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Vintage Riders… for the love of horses!
By Kendra Kowalski
Monday morning, I received a phone call, “Hi, it’s Sally. Your tooth is in.” After my fit of the giggles, I figured it out. What struck me funny is, I am used to getting messages, curtains are in, shoes are in, etc. But tooth?
All princesses need a crown. It was the dentist’s office. Appointment was made for tooth hurty that afternoon. A few days before expected. With life, and with horses, constant adjustments are always required. And clear communication is helpful.
Welcome to the March Vintage Riders newsletter. February; now here is a month with no positive redeeming characteristics. Dark, damp, cold and dealing with long-haired horses. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a plan, does mean that you should take it easy on yourself and your horse.
Winter is a time to rest. To re-evaluate and reaffirm your hopes and goals. Also, to realistically adjust your expectations of yourself and your horse. This is a time to focus on one task at a time. No need to multitask unless you have to.
Our hard working (and very appreciated) executive, have put together a veritable box of chocolates of events for you to choose from. Calmly prepare yourself for learning and laughter.
A s well as our monthly meetings and clever guest speakers, here is what is on offer over the next few months:
- Two part working equitation workshop
- Dressage clinic
- Valentine’s dress-up park ride
- Gymnastic ground pole work day
- Interactive liberty with your horse training
- Square dancing on horseback
Peruse these and think of stress-free fun. Wherever I can (and you
By Mette Felmark
Claudia is well-known for her compassionate training methods and her positive coaching style. Having riders feel good about themselves is an important aspect of Claudia’s teaching. Claudia currently has a herd of 14 horses and ponies including the first foal born on the property this spring.
too) I will come to events and take photos to share. Remember we are a non-competitive club and seeing photos of ourselves and others is a great way to encourage one another.
Be gentle with yourself and be kind to your horse. Soon the groundhog will pop up to herald spring.
Cheering you all on, Kendra.
Vintage Riders Equestrian Club… for the love of horses! We are a gathering of horse enthusiasts within the Fraser Valley. Anyone over the age of 21 is welcome. We meet every 3rd Tuesday in Fort Langley to enjoy fellowship and a speaker and host a variety of clinics according to PHO.
Find us on Facebook at Vintage Riders Equestrian Club – public, email: vintageriders@shaw.ca