalities and it has come to my attention that whether or not we want to give our dog personal hands-on love and attention… not all dogs want or appreciate close touch or interaction. Unfortunately, many such dogs get labelled because of their ‘yeah but’ temperament.

My dog Sally for instance, she loves to play with a person but when it comes to being pet or touched or loved on, she’s just very aloof and not all that keen – she will gently just slink away if I don’t pay attention to her preference. I have to respect that. When I give her the space she needs, often she’ll quietly reposition herself at my feet or give my hand a light touch of love, bump my leg when we walk or give a big calm sigh as she sleeps beside my office chair. Many elderly dogs are extremely sensitive to touch whether they have thin skin, hot spots, skin tags (usually almost invisible) are arthritic or just plain body sore from age. Even if your dog has once been a real lover and has over time become grouchy when touched, respect that!

If you can think of times when you were hurting or even had a bad headache, often we don’t want to be messed with while we are physically uncomfortable – we can ask people to give us space or leave us be for the time being, but dogs – all they have is body language. Are you observing your dog’s body language or are you pushing yourself on your dog regardless, without actually understanding if your dog enjoys the touch and interaction? Just like us, some dogs are naturally more affectionate than others and, like us that should be totally okay! In some cases it may be the way you touch that is too grabby, strong or too light, like a tickle. Sometimes it’s the place that you touch, whether it’s a dog’s boney head and ears or less sensitive chest, rump or belly. Many people ‘manslap’ their dogs until one day that dog says “I love you but… I don’t like that!”

So, what are different body language messages for… “Yeah, I love you… but… I’d prefer you didn’t get that affectionate, that close or touch me that way?”

Slinking lowering their body

Tucking tail

Freeze frame stance (like bracing themselves)

Dashing away

Shivering (when they are not cold)

Laying in a tight ball

Ears flat

Showing whites of eyes

Dropping their head or moving it away from your hand


Did You Know?

a Great Dane in Michigan holds the Guinness World Record for World's Tallest Dog clocking in at 44 inches (3.7ft). A Blood Hound is so adept at scent tracking that their trailing results can be used as evidence in a court of law.


Pet Central

EVERYTHING PETS (Princeton BC) 250-295-7381 Quality Foods & Supplies for all your Pets! See us on Facebook. 325

HARMONY FARM KENNEL AND, Monte Lake BC, 250-375-2528. “Custom Care” boarding welcomes ALL dogs! 325

Do you offer a dog service or training business? Sell pet feeds and supplies? You can advertise here! Prices start at only $250 per year (11 issues). Call 1-866-546-9922 or e-mail

Canine Capers


almost 2 years old, and is both smart and funny. It’s like we have a furry four-legged comedian living in our house. She’s a total

Tell us the dog’s name, breed, and up to 50 words about him/her. We will print your first name (or initials) and your city/province.

Photos will be printed on a first come first serve basis.

For more information on any of these events go to unless another website is provided



5-7 AAC AGILITY TRIAL, Pitt Meadows BC




12-14 AC AGILITY TRIAL, Abbotsford BC


13-14 AAC AGILITY TRIAL, Kelowna BC,


19-20 FIELD DOG TESTS / FIELD TRIAL for Pointing Breeds, Princeton BC

20-21 ARMSTRONG STOCK DOG SHOWDOWN, Armstrong BC, 778-208-7513 or 250-936-9899,


20-21 UKI AGILITY TRIAL, Abbotsford BC





26-28 AAC AGILITY TRIAL, Abbotsford BC


27 AAC FUN MATCH, Pitt Meadows BC









Do you have a WORKING DOG EVENT coming up?

Let us know! Call 1-866-546-9922 or email

Your ad could be here contact


Founded as a national charity in 1980, the Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association will be celebrating 45 years of service to member programs in every province across Canada, with a national Conference in 2025.

CanTRA programs promote achievement, empowerment, and challenge for children and adults with disabilities, through partnership with the horse.

Over 60 member centres across Canada provide high quality therapeutic, recreation, life skills and sport programs, serving thousands of children and adults with a wide range of disabilities, both physical and cognitive. These programs are supported by thousands of community volunteers and made possible by the interactive POWER OF THE HORSE.

CanTRA was a founding member of, Horses in Education and Therapy International (HETI), and is recognized internationally as the only governing body for therapeutic riding in

Canada. The membership embraces both CanTRA certified Therapeutic Riding Instructors from basic to senior levels, and also includes Physiotherapists (PT), Occupational Therapists (OT), Speech Language Pathologists (SLP), family physicians, social workers and other registered therapists. All applicants are referred to programs by their family physician, pediatrician, or therapist.

The majority of CanTRA member centres focus on therapeutic riding to provide physical benefits, recreation, socialization, and sport opportunities. Some programs may also offer hippotherapy services, a specialized accredited form of physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy, that combines the unique movement of the horse and its effect on the client's neuromuscular responses, with medically based therapeutic interventions.

In addition, centres may provide life skills training, rehabilitation activities, co-op placements and employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Many therapists and other medical processionals volunteer their time with CanTRA and with individual programs, providing professional

Haley V then

consultation and support to the certified therapeutic riding instructors, ensuring excellence in service delivery.

Many children, and especially teenagers and adults, become isolated due to their disabilities, often by not being included in social community programs, and experiencing a sense of belonging.

CanTRA member centres offer the opportunity for inclusion into an empowering environment, whether this provides riding or interacting with a horse on the ground in a grooming program, or an Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) team building and personal development program.  The success of all these multifaceted programs is the POWER OF THE HORSE - combined with the training and excellent certification of the instructors.

The photos included with this article represent the story of hundreds of young people in CanTRA centres across Canada. Children for whom a riding program is considered beneficial by their family physician, pediatrician, or therapist, may be accepted into the program at three years of age and continue into adulthood.

Haley V began riding at four years old, and is now 25 years old, having also completed a high school co-op program at a CanTRA centre, is now a part of a vibrant Life Skills  program. Haley is an example of so many young people who are reaching their own individual full potential at CanTRA programs across Canada.

For further information or to learn about Instructor Certification:

Armstrong Enderby Riding Club News

The Armstrong Enderby Riding Club would like to introduce our 2024 Board of Directors:

Kirbi Kozek - President

Lauri Meyers - Vice President/Treasurer

Em Stobbe - Secretary/Executive Director

Directors: Patti Thomas, Alana Vos-Lindsay, Vienna Meyers, Kathy Mydske, Ky Turner, and Pat Peebles (Youth Director)

Junior Council: Ky Turner, Grace Peebles, and Anna Peebles

Time for a change; it was decided that the Club needed an updated logo; so a contest was proposed, we asked members to submit their ideas for a new Club logo. So many great ideas were sent in. It wasn’t an easy decision, but in our March meeting we voted on each submission; our lucky logo winner is Alana Vos-Lindsay. Alana won a credit toward any event of our 2024 season. Congratulations Alana!

This year we are offering 3 Schooling shows with 3 corresponding clinics, held the day before each show. Dates for our events are April 2728, June 1-2, and September 28-29. Ride both days or just one, Saturday’s clinic, haul in and evening Socials, Sunday’s show day with games and prizes at every show.

Our June show is the second annual Donna Ruth Memorial Show in partnership with BC Paint Horse. High Point awards for AREC and BCPHC Divisions. Donna Ruth Open Trail Stake Buckle and Open Walk/ Trot Trail Buckle added. You can sign up for both Show and Clinic, or just one. We also will be offering camping on the Saturday night, with a potluck social in the evening. We will update our Facebook page and website with event particulars;

Donna Ruth

Alberta Donkey and Mule Club

Congratulations to Saddle Up Magazine's new owners! The Alberta Donkey and Mule Club (ADMC) is excited for the publication to return to distribution and for the new features in the works.

Thankfully, winter is almost over (or so the calendar says!). It seems that every time I've put skis on my carts, I'm taking them off the following week.

The ADMC has been busy organizing activities for the 2024 season. We're kicking things off at the Red Deer Horse Expo in April. Looking forward to seeing you there! Swing by our booth and come say "Hi" to our long ears at our daily demos.

Our biggest event of this year is our fundraising casino. We have an event benefitting the ADMC at Pure Casino, Edmonton May 28 and 29 and we need volunteers to help run it! Thankfully we've had a number of supporters already step forward but we do still have shifts to fill. Please reach out if you're able to help - even if it means travelling (we can help with that). You can contact

We've been working on a collaborative show weekend with the

Northern Lights Chapter of the Alberta Carriage Driving Association to bring you a Combined Driving and Open Show weekend on June 1 and 2 in Rich Valley. Prize lists are completed and are available both on our website and our Facebook page. Just search Alberta Donkey and Mule Club. Saturday, June 1 the Northern Lights club will run a driving show including classes for ground driving. Because of the collaboration, highest placing long ears will be recognized in every class and a championship belt buckle is also up for grabs! Sunday is our annual open, fun show and more long ears belt buckles up for grabs! This is a great event for green animals or people who aren't sure if showing is for them. Show attire is not necessary; training aids are acceptable. The goal is to have loads of fun, safely! And you don't have to have a long ears to participate, it's just way more fun if you do!

Volunteers are always greatly appreciated at all our events. Can't have a donkey or mule of your own? Come enjoy ours with us.

Want to get involved with long ears in your area? We'd love to help you out! Funding opportunities are available! More information is on the website

100 Mile & District Outriders

2024 executive:

President - Danita McLaren

Vice President - Emily Swalwell

Treasurer - Kathy Reid

Secretary - Kirsten Hawes

Director - Cristy Mellott

Director - Michael Kidston

Director - Bobbi-Jo Dayman

Director - Cecilia Warren

We held our first Ranch Show in 2023 and it was such a huge success we are going to bring it back this year. Ranch riding is really gaining traction in BC and we are exited to bring more showing options to the South Cariboo! We will be doing a lot of fundraising, hosting many events, looking for sponsorships, and working on grant applications in an attempt to save enough money to replace at least some of the old bleachers and reinforce the facilities so we can continue to host rough stock events and of course our other regular events.

Events Coming

2nd Annual Ranch Show June 1, 2024

Gymkhana series with the Interlakes Horse Club Fundraiser Dance

3 General Performance Shows

Halloween Fun Day


Canadian Cowboy Challenge

It is well into spring and I hope all are off to a great start for the 2024 Challenge season. The Canadian Cowboy Challenge Association (CCC) started off the year with our AGM on January 21, 2024 at 10 a.m. via Zoom. There were 28 in attendance. The minutes of the 2023 AGM minutes were read, Treasurer’s report was given, audit of the 2023 finances was set up, review was done of the 2023 Challenge season, 2024 Challenge season was discussed, and the election of directors was conducted.

The 2024 Board of Directors are… returning for their second year: Al Bignell (President), Hans Kollewyn, Sabra Roth (Treasurer, Saskatchewan [S]), Melissa Deveau, Adrien Deveau, Denton Keith (VicePresident), Will Gough (S), and Karen LeVoir. Letting their name stand for another two year term: Alana Eaton and Eric Frogley (Secretary). Newly elected: Brian Hill, Judy Hill, Murray Buxton, Louise Saunders (S), Lucy Davey (S), and Missy Zarubisk (S). Not letting their names stand for another term are Janet Goltz and Cheryl Sawatzky. The CCC would like to extend a big THANK YOU to the both of you for your contributions to the CCC. The first board meeting was held on February 12, 2024 via Zoom.

Next on the agenda for the CCC was a Judges’ Conference held on March 3, 2024 via Zoom. In attendance were Al Bignell, Hans Kollewyn, Janet Goltz, Leane Buxton, Melissa (Missy) Zaruriak, and Laverne Schmidt as judges and Eric Frogley and Denton Kieth who are part of the CCC executive. First item on the agenda was to update the CCC’s Guide to Judging. There were many discussions around what a CCC judge is looking for and should be looking for. As an example, how well the rider and horse (the ‘team’) work together in their entry, execution, and exit of an obstacle. Another discussion regarding speed while executing an obstacle. As an example, carrying a calf should be done at a walk, while dragging a log can be done at a trot. Or the execution of the garrocha pole can be done at a lope but at the entry the team must be stopped to pick up the pole. Scoring the transition from a stop to a lope can vary depending on how well it is performed. It was a productive conference as everyone participated in the discussions and indicated the conference was productive. The conference duration was just over 3 hours.

In preparation for the spring, Alana had a plan of action for the winter of 2024. She indicated that “This winter I decided to focus on basics with George. I took my spurs off and went back to riding in a snaffle. My goal is to lighten up aids and get him to be softer and more responsive. I actually ride with a dressage coach and she is helping me to work on smooth transitions between gaits, correct bend on circles and straightness in maneuvers like leg yield, side pass and backup. With the mild winter we are also getting lots of outdoor riding in, and finding lots of natural obstacles to play with on the trails.” Alana rides an aged gelding but I find that what Alana did going back to the basics and a snaffle bit prepares “the team” for success for the upcoming Challenge season.

You can check out the CCC website for the list of confirmed Challenge dates and Play Days.

Ride safe and enjoy the experience!

Alana riding George CCC finals 2023 in Stettler (Photo by Alana) Denton at Stettler Finals

IThe Back Country

n 1989, in Langley BC, a small group of equine enthusiasts were sitting around Jim and Marilyn McCrae’s kitchen table with the intent of forming what would become the Back Country Horsemen Society of British Columbia (BCHBC). While riding the Pacific Crest Trail, Jim had learned of a group called Back Country Horsemen of America (BCHA), which was founded in Montana 1973.

BCHA’s members were trail riders, but this was not your typical riding club. BCHA was (and still is) a volunteer-driven organization that worked hard to protect equestrians’ right to ride on public lands, did trail building and maintenance, education, community collaboration, environmental stewardship, and more. It now has about 13,000 members in 30 states. McCrae felt that a similar group was needed in BC.

With McCrae as the driving force, BCHBC became an official society in 1991 and now has over 1,000 members in 19 chapters across British Columbia.

Fast forward to 2024, and a handful of like-minded folks across Alberta are sitting at computers, attending Zoom meetings, with Brian Marriott, Past President of BCHBC, leading the charge.

During his tenure as President of BCHBC (2021-2022), Marriott noticed that the organization had about 30 members from Alberta. He felt that there was also a need in Alberta for a united voice to keep the wilderness open to equestrians.

Being located near the provincial boundary in Cranbrook BC, and being the founder of the East Kootenay chapter of BCHBC, Marriott had many connections with backcountry riding enthusiasts in Alberta. And the power of social media helped expand his network even more. In early 2024, his persistence to launch BCH in Alberta paid off. Kevin Van Kleemput of Czar Alberta, agreed to participate by starting a Facebook group and helping with some of the initial set-up. Terri Perrin, of High River, stepped up as interim secretary. Perrin had been a BCHBC member for 12 years and had considerable knowledge of the organization and administration skills to share.

The Facebook group launched on January 18, using the name

Back Country Horsemen of Alberta. It wasn’t long before the founders realized that the acronym, BCHA, could be confused with BCH of America. So, the operating name was changed to Alberta Back Country Horsemen (ABCH).

The response to the Facebook group was astounding. By mid-March, the group had surpassed 2,500 followers. Note that Facebook calls them members, but ABCH is not accepting memberships yet, so they are considered followers.

“We now have 11 volunteer interim directors diligently working at finalizing documents to apply for official society status,” adds Marriott. “It’s important to mention that we would never be as far along in the process if it wasn’t for the amazing support we’ve received from BCHBC. They’ve shared their constitution and bylaws, liability waivers, and more. They allowed us to use their logo, so there is consistency in the BCH brand in Canada. And giving up their space in Saddle Up Magazine this month, so we could tell our story, is further demonstration of their support.

“BCHBC and ABCH will be completely separate non-profit societies. However, we believe that being associated with the Canadian BCH brand speaks to the spirit of collaboration that will be the foundation on which this new organization will be built,” adds Marriott.

For insurance purposes, just as BCHBC members must also be members of Horse Council BC, ABCH riding members will need to secure membership with the Alberta Equestrian Federation (AEF). ABCH hopes to start forming chapters in the coming months. Some will be brand new groups and others may be existing clubs who choose to amalgamate with ABCH, recognizing that there is strength in numbers when it comes to grant writing and other initiatives.

“We await the approval of our Society application with great anticipation and look forward to what the future holds for Alberta BCH, thanks in no small part to the support of BCHBC,” concludes Marriott.

Follow ABCH on Facebook. Search for ‘Alberta Back Country Horsemen.’ Email us at

BC Back Country Horsemen of BC – serving BC trail riding enthusiasts since 1989! Check out our beautiful website at / Questions? Contact BCHBC respectfully acknowledges that our members are privileged to recreate on the unceded traditional lands of First Nations people of British Columbia.
A trail riders’ movement based in British Columbia is gaining traction in Alberta Submitted by Alberta Back Country Horsemen
Horsemen of
Make History
Hats off to BCHBC for supporting efforts to establish ABCH. Photo by Thomas Valentine taken near Whisky Lake AB BCHBC Past President, Brian Marriott is spearheading the formation of Alberta BCH

Clubs & Associations

Alberta Donkey and Mule Club


ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB Schooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. 10/23

BC ANIMAL OWNERS ASSOC. Mission is to get ‘legal’ access to non-vet practices to support our companion/farm animals. 624

BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pleasure, Combined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, 824

BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 325, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ.

BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB see our FB page. Pres: Bev Routledge email: Activities: trail rides, obstacle fun day, barn tour/pot luck. 724

BC PAINT HORSE CLUB, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. 524

BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCATION, Contact Carolyn Farris, email 325

BC Team Cattle Penning Association

March 18-19 (Barriere)

April 29-30 (Barriere)

May 20-21 (Quesnel)

May 27-28 (Barriere)

June 17-18 (Knutsford) & Sorting Jackpot June 19 Sept 9-10 Finals (tba)

Join us at our 2023 shows! • 524

Promoting therapeutic riding, equine-based therapeutic services, and para-equestrian activities throughout BC through networking, educational programming, and outreach activities.

JOIN US! 424

BC WELSH PONY & COB ASSOC. (see FB) Pres: Rosanne 604-302-7650, Breed promotion program throughout the province. 624

BOUNDARY HORSE ASSOCIATION (Grand Forks BC), Offering shows, gymkhanas, clinics & more. See us on Facebook, 250-443-3191, 624

Canadian Cowboy Challenge

A SPORT for the whole Family!

Seven Divisions to accommodate all! For more info please call 403-828-2044 or visit


Want to enjoy miles of beautiful new trails with your equine partner in BC? Try Endurance Riding!

Info on clinics and events


New cutters always welcome. Lee Poncelet 250-938-2034 1124

Play Days • Clinics • Shows • Trail Rides • Community Events • Knowledge Sharing High Point in Competitive and Recreational Categories
at We welcome all levels of riders and all breeds of equines. 6/16424 424 CHILLIWACK RIDING CLUB, Drill Team, Horse Shows (Heritage Qualifiers), Gymkhana, Trail Rides, Clinics, Open Ride, Socials, 424 424 424 A charitable equine organization funding veterinary colleges and students, and other worthy equine causes. Bob Watson, President • 403-378-4323 DONATIONS WELCOMED THE EQUINE FOUNDATION OF CANADA PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE HELPING HORSES 624 • Certification of therapeutic riding instructors - basic to senior level • Prerequisites through Equestrian Canada • Equine assisted wellness, learning, team building & personal development • National accreditation of therapeutic riding programs • Partner with Equine Guelph Visit us online: Email: Phone: (519) 767-0700 Since 1980, Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association has been the leader in Canada for therapeutic riding and is recognized as such by HETI (Horses in Education & Therapy International). 325 EDUCATION. RECREATION. INSPIRATION. Welcoming a diverse equestrian community by fostering an environment of enjoyment, development, and competition. Introducing the 2023 Interior Desert Hunter/Jumper Circuit Show Series More details and dates available at 3745 Gordon Drive, Kelowna BC 424 IEBWA Members are Certified & Insured… Is your Body Worker? Equine & Canine Memberships available! International Equine Body Workers Association 524 325 325 624

LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 325


NORTHERN SADDLE CLUB, Smithers BC. Check out our website at and follow us on Facebook 424

Promoting equine activities and knowledge in the south Cariboo with Shows, Clinics, Gymkhanas and more. President: Danita McLaren 325

E-mail: ~

& Associations

SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, 424

VERNON DISTRICT RIDING CLUB (Vernon BC), check out our website at or visit our Facebook & Instagram pages 424

VI MINIATURE HORSE CLUB,, bcminiaturehorseclubs/ vimhc Driving and/or halter shows, clinics & performance competitions 424

VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun,, on Facebook 624

WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 824

What’s Happening? Let’s Go!

Do you have your 2024 Event Dates yet?



6 SPRING TACK SALE, Curling Club, Armstrong BC, SOLD OUT for tables, info Nancy 250-546-9922, (hosted by the Horsey Ladies)

6 FRASER VALLEY CHAPTER PANORAMA RIDGE DRIVING DAY, contact Joanne Westman monthly events:


12-14 CAN-AM ALL BREEDS EQUINE EXPO, Chilliwack Heritage Park, Chilliwack BC,

19-20 SPRING SIDEWALK SALE, Diamond H Tack, Kelowna BC, 250-762-5631, on Facebook & Instagram

20-21 DRESSAGE CLINIC/PERCENTAGE DAYS, Vernon District Riding Club

22-27 EDMONTON AB, Learn Equine Massage Therapy – Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,


26-28 HORSE EXPO CANADA, Westerner Park, Red Deer AB,

27-28 AERC CLINIC/SAT, Show/Sunday, Armstrong (Fairgrounds), non-members welcome, Saturday night social see FB or

28 POKER RIDE & DRIVE, Huber’s Farm & Equestrian Centre, 70 Mile House BC, Karyn 250-456-7404,

29-May 4 LANGLEY BC, Learn Equine Myo-massage Therapy – Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,


2-3 GLENN STEWART NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC, Northern Saddle Club, Covered Arena @ NSC Grounds, Contact

3-4 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE SALE, Olds AB,, Barb 403-933-5765,

4 SPRING HORSE SALE, Lethbridge AB,, 403-382-8037,

4-6 GLENN STEWART NATURAL HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC, Northern Saddle Club, Covered Arena @ NSC Grounds, Contact

5-10 LADYSMITH (V. Island) BC, Learn Equine Myo-massage Therapy – Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF, Clubs

7-8 NICKI FLUNDRA-UNBRIDLED CLINIC, Spa Alp Equines, Salmon Arm BC, Stephanie

10-12, HUNTER JUMPER CLINIC, Vernon District Riding Club https://vernonridingclub. com/

17-19 NSC Spring Show, Location: Smithers Fair Grounds, https://northernsaddleclub. com/events/

13-18 DUNREA MB, Learn Equine Massage Therapy – Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,


18 YOUTH DRAFT HORSE CLINIC, Calico Farms, Guest speaker Dr. Chad Hewlett,

19-21 JIM GREENDYK CLINIC, Spa Alp Equines, Salmon Arm BC, Stephanie

23-26 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Kindersley SK,, 204-771-5335

25-26 DRESSAGE SHOW, Vernon District Riding Club,

30-Jun2 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Kaslo BC,, 204-771-5335

31-Jun3 DUSTIN SIPPOLA HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC,  Big Top Equestrian Centre, Contact: Simone, or call 778-516-5599


6-9 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Winlaw BC,, 204-771-5335

8-9 GENERAL PERFORMANCE & HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC w/Jodie Moore, Spa Alp Equines, Salmon Arm BC, Stephanie

13-16 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Langley BC,, 204-771-5335


28 • APRIL 2024 SADDLEUP.CA ARENA MAINTENANCE ARENAS ACCOMMODATIONS 524 FARM SUPPLIES FARRIERS & SUPPLIES 424 FEED DEALERS ASHCROFT HOME BUILDING CENTRE (Ashcroft) 250-453-2281 Otter Co-op Dealer & Pet Foods. You can find us on Facebook 325 FENCING CHILLIWACK 1-877-847-3735 WHOLESALE PANELS & GATES ARMSTRONG 250-546-9174 NANAIMO 250-912-0095 424 924 RED DEER 325 Ride in Bright, Natural Light Year-round Riding Arenas Designed For You 524 Business Services Wanted Trail Guides Guide on Guest Ranch / Horse Pack Trips Mountain Horseback Guide Training WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch 325 BEDDING, HOG FUEL, SHAVINGS EDUCATION EQUINE HEALTH 424 • Horse Shavings • Hog Fuel • Bark Mulch • Compost Ph: 250-503-7432 NATA FARMS Serving BC’s Interior including South Okanagan 724 HEIDI GRANT, Equine Health & Emergency First Aid Instructor Trainer for Equi-Health Canada. Serving Northern BC & Vancouver Island, 306-717-4932, 424 CLOVERDALEPHARMASAVE.COM, Integrative Pharmacy for People & Animals,  5778-176A Street, Surrey BC, 604-576-2888 424 325 325 REALTORS BC’s Leader in Agricultural Real Estate 604-852-1180 • 424 PUBLISHING 524

Business Services


PETERSEN TRAILERS LTD. (Langley) 604-533-4209 Service and Repairs. All makes 924

250-838-7861 335 BRICKYARD RD, ENDERBY


ANIMAL CARE HOSPITAL Williams Lake 250-392-5510 / Quesnel 250-747-3053 Drs. Magnowski, Scheidt, Thompson, Jordan, Deitrick, Johnston, Kelley, Wurzer   624

CONNECT VETERINARY SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-212-3513 Mobile Equine, Dr. Savannah Beavers, 325

INTERIOR VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-769-4217, Mobile Equine, Brytann Youngberg DVM, VSMT, College of Animal Chiropractors 325

KITT EQUIPMENT TRAILER SALES, (Chilliwack & Aldergrove), 1-877-8237199, Horse ~ Stock ~ Utility ~ Dump ~ Flatdecks, 624


CANADIANEQUESTRIANARTSACADEMY.COM, French Classical dressage, coaching,  clinics, sales. Standing Xihao AR, Lusitano stallion. Sarah Southwell 403-915-0616 524

SANDY LANG HORSEMANSHIP (Abbotsford BC) 778-344-3804, Foundation Focus Working Equitation, Natural Horsemanship, 1124

On the Market 624 Aaron & Colleen Wangler, Dawson Creek BC 250-843-7337 / Presents These two fine stallions covering exceptional mares from years of dedication to conformation, disposition and pretty packaging. OFFSPRING AVAILABLE AW Blue Fire N Te AQHA Blue Roan Axels N Steel Dust AQHA/NFQH 98% Grullo 1224 BC APPALOOSA CENTRE 2024 FOALS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AND SECURING IN MAY AND JUNE Most will be 5-generation and Bay or Black base colour *Mares also available Howard & Marylin Jackson 250-963-9779 (Prince George BC) announcing 624
BC • PARTS • SERVICE • STORAGE • INSURANCE • FULL MOBILE SERVICE 1124 1465 Cariboo Pl. Kamloops, BC V2C 5Z3 250-374-1486 VETERINARY SURGEONS: Dr. Jennifer Jackson Dr. Jason McGillivray Dr. Colin Mikkelsen Dr. Willow Holmes Dr. Isabelle Mitchell Dr. Kerry Dyson KAMLOOPS LARGE ANIMAL VETERINARY CLINIC 1465 Cariboo Pl. Kamloops, BC V2C 5Z3 250-374-1486 VETERINARY SURGEONS: Dr. Jennifer Jackson Dr. Jason McGillivray Dr. Colin Mikkelsen Dr. Willow Holmes Dr. Isabelle Mitchell Dr. Kerry Dyson 1465 Cariboo Pl. Kamloops, BC V2C 5Z3 250-374-1486 VETERINARY SURGEONS: Dr. Jennifer Jackson Dr. Jason McGillivray Dr. Colin Mikkelsen Dr. Willow Holmes Dr. Isabelle Mitchell Dr. Kerry Dyson h d g Contact us anytime! 1-866-546-9922 Saddle Up is a FREE monthly magazine distributed throughout BC and Alberta, we are dedicated to promoting and supporting equine communities through horse people clubs associations shows events and any other horseplay activity! With over 30 000 readers we are available for free at tack & western wear stores feed shops select equestrian centres veterinary clinics, and many other horse related outlets We also attend and distribute numerous copies at certain trade shows, horse events, and sales throughout the year As the official voice for numerous clubs/associations we print their news for you! 724 Get your business noticed!

Rural Roots


PARADISE for the horse lover, hobby farmer, or fishing enthusiast. 22 acres includes approximately 6 acres on Phillips Lake in peaceful Turtle Valley. Recently renovated 1,624 sq. ft. Rancher with modern updates.

3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen has custom maple cabinets and a huge island. Currently set up for horses with farm fencing, huge paddocks with shelters that open to larger grazing areas. Tons of water, Olympic sized outdoor dressage ring, round pen area, tack room, hay storage, and a 12+ acre hayfield with water rights and irrigation system.

8661 Skimikin Road, Chase BC $1,374,000


This 10+ acre property with spacious 4 bed, 2 bath home is set up for rotational grazing (7 areas with 2 auto waterers), riding and training at home (60’ round pen and 90’ x 150’ arena), and a garden to grow carrots for the horses. The bus stops right outside, so no need to dismount to pick up the kids. When you’re not riding, watch the horses from the covered deck out front or the sundeck in the back.

6851 Fawn Creek Road, Lone Butte BC $696,000 MLS® 2856074


You and your trusty steed will not be disappointed! Great barn, large hay shed, outdoor arena, several paddocks and tons of grazing, plus miles of trails out the gate (short ride to the lake). Enjoy the privacy of no bordering neighbours and let the rural feel take you away better than Calgon! The 2,200+ sq. ft. rancher has a warm and cozy vibe with lots of space for gathering that stretches out to the large screened-in porch and covered deck.

7529 W Sheridan Lake Road, Lone Butte BC $699,900 MLS® 2848008

of a total renovation nestled in the character of a gorgeous 3,400+ sq. ft. log home. Features include a master suite in the open loft, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, wrap-around deck with hot tub and a view over the seasonal creek and log cabin. Detached shop, new and heritage barns, equipment and hay storage, meat cooler and more great outbuildings… all situated on a private and useable 10 acre lot. Ready for you, the family and the animals.
Holmes Road, 100 Mile House BC $1,125,000 MLS® 2853709
all horse folks…
Just move in and enjoy the comforts
Horse Heaven!
Hobby Farm YOUR CARIBOO HOME TEAM Brokered by EXP Realty (250) 644-5686 1-866-546-9922 Realtors your ad should be here Ads@
13 Acre


HORSE BLANKET & SADDLE PAD WASHING & Repairs. Clean used Blankets for sale. Town Centre Dry Cleaners, Town Centre Mall. 250-546-0104 (Armstrong BC) 624


BC APPALOOSA CENTRE HAS AN OPENING FOR TWO RANCH HAND INTERNS Main duties will include checking foaling pasture and handling, and riding young ranch-raised horses in training under the guidance of the old guy who has 60 years experience in the commercial horse business. Can lead to full time, paid job after 90 days successful internship. Accommodations and food provided. Please contact Howard 250-963-9779, (Prince George BC) 624

APPALOOSAS: WANT TO CONNECT WITH FOLKS who are raising Appaloosa horses, or are interested in raising Appaloosa Horses. Please contact Howard Jackson 250-963-9779, appaloosacentre@telus. net (Prince George BC) 624


“ALL TUCKED INN” AT HARMONY FARM BnB horse friendly cabin near Monte Lake BC. Beautiful cabin for 2, gourmet breakfast, large safe paddocks and endless trails!

250-682-8538 624

APPALOOSACENTRE.COM 250-963-9779 Real Appaloosas for Today and the Future! 325


RANCH (West Kelowna BC) 250-878-9807. Top Performance AQHA/APHA bloodlines, Breeding & Sales, on

Shop & Swap! Stallions & Breeders
Panel Negative AQHA Stallion Standing at: Charles Ranch Equine, Ashcroft BC and (owners) Circle M Farm, Qualicum Beach BC For breeding inquiries email 524
Leather & Stitches The Leather Lady Custom Sewing Leather Hats, Belts, Moccasins Holsters, Knife Sheaths Upholstery Work & many repairs Sherri DeBoer 250.838.0778 Box 62 Grindrod BC, V0E 1Y0 325 Add a headin g Contact us anytime! 1-866-546-9922
for you!
Saddle Up is a FREE monthly magazine distributed throughout BC and Alberta, we are dedicated to promoting and supporting equine communities through horse people, clubs, associations, shows, events, and any other horseplay activity! With over 30,000 readers, we are available for free at tack & western wear stores, feed shops, select equestrian centres, veterinary clinics, and many other horse related outlets We also attend and distribute numerous copies at certain trade shows, horse events, and sales throughout the year. As the official voice for numerous clubs/associations

Kubota gets it done and then some. That means dependable performance with the comfort to match, easy operation with easy maintenance, and dedicated service with great affordability. Right now, save on quality Kubota tractors, utility vehicles, mowers, implements, attachments and more at our Bring in Spring event.


Abbotsford • 604-864-2665

Kelowna • 250-769-8700

Vernon • 250-545-3355


Kamloops • 250-851-2044

Surrey • 604-576-7506


Oliver • 250-498-2524


Prince George • 250-560-5431


Courtenay • 250-334-0801

Duncan • 250-746-1755


Cranbrook • 250-489-5337

Creston • 250-428-2255 |


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