o, what does a mountain guide do? We teach our guests how to saddle and ride western style in the mountains. This way, our guests learn new skills and are empowered as they are able to saddle their own horse.
At camp, we stake and hobble the horses with our guests being fully involved. They learn valuable teamwork skills as it is a bonding experience between everyone involved, a task completed together is a shared achievement, and that brings people closer together. It is here our guests often begin their transformation, when they see they are taking every opportunity to make the most of their journey.
Meals are cooked over the campfire. Our guests are keen to help and we teach them how to split wood safely and build a fire, empowering our guests to contribute and making them feel a valuable member of the team.
A s a mountain guide, we bring our guests into the wilderness, up to the mountain tops of the unique Chilcotin Ark. We teach our guests about flora and fauna and pick wild edibles. This allows our guests to develop a greater nature connection. By participating in various conservation projects, e.g. filling in our wildlife sightings forms, our guests help us to conserve nature. Once they know that we record data to understand population numbers and implement conservation projects, they see how they are contributing to a bigger picture effort.
By the end of a pack trip, there is a close bond between the guides and guests; we thrive as a team, sharing our common factor which is our wilderness experience. The powerful transformations we see in our guests is often so great that by the end of a pack trip we cannot tell the difference between guides and guests. Our guests help out with the horse care, have a greater nature connection and are more confident.
By the end, we aren’t guides and guests, we are a team. This is what being a mountain guide with Chilcotin Holidays means. We empower each other to reach for our full potential, to contribute, to connect to nature, ourselves and each other.”
- Testimonial by Charlie B.• unlock your strengths and potentials
• horsemanship skills
• conservation and stewardship
• evolve into a strong leader
• wildlife habits and viewing potential
• experience remote wilderness
• horse shoeing, saddling and packing
• mentor and guide guests
• start living a purposeful life adventures@chilcotinholidays.com
“Being a mountain guide with Chilcotin Holidays is more than simply showing our guests the mountains, it is about getting them involved in conservation projects, encouraging them to grow and evolve, to push them out of their comfort zones in a true wilderness experience, resulting in a personal transformation.Mountain Guide Charlie B
2014 A/S Chamber
President’s Choice Award
TOLL FREE 1-866-546-9922 250-546-9922
nancyroman@saddleup.ca www.saddleup.ca
Saddle Up magazine PO Box 371 Armstrong, BC, Canada V0E 1B0
The Games are coming! Registration opens March 1st for the 55+ BC Games in Abbotsford in August; with Equestrian events at the Maple Ridge Equi-Sports Centre. If you don’t plan on participating, why not consider volunteering? The Games can’t happen without a good core group of volunteers. Something for you consider!
The What’s Happening calendar is filling up quite nicely with a lot of events ready to roll! Horse Expo Canada returns for their 2nd annual show in Red Deer at the end of April. A definite ‘must attend’ event for the serious horse person and shopper! See more on page 6-7. Makes for a great weekend getaway! And the World Clydesdale Show makes an appearance for the first time in western Canada (Manitoba); that will be one “BIG” show for sure! See page 19 for more BIG news!
The Canadian Pony Club team is back from their trip to New Zealand. Saddle Up was pleased to have outfitted them in some teamwear for the excursion. See more about their trip on page 10. They sure got around!
We also have our annual Construction Feature in this issue – to get you thinking about that new barn or arena you’ve always wanted! Maybe THIS is the YEAR!!
Saddle Up magazine
Please contact Nancy directly GREAT OPPORTUNITY!
ON THE COVER: 55+ BC Games 2023 Abbotsford, hcbc.ca / 55plusbcgames.org
Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521
GST Reg. No. 865839567
ISSN No. 1701-6002
© All Rights Reserved
$24.00 CDN plus tax per year or $42 US per year. (11 issues)
CONTRIBUTORS: Charli B., Elisha Bradburn, Angel Mackenzie, Dr. Britt Mills, Nancy Meeres Pellikaan, Laureen James, Dr. Sheila McDonald, Dr. Savannah Beavers, Dr. Thomas Ritter, Patricia E. Skinner
The 2022 55+ BC Games hosted by Greater Victoria were a huge success with approximately 70 participants in the Equestrian division. It was four jam-packed days of fun and friendly competition, with amazing volunteers to help make it all happen.
Following up on the huge success of the 2022 Games, Horse Council BC was thrilled when the announcement was made that Equestrian would be included in the 2023 Games.
Horse Council BC is well underway with the planning and organizing for the 2023 55+ BC Games scheduled for August 22-26, 2023.
The host community will be Abbotsford BC, but due to lack of a suitable venue, the Equestrian competition will take place at Maple Ridge Equi-Sports Centre. The 2023 55+ BC Games:
1) will see 29 sports and activities offered for the 3500+ participants;
2) are an important part of the BC sport system and the largest annual multi-sport gathering event in the province;
3) offer the opportunity to celebrate sport and active living with other participants from across the province and experience the hospitality of the host city.
Participant registration will open March 1, 2023. For more information about the 55+ BC Games, visit 55plusbcgames.org.
If you are 55 years or over, the 55+ BC Games Equestrian competition is a fun, inviting, low key, social event, so we hope you will plan to attend.
Disciplines to be included in the 2023 Games are:
Western Dressage
Arena Driving Trials
Working Equitation
2’3” Working Hunter
Our Sport Chair for 2023 will be Debbie Rogal. Stay tuned for more news in the upcoming months at hcbc.ca.
Get back into the full swing of all things “Horse” with Horse Expo Canada this April 28-30, 2023 at Westerner Park in Red Deer, Alberta.
Horse Expo brings that awe and inspiration we all need this spring to get us and our horses back into action after a long, cold winter!
This year Horse Expo will offer many of the same favourite events from last year, including the Trainer’s Showdown, world-renown clinician presentations, an expansive trade show including an art show, as well as a scavenger hunt for the young horse lovers.
The Expo will also add some fun new additions to the excitement this year, such as VIP tickets which will include a ‘meet and greet’ with the trainers, clinicians, judges and hosts of the Trainer’s Showdown, along with tasty drinks and snacks to make for an exciting Friday night!
You will not want to miss what Horse Expo owners Marg and Ryan have in store for us for 2023 with confirmed Trainers Wylene Wilson (Extreme Wylene), Jason Irwin and Dustin Sippola for the always riveting Trainer’s Showdown. You will want to be sure to follow along all three days of the Showdown as each trainer brings along an unstarted colt from barely halter trained the first day, to going through an impressive obstacle course at the Grand Finale on Day 3.
Also on the docket this year are some amazing clinicians that are sure to enlighten, educate and entertain with their impressive skills and knowledge that have built themselves reputations worldwide. These clinicians include Canada’s own favourites Jonathan Field, Jason Irwin, Bronwyn Irwin, Marci Powell, Jim Greendyk, Jill Barron and many more you can track on the website at HorseExpo.ca.
Also on the website are all the juicy details that are being updated frequently so you have the latest scoop on all the festivities Horse Expo Canada promises to bring this spring!
T ickets can be purchased on the website. Buy early to avoid missing out on the limited VIP tickets available for a Horse Expo experience you will not forget.
So friends, giddy up, grab a pal, and come on down to the Premier Multi-discipline Equestrian Event for 3 fun-packed days that will leave you all warmed up for your 2023 season!
Iwas born and raised in Kelowna BC, and have been involved with horses in one way or another since my early teens. I’ve worked in barns and tack stores, I’ve coached riders, and started young horses under saddle. After working in the veterinary field I finally realized that being a veterinarian was my ultimate calling.
I attended the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon, and graduated in 2021. From there I completed an internship at Delaney Veterinary Services, a busy equine referral hospital just outside of Edmonton Alberta. After that it just made sense for me to move back home and start up my own practice here in the beautiful Okanagan Valley.
My practice is strictly equine (including donkeys and minis), offering reproductive services, dentistry, wellness care, medical care from eye problems to diarrhea and everything in between, lameness
exams, pre-purchase exams, and digital radiography. At this point, my practice is strictly mobile.
I am based out of Kelowna but will travel when possible throughout the South and North Okanagan for both routine and emergency services. I will also work with other veterinarians in times of referral to make sure your horse is as best looked after as he/she can be. My goal is to provide quality veterinary care to all my patients, and to empower owners to provide the best possible care they can for their horses.
I look forward to hearing from you! 250-212-3513, or at connectvetservices@gmail.com.
(See her listing in our Business Services section under VETERINARIANS)
Editor’s note: See another article with Dr. Beavers on page 16.
My name is Dr. Savannah Beavers and I’d like to introduce myself as a new equine veterinarian in the Okanagan.
An adventurous contingency has recently traveled to Oregon for the National Mountain Trail Challenge, the Ultimate experience in Mountain Trail. While Debbie and Nancy have been travelling there since 2014, Gordon, Colleen, Karen and Autumn made the trek for the first time in November 2022.
OHC Nationals for Debbie is quintessential Mountain Trail Competition. Her first decision at the beginning of the year is “what horse am I going to take?” - as a trainer she competes on a new horse each year.
The competition is fierce but friendly. There are hundreds of the best Mountain Trail horses in North America, with new and challenging courses and obstacles each year. Nowhere in the world will you find an accumulation of natural obstacles, in one small area, that will challenge your horse’s confidence in you and put your training abilities to the test. To compete in Oregon is exhausting but exciting, and to win or place against this level of competition is incredibly rewarding.
The highlight of the year for Nancy is showing in Oregon. The Nationals are nerve racking and intense, you need to be very focused and immersed in the show. Two arenas showing at the same time keeps you on your toes to not miss your class; then some classes run until 11:30 at night.
The competition is serious and talented and the camaraderie is fantastic. Some of the obstacles were extremely challenging, where you take that deep breath and believe in your equine partner to find the way and keep you both safe.
“My name is Autumn and I am 14 years old. In 2022 I got to experience a great thing with some great people and my horse Jimmy. I went to Oregon to compete in the Oregon National Mountain Trail competition. It was amazing! There were huge logs, great big rocks, stone steps and massive water features. The water was so deep that when I had to walk through it with Jimmy, I rolled my jeans up past my knees so they wouldn't get wet, I looked ridiculous. I think even Jimmy was laughing at me. My favourite part was the waterfall. It looked surreal and so cool. I also really liked the challenge that Nationals brought. It was things I had practiced for and knew how to do, but at the same time all so new and different. It was also really nice to compete with kids my own age and meet people that love the sport as much as I do. Jimmy and I ended up doing pretty good. I was happy with how we did. Even though I knew there were moments he was scared, he trusted me enough to go through those obstacles which is better than any ribbon I won. Even if I never get to go again, I will never forget this experience. It was so amazing and I
am so grateful to all the people that made it possible for me to go. I am especially grateful for Jimmy and getting to go to Nationals with him.”
Colleen considered competing at the OHC Mountain Trail Competition.
“While I did not ever think I would have the opportunity, this past fall I decided that if I didn’t do it now, I may never do it! My horse is turning 20, I’m not getting any younger, and both he and I were in good shape after a successful season of competing in the BC Mountain Trail circuit. After attending the PNE Showcase of Mountain Trail in Vancouver we were still on a roll of challenging ourselves. And even though my husband, Gordon and his horse Snip had not competed for two years in BC Mountain Trail due to a variety of reasons, I convinced him to come along and make a holiday of it! It was quite an eye opener, compared to the courses we have here in BC. It is truly a mountain, stream and trail course. What amazed me was how big all of the obstacles are. Large logs, stumps, creeks, waterfall, deep lakes, huge rocks. All of this in a much larger arena area than what we are used to. I went into the competition very apprehensive that we could do these obstacles and came out of the week feeling very successful in our abilities to do things I would never had expected my guy to do. Definitely a confidence booster for both me and my horse Digger. I was very proud of our whole Canadian/BC contingent and how successful everyone was! We’re looking forward to improvements on our local course and challenging everyone this summer!”
Karen’s take away from this adventure was that “it was an eye opener, don’t take anything for granted with regards to how your horse may react to the obstacles and the arena. Definitely enter the in-hand classes to create confidence in your horse. This was a great experience with great people!”
The group from British Columbia made Canada proud with many podium appearances and awards coming back home. With competitors from France, United States and Canada the number of competitors was the most they have had.
The Oregon Horse center provides the most challenging Mountain Trail course and the OHC National Finals is the Ultimate Trail Course.
Following a few days of training camp in Vancouver, including multiple clinics and riding opportunities on various horses, the team departed for NZ.
The Pony Club Inter-Pacific Exchange (IPE) in New Zealand took place from January 9-26, and presented an incredible opportunity for the Canadian Pony Club team of Katie Thielman, Jessica Spoletini, Carlie Wells, Deshann Valentine, Lisa Schultz (Coach), and Angel Mackenzie (Team Manager) to see some spectacular NZ sights, meet and compete against riders from other countries, and gain some exposure to aspects of a different culture and horse industry.
We started out in Christchurch (rooming in the University of Canterbury dorms) where we met the members of the other three teams – U.S., New Zealand, and Australia. The second and third day of the trip were spent volunteering at the South Island PC Show Jumping Team Championships, where we were able to get a taste of some competition in NZ and serve as ambassadors of our national Pony Clubs. Team riders were able to ride at a local sales barn (Jess Land Equestrian), and we spent an afternoon at the Hanmer Springs “hot pools.”
Some observations about horse life in NZ: horses mostly live out (few horse owners have stables), and riding schools are uncommon. Most riders own their own horses, and come up through Pony Club with weekly or biweekly “rallies” (lessons) taught by PC supporters and alumni without separate trainers.
Day 5, we traveled to Twizel (with a stop at the famous Fairlie Bake Shop - the pork belly pie did not disappoint). We did lots of sightseeing during our four days in the beautiful “Mackenzie Country,” including spectacular views of Lake Tekapo, hiking in Mt. Cook/Aoraki National Park and a boat tour to the Tasman Glacier, Clay Cliffs, and picturesque Lakes Ruataniwha and Ohau. On day 8, we visited a local salmon farm (with fresh salmon sashimi!); Tarras (home of Shrek the sheep!); scenic Wanaka; and the Cardrona Hotel (oldest hotel in NZ).
Cromwell was the site of the first friendly competition: the “Kiwi Cup,” consisting of a dressage test and 0.80m show jump round, where teams were scrambled (i.e. one rider from each nation per team). The riders had a brief opportunity to ride their competition mount the day before, during which time the coach made any necessary switches to generate the best horse-rider match. Lisa and Deshann’s team won this competition!
Other activities included cherry picking; go carting; historic Arrowtown and touristy Queenstown (complete with gondola, luge, and steamship to Walter Peak Station); Riverton on the south coast; and a cruise around the incomparable Milford Sound. On Day 13, we traveled to Gore, where the final competition was held as part of the South Island PC Championship Week. This Nation’s Cup competition consisted of a two round show jumping competition. Again riders competed on loaned horses which they had an hour to ride the day before. The course was a solid 1.0m, and all riders demonstrated real skill, adaptability, and determination in piloting their mounts around the course. The welldeserved win at the end of two rounds went to the U.S. team, with the Australians second, Canadians third, and Kiwis fourth. The competition day was capped off with a hobby horse competition (on foot), which was a great demonstration of camaraderie and shared team spirit.
The group covered a lot of territory, ultimately traversing most of the South Island, and touching the ocean at the island’s east, south, and west coasts. NZ scenery is breathtaking, and the Kiwis are quite welcoming.
The team would like to thank their generous sponsors, including Saddle Up magazine, for supporting them on this trip of a lifetime! The IPE is held every two years, and will be held next in Australia. This is an amazing opportunity for “B” level (and higher) Pony Club members with show jumping or eventing experience.
Performance and pleasure horses are prone to soft tissue injuries. Sometimes these are superficial wounds and other times tendons and ligaments are injured, profoundly affecting the horse’s career.
orses are flight creatures and evolution has provided them with an ability to “heal quickly”their injuries will heal to allow them to resume basic function as fast as possible but often the repair is not optimal for long term soundness. Much of equine performance medicine is dedicated to assisting repair mechanisms so that a horse can return to its previous level of work.
One of the more interesting therapies to come along has been class 4 laser therapy, and more recently, regenerative laser therapy. It is a noninvasive way to speed up wound healing, treat acute injuries and now treat chronic tendon and ligament injuries. The two types of class 4 laser, therapy laser and regenerative laser, have different characteristics.
Therapy lasers in general are class 3b or 4. Classes of laser are based on the amount of energy emitted per minute. For a laser to be effective in horses, who often need large areas treated, a class 4 laser is most often used. A 3b laser may be used in very specific applications, such as stimulation of acupuncture points. When the laser is applied to injured tissue, a single wavelength of light penetrates through the skin into underlying tissue. The amount of laser light reaching the deep tissues depends on the wavelength and the tissue being treated. When the photons of light enter the cells, they stimulate blood flow, tissue oxygenation, cellular energy, natural repair mechanisms and collagen production. All these effects will speed up the healing process. Therapy lasers will often vary the wavelength during the treatment and will often be pulsed to increase effectiveness. Therapy lasers are excellent for acute injuries and wounds. They have a sterilizing effect as well which makes them particularly useful in barn environments and for post-surgical treatments.
Recently regenerative lasers have been developed which have all the benefits of therapy lasers with an added mechanism, a photomechanical pulse that stimulates the scaffolding between the cells known as the “extracellular matrix.” This stimulates healing of tendons and ligaments and prevents excessive scarring. The treatment provides a shockwavelike effect along with the benefits of laser. One can think of a therapy laser stimulating the normal healing process and the regenerative laser as revitalizing and realigning tissues that would not normally heal properly on their own. In a double-blind study, the regenerative laser decreased healing time of tendons by more than 2 weeks, and the final strength and alignment was better on the laser treated horses. Suspensory injuries, deep digital flexor injuries, splint bone fractures and check ligament
Hinjuries can all be good candidates for regenerative laser therapy.
Another area where regenerative lasers are being used is for preand post-performance treatment to prevent injuries. Typically, one or two treatments are performed prior to competition which are tailored to the specific discipline in which the horse competes. It has been shown in humans that laser therapy prior to competition in athletes will prevent injuries. In horses, lasering the large muscles of the trunk and back will increase oxygenation and ability of the muscles to contract, improving the gait and preventing lower limb injury. The photomechanical pulse effect of the therapy laser can assist in myofascial release.
Multiple laser treatments are needed to treat chronic injuries, (depending on duration, 12 to 24 treatments may be needed) and some injuries, especially very old ones, will not respond well to laser. Other treatment modalities such as PRP, shockwave, and joint injections can be used along with laser but make sure you let your vet know because timing of treatments can be affected. Regenerative laser therapy is only available through veterinarians.
Currently the only regenerative laser in the Okanagan is at Mills Veterinary Services in Armstrong BC. We offer regenerative laser packages, PEMF therapy, vibration plate therapy, and of course acupuncture and chiropractic services for horses.
The Canadian Quarter Horse Association is pleased to announce the ten youth who will represent Canada at the 2023 American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup
The Canadian Quarter Horse Association (CQHA), the Canadian affiliate of the American Quarter Horse Association (AQHA), and representative of the largest breed population within the Canadian herd, announced today the ten youth members who will represent Canada this summer at the American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup being hosted in Bryan/ College Station, Texas, June 29–July, 2023! This international event is hosted every two years by a different country and involves teams representing sixteen nations!
Throughout this competition, each country will ride for gold medals in the equestrian events of cutting, reining, horsemanship, ranch riding, trail, hunt seat equitation, hunter under saddle, and showmanship. The American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup is a unique event because competing team members will only have a few days to get to know and develop relationships with the horses that they will compete on. The host country provides each of the team’s horses for participation in skill developing clinics and the international competition.
The CQHA appointed AQHA Professional Horsewoman Jodi Mallette as Team Coach and Jessica Mosley-Cairncross BSc. BEd. as the Team Manager in November 2022. The pair worked over the December holidays to examine the applications of twenty-two accomplished youth riders representing the provinces of British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick.
“ We were extremely impressed by the competencies of the riders who applied to be part of this national team,” stated Team Manager Jodi Mallette. “All youth displayed strong horsemanship and interpersonal skills which are equally important when fielding a successful team to represent Canada on an international stage.”
Team Canada 2023 will be comprised of five riders, two alternate riders, and three horsemanship and leadership development members.
The Riders are named as follows: Brooklyn Shannon age 17, from Ontario; Emily Yates age 16, from Ontario; Ali Chernoff age 18, from Alberta; Taylor Carney age 18, from Ontario; and Hailey Olsen age 16, from Saskatchewan.
Alternate Riders are named as follows: Abigail Dunlevy age 16, of Ontario; and Kaidyn Goodwin age 16, from Nova Scotia.
Horsemanship and Leadership Development members have been named as: Lauren Irwin age 17, from Ontario; Tylar Randall Gray age 15, from Nova Scotia; and Emily Firth age 15, from British Columbia.
“ Team Canada 2023 is representative of the talented youth equestrians that are created here in Canada,” said Team Manager Jessica Mosley-Cairncross. “Jodi and I have been in contact with all members and they are excited to start team building activities virtually right away which will include everything from fun ice breakers to help the team get to know each other, to media and marketing training to improve their presentation skills as they begin to seek sponsorships to fund their way to Texas this summer.” The team is planning on meeting in the early spring to train together in person as well.
Canadian business and/or individuals interested in contributing to Team Canada through corporate partnership or sponsorship support are welcome to contact the CQHA at admin@CQHA.ca.
2021 BC Cowboy Hall of Fame Inductee | Courtesy of the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin (Saddle Up was asked to give {belated} added recognition as it is not often a woman wins in this category)
Marlene Dora Wilson was born December 8, 1945 on the Wilson/Moore ranch just outside of Heffley Creek, to parents Margaret Isabel Moore Wilson and Benjamin Adelbert Wilson. Both parents were avid horsemen and ranchers, and inspired Marlene to become a cowgirl.
Marlene’s father passed away when she was only 5 years old, however her mother went on to teach Marlene about horses, how to understand them, love them, ride them, and how to be the cowgirl she is today. Marlene alongside her sister Rebecca Olive Wilson were raised on ranches around Kamloops, Heffley Creek, Knutsford, Campbell Range, and later at Falkland BC. She spent her teen years working on her mother’s ranch the Circle X in Falkland until her mother passed away in 2001 and the ranch was sold. Marlene has continued the Circle X brand today. Later in life Marlene married, and while raising three children, she continued to work cattle with her husband Jack Graham.
Marlene has spent her life working cattle, horses and training cowdogs. Over the years Marlene has worked on ranches from Anahim Lake to Osoyoos, and also Alberta. However she enjoys riding the jack pine country of central British Columbia the most. Back in 1996 Marlene started her own contracting business called Cow Cents Contracting. Here she utilizes her own living quarters horse trailer, three horses and stock dogs to travel through the province helping various ranches with cowboying. Now at age 74, Marlene does seasonal work which includes calving out, turn out, riding range throughout the spring, summer and fall months; including doctoring animals as needed, repairing fence, and clearing fallen trees from trails. Despite the cold wet days or the scorching
summer days outdoors, Marlene says she loves this way of life and would not change it for the world.
Marlene focuses on applying low-stress cattle handling to all the work she does. While she has had many amazing seasons cowboying, just like many others in 2017, she experienced the 2017 Wildfires of British Columbia. It was dangerous work, as the fires were consistently starting up or changing unexpectedly. She found herself in several close calls while trying to move cattle or get cattle off range and to safety, while she rode with a bandana covering her face to provide some protection from the smoke.
She also devotes time to raising and training Border Collies to sell for working stock, to be productive and beneficial in working cattle on other ranches. Aside from cowboying on ranches, raising and training horses and dogs, barrel racing has also been a large part of Marlene’s life. When younger, she chased the BC Barrel Racing circuit doing well winning tack, buckles and trophies. Later, she followed the Team Penning circuit for a few years, from chasing cows on range to chasing cows in the arena.
In the off seasons Marlene picks up job placements pen checking in feedlots. Some years you can find her packed up in her horse trailer, alongside horses and dogs, travelling to Arizona for the winter where she can continue to work and train her horses and dogs.
Marlene says the love of her craft for cowboying is in her blood and it is what she lives for. She is proud to be from a long line of ranchers and cowboys. She hopes to be living the good life and cowboying until she is 80 years old.
Are you thinking of hiring a horse trainer but feel lost in the process?
I interviewed two horse trainers to get their professional advice about the most important aspects of the client trainer relationship. Johnny Lukacs and Hailey Trainer offer their insights on finding a qualified trainer for your specific needs, tips on training contracts and what services a good trainer should offer.
Johnny Lukacs (JL) specializes in cutting horse training and colt starting for various disciplines. Raised near Olds, Alberta he started his first colt when he was just 10 years old. It was the beginning of a passion. Johnny has worked with great horsemen such as Al Dunning, Jade Keller, Cody Lamont and Doug Reinhardt. His own training program has consistently turned out great competitive horses in non-pro and amateur classes. His horses and clients compete in Alberta, British Columbia and Saskatchewan and have won many championships in the cutting pen.
Hailey Trainer (HT) grew up in beautiful British Columbia. Her first horse was a 30-year-old paint horse named “Booger,” that her grandfather purchased for her. After “Booger’s” death she rode her grandpa’s ranch horses that had some undesired habits and issues which made her feel unsafe at times. When she was 12 she attended her first Down Under Horsemanship Tour, which she says was, “life changing.” In 2019 she became a Certified Method Ambassador and an approved colt starter for DUH in 2020. She is located in Alberta but is in the process of moving her training operation to BC.
Q: How do horse owners find trainers and learn about the different services offered in their province or area?
JL: There are many different ways to find trainers. Many breed associations or club associations have a trainer directory. You can also get out and talk to people and use social media sources.
HT: To find out about different training services in a particular area or
province you can ask staff at local feed and tack stores, ask your farrier, your vet and any friends or family for names of trainers they would recommend. You can also attend competitions and events to watch trainers that interest you and speak with them.
Q: Do you use training contracts? Do they reduce potential communication problems between clients and trainers? Can owners negotiate the details of a contract?
JL: Yes, I use training contracts. We use a basic generic contract. Usually it is set, but depending on the horse and owner’s needs, certain parts can be negotiated.
HT: I always use a training contract. I feel that the contract and my personal vetting of potential training horses and clients, absolutely stops potential communication problems. Changes to a contract can be modified if the request is reasonable and possible to accommodate.
Q: What would a standard contract consist of?
JL: Name and all the owner’s contact info, the horse’s name. I also include any extra information that might be useful, the duration of training and how much the training fee will be.
HT: My training contract outlines exactly what exercises I will be teaching the horse, what I will be exposing them to, and how often and how long I will work with the horse. I also include information about how the horse will be cared for, and how it will be fed and stabled along with scheduled owner updates and training fees.
Q: What measures do you have in place to help with owner success since their success is your success?
JL: I make sure I do the best possible job educating the owner about their horse. I make sure they understand if there are any specific areas where
And I quote! Johnny Lukacs said to me, “Crying isn’t going to help.” I remember his words every time I feel scared about a situation. I was at a dressage clinic and my horse started humping her back. I apologized to the clinician as I took my horse onto a few VERY small circles just like my trainer Johnny had shown me. I regained control of my horse as the clinician yelled, “That’s how you do it!”Johnny Lukacs Hailey Trainer
their horse has issues or struggles. I want the clients to come back and take some lessons to learn about their horse’s training. I encourage clients to keep an open relationship with me so they can call me and ask for help.
HT: I like to give clients a private lesson with their horse when they come to pick it up. I demonstrate all of the exercises that I have taught the horse and then have the client do the same exercises with their horse. The lesson lasts as long as the client wants it to. I tell them to call me anytime with any questions that arise once they get home. If the client is local, they can book more lessons with me, if they like.
Q: Have you had to tell clients that their horse might not be suitable for them?
JL: Yes, for sure, it’s really important to find the answer to this question as quickly as possible for a client. Some horses are just not meant for a certain job but that doesn’t mean there’s no suitable job for them. It’s really important that you put the horse in a position to be successful. It’s not always what a client wants to hear but for the well-being of the horse a different direction is required. Sometimes I can see that a horse and rider are not a good fit and I need to share my thoughts with the owner for safety reasons.
HT: In my contract I outline that not all horse’s temperaments and physical abilities are equal. Some horses may not be compatible with their rider’s ability or future goals. As soon as I detect that a horse is not a good match for the client I inform them. I continue to work with the horse if the client wants me to and we re-evaluate their future partnership at the pick-up lesson. In some cases, not all, horses can make tremendous changes and
improvements in their attitude, confidence and athleticism as training progresses.
JL: I think at the end of the day it’s really important to do your research and find a trainer and program that will compliment you and your horse. It’s important that you and your trainer succeed, so ask a lot of questions. If something seems off or you’re wondering about something, talk to your trainer about it. Also, remember that there will be bumps and bruises along the way because both you and your trainer are only human, and humans make mistakes. It’s our job to learn from them.
HT: Make sure that the trainer you select has a good reputation. If possible, watch the trainer work with some horses and tour their facility. It is crucial that you have an open and honest conversation with them about your needs and ability. I highly recommend that if they do not offer a training contract, you ask for one so you are both on the same page regarding the details of your horse’s training and care while in their program.
Laureen James, currently residing in Calgary, is an equine industry journalist who has written for many equine publications such as: Horses All, Citizen Pet Magazine, and The Chestermere Anchor as a columnist. She bought her first horse without her parents’ knowledge at age 16, and still rides and competes today. She loves some of the newer equine sports such as Cowboy Challenge and Western Dressage. www.laureenjames.com
In early December, Megan discussed Vendetta with Dr. Sheila McDonald who felt that an infection was a possibility, so she was started on antibiotics prescribed by Dr. Denton Moffat. Unfortunately, the problem worsened to the point that she had an episode of colic-like pain. At that point Dr. McDonald was suspicious that Vendetta may have a bladder stone, so she accompanied Dr. Savannah Beavers of Connect Veterinary Services to Megan's farm in late December, where it was discovered on rectal palpation that Vendetta did indeed have a bladder stone.
A s her foal was not yet weaned the plan was to attempt transurethral retrieval of the stone following weaning. This was a technique that Dr. McDonald had performed on multiple occasions and involves pushing a hand through the urethra into the bladder, introducing an instrument called an ecraseur which is used to break up the stone, then retrieving the fragments by hand. There was a concern, however, that due to the young age of the mare it would be difficult to push into the bladder manually.
Drs. Beaver and McDonald discussed the case with Dr. Alex Wales, who agreed to assist and to provide his facility in Lake Country for the procedure. Dr. Wales performed further research and found a paper describing a new technique that involves passing a retrieval bag into the bladder and under endoscopic guidance placing the stone into the bag. If the stone proves to be too large to pull through the urethra then an air hammer is used to break it up into fragments. Dr. Wales ordered the retrieval bag and Dr. Beavers borrowed an air hammer from her partner, following which Dr. Wales ‘MacGyver’ed a longer chisel attachment.
Everyone assembled at Wales Equine Clinic and Vendetta was sedated and placed in stocks. Dr. Beavers adeptly performed an
In the late fall of 2022, Megan Creel of Legacy Equine in Armstrong BC noticed that her mare, Vendetta, seemed to be in heat almost constantly. She was 4 years old at the time and had given birth to a lovely colt by Light My Fire on July 22. Her symptoms were somewhat typical of a transitional heat, with frequent urination and urine scalding between her hind legs.Photo 1: Assistant Daniela prepping the mare with Team 3 in consultation Photo 2: The bladder stone
epidural anesthetic, her tail was wrapped, and the area under her tail was surgically prepped by Dr. Wales' assistant Daniela (photo #1).
The urethra was palpated and it was found that it was not possible to pass a hand into the bladder. The endoscope was introduced and a large stone visualized (photo #2).
The retrieval bag was introduced into the bladder and the stone placed in the bag using rectal manipulation. The stone was too large to be pulled through the urethra and so the air hammer was deployed. The chisel attachment was introduced inside the retrieval bag until it was fitted snugly against the stone which was stabilized rectally (photo #3).
Following several blasts (and a lot of trepidation) the stone was broken into multiple fragments. Unfortunately the bag was torn and the fragments had to be removed by copious flushing and digital grasping (photo #4).
When no further fragments could be seen with the endoscope the procedure was terminated (photo #5).
Everyone agreed that good teamwork utilizing individual skills resulted in a successful outcome using a new technique.
Vendetta was able to go home right afterwards and that evening Megan reported that she already seemed much improved. Vendetta is a special horse to Megan, her granddam West Jet was owned by Michael Rabe who was like a father to her. Megan rode and trained West Jet, plus Michael bred her to Foxhunter to produce Foxy Lady. Sadly Michael became ill with cancer and he gave Foxy Lady to Megan just before he died. Megan later bred Foxy Lady to Valentino to produce Vendetta. With the new foal Megan now has worked closely with four generations of this family. Vendetta will be started under saddle this spring and will likely stay with Megan for life.
(See their listing in our Business Services section under “Equine Health”) Free Fecal Water Syndrome (FFWS) Treatment Ideas
FFWS is a condition when horses produce normal stools but have free water running out of the anus before, during, or after defecating. This doesn’t normally have any direct health concerns like an infectious diarrhea but it can be a pain in the butt for the horse and owner. The watery feces can run down the hind limbs causing skin irritations, attract more flies, and increase the risk for frostbite in the winter. It can also cause messy stall walls and bedding with dirty fecal water.
Owners can try dietary changes like avoiding excess water-soluble carbohydrates, changing eating schedules, and feeding psyllium fiber. Dysbiosis (an imbalance in gut bacteria) is generally believed to be a possible contributing factor to FFWS, so giving prebiotics and probiotics can also be tried.
If you have tried most of your typical probiotic products, you could try an equine-species specific probiotic not found in typical supplements. Combining probiotics with gut repairing herbs can also be helpful. Inflammation of the intestinal wall can impair water absorption from the GI tract thus leading to more water expulsion in feces.
Another contributing factor could be mycotoxins in a bad batch of hay. Some horse owners have reported benefits from using toxin binders. These work by attaching to the mycotoxins in the gut of the horse, decreasing their ability to be absorbed and then harmlessly excreted.
Lyle Sunada is a pharmacist specializing in veterinary medicine and alternative medicine at Cloverdale Pharmasave. Lyle has helped small and large animal owners for over 30 years and believes in looking at the root cause of health conditions. For more veterinary product information, feel free to contact us.
Joint pain, once considered an ailment of aging, is now recognized as one of the most common orthopedic conditions in the human and equine world.
Researchers at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC), University of Guelph are studying joint health in horses and the regenerative possibilities of stem cell therapy to help unlock answers for our equine companions with the aim to ultimately translate those solutions to human health.
OVC professors Drs. Thomas Koch, OVC PhD 2009, and Judith Koenig, OVC DVSc 2002, are bringing together clinical and research expertise to develop better diagnostic procedures and treatment possibilities for joint health.
Osteoarthritis is degeneration of joint cartilage and the underlying bone. It is the most common type of arthritis, estimated to impact four million Canadians or one in seven adults, according to the Canadian Arthritis Society.
While the condition was originally associated with the wear and tear on aging joints, it is now understood to be a result of the body’s failed attempt to repair damaged joint tissues when otherwise healthy tissue has been impacted by injury, extended heavy workloads or obesity.
A quality-of-life disease in the human world, its impact on equine athletes is no less devastating.
“A horse with osteoarthritis is not unlike a runner with the same condition,” says Koenig. “Horses are athletes, and as a translational model, they are very similar to humans, with the same type of forces acting on their joint cartilage when they exercise.”
A large animal clinician in OVC’s Department of Clinical Studies, Koenig has a passion for horses and for sports medicine, with a particular interest in lameness research and treatment.
“Current treatments basically treat the symptoms of osteoarthritis,” notes Koenig. “Our aim is to find solutions that may modify or even improve the disease.”
Koch, now a professor in OVC’s Department of Biomedical Sciences, isolated mesenchymal stem cells from the umbilical cord blood of newborn foals. He has since focused his work on determining how these cells can be used to treat joint pain and damaged joint cartilage in horses and dogs with spontaneous disease.
“Stem cells have shown promise in both managing joint pain as well as delaying and slowing down joint cartilage damage,” says Koch, who is also founder and chief operating officer of eQcell, a veterinary regenerative medicine company.
A new clinical trial at OVC, led by Koenig will explore the efficacy of umbilical cord blood stem cells to treat mild joint pain. The study is currently enrolling horses who have been diagnosed with synovitis or osteoarthritis of the carpus (knee) or fetlock (ankle) and will assess whether the treatment reduces inflammation in the injured area.
Dr. Thomas Koch is studying how stem cells can be used to treat joint pain and damaged joint cartilage in horses.
Synovitis is inflammation of the connective tissue that lines the inside of the joint, causing increased fluid production and inflammatory enzymes in the joint. The painful, debilitating condition can require long recovery times and often recurs due to incomplete healing. Left untreated or compounded by continuing exercise, it can damage the cartilage and bone, leading to osteoarthritis.
The journey to this point has involved a large team both in the laboratory and in the clinic. Koenig and Koch have worked closely with OVC research colleagues and associates, as well as graduate and doctoral students who were attracted to the mentoring and training opportunities in this innovative translational research space.
“ The similarities in post-traumatic osteoarthritis between horses and humans hold the promise that any successful therapy in one species will also be effective in the other,” says Koch. “Our hope is that our equine therapy can inform and inspire similar therapies for humans with similar conditions.”
Koch discussed osteoarthritis in horses in a recent podcast: Understanding Osteoarthritis in Horses and Future Treatments| Episode 21 — Sport Horse Series.
The Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) at the University of Guelph is a world leader in advancing veterinary medicine and health research to improve the health of animals, people, and our planet. OVC educates the next generation of health leaders and provides high-value experiential learning opportunities through an interdisciplinary, comparative approach aimed at finding real-world solutions to real-world problems.
New 12-Week Courses
Start May 8
(early bird rate until April 7)
Management of the Equine Environment
Equine Exercise Physiology
Equine Behaviour
Equine Nutrition
Global Perspectives in Equine Welfare
Equine Business Finance & Risk Management
Upcoming TheHorsePortal.ca
Short Courses
*Horse Trailer Safety (Part 1)
March 6-20, 2023
*Racehorse Respiratory Health
March 20-March 31, 2023
*Sickness Prevention in Horses
March 20-March 31, 2023
*Sport Horse Injury/Lameness Prevention and Care
April 3-14, 2023
Equine Guelph is the horse owners' and care givers' Centre at the University of Guelph in Canada. It is a unique partnership dedicated to the health and well-being of horses, supported and overseen by equine industry groups. Equine Guelph is the epicentre for academia, industry and government - for the good of the equine industry as a whole. For further information, visit www.equineguelph.ca.
The Westerner Park in Red Deer, Alberta became centre stage for the Wild Rose Draft Horse Association 2023 AGM on February 4. We couldn’t have a ‘gathering’ for 3 years because of Covid-19. A great time was spent talking about our Draft Horses and projects for 2023.
The new board of Directors are: Chairman - Jess Debnam; Vice-Chairman - Nic Gee; Secretary - Barb Stephenson; Treasurer - Louise Krebs. Other board members are: Bruce Roy, Allan Gordeyko, Jodi McCracken, Darwin Krebs, Brett Fulford, Chris Laycock, Andre Kerkovius, and Robert Lewis.
Our main topics discussed were the upcoming Draft Horse, Tack and Equipment Sale being held in Olds, Alberta on May 5-6, 2023. The most exciting topic discussed was the World Clydesdale Show coming to Brandon, Manitoba on July 19-23. The majority of our Clydesdale members have already started grooming and fitting their horses for the big show. See more below.
The horse shown is Willowway Puzzle. She was the World Champion Clydesdale Mare in 2018. She was born and bred by the Allan Gordeyko Family from Ohaton, Alberta. Extended members of the Gordeyko family have been leading exhibitors and breeders for 2 generations.
Join us at the 2023 World Clydesdale Show at the Keystone Centre in Brandon, Manitoba July 19-23. This event is typically held every four years, except when COVID interrupts the process. This is the first time the event has been held in western Canada. It has been held in Ontario twice, once in Scotland and three times in the U.S. The next one will be held in Springfield, Illinois.
The versatility of the Clydesdale horse will be front and centre. There will be a full complement of halter classes, hitch classes, riding, farm team and youth classes. The riding section is quite new and rapidly gaining popularity. This is not something a lot of people associate with Clydesdales, but it is something that will be on full display in Brandon. You will see Clydesdales taking part in classes such as barrel racing, jumping and dressage.
Five hundred Clydesdales from all across North America are expected in Brandon. Exhibitors from 8 Canadian provinces and 26 U.S. states attended the last World Clydesdale Show which was held in Madison, Wisconsin. A large contingent of overseas spectators are expected to be in Brandon to take in the show. An exciting feature at the show this year will be the World Champion Heavy Horse Shoeing Competition. Professional farriers from
around the world will compete for the title of World Champion Farrier! This competition will take place from July 19 to 22.
T ickets are available for purchase and more information is on the show website
The 5 days in July in Brandon promise to be an exciting time for the equine industry in western Canada. The magnificent Clydesdale horse in all its glory will be on full display!
“Ride more forward!” is probably one of the most frequent instructions dressage riders hear from their teachers. Unfortunately, riding forward is often misunderstood as riding fast (by teachers as well as students). However, true “forward” begins with the horse "thinking forward,” which means that his first instinct should be to take a step forward (not sideways or backward) whenever you apply a driving aid. The forward motion comes from the extension of the hind legs pushing the body mass up and forward. This can be done at a slow speed or at a fast speed. It's independent of the gait or the stride length or the tempo. The horse should have a forward-thinking attitude even at the halt and the rein back, so that he is ready to take a step forward at any given moment.
What makes "riding forward" by generating a more powerful push from the hind legs “tricky” is that we need the horse to be in balance, i.e. the landing hind leg has to catch the body mass that the pushing hind leg sends forward. This means that the hind leg that touches down under the center of gravity has to flex its joints and act as a shock absorber before it extends again and sends the body mass forward as well. The more the horse pushes by engaging his extensor muscles in one hind leg, the more he has to use his flexor muscles in the other hind leg to catch and support the body mass. If you create too much pushing power, the flexor muscles won't be strong enough to catch the body mass when it lands again. In that case the horse loses balance, gets rushy, and probably leans heavily on the reins. If you don’t generate enough pushing power, the energy of the hind legs won’t reach the bit and consequently can’t be recycled back to them by the seat and reins.
“Never increase the urge to go forward at the expense of balance. Never increase the balance at the expense of the urge to go forward. Alas, how easy is this to say, and how difficult is it often to draw this line correctly!”
- Otto v.Monteton (1898)For practical purposes, the hind legs have to push enough that the horse moves forward and reaches for the bit, but not so much that they overpower the flexor muscles. That's why with younger horses or rehab horses you often have to start with a smaller gait (less pushing power) to help the horse balance flexion and extension of his hind legs.
When you have established a good balance between pushing and carrying and the horse relaxes and starts to lift his back, you can gradually ask for a little more power, a little more push.
Initially, many horses will get a little heavier because the flexion of the hind legs is still the same as before. As soon as you ask for more flexion of the haunches with your seat and with some stirrup stepping or half halts, the horse will find a new balance at a higher level of pushing and carrying and become light again. With this strategy you can fully develop the horse’s gaits over the course of several years.
Most horses have stronger extensor than flexor muscles, i.e. they push more than they carry with their hind legs. With these horses you have to reduce the pushing power at first so that it matches the carrying power.
O ther horses tend to suck back and get behind the aids because they are not pushing enough. With them you have to create more push at first.
“Going forward has nothing to do with speed. Going forward is the permanent readiness to step forward freely and naturally, that must still be present even in the rein back. Rushing and pushing also take a forward direction, but they are not the same as going forward naturally, just as sucking back and jigging are not going forward. Rushing backward is not a real rein back, either.”
-Udo Bürger, 1959Courtesy of Dr. Thomas Ritter, artisticdressage.com
Dressage BC is a grassroots non-profit, volunteer-based organization whose purpose is to support and promote the development of dressage in BC.
Our mission is to combine education, awards, grants and a network of support to promote dressage in BC.
At the 2022 AGM this past December, the DBC Board of Directors thanked outgoing President Wendy Christoff for her years of leading DBC. A new Board of Directors for 2023 consists of President: Christina Boddy; Vice-President: Alison Martin; and Directors
Cat Armitage, Judy Turner, Carolyn Dobbs, Shelley Lawder, Jillian Thatcher, Diana Sleigh, Kamla Hoekstra and Kim Warwick.
DBC is $15 for senior members and free for juniors. You can join DBC through HCBC
online membership portal or contact the HCBC office. All junior members will also be automatically members of West Coast Dressage Development Program which promotes and develops junior dressage education and development.
Training Level Champion: Elizabeth Savoie - Birkfell
Genie Reserve: Gwendolyn Johnson - Best Kept Secret
First Level Champion: Rosalia RichardsButterscotch Candy
Reserve: Olivia Rechsteiner - Kingston
Training Level Champion: Gillian Warnett - Suger
Pie Honey Bunch
Reserve: Imogen Hawes - Knights Cavollo Dolce
FEI JR Champion: Alison Campbell-Wright - Slap
FEI YR Champion: Amy Rogers - Diplomat Reserve: Ailish Hurley - Di Scansano
Adult 18-49
Training Level Champion: Angela Albertson -
Reserve: Kimberley St Pierre - Brilliant Lulu Lemon
3rd: Tammy Wiggins - Everest
4th: Becky Wright
First Level Champion: Heather Dupuis - Top Gun
Reserve: Alexandra Black - Rising Phoenix
3rd: Laura Chilton - DH Thundering River
4th: Emily Nelson - Power Plus
Second Level Champion: Jessica Marquis - Bhimala
Reserve: Kelsi Padua - Sinclair’s Miracle
Third Level Champion: Jillian Thatcher - Kudono
Reserve: Josephine Iacarella - Lincoln
3rd: Alysha MacDonald - Valkira
4th: Jennifer Barnes van Elk - Hold My Beer
Senior 50+
Intro Champion: Debra Hay - Le Brett Z
Training Level Champion: Maria PattersonRevolution +/
Second Level Champion: Andrea Stow - Rafael
Third Level Champion: Sarah Hayes - Zofia
Training Level Champion: Courtenay Fraser -
Reserve: Marissa Kellow - Armageddon
3rd: Natasha James - Pantera
First Level Champion: Andrea Taylor - Sir Francis
Second Level Champion: Jessica Dalton - Leila
Third Level Champion: Shelley Lawder - Cenna
Fourth Level Champion: Shelley Lawder - Balance
Reserve: Jessica York - Hemmingway
3rd: Tess Kidd - Touchea
FEI 4-year-old Champion: Eiren Crawford - RF
FEI Small Tour Champion: Erin Silo - Jett
Reserve: Brittany Simpson - Hickory
3rd: Amy Welburn - Dinamico
4th: Sally Dodds - Classico CR
5th: Esmee Ingham - Karma
Grand Prix Champion: Shelley Lawder - Zaouira
Coach of the Year
Sponsored by Asmar Equestrian
Brittany Simpson
Carnarvon Farms Adult Amateur Grant
2 grants of $500 for adult amateurs for the pursuit of continuing education
Thank you Jane MacDonald
Laura Chilton & Sarah Hayes
Blue Heron Developing FEI Rider Grant
1 grant of $500 for an FEI rider for the pursuit of continuing education
Thank you Wendy Christoff
Sally Dodds
Sietske Memorial - Applause Dressage Freestyle Grant
1 grant up to $1250 towards a Freestyle with Karen Robinson
Thank you Leanne Johnston and Karen Robinson
Amy Welburn
Thunderbird Travel Grant
1 grant of $500 towards travel costs to Pacific Regional Dressage Championships
Georgia Harmon
Leslie Reid Living Legacy Award
Award celebrates excellence in riders competing in BC at PSG and above
Erin Silo
Just like that white picket fence you always wanted… what about that little red barn? Here’s a classic little red number… to house your horses and other critters.
Angie and Ron in Lavington BC started up Forever Home Sanctuary back in 2021 taking in unwanted and neglected farm animals. Here’s what they built.
This barn measures 27’x 40’ x 14’, with six 10’ x 10’ stalls and one 10’ x 20’, and a 7’ wide aisle.
The stalls and gates were made with lumber from our property; Ron made everything 5’ high. Inside we used 2” x 6” cedar. The trusses we bought from marketplace (in excellent condition), for a quarter of the price of new. All structural posts and beams were bought from a local hardware store with a VIP 10% off which made it cheaper than one of those big box stores.
Ron built it mostly by himself, although we did have a volunteer help us with trusses and the metal roof. We opted for plywood siding; but afterwards we realized price wise it would have been better to go with metal too.
The cheapest quote we got was $46,000 for a simple tin barn, no stalls. In the long run, we are happy with the money we saved by doing it ourselves.
You’ve had all winter to think about those building plans – and now an early spring is coming around the corner!
(see their ad on page 3 of this issue)
Why did you build this particular type of structure? Why did you need it?
The structure was built primarily for personal use and year-round riding ability, from home without the need to travel and trailer. The structure further opens opportunities for teaching, seminars, or weekend riding events.
Why did you choose this type of building/ structure versus another?
Cost, cost, cost, efficiency of installation –timeline, low maintenance, and quality of building to last a long time. This building of steel will last many decades and the fabric cover is expected to last 25+ years.
SpanMaster Structures took care of all the
pre-build requirements, city permitting, site prep, and materials, including the Site Geotechnical survey done by Terran Geotechnical Consultants.
AND BONUS… the building was erected in 5 days!
What are the dimensions of the structure?
The building is a Britespan Atlas 80 L10 x 180 @ 10’ OC non-FR fabric – 80’ wide x 180’ long. Truss spacing is every 10’, with a 10’ straight sidewall leg at every truss connection, and 37’ from ground to top centre of building.
What materials were used for the structure (inside and out)?
Materials consist of a hot dipped galvanized steel structure, fabric membrane cover which is comprised of NovaShield RU88X-6 400 which is a heavyweight fabric for applications requiring UV stability and is an HDPE woven fabric with a LDPE coating on each side. Concrete lock blocks for foundation, steel plate strapping and earth anchors for securing the foundation.
Drainage by perforated PVC pipe and silt cloth for stormwater management, some gravel and sand for site grading and trenching.
This was all provided and/or arranged for by SpanMaster Structures. Ground materials were sourced locally and additional supplies were purchased at Dawson-Brill Lumber Timber Mart.
continued on page 24
continued from page 23
What is inside the structure?
The interior of the arena is simply riding space, the building is open-ended and has the fabric terminated at the top of the 10’ sidewall legs so the sides are also open. This creates a very open, easy to view, bright riding area and lesson space.
What type of footing/flooring (in arena and/or barn) did you choose and why?
We have used crusher dust composition mix which is well-suited for the primary type of riding being done.
Did you require new fencing around the barn/arena? For paddocks/pens, etc?
We had to do some re-fencing where the building had to come on to the property, but most was already in place. SpanMaster Structures provided all the required contacts and trades to complete the work and turnkey the project.
Is this a public facility or for your own use? Private for personal use.
(see WeCover Structures ad on page 28)
Why did you build this particular type of structure? Why did you need it?
My Mom, Judi and I wanted to establish a premier Hunter Jumper Training Facility on our family farm in Delta where we have lived for over 30 years.
Why did you choose this type of building/structure versus another?
We looked at all sorts of arena types but decided on a WeCover structure because of all the natural light that it lets in.
What are the dimensions of the structure?
The whole building is 110’ x 252’ and within this structure there is an 80’ x 220’ riding arena separated by a 12’ aisle that is inset with rubber mats.
There are 18 adjoining stalls on one side. All the stalls are 12’ x 12’ and rubber matted. The stalls and barn doors are from System Equine (see their ad on the back cover of this issue); the tongue and groove wood inserts we stained ourselves.
It is an “open concept” facility as the steel supports are only around the perimeter of the building. This lets the horses have a ‘room with a view’ of the arena from their stalls. The arena lighting is LED and it provides a very natural light.
Ten of the stalls have attached paddocks as well.
What materials were used for the structure (inside and out)?
There is a steel “Ridgeline” by WeCover Structures roof for 32’ over the grooming and tack room area. And the remaining 220’ building length is WeCover Structures’ steel truss structure with fabric roof panels.
What is inside the structure?
There is a tack room, bathroom and an observation area; as well as 3 spacious crossties and a wash rack. There is a separate vet/grooming area. Some of this is still to be completed.
What type of footing/flooring did you choose and why?
The arena footing was purchased from Footing First and it is the premium “TravelBright TM” dust-free, textured footing. We wanted the best footing we could get to keep our horses sound and healthy. It is wonderful to ride and jump on and feels like you are riding on turf. Also very important is that it is dust-free so we don’t have problematic sprinklers to deal with.
continued on page 26
continued from page 25
Did you require new fencing around the barn and arena?
Yes, all of the fencing is brand new and hot-wired. There are an additional 8 individual paddocks (no shared fences) so the horse cannot play fight over them. There is also a 60’ round pen. This was all done by Robson Services Inc.
From planning to completion – how much did this structure cost in total?
A lot!
Is this a public facility or for your own use?
While it is not a public facility, we have a resident Hunter Jumper trainer, Justine Annandale (Sperabo Stables) whom I have worked with for 20+ years and we certainly welcome new clients to come into her specialized Hunter Jumper program.
A middle-aged woman peeks into his kennel. She smiles. He wags his tail. Maybe she will adopt him, he’s thinking. Then she walks away.
Par for the course. Everyone who peeks into his kennel usually walks away.
Nobody wants an old dog. At this shelter, everyone adopts young dogs who can’t control their bladders.
Humans want puppies. Not geriatrics. If only humans could understand canine language, he would’ve told the lady all about himself and what a good boy he is. It’s a shame that humans don’t speak Dog.
He’s not sure how he ended up in this place. Once he had a family. But they didn’t want him. So they left him here. He waited for them to come back, staring out his kennel door.
But his owners were done with him.
That was a lifetime ago. Since then, he’s been stuck in this loud room of kennels with dogs who cry all day long.
He’s overheard the humans’ remarks about him. “How old is that dog?” they ask, pointing at him. “He looks kind of gray.” “Mommy, I don’t want an old dog.” “Poor old guy, nobody’s gonna want an elderly dog.” Elderly.
Who would want an elderly dog? The worst part is it’s been so long since he’s been touched.
When you’re a puppy everyone showers you with affection. They’re always touching you.
But when you’re an old dog, they just ignore you. He wishes he could tell the humans what a good dog he is, tell them about all his skills.
Being old has its advantages. For starters, he can hold his bladder, he knows how to watch TV, he knows how to cuddle, how to be patient, he knows how to fend off dangerous UPS men.
But it doesn’t matter. This kennel is life now. He knows that one day he will be led to the back room with the doctor, like all the other old dogs. And that will be the end.
The door to his cellblock opens. The place comes unglued with barking dogs.
He can see a little girl. She’s cute. She looks around for a few minutes. Surprisingly, she stops in front of his cage.
She says, “What’s this one’s name?”
“We don’t know,” says the woman employee.
“You don’t know his name?”
“We get a lotta dogs without names, honey.”
The girl approaches his kennel. He doesn’t bother standing. Why waste his energy? You see one kid, you've seen them all. She’s not going to adopt him. She’ll end up adopting a rambunctious Labrador-mix.
The child reaches through the bars. “Come here, boy,” she says. He doesn’t move. She seems sweet enough, sure, but he’s no dummy. This is the same old song and dance. They pet you. Then they figure out you’re an elderly dog, and they keep moving.
“Let’s go, sweetie,” says the girl’s mother. “Let’s go look at the puppies.”
“But I want to pet him.”
A long pause. The woman says, “But don’t you wanna see the younger dogs?”
The cage door opens. This gets his attention. Namely, because his cage door NEVER opens.
The little girl steps in. He’s on his feet now. He’s nervous. Panting. Heart beating fast. Who is this child and what does she want?
She reaches her hand outward. She comes close. She rests her palm on his forehead. The child rubs his fur. And she doesn’t just rub him, she hugs him.
“You’re not too old,” the girl whispers.
Before he realizes what’s happening, the employee places a leash on him and leads him out of the kennel. They are parading him down the aisle. He’s leaving this dreadful place.
Can it be? Is this for real? Or is this a cruel joke?
All the dogs are screaming as he walks by.
In a few minutes, it's official. The little girl signs a stack of papers then takes him home. She names him Jackson. She gives him a brand new world. She even lets him sleep in her bed.
It all happens so fast that it still seems like some kind of elaborate fantasy. Yesterday; death row. Today; Buckingham Palace.
Sometimes, late at night, when he sleeps beside her, he still can’t get over how beautiful his rescuer is. This girl who makes waking up each morning worthwhile.
This 10-year-old child, who makes him feel as though he had a purpose in the world. Who taught him how to appreciate being alive.
Oh, if this kid only knew what she had done by choosing him.
If only she knew that she had saved his life.
If she knew the devotion he felt.
If she only knew how much he loved her.
It really is a shame humans don’t speak Dog.
Perhaps your answer is, “of course, they live in my home and my place is their place.” Actually, yes, they live in your home; however, what they really need is their own 'place' within your home.
Dogs naturally like to have a safe, private space to call their own, be it a den or crate, a mat, a dog bed, even a dog bed in every room! Without a place to make and covet as their own, dogs will often be restless and roam listlessly trying out several spots to really be comfortable and settle.
Their 'place' is where they can go to relax, find safety and comfort, without distraction, without being 'wrong' for being in an inappropriate area. Like us enjoying our favourite chair, dogs are creatures of habit. They will enjoy more confidence, become more balanced and find more contentment overall, when they are able to consistently look forward to getting cozy in their favourite personal doggy place, within your home.
If your dog doesn't yet have their own place, you can easily create this by putting something like a dog bed, cozy carpet, something padded or cushioned in a convenient space, ideally within sight of where you spend time. I suggest this space not be in the kitchen or any crowded or high traffic area. It needs to be a positive, quiet and
satisfying place to go. Lay something that smells like you on that space, a favourite toy and perhaps a treat to make that place more inviting at first. Begin the process when you have time, can be patient and are not in a hurry to leave anywhere soon. It may take several minutes over several days to have enough positive repetitions to establish a gradual transition from freely roaming the house to happily seeking out their own 'place' to settle.
Start by gently and calmly taking your dog to that place while consistently and repeatedly directing something specific like “go to your mat,” “on your carpet,” “to your crate,” or “in your den”... you get the idea. If your dog goes there and then leaves quickly, be sure to calmly and patiently take them back there and positively support them to stay in that spot for longer and longer. You may even spend a little time there yourself sitting with your dog to help them relax (reading a
"They tell you not to cry.
They tell you he's just a dog, not a human. They tell you it will pass.
They tell you that animals do not know that they must die.
They tell you that the important thing is not to make them suffer.
They tell you that you can get another one. They tell you it will happen.
They tell you there are more unbearable pains. But they don't know how many times you've looked your dog in the eye.
They don't know how many times it was you and your dog that looked in the dark.
They don't know how many times your dog was the only one by your side.
They don't know that the only one who hasn't judged you is your dog.
They don't know how scared you were the night his moans woke you up.
They don't know how many times your dog has slept next to you.
They don't know how much you've changed since the dog became a part of your life.
They don't know how many times you hugged him when he was sick.
They don't know how many times you pretended not to see when his hair was getting whiter and whiter.
They don't know how many times you've talked to your dog, the only one who really listens to you. They don't know how good you were to your dog. Little do they know that only your dog knew you were in pain.
They don't know what it's like to see your old dog trying to come over and say hello.
They don't know that when things go wrong, the only one who isn't gone is your dog.
They don't know that your dog trusts you, every moment of his life, even at the last moment.
They don't know how much your dog loved you and how little he needed to be happy, because you were enough for him.
They don't know that crying for a dog is one of the noblest, most meaningful, truest and purest things you can do.
They don't know about the last time you rocked him hard... being careful not to hurt him.
They don't know what you felt when you caressed his face in the last moments of his life."
book or checking in on your social media is handy to help pace some time - don't be impatient to leave!). Soon you'll be able to just direct your dog verbally and your dog will easily choose to go to that same place to spend more and more time relaxing.
That your dog has their own place and space is important. The comfort of having their own place will carry over when travelling, camping, when you have company or even when leaving your dog at a boarding kennel. You will also find it's especially handy during these upcoming seasons of the year when things start to get more wet and muddy. As your dog gets wetter and dirtier than usual and has more coat to hold the moisture (and will likely shake all over, given the chance!), you will appreciate that you can send them to their 'place' to dry off comfortably without tracking the damp dirt all over the house or worse, shaking it everywhere!
You may just find that your dog and yourselves will be more peaceful and content overall, each having their own personal, comfortable and reliable place to call their very own, within the home. Enjoy the advantages!
Patricia Skinner-Porter is the owner/operator of Harmony Farm Kennel & Lamb at Monte Lake BC. Offering custom care boarding (non-dog park style) Patricia provides personal care, attention and daily exercise for ALL dog types, breeds and doganalities! She also offers one-on-one dogowner training, helping individuals to create healthy happy relationships with their dogs. Here she shares her vast array of experience with a beneficial monthly tip for you and your pooch to enjoy!
(See her listing under Pet Central)
This is Kenny. He’s our 4-year-old Border Collie/ Australian Shepherd/ Kelpie mix. He loves eating snow and chasing birds in our hazelnut field.
Send us a photo of your favourite pooch! Tell us the dog’s name, breed, and up to 50 words about him/her. We will print your first name (or initials) and your city/province.
E-mail to nancyroman@saddleup.ca and put in subject line: TOP DOG OF THE MONTH. Photos will be printed on a first come first serve basis.
EVERYTHING PETS (Princeton BC) 250-295-7381
Quality Foods & Supplies for all your Pets! See us on Facebook. 10/23
HARMONY FARM KENNEL AND LAMB.COM, Monte Lake BC, 250-375-2528. “Custom Care” boarding welcomes ALL dogs! 12/23
Do you offer a dog service or training business? Sell pet feeds and supplies? You can advertise here! Prices start at only $250 per year (11 issues). Call 1-866-546-9922 or e-mail nancyroman@saddleup.ca
Your one-stoP Pet shoP
Farm, Fencing & Horse Supplies
Pet and Livestock Feeds 604-894-6740
Pemberton BC
For more information on any of these events go to canuckdogs.com unless another website is provided
AGILITY TRIAL, Kelowna BC, www.codac.ca
8 EASTER STOCK DOG CLINIC, McBride BC, bcstockdogassociation.ca
Do you have a WORKING DOG event coming up?
Let us know! Call 1-866-546-9922 or email nancyroman@saddleup.ca
- Jodee, Chilliwack BC
My name is Emily and this is Bubba. Bubba and I love cuddles and going fast! This is our first year together, he is such a good boy. I’m very excited for all the great adventures to come!
- Emily, age 12, Whistler BC
Zoe enjoying some grazing time with our senior gelding Risky!
- Zoe, age 5, Burton BC
friend’s horse.
Ali, age 10, Campbell River BC
It looks like we are in for a packed season of equestrian competitions around the province.
Horse Show Organizers, visit hcbc.ca/competitions/organizers/ to sanction your competition either Provincially or EC Bronze. For a full tutorial on how to use the Horse Sport Pro online sanctioning system click here: youtube.com/watch?v=APBfSJAPn8U
HCBC has some amazing Officials development clinics coming your way. Here’s just a couple for you. Save the date…
April 28 – 30 2023
Location: Maple Ridge Equi-Sports Centre
EC/HCBC Officials Driving Clinic with Francois Bergeron - Senior Combined Driving Judge with ADS, Senior Combined Driving Judge with Equestrian Canada, Large “R” Combined Driving Judge with USEF and FEI 2*Combined Driving Judge.
While this is a Judge’s development clinic, it is open to all driving enthusiasts. Whether you are a judge, thinking about becoming a judge, a coach or a driver, this is a great opportunity to learn from one of the best. More info and registration coming soon.
Sunday August 20 2023
Location: Maple Ridge Equi-Sports Centre
In the Judges Booth with John MacPherson - FEI competitor, EC Level 3 Dressage Coach and EC Senior Status Dressage Judge.
Come learn from Senior Dressage Judge John MacPherson. This seminar will be held at the Rising Stars Dressage Festival. Participants will get to learn from Judge MacPherson as he discusses and scores live tests being ridden at the competition. Open to riders, coaches, judges, parents or anyone who would like to learn about Dressage. Registration opening soon
We want to encourage you to learn, practice good horsemanship and play! We have launched our Horseplay Program that allows members to record their horse activity whether that is watching a clinic, cleaning a stall or taking their horse on a trail. This is a FREE allinclusive program for Horse Council BC members age 13 and up, and enters members into draws to win monthly, quarterly and yearly prizes. Prizes include gift cards from BC-based equestrian businesses!
Download the app by searching Horseplay on the App Store or Google Play to get started. Also available online at hcbc.ca if you don’t have access to a mobile device.
It’s never too early to start setting your sights on competing at the BC Summer Games. Maple Ridge Equi-Sports Centre will once again be the site of a BC Games competition. The 2024 BC Summer Games Equestrian Competition will take place July 18–21 2024.
If you are an Equestrian athlete competing in Dressage, Stadium Jumping, Eventing or Equestrian Vaulting and will be 13–18 years old as of December 31, 2023, or if you are a Para-Equestrian athlete participating in Dressage and are 13–30 years old as of December 31, 2023, make competing at the 2024 BC Summer Games your goal! Stay tuned for new qualifying criteria and more info.
Congratulations to the worthy recipients of the Horse Council BC’s 2022 Awards! Each award winner will receive their award at an event of their own choosing throughout 2022. We received many outstanding nominations this year, so thank you to all who nominated someone and congratulations to our winners.
2022 Coach of the Year – Jennifer Bell
2022 Bob James Volunteer of the Year – Jill Ackerman
2022 Sherman Olson Lifetime Achievement Award – Claudia Cojocar
Canadian Olympic legend ‘Captain Canada’ is joining the team in a new role on the road to Paris 2024. Equestrian Canada (EC) is pleased to announce Ian Millar, CM as the new Technical Advisor (TA), Jumping for Canada’s national show jumping team.
Well known beyond the equestrian world, Millar of Perth, ON is the most successful competitor in the history of Canadian show jumping. He is the twelve-time Canadian National Champion and has competed in more Olympic Games than any athlete in history.
“Everyone at EC and the Canadian team are feeling proud that Ian has chosen to share his knowledge, passion and experience in a mentorship and development role that will support the team now and into the future,” said EC’s CEO Meg Krueger. “I think not only the athletes, but everyone will benefit from his guidance and infinite interest in making the sport better. And we know he likes to win, too!”
“It has been my great honour to ride for Canada for the better part of 50 years,” said Millar when asked about taking on this role. “This is my opportunity to give back and it is with further honour that I do so.”
“I am very excited for the challenge,” Millar shared. “I know we have some great riders and some great horses, and I am very optimistic that we are going to build a top team for Pan Ams. These games are going to be challenging but they are our big chance to qualify for the Olympics. This is a must do and a can-do thing. Then we’ll build a team for Paris.”
Millar has plenty of Pan American Games experience to share having represented Canada at ten of the continental sporting events spanning five decades where he has won 10 total medals including four gold, four silver, and two bronze. In his last appearance as a rider at the Toronto 2015 Pan American Games, he took home team gold alongside teammates Yann Candele, Tiffany Foster, and Eric Lamaze.
Not surprisingly he felt he could accept this new challenge, because he knows he’s not going into it solo. “This role is impossible to do alone. It takes everyone involved - horses, riders, grooms, owners, EC, the Canadian Olympic Committee, Own the Podium, sponsors, backers, everybody that’s involved – it’s a huge group effort and everyone has to work together to make it happen. I believe that I have the support.”
“ The role of Chef is not just the top tier, it also involves younger riders,” agreed Millar. “I plan to be involved in the sport and work with Dayton Gorsline, the Jumping Youth Development Program Advisor, and with young riders. I want to know where the riders of tomorrow are and want to watch them develop and if I can assist in anyway, I am available.”
With the Pan American Games only eight months away, Millar will be getting to work with the team immediately. Team Canada is happy to have the captain on board and they are ready to work alongside him.
will learn how to
Join Clive Milkins, Technical Advisor of the Equestrian Canada (EC) Para-Dressage program for one of four Para coaching clinics being held this March in Langley, Kamloops, Duncan and Victoria, British Columbia.
These clinics are designed to educate coaches on topics associated with coaching riders with a disability and to encourage EC certified coaches to include riders with disabilities in their training and competitive programs.
Like with any sport or hobby, you have to have fun doing it or else the passion goes away and it just starts to feel like work – archery is no exception. We have a tendency to talk a lot about the dedication, commitment, and tenacity one has to have to succeed in mounted archery, but that almost gives the impression that being part of the sport is like belonging to some sort of rigid paramilitary organization. On the contrary, it’s being spontaneous, light, and creative that brings us joy in this martial pastime and makes overcoming difficulties worthwhile.
We are always coming up with new games and unique challenges to introduce in practices, revelries, and clinics. One of the crowd favourites are the rolling disks. One person stands at a safe distance in front of and to the side of a line of half a dozen or so archers. The thrower rolls circular disks along the ground in front of the archers, who are only permitted to fire in a short space between two large cones. The thrill of tracking a fast-moving target across your field of vision and the anticipation of trying to be the first one to hit the disk really gets people going. Even the most placid of archers come alive during this game and the most affable companions quickly transform into fierce competitors – there’s no son or daughter letting mom or dad take down more disks than them!
Another exciting game involved aerial disks where one thrower tosses up tin metal disks, one at a time, for a line of archers firing fluflu arrows affixed with blunt tips. The irksome sound of a ‘WOOSH’ (indicating a near miss) evokes immediate desire for another round, almost as much as the delightfully jarring ‘PWANG’ of the metal disk when an archer makes the mark. Of course, if people are getting cocky after a hot streak, you can always raise the stakes by mounting up and giving it a go down the track! You can even try glow-in-the-dark targets at night for either of these games and many more by utilizing glow sticks.
When we centre events around different holidays or themes, there are ample opportunities for new layers of imagination. For example, on Halloween we get to test our archery skills by shooting at pumpkins (large and small), both on the ground and in the saddle. One might be inclined to think that hitting a big orange mass would be relatively easy, even at a canter. Nevertheless, you’d be surprised at how proficient those armoured gourds are at deflecting a pointy stick travelling at 250FPS if you don’t hit dead centre. Another Halloween game that kids especially enjoy is shooting at foam targets at varying distances with a multitude of affixed trick-or-treat bags. Most of the time you get candy, other times you get a decoy bag or one with a note inside that has a trick. If you’re dying to know what the tricks are, you’ll just have to come find out for yourself next Halloween shoot!
Christmas 2022 was full of equally unique games. On command we would have about 15 people in a line each fire a single blunt/flu-flu arrow at a piñata (equine-shaped, naturally). If the piñata burst forth candy, the line would rush to snatch up the goodies. The pinnacle, however, was the White Elephant Secret Santa Christmas balloon shoot. All the archers each brought a gift within a pre-determined value limit. One at a time, archers would step up the firing line to take aim on their balloon of choice hanging inside of a Christmas tree. When a balloon was popped the Archer retrieved the numbered note initially housed inside, which corresponded with a gift. The next archer could either shoot a balloon or steal a gift – it was awesome. After it all, we
had a massive Christmas family feast inside the shop on the farm and shared our exploits from the day’s festivities. We can’t wait for what this year has in store, especially during the upcoming fall Turkey Shoot competition. Be sure not to miss it!
– The Obstacle Is the Way
April 29-20, 2023 Skills Clinic and Grading Competition in Lillooet, BC with Mile 0 Riding Club
July 8-9, 2023 Intro to Mounted Archery Clinic in Kamloops, BC with Pine Tree Riding Club
July 15-16, 2023 Intro to Mounted Archery/Skills Clinic and Grading
Competition in Grand Forks, BC with Boundary Horse Association
August 17-20, 2023 HARCAN Training Camp in Olds, AB
September 30-October 1, 2023 HARCAN Turkey Shoot year-end Grading Competition and fun event
to show at different venues.
O ver 20 years ago, a grassroots hunter/jumper circuit called the Interior Desert Circuit ran shows throughout the season. The circuit fostered the development of many young and green riders who were entering the competition ring for the first time. Most riders were mounted on trusty Quarter Horses and Thoroughbreds that carried them around the courses and into the ribbons.
This was the era of thick polyester show coats and vet helmet covers. You needed boot pulls to put your tall boots on, and a willing family member to pull those boots off when a boot jack wasn’t handy. There was nothing like riding in a long sleeve short shirt underneath a show coat on a hot summer day!
This show circuit was coordinated by Leigh Payne, who operated out of O’Hara Stables that neighboured the KRC. Leigh worked tirelessly for the equestrian community, running regular lessons, summer camps, and hosting clinics. Leigh collaborated with other trainers, including Kit Bell at Sunridge Equestrian Centre, providing riders the opportunity
This season, the KRC is proud to be hosting a new circuit of hunter/ jumper shows, fondly renamed the Interior Desert Circuit after Leigh’s legacy. True to the IDC’s roots, the KRC will be partnering with the Vernon and District Riding Club to host the series. A Memorial Hunter Class will take place each show with prize money generously donated by Leigh’s daughter, Bailey, and Hunter Hill Farm.
Like the circuit before it, the new IDC series aims to provide riders with a grassroots venue to gain experience in the ring and develop other horsemanship skills while prepping for competition.
If you have any questions, or would like to get involved to support this series in its inaugural year, please contact the show managers, Kate Paynton or Megan Dalton at kelowna.riding.club.contact@gmail.com or info@cornercreekfarms.ca.
We look forward to seeing you this year (in far more breathable and cool show attire!).
The Vancouver Island Miniature Horse Club was established two decades ago and is made up of dedicated members from Vancouver Island and some of the surrounding smaller islands. We even have members on the mainland. Our club is also a member of the AMHA and AMHR associations.
Our goal is to share information with our fellow enthusiasts and promote interest in the wonderful breed of Miniature Horses. We hold several clinics and “fun” days throughout the year and encourage participation at every age level.
Our 2023 Executive includes: Christina Nash – President; Chris Keen – Vice President; Pip Breckon – Secretary; and Catherine Royle – Treasurer.
If you would like to join us or need more information visit our website at bcminiaturehorseclubs.com/vimhc
VIMHC Events for 2023
Mar 10 – 11 Larry Brinker Lessons
April 1 – Barb McDonald Lessons
April 2 – Barb McDonald Clinic and Mentor Day
April 30 – Fast Eddy & Club Meeting
May 28 – Lombard Cones and stuff
June 9–10 – Spring Classic
June 18 – Lombard Mini Show
July 9 – Fun Ice Cream Drive, Glenora
July 13–16 – Calgary Stampede?
Sept 3 – Saanich Fair
Sept 12 – Cowichan Fair
Oct 15 – VIMHC AGM
Nov 19 – VIMHC Awards Banquet
With spring just around the corner, calendars are filling up fast with all the horse activities planned! Camping trips, endurance rides, perhaps a clinic or two? Winter is the time for planning and dreaming of warmer weather. Of course, if you have or are close to an indoor arena, you may have continued to ride all winter. Or, the cold-hardy have taken advantage of the nice days and filled them with riding the snowy trails.
Just in case you are looking at ways to continue with your horse journey, the CRTWH has a program for YOU! From the ride, drive, or alternative (agility, liberty, trick training,) to submitting video for the Program for Excellence, which includes Bronze (conformation and flat walk at halter), Silver (flat walk and running walk under saddle) and Gold (flat walk, running walk and cantering under saddle), there’s something for everyone.
Ride, Drive, ALT is as simple as submitting your hours at the end of the year. The Program for Excellence (Bronze, Silver & Gold) involves videoing your horse’s movement and submitting it for an accredited judge to evaluate. You will get a completed evaluation form with such things on it as head nod, hocks, way of traveling, all scored from minor faults all the way to disqualifying faults.
We also have the Training Levels Challenge. These challenges include Basic Skills, Trail, Driving, Horsemanship, Extended Trail or Horse camping, Liberty and Optional. Optional can include Endurance,
Cowboy Challenge, Reining, Hunter, Shows, and whatever you can dream of. (Optional must be cleared with the Board first.)
CRTWH now has some of the back issues from Walking Horse News up on the website, with plans of eventually posting ALL the back issues. This will be quite the feat, and will take some time as the Walking Horse News has been publishing for over 45 years!
If you would like to know more, be sure to visit our website crtwh.ca. It is packed with information.
Happy Trails!
This is CSR Gold Fever #3501 who achieved Basic Skills, and Trail Levels 1, 2, and 3 in the Training Levels Challenge, 2022. Owned by Fran Kerik.
Welcome to the ERABC! If you enjoy riding your horse for many hours through BC’s most beautiful wilderness areas, endurance riding may be the sport for you!
An Endurance ride is a test of horse and rider over challenging terrain of distances from 40 km (25 miles) to 160 km (100 miles) in one day.
ERABC rides feature varied scenery and levels of difficulty. It’s you and your horse against the trail of the day.
For more information on our group please visit our website https://enduranceridersassocofbc.wildapricot.org/ or check us out on Facebook.
May 6/7 – Possible Endurance clinic/camping weekend (tentative –Brittany Linnett)
June 10 - Mountain Magic, Merritt (Terre O’Brennan)
July 1/2 - Cariboo Gold Rush Express, 108 Mile (Joanne Macaluso)
July 15 - Pritchard Ride (tentative - Lori Bewza)
Aug 5/6/7 - Quesnel Ride (Heidi Krause and Cambria Volonte)
Aug 19 - Trapping Creek CTR, Beaverdell, Intro, Level 1 and 2 (Myrna Thompson)
Sept 2/3 - Highland Valley, Logan Lake (Stephany Dean and Kari Bishop)
Sept 8/9/10 - Titanium Run, Hudson Hope (Tara MacLeod)
Sept 23 - Timber Ridge, 25, possible 50, (Bianca MacKenzie)
Iwould like to start by finishing with the results of our Board elections held during the CCC AGM on January 21, 2023. The Executive consists of: Al Bignell remains President, newly elected Denton Keith is now Vice-President, elected to Treasurer is Sabra Roth and remaining Secretary is Eric Frogley. Remaining board members for a second year are: Hans Kollewyn, Janet Goltz, past treasurer, Will Gough, Cheryl Sawatzky and Alana Eaton. Newly elected directors for a two year term are: Koren Levoir, Mellisa Deveau and Adrien Deveau. We would like to say a big THANK YOU to Shane Goltz, past Vice President, and Leane Buxton who are no longer on the Board. Their time and contribution has helped the CCC proceed in a positive direction.
Moving on with this Challenge season, there are confirmed Challenge dates for this year. Pine Rock Ventures double header will be held on June 24 & 25. Carstairs Classic will be held on July 8 & 9. Thorsby Haymakers double header will be held on August 5 & 6. These Challenges are all in Alberta but check out the CCC website for further details and new Challenge dates. Saskatchewan Challenge dates should be listed late March or early April.
Spring is approaching and I hope conditioning of both horse and rider is well underway. Legging up the team is an important aspect of the upcoming riding season. Being prepared enhances the riding experience and much more enjoyable for both horse and rider. Is there such a thing as riding too many days in a row?
Just a reminder of last year’s Challenge season, I have three photographs of Janet’s team maneuvering obstacles. The arena is sand but the background is green. (Photos are with permission from the Schmidt Family and Sunset Equine)
Remember to have fun with your horse, whether it is with ground work or riding.
Want to join us? Crony Club is a group of adult recreational riders who ride together in group riding sessions at the Vernon Riding Club grounds for six Sundays each spring, from April through to June.
Riders come from a variety of backgrounds including dressage, hunter/jumper, western, trail riders, etc. We offer a safe and supportive environment to all riders, an opportunity to meet new friends, and get your horse ready for the upcoming riding season.
This is our 11th season and we welcome a new coach Claudia Zurmuhle. See you in the spring. For more information or to join us visit vernonridingclub.com.
Claudia lives in Armstrong and, along with her partner, runs Poplar Grove Stables, a horse boarding, lesson, and training barn. She is a licensed and certified competition coach with Equine Canada and teaches dressage, hunter/jumper, eventing, vaulting, trail riding, drill team, and ground work to both children and adults. In addition to over 30 years of coaching, Claudia also has experience in competing and showing horses at a Provincial level.
Monday morning, I received a phone call, “Hi, it’s Sally. Your tooth is in.” After my fit of the giggles, I figured it out. What struck me funny is, I am used to getting messages, curtains are in, shoes are in, etc. But tooth?
All princesses need a crown. It was the dentist’s office. Appointment was made for tooth hurty that afternoon. A few days before expected. With life, and with horses, constant adjustments are always required. And clear communication is helpful.
Welcome to the March Vintage Riders newsletter. February; now here is a month with no positive redeeming characteristics. Dark, damp, cold and dealing with long-haired horses. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a plan, does mean that you should take it easy on yourself and your horse.
Winter is a time to rest. To re-evaluate and reaffirm your hopes and goals. Also, to realistically adjust your expectations of yourself and your horse. This is a time to focus on one task at a time. No need to multitask unless you have to.
Our hard working (and very appreciated) executive, have put together a veritable box of chocolates of events for you to choose from. Calmly prepare yourself for learning and laughter.
A s well as our monthly meetings and clever guest speakers, here is what is on offer over the next few months:
- Two part working equitation workshop
- Dressage clinic
- Valentine’s dress-up park ride
- Gymnastic ground pole work day
- Interactive liberty with your horse training
- Square dancing on horseback
Peruse these and think of stress-free fun. Wherever I can (and you
By Mette FelmarkClaudia is well-known for her compassionate training methods and her positive coaching style. Having riders feel good about themselves is an important aspect of Claudia’s teaching. Claudia currently has a herd of 14 horses and ponies including the first foal born on the property this spring.
too) I will come to events and take photos to share. Remember we are a non-competitive club and seeing photos of ourselves and others is a great way to encourage one another.
Be gentle with yourself and be kind to your horse. Soon the groundhog will pop up to herald spring.
Cheering you all on, Kendra.
Vintage Riders Equestrian Club… for the love of horses! We are a gathering of horse enthusiasts within the Fraser Valley. Anyone over the age of 21 is welcome. We meet every 3rd Tuesday in Fort Langley to enjoy fellowship and a speaker and host a variety of clinics according to PHO.
Find us on Facebook at Vintage Riders Equestrian Club – public, email: vintageriders@shaw.ca
We’re back! It’s 2023 and we’re ready to go with trail rides, gymkhanas, clinics, and more! Please keep up-to-date with the Chilliwack Riding Club’s activities by following along on our Facebook page, or on our website at www.crchorse.ca.
We closed out the 2022 season with our Annual General Meeting and Awards Banquet at Camp River Hall on December 10th. We took care of business by nominating and inducting new and returning directors, reviewing the financials, and discussing the future business of the Chilliwack Riding Club.
We said goodbye to Lindsay Adam from the board of directors, but welcomed Shanna Jager, Niki Freeman, and Erin Barisoff-Harris to compliment the existing board made up by Riesa Kyne, Barb Bodholdt, Simone Tellier, Tanya Thompson, Megan Mckay, and Penny Boldt. We’re so looking forward to the coming year and the events we will be hosting.
We were very happy to be able to celebrate our dedicated riders in person this year. Our events had been restricted for the past few years and it just felt great to flex our social muscles with a large group again! Of course, great events come at a great expense, and we must thank our extremely generous sponsors for helping with prizes for our yearend award winners. Many of our sponsors go above and beyond, year after year, displaying generosity and community spirit and we thank them from the bottom of our hearts:
Bekkering York Barristers LLP
Jen Kabernick
Sunrise Creative
DSL Tile & Stone
Grampa Ken Inc.
Heidi Hogan
Krahnco Building
Western Outfitters
Diamond Diesel
Shanna’s Flooring & Design
Niki Freeman
Linzie du Toit
Anita Lem - Judge
We’re also able to continue our fundraising efforts for a new storage container by offering silent auctions. The silent auction at our Awards Banquet was a great success and many thanks go to our donors:
Barb Bodholdt
Megan Mckay
Tanya Thompson
The Mill Store
Bernice Whiting
Cecil & Diane Salmon
Riesa Kyne
Canadian Barrel Racing
C J Brooks
Connie Nesbitt
We had very dedicated and enthusiastic riders out this season! It’s our privilege to showcase their efforts and thank them for their continued support of our club. Congratulations to you all!
LEADLINE RUNNER UP - Marissa McPherson
PEEWEE RUNNER UP - Hayden Thompson
JUNIOR HIGHPOINT – Emerson Van Leeuwen
JUNIOR RESERVE RUNNERS UP – Kenna Abbot and Kasey Janas
4th – Kamerin Scott
5th – Peyton Haan
6th – Rylan Freeman
4th – Kaiden Silbernagel
SENIOR RUNNER UP – Dallas Feragen-Forbes
NOVICE RESERVE RUNNER UP – Victoria Barisoff- Harris
FAST TIME BARRELS – Laura Siteman 16.673
FAST TIME POLE BEND – Heidi Hogan 21.465
FAST TIME STAKES – Megan Mckay 19.07
FAST TIME KEYHOLE – Megan du Toit 8.747
MOST IMPROVED HORSE – “Sophia” owned by Kamerin Scott
SERVICE – Riesa Kyne
Directors (l to r): Megan Mckay, Niki Freeman, Shanna Jager, Simone
Tellier, Barb Bodholdt, Tanya Thompson, Penny Boldt, Erin Barisoff-Harris, Riesa Kyne
On May 18 to 26, 2022, the Northwest Chapter of the Back Country Horsemen of BC, in the Bulkley Valley, had the opportunity to host 22 students from Heartwood School. Located in Smithers, the school functions primarily as a homeschooling program with two days a week for hands-on outdoor activities. Some of our BCHBC members had previous experience with these kids through an archery training program.
Helene Flury, a Heartwood Teacher, requested a horse care and riding clinic for a group of middle school students. BCHBC-NW agreed to host the event at our Coalmine Camp facility.
There seemed to be some initial confusion about insurance coverage on the part of the BCHBC executive. A call to Capri Insurance showed that we were fully covered by our existing policy. The students were divided into two groups of 11. One of the groups would come on Wednesday, the other on Thursday, for two consecutive weeks so that each student would have two sessions with the horses.
We decided that the instructor/student ratio should be one to one. It would be difficult to assemble 11 instructors at one time, but we thought five or six would be possible. This would enable us to work with half of the group, take a short break, then work with the other half.
We arranged for other activities around camp, for the kids who were not with the horses.
The youth ranged in experience from owning their own horse, to never having seen a horse. That gave us some latitude in matching horses to rider experience (very gentle horses for those with no experience or little confidence).
The program we decided on basically follows the BCHBC Education Program and includes hands on tack care, horse care, saddling, leading, and riding under the tutelage of our experienced members. Students would learn safety around horses; how to brush, lead and clean the horses’ hooves. They would be taught the proper procedure to saddle a horse and the safest way to mount.
On the first day, the students arrived in several vans. After a quick orientation of the facilities, we covered the “classroom” part of the program including basic safety, philosophy of horse use, and a bit of history. The students were then matched with appropriate horses and instructors.
After 30 minutes of slowly working through the “groundwork,” the students were taught the mounting process, and all were able to learn the basics of controlling the horses.
The timing was about right. The students dismounted and prepared the horse for the next student before any frustration could set in, and while enthusiasm was still high.
The same process was followed for the 2nd group, and for the next day’s groups.
For the second session, for each student, all the information from the first day was reviewed, with the kids doing most of the work. The preparation went much faster, so everyone was able to enjoy a longer time in the saddle. For many, a 10-minute “trail ride” down the camp driveway and back was the culmination of the experience. By all accounts, everyone involved had a fine time, and look forward to repeating the adventure.
The facility worked well. The large arena provided ample space for everyone to have their own training station. Some easy obstacles in the skills development area provided enough challenge for the more advanced students.
Our ability to host this event is based solely on the generosity of our members with their time, and the use of their horses. We wish to thank all the instructors for a successful event.
Benefit of Belonging: Education is and has always been a focus for the Back Country Horsemen of BC. It comes in many forms; first and foremost is simply speaking with experienced members who are often willing to share their knowledge and expertise. An event like the one featured here is a great example of how our members work with our community. Visit our website to learn about our Trail Rider Education Program, Leave No Trace, and more. www.bchorsemen.org.
ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB S chooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. www.armstrongenderbyridingclub.ca 10/23
BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pres: Ellen Hockley 250-572-7516, Pleasure, C ombined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, www.bccarriagedriving.com 6/23
BC EQUINE ARENA 2 TRAIL ASSOCIATION (on FB), Clinics & Coaching Building your & your equine’s confidence, bcearena2trail.com 4/23
BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. P res: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 11/23 asmarawg@telus.net, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ.
BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB see our FB page. Pres: Michelle Kozyn e-mail: akylles3_kozyn@hotmail.com, Trail Rides, Pot O Gold Show, Poker Ride 5/23
BC PAINT HORSE CLUB www.bcphc.com, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. cathyglover@telus.net 3/23
BC QUARTER HORSE ASSOCATION, bcqha.com Contact Carolyn Farris, email cfarris@telus.net 12/23
Team Cattle Penning is a race against the clock to have 3 riders pen 3 of 30 numbered head of cattle. Each rider is rated to their current abilities and the three riders on a team make up the maximum allowed number for
BC WELSH PONY & COB ASSOC. (see FB) Pres: Rosanne 604-302-7650, bcwelshponyandcob@gmail.com. Breed promotion program throughout the province. 4/23
BOUNDARY HORSE ASSOCIATION (Grand Forks BC), Offering shows, gymkhanas, clinics & more. See us on Facebook, 250-443-3191, kmespenhain@telus.net 4/23
Welcoming a diverse equestrian community by fostering an environment of enjoyment, development, and competition.
Introducing the 2023 Interior Desert Hunter/Jumper Circuit Show Series
More details and dates available at kelownaridingclub.ca
3745 Gordon Drive, Kelowna BC
PEACHLAND RIDING CLUB, Pres: Kevin Froese (Kevin.leroy.froese@gmail.com). Info, Gymkhana dates & events atpeachlandridingclub.com 6/23
LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, www.langleyriders.com. English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 11/23
LOWER MAINLAND QUARTER HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Tamara Jameson, tamarajameson@hotmail.com, http://bcqha.com/index.php/LMQHA 12/23
NORTHERN SADDLE CLUB, Smithers BC. Check out our website at northernsaddleclub.com and follow us on Facebook 2/24
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10-11 VIMHC Larry Brinker Lessons, vanislemhc@gmail.com www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc
17-19 PARA DRESSAGE CLINIC w/Clive Milkins, Windsum Enterprises, Langley BC, https://bctherapeuticriding.com
21-22 PARA DRESSAGE CLINIC w/Clive Milkins, Kamloops BC, https://bctherapeuticriding.com
24-25 PARA DRESSAGE CLINIC w/Clive Milkins, Duncan BC, https://bctherapeuticriding.com
26 DRESSAGE SHOW SERIES, Beban Park Equestrian Centre, Nanaimo BC, Monique Fraser rosewyn@haw.ca
26-27 PARA DRESSAGE CLINIC w/Clive Milkins, Bonnie Bray Farms, Saanichton BC, https://bctherapeuticriding.com
1 SPRING TACK SALE (10am-2pm) Curling Club, Armstrong BC, table rentals call Nanc y 250-546-9922 or email nancyroman@telus.net
1 VIMHC Barb McDonald Lessons, vanislemhc@gmail.com www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc
2 VIMHC Barb McDonald Clinic & Mentor Day, vanislemhc@gmail.com www.bcminiaturehorseclubs/vimhc
3-9 LANGLEY BC, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, RMT, C EMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca
SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, http://bcqha.com/index.php/scqha 12/23
VINTAGE RIDERS EQUESTRIAN CLUB (Fraser Valley BC), English/Western, lectures, clinics, socials, safe and fun, vintageriders@shaw.ca, on Facebook 4/23
WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, www.wrdha.com. Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00
10-16 EDMONTON AB, Learn Equine Massage! Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, R MT, CEMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca
13-16 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, St. Andrews MB, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca
16 DRESSAGE TEST PRACTICE DAY (1 of 4), Copper Hills Equestrian Centre, Kamloops BC, Ann Wallin 778-220-7898, http://copperhillsequestrian.ca
17-May 26 CALGARY BC, 6 week advanced Equine Massage Therapy Certification Course Sidonia McIntyre, R MT, CEMT, CCF, https://www.equinerehab.ca
20-23 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Weyburn SK, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca
21-23 INTERIOR DESERT CIRCUIT Show Series, https://vernonridingclub.com
23 DRESSAGE SHOW SERIES, Beban Park Equestrian Centre, Nanaimo BC, Monique Fraser rosewyn@haw.ca
27-30 HOOF TRIMMING CLINIC, Russell MB, 204-771-5335, https://www.hoofgeeks.ca
28-30 BCMT CLINIC & SHOW, Rock N River Ranch, Salmon Arm BC, e-mail Nancy nmpellikaan@gmail.com, www.bcmountaintrail.com
28-30 HORSE EXPO CANADA, Westerner Park, Red Deer AB, https://horseexpo.ca
29-30 SKILLS CLINIC & GRADING COMPETITION, Lillooet BC, Mile 0 Riding Club, www.okkma.ca
Do you have your 2023 dates booked yet?
Send them in (required format only, as above) – our readers want to know! Remember, we can only fit so many in the magazine, but we print them ALL on our website!
WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-838-0111. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch
CLOVERDALEPHARMASAVE.COM, Integrative Pharmacy for People & Animals, 5778-176A Street, Surrey BC, 604-576-2888
HEIDI GRANT, Equine Health & Emergency First Aid Instructor Trainer for Equi-Health Canada. Serving Northern BC & Vancouver Island, 306-717-4932, www.Equi-K9BC.com
SANDRA MAITLAND, Reiki Practitioner & Animal Reiki Master Teacher, Animal Reiki, Serving the Okanagan Valley, 250-462-4283, reiki9stars.com
5th of each month
FOOTNOTEFARM.COM (Langley BC) 778-822-3276 Certified instructors, safe & sound horses, curriculum followed, privates for beginners. 5/23
BC’s Leader in Agricultural Real Estate bcfarmandranch.com
604-852-1180 • info@bcfarmandranch.com
LEE PONCELET TRAINING STABLES (Vernon, BC) 250-938-2034 Starting Colts. Training all levels. Specializing in Cutting/Cowhorse. lpperformancehorses.com 8 /23
SANDY LANG HORSEMANSHIP (Abbotsford BC) 778-344-3804, Foundation Focus Working Equitation, Natural Horsemanship, sandylanghorsemanship.com 9/23
DIAMOND H TACK INC. (Kelowna BC) 877-762-5631 English & Western Saddlery, Clothes, Farrier, Feed, Blanket & Leather Repairs 10/23
PETERSEN TRAILERS LTD. (Langley) 604-533-4209 Service and Repairs. All makes. www.petersentrailers.ca 7/23
ANIMAL CARE HOSPITAL Williams Lake 250-392-5510 / Quesnel 250-747-3053 Drs. Magnowski, Scheidt, Thompson, Jordan, Deitrick 4/23
CONNECT VETERINARY SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-212-3513 Mobile Equine, Dr. Savannah Beavers, connectvetservices.com 12/23
INTERIOR VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-769-4217, Mobile Equine, Brytann Youngberg DVM, VSMT, College of Animal Chiropractors 9/23
KITT EQUIPMENT TRAILER SALES, (Chilliwack & Aldergrove), 1-877-823-7199, Horse ~ Stock ~ Utility ~ Dump ~ Flatdecks, Kittequipment.com 4/23
DAWN FERSTER (Kelowna BC) Coaching all levels using obstacles, in-hand, equitation. Clinician, IMTCA and GP judge. See Damarhe Training on FB. 250-808-0738 3/23
ELISA MAROCCHI (100 Mile House BC), EC Licensed Driving Coach 250-706-2824 Clinics, Lessons, Training on/off farm, www.wildwoodfarm.ca 5/23
Drs. Alex Wales and Dr. Susan Wales, www.walesequine.com 9/23
Once you are a ‘print’ advertiser in Saddle Up, you can advertise on our website with a sidebar or banner ad starting at just $20 per month. See page 4 for contact info.
in the Chilliwack & Lower Mainland area, 604-8457179, championhorsewear@gmail.com