Saddle Up June 2024

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Publisher Editor

Tassila Speer


Ruby Gerhart

Graphic Designer

Lindsay Lorraine

Founder Nancy Roman

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e had a memorable time at Horse Expo Canada in April, wow what a great event, they worked so hard to put on a fantastic show, thank you!! We met lots of nice folks who stopped by our booth for their free April issue, it was so great to meet you all and have your continued support for the magazine, we did not get tired of hearing how much you love reading Saddle Up. We also met some of our loyal readers, advertisers, clubs and other vendors, it was really nice to see lots of happy faces and make new friends. A huge shout out to the Spirit Riders 4H Yukon Club for bringing your whole group back to our booth for a group photo, that was the highlight of our weekend! It makes us so happy to see young riders and support these clubs. Thank you also to Pat Parelli, Doug Mills and Glenn Stewart for stopping by Saddle Up for a photo with us. AND we can’t forget meeting Phillippé and Amanda Enmark from Alberta Donkey and Mule, thank you too for the photo op Phillippe you are a super star! We’d also like to say thank you to our booth neighbour Julie from Horse Racing Alberta for the super cool tour of the groom and rider program at Olds College, we are looking forward to collaborating on a future article about the success stories of their groom and rider program. This month we have Old Baldy Ranch on our cover, you can see some adorable pictures of their new foals on pg 5, they are pretty darn cute! And you can find all their contact info on pg 5 in case you would like to purchase one of these beauties. This issue we have some good articles on Spring pasture, Kissing Spines, Invasive plants and much more.... don’t forget to check out the Events + Club Hub for what’s happening in your area for shows and clinics, and look for Saddle Up we will be at some of these events with our latest issues to hand out! We hope you enjoy reading the June issue and we always welcome your stories and photos.


Marijke van de Water, Elisha Bradburn, Dr. Shelby Krywonos, DVM, Lisa Houle, Sloane Hammond, Patricia E. Skinner and all of our ‘Club News’ authors – thank you!

ALSO AVAILABLE DIGITALLY HCBC 2010 Business of The Year 2014 A/S Chamber President’s Choice Award MAILING ADDRESS Saddle Up magazine PO Box 371 Armstrong, BC, Canada V0E 1B0 MAIN OFFICE
4 • JUNE 2024 SADDLEUP.CA OUR REGULARS Young Riders 19 Top Dog! 20 Clubs & Associations 22 -28 Events + Club Hub 27 Business Services 28 Rural Roots 30 Shop & Swap 31 Stallions & Breeders 31 FEATURES Spring Grass… 6 Tack & Style 8 Horse Expo Canada 10 Artists Corner 12 Let’s Talk About Kissing Spines 13 Pretty but Toxic 14 ESL for Horses 16 ON THE COVER Old Baldy Ranch CONTRIBUTORS
From the Editors Hanging with Phillippé Horse Expo 2024 Tass & Ruby W

Livestock Auction


A W Aaron & Colleen Wangler 250-843-7337 Old Baldy Ranch Babies are being delivered and all are for sale!! Please watch our website for the new additions in our sale barn! These 3 lovelies are part of the last foal crop of AW Poco Kintraro AQHA/NFQH 98% who is now starting his team roping career. ladies in waiting
Red Dun Colt Grulla Filly Grullo Colt
Breakfast @ 8:30am Auction @ 10am Celebrate 4-H Youth at our Provincial Agriculture Showcase! Free Free Admission Admission All weekend! All weekend! Beef Sheep Horse Photography Rabbit Dog Cavy Small Engine Gardening Goat Leatherwork
September 23, 2024 Buyer‘s

Spring Grass… Graze Your Horses with Caution

With spring well under way many horse people are preparing to transition their horses from an all-hay winter diet with sometimes extra feed to the lush spring grass which the horses can’t wait to dive into. But we have learned, over the last couple of decades, that our domestic pastures are not what they used to be. And since many equine diseases are associated with high sugar diets, a lot of people are limiting grass grazing for their horses or eliminating it altogether.

What’s In Our Grass Pastures?

It used to be that the grass pastures were more suitable for our horses. But the quality has changed a lot because of the different seed mixes and the various growing conditions. Fields, at one time, used to consist of native prairie grasses and slow growing bunch grasses. But the grass fields now are grown as monoculture crops with little diversity. Instead of a variety of different grasses, plants, and shrubs which provide a plethora of nutrients, minerals, and fibre, the horses are eating one type of grass which contains less nutrition, more sugar, and the addition of fructan starches.

Fructans found their way into the crops because in the late 1980’s forage researchers began to focus on “Relative Feed Value” which led them to design grass species which were higher in starch content; they wanted a high starch grass to fatten up the cows to increase meat and milk production. These high starch grasses were designed to be nutrient dense, high in energy, palatable, and resistant to climate extremes and tolerant to artificial fertilizers. They also contained more sugar for palatability and weight gain and were lower in fibre which kept the cattle hungry prompting them to eat more. The cows didn’t appear to have any problems digesting this new fructan starch, but the horses were another story. Somewhere along the way, the plant scientists forgot that horses would be eating the same grass and hay as the cows, and that these new grasses would be problematic for our horses. Why? Because horses don’t digest fructan well at all.

How Is Grass Affecting Our Horses?

The primary problem is the high levels of dietary sugars which cause a horse’s blood sugar to rise during or after eating. Sugar requires insulin secreted by the pancreas to open up glucose receptors in the muscles and the liver. This allows the sugars to move quickly out of the blood and into the tissues where it is used for energy or for storage. Normally sugars are stored in the muscles and liver as glycogen, which is the storage form of sugar. From here the glycogens are converted back into sugar and released into the blood again when needed for energy. However, when the muscles and liver storage depots are full the receptors become resistant to insulin and will therefore not open to allow the sugars entry into the tissues. Sugars which cannot be stored as glycogen must now try and convert to fat instead. But with a continuing diet that is high in sugar, especially for horses that don’t get enough exercise, insulin receptors become more resistant and the insulin in response continues to rise, as does the body weight. This condition is known as Insulin Resistance (IR).

But IR is responsible for more than just weight gain. Poor immunity, fatigue, thirst, increased appetite, increased urination, general inflammation, edema, and body soreness are all signs of sugar toxicity. And, perhaps most significantly laminitis has now become an epidemic mostly due to the destructive effects of sugar and insulin on hoof tissues.

Figure 1 Full-time grazing on a monocultured grass crop can be the start of many challenging health problems.

Figure 2 Insulin Resistance is a result of too much sugar combined with too little exercise.

High sugar diets including grass make it impossible for these sore horses to become sound even with good trimming practices. Many IR horses eventually develop PPID (Cushing’s Syndrome) which adds new symptoms and complicates laminitis due to the hormone imbalances. Fructan's, on the other hand, don’t raise insulin and blood sugar levels but they cause digestive toxicity. Horses digest all of their food including carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, in the stomach and small intestine. Only fibre is passed into the hindgut where it ferments to produce energy and is the reason why horses need so much fibre in their diets. And since fructan is a starch, it should be digested in the small intestine as well. However, horses don’t have enough amylase (a digestive enzyme that digests starches) to digest it so the fructans are passed into the hindgut where they ferment instead. And because only fibre should be fermented in the hindgut the excess fermentation of results in toxins, acids (low pH), heat, gas, mal-digested debris, pathogenic bacteria, and more parasites. It also depletes the friendly bacteria (probiotics) and disturbs the hindgut microbiome. This eventually causes cecal acidosis, aka leaky gut, which then damages the colon membranes and leaks toxins and acids into the general system. Leaky gut is frequently responsible for immune breakdown, skin problems, sore joints, respiratory symptoms, allergies, and fatigue. And given that leaky gut is a significant contributor to laminitis, fructan starches are a strong risk factor. Fructan levels are also high in wheat, barley, and rye which is another reason to not feed these grains nor their grasses to horses.

Smart Grazing

Sugars and fructans are highest in the grass in the spring — April, May, and June. They are also high during the daytime since sunlight stimulates the photosynthetic process to produce sugars. During the night, photosynthesis shuts off and any stored starches are used up by the plant. Therefore, by early morning the grass is much lower in sugars, making this an optimum time for horses to graze. “Graze your ponies in the early hours” the old horse folks used to say. By afternoon, the sugars are at peak levels again. And cloudy days will produce less sugar than sunny days. Sunny days and frosty nights, common in the fall, can also be an issue because sugar production during the day combined with the colder, frosty nights stunt the normal growth of the plants which then use up less sugar. Warmer, sunny days promote photosynthesis but if the temperature is below 5°C at night, there is no plant growth at all. No sugars are used, and so the concentrations


remain high leaving more sugar available for the grazing animal. Therefore, it may be necessary to avoid grazing until it is frosty during the day as well so there is less production of sugars. Nevertheless, fall sugars will never be as high as the sugar content in the young, lush grass crops in the spring which is the season that causes the most adverse health consequences including weight gain, crested necks, fat pads, inflammation, and laminitis. Pastures that are overgrazed, dry, under-fertilized, depleted, or stressed in any way are a problem too because these factors will stunt the growth of the plant so that it is not consuming the sugars for growth. And keep your eye on the overconsumption of dandelions and clover since those tend to be higher in sugar as well. Allowing horses to graze in taller grasses can reduce fructan consumption since the horses will nip off the top of the plant rather than the bottom stems, where most of the fructans are stored. But they will also seize the opportunity and eat a lot more and so may very well end up ingesting high dietary sugars. Rain after a drought provides optimal conditions for grass growth as the warm wet weather and bright sunshine promote rapid growth. Rain can make for grass that is higher in water than sugar, which is good, but the fructans previously found in the stem during the drought will now be used for leaf growth. This makes the starches more available to the grazing horses. So, watch for metabolic symptoms during a rainstorm after a drought.

How much grass grazing a horse can tolerate is variable and depends on breed, level of exercise, lifestyle, health history, grass type, and the local climate. Some horses cannot be free grazed at all while most others should be limited and regularly exercised and correctly trimmed. Some horses are turned out for short periods of time at the same time every day, but this may lead to gorging even if they have hay available. Plan your horses’ grazing times based on their individual habits.

The Importance of Probiotics

Sugar, fructan, and lack of fibre unbalance the microbiome by reducing the numbers of healthy bacteria, i.e., probiotics, and increasing the unhealthy bacteria. The process of fermentation is accomplished with billions of units of various strains of bacteria. Horses, perhaps more than any other species, rely on a high level of probiotics to maintain a balanced microbiome in the gut and to ferment fibre for energy. A deficiency of probiotics can cause bloating, colic, diarrhea, leaky gut, poor intestinal immunity, unhealthy weight loss or gain, and poor nutrient absorption. Thus, in all cases of digestive problems, Insulin Resistance, poor immunity, and laminitis, horses will benefit from a good quality probiotic. Probiotics should also be replenished for horses on pasture because high sugar diets deplete probiotics more quickly than hay only diets. The best quality probiotics are those that need refrigeration since “cold” probiotics ensure maximum potency where as room temperature probiotics degrade faster.

Keep Your Horses Healthy

To maximize your horses’ health, ensure that they have lots of variety for forage, hay available at all times, plenty of exercise, and lots of friends. Choose a high-quality probiotic and well-selected nutrients to top it off. And while grazing is very good for the physical and psychological health of the horses, we have to strike a good balance between overall wellness and the effects of a grass diet on all horses.

van de Water, B.Sc., DHMS, Equine Health & Nutrition Specialist, Homeopathic Practitioner, Medical Intuitive & Healer, Educator & Author. Marijke is a life-long horse lover, the author of the bestselling book Healing Horses Their Way, and the founder, formulator, and CEO of Riva’s Remedies. She is a gifted healer who helps horses, and their people, from around the world live happier, healthier lives. She is currently working on the 3rd edition of Healing Horses Their Way.

Healing Horses Their Way

Visit our Website to see our Product Bundle Specials Trusted Quality Products Natural Horse Health Services Expert Health Advice Visit our flagship store! #4 –1390 Pleasant Valley Road in Spallumcheen, B.C. See us on online or call for a catalogue: 1-800-405-6643 Effective products to support horses and easy keepers with metabolic disorders and IR, weight gain, excess appetite, thyroid imbalances, and fatigue. Insulin Resistance Bundle

Tack & Style

01. VetGold Fly Spray - Always a favourite in the barn is this VetGold fly spray! It smells so good and is a special blend of natural oils and plant extracts to repel all kinds of flies, ticks, mosquitoes and fleas from your horse and their living space. Like all VetGold products the fly spray contains only natural ingredients with the addition of a low concentration of citronella, and is enriched with Dead Sea Minerals with a high concentration of Magnesium to help moisturize and nourish skin and coat.

02. Locally Made, Equus Soap Co. - has great fly spray and concentrate that is made locally in Langley, BC Their spray is antibacterial, chemical-free, skin soothing and is extremely effective aromatherapy for flies, fleas, mosquitoes and other undesirable critters. It is also available in 8 oz concentrate: Just add water! Dilute 1 bottle of concentrate field spray with 750 mLs of water and pour into your favourite spray bottle. Larger sizes 1 litre / 1 gallon available too.

03. Fly Mask - Woof Wear’s UV Fly mask are a great example of how the latest fabric technology can revolutionize a familiar product. The Woof Wear designers specified soft and stretchy 3D spacer fabric to eliminate rubbing, fine UV mesh for crystal clear vision, and then added the clever forelock friendly feature to create one of the most comfortable and effective fly masks your horse will wear. Blocking up to 60% of harmful UVA and UVB rays.

04. Cookies - AND with all that talk of flies, let’s not forget a treat for your 4 legged buddy!! You can’t go wrong with Kick Cookies, handmade in Surrey BC with lots of love, they are an amazing horse treat that your horse will go crazy for!

Unique, stylish, new and on trend tack and products for rider and horse. These products are available at Dixon Saddlery, a tack shop and online store for the modern equestrian. “Catering to shoppers who'd rather be in the saddle!” Michelle Dixon founded Dixon Saddlery with the modern equestrian in mind. It's Michelle's mission to make shopping convenient and easy, and to stock items that YOU need and enjoy. Dixon Saddlery strives to accommodate your wishes, and your busy lifestyle, so you can spend less time worrying about the practicalities, and more time with the horse you love! Phone: 1-888-981-1921 Email: Web Shop:

Horse Expo Canada 2024

Brought World Class Horsemanship to Alberta’s Doorstep!

The 2024 Horse Expo Canada delivered the best of the best of all things current in the horse world to Red Deer, Alberta for 3 days of fun April 26-28th 2024. Whether you were there for the Trainer’s Showdown “Legend’s Edition” featuring Pat Parelli, Doug Mills and Glenn Stewart or one of the amazing clinics being put on by some of the top names in the industry, or the thousands of square feet of vendors to shop, there really was something for everyone at this year’s expo!

As mentioned the Trainer’s Showdown truly brought some of the cream of the crop of horseman in a 3 day stand off with 3 beautiful fillies from Rocking Heart Ranch. The fillies were such high quality in fact, that all three, plus the backup filly, ended up being purchased at the event. It was truly awe inspiring to watch this Legend’s Edition of the Showdown. There was a level of mastery evident that comes with the amount of experience these three horseman have gathered over a lifetime of working on their horsemanship. Talk about smooth! At one point Pat Parelli was so relaxed he was requesting a song to be played to add to the fun of one of his sessions with his filly. As he calmly spoke, educating and wowing the crowd, he was also effortlessly winning the heart and trust of his filly, all the while fostering her curiosity as she followed him at liberty around the obstacles in the pen. Pat was impressed with the colt starting event as a whole at Horse Expo Canada, as he said there was a focus and emphasis on horsemanship being the most weighted aspect of the judging. Love for the horse definitely comes first at this Horse Expo! Doug Mills came and worked his time-honed program, earned his filly’s trust, and, put up a good fight for the title. The whole Mills family was on deck as well, with daughter, Kelcie being a clinician, and son, Kade being one of the announcers. In the end though, Glenn Stewart, a seasoned professional earned the win. Glenn’s notably smooth, deliberate, and precise way in which he goes about starting youngsters was a pleasure to watch. Glenn proved to win the crowd’s hearts, as well as his filly’s, as he was also awarded the People’s Choice award.

The clinics available were so varied, plentiful, and high quality at this year’s Horse Expo Canada that attendees were running from one clinic to the next, just trying to take it all in! From the elegant Jill Barron presenting horsemanship with the Garrocha, to Alex Grayton of Spruce Meadows coaching on all things high caliber show jumping, to the talented Leslie Reid giving us the very best in dressage, to the warm coaching style of NFR Barrel Racer Sherrylynn Johnson, there was top quality in so many disciplines. There was also something for ranchers, and anyone looking to study the time honoured style of the bridle horse tradition, with Miles Kingdon being a new addition to the line up this year. Also gracing the expo with her knowledge of equine nutrition and body work was Britain Mills-Dawes, so well spoken and friendly. There were so many amazing horsemen and women gathered at this year’s expo, the only shame was missing one of their clinics because you just couldn’t be in two or three places at once. To allow people to get to know all these clinicians better, there was also a fun feature, unique to Horse Expo Canada, The Horseman’s Hot Seat. Co-hosted by Kylie Bartel and Elisha Bradburn, there were interviews with each of the clinicians on the mainstage. You could really get to know the clinicians as people, and have some inspiring questions answered, all while you took a seat and a load off your feet!


Also on the mainstage was the always popular Horse Expo Canada Fashion Show. This year’s show was hosted by Rodeo Royalty adding to the beauty and glamour of the event. The fashion show featured all the latest in fashion relevant to today’s horse lover, all available to shop right there in the trade show. Vendors from far and wide gathered to bring Horse Expo attendees all the best products in one place at the huge Trade Show! There was everything from the most original in barrel racing tack, to cutting edge feed, supplements, arena rakes, luxurious horse trailers, custom chaps and English and western apparel to beat the band! It was a shopper’s delight, and had something to tempt even the most tight pocketed individuals!

With all of that being said, if you are kicking yourself for not making it out to the Expo this year…don’t be too hard on yourself, because organizers of Horse Expo Canada Marg Schulz & Ryan Gordon are already making plans to do it all again next year! Next year’s Horse Expo Canada will be April 25-27th 2025, back again at Westerner Park in Red Deer, Alberta. We’ll see you there to horse around for another memorable, educational, and downright fun time! Don’t forget to buy those VIP Tickets early as there is a limited number and they go fast. Happy Trails until then horse lovers!

By Elisha Bradburn. Elisha Bradburn and her husband, Clay, own Faithful Farm, an equestrian center in the Fraser Valley. Elisha’s passion with horses lies in psychology based horsemanship, with a strong consideration for the horse’s point of view. Elisha is available for clinics, expos, demonstrations and speaking engagements and can be followed on her Legacy Horsemanship pages on Facebook and Instagram or e-mailed at


Artists Corner

AThe Dressmaking of Sassy 6 Guns

udrey Allan was given the name of Sassy 6 Guns 20 years ago, when asked why? She laughed and said, “it was something about my personality and ability to shoot”! Audrey has worn many hats over the years, her main gig being an Electromyography Technologist. But through her career her creativity has shown in her love for horses, shooting guns, and designing authentic 1800’s dresses and riding apparel, all converging together in her life.

She has participated in shooting demos and competitions, competed at Cowboy Shooting Match in her personal saloon dress and won the Provincial Championships for 1st place ladies duelist and 1st place for Best Dressed Formal Evening Lady. Shooting Henry Big Boys, 45 Lever Action, 12 Gauge Side by Side and a single handed Colt 45, she’s proven herself a talented shooter that can shoot comfortably off the back of her horse Dawn, and while robbing a train! Yep you read that right! Sassy 6 Guns and her Bad-land Bandit-as have been called upon from time to time to participate in train robbery re-enactments through different towns in BC.

Her costume design career really started with her kids Halloween costumes, she would create and carefully craft them every year. This creation process began to evolve into something more as she started to participate in Cowboy Action Shooter back in 2003/2004, which required period costumes for the events. So she set her hand to creating these and that led to meeting a seamstress where they teamed up to create patterns together, sewing and embellishing gowns…and it just grew from there.

Fast forward a few years and for the last 10 years Audrey has participated in The Cow Girl Reunion (, where ladies come together to connect, ride, laugh and dress up! Audrey aka Sassy 6 Guns brings in her trailer full of luxurious period gowns and saloon outfits and then sets up to stylize each lady in one of her beautiful handmade creations. The real beauty of the dressing process is that each lady does not know what they will be wearing till she’s dressed up. As Audrey gets to know her, she takes the time to listen and get a feel for who they are and their personalities, then she creates a tailor-made look for each lady. Inspiring each woman to be beautiful, believe in themselves, be sassy, have fun, and best of all get on a horse in the best style ever!

Collecting extravagant fabric, beads, ribbon, used gowns to re purpose and thirty year old silk…Audrey stock piles her supplies and careful crafts her period dresses, some of them take years in the making to get everything just perfect. Interestingly enough some of the gowns weigh up to 12 lbs in the skirt alone with 3-4 layers of petticoats also making up the skirt under the cage. Her copper gown took 20 metres of material to create and her personal Saloon outfit took her 7 years to perfect.

Audrey has a mobile trailer full of her creations that she can bring to you and any event you would like to hold or hire her for. Contact Audrey at or call 250-319-9087

We can guarantee you won’t be disappointed in dressing up with Sassy 6 Guns!


Vet Check In

Let’s Talk About Kissing Spines

What does it mean when people say a horse has “kissing spines”? The term kissing spines refers to impingement or overriding of the dorsal spinous processes of the thoracolumbar vertebrae. In order to understand this, let’s review some anatomy. The horse has 7 cervical vertebrae, 18 thoracic vertebrae (Arabians have 17), 6 lumbar vertebrae, and 18 coccygeal vertebrae. The thoracic and lumbar vertebrae have dorsal processes that extend upwards like the fin of shark. In a normal back, these dorsal processes should have plenty of space between them. In horses affected by kissing spine, the processes are interfering with one another. This interference can cause inflammation and pain.

What causes kissing spines?

The development of kissing spines is likely multifactorial. A genetic and hereditary component cannot be excluded, and a poorly fitted saddle and poor training can contribute. For instance, horses that are ridden with a hollow back and those who do not have proper development of their topline musculature are predisposed. Some experts think that athletic activity, even in good form, causes or contributes to kissing spines. Kissing spines can be diagnosed on radiographs and nuclear scintigraphy. However, just because a horse has kissing spine lesions on diagnostic imaging, does not mean that they are experiencing clinical signs or that they require treatment. Studies have not been able to show any correlation between diagnostic imaging lesions and clinical signs.

Clinical signs thought to be related to kissing spines include sensitivity on back palpation, “girthiness”, sensitivity to brushing, poor performance and/or bad behaviour under saddle. However, there are many other differentials for these clinical signs including gastric ulcers, muscle disorders, and ovarian pain in mares. Injury and arthritis can occur between the facets of the thoracic vertebrae as well as within the vertebral disc spaces. These facets and disc spaces require ultrasound in order to be imaged. Back pain may also be secondary to lameness issues in the hind end. To determine if a horse’s diagnostic imaging lesions are the source of their clinical signs, local anesthetic (i.e. lidocaine/mepivacaine) can be injected into the affected area(s). If the horse’s clinical signs do not improve with local anesthetic, then their kissing spine lesions are likely not the cause of their clinical signs. However, some horses will not improve because they have chronic back pain that cannot be blocked out entirely.

In the top image, pre-operatively, the dorsal spinous processes are close together. The bone between the interspinous spaces is sclerotic (red arrows) which indicates that it is reacting to the interference between the processes. The second image is post-operatively, where the bone has been removed and the spaces are now wider.

What are the treatment options?

Treatment options for kissing spines can involve physiotherapy, chiropractic work, mesotherapy, shockwave, and local infiltration of corticosteroids between the affected dorsal spinous processes. Some horses can be managed very well with medical treatment alone. The best candidates for surgical correction are those horses that respond well to medical treatment but require treatment to be repeated in short time intervals.

What does surgery involve?

Depending on the degree of impingement between the dorsal spinous processes, the impinging bone is either removed (cranial ostectomy) or the ligament between the processes is cut (interspinous ligament desmotomy). If no complications arise, horses can generally be re-introduced to work 2 months after the procedure. In one study of 30 horses who received surgical correction for kissing spines, 93% returned to the same level of intended work.

If you feel that your horse is exhibiting signs of back pain, ensure that their saddle is properly fitted and consult a veterinarian. We spend a lot of time on our horses’ backs, and they deserve to be pain free.

Article By Dr. Shelby Krywonos, DVM


Pressanto, M. C., Pepe, M., Coomer, R. P., Pilati, N., & Beccati, F. (2023). Radiographic abnormalities of the thoracolumbar spinous processes do not differ between yearling and trained thoroughbred horses without perceived back pain. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association, 1–8.

Beaumont, A., Bertoni, L., & Denoix, J. M. (2021). Ultrasonographic diagnosis of equine thoracolumbar articular process joint lesions. Equine Veterinary Education, 34(11), 592–599.

De Souza, T. C., Crowe, O. M., Bowles, D., Poore, L. A., & Suthers, J. M. (2021). Minimally invasive cranial ostectomy for the treatment of impinging dorsal spinous processes in 102 standing horses. Veterinary Surgery, 51(S1). https://doi. org/10.1111/vsu.13736


Jun 13-16 Langley BC

Jun 20-23 Courtenay BC

Jun 27-30 Squamish BC

Jul 04-07 Enderby BC

Jul 11-14 Heffley Creek BC

Jul 18-21 Two Rivers BC

Jul 25-28 Grande Prairie AB

Aug 01-04 Langdon AB

Aug 08-11 Fort Saskatchewan AB

Aug 15-18 Balgonie SK

Oct 03-06 Saskatoon SK

BAREFOOT HOOFCARE • 204-771-5335 2024 Hoof Trimming Clinics
Images courtesy of Paton and Martin Veterinary Services Ltd. and surgeon Dr. Natacha Bonomelli, DVM, DACSV (LA)

Pretty BUT TOXIC Invasive Plant Harms Horses

WDana Johnsen's mare was healthy before coming into contact with

Credit: Dana Johnsen

ith rising prices in groceries, it’s more important than ever to protect food security in BC and Canada. Ensuring that crops have the best yields involves preventing the spread of invasive plant species and managing established populations.

But in some cases, invasive plants don’t just threaten crop yields or foraging opportunities, they can be harmful to farm animals. Hoary alyssum (Berteroa incana) is an invasive species that is particularly toxic to horses. When dried, horses find it irresistible.

Dana Johnsen, a rancher from the Penticton area, almost lost a mare a few years ago due to its exposure to Hoary alyssum.

“There was a direct correlation between her consuming the weed and becoming very sick. It was winter and there was no other feed available and no other changes in her daily activity, diet or weather,” she said.

Dana believes the invasive plant was introduced to the area in a load of hay purchased from a supplier. Sharing her experience with us, Dana is hoping to bring awareness so that others may be spared from such a traumatic situation.

“The mare ate all the hay, while my other horses picked through and left the weeds behind. Within 24 hours, she started to get inflamed legs, her eyeballs became very swollen, and the mucous membranes began to bulge out around her eyes. She quickly went downhill with

laminitis [a feeling of hot hoof that can cause lameness] and eventually founder [the coffin bone separates from the hoof and rotates, leading to severe pain]. She was not able to get up and stand for almost a week,” said Dana.

“As soon as I could get her to stand up, we took her to the vet where she was treated for pain and inflammation. She was given thyroid medication and antibiotics as her coffin bones were starting to protrude through her soles.”

Allison Tai, a rancher from Hope, also has experience with Hoary alyssum. She shares how invasive plants like this affect rural properties. She says she has to remain vigilant, as her horses have been grazing the property for the last four years.

“When we first arrived at our new farm, I was amazed at all the lovely white flowers that filled the fields. Until I looked it up and discovered they were toxic (to animals). We’ve tried all manner of things – sprays, mowing, hand pulling. We’ve settled on hand pulling but it’s really important to get the root. I do all my hand weeding with gloves and a root puller,” said Allison. “It’s also important to bag it since I’ve heard the weeds get sweeter and horses will eat it once it’s been pulled and dried. I’ve had zero success with spraying and mowing, it just seems to make the root systems more robust.”

Hoary alyssum is a particularly troublesome invasive species.

Hoary alyssum. Dana Johnsen’s ranch near Penticton. Credit: Dana Johnsen

It is designated a Regional Noxious Weed in the Kootenary Boundary regional district and is currently found in SouthCentral and Southeastern BC including the Okanagan, Cariboo, Boundary, Thompson, and Kootenay areas. “Hoary alyssum is so invasive and toxic to livestock that it’s landed on the BC Provincial Priority Invasive Species List. Some of the symptoms in animals that have consumed Hoary alyssum include fever, limb edema (swelling or puffiness in the tissues under the skin), and laminitis – as Dana mentioned. This is not something to take lightly,” said Allison McCabe, Horticulturist and ISCBC’s Senior Lead of Outreach.

“Hoary alyssum seeds can be spread by wildlife and birds – that’s obviously hard to control. But the seeds are also known to be spread by vehicles, equipment, and footwear. Taking measures to avoid spreading Hoary alyssum seeds from one area to another is crucial. If it can’t be brushed off, wash it off. Do not throw Hoary alyssum into the compost. Because Hoary alyssum spreads so easily, make sure to bag the plants, plant parts, and seeds before disposing of in the landfill.”

While there are several methods used to control invasive plants – such as biological control (enlisting the help of organisms to eat or infect the target plant), mechanical, cultural, and chemical control –unfortunately there are no organisms to control Hoary alyssum, so the choices are more limited. “Using mechanical control, mowing Hoary alyssum will reduce seed production. Small populations can be pulled by hand or hoe before the seed sets. Because invasive plants thrive in disturbed soil, once the root is pulled a desirable grass/ legume mix should be seeded to occupy that space and to establish competition. For best results, it’s important to carry out follow-up or maintenance management activities throughout the growing season, and in subsequent years for the best control results,“ said Dave Ralph, ISCBC’s Senior Manager of Operations. “Chemical control can be performed by a certified pesticide applicator following an Integrated Pest Management Plan. There are various herbicides which have

shown long term control results. Typically, these applications are most effective in the spring and fall, but applications can also be done in the summer if the plant is green and actively growing. For the most effective control, repeat applications are necessary.”

While Allison Tai has the most success with hand pulling Hoary alyssum, she must commit to pulling it two days a week. “It’s nearly a full-time job!” she says of the hefty time commitment. “After a good rain in soft soil, it’s pretty easy to remove. However, in a dry spell in hard soil, it can be nearly impossible to get the root out. I’ve made the mistake of pulling a few wayward weeds in dry weather and ripped my hands up for it.” As for Dana’s mare, the long-term effects from encountering Hoary alyssum continue.“She developed many issues afterward, such as extreme allergies and skin sensitivities. I had to let her go for free to a new home in Bella Coola, which is a totally different climate and hopefully helps her allergies,” said Dana.

Article by Lisa Houle, Lisa is a Communications and Outreach Coordinator at ISCBC. She values a diverse environment and connecting with others about environmental protection. In her spare time Lisa enjoys spending time at the ocean and beach combing for sea glass. You can reach Lisa at

Download the WeedsBMP app to successfully identify and learn how to manage invasive plants to minimize impacts on operations. Early detection and action are critical to stopping the spread of invasive species. Report a noxious weed or invasive plant of concern by downloading the Report InvasivesBC app, report it directly to the BC government, or call 1-888-933-3722.

Hand pulling Hoary alyssum from grazing land. Credit: Allison Tai Hoary alyssum (Berteroa incana). Credit: B. Stewart
Content worth your Google WeedsBMP
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Trainers Hack

ESL for Horses: How to Teach Words to Your Horse

In my article last month, I covered which words to teach your horse. Now let’s look at how to teach your horse the words you want them to know. There are a number of things your horse needs from you in order to learn these words. Gentleness; we have all made mistakes with our animals when we are frustrated, the environment is not ideal, or we aren’t feeling well. You cannot change the past but you can absolutely change the present. Forgive yourself and your horse so that you can improve together. Patience; take your time. It is better to take longer to train your horse than to destroy your mutual trust. Be a learner; there are valuable lessons we can learn from our horses about being present, careful, flexible, firm, generous, honest, and respectful.

Accept Approximations

Decide what you want, ensure you know how to ask for it, and accept an approximation of that. Recognize that there will not be major improvement every time you play with your horse. Four repetitions will usually confirm a response. Too many repetitions of the same activity without a change to a new activity can lead to resistance from the horse due to boredom or resentment. Remember your teenager’s responses to repetitive requests such as the whiny “Not aga…in” or the exasperated “I did it already!”


Always remember that if the you or your horse are unable to focus on the task then this is not a good time for training as you or your horse could get injured. Wait for a better environment: fewer other horses, quieter, or less rainy, windy or cold. A few days or a few weeks in training delays makes no difference in the overall training of the horse. Safety is always the primary concern when working with animals.


Personal protection: helmet, gloves, sturdy boots or shoes. Training tools: fanny pack, clicker, treats, halter and lead line or bridle, whip or other arm extension tool. I wear a helmet, gloves that provide

extra grip and protect my hands from rope burns, and sturdy boots or shoes that I can move quickly in and will protect my feet from treads. I use a fanny pack for treats and I leave the zipper partly open so treats are accessible or you can just put treats in both of your pockets. I also use a clicker with a spiral wrist band so it is always handy and easy to transfer to the other hand.

To extend my arm reach for taps I prefer to use a dressage whip but you can use a Carrot Stick or a longe whip with the lash wrapped, taped or removed. I also use a thin rope halter with a long lead line, mostly because my handgrip is not as strong as it used to be and I want to avoid incidentally teaching my horse that they can get away from me if startled. I also put a knot in the end of the lead line for extra grip. Horses are very sensitive to sound and touch and often respond better to lighter aids than stronger aids. When using any type of aid imagine them as soft requests or tickles. If stronger aids are needed apply as smoothly as possible since jerking can frighten the horse.

If you are using a clicker the first thing you will want to do is “load the clicker” by pairing the clicker with an immediate treat. In this way your horse learns that the click indicates the exact moment that their response is correct and is rewarded with a treat.

Loading the Clicker

1. Stand to the side of your horse near their shoulder (depending on your arm length and the size of your horse).

2. Take a treat out of the fanny pack or pocket, put the clicker in your other hand.

3. Ignore all attempts by the horse to get the treat.

4. The instant the horse looks away click then immediately treat. 5. Repeat 10-20 times, switch sides and repeat the procedure.

Teaching a Word

1. Voice aid

2. Touch aid: lead line or rein aid if needed, followed by whip, hand, or toe tap if needed. Give only one aid at a time (eg. voice, then lead line or rein, then tap). Touch aids should be used for the length of time it takes to say the word “one”, then released


and repeated every two seconds as needed. This gives the horse time to respond. Use tap aids only if necessary.

3. Execution by the horse.

4. Click and/or treat immediately (if not using a clicker or you haven’t “loaded the clicker” first you will always use a treat to reward).

Voice, Visual and Touch Aids

Stop: lift both hands (no higher than the horse’s cheek or no higher than your shoulders if they are very tall), lightly tug backwards on the lead line or rein, and stop walking. When starting very young horses in halter remember to desensitize them to a halter first, then a rope next and then use a figure of eight rope placement through the halter (not attached to the halter) over the back and around the hindquarters above the hock.

Stand: lightly tug the lead line or reins downward twice (to differentiate between “Head”)

Lift: whip tap on the back of the leg on the fetlock.

Back: lightly tug the lead line or reins backward, tap the horse’s chest.

Step: lightly tug the lead line or reins forward under the horse’s chin, tap the back of the front leg above the knee. Eventually you can teach the horse to move one foot at a time by tickling that leg with the whip above the knees and hocks.

Step Up, Step Down: lightly tug the lead line forward under the horse’s chin, then tap the back of the front leg. I use a large heavy platform to teach this and work my way down to smaller, raised platforms.

Over: tap near the girth area to move the whole horse sideways, tap the shoulder to move the shoulder over, tap on the barrel or buttock to move the hind end over. I prefer the barrel because that is where I will use my leg to locate the hindquarters and I like to use the hindquarters for “go.” There are times when it is clear the horse doesn’t understand so I will tap the barrel, then the hindquarters and repeat until the horse moves over.

Head: lightly tug the lead line or reins downward using a treat to lure the horse to lower their head. Eventually you can eliminate the lure.

Walk On, Trot: lightly tug the lead line or reins forward under the horse’s chin, then tap the hindquarter.

Easy: lightly tug backward on lead line or reins.

Forward: lightly tug forward on lead line, then tap hind quarter. Right: leading from the left: place your left hand as a pointer across in front of the horse’s head, lightly tug the lead line right, and walk right. Left: leading from the left move both hands to the left, lightly tug the lead line or reins left and walk left.

Remember “work” is not part of a horse’s natural life. Have fun playing with your horse and your horse will learn to have fun playing with you!

Article by Sloane Hammond, from Gryphon Hollow Farms. Sloane began her professional career upon certification at age sixteen, her first position was with Pamela Arthur. She also taught extensively for Pony Clubs and had the privilege to train with and work for Olympic riders, coaches, and FEI officials from North America and Europe. She has also coached national Young Riders to achieve their goals in dressage, eventing, and show jumping, teaching contemporary equitation based on current research. Her passion is to encourage students to become dedicated guardians, confident handlers and riders, and lifelong learners in order to build joyful partnerships with their horses.

Armstrong Fair Grounds
F o r t i c k e t s a l e s v i s i t W W W . C S H A A B . C A T H E C O U N T D O W N T O A C E N T U R Y T H E C O U N T D O W N T O A C E N T U R Y S Y M P O S I U M S E R I E S W I T H S Y M P O S I U M S E R I E S W I T H A N D R E W B O U R N S S A V E T H E D A T E J U N E 1 8 T H 2 0 2 3 @ R M S J F o r t i c k e t s a l e s v i s i t W W W . C S H A - A B . C A J U N I O R - $ 3 5 . 0 0 C U R R E N T M E M B E R - $ 4 5 . 0 0 N O N M E M B E R - $ 5 5 . 0 0 T I C K E T P R I C I N G

Hi, my name is Elaena, I am 2 years old and absolutely horse crazy! I live on Vancouver island, BC. and this is the pony I get to ride, her name is Mia. We like to attend gymkhanas and barrel races together. I’m a little girl with big riding goals!

My name is Davie I am 9 and I live in Oliver BC. I got to do my first barrel race this year on my horse Banjo and we also got to go gather cows with my dad on the 69 ranch. It was so much fun and we had lots of support and help along the way.

“This new dog….just isn’t a good match!”

Presently, all the dog rescues are overflowing, SPCA’s are brim full, temporary foster homes are maxed out and dogs are even being left to fend for themselves, dumped at schools, parks, beaches, gas stations, rest stops, truck stops, crown land, and anywhere a person can think to get rid of a dog. The population of abandoned dogs these days is beyond compare. It was written on the wall during covid when everyone and their friend bought a dog. Dog breeders made fortunes as they amped up production for the overwhelming market of new dog owners. People were grounded, many working at home and craved social company …what better time to invite a companion dog into their life right? Maybe that was good for people but, as predicted, when humans went back to work, were free to travel and be social again, you guessed it…many of these gorgeous puppies became rambunctious full sized unsocialized dogs and too many people began feeling the burden of pet commitment (?). Result…thousands upon thousands of once cherished pups, now have become unruly, out of control, untrained, now anxiety ridden, often traumatized, 2-3 year old dogs that are being thrown away.

Many dogs looking for new homes are completely confused. Some are distraught and trying their hearts out to adjust. Some have had traumatic experiences, been abused in one way or another or worse, neglected completely. Emotional upheaval is exhausting and dogs take on stress on every level of their being, just like humans. They get sad, lonely, depressed, angry, desperate, scared… they feel anxiety and abandonment. Many dogs go off eating, get destructive, aggressive and create all kinds of coping skills including self-mutilation. If you or anyone you know has had an abusive experience, been in a dysfunctional relationship or dealing with any kind of PTSD, you can understand that healing takes time. Furthermore, allowing yourself to be vulnerable and trusting another again, takes even longer.

Some therapists say that as much time as a person has lived in a damaging past, they can expect to take about half that time to heal and come to some semblance of balance again. I believe this to be true of animals as well.

As animal lovers, I think we can agree that horses and dogs alike are emotional, intellectual, physical and I might add spiritual (or relational) individuals. They may think, act and play differently than humans however their hearts are something to be respected and loved, as with any one of us.

The most pressing reason I wanted to write about this topic, is to address all the amazing intentions of the wonderful folks that are in the process of or considering adopting one of these homeless dogs. It seems like way too often lately I hear of someone that has fallen in love with a rescued dog only to tell me shortly thereafter, “they just aren’t the dog for me” or “they just aren’t a good match”, or worse, “I just can’t stand this behaviour or that issue…”. This makes me crazy! Relationships take time folks. We all know this to be true yet, for some strange reason people think that as soon as they sign on the dotted adoption line, dogs are supposed to be an instant loyal, loving and trustworthy companion! They take the time they take and it needs to be our promise to allow a new dog that time.

Here are some things to help set you and your new dog up for success… to help your bonding and to build the relationship we all want with our beloved dogs:

Provide them a comfortable place to call their own - a dog bed, or carpet or cushion where they can have their own space.

Make that space or bed their new best place to be, give them a bone or chewy there, put an article of your fresh scent there (dirty laundry works great).

Spend personal time with them just hanging out, sitting with them at their level, in a safe place like your patio or back yard. Just be with them. Stroke them if they want physical affection and accept your touch (or ask for it), knowing that not all dogs are lovers on the first dates!

Start leash walking within a safe boundary like your back yard, without distractions. Introduce basic leadership commands. Use lots of obstacles and figure 8s to help them be ‘with’ you.

Have your new dog leashed when the doorbell rings or with new visitors. As your dog starts ‘believing’ they are part of your life, they may become protective. Until you have a good recall and ‘leave it’ command with your dog, keep them and your guests safe having your dog on leash as you bring newcomers into your home. - Visitors should keep their hands in their pockets, not make eye contact or try to stroke or get into your new dog’s space. Give your dog the time they need to be accepting of new people.

Once your dog seems comfortable with their surroundings then gradually expand your boundary taking them to park benches and open spaces where they can process and observe new unfamiliar situations with their ‘newfound hero’ right by their side. Just hang out together …like friends.

Tip of the Month
+ + + + + +

A powerful and quick way to get into a dog’s heart is through their stomach. A sure way for your new dog to start valuing your position is to feed them, by hand, for the first while. Treats are fine but be careful you only give a treat when they are calm. Don’t be rewarding behaviours you don’t want and be sure you aren’t doubling their food rations filling them with treats!

Like all children, dogs need and crave structure and leadership. Avoid just letting them listlessly wonder your house or find their own entertainment, until a trust is formed between you. Introduce expectations slowly and help your dog understand what you want from them. Don’t give up on them!

Short version, don’t’ give up on them! First comes love and acceptance, then comes leadership. Observe your new dog, knowing that it needs patience, compassion, time and understanding. Know that there is a reason you were attracted to each other. Now enjoy the journey and learn together!

Patricia Skinner-Porter is the owner/operator of Harmony Farm Kennel & Lamb at Monte Lake BC. Offering custom care boarding (non-dog park style) Patricia provides personal care, attention and daily exercise for ALL dog types, breeds and doganalities! She also offers one-on-one dog-owner training, helping individuals to create healthy happy relationships with their dogs. Here she shares her vast array of experience with a beneficial monthly tip for you and your pooch to enjoy!

HARMONY FARM KENNEL AND, Monte Lake BC, 250-375-2528. “Custom Care” boarding welcomes ALL dogs!


My name is Jack, I am a 2 year old blue healer, I live in Armstrong, BC

I am a professional farrier dog, my favourite meal is t-bone Steaks and Starbucks pup cups! My main job is entertaining people at work while Adam is shoeing horses.

Send us a photo of your favourite pooch! Tell us the dog’s name, breed, and up to 50 words about him/her. We will print your first name (or initials) and your city/province.

E-mail to and put in subject line: TOP DOG OF THE MONTH. Photos will be printed on a first come first serve basis.

Book of the Month

This feel-good, comprehensive exploration of the profound bond between humans and dogs from Jen Golbeck, the “internet’s dog mom” behind the massive social media platform The Golden Ratio,and award-winning science writer Stacey Colino “will bring something magical and meaningful into your life” (Daniel J. Siegel, MD, New York Times bestselling author). Dogs have been considered people’s best friend for thousands of years, but never has the relationship between humans and their canine companions been as vitally important as it is today. With all of the seismic shifts in today’s world, rates of anxiety and depression have been skyrocketing, and people have been turning to their dogs for solace and stability. Amidst these dire realities, something wonderful has taken shape. In the United States alone, dog adoptions doubled during the COVID-19 pandemic. As people have brought furry friends into their lives for the first time or seized this opportunity to deepen the connections they already have, they are looking to understand how owning a dog can change their lives. Weaving together groundbreaking research and touching real-life stories, The Purest Bond is an “informative and fun” (Publishers Weekly) exploration of not just the social benefits of owning a dog but the science of how dogs improve our emotional and physical health, mental acuity, and our ability to focus and absorb information. Most importantly, they remind us of what’s right in the world—love, trust, affection, playtime, fresh air, and sunshine—even when so much feels wrong.

For your pet needs contact:

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British Columbia for complete locations and times

June 1-2

June 15-16

Jen L’Arrivee Clinic

Wild and Wooly Sheep Trial

June 22-23 Lee Lumb & Helen Dunning Clinic

June 29-30 East Kootneys Field Trial

Alberta for complete locations and times

June 6-10 Ranch Master Classic, ASDA sanctioned

June 22-23 Shaunavon SDT

June 29-30 East Kootney STD

250-295-7381 Quality Foods & Supplies for all your Pets! See us on FB
Stock Dog Events for British Columbia and Alberta
+ +

Kelowna Riding Club

Spring Classic

The weather was warm and sunny, and welcomed a number of coaches and riders from the valley. Congratulations to our riders, including some exciting wins in the speciality classes.

PeeWee Medal

KRC Accumulator, sponsored by Elite Sport Horses

KRC Mini Prix, sponsored by MD Equestrian

KRC Micro Medal

CET Mini Medal

Beginner Hunter Classic

Nevaeh Fryer on Starlit Sky

Danica Sandercock on Diamond Fortune OHF

Mimi Thorp on Bellagio

Deborah Hammill on Go With The Flow

Kenzie Hanson on Eloy

Kate Azima on Power of Love LS Hunter Medal 2'6"

Kaia Hanna on Calisto Hunter Derby

Kate Paynton on Keheops Msk

Thank you to our show officials, support staff, volunteers, competitors, coaches, and spectators who contributed to the success and fun of the event.

The Kelowna Riding Club is looking forward to hosting their Dressage Festival on June 8th and 9th. The dressage ring footing has recently been redone, and will make its show debut during the sold out "Ride Your Test" Day on May 19th. Connect with the KRC on Facebook, Instagram or at for a full calendar of events and shows.

Club listings available in our club directory Get your Club's news in monthly!


Alberta Back Country Horsemen Memberships now available

Volunteers with Alberta Back Country Horsemen have made major strides in the effort to create a new organization since the launch of a Facebook group in January. The new organization proposes to safeguard equestrian access to wilderness trails, including our right to access as well as physical maintenance of existing trails, equine camp facilities and staging areas on public land. With over 2,500 Facebook followers, we know there is an interest. And we know that there is strength in numbers. We now urge our followers to become members so our collective voice can be heard.

As this association grows, its membership benefits include:

Non-competitive social activities, with and without horses

Trail riding with others in urban, rural and backcountry settings

Regional chapter and inter-chapter events

A (fun!) Annual General Meeting

Discounts with community partners

Educational programs focused on horse care, trail riding and environmental stewardship

Preservation of our national horse heritage through the care and upkeep of historic trails

Community-focused initiatives and projects

Thomas Valentine, riding 'Scout' in the beautiful backcountry of Alberta. Our goal is to safeguard access to areas like this. Photo by Tim Richardson.

Memberships are available by visiting our website. Fees are set at $55 annually. An introductory promotion offers a special on a two-year membership at $90 for the balance of 2024 and all of 2025.

Proof of Alberta Equestrian Federation membership will be required. Contributions towards our start-up costs will also be accepted.

PRIZES! Purchase your membership by August 31, 2024 and you will be eligible to win prizes. We’ll start with six individual subscriptions to Saddle Up magazine and more to come!

Follow ABCH on Facebook @albertabackcountryhorsemen Learn more on our website Questions? Or need help with online membership? Email


Vernon Riding Club

A busy start to spring

Things kicked off with our first clinic of the season with Eiren Crawford which sold out quickly. It was 3 days of back to back coaching with Eiren and riders from various parts of BC. The first Interior Desert Circuit Show of the season began at the VDRC with a tremendous turn out. A great time was had by all and we want to thank all the competitors, moms & dads, grandparents, coaches, employees and volunteers for all their efforts! The Crony Club has been having a blast Monday nights. Riders and their horses have been navigating obstacles and different exposures in their environment like trains and fire trucks. This crew has been all smiles and is set to wrap up June 10th. ‘A Celebration of Dressage’, our EC Gold/Bronze dressage show, concluded our May events and is always a highlight for riders throughout the Okanagan and various parts of BC, spectators and their families.


We are very excited to reveal a spectacular save the date event! A premiere VDRC fundraiser ‘The White Table Event’ will be taking place September 7th from 5-9 pm at the Vernon District Riding Club!

This is an outdoor exclusive event with a catered table service dinner, live music, equine show, blind auction, beer & wine and all guests dressed in white. Only 100 tickets will be available for sale! Mark your calendars this is going to be a memorable evening in a stunning location for horse and non-horse people alike! There is so much more yet to come at the VDRC, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram or check our website for events and updates https://

WestCoast Working Equitation What Is Working Equitation All About?

As the name states, Working Equitation is a working sport. Founded in Italy, Portugal, Spain and France, Working Equitation was developed to preserve traditional country riding, farm work, cultural traditions and tack from each of those countries. The idea is to demonstrate the collaboration and trust between horse and rider through a combination of flatwork (dressage) and ‘natural’ obstacles that resemble things or situations that might be encountered working on farms, ranches, and with livestock. There are 5 different performance levels to differentiate between horses and riders at different stages of training and experience. The levels are: Children – limited to riders 7 to 11 years of age, there is no speed trial at this level Introductory – for beginner riders and their horses, as well as young or green horses Novice A & B – for those riders beginning their development in WE Intermediate A & B – for those progressing in their development Advanced Masters

Within the competition, there are four separate phases:

1 Dressage – Working Equitation is founded upon the elements of Dressage. Each level of competition incorporates a dressage trial based upon the level of difficulty the rider is competing in. Scoring is as in a regular Dressage trial, with each manoeuvre scored on a scale of 1-10 and collective marks at the conclusion of the phase to gauge overall impulsion, submission, paces, rider and presentation. Movements in the dressage test coincide with the type and difficulty of movements required in the Ease of Handling and Speed trials at each level.

2 Ease of Handling – Obstacles are set up to simulate the difficulties

encountered by a horse and rider in the field. Obstacles are also scored on the 0-10 rubric with collective marks for impulsion, submission, quality of transitions and rider effectiveness. Ideally, judges are looking for collected horses that consistently maintain an even, forward-driving rhythm, move from one obstacle or task to the next showing smooth transitions, and an overall symmetrical performance that focuses on the quality of geometry created by horse and rider when completing the patterns.

3 Speed Obstacles – The crowd favourite, Speed Trials, showcase the horse’s speed, willingness and effectiveness in completing tasks cleanly and efficiently. The objective is to negotiate the course with no errors, in the correct order, as quickly and efficiently as possible. Time penalties can be incurred and time bonuses can be earned.

4 Cattle Handling – The fourth and final trial tests the ability of a horse and rider to work with cattle individually as part of a team. Each rider will sort, cut, and herd a pre-selected animal from the herd and then as a team, the 3 or 4 riders will put it in a designated pen. Tune in next month when we’ll discuss the details of some of the obstacles encountered in Working Equitation. We hope you had a chance to see some of the action at our Welcome Spring! Show on May 25-26 at Maple Ridge Equi Sport Centre! If you’re ready to give it a try, contact us at info@ Our Upcoming Events July 13-14 Summer Sizzle Clinic & WE Schooling Show.


The Endurance Riders Association of BC Ever wondered about Endurance riding?

Endurance riding is about partnering with your equine and riding distances from 25 miles (40km) up to 100 miles (160 km) in one day within a specified maximum time. Scenic, well marked trails await the youngest to the most senior riders on any breed of fit horse, pony or mule. Endurance events are closely monitored by veterinarians and your horse must pass a pre-ride inspection in order to start the event. The results of the inspection is recorded on a Vet Score Card. During the competition there are set “hold times” (for example: 3045 minutes) where the equine is given time to rest/drink/eat as well as receive another examination by the veterinarian assessing physical and metabolic parameters. Your horse must pass the exam in order to continue. Once you cross the finish line, a final veterinarian inspection is done in order to receive credit for completing the course.

The primary competition is against the trail.....the horse and rider team coping with terrain, weather and distance. Only after these challenges have been mastered does the competition against other riders enter the picture. The first challenge is to successfully bring your horse to the finish line and pass the final veterinarian exam. Endurance events offer something for everyone; they provide you with the opportunity to meet like minded people, ride solo or with friends/ family, camp with your horse, ride a variety of challenging terrain and really “bond” with your equine partner.

The best way to get started in the sport of Endurance is to speak with an experienced competitor, consider volunteering at an upcoming event, get your horse fit and peruse the ERABC website under the “new rider” tab where you will find lots of great educational information about the sport. Many BC Endurance events also offer “introductory rides” where riders and their equines receive a pre-ride vet check, then

Vintage Riders

Sometimes going slow makes things go faster at a clinic, you may understand the task, or the timing or the expectations. But your horse doesn’t. Preparation before helps both of you to build a trusting partnership. For example, before a working equitation event it often helps if you hand walk your horse through a series of obstacles, and hand walk through the dressage test. This is called patterning. It helps the horse see that there is a beginning and an end to the request for his participation. As you walk, you will notice that he gives you an ear, moves his shoulder away or gently reaches with his nose and touches you. He is asking for confirmation that he is doing the right thing. Let him know he is correct by occasionally stopping and reassuring him. A gentle pat, some soft laughter and make eye contact with a smile. This will bring on the licks, chews and yawns of acceptance. We are now into the fun activities with the club.

Our plans made in the winter are beginning to happen. Vintage Riders has had some great speakers these past months. Laura M gave an informative and thought provoking presentation on a new line of bits in the marketplace. This was followed by the opportunity to haul in to Rita R’s arena and ride your horse with a few of these bits. There were lots of, “Hmmm…well…” moments as we discovered styles of bits that our horses definitely preferred.

Speaking of Working Equitation, Jane Stone gave a clinic hosted at our member Vicki’s place, thank you! Those who attended absorbed

head out on one loop of approximately 10-15 miles (15-25 km) followed by a final vet check. The introductory ride is not a competition. The purpose of the introductory ride is to provide riders with a taste of “what to expect” at an Endurance event including pacing, how to care for their equines (and themselves), how to present to the veterinarian etc.

Ride schedule for the 2024 season:

June 15 Merritt Mountain Magic (25 mile, 50 mile and introductory ride)

June 29 & 30 Cariboo Gold Rush Express (25 mile and 50 mile both days, introductory ride on day 2)

July 19 & 20 Educational Weekend, Larch Hills, Salmon Arm

Aug 3 & 4 Highland Valley, Logan Lake (25 mile and 50 mile both days, introductory ride)

Sept 7 Heather Bradshaw Memorial, Summerland (25 and 50 mile, introductory ride).

The Endurance Riders Association of BC (ERABC) is a grass roots nonprofit club. For more information about Endurance and updates on the ride schedule, visit

her experienced guidance. Her knowledge of finding the right line and focusing on precision was a mindful take home message. This is what members were looking for to further advance in their approach to Working Equitation.

Caroline S. one of our previous members came for an encore performance in the roll of Square Dance caller. Yes, square dancing on horseback. Lots of laughs and wrong turns. We have the video to prove it. Under the circumstances the horses did well. But I believe they were thinking, “Are our people nuts!”

Vintage Riders encourages perseverance in so many ways. It was one of those days, where getting enough people out to make a square of eight, was a challenge. What with flat tires, lame horses, injury fare ups and more, it was a mixed bag of horses. So glad Caroline knows us Vintage Riders, and laughed along. Brings to mind the saying : LEAD A PRODUCTIVE LIFE soft breezes and smooth trails to you. Until next time ~ Kendra


In 1992 Skimikin Lake was designated a recreation site and in 1994 the trails were designated a recreation reserve. In the late 1990’s an equestrian campsite in the Shuswap emerged! Backcountry Horsemen of BC - Shuswap Chapter worked with the Ministry of Forests to build an equestrian camp at Skimikin Lake. This collaborative effort included road building, brushing out the camping area and the building of corrals. The Shuswap Chapter maintained the campsite for several years before another equestrian group took over in 2018. Since then, Recreation Sites and Trails BC, have been the overseers of the campground. About the Skimikin Campsite:

Skimikin is just 20 minutes off Trans Canada Hwy 1 on a maintained paved road in Tappen. This is a great stopover location for a weary horse and driver but one might just want to stay longer. There are five equestrian sites with two corrals per campsite, and two additional day use sites with two corrals each. Water is available from the lake with designated access. There are out houses, picnic tables, fire pits and two manure pits. A camp host is on site from mid-April to October. There is a camp fee of $15 and additional $4 per horse per night. Campsites are on a first come first served basis.

Fun fact: 484 equestrians camped at Skimikin in 2023!

So, what has happened since 2019?

TRAILS, TRAILS, TRAILS!!! What’s an equestrian campsite without trails?

Shuswap Chapter entered into a Partnership Agreement with RSTBC to maintain the Skimikin Trail Network. Since the trails were also shared by motorized enthusiasts, we formed a working group and started addressing trail concerns, signage, etiquette and use. We also recognized we were recreating on the Traditional Territory of the Secwépemc Nation. We attended an Elders site visit and learned about the Skimikin Valley and its significance to the surrounding Indigenous communities. This inspired our new trail signage. Our Trail signs have gone from numbers to names of

Skimikin Equestrian Camp - Shuswap Chapter #2 in a series on Horse Camps

animals, plants and trees significant to the area. The signs display the names in both Secwépemc and English. In 2024 look for the QR Code on the main kiosk sign to link you to a pronunciation website!

Several loop trails are now designated as non-motorized for hikers and equestrians while the majority are multi-use. A NEW map will be coming Spring of 2024! Another very exciting 4 km non-motorized trail received the go ahead and construction started in the fall of 2023. This project is expected to be completed mid-summer of 2024. The new Moose trail offers a gradual climb above the lake and traverses through several different ecosystems with viewpoints of the Skimikin Valley and towards Turtle Valley.

Above all, we can’t thank our valuable volunteers enough for taking on the stewardship role of Skimikin with such enthusiasm! Over the past number of years, we are grateful for the support of Horse Council BC, Backcountry Horsemen of BC, Shuswap Trail Alliance, Recreation Sites and Trails BC and most recently the Province of British Columbia through the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport for the financial support with the building of the new Moose Trail. This is a favoured destination for equine camping and trail riding enthusiasts. Look for information on the Horse Council of BC’s Trails Database under Recreation Trails/Rec – Horse Council BC ( and on the Recreation Sites and Trails BC website Recreation Sites and Trails BC.

Want to support initiatives like these and get updates? Join a BCHBC chapter near you! Next month the Yarrow chapter writes about Kearsley and Headwaters horse camps!

Article by Linda Buchanan

Horsemen of BC Back Country Horsemen of BC – serving BC trail riding enthusiasts since 1989! Check out our beautiful website at / Questions? Contact BCHBC respectfully acknowledges that our members are privileged to recreate on the unceded traditional lands of First Nations people of British Columbia.
The Back Country
Riding out on the new Moose Trail New signage acknowledging the Secwepemc trail names and territory

Canadian Cowboy Challenge

The CCC Challenge season has begun starting in mid May in Saskatchewan. Results were not available at the time of this writing, but there will be results available for the July issue. This month I would like to highlight the Rope Gate. The Rope Gate (RG) seems to be an intimidating obstacle for some riders. I would suggest to approach a rope gate in the same manner as a hinged gate. The strategy used for both styles of gates is the same. Your entry is parallel to the rope gate, execution is perpendicular to the rope gate and exit starts parallel to the rope gate.

Enter: The team is parallel to the RG. To maximize scoring it would be ideal if the rider would have side passed toward the RG so that the horse’s front end was on the other side of the gate post base. In doing so, the rider could open the gate without leaning forward. In the second photo the rider is parallel to the RG but has to reach back to unlatch the rope.

In reaching for the rope the rider is no longer in position to be balanced with the horse. It would have been ideal to have backed up two steps so the rider’s shoulder was inline with the gate post.

Execute: In the third photo the rider has ridden through the centre of the RG.

Clubs & Associations

To do get to this position, the rider has backed up two steps while moving the hind end over at the same time to go through the RG forwards. In doing so the team is in the centre of and perpendicular to the RG. Once through the gate the rider must move the horse’s hind end parallel to the RG and back up so that the rope can be replaced on the post. Side passing slightly will be required to get close enough to the post so that the rider does not lean excessively replacing the rope.

Exit: The team in the fourth photo is close to completing the execution stage.

Completion: would see the team parallel to the gate with the rider’s shoulder even with the gate post and the rope on the post. The exit is started with a slight side pass out and turn on the haunches and leaving perpendicular to the gate. At this time the team will be ready to head to the next obstacle. In maneuvering gates in general, it is important for the team to be able to back up and move the front or back end over in any direction at the same time. This ability is a time saver and has an overall smoother appearance for the judge to score. As well, this ability enables the team to position themselves ideally in the Entry, Execution and Exit for the RG obstacle. Enjoy and have fun riding! Hans Kollewyn

Alberta Donkey and Mule Club

ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB Schooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. 10/23

BC ANIMAL OWNERS ASSOC. Mission is to get ‘legal’ access to non-vet practices to support our companion/farm animals. 624

BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pleasure, Combined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, 824

BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 325, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ.

BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB see our FB page. Pres: Bev Routledge email: Activities: trail rides, obstacle fun day, barn tour/pot luck. 724

BC PAINT HORSE CLUB, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. 425

BC WELSH PONY & COB ASSOC. (see FB) Pres: Rosanne 604-302-7650,

26 • JUNE 2024 SADDLEUP.CA 11/23
Play Days • Clinics • Shows • Trail Rides • Community Events • Knowledge Sharing High Point in Competitive and Recreational Categories 6/24
Breed promotion program throughout the province 624 BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCATION, Contact Carolyn Farris, email 325 BOUNDARY HORSE ASSOCIATION (Grand Forks BC), Offering shows, gymkhanas, clinics & more. See us on Facebook, 250-443-3191, 624 Canadian Cowboy Challenge A SPORT for the whole Family! Seven Divisions to accommodate all! For more info please call 403-828-2044 or visit 12/23 824 Promoting therapeutic riding, equine-based therapeutic services, and para-equestrian activities throughout BC through networking, educational programming, and outreach activities. JOIN US! 325 325 325 325 624
1 2 3 4 Club News deadline 5th of the month

Clubs & Associations

Visit us online:


Phone: (519) 767-0700

Since 1980, Canadian Therapeutic Riding Association has been the leader in Canada for therapeutic riding and is recognized as such by HETI (Horses in Education & Therapy International).

• Certification of therapeutic riding instructors - basic to senior level

• Prerequisites through Equestrian Canada

• Equine assisted wellness, learning, team building & personal development

• National accreditation of therapeutic riding programs

• Partner with Equine Guelph

Want to enjoy miles of beautiful new trails with your equine partner in BC? Try Endurance Riding! Info on clinics and events at We welcome all levels of riders and all breeds of equines.


CHILLIWACK RIDING CLUB, Drill Team, Horse Shows (Heritage Qualifiers), Gymkhana, Trail Rides, Clinics, Open Ride, Socials, 325

Events + Club Hub

Do you have your 2024 Event Dates yet? Email us - its FREE for non-profit events

REQUIRED FORMAT FOR EACH DATE: Jan 1-2, OPEN HORSE SHOW, Smith Arena, Location: Smithsville BC,











8-9 GENERAL PERFORMANCE & HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC w/Jodie Moore, Spa Alp Equines, Salmon Arm BC, Stephanie

8-9 WEKB SHOW SERIES, Judge Kim Vos, Boundary Horse Grounds, Grand Forks BC,

8-9 QHAA SHOW, Silver Slate Arena, Stavely AB,

10 CRONY CLUB, Vernon Riding Club



15 MERRITT MOUNTAIN MAGIC, Merritt BC, www.enduranceridersassocofbc.



15-20 GUELPH ON, Learn Equine Massage Therapy – Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,

19-21 ADULT CAMP, Kelowna Riding Club



21-26 OTTAWA ON, Learn Equine Massage Therapy – Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, CEMT, CCF,

22 GYMKHANA, Kelowna Riding Club




28-30 TOWE WELCOME BACK CLASSIC IV, Judge Amy Star, Armstrong BC,

29 CARIBOO GOLD RUSH EXPRESS (2 day), 108 Mile House BC,

29 Percentage Days, Vernon Riding Club


4-7 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Enderby BC,, 204-771-5335


6-7 COLT STARTING CLINIC w/Amanda Rae, Spa Alp Equines, Salmon Arm BC, Stephanie

11-14 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Heffley Creek BC,

12-14 L.J. TIDBALL JUMPING CLINIC, Vernon Riding Club


19-21 MOUNTAIN TRAIL/RANCH TRAIL SHOW, Canoa Farms, Merritt BC, 23 EDUCATION WEEKEND,Skimikin, Tappen BC,

25-28 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Grande Prairie AB,

26-28 QHAA SHOW, Wildrose Circuit, Westerner Park,Red Deer AB,

27-28 IDC SUMMER SHOW, Vernon Riding Club Special Events!

Look for Saddle Up there or read about the event coverage in our magazine!

26-28 WCMHC FINALE AMHA/AMHR Sanctioned Show, Claresholm AB,

Jun 8-9

Kelowna Dressage Festival, Kelowna Riding Club

Jun 21-23 Ranch Horse Revolution Show,

July 5-7

Confident Cowgirls Camp, Rocking Heart Ranch,

July 5-14 Calgary Stampede,

Aug 28-Sep1Interior Provincial Fair,

Aug 30-Sep1Island 22 horse trials & BC eventing championships, Chilliwack, BC, contact

Sep 4-8 Spruce Meadows Masters,

Do you have your 2024 dates booked yet? Dates can be added online in our Events and Club Hub calendar Email: to include you club news and dates in the magazine monthly!

Spirit Riders 4-H Club Yukon

Clubs & Associations


Bob Watson, President • 403-378-4323

INTERIOR CUTTING HORSE ASSOCIATION New cutters always welcome. email 1124


Welcoming a diverse equestrian community by fostering an environment of enjoyment, development, and competition.

Introducing the 2023 Interior Desert Hunter/Jumper Circuit Show Series More details and dates available at 3745 Gordon Drive, Kelowna BC 325

LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 325


NORTHERN SADDLE CLUB, Smithers BC. Check out our website at and follow us on Facebook 425

Promoting equine activities and knowledge in the south Cariboo with Shows, Clinics, Gymkhanas and more. President: Danita McLaren

E-mail: ~

SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, 325

VERNON DISTRICT RIDING CLUB (Vernon BC), check out our website at or visit our Facebook & Instagram pages 325

VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun,, on Facebook 624

WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 824


Presents These two fine stallions covering exceptional mares from years of dedication to conformation, disposition and pretty packaging. OFFSPRING AVAILABLE AW Blue Fire N Te AQHA Blue Roan Axels N Steel Dust AQHA/NFQH 98% Grullo 1224 BC APPALOOSA CENTRE 2024 FOALS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR VIEWING AND SECURING IN MAY AND JUNE Most
Black base colour *Mares also available Howard & Marylin Jackson 250-963-9779 (Prince George BC) announcing 624
& Colleen Wangler, Dawson Creek BC
will be
A charitable
funding veterinary colleges
other worthy equine causes.
equine organization
325 Business Services 425 BackinBusiness!

Business Services

29 JUNE 2024 SADDLEUP.CA • FARM SUPPLIES FARRIERS & SUPPLIES 325 FEED DEALERS ASHCROFT HOME BUILDING CENTRE (Ashcroft) 250-453-2281 Otter Co-op Dealer & Pet Foods. You can find us on Facebook 325 FENCING 924
Wanted Trail Guides Guide on Guest Ranch / Horse Pack Trips Mountain Horseback Guide Training WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch 325 BEDDING, HOG FUEL, SHAVINGS EDUCATION • Horse Shavings • Hog Fuel • Bark Mulch • Compost Ph: 250-503-7432 NATA FARMS Serving BC’s Interior including South Okanagan 724 325 325 SANDY LANG HORSEMANSHIP (Abbotsford BC) 778-344-3804, Foundation Focus Working Equitation, Natural Horsemanship, 1124 TRAILER REPAIRS PETERSEN TRAILERS LTD. (Langley) 604-533-4209 Service and Repairs. All makes. 924 KITT EQUIPMENT TRAILER SALES, (Chilliwack & Aldergrove), 1-877-8237199, Horse ~ Stock ~ Utility ~ Dump ~ Flatdecks, 624 TRAILER SALES TRAINERS/COACHES CANADIANEQUESTRIANARTSACADEMY.COM, French Classical dressage, coaching,  clinics, sales. Standing Xihao AR, Lusitano stallion. Sarah Southwell 403-915-0616 524 VETERINARIANS PUBLISHING ANIMAL CARE HOSPITAL Williams Lake 250-392-5510 / Quesnel 250-747-3053 Drs. Magnowski, Scheidt, Thompson, Jordan, Deitrick, Johnston, Kelley, Wurzer   624 INTERIOR VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-769-4217, Mobile Equine, Brytann Youngberg DVM, VSMT, College of Animal Chiropractors 325 CONNECT VETERINARY SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-212-3513 Mobile Equine, Dr. Savannah Beavers, 325 1124 1465 Cariboo Pl. Kamloops, BC V2C 5Z3 250-374-1486 VETERINARY SURGEONS: Dr. Jennifer Jackson Dr. Jason McGillivray Dr. Colin Mikkelsen Dr. Willow Holmes Dr. Isabelle Mitchell Dr. Kerry Dyson KAMLOOPS LARGE ANIMAL VETERINARY CLINIC 1465 Cariboo Pl. Kamloops, BC V2C 5Z3 250-374-1486 VETERINARY SURGEONS: Dr. Jennifer Jackson Dr. Jason McGillivray Dr. Colin Mikkelsen Dr. Willow Holmes Dr. Isabelle Mitchell Dr. Kerry Dyson 1465 Cariboo Pl. Kamloops, BC V2C 5Z3 250-374-1486 VETERINARY SURGEONS: Dr. Jennifer Jackson Dr. Jason McGillivray Dr. Colin Mikkelsen Dr. Willow Holmes Dr. Isabelle Mitchell Dr. Kerry Dyson Fortress Press book publishing Family legacy - wilderness lifestyle - local interest The control of self-publishing with the support of a publisher / 924 CHILLIWACK 1-877-847-3735 WHOLESALE PANELS & GATES ARMSTRONG 250-546-9174 NANAIMO 250-912-0095 CHILLIWACK 1-877-847-3735 WHOLESALE PANELS & GATES ARMSTRONG 250-546-9174 NANAIMO 250-912-0095 CHILLIWACK 1-877-847-3735 WHOLESALE PANELS & GATES ARMSTRONG 250-546-9174 NANAIMO 250-912-0095 250-540-5904 Tailored web development services for the equine community. Gallop ahead with OnLocal Marketing today 250-838-7861 335 BRICKYARD RD, ENDERBY BC • PARTS SERVICE • STORAGE • INSURANCE FULL MOBILE SERVICE 724 325


With 2 private ponds, a creek, fenced horse pasture and zoned for 2 residences. Approximately 45 acres of good workable land and 55 acres of valley pasture land. A large 30’ x 34’ insulated shop with a new roof. Domestic water is Municipal water. Irrigation licence for 70 acre feet to irrigate 55 acres. Prepped gravel building site for an indoor arena or ag building.

1829 Pleasant Valley Road, Armstrong BC

$2,980,000.00 MLS® #10309824

CONTACT: RUSSELL ARMSTRONG Century 21 Executives Realty Ltd., Vernon, B.C. Cell: 778-930-0115 Email:

PARADISE for the horse lover, hobby farmer, or fishing enthusiast. 22 acres includes approximately 6 acres on Phillips Lake in peaceful Turtle Valley. Recently renovated 1,624 sq. ft. Rancher with modern updates. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchen has custom maple cabinets and a huge island. Currently set up for horses with farm fencing, huge paddocks with shelters that open to larger grazing areas. Tons of water, Olympic sized outdoor dressage ring, round pen area, tack room, hay storage, and a 12+ acre hayfield with water rights and irrigation system.

8661 Skimikin Road, Chase BC


Stunning Island Acreage!

Situated on 5 acres with 1 acre of cleared land, the property has mature landscaping, lush lawn, pond, fruit trees, raised vegetable beds and a garden shed. Located within a short drive to the ferry, stores and schools, yet very private and quiet at the end of a no thru road attached to crown-land with trails leading to east-facing shoreline of Quadra Island. The 2 bed 2 bath house is an open plan design with wood beams, vaulted ceiling, skylights, hardwood and cork flooring throughout the main living areas and bedrooms. The property also has a 32’x36’ detached over-height garage with 2 over-height doors, 200 amp service, the 200’ well produces 15 GPM, roof was replaced in 2020, additional there is a carport with attached storage near the house.

782 Fir Drive, Quadra Island, BC Lot Size: 5.023 Acres, House Size: 1656 Sq Ft 2 bed 2 bath with 32x36 Shop

Asking Price: $999,000 CALL/TEXT 250-895-9862 EMAIL

CALL/TEXT MARSHALL 250-515-3454 22
Rural Roots EMAIL
a d d l e U p i s a f r e e m o n t h l y m a g a z i n e d e l i v e r e d t o H o r s e c o m m u n i t i e s a l l t h r o u g h o u t B C a n d A B , L O T S o f e x p o s u r e t o t h e r i g h t c l i e n t s f o r t h e r i g h t p r i c e ! REALTORS ADVERTISE R U R A L R O O T S Y O U R P R O P E R T I E S W I T H U S !


HORSE BLANKET & SADDLE PAD WASHING & Repairs. Clean used Blankets for sale. Town Centre Dry Cleaners, Town Centre Mall. 250-546-0104 (Armstrong BC) 624


BC APPALOOSA CENTRE HAS AN OPENING FOR TWO RANCH HAND INTERNS Main duties will include checking foaling pasture and handling, and riding young ranch-raised horses in training under the guidance of the old guy who has 60 years experience in the commercial horse business. Can lead to full time, paid job after 90 days successful internship. Accommodations and food provided. Please contact Howard 250-963-9779, (Prince George BC) 624

APPALOOSAS: WANT TO CONNECT WITH FOLKS who are raising Appaloosa horses, or are interested in raising Appaloosa Horses. Please contact Howard Jackson 250-963-9779, appaloosacentre@telus. net (Prince George BC) 624

Stallions & Breeders

APPALOOSACENTRE.COM 250-963-9779 Real Appaloosas for Today and the Future! 325

SUNSET VIEW RANCH (West Kelowna BC) 250-878-9807. Top Performance AQHA/APHA bloodlines, Breeding & Sales, on


Shop & Swap!
5 Panel Negative AQHA Stallion
ANNUAL & MONTHLY RATES AVAILABLE WE HELP YOU REACH YOUR MARKET! Advertise your Stallion or Breeding program here!


Kubota’s reputation was built on giving you more. More power, more comfort, and more dependability. The T90 series mowers come with a 2-cylinder V-twin gasoline engine, high back suspension seat, and fabricated mower decks to make your job as easy and as comfortable as possible. And with a 4-year/300hour warranty, you can mow comfortably longer.


Abbotsford • 604-864-2665

Kelowna • 250-769-8700

Vernon • 250-545-3355


Kamloops • 250-851-2044

Surrey • 604-576-7506


Oliver • 250-498-2524


Prince George • 250-560-5431


Courtenay • 250-334-0801

Duncan • 250-746-1755


Cranbrook • 250-489-5337

Creston • 250-428-2254


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