2 minute read
Clubs & Associations
PEACHLAND RIDING CLUB, Pres: Kevin Froese (Kevin.leroy.froese@gmail.com). Info, Gymkhana dates & events atpeachlandridingclub.com 6/23
LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, www.langleyriders.com. English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 11/23
LOWER MAINLAND QUARTER HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Tamara Jameson, tamarajameson@hotmail.com, http://bcqha.com/index.php/LMQHA 12/23
NORTHERN SADDLE CLUB, Smithers BC. Check out our website at northernsaddleclub.com and follow us on Facebook 2/24
Okanagan Khanate Mounted Archery
Join us in this incredible sport of Horseback Archery in the Okanagan Valley, BC
Intro Clinics • Skills Clinics • Family Clinics • Practices
• Competitions • Community
‘The Obstacle Is The Way’
Contact: FB & IG • okanagan.khanate@gmail.com • okkma.ca • 250-899-4344
10-11 VIMHC Larry Brinker Lessons, vanislemhc@gmail.com www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc
17-19 PARA DRESSAGE CLINIC w/Clive Milkins, Windsum Enterprises, Langley BC, https://bctherapeuticriding.com
21-22 PARA DRESSAGE CLINIC w/Clive Milkins, Kamloops BC, https://bctherapeuticriding.com
24-25 PARA DRESSAGE CLINIC w/Clive Milkins, Duncan BC, https://bctherapeuticriding.com
26 DRESSAGE SHOW SERIES, Beban Park Equestrian Centre, Nanaimo BC, Monique Fraser rosewyn@haw.ca
26-27 PARA DRESSAGE CLINIC w/Clive Milkins, Bonnie Bray Farms, Saanichton BC, https://bctherapeuticriding.com
1 SPRING TACK SALE (10am-2pm) Curling Club, Armstrong BC, table rentals call Nanc y 250-546-9922 or email nancyroman@telus.net
1 VIMHC Barb McDonald Lessons, vanislemhc@gmail.com www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc
2 VIMHC Barb McDonald Clinic & Mentor Day, vanislemhc@gmail.com www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc
3-9 LANGLEY BC, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, C EMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca
SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, http://bcqha.com/index.php/scqha 12/23
VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun, vintageriders@shaw.ca, on Facebook 4/23
WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, www.wrdha.com. Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00
10-16 EDMONTON AB, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, R MT, CEMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca
13-16 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, St. Andrews MB, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca
16 DRESSAGE TEST PRACTICE DAY (1 of 4), Copper Hills Equestrian Centre, Kamloops BC, Ann Wallin 778-220-7898, http://copperhillsequestrian.ca
17-May 26 CALGARY BC, 6 week advanced Equine Massage Therapy Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, R MT, CEMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca
20-23 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Weyburn SK, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca
21-23 INTERIOR DESERT CIRCUIT Show Series, https://vernonridingclub.com
23 DRESSAGE SHOW SERIES, Beban Park Equestrian Centre, Nanaimo BC, Monique Fraser rosewyn@haw.ca
27-30 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Russell MB, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca
28-30 BCMT CLINIC & SHOW, Rock N River Ranch, Salmon Arm BC, e-mail Nancy nmpellikaan@gmail.com, www.bcmountaintrail.com
28-30 HORSE EXPO CANADA, Westerner Park, Red Deer AB, https://horseexpo.ca
29-30 SKILLS CLINIC & GRADING COMPETITION, Lillooet BC, Mile 0 Riding Club, www.okkma.ca
Do you have your 2023 dates booked yet?
Send them in (required format only, as above) – our readers want to know! Remember, we can only fit so many in the magazine, but we print them ALL on our website!
WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch
Wanted Wranglers / Trail Guides
CLOVERDALEPHARMASAVE.COM, Integrative Pharmacy for People & Animals, 5778-176A Street, Surrey BC, 604-576-2888
HEIDI GRANT, Equine Health & Emergency First Aid Instructor Trainer for Equi-Health Canada. Serving Northern BC & Vancouver Island, 306-717-4932, www.Equi-K9BC.com
SANDRA MAITLAND, Reiki Practitioner & Animal Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki, Serving the Okanagan Valley, 250-462-4283, reiki9stars.com
5th of each month