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Canadian Cowboy Challenge Update
By Hans Kollewyn
Iwould like to start by finishing with the results of our Board elections held during the CCC AGM on January 21, 2023. The Executive consists of: Al Bignell remains President, newly elected Denton Keith is now Vice-President, elected to Treasurer is Sabra Roth and remaining Secretary is Eric Frogley. Remaining board members for a second year are: Hans Kollewyn, Janet Goltz, past treasurer, Will Gough, Cheryl Sawatzky and Alana Eaton. Newly elected directors for a two year term are: Koren Levoir, Mellisa Deveau and Adrien Deveau. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Shane Goltz, past Vice President, and Leane Buxton who are no longer on the Board. Their time and contribution has helped the CCC proceed in a positive direction.
Moving on with this Challenge season, there are confirmed Challenge dates for this year. Pine Rock Ventures double header will be held on June 24 & 25. Carstairs Classic will be held on July 8 & 9. Thorsby Haymakers double header will be held on August 5 & 6. These Challenges are all in Alberta but check out the CCC website for further details and new Challenge dates. Saskatchewan Challenge dates should be listed late March or early April.
Spring is approaching and I hope conditioning of both horse and rider is well underway. Legging up the team is an important aspect of the upcoming riding season. Being prepared enhances the riding experience and much more enjoyable for both horse and rider. Is there such a thing as riding too many days in a row?
Just a reminder of last year’s Challenge season, I have three photographs of Janet’s team maneuvering obstacles. The arena is sand but the background is green. (Photos are with permission from the Schmidt Family and Sunset Equine)
Remember to have fun with your horse, whether it is with ground work or riding.