1 minute read
From the Editor…
The Games are coming! Registration opens March 1st for the 55+ BC Games in Abbotsford in August; with Equestrian events at the Maple Ridge Equi-Sports Centre. If you don’t plan on participating, why not consider volunteering? The Games can’t happen without a good core group of volunteers. Something for you consider!
The What’s Happening calendar is filling up quite nicely with a lot of events ready to roll! Horse Expo Canada returns for their 2nd annual show in Red Deer at the end of April. A definite ‘must attend’ event for the serious horse person and shopper! See more on page 6-7. Makes for a great weekend getaway! And the World Clydesdale Show makes an appearance for the first time in western Canada (Manitoba); that will be one “BIG” show for sure! See page 19 for more BIG news!
The Canadian Pony Club team is back from their trip to New Zealand. Saddle Up was pleased to have outfitted them in some teamwear for the excursion. See more about their trip on page 10. They sure got around!
We also have our annual Construction Feature in this issue – to get you thinking about that new barn or arena you’ve always wanted! Maybe THIS is the YEAR!!
Saddle Up magazine
Please contact Nancy directly GREAT OPPORTUNITY!
ON THE COVER: 55+ BC Games 2023 Abbotsford, hcbc.ca / 55plusbcgames.org
Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521
GST Reg. No. 865839567
ISSN No. 1701-6002
© All Rights Reserved
$24.00 CDN plus tax per year or $42 US per year. (11 issues)
CONTRIBUTORS: Charli B., Elisha Bradburn, Angel Mackenzie, Dr. Britt Mills, Nancy Meeres Pellikaan, Laureen James, Dr. Sheila McDonald, Dr. Savannah Beavers, Dr. Thomas Ritter, Patricia E. Skinner