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2 • OCTOBER 2018
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HCBC 2010 Business of The Year 2014 A/S Chamber President’s Choice Award Publisher/Editor Nancy Roman MAIN OFFICE TOLL FREE 1-866-546-9922 250-546-9922 nancyroman@saddleup.ca www.saddleup.ca MAILING ADDRESS Saddle Up magazine PO Box 371 Armstrong, BC, Canada V0E 1B0
c a n n o t b e li eve h ow b us y S e p te m b e r w as . T h e r e we r e m u l t i p l e eve nt s eve r y we e ke n d – h ow d o yo u c h o o s e? A n d t h at w as jus t i n my a r e a ! A n d a f e w eve nt s su f f e r e d , b e c aus e o f jus t to o m u c h h a p p e ni n g . A l t h o u g h , th e we ath e r d i d n’ t h e lp e i t h e r, l o t s o f r a i n o f f a n d o n – h a r d to p r e d i c t w h at t y p e o f d ay i t wo u l d b e. A n d sn ow u p t h a r o n t h e m hi lls (a n d hi g hw ay p ass e s). Wo n’ t b e l o n g n ow ! Eve n th o u g h t h e c a m p f i r e b a n h as b e e n l i f te d i n m o s t p a r t s , t h e r e a r e s t i ll a c t i ve f i r e s o u t th e r e; a n d H o r s e Co u n c i l B C co nt i nu e s to co ll e c t d o n at i o ns f o r t h e A ni m a l D is as te r R e l i e f Fu n d to a i d t h o s e a f f e c te d . S e e w h e r e th e m o n e y is g o i n g o n p a g e 1 2 . T h e 55 + B C G a m e s h ave jus t w r a p p e d u p i n th e Ko o te n ay s , a n d we w i ll h ave s o m e n e w s a n d p h o to s f r o m th e e q u e s t r ia n p o r ti o n i n th e N ove m b e r issu e. N e x t ye a r th e G a m e s w i ll b e i n Ke l ow n a . H o p e to s e e s o m e o f yo u at t h e M a n e Eve nt i n Ch i lli w a c k - d o p o p by o u r b o o t h a n d s ay h i !
Printed In Canada produced by OKANAGAN PRINTING a division of
EPublishing in Armstrong, BC 250-546-6477
Publications Mail Reg. No. 40045521 GST Reg. No. 865839567 ISSN No. 1701-6002 © All Rights Reserved
ON THE COVER: Buckley Performance Horses, visit us on Facebook CONTRIBUTORS: Anika Gattiker, Ellen Hansen, Susan van Dyke, Glenn Stewart, Christa Miremadi, Birgit Stutz, Lisa Wieben, Bruce A. Roy, Russ Shandro, Vicki McKinnon, Joanne Macaluso, Daina Hillson, Holly Baxter. OFFICIAL VOICE FOR: Back Country Horsemen of BC, Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association, BC Rodeo Association.
DEADLINE 5TH OF EVERY MONTH SUBSCRIPTIONS $24.00 CDN plus tax per year or $42 US per year. (12 issues) Reproduction of any materials without written permission from the editor is prohibited. Opinions and statements expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor.
4 • OCTOBER 2018
FEATURES Natural Horsemanship in Smithers 8 Confident Rider 9 Returning to the Mane Event 11 HCBC Animal Disaster Relief Fund 12 The Martial Art of Horsemanship 14 World According to Horses 16 Confidence Connection Clinic 18 Washington Thoroughbred Sale 20 Canadian Belgians in Scotland 21 Cariboo Plateau CTR 22 Interior Provincial Exhibition (Pt 1 of 2) 27
OUR REGULARS It’s Back! What’s This? 26 Top Dog! 28 KIDS 30 Horse Council BC see 12 Lower Mainland QH Assoc. 36 Back Country Horsemen of BC 37 BC Rodeo Association 38 Clubs/Associations 39 What’s Happening? Let’s Go! 40 Business Services 41 Rural Roots (real estate) 44 Stallions/Breeders 45 On the Market (photo ads) 46 Shop & Swap 47
A tireless campaigner for Langley’s equestrian community has died. Joy Richardson, whose legacy in the community includes the construction of the Spirit of the Horse Garden at Campbell Valley Park, was 92. On August 21, Richardson died peacefully in the presence of her son and close friends. Born October 5, 1925, in Lincolnshire, England, Richardson emigrated to British Columbia in 1957, and in 1969 bought Heritage Stables in Aldergrove. She won many awards with her quarter horses, Hyline Gentry and Hyline Paladin. Later, after returning to England for several years, she came back to Langley and purchased a small farm near Campbell Valley Park. Here she started up a small boarding business while working to improve the equestrian offerings of Campbell Valley Park, including the creation of the Spirit of the Horse Garden on 208 Street. In 2011 she left Langley and moved to a retirement home in White Rock. That same year, she was presented with a certificate of appreciation for her work on behalf of the Township. (Courtesy of www.langleytimes.com) A “Celebration of Life” will take place in November at Highpoint Equestrian Canter. Date and time to be confirmed. All are welcome to share memorable stories of Joy’s fulfilled life.
Buckley Performance Horses At PB Stables, Langley BC 2018 Show Team Highlights: AQHA Level 1 Championships - Las Vegas: Bronze Champion, Top Five and Top 10 honors in multiple all around events AQHA Canadian Nationals: Champion, Reserves and top 5 honors AQHA Shows: Many clients with All Around and class wins in Youth, Open and Amateur Congratulations to the show team on a great year filled with many accomplishments and success! It was a great year of wins, success and personal growth for all of you, while enjoying good times and making wonderful memories. I am touched to have been trusted to guide you and be your greatest cheerleader along the way. You all are so special to all of us! Thank you also to all our wonderful clients who have learned so much and come so far, you are a joy to teach and train for. It is amazing to be a part of your lives, your horse’s education and to have you all as part of the “family”. Thank you also to our employees, friends and family who help so much behind the scenes. Your everyday support is worth it’s weight in gold. We would be happy to tailor make a program suited to you and your horse. Our full board facility boasts a large indoor arena with updated footing, hot water wash rack, roomy stalls and large paddocks. Very competitive rates on both training and board.
Specializing in Happy All Around Horses in Youth, Novice, Amateur and Open Boarding -Lessons - Clinics - Training - Sales Contact Mellissa for Showing or Children’s Instruction on Lesson Horses or Richard for Recreational or General Horsemanship Visit us on Facebook! Mellissa Buckley (604) 729-6616 mellissa1@hotmail.com - Richard Pyke (604) 781-2122 richardpyke@hotmail.com
Dear Editor…
y trips to feed or tack stores in my home area of Vancouver Island would not be the same without grabbing a copy of Saddle Up before climbing back into the truck. Although I typically read it from front to back I always look forward to the article from the Alberta Donkey & Mule Club. You would not think that a life-long Dressage queen would harbour a deep lust for the long ears but it is true. Year after year I would read about their August Long Ears Days and wish I had been able to attend. It so happened that this year Long Ears Days and my career path ran into each other and to my great joy I was able to attend! The event was held in the perfect intimate and rustic setting of the Red Lodge Guest Ranch near Bowden AB. The club membership in attendance was not huge but they were big into participation and most tried their hand at every event going! The atmosphere was one of “just a bunch of good friends getting together to play with their long ears.” It was fantastic to see all the mixes of mule breeding and the array of donkeys. You do not get to be just a spectator for very long! Competitors loved talking about their critters. While chatting with one of the event organizers I mentioned I had always been curious about how mules were to ride. Next thing I knew I was handed the reins of a marvellous buckskin mule and told to “ride ‘em around... all over the
place.” Which I did, and each time I brought him back at what seemed like a polite trial ride time I was told to “keep riding ‘em.” I was still on board and included in the end of day club photos! I resisted being press ganged into competing although it was offered several times! I was totally blown away by the smooth sure-footed gaits my loaner mule had. I highly recommend them to anyone who needs a ride that is easier on the back or knees. After the Saturday equine activities wrapped up a delicious catered supper was offered and we were all treated to a presentation on the anatomical differences between donkeys, mules and horses by one of the few North American experts on the topic. A silent auction closed out the formalities. Satiated with food, friendship and long ear good times I headed back to my room in Edmonton. The show continued through Sunday without me. This is a “destination show” that is a must for your summer calendar. Bring a tent or camper and stay both days as it is pure, good and kind times. (See more on page 33) - Cheers, Michelle Bailey
Letters to the Editor are welcome and printed on a space availability basis.
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6 • OCTOBER 2018
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By Anika Gattiker
“My horse is so much better”… “I never thought I would be riding figure eights in a halter, just using one rein”… “My horse focuses more on me, I can move it away from the group”… “If you would have told me Friday we would be doing some of these things, I’d have said no way, isn’t possible”… “Unbelievable changes in horses and riders”… “I was absolutely shaking when I got on my horse and now I’m riding around completely confident and relaxed.”
hese are all comments we heard during the Natural Horsemanship Clinic with Glenn Stewart on August 31 to September 3 here in Smithers BC. So, what exactly is “natural horsemanship”? You could say it’s a deeper understanding of your horse and yourself, a way of communicating with your horse, controlling your horse without force but with focus, feel, timing and savvy. A horse will tell you everything you need to know about him if you can learn to listen and be willing to accept what he is telling you. Being able to read your horse is one of the greatest skills a horseman can have. You learn to understand the difference between confidence, respect and understanding, or lack thereof. When you encounter problems with your horse, whether on the ground (catching your horse, leading it, trailer loading, etc.), or in the saddle (herd bound, nervous, too fast, too slow, not safe to ride), instead of becoming frustrated or angry, you learn to ask yourself “why is my horse doing this?” Is it a “confidence” problem – is the horse worried or scared? Is it a “respect” issue – horse doesn’t respect you enough to do what you want or is it an “understanding” problem – horse just doesn’t know what you want it to do, you aren’t being clear in your message. Once you have figured out what the problem is, you learn the different ways to deal with each problem. Glenn often tells us that a horse loves nothing more than correct feel and timing. Once you learn to make the right thing easy and the wrong thing difficult and master the skill of rewarding the smallest try of your horse with release of pressure at the exact moment, that is when the magic of horsemanship begins and you will remember why you got into horses in the first place! This year marks the 10th year that Glenn Stewart has been coming to Smithers, twice a year, to teach his horsemanship program. Most of these clinics have been hosted by the Northern Saddle Club. For more information about future clinics, check out Glenn’s webpage at www.thehorseranch.com or HOG I contact Anika at anika.gattiker@outlook.com for clinic dates in Smithers. H TH
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Come and watch Glenn Stewart doing demos at The Mane Event in Chilliwack on October 19-21, 2018!
By Glenn Stewart
Confident riders come from knowledge and skills. The more you have of each the more confident you will become.
n my Horse Development Program, I have a list of exercises or tests, whatever you would like to call them, that I want to see every horse pass before I go for a ride. The better we are as riders the lower the scores can be on the exercises. The worse we ride the better the scores have to be on the horse we ride. Here are two examples of the tests or exercises I would like to see a horse pass before I ride.
A stick and string is a piece of equipment that I believe to be invaluable. Another piece of equipment that is equally valuable is a stick with a flag. The stick and string can be used for some things that the flag can’t be used for, and the flag can be used for some things that the stick and string can’t. Both of the exercises I’ll explain here with these two pieces of equipment have the same purpose: to make your horse braver.
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Many horses spook when there is big movement or noise around them. They also can get jumpy when something different touches them, or they catch a glimpse of something unexpectedly in their peripheral vision. First, use the stick and string to rub the horse, then toss the string around and all over the horse until he relaxes. You need to continue to advance the exercise to the point that it doesn’t matter how much noise or how fast you move the stick and string, the horse remains relaxed while you are standing in all zones, or areas, around and next to the horse. Start with something easy for them to understand and accept, then build on what they can handle. You want the horse to understand that big movements, loud noises in front, behind, or at his side, and the feel of things (in this case, the string) around his legs are all okay. Then secondly, use the stick and flag in the same manner with the same goals in mind. The goal is to have your horse understand and accept these odd sounds and movements as nothing to worry about. Build a braver horse. A brave, confident horse can focus on the job you’re asking of them rather than spooking,
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snorting and getting tight because they believe their safety is in jeopardy. These exercises help us progressively build the horse’s confidence. The good news is that with proper timing, the stick and string and flag exercise can be working very well with almost every horse within an hour. It may take longer while the person is learning timing and rhythm. Four or five proper sessions in a week’s time, and the horse will pass these tests with flying colours. Happy Horsemanship!
Glenn offers year round educational horsemanship programs at his facility near Fort St. John, BC and is available to travel for clinics, demonstrations, events and corporate leadership. Long-term study and professional programs are also available. Visit www. thehorseranch.com for more information or call 250-789-3072. (See his listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)
Receiver Hitch • Standard Bumper Hitch rated for 1,200 lb tongue weight and 12,000 lb towing capacity. • Heavy Duty Receiver Hitch rated for 1,600 lb tongue weight and 16,000 lb towing capacity. Works on horse trailers, boat, holiday and construction trailers.
19 - 21
Come Help US
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The crowd pleasing Trainers Challenge returns to see 3 top trainers try their hand at breaking 3 horses from Rocking Heart Ranch Severin Pederson Jason Irwin Evan Bonner
Clinician Line-Up
George Morris - Jumping Shannon Dueck - Dressage Glenn Stewart - Horsemanship Doug Mills - Problem Horses Steve Rother - Horsemanship Chad Crider - Barrel Racing Jonathan Field - Special Guest Appearance
(844) 578-7518 SADDLEUP.CA
10 • OCTOBER 2018
Popular clinicians and trainers return to Chilliwack BC for the 15th Anniversary Celebration of the Mane Event, Equine Education and Trade Fair at Heritage Park October 19–21, 2018!
ome and shop, learn and be entertained for 3 days! Meet with factory and dealer representatives to get the details on new horse products – and talk directly to the horse’s mouth so to
speak! We are looking forward to seeing old and new friends and welcoming back returning and new exhibitors in Chilliwack. We are very excited to be able to offer some giveaways to our attendees as a thank you for 15 years of support. We feel very privileged that we have been here for 15 years offering you a wide variety of training methods, products, services and disciplines. While sometimes new fads tend to come and go we feel enthused about the horse industry and the people in it and hope that you share our enthusiasm. Many young people who were hooked on horses in their youth are now grown up mothers and fathers who still have that horse bug and we have gone on to introduce and encourage their daughters, sons and maybe even grandchildren to this wonderful sport – let’s keep that going! For the 2018 Chilliwack Mane Event, we are pleased to showcase the skills of Hunter/Jumper icon George Morris; special guest speaker Jonathan Field; talented horseman Glenn Stewart (watch for him on
Saturday night as well); former BC resident Shannon Dueck for Dressage; favourite local trainer and many time Trainers Challenge winner Doug Mills, who will be working on problem issues with your horse; the talented and charismatic Steve Rother; plus Vancouver Island’s favourite horseman, Severin Pederson in the Trainers Challenge; a new face from Ontario, Jason Irwin in the Trainers Challenge and a talented and personable young horse trainer from Washington, Evan Bonner in the Trainers Challenge. Don’t forget the presenters: Mark Fletcher - Masterson Method; Jill Barron - Working Equitation; Gina Allen - Equifit Services; Dr. Billy Hodge - Kleider Vet, showcasing Sensor Technology used to identify primary and secondary lameness; and Brianne Hingley - Equine Assisted Learning and more! Don’t forget the Saturday night Equine Experience, we have trick riders, liberty demonstrations, a glow in the dark drill and more! Enjoy watching the youth talent that is paired with the trainers for the timed competition of the Youth Pro-Am on Friday night. Visit our website for more information and tickets www. maneeventexpo.com.
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In response to the unprecedented fires of 2017, Horse Council BC activated the Horse Council BC Animal Disaster Relief Fund (ADRF) to help offset costs for those who suffered losses due to the wildfires as well as those volunteers who incurred expenses for relocating and housing displaced horses.
nfortunately 2018 also became a summer of record breaking fires throughout the province. From the generosity of both members and non- members from 2017
and 2018 we collected $78,678 in donations. Due to the pressing need for feed HCBC topped up the balance and in total we have spent $83,454.77 in feed and supplies to assist those caring for these animals. Examples of where some of these funds went include: $9,500 in gas cards to Evacuation Centres $2,600 in supplies (feeders, wheelbarrows, medication, etc.) $16,500 in fuel for those hauling $14,000 in hay for Evacuation Centres $14,500 and rising in working with the Red Cross to help recover from losses
If you would like to help support those affected by fires, please consider donating to the Horse Council BC Animal Disaster Relief Fund. Every dollar received goes right to the ADRF.
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12 • OCTOBER 2018
Visit: hcbc.online/Donate to contribute online Or by cheque payable to “HCBC Animal Disaster” and mail it to: Horse Council BC 27336 Fraser Highway Aldergrove, BC V4W 3N5
Thank you to all that have donated and assisted in the wildfire effort throughout the province.
By Christa Miremadi
A great horseman doesn’t try to change what a horse is. He or she understands their needs and supports their natural responses, guiding them towards a desired response with exquisite timing, impeccable feel and a great deal of trust and skill.
o me, horsemanship is the art of developing the feel, timing and awareness in one’s self in order to avoid causing the issues that create anxiety and confusion in both our horses and ourselves and to guide, direct and support our horses, as they are, through any number of challenges. Last month, I had the pleasure of being invited by a good friend and gifted equine healer, Alexa Linton, to be a guest on The Whole Horse Podcast. Alexa has been co-directing The Annual Cowgirl Reunion with Stefanie Travers since its conception and I’ve had the honour of being a guest, sharing my Tai Chi and Qi Gung since their second year. I missed the first year only because of unfortunate timing and it won’t happen again.
Quality Tack Apparel & Grooming Supplies
A group of cowgirls at the Reunion learning to do Qi Gong with me by the lake. Photos by Connie Ellis Photography.
equineessentials@outlook.com Greystone Stables,
14 • OCTOBER 2018
Being a guest on Alexa’s podcast is something that we have discussed many times and just never got around to following through with, until now. I’ve never done that kind of an interview before and to be honest, I was quite nervous about it but Alexa made me feel very comfortable and I soon forgot that I was being recorded at all. What does this have to do with developing the feel, timing and awareness in one’s self to avoid causing issues with our horses? Actually, not much, but the subject of our discussion on the podcast had plenty to do with it! We talked about lots of different things including what inspired me to pursue learning the Californio Bridlehorse system, my horses and our relationships and what I’ve found to be one of the greatest ways to challenge and push myself to grow and develop as a horsewoman, my study and practice of Tai Chi Chuan and Qi Gung. We didn’t talk as much about Tai Chi as I had imagined that we
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, Delta BC
would but as I’ve learned, Podcasts kind of take on a life of their own and it seemed unwise to interrupt the natural flow of our conversation; however, because Tai Chi has had more to do with my ability to developing feel, timing and awareness than any other single thing (besides practicing horsemanship itself of course), I felt inspired to talk a little bit more about it now. In fact, Tai Chi has also been the main factor in my beginning to develop the ability to stay soft and avoid bracing or getting tense while working with a horse that may be feeling defensive or trying to engage in conflict, something I will be
Cisco and I working together as partners while moving some cows at a Cow Clinic. This is a time when “staying joined” and keeping our energy flowing freely between us is very important and sometimes it can be more challenging to keep things soft. Photo by Zahra Miremadi. working on improving for the rest of my life, I’m sure! As I discussed in last month’s article, “Horsemanship, as I See It,” horses are flight animals of prey and I have no intention of trying to change that. Not only do I feel it would be unkind and disrespectful to the horses I work with to do so but I also don’t believe it’s possible to take that nature away from a horse without drastically changing who and what they are and why I loved them in the first place. I do, however, believe in developing a horse’s confidence, helping them to become brave as well as building a strong, trusting relationship in which a horse feels secure taking my lead. This last bit is what makes it safe to ride and work with horses who’ve been preserved as nature made them but it relies heavily on the human’s self-development and education. Tai Chi, it just so happens, also relies very heavily on feel, timing and understanding as well, making it a perfect way to develop one’s skills outside of the arena in an environment where one can focus entirely on themselves. When I first began my journey into the world of Tai Chi, I had no idea of the depth and vastness of learning I’d have access to and now, eight years later, I feel like I’m just beginning to scratch the surface! Just like horsemanship, learning to practice Tai Chi well has very little to do with learning techniques. In the beginning, a student of Tai Chi learns the basic postures and memorizes a succession of movements that fit together to make up “Short Form.” Short Form incorporates breath control, moving meditation and 24 postures, which each have their foundation in a practical application as
either a deflection or block. It’s also designed, through breath control, to bring awareness to our own energy, body and feel. Our goal is not to attack and overpower our opponent but rather to protect ourselves and others by keeping ourselves safe and ending the conflict as quickly as we can and as peacefully as possible. This requires selfcontrol and a huge amount of awareness! And much like horsemanship, “as peacefully as possible” isn’t always as peacefully as you’d like. After learning Short Form a Tai Chi student moves on to “Long Form” (108 postures), “The 48” (48 postures), Broad Sword, Long Sword, Staff, Big Knife, Fan... Alongside moving from solo moving meditation and weapons forms, a student will also learn “Join hands” and “Applications,” which are series of patterns and freestyle movements practiced with a partner/opponent designed to fine tune and develop the ability to stay connected to another’s energy. They also learn to feel or “listen” to the intention, speed, tension, direction and intensity of the attack the opponent’s planning and to develop the ability to allow the energy to travel through their own body and right back to where it came from, essentially allowing the attacker to attack themselves through a soft yet strong presence. This stage of Tai Chi teaches the practitioner to really listen through their hands and body, trains them to continue breathing calmly and fully even in the face of conflict, and helps them to make selfprotection and their own boundaries both second nature and a priority. These are all also applicable skills when dealing with horses. Learning to use these skills has been
instrumental in improving my ability to listen and feel and respond to my horses. Finding my root and developing the skills to stay connected to another’s energy, read it, follow it and allowing it to travel through me without brace or resistance, all while continuing to breath calmly in the face of conflict is directly transferable to my horsemanship. It has improved my self-control and confidence as well as my general awareness and this has all come in handy while learning to use my balance and body as signals to my horse. I am so grateful to both Stefanie and Alexa for allowing me to share the basics of Tai Chi and to teach Qi Gung at their incredible Cowgirl Reunion and to Alexa for the invitation to come on the Whole Horse Podcast and discuss this “sister passion” with her listeners. Nothing could ever come close to the obsession I have with horsemanship or bring me quite so much joy and inspiration as time spent in the saddle or even just close to horses, but if anything has ever come close, it’s Tai Chi! Christa Miremadi has been working with horses since 1984, and is a partner and facility manager in her family business in Langley, Silver Star Stables, where she also provides riding instruction and conducts horsemanship clinics. Christa is dedicated to creating harmony and building relationships between horses and humans through compassionate communication, and to strengthening partnerships by sharing the horse’s point of view. (See her listing in our Business Services Section under TRAINERS)
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www.mustangmusts.com OCTOBER 2018
By Vicki McKinnon Embrace the 5 C’s. This is my vision statement and has become a valuable guide for how I choose to live my life and be with my horses. The C’s I have introduced so far are Connection, Communication, Compassion and Courage. These are all important and integral pieces of a whole that help us to live a life of balance, joy and peace.
hey help us be better human beings and interact with other beings in a way that does not involve conflict, violence or unnecessary dominant behaviour. They help us to seek a way to be with our horses in a relationship that benefits both parties instead of coming together in fear with a need for control. The final C allows us to bring it all together in a beautiful, wondrous and unique way that is truly our own. CREATIVITY. I know what you are saying, what on earth does creativity have to do with horses and what we do with them? Much more than you might think because creativity is not just about how good you are at art or writing or other creative outlets we normally associate with the word. Creativity is about trusting your intuition and doing what feels right no matter how crazy it might look. It is about having the courage to allow your ideas and actions to flow and lead you down the path less travelled. It means not just doing something because that is how it has always been done. If it does not feel right to you, then it is not right for you at this time. How does this translate to the time we spend with our horses? Play time, groom time, just ‘be’ time. Trust them to be the leader once in a while, praise them exuberantly when they get it right, show them through your actions that being with you can be fun and rewarding and feel good. GET CREATIVE!! Don’t fall into the trap of the age old agenda that drills them into stifling boredom just because some idiot taught you that is what we must do to train horses. They are not dumb animals and if you make it interesting for them they will understand quickly. My horses never stop teaching me new ways to see things and be in their presence. I have felt Maggie giving me a bit of a nudge to
spend more time with my youngster lately but was resisting because I really enjoy my time with Maggie and feel a need to allocate most of my time with the horses with her. I was having trouble thinking outside of the one or the other box. So Maggie decided to show me what she meant. It was not one or the other; it was working with them both together. My riding arena is open to the rest of the corral so when I have a lesson with one horse the others can watch or be a part of the session. The riding part of the lesson was with Maggie, and Midnight (the youngster) was hanging around the edges kind of sticking his nose, or his whole body, in to see what was going on. Maggie was amazing, so to celebrate, we ended her session. The bitless bridle went from Maggie to Midnight’s curious and waiting head. She watched his schooling session from the comfort of the centre like the sage teacher that she is. This was creativity at work and what a wonderful and rewarding experience it was for all of us. As always, I am grateful for all the horses and other guides who have led me down this road less travelled and sincerely hope that you have enjoyed hearing about my world according to horses.
About Vicki: I have raised and trained Morgan horses for over 40 years. I know that the outside of a horse is good for the inside of a person and my passion is sharing the valuable lessons horses have taught me with others. I offer introductory sessions and weekend clinics for groups of 2-4 people. Sessions are held at my farm in Blind Bay in the Shuswap. (See her listing in our Business Services section under TRAINERS) 16 • OCTOBER 2018
By Lisa Wieben and Birgit Stutz
A small, but keen group of participants, one of them from as far away as Costa Rica, participated in the first ever Confidence Connection Clinic at Mountain View Training Stables in Olds AB on September 1-3.
he Confidence Connection Clinic is the brain child of three Irwin Insights Masters who combine their talents for three days of education, fun, and connection. Lisa Wieben, of Olds AB, helps riders of all ages develop flexibility, balance, feel, and timing both on the ground and in the saddle. Combining her skills as an Essential Somatics Practitioner, a Level 2 Centered Riding Instructor, Equine Canada Competition Coach, and an Irwin Insights Master Level 4 Trainer, she creates a deeper connection and partnership between the horse and rider through awareness exercises. She empowers students to take control of their own health and wellness and enjoys working with clients one on one through Somatics and Energy Medicine. Darcy Henkel, of Vancouver BC, is an Irwin Insights Level 3 Master Certified Trainer and spent 28 years policing in the City of Vancouver. The last ten years were spent in the Vancouver Police Mounted Unit. During that time Darcy trained both horses and riders for urban patrols, ceremonial events, protests,
Darcy Henkel working on equitation skills and drills with a group of riders demonstrations and crowd control. Darcy is passionate about developing confidence and leadership in the partnership of horse and rider. Darcy enjoys helping riders move forward to meet challenges while focusing on finding ways to maximize learning while minimizing stress. Birgit Stutz, of Dunster BC, is an Irwin Insights Level 4 Master Certified Trainer and riding coach. She helps riders of all levels and backgrounds advance their horsemanship skills by developing personal and situational awareness, focusing on in-depth understanding of equine behaviour, body language,
Simply mail the card in this issue
Birgit Stutz demonstrating in-hand leading exercises around a “scary object”
YOUR CHOICE! Horse Sport is the leading Canadian magazine for English riders and competitors Horse-Canada is the premier health and care magazine for all types of horses. You can also order from our website Horse-Canada.com or call us at 1-800-505-7428. 18 • OCTOBER 2018
psychology and biomechanics. Driven by her passion for both equine welfare and performance, Birgit believes that facilitating effective communication between horse and rider, both in the saddle and on the ground, is an approach that fulfills our responsibilities to the horse and elicits great results. The clinic days started with dismounted exercises which bring awareness to how the horse feels when we hold tension or have imbalances in our
The bridge was one of the obstacles in the Working Equitation class
(l to r) Lisa Wieben, Darcy Henkel, Birgit Stutz
One of the participants spearing a ring in the Working Equitation class
Lisa Wieben performing body awareness exercises on a participant
position. Participants also learnt how to find correct alignment in their body to keep them centred and balanced when riding. Next participants took part in ground work which often started with a demo and awareness of equine and human body language. After a lunch break everyone got to relax with a Somatics class on yoga mats laid out in the barn aisle, learning how to release muscle tension and muscular stress patterns that arise from injuries, stress, and repetitive movements. This was followed by a mounted class bringing awareness to how our body felt on the mat to what the horse feels under
saddle. Subtle changes of position resulted in better forward energy, softer communication, lighter aids, and more harmony. For the final class of the day riders learned how to approach obstacles, first on the ground (day one), then under saddle, culminating in a fun Working Equitation competition at the end of day three. All three coaches bring their own specialties to the clinic and each compliments the other’s training and were always there to lend a helping hand when needed. Participants were able to see how what we do on the ground relates to what we do
under saddle and how they can bring that to their respective disciplines. Participant Heather Lambrecht had this to say about the weekend, “All in all it was a great weekend with all three coaches. You have brought something together that has been needed, a clinic where all aspects of horsemanship are covered, and it flows nicely, giving riders time in a relaxed atmosphere, while still accomplishing lots, with coaches always helping someone.” The clinic was well-received by both participants and auditors, and plans are already underway for clinics in Red Deer and Lethbridge. To book a Confidence Connection clinic at your facility, please contact Lisa or Birgit. (See their listings in our Business Services section under TRAINERS)
Best Selection on the Island for BOOTS BELTS & BUCKLES MOCCASINS & MUKLUKS Variety of colours available
By Susan van Dyke | Photos by Kristy Batie
n an August summer day made hazy with smoke from many fires, a few welcome sparks were set at the WTBOA Summer Yearling Sale when Will Brewer, as agent, bid $85,000 to acquire Hip 68 from the Bar C Racing Stables Inc. consignment. A Harbor the Gold full brother to state champions Del Rio Harbor and Couldabenthewhisky, as well as 2018 three-time Emerald Downs stakes winner Sippin Fire, the handsome bay colt is out of the unraced Horse Chestnut (SAf) mare Bahati, Washington’s broodmare of the year in 2015. Ron Crockett Inc. purchased the highest priced filly of the afternoon, going to $55,000 for Hip 82, a daughter of Girolamo out of Courtroom Charmer, by Tribunal, from the Griffin Place LLC consignment. Hip 6, a colt by Dialed In out of Washington champion Knight Raider, another daughter of Tribunal, and from the HIP 68 SOLD FOR $85,000 Enumclaw-based El
Dorado Farms LLC, was purchased by Tim Bankers for $57,000. The fourth highest bid at the Tuesday auction was the $42,000 bid by Keith Swagerty for a ridgeling by Harbor the Gold consigned through Bar C Racing Stable. Hip 28 is the second foal out of the winning Henny Hughes mare Our Henny Penny, whose first foal, two-year-old Emily’s Gold, impressively won his first start, an Emerald Downs maiden special weight race two days before the sale, by 2 1/2 lengths.
HIP 82 SOLD FOR $55,000 Of the 100 yearlings cataloged for the summer yearling portion of the August 21 venue, there were 5 withdrawn and 20 which failed to make their reserves (21.1 percent), which was slightly down from the last three WTBOA sales. Both the average ($13,227) and median ($7,500) rose slightly over 2017 figures.
HIP 6 SOLD FOR $57,000 Hip
Name, Sex
Sire--Dam (Consignor)
unnamed, c.
Harbor the Gold--Bahati (Bar C Racing Stable Inc., Agent for Bar C Racing Stables Inc. and Desert Rose Racing LLC)
Will Brewer, Agent
unnamed. c.
Dialed In--Knight Raider (El Dorado Farms LLC, Agent)
Tim Bankers
unnamed, f.
Girolamo--Courtroom Charmer (Griffin Place LLC, Agent)
Ron Crockett Inc. $55,000
unnamed, r.
Harbor the Gold--Our Henny Penny (Bar C Racing Stables Inc., Agent)
Keith Swagerty
unnamed, c.
Abraaj--Brown (Blue Ribbon Farm, Stan Mak, Agent $37,000 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Pabst)
See WTBOA website at www.washingtonthoroughbred.com for complete sales results. Preliminary sales results are subject to change. 20 • OCTOBER 2018
By Bruce A. Roy, www.wrdha.com Photos courtesy of Heavy Horse Herald
The Champion Canadian-bred Belgian Six
Surprise at Scotland’s 2018 Royal Highland Show turned to disbelief, when a Belgian 6-horse hitch topped the Clydesdale entries at Scotland’s celebrated livestock show.
ielded by England’s David Mouland, Fordingbridge, Hampshire, this stepping turnout of Canadian-bred geldings, was purchased from Tom Lane, Creekside Belgians at Birtle, Manitoba. Shown first against England’s Shires and then Scotland’s Clydesdales, this imported hitch of Canadian-bred Belgians hitch has cut a wide swath in Great Britain since its arrival.
Doura Magic Touch, the Champion Clydesdale Stallion
Pre + Pro Chelated trace Omega-3
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The Champion Team of Clydesdales When a pair of Clydesdale geldings, fielded by John McMillan & Family, Rothsay, Isle of Bute, was declared The Champion Team, the ringside applause was thunderous, for Scottish honour was upheld. This breeder’s turnout was the Clydesdale breed’s entry in Queen Elizabeth’s historic Diamond Jubilee Parade held in London. While waiting for the parade to start, a bottle of Scotch was delivered to John McMillan compliments of Her Majesty, by a footman from Buckingham Palace. Doura Magic Touch was Champion Clydesdale Stallion at the Royal Highland Show. This eye-catching yearling, stood on structurally correct underpinning, furnished with a wealth of silky, straight hair, was exhibited by Charlotte Young, Hall Stud, by Ayr, Ayrshire. Purchased in Northern Ireland as a weanling, Doura Magic Touch was Supreme Champion Clydesdale, Champion Stallion and the Cawdor Cup winner at Scotland’s National Stallion Show earlier in the year. Breed enthusiasts in America, Australia and Canada have their eye on this Glebview Sir Charles son.
“ Having nutrition that keeps our horses looking beautiful is important, but we also need a feed that keeps their energy and minds balanced – this is crucial to our Healing with Horses Program. Masterfeeds has all that and more.” Carmel Baird, Riverlane Ranch, Alberta
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By Joanne Macaluso | Photos by Monika Paterson Photography, or as noted
he Cariboo Plateau CTR on August 11 was a great success this year. Held at the Spruce Hill Resort and Spa, 108 Mile Ranch, the ride saw 19 entries with 10 competing in the distance of 19 miles (Level One) and 9 riders competing in the 25 mile distance (Level Two). Riders came from a variety of locations including Alberta, Okanagan, Williams Lake, Vancouver Island
and local 100 Mile House areas. On ride day, the nearby fires clouded the air with a fair amount of smoke. Williams Lake Hospital Veterinarian Ross Hawkes advised riders to take it easy with their horses due to the smoke and the heat of the day. A few valuable volunteers and competitors did not make it to the ride because of fire evacuation alerts and/or orders! The ride was cancelled last year due to the wildfire proximity, so it was a blessing to witness riders and horses completing their distances with enthusiasm. Louise Abbott and Colleen Gay Highlights of the Awards:
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22 • OCTOBER 2018
Denise Rausch and Nicola Maughn The dinner/award ceremony was interrupted by some loud thunder crashes, lightning strikes off in the distance and a deluge of rain! Supper was catered by Chef Carol Thorne and a good feast it was. The Cariboo Ride Management sincerely thanks Vet Ross Hawkes for his dedication to the Cariboo Plateau CTR; all the many tireless volunteers, the various sponsors of the event and of course the dedicated riders/returning supporters and new riders alike… we would not be here without you. A donation box was set up for the local Women’s Centre and $200 was collected.
June Melhuish and Soleil. Photo by Joanne Macaluso.
Level One Heavyweight 1st - Myrna Thompson on Hi Ho Serenade (Standardbred) with 267 points 2nd - Gerda Knuff on LL Moonshine’s Skipper (Rocky Mtn horse) with 245 points 3rd - Bill Knuff on GMR Remington (Kentucky Mtn horse) with 233 points Level One Lightweight 1st - June Melhuish on Soleil Sahanad CW (Arabian) with 265 points 2nd - Susan Willis on Bentley (Warmblood cross) with 231 points Level One Junior 1st - Lucy Willis on Langley Kat (Thoroughbred) with 209 points Level Two Heavyweight 1st - Mike Day on Lyndales Heras (Arabian) with 285.5 points 2nd Louise Abbott on PB Arella (Arabian) with 240 points Level Two Lightweight 1st - Colleen Gay on Glory’s Angel Breeze (Tenn W) with 276.5 points 2nd - Denise Pascucci on Aur Lani (Arabian) with 261 points 3rd - Nicola Maughn on FV Kellrabba (Arabian) with 260 points Level Two Junior 1st - Jenna Taylor on Cadillac (Appy/Morgan) with 227.5 points The prestigious Vet’s Choice Award: Mike Day and Lyndales Heras
Heather Clarke and Jenna Taylor
Cowboy Songs and Poetry The earliest drovers who were on the first large scale cattle drives into British Columbia learned the hard way. Often they settled the cattle down for the night and then crawled into their bedrolls, only to find that, during the night, the cattle had got up and decided to go home. To keep the cattle calm and to let them know where the riders were, the rider hummed a tune or talked in a quiet voice. Songs or poetry made up by the drovers during a long night’s ride would then be shared with their fellow workers when they returned to the campfire. Originally there was little to distinguish cowboy music from cowboy poetry. Both were sung or recited without accompaniment, but, as songs were passed along and collected, musical instruments were used to carry the tune and many of the poems were set to music. By the 1930s, groups like the Sons of the Pioneers and movie cowboys like Gene Autry and Roy Rogers made the image of the “singing cowboy” a part of the cowboy myth. Today, cowboy poetry and music are alive and well, with dozens of gatherings happening all over Western North America. The Kamloops Cowboy Festival in March and the Historic O’Keefe Ranch Cowboy Festival in August are two British Columbia events. Check out the exhibit in O’Keefe Ranch’s Greenhow Museum to learn more about the story of Ranching in British Columbia--from the influences of BC's natural history, climate and landscape, life on the open range, the emergence of the Canadian Pacific Railway, and into modern times.
Upcoming events:
Every weekend in October:
Family Daze in the Corn Maze October: Field of Screams “Three Ring Meyhem”
The O’Keefe Ranch is a registered non-pro�it and charitable organization, museum, and historic site. The O’Keefe Ranch is open to the public from May through October and for Seasonal Events. 250-542-7868 | info@okeeferanch.ca 9380 Hwy 97N Vernon BC
By Ellen Hansen Photos by Ellen and/or Joan Wiebe
“Quick, take a picture, I can’t believe it!” There was no need to be quick – the proud owner of the solid Haflinger cross had done her homework, and the mare patiently stood on the teeter totter like a Pro.
he first morning it almost seemed like this goal might be too hard to achieve, some horses really did test their owner – but within a weekend the pushy and unwilling mounts had become trusting and respectful partners, navigating obstacles like the bubbling Water Box, swinging Suspension Bridge, unpredictable Rolling Bridge, on various Boxes and Balance beams, over the Teeter Totter, through water, up and down hills and switchbacks, climbing up and down the stairs of the Texas Two-Step and Cake-Box, and even mastering the lofty Trestle Bridge with confidence and precision. Participants from a variety of disciplines and skillsets all had something to learn, reached a new level of communication with their horses and added new tools to their horsemanship toolbox. All thanks to our amazing Clinician Dawn Ferster, who had come to Sylvergrove Horsepark for a weekend to teach “Intro to Mountain Trail.” Friday night we had a Potluck Dinner with a Mountain Trail Demo by Dawn, and the next morning people came with excitement, wanting to have fun with their horses, eager to learn how to navigate obstacles in our IMTCA approved Trailpark. First the participants spent the much needed time establishing respect in-hand, learning to control all their horse’s body parts with confidence and precision. This happened in a small group with plenty of one-on-one sessions, on our practice ‘playground’ in the covered arena. In the afternoon we went outside to test those newfound skills on the course. And tested we were by our sweet horses, who all found something that was incredibly scary. Lucky for everybody, the foundation of respect had been set and everybody stayed safe. At the end of the day horses and handlers went home with some homework in the areas that needed some improvements. The next day we learned refinement in the saddle with the aim to control our horses in the saddle with precision and minimal aids in the arena, later on we went on the course on horseback. What fun it was! At the end of the weekend everyone beamed with newfound confidence and was navigating all obstacles on their calm horses. Thank you Dawn Ferster for sharing your knowledge and skills and making it fun and safe for all participants! 24 • OCTOBER 2018
By Daina Hillson
ur 2nd annual Challenge took place on July 21-22 in the North Okanagan. Twenty-nine competitors competed in 14 classes each day earning points towards our fabulous year-end prizes including the beautiful coveted buckles, as well as prizes daily for each class. Competitors came from far and wide, including Chilliwack, Langley, Quesnel, Fruitvale, Grand Forks, the Kamloops area as well as many locals. We had some very competitive newcomers who had wisely taken advantage of clinics and lessons to prepare themselves resulting in them taking home some of the loot. One again this year we had our team challenge – The Royal Blues, The o-Mighty Oranges, The Ravishing Reds and The Gaming Greens. The Gaming Greens team consisting of David Ciriani, Owen McGivern, Dawn Ferster, Kris Henry, Karen Kunkle, Julie Reid, Ashley Vegh and Jenny Barnes turned up their game to take the victory. We also had a generous sponsorship from South Central Quarter Horse Association for the highest point earning AQHA horse for the show which was won by Janice Reid and Bella from Kelowna BC. You can check out all the results at www.CircleCreek.ca. Many thanks and much gratitude to: Our volunteers: Bonnie Cruikshank - Alice Westlake – Murray Hillson - Kyla Tingstad – Sierra Givens - Denise Stanley – Savannah (our awesome pooper scooper). Sponsors: Tillicum Electric & Controls – Buckerfields – Scott Livingstone – Deep Creek Vets – Brian & Laureen Guenther - Destiny Bookkeeping – Heather Dolemo – Jade Mountain Propane – Country West Supply – Hillson Contracting – South Central Quarter ALL NATURAL SOOTHING LOTION for SORE Horse Association - Work n Play (Diana’s or STRAINED MUSCLES & JOINTS Monogramming ). Available in 1L Spray bottle for easy and quick application to And to all of the awesome competitors that larger areas, or a 500 ml rub bottle. came to our event and continue to come out A soothing combination of natural essential oils in a gentle and support this fun and challenging sport.
Dynamint Equine
cream base. specially formulated with natural ingredients to assist in the relief of leg, muscle and joint strain. Internationally recognized Horse Trainer, Clinician and Rider, as well as founder/ trainer of the world famous Calgary Stampede Drill Team: Jill Barron says:
By the time this is in print, our season will have ended but we sure hope that you will consider trying this wonderful event in 2019. Even if you have no desire to compete, the benefits to horse and handler alike are amazing! Lessons and drop-ins are available at Back 40 Mountain Trail – contact Daina 250-803-2069 or email mystellashine@gmail.com.
“As a professional horse trainer, Dynamint Equine Leg & Muscle Rub is an important aspect of my program. Dynamint is a natural product that has a cooling effect, it calms tired, sore muscles and rejuvenates horses keeping them feeling their best. I use Dynamint on my horses and myself. The results I have experienced have not been matched by any other product in the market. For long hauls and after hard workouts Dynamint is the only product I use on horse’s legs. If you are looking for a product that is safe on skin and delivers results, trust Dynamint Equine Leg & Muscle Rub. Your horse will thank you!” National Distributor: Canadian Centurion • 1-800-361-3860 • Local: Janian Imports (604) 462-9238 Manufactured for: Integrated Bio Systems Inc. • Abbotsford, BC • Phone: 1-877-501-5003 E-Mail: intbiosys@shaw.ca • www.integratedbiosys.com
By Holly Baxter ell known clinician, Claudia Cojocar was in Vernon to give her annual clinic to a group of lucky riders at VDRC on the Labour Day weekend. Claudia has a background in Hunter/Jumper, Equitation, 3-Day Event, Dressage, Timber Racing and fox hunting. As a young rider, Claudia trained under Dick Collins. He was eventually selected to be Chef d’Equipe for the US 3-Day Event team. One of his duties was purchasing talented, young horses which Claudia rode, greatly benefitting from this experience. In 1958 and1959 Claudia won silver medals at the National Open Three Day Championships – team selection trials. However, women were not allowed to represent their country in this discipline, only men. Now located in Hope BC, she remains active, passing on her knowledge in “Classic Basics,” mentoring many young professionals. Gymnastics are emphasized in her program. Working on each horse’s rideability, she included ground rails for all her groups, having the riders shorten Jeff Demetrick jumps Simon over the rails and lengthen stride. One terrific exercise was placing two rails at the short end of the arena, one with a straight approach and one aligned towards the upcoming corner. She asked riders to do a flowing four stride, and on the next circle might ask for a five, six or seven stride. This exercise was done with each circle involving a new stride count. The major point she made was this is an excellent warm-up prior to going over a course in the show ring; she stressed that with this kind of warm-up horses can be prepared to jump a course with less warm-up jumps. What does she consider to be the rider’s jobs and the horse’s jobs in jumping? Claudia stresses the rider’s job is a secure and correct position, understanding and executing pace, and understanding and executing the track to the jumps. Understanding and executing are two different things. Many riders understand position, pace and track but don’t yet have the skills to execute them correctly. Claudia says the horse’s job is to adjust the distance and jump. The less the rider interrupts the horse’s focus at the jump the better the result will be. Claudia dealt with horses having training issues with her own tried and true methods. In one instance in the advanced class a horse rushed its fences. Claudia instructing Alix Barry and Bridget Claudia used counter canter to solve it. Counter canter cannot be accomplished unless the horse in on the aids. If the horse is on the aids, rushing can be controlled. Obedience, elasticity, rhythm, and a thinking rider makes for a happy courageous horse. Take the opportunity to come down to the club and participate in her clinic for 2019. Much can be learned for those riding or simply watching. Thank you Claudia!
26 • OCTOBER 2018
It’s a Bale Trolley. Congratulations to all of you! Rod Parkinson, Falkland BC Ian and Andrew of Ashcroft Home Building Centre Sam Huston, Fort St. John BC Henry Pranke, 100 Mile House BC K G Funk, Armstrong BC
Jan Robinson of Coombs contacted me and provided this 175 year old artifact. Here is the hint: This tool was popular for close to 100 years. It was used in a sport that began in the mid-19th century. It measures 18 to 24 inches high and 6 in.² at its broadest point.
READERS – What’s your guess? Discuss this item with your friends and send your guess to usedandunique2018@gmail.com Do include your city and province please. Saddle Up will print names (and location) of those with the correct answer in a future issue. GOOD LUCK! If you or your company would like to sponsor this monthly brain teaser, do call 1-866-546-9922 or email nancyroman@saddleup.ca for details.
he annual IPE & Stampede took place over the Labour Day weekend in Armstrong BC. We have some results and photos for you. More results and photos will be in the November issue.
not eligible AND WAS WON BY: Chocolate St yle, a Quar ter Horse owned by Casey Hopper from Kamloops BC.
The TriChallenge was won by: Merna Boltz from Grand Fork s on her Quar ter Horse named Pines Poco Tivio. Photo by Patti Thomas The Male Supreme Champion was: Beau Bahars Dream, a Pintabian bred by Brian and Sheila Walsh, owned and shown by Tammy Loughran from Mara BC. The Male Reserve Supreme was: Presario, a Hanoverian owned and shown by Carolyn Dobbs-Sutherland from Hixon BC. The Female Supreme Champion was: Pines Poco Tivio, a Quar ter Horse owned and shown by Merna Boltz from Grand Fork s BC.
The NEW Team Challenge Event with points accumulated daily by both partners in a wide variety of disciplines: In-Hand Trail, Driving Reinsmanship, Pleasure Driving, Ranch Riding, IPE Road Hack, IPE Show Hack, English Pleasure, IPE Hunter Hack, Western Pleasure, Western Horsemanship, Pleasure Driving, Handy Trail, Dressage Seat Equitation, Equitation English Hunter Seat, English Pleasure, Barrel Racing. AND WAS WON BY: a team called “ Team Carnival” - 16 and 14 -year- old sisters Cailey Slobodian and Brooklyn Slobodian from Hay Lakes AB, with their horses Terrif ic Sheik and Invest in a Treasure. 2ND PLACE TEAM: a team called “Sisters from Another Mother” - Lynn Johnson and Melissa Johnston. Melissa is from Sher wood Park AB and Lynn is from Rimbey AB. 3RD PLACE TEAM: a team called “Red Hot Chilly Peppers” - Casey Hopper and Aleasha Melonshinsk y. Casey is from Kamloops BC and Aleasha is from Chilliwack BC.
The Female Reserve Supreme was: Elske, a Friesian owned by Deborah Battrum and shown by Jacqueline Cross from Armstrong BC. The NEW Super Horse event where points were accumulated in seven disciplines: • a) In-Hand: Halter, Showmanship, In-hand trail • b) Jumper • c) Western: Pleasure, Horsemanship, Ranch Riding, Ranch Trail • d) English: Pleasure, Equitation, Road Hack, Show Hack • e) Gymkhana: Stake race, Pole Bending, Barrels, Keyhole • f ) Driving: Reinsmanship, Pleasure Obstacle Driving, Gymkhana Driving • g) Trail: Handy Horse, Trail, Ranch Trail, Stake Classes
TOP DOG! Why do Dogs Howl? (Courtesy of www.puppyleaks.com)
one of my dogs before Laika were big howlers. In fact I never heard my previous dogs howl. They had a wide variety of barks and whines, but howling itself wasn’t part of their everyday communication set. But Laika? Well she howls all the time — she does it when there’s a squirrel in the yard, she does it when she hears high pitched noises, and she even does it when she’s sleeping (dream howling is what I like to call it). Below we’ll take a look at why dogs howl, why some dogs howl more than others, and what types of howling is cause for concern.
Howling is a form of vocal communication for dogs, just like barking and whining It’s a natural instinct leftover from their wolf ancestors that’s used to communicate with the pack. Wolves howl to communicate with each other, and it’s a behaviour that’s been carried over to our dogs. Here are some of the common reasons why dogs howl: • Making contact with others • Signaling distress • Warning predators • Attracting attention • In response to high pitched noises • Pain or discomfort • Separation anxiety The most common reasons for howling include sounding an alert, attracting attention, making contact with others and signaling a change in circumstances. Howling can also occur as a direct response to certain high pitched noises such as alarms. 28 • OCTOBER 2018
When to be concerned about howling While most of the above reasons aren’t too concerning there are a few types of howling that are worrisome — howling during separation anxiety, and howling as a way to communicate pain or discomfort. Howling to sound an alert/get attention One of the more common causes of howling is to attract attention to a change in circumstances. If your dog is looking out the window and they see what they perceive as an intruder in the yard they might howl to signal an alarm. In this context it’s a defense mechanism — a way to ensure their family or pack knows about the change in circumstances, and a way to ward off approaching predators. Howling in response to high pitched noises Some dogs start howling in response to certain noises, including the sound of other dogs howling or high pitched noises such as alarms or sirens. My dog Laika howls in response to a lot of things — including the harmonica or singing. Some dogs are more prone than others to howl in response to noises, while others prefer sticking to barking. Howling in response to pain or discomfort Some dogs howl as a response to pain or discomfort as a way to communicate that something’s wrong. Howling can be caused by illness or injury, so if your dog starts howling more frequently (or out of the blue) and there’s no direct cause that you can see it’s time to schedule an appointment with your vet.
Howling caused by separation anxiety Does your dog’s howling drive your neighbours mad when you’re at work? If your dog howls when you’re away from home there is reason to be concerned — your dog may have separation anxiety. Separation anxiety is when dogs get uncomfortable and anxious when they’re away from their owners. Some dogs will howl as a way to contact their lost pack or family members, which is why it’s commonly seen in dogs with separation anxiety. This is usually accompanied by other symptoms of separation anxiety such as drooling, pacing, destructive behaviour or indoor elimination. It can be a tough issue to manage, and unfortunately it’s one that gets worse over time if not properly addressed. If your dog shows signs of anxiety when you leave I recommend reaching out to a dog trainer or behaviourist in your area. Why do some dogs howl more than others? Some dogs howl more than others — and some dogs just stick to barking. Some of that’s based on the individual dog, and some of it’s influenced by their breed. Just as some breeds are known for barking, some breeds are prone to howling. Huskies, German Shepherds and Beagles (and many other hounds) tend to howl more than others. Some dogs howl in direct response to certain sounds (usually high pitched ones). If you want to get your dog to howl you can try howling yourself or watching some videos with dogs howling or siren sounds.
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Be Safe at Halloween!
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uh... CAT
Hay! Why just dogs? We have a cat that just loves to watch us on the horses. He’ll sit in the grass and enjoy the show in the pen or fields. He also has an intelligence higher than dogs. Here’s proof... lol. - Kent & Carol Walker, White Lake BC
Where is YOUR Top Dog?
Send us a photo of your favourite pooch! Tell us the dog’s name, breed, and up to 50 words about him/her. We will print your first name (or initials) and your city/province. E-mail to nancyroman@saddleup.ca and put in subject line: TOP DOG OF THE MONTH. Photos will be printed on a first come first serve basis.
2 3 4
DO YOU HAVE A WORKING DOG EVENT COMING UP? LET US KNOW! CALL 1-866-546-9922 OR EMAIL nancyroman@saddleup.ca
Vernon Young Riders By Abby McLuskey
nother awesome show in August at the Salmon Arm Fairgrounds. Summer Sizzler was hosted by Shifting Saddles, Eagle Valley and the Salmon Valley Trail Dusters 4-H Clubs. Forty-five members from 10 4-H Clubs took part in 3 days of lessons and then a horse show. Our members that attended were: Heidi Strotman, Ben Currie, Bobbi Wooden, Georgia Currie, Lillian Batten, Abby McLuskey and Caralynn Currie. It was a great week hanging with all our friends from the different clubs. Thanks to all the parents who haul us and our horses out to events like this. We had great coaches in Glenn Perran, Dustin Drader and Deanna Reimer. A big thank you to Michelle Wolf and Joni DeWitt for organizing this fun event.
Heidi and Champ Taking in the Show!
Horse Council is Following Groups
Hello! My name is Quinn and I’m 2! I love riding with my mom on Bill. He’s a big boy at 16.1 hh but a big softy. We is have a few horses and a mini but Bill my favourite. Yeehaw! - Quinn, age 2, Princeton BC
It’s your turn to tell us about YOU! BECAUSE IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU!
Send in ONE photo with a caption (No more than 40 words). Include your first name, age, city/province. Photos will be printed on space availability basis. Email to nancyroman@saddleup.ca. Put in the subject line “KIDS”. 30 • OCTOBER 2018
Respectfully submitted by Joni DeWitt (Eagle Valley 4-H Club) and Michelle Wolff (Shifting Saddles 4-H Club) Photos courtesy of Cari McLuskey he 2018 Summer Sizzler was held at the Salmon Arm Fairgrounds, August 9-13. Forty-six youth and 5 adults participated in 3 days of lessons, concluding with a mini show on Saturday evening and Sunday morning. A trail class was designed by Suzy Bairstow and judged by Mia Lutgendorf. Saturday evening we had Showmanship. Sunday morning we had western pleasure/equitation and english pleasure/equitation, and Ranch Horse. Attending 4-H Clubs were: Vernon Young Riders, Kelowna Hoofbeats, Lower North Thompson, Rodeo Rednecks, Salmon Valley Trail Dusters, Shifting Saddles, Eagle Valley, and Tod Mountain. Our riding coaches instructed the following levels of ability: Glenn Perran - Ranch Horse and Advanced Western Dustin Drader - Beginner and Intermediate Western Deanna Reimer - English Equitation all levels The daytime temperatures soared into the high 30’s. Sprinklers used to dampen the dusty rings, often had waiting riders and horses taking a break from the heat underneath the misting water!! A few scorching days were followed by a very violent thunder storm, wind gusts, pelting hail and torrential downpours on Saturday afternoon. In the evenings we tried to provide a bit of fun for the participants. On Thursday night, we all enjoyed watching the AMAZING RACE, sizzler style. All participants were divided into 6 teams. Tasks included: WHO’S A WORK HORSE? (hauling hay bales, then shavings, then taking a selfie to document the task completed); YOU NAILED IT! (pounding nails); WHO AM I? (identifying famous horses using the given clues).
On Friday late afternoon, the kids had an opportunity to go water sliding for a few hours - thanks Cari McLuskey for organizing this! We held draws for sponsored prizes each evening! A highlight for those who won... jewelery, grooming supplies, buckets, apparel, saddle pads, reins, halter, gloves, socks, supplements and camping lanterns! The value of gifted prizes = $1000! Mrs. Dimion of Salmon Arm graciously donated a pony saddle pad and set of reins. A SINCERE THANK YOU TO all our sponsors, coaches, parents, leaders and family members who assisted us over the 4 days of Sizzler. TOP FINISHERS ON SUNDAY’S SHOW MOST IMPROVED BOY - Treven Jeffery (Shifting Saddles) MOST IMPROVED GIRL - Kaya Breda (Rodeo Rednecks) TOP WESTERN EQUITATION - Shelby Latosky (Salmon Valley Trail Dusters) TOP ENGLISH EQUITATION - Kristen Webster TOP WESTERN PLEASURE - Trinity Stawnichy (Kelowna Hoof Beats) TOP ENGLISH PLEASURE - Brooke Lachowsky (Eagle Valley) TOP TRAIL (15 yrs and older) - Kathleen Egeland (Kelowna Hoof Beats) TOP TRAIL (14 yrs and under) - Abby McLuskey (Vernon Young Riders)
South Cariboo Equestrian Association By Karyn Greenlees
n September 9 the SCEA hosted a Scavenger Hunt out at the Watch Lake Gymkhana grounds. It was a wonderful success as the weather co-operated providing everyone with sunshine. The ride was out through some beautiful country as the riders watched for the many treasures hanging on the trees… everything from hoof picks to t-shirts. Some participants walked the route accompanying their children as they rode. Coffee, hot chocolate, pop, chips, and chocolate bars were provided by the club.
It was a very entertaining day and such a change from the ordinary.
Peruvians Camp Out! By Deanna De Costa
n incredible time of comradery and horsemanship was had over the August long weekend when 14 members of the Peruvian Horse Club of BC held its first annual campout at Hidden Valley Rustic Horse Camp near Merritt BC. Members came from as far as Grand Forks, Princeton, Aldergrove, Chase, and the Okanagan Valley to join in a wonderful weekend of trail riding which is the forte of the Peruvian horse breed. Known for its smooth ride and ground-covering gait, the Peruvian horses and riders explored the mountain ridge, dry lake and the creek along the valley trail to Mammette Lake. We crossed creeks and bridges, climbed ridges and explored in the wooded trails, and were fascinated by sightings of Golden and Bald eagles along the way. Perhaps a favourite memory was horses, dogs and campers all gathering in the creek on the sunny afternoon for a good splash and cool down with a few bevvies. Another fun moment was entering the camp area in a 14 horse barrida of trail champions which definitely got the attention of the other campers as there is nothing quite like the hoofbeats of a 14 horse paso llano! After a great day, our hosts, the Mack family, prepared a fantastic meal of baron of beef, roast potatoes, salads and homemade lemon meringue pie, then topped it all off with an epic fun night of dancing to the music of their family’s band, Mack
Station. It was said by veteran club member John MacMillan that he “hadn’t had this much fun since a previous life!” Many laughs were shared as everyone got on their feet and we barn danced the night away. When the night came to a close, we all returned to our camps, some in motorhomes, campers and others in rented cabins, and shared our reflections of the day around the campfire (propane of course!). It was rumored that this was the most fun some of us had ever had! Everyone agreed that we would love to make the campout an annual event. So the club is hoping even more memberzs will be able to join in the fun next year. If you are interested in camping out with us next summer, or are interested in joining our super fun club of Peruvian horses and riders of all ages, please connect with us through the BC Peruvian Horse Club Facebook page.
Peachland Riding Club By Tammy Hobbs
eachland Riding Club has had a busy summer, and our Annual Canada Day Race and Rope was a huge success drawing the largest attendance to date! Thank you to all of our Sponsors and Volunteers who make this event successful. Congratulations to our Winners! Pole Bending – Raquel Marchiel Senior Barrels – Kathy Lazic PeeWee Barrels – Simone Lamberton Youth Barrels – Vanessa Caverly Heading – Dean Mckinnon Heeling – Riley Isnardy Breakaway – Raija Mclean 1D Open Barrels – Gina Volansky Derby – Kyla Simmons Futurity- Buffy Romeo Simone Lamberton winner of PeeWee Barrels Buffy Romeo won the Futurity
The Okanagan has had a very challenging season with the smoke and fires and as a result the club chose to reschedule some events to protect the health of horse and rider. Keep up-to-date with event listings by visiting us on Facebook or www.peachlandridingclub. com. Our Annual High School Rodeo will be held October 6-8, and our Gymkhana & Saddle Series race was rescheduled from October 14 and will now be an exciting double header on October 20-21. Reminder for all members and supporters… our club’s biggest fundraiser ‘Pub Night and Silent Auction’ is coming up on November 10 at Whiskey Jacks Pub in West Kelowna. Tickets are only $20 including a beverage and meal option. We are looking for prize donations for our silent auction. If you or your business is able to donate a prize or would like ticket information please contact Tammy at tlhobbs@telus.net or 250-862-7533.
32 • OCTOBER 2018
Alberta Donkey and Mule Club Long Ears Days By Anne Fossum
he Alberta Donkey and Mule Club held (possibly the best ever) Long Ears Days at Red Lodge Guest Ranch on August 11-12. As well as the many different classes to enter, new this year was the Battle of the Long Ears - between the donkeys and mules. An educational aspect was provided by Dr. Amy McLean, a veterinarian from University of Davis in California. Registration started off briskly Saturday morning, with everyone signing up for classes. Forty-five classes were offered, including halter, ridden, single driving, team driving, youth, and 3 fun classes. A total of 25 animals participated, with 21 handlers. The judge for Saturday was Ryan Smith with Brandy Smith as ring steward. The judge for Sunday was Cheryl Fotheringham with Morgan Brown as ring steward. Both judges gave show pointers after a few of the classes, which was much appreciated. We got lucky with the weather as all classes were held outside. On Friday, the temperature was 37 degrees C but overnight cooled off considerably so that it was half that on Saturday. Sunday had cooler weather with the rain holding off. Our witty and entertaining announcer, Dan Butler, kept the spectators informed about what was happening in the show ring. At one point on Saturday, there were over 50 spectators watching the various classes. There were fewer on Sunday, but on the other hand it was nice to see several long time club members drop by. Following the roast beef dinner on Saturday evening, Dr Amy McLean gave her Presentation… Donkeys Are Different. She does research and is a lecturer in the department of animal science at the University of Davis. Dr McLean got her Ph.D. from the University of Georgia - Donkey Nutrition, Training and Management. She has worked with both Dr Suzie Burnham and the late Dr Tex Taylor, both of whom we have had the privilege of hearing presentations from while in the U.S. It’s nice to see Dr McLean carrying on their work. There are approximately 55 million horses in the world and approximately 54 million donkeys, mules and hinnies. Dr McLean spoke about nutritional care; anatomical differences between donkeys, mules and horses; and health care management.
During Saturday evening, there were the silent and live auctions. The winner of the Battle of the Long Ears (mules against donkeys) was announced. Points were assigned for each animal, depending on the placement in the class. Halter, inhand trail, in-hand hunter jumping, coon jumping, and snigging, were the classes. The miniature animals and standard size animals had the same courses. In coon jumping, a 10’ square is marked off in front of the jump. The handler must bring the animal to a complete halt in the marked box and after receiving a nod from the judge, can have the animal jump over the bar. After each round of jumps, the bar is raised another 2”. In coon jumping, placement was determined by the height of the jump divided by the height of the animal. The best jump of a miniature donkey, measuring 35” was a 33” jump. All of the miniature donkeys were able to jump very close to their own height. The best for a standard sized mule measuring 58” was a 41” jump. At the end of the 5 classes, the mules had a total of 60 points and the donkeys had 81 points. High Point Winners: Best Miniature Donkey: Twist shown by Anne Fossum Best Standard Donkey: Lisa shown by Louise Givens Best Mule: Squidgy shown by Sue Wensink Best Miniature Donkey Team: Apple and Floss shown by Don Fossum Best Standard Donkey Team: Lisa and Dixie shown by Louise Givens Best Mule Team: Sarah and Sadie shown by Rod Hunter The show committee put in many hours planning this wonderful and fun show, and we thank: Ida Newell, Bob Leggette, Sandra Harper, Don Fossum and Russ Shandro. They did a great job and already have plans started for next year, the 30th anniversary of the Alberta Donkey and Mule Club.
Armstrong Enderby Riding Club By Lauri Meyers | Photos courtesy of Sheryl Terpsma
ow much fun and laughter can you get into 1 day? Answer – It’s unlimited at AERC shows! Our September show was a great way to end the 2018 Show Season. Not only did we have trophies for our High Point winner in each age division of English, Western Trail and Walk Trot; we had 3 Stakes Classes, English Pleasure, Western Pleasure and Trail. Let us not forget to mention the “Fan Favourite” Costume Class - our April Costume Class was such a hit that we had to do it again. There were so many amazing and adorable costumes, our poor Judge just couldn’t decide. So everyone was a winner in this class. (Pictures to come in next month’s article) Now that the AERC 2018 Show Season has finished, I would like to take the opportunity to acknowledge our members and the many families and friends that came out this year. To those of you who were showing, volunteering, or watching, supporting and cheering… THANK YOU. Each and every one of you had a part in making 2018 a great Senior Horsemanship show season.
THANK YOU TO OUR JUDGES… You took time out of your busy schedules to support the Armstrong Enderby Riding Club. Your expertise, advice and feedback are greatly appreciated and helps build rider confidence, allowing us to progress in this sport of passion. Our Year-End Pot Luck Awards Banquet is booked for November 17 at the Enderby Seniors Centre – with the theme being “The Wild West.” So grab your ‘kin’, put on your ‘duds’, bring a PeeWee rider Ali Haworth dish of food and come on Penny out for a good ol’ time. Doors open at 5 pm for refreshments, dinner at 6 pm and award presentations at 7 pm. Last year the banquet Youth Showmanship had over 40 dishes, what an assortment of food. Let’s see if we can do that again this year. Our Facebook page will have contact information and updates. You can also email us at AERCcanada@gmail.com.
Kelowna Riding Club By Jenny Bouwmeester
all brings on a soothing feeling here on the grounds, and most riders are done with their heavy competitions and are relaxing with their equine partners. During the fall months the club hosts mini shows such as the Open Show, and Dressage Percentage Day. In addition to the club-held events; Equi-Life holds their Harvest Hunter Jumper Show, and the Kelowna Gymkhana runs events at the grounds. There are many fun activities to be had whether you’re into jumping, dressage, gymkhana, western pleasure, and/or ranch riding. In early September we held our second Open Flat Show of the year. This is our first year in nearly 20 years that the club has seen a show such as this. These shows are great for the beginner show’ers to come out and learn in a comfortable environment, as well as the seasoned show go’ers to come and ride in the Open classes (English and Western). We were very pleased with the turnout and how much fun everyone was having. We hope to keep these shows going throughout the years to come, and would like to Tara Bruschinsky on Hooligan thank those who came and supported our club. We would also like to thank all the volunteers who came to help! The shows would not have run as smoothly without you, and your participation is greatly noticed and appreciated. Also, thank you to all our sponsors and the amazing prizes! Later this fall we will be holding our annual general meeting and all members are welcome and encouraged to attend. We would love to hear feedback, and any suggestions for the upcoming year. As well, since this year is the club’s 60th anniversary we will be having a Diamond celebration. There will be music, dancing, food, and an auction! Sounds like a blast! Thank you from the Kelowna Riding Club for keeping our club spirit going and making these grounds a wonderful place to be! Please check our website for more upcoming events, and our Facebook page to keep informed. www.kelownaridingclub.com Vienna Meyers on Sisco Azera Murdoch on Nellie 34 • OCTOBER 2018
Langley Riders Society By Bethany Gildemeister | Photos courtesy of Ron McCarthy, www.rgmphotography.ca
t has been busy around here this summer! Shows, Games days, Barrel races and practices, Cowboy Obstacle Challenges, Jumping days! So much fun with friends and horses! All our events are open to the public. We have an on-site concession and covered picnic area, feel free to come and check out our events! A big thank you to everyone that came, helped, participated, and watched our newest event Cowboy Obstacle Challenge!!! It was very well-received and we will be looking into more of these events next year.
July Cowboy Obstacle Challenge Jackpot Top 5 In-Hand: Junior: 1st Shirley Bradbury 1st Cheyenne Grinrod 2nd Marjorie Mackay 2nd Emily Bradbury 3rd Shirley Bradbury 3rd Caidyn Peterson 4th Caidyn Peterson 4th Lydia Felling 5th Emily Bradbury Senior: 1st Rochelle Pederson 2nd Bethany Hill 3rd Marjorie Mackay 4th Bonnie Proctor 5th Jeanne Evans
Chelsey and Cambria
August Games Day High Point Winners: 1. George Burns: Vicky Mason 2. Jack Benny: Erin Wagner 3. Senior: Chrissy Paquette 4. Intermediate: Cheyenne Grindrod 5. Junior: Katie Foss 6. Tiny Mite: Lydia Felling 7. Lead Line: Toby Austen, Finley Manning, Evelyn Paquette, Cambria Walker
August Jumping High Point Winners: Tiny Mite: Jacob Springman Junior under 2’: Trey White Junior over 2’: Holly Fullerton Intermediate under 2’: Ashley Nixon Intermediate over 2’: (TIE) Lucia Bot, Emma Springman Senior: Marie Hol
BC Lower Mainland Pony Club By Emily Shaver & Morgan Swaan (Hazelmere Pony Club) How We Spent Our Summer Vacation...with Pony Club!
hanks to BC Lower Mainland Pony Club, for 2 weeks in August we were members of the team representing Canada at the International Mounted Games Exchange in the United Kingdom. Chosen by the BCLM Region, we attended national tryouts last September in Toronto and met all the candidates, some of whom were to become our future teammates. The next time we would be together was when we met for our threeTeam Canada IMGE members day training camp just prior to departing for Manchester. From the start we felt like a team with our matching outfits and competitive attitudes! Meeting and interacting with the other competitors from Australia, the USA, and the UK reminded us that we were representing our country and our Pony Club on this great adventure. Against a backdrop that consisted of the normal “touristy” activities like sightseeing, shopping, and going to the races, there were some adrenaline raising experiences such as ziplining, high roping, and cliff jumping; bonds of friendship amongst and between the teams formed. Watching the events that preceded ours on competition day
IMGE Teams 2018 awakened us to the reason we were there and what we hoped to accomplish on behalf of our teammates, Canadian Pony Club and our country. Would we live up to the standards that so many people held for us? These thoughts amplified the tension as we waited for what seemed ages to meet the ponies; however, once the competition started, it felt like the games were finished in a flash. We were proud of our achievements and relieved to have overcome our challenges as a team. Standing on the podium with the other riders, we felt a sense of belonging and an overwhelming feeling of support from people who had been strangers two weeks earlier, but who we now call friends. We know many of these friendships will last a lifetime. Overall, the trip lived up to all our expectations and we are extremely grateful to British Columbia Lower Mainland and Canadian Pony Club, as well as LHC Equestrian, for providing us with the opportunity to have a once in a lifetime experience! OCTOBER 2018
Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association By Mellissa Buckley On The Road
lot of our members showed outside of BC in August, and we were able to glean some results shared on Facebook. If you have had accomplishments outside of our LMQHA shows, please let Mellissa know! We would love to share them! mellissa1@hotmail.com. Congrats to all on your successes! Canadian Quarter Horse Nationals Andy Hellqvist and Blazing Hot Money: National Champion: Ranch Riding Reserve National Champion: Trail Level 1 Third overall Select Trail Top 5 Western Riding Colten Buckley and Zippos Social Kitty: Reserve High Point Reserve National Champion - HUS Reserve National Champion - WP Reserve National Champion - Horsemanship Fourth overall 13 and under Showmanship Fourth overall Trail Mary Zachanowiz and Dynamic Grace Is Good: Reserve Champion Horsemanship Third overall Trail Third overall HUS Fourth overall Equitation Top five WP Pia Petersen and Thumb Moxie: Third overall Horsemanship Multiple Top Five and Top Tens Reese Zachanowiz and Dynamic Grace Is Good: Fourth Overall Youth Halter Mares Region One Norma Hutton and Shamrocks And Dreams: Champion Level 1 Amateur aged mares Tamara Jameson and Unanswered Prayerz: Champion Level One Amateur 2 year old gelding Reserve Amateur 2 year old gelding Reserve Open 2 year old gelding Matt Hutton and Touchdown N Style: Champion Level 1 Amateur aged geldings Tami Hutton and Touchdown N Style: Champion Open aged geldings
Haley Russell and Blazin Hot And Sheik: Champion Rookie Amateur Hunt Seat Reserve Level One Amateur Trail Third overall Rookie Amateur Western Pleasure Third Overall Rookie Amateur Horsemanship AQHA Select World Show Long time supporter and amazing LMQHA sponsor Sandra Morgan won Select World Champion with her horse Willy In The Sky Meetings and more: We will have held a GM on September 13. Please stay tuned to the BCQHA website and/or our FB page for our AGM meeting date, and plan to attend. Please consider volunteering for a committee or board position. Many hands make light work and this club truly needs you. The Bazaar Team will start meeting soon and really needs more Team Members.
Norma Hutton
Tamara Jameson, Dianne Rouse, Haley Russell
At Nationals (l to r): Colten Buckley, Mellissa Buckley, Mary Zachanowiz, Reese Zachanowiz, Andy Hellqvist, Jeremy Buckley, Pia Petersen.
Lower Mainland Quarter Horse Association President: Mellissa Buckley, mellissa1@hotmail.com, 604-729-6616 Website: http://bcqha.com/index.php/lmqha Visit our Facebook page
36 • OCTOBER 2018
Sandra Morgan
Haley Russell
The Back Country Horsemen of BC
Follow the Trail Less Travelled By Rose Schroeder and Linda Buchanan
n July 30, five BCHBC members from four Chapters rendezvoused at the Tyaughton Creek Rec Site at the conflux of Tyaughton and Mud Creeks. This was our access point to the trails in the South Chilcotin Mountains Provincial Park. We wanted to put some hoof prints on top of all the mountain bike tracks! Our first day riding into base camp on Lizard Creek/Siwash Meadows was 32 km… only a 9-hour ride!! The views of the mountains expanded before us. By the time we reached our destination, both we and the horses were exhausted but excited. We had already learned to identify White Bark Pine and how to collect and roast the pine nuts. What next! Day 2 started early to avoid the heat. We rode up a trail called Little Paradise (locals call it Pretty Fair Valley). Our goal was to get to the height of land then ridge ride (called a route not a trail!) the Tyoax Pass to connect with the Elbow Pass Trail, cross
made it back to our trucks just before the heavens opened up. Another 9-hour ride! We settled in for a hot drink before dinner and the rain stopped before bedtime.
over on some snow to another peak and look down onto Lorna Lake. Then loop back to the Tyaughton Trail and home to camp… a 7-hour day with our highest point at 7,600 feet. The horse flies were horrendous but the 360* views were spectacular! We even found fossilized sea shells in a rock bluff. Day 3 our group explored the Deer Pass Trail. From the top we could look down onto Werner Lake. Near the summit we took a lunch break and for an hour glassed the opposite slope under Mt. Sheba. Much to our delight the guys discovered a wolverine den complete with young. It was exciting to watch the family cavort around their home. We headed back down to camp through some flowery alpine meadows and cool mountain streams. Day 4 was our ride out day. Hastily, we headed out with a storm coming in. We had some steep side slopes to cross that would be nasty slippery if too wet. There were lots of “don’t stop, I’m not in a good spot” comments! Our pack horses pretty much had to look after their own footing and did so, no foot put wrong. Even with a rest stop at the wild raspberry bushes for a snack, we
* Riding across steep side slopes and shale slopes: you ride “high side out.” If the horse is going to go down he will fall uphill so your uphill foot should be out of the stirrup. That way he won’t fall on your leg and trap it in the stirrup. * Rider must stay balanced. If your horse is travelling across a slope and heading uphill you are probably leaning uphill. * Learn to mount and dismount from both sides, you can’t always turn your horse around. * The thrill of riding straight up a very narrow steep ridge. “Don’t look down on either side!” * The value of a good trail horse. Patient and quiet mind.
The challenging riding we did taught us: * When riding ridge lines it is important to plan your route far ahead, not just across the section in front of you. Game paths may not be the best choice.
Before doing a ride like this with your own horse, there is a benefit of going with an experienced outfitter and riding their horse. Then decide if this is something you and your horse can do safely. Remember the first element of Leave No Trace: Plan Ahead and Prepare!
Back Country Horsemen Provincial Executive • http://bchorsemen.org
President: Brian Wallace, president@bchorsemen.org, 250-569-2324 Vice President: Rose Schroeder, milkmaid@shaw.ca, 604-854-1245 • Vice President: Scott Walker • Vice President: Verna Houghtaling Treasurer: Karen Tanchak, klldt13@hotmail.com - 250-832-1596 • Secretary: Lisa Galanov, lisa@owspower.ca, 250-672-0099 Past President: Ybo Plante, farmgirlbc@gmail.com, 250-361-6290
BC Rodeo Association BCRA 2018 POLARIS CHAMPIONSHIP RODEO FINALS NORTH THOMPSON FALL FAIR & RODEO, BARRIERE BC Congrats to our 2018 BCRA POLARIS CHAMPIONSHIP FINALS WINNERS: Bareback Riding: Season Leader & Finals Champion CHRISTOPH MUIGG Saddle Bronc Riding: Season Leader JOE ROBERSON / Finals Champion COLTON CROOK Bull Riding: Season Leader LANE CORK / Finals Champion DENTON SPIERS Tie Down Roping: Season Leader & Finals Champion STEVE LLOYD Steer Wrestling: Season Leader NORMAN BREEN / Finals Champion NORM BREEN Breakaway Roping: Season Leader & Finals Champion KIRSTIN LOUGHEED Ladies Barrel Racing: Season Leader CARLI WARDROP / Finals Champion BROOKE WILLS Team Roping: Season Leader Header KYLE BELL, Season Leader Heeler LEVI HUGHES / Finals Champions LOGAN WHARRY & LEVI HUGHES Junior Steer Riding: Season Leader & Finals Champion LANDON HORSLEY Junior Barrel Racing: Season Leader & Finals Champion REESE RIVET JR Breakaway Roping: Season Leader CARSON WEAVER / Finals Champion PATRICK BENNETT PW Barrel Racing: Season Leader & Finals Champion MACEY FREEMANTLE AWARDS BANQUET & AGM - SATURDAY OCTOBER 20th, 2018 Gibraltar Room, Williams Lake, BC *ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING* - 10 am Agenda items must be submitted to the office prior to October 5, 2018. Please contact the rodeo office. The top 10 Finalist competitors and top 10 Season Leaders in the 8 major events must attend the BCRA Annual General Meeting at the end of the current year. A ($100) fine will be assessed and added to the price of 2019 membership card for not attending. Top ten competitors who cannot attend the AGM must send written notification to the BCRA office 48 hours prior to the AGM. *AWARDS BANQUET* Cocktails 5 pm ~ Dinner 6 pm ~ Awards 7 pm ~ Dance 9 pm SILENT AUCTION – 6 –9 pm Tickets: Adults $30/person (12 yrs. & older) / (Under 12) $15.00 REMINDER TO ALL AWARD WINNERS: All Award Winners and Season Leaders must be present at the BCRA awards banquet to receive their awards. If they cannot attend, a written explanation must be sent in to the BCRA office, 48 hours prior to the banquet, stating their circumstances for not attending and who will be accepting the award. If explanation is unacceptable to the BCRA Board of Directors, a fine will be levied at the Board of Director’s discretion. ADVANCE SALES ONLY ~ HOST HOTEL TBA. Purchase or Reserve tickets through the BCRA office at 250-457-9997 or e-mail at bcrodeoassn@ gmail.com.
Grassland Equipment ~ Williams Lake
RUBY SPONSORS: JD KNIVES & CUSTOM WORKS West Fraser Truckers Association
BC Rodeo Association, Box 71, 2393 Back Valley Road, Cache Creek BC, V0K 1H0 Phone: 250-457-9997 * Fax: 250-457-6265 * bcrodeoassn@gmail.com * www.rodeobc.com Winter Office Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. 2018/2019 BCRA Board of Directors President: Gord Puhallo 250-394-4034 or 250-267-9647 gdpuhallo@gmail.com Vice President: Trish Kohorst 250-613-2633, trishkohorst@gmail.com
38 • OCTOBER 2018
Directors: Ty Lytton 250-396-7710 or 250-706-3580, tylytton@hotmail.com Shaylene Tucker 250-392-6296 or 250-320-0762, shaylenetucker@gmail.com Tim Terepocki 250-280-7653, ranchproperties@gmail.com Rhoda Petal 250-394-4349 or 250-267-5550, rpetal@yunesitin.ca Allison Everett 250-296-4778 or 250-305-0167, allison.everett@sd27.bc.ca Steve Lloyd 250-925-4669, stevenklloyd@hotmail.com Patti Gerhardi 250-961-9667, rockingp@hotmail.com Carl Hyde 250-963-9381 or 250-612-1237, c.rhyde@hotmail.com Aaron Palmer 250-851-6725, showtime_ap@hotmail.com Kelly Walls 250-267-8865, k.reay@hotmail.com
Clubs & Associations 28 Years of Celebrating Long Ears www.AlbertaDonkeyandMule.com
members from across Canada and the US 10/18
CanTRA promotes the benefits of therapeutic riding across Canada through awareness, education, and setting standards for therapeutic riding instructor certification, centre accreditation, hippotherapy, and equine-facilitated wellness.
Contact: ctra@golden.net • Website: www.cantra.ca
ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. (Region 17) Arabian Clubs in W. Canada. Rob Calnan, robert_ calnan@hotmail.com. Youth activities/Shows/Stallion Auction/Clinics, www.region17.com 3/19 ARMSTRONG ENDERBY RIDING CLUB Schooling Shows (Eng/West/Games), Armstrong Fairgrounds, April to Sept. www.armstrongenderbyridingclub.com 7/19
CHILLIWACK RIDING CLUB, Drill Team, Horse Shows (Heritage Qualifiers), Gymkhana, Trail Rides, Clinics, Open Ride, Socials, www.crchorse.ca 10/19 Equestrian Canada (EC) is the national governing body for equestrian sport and industry in Canada, with a mandate to represent, promote and advance all equine and equestrian interests. 1-866-282-8395 | inquiries@equestrian.ca | www.equestrian.ca
BARRIERE & DISTRICT RIDING CLUB, www.barrieredistrictridingclub.com, bdrcwebinfo@gmail.com, Darcey Woods, President, 250-318-9975 3/19
Want to enjoy miles of beautiful new trails with your equine partner in BC? Try Endurance Riding! We welcome all levels of riders and all breeds of equines.
Info on clinics and events at www.erabc.com
BC CARRIAGE DRIVING SOCIETY, Pres: Tina Knott 250-743-9114, Pleasure, Combined, Recreation from Minis to Drafts, www.bccarriagedriving.com 3/19 BC INTERIOR ARABIAN HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Wally Goertz 250-546-6004 8/19 asmarawg@telus.net, clinics, Recreational riding programs, Awards/Social Activ.
9/19 6/16
We are the first charitable organization devoted to equines to be registered by Revenue Canada. Providing funds to veterinary students, veterinary colleges, rescue units and other worthwhile equine causes. www.equinefoundationofcanada.com Pres: Bob Watson 403-378-4323, cbwatson@telusplanet.net
BC INTERIOR MORGAN HORSE CLUB Sect’y: Debbie Miyashita 250-804-2928, miyashitadebbie@gmail.com, Meetings, Clinics, Trail Rides, Socials, www.bcimhc.com 2/19
BC LOWER MAINLAND PONY CLUB For horse lovers ages 6-25; Jumper, Dressage, Eventing, PPG & more! Tracy 778-999-7400, bclmponyclub@gmail.com 4/19 BC MINIATURE HORSE CLUB. All mini lovers welcome. President: Vicki Schulz 604-240-3250, www.miniaturehorsesbc.com, Facebook BCMHC. Clinics & Fun Days 5/19 BC PAINT HORSE CLUB www.bcphc.com, Open Show & Competition Program, award sponsorships for local clubs, youth scholarship. cathyglover@telus.net 11/18 5/19
INTERIOR CUTTING HORSE ASSOCIATION www.ichacutting.com New cutters always welcome. Lee Poncelet 250-938-2034 6/19 KAMLOOPS THERAPEUTIC RIDING ASSOC. 250-554-3811 www.ktra.ca Therapeutic Riding Lessons, Vaulting, Summer Camps, Boarding, Birthday Parties
BC RODEO ASSOC., Box 71, Cache Creek, BC V0K 1H0, Office 250-457-9997, bcrodeoassn@gmail.com, www.rodeobc.com 10/19 Team Cattle Penning is a race against the clock to have 3 riders pen 3 of 30 numbered head of cattle. Each rider is rated to their current abilities and the three riders on a team make up the maximum allowed number for the division they are riding. Example: a 10 Class is made of a 4-rated rider and two 3-rated riders. The herd is on one end of the arena and the foul line is usually 1/3. DON’T BLOW OUT!! YEE HAW!! www.bctpca.net
BURNABY HORSEMEN’S ASSOCIATION, (Burnaby BC), Self-Boarding Barns, Riding Rings, Trails, Clinics, Lessons, Open Houses, www.burnabyhorsemensassociation.com 5/19
KELOWNA RIDING CLUB, www.kelownaridingclub.com contact and event info. Daily drop-in rates & facility rentals open to all. 3745 Gordon Dr, Kelowna, BC. 12/18 LANGLEY RIDERS SOCIETY, www.langleyriders.com. English/Western, Games, Jumping, Drill Team, Rodeo. 604-530-5981 8/19 LOWER MAINLAND QUARTER HORSE ASSOC. Pres: Mellissa Buckley, mellissa1@hotmail.com, http://bcqha.com/index.php/LMQHA 10/19 NORTH OK THERAPEUTIC RIDING ASSOC. 250-549-0105 www.notra.info Providing therapeutic horseback riding for children and adults with disabilities 6/19
100 Mile & District Outriders
7/18 8/19
Promoting equine activities and knowledge in the south Cariboo with Shows, Clinics, Gymkhanas and more. President: Mike Kidston E-mail: info@outriders.com ~ www.100mileoutriders.com
PEACHLAND RIDING CLUB, Pres: Kristy Forsyth. Visit www.peachlandridingclub. com for information about our Gymkhanas dates and other fun events! 3/19 OCTOBER 2018
Clubs & Associations Overnight it or Stay in Revelstoke BC
SOUTH CENTRAL QUARTER HORSE ASSOC., Host of April Fuzzy Horse Show and September AQHA Circuit Show, http://bcqha.com/index.php/scqha 9/19
PINE TREE RIDING CLUB (Barnhartvale/Kamloops), Visit www.pinetreeridingclub.com for info on lessons, gymkhanas, shows and clinics, or email pinetreeridingclub@gmail.com 3/19
WEST COAST VAULTERS (Parksville BC) New members always welcome! We also travel to clinics.www.westcoastvaulters.com. Contact Debbie 250-954-9940 3/19 WESTERN CANADIAN REINING ASSOC. Amber 250-392-6402 wcrareining@gmail.com, www.wcra.info 8/19 WILD ROSE DRAFT HORSE ASSOCIATION, www.wrdha.com. Barb Stephenson (Secretary) phone 403-933-5765 (8:00 am to 8:00 pm) 3/19
What’s Happening? Let’s Go! 2018/2019 Events?? Let us know – this is a FREE service for non-profit events. REQUIRED FORMAT FOR EACH DATE:
Jan 1-3 OPEN HORSE SHOW, Smith Arena, Smithsville, BC, John 604-123-4567 johnsmith@smith.net, www.smithshow.com
1-2 MARION WEISSKOPFF HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC, Kelowna BC, Janice Reid 250-765-9188, janicemr@shaw.ca 1-3 SCHOOL OF LEGERETE w/Melanie Bulmahn, Open Clinic, Chase BC, www.ForTheHorse.com 5-6 MARION WEISSKOPFF HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC, Victoria BC, Kristina Millar 250-589-5981, kristinamillar@hotmail.com 5-6 CWHBA FALL CLASSIC BREEDERS SALE, Westerner Park, Red Deer AB, www.fallclassicsale.com 5-7 PACIFIC REG’L DRESSAGE CHAMPIONSHIPS, Langley BC, contact TBA 5-7 HIGH SCHOOL RODEO, Peachland BC, www.peachlandridingclub.com 6-8 JONATHAN FIELD HORSEMANSHIP, Course 1 Partnership, Horse In Hand Ranch, Blackfalds AB, 1-888-533-4353, www.jonathanfieldhorsemanship.net 7-8 MARION WEISSKOPFF HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC, Ladysmith BC, Jill Sampson 250-245-2829, greypony@shaw.ca 9-10 MARION WEISSKOPFF HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC, Duncan BC, Gary Toller 250-715-1242, fourtqh@telus.net 10-12 JONATHAN FIELD HORSEMANSHIP, 3Rs Horsemanship, Horse In Hand Ranch, Blackfalds AB, 1-888-533-4353, www.jonathanfieldhorsemanship.net 11-12 MARION WEISSKOPFF HORSEMANSHIP CLINIC, Port Alberni BC, Chloe Wangler 250-720-6658, chloewangler@gmail.com 13 HALLOWE’EN FUNDAY, Boundary Horse Association, Grand Forks BC, kmespenhain@telus.net 14 PRC GYMKHANA, Peachland BC, www.peachlandridingclub.com 14 OPEN HORSE SHOW (Eng/West/Hunter/Halter), Rodeo Grounds at Logan Lake BC, Jill 250-318-8397, brendview@hotmail.com 14 SPOOKTACULAR FUN DAY, 10 am start, at Cindy Kirschman’s, Lumby BC, pre-register by calling Cindy 250-547-9277 19-21 THE MANE EVENT Equine Expo, Heritage Park, Chilliwack BC, www.maneeventexpo.com
40 • OCTOBER 2018
20 20-21 26-28 26-28
LANGLEY RIDERS GAMES DAY, LRS Arena, 4303-208th Street, Langley BC, Ngaire Smart 778-277-0015, www.langleyriders.com PAUL DUFRESNE TFC CLINIC, St. Andrews MB, Paul 250-317-7725, tfcpauldufresne@gmail.com JONATHAN FIELD HORSEMANSHIP, Course 1 Partnership, Abbotsford BC, 1-888-533-4353, www.jonathanfieldhorsemanship.net MILES KINGDON CLINIC, Developing the Stock Horse, Horse In Hand Ranch, Blackfalds AB, www.horseinhandranch.com (Details TBA)
2-4 16
JONATHAN FIELD HORSEMANSHIP, Course 2 Purpose, Abbotsford BC, 1-888-533-4353, www.jonathanfieldhorsemanship.net HORSEY LADIES OKANAGAN Fundraising Banquet, Spall Golf Course, Vernon BC, Nancy 250-546-9922 or see us on FB
Business Services ACCOMMODATIONS
Ask for Chilliwack Heritage Park rate LSPECI East of Heritage Park at mall & restaurants
EQUINE WELLNESS & DIGESTIVE SUPPORT (Interior BC & online) 250.368.2002 www.littleoasisequine.com. Products and support for equine digestive health. 6/19
FREE Comfort Sunshine Breakfast 604-858-0636 or 1-800-228-5150 www.choicehotels.ca/cn235 • Chilliwack, BC 4/15
HOWARD JOHNSON INN, Red Deer, 403-343-8444. One minute from Westerner Park. www.hojoreddeer.com 11/18 8/19
BEDDING, HOG FUEL, SHAVINGS DAVID BEERSTRA TRUCKING, (Okanagan) 250-549-0324 Horse Shavings, Hog Fuel & Bark Mulch
WWW.REIMERSFARMSERVICE.COM (BC Interior) 1-855-737-0110 or 250-260-0110. Bulk & Bagged Shavings, 4x4x4 Totes, Sawdust, Bark Mulch
BOARDING FACILITIES / RETIREMENT / REHAB JJ’S PLACE (Coombs BC) 250-248-4050 Self, semi, or Full boarding for injured, ageing, retired, or casual pleasure horse. Also on Facebook
SILVERADO HORSE CENTER Boarding Clinics Lessons Training Located north of Cochrane AB, at 274254 Range Road 40 Madden AB (GPS coordinates) www.silveradohorsecenter.com 9/19
TURNING POINT RANCH (Pritchard BC) 250-577-3526. Full care, rest, rehab, retirement, geriatric. www.turningpointranch.ca or see us on Facebook 4/19
DEAD STOCK REMOVAL THE BLUE GOOSE CATTLE CO. (Okanagan/Shuswap) 250-838-2250, Providing prompt dead stock removal service when the decision has to be made. 12/18
Wanted Wranglers / Trail Guides
Pre-order your Baumalight generator now for delivery in 8 weeks and get an 8% discount for planning ahead.
Guide on Guest Ranch / Horse pack trips www.chilcotinholidays.com
1-866-820-7603 • baumalight.com
Supplements For Horses
ARMSTRONG 1-250-546-9174
CHILLIWACK 1-877-847-3735
wholesale panels & gates | pet food | bagged feed 2/19
countrywestsupply.com OCTOBER 2018
8/18 9/19
Business Services FARRIERS & SUPPLIES
Bring your own horse or ride ours!
affordable ~ pet friendly ~ log cabins with private hot tubs
2018 SPECIAL: Stay 2 nights and receive an introductory guided trailride for FREE!
www.montanahillguestranch.com 250-593-9807 8/19 7/18
adventure | riding | hiking
Corrals & Camping – Bring Your Own Horse! 1-800-668-2233 • 108 Mile Ranch BC www.sprucehillresort.com 5/19
VALLEY FARRIER SERVICES, Bob Johnston 250-546-8254 Certified Journeyman serving North OK/Shuswap for 25 years 5/19
Your Partner for Equine, Farm & Liability Insurance 8/19
Get coverage today!
1 800 670 1877 | info@capricmw.ca | capricmw.ca
ASHCROFT HOME BUILDING CENTRE (Ashcroft) 250-453-2281 Otter Co-op Dealer & Pet Foods. You can find us on Facebook 8/19
100% B.C. Owned and Operated!
We protect what we love.
31852 Marshall Place 5410 Trans Canada Hwy. 103-1889 Springfield Rd. 975 Langford Parkway 1-1227 Island Hwy. S. 587 Alberni Hwy. 1970 Keating Cross Rd. 1771 10th Ave SW 2565 Main St.
556-7477 748-8171 860-2346 940-4499 753-4221 248-3243 652-9188 832-8424 768-8870
FENCING 130MILERANCH.COM (Cariboo) 250-644-7200 Corrals, Gates, Panels, Bale Feeders, Best Prices in the Cariboo!
Gates, Panels, Feeders, Continuous FenCe deer & Farm FenCe installations
Sandy Chevallier Listing & Selling Equine and Residential Properties in the Central Okanagan Cell: 250-718-2761 or Chevy@royallepage.ca
Custom built and installed to your needs
GRK Fasteners Dealer * Customized Bale Spikes * Custom Welding * Horse Trailer Repairs *Serving BC/AB/WA for over 10 years
Alan Cossentine, Oliver, BC • 250-490-5662 alc@cffence.com • www.cffence.com
FAWNDALE FARMS (Thompson/Okanagan area) Farm & Residential Fencing. Lance Savage 250-260-0848, fawndalefarms@gmail.com 10/19
FERRIS FENCING “PastureLine” 4mm : “No Wire” Polymer : Complete ElectricSystems HorseRail products : No-Climb & Diamond Mesh 30 years Serving the Horse Industry www.ferrisfencing.com / info@ferrisfencing.com / 1-800-665-3307
OKANAGAN RIBBONS, 1-888-545-7647 The best source for all your event and award ribbons! www.ribbonsonline.net, ribbons@xplornet.com 9/19
THE PERFECT SADDLE FIT (Lower Mainland ) 250-526-1868, Saddle Fitting, Consultation & Sale, individual solutions for you & your horse mariette@ericklemm.com
WWW.APGUESTRANCH.COM (Merritt BC) 250-378-6520 Weddings, Trail Rides, Lodging/Camping/B&B/Bed & Bales, Morgan Horses 6/19
42 • OCTOBER 2018
CARIBOO SADDLERY (Williams Lake) Mark Denny 250-392-3735 Over 30 years of Custom Saddles and Leather Repairs 12/18 R&E SADDLE & TACK REPAIR LTD. (Aldergrove) 604-856-2350 5/19 Horse Blanket, Eng/West Tack Repairs, Custom Work, randesaddle@telus.net
Business Services TRAINERS/COACHES
TACK/CLOTHING SHOPS DIAMOND H TACK INC. (Kelowna BC) 877-762-5631 English & Western Saddlery, Clothes, Farrier, Feed, Blanket & Leather Repairs 7/19
LEE PONCELET TRAINING STABLES (Vernon, BC) 250-938-2034 Starting Colts. Training all levels. Specializing in Cutting/Cowhorse. www.lpperformancehorses.com 5/19 LISA WIEBEN (Bowden AB) www.mountainviewtrainingstables.com, Clinics, Training, Lessons, Centered Riding/Western & English Dressage 4/19
Visit our Langley BC location 106-22575 Fraser Highway w w w. e q u e s t r i a n f a s h i o n o u t f i t t e r s . c o m
WWW.THETRADINGPOSTFEEDANDTACK.COM (Nanaimo) 250-245-2115 English/Western Tack & Apparel, Feeds & Hay, Portable Fencing 2/19
MARION WEISSKOPFF (Princeton BC) 250-295-4329, Clinics throughout BC, Classical & Cowboy Dressage, Mountain Trail & Driving, www.mwsporthorses.com
SANDY LANG HORSEMANSHIP (Abbotsford BC) 604-850-1243 Foundation Specialist, Natural Horsemanship, www.sandylanghorsemanship.com 6/19
TRAILER REPAIRS PETERSEN TRAILERS LTD. (Langley) 604-533-4209 Service and Repairs. All makes. www.petersentrailers.ca 4/19 TRANS NATIONAL TRAILER INC. (Vernon) 250-308-8980 Fax: 250-542-5373 RV’s to Horse Trailers. Your Trailer Parts Superstore! 6/19
Vicki McKinnon & the Blind Bay Gang Your guides on a journey to the World According to Horses Introductory sessions 2-3 hours 2-3 day workshops for in-depth study Join us as we follow the hoofprints back home Vicki 250-675-2878, or vic3030@telus.net (Sorrento BC)
TRAILER SALES CUMMINGS TRAILER SALES & RENTALS (Abbotsford) 1-877-856-1988 Horse, Stock, Flatdeck, Utility, Dump, Cargo and Pre-owned, www.cummings.ca 9/19 KITT EQUIPMENT TRAILER SALES, (Chilliwack & Aldergrove), 1-877-823-7199, Horse ~ Stock ~ Utility ~ Dump ~ Flatdecks, Kittequipment.com 12/18
ACCORD VETERINARY SERVICES (Kamloops & area) 250-314-6566. Dr. Marlin Mason, Mobile Equine/Bovine Vet Services, 8/19 ANIMAL CARE HOSPITAL Williams Lake 250-392-5510 / Quesnel 250-747-3053 Drs. Magnowski, Scheidt, Thompson, Jordan, Meier, Ree 12/18 DAWSON CREEK VETERINARY CLINIC 250-782-1080. Equine Reproduction, Endoscopy, Ultrasound, Digital X-Ray and more. www.dcvet.ca 9/18 INTERIOR VETERINARY HEALTH SERVICES (Okanagan) 250-769-4217, Mobile Equine, Brytann Youngberg DVM, VSMT, College of Animal Chiropractors 6/19
TOll free: 1-844-955-2445 or 780.955.2445
KAMLOOPS LARGE ANIMAL VET CLINIC 250-374-1486 Drs Jennifer Jackson, Jason McGillivray, Colin Mikkelsen, Robert Mulligan, Heather Pedersen 3/19 OKANAGAN EQUINE VET, (Kelowna) 250-764-9888, Sheila McDonald DVM and Tara Trimble DVM, www.okanaganequinevet.com. 10/19
TRAINERS/COACHES ALICIA HARPER of Hylee Training, EC Comp. Coach/Trainer. Specializing in Hunters available for training, lessons/clinics, www.hyleetraining.com 10/18
PANORAMA VETERINARY, (Kelowna/Winfield) 250-861-1099 Drs. Alex Wales, Susan Wales and Jessica Wales 6/19
BIRGIT STUTZ, Irwin Insights Master Level 4 Cert. Trainer, www.fallingstarranch. ca, Training/lessons/clinics/student programs, Dunster BC, 250-968-6801 7/19
THREE VALLEYS VET SERVICES (BC’s Southern Interior) Dr. David Ward Full equipped equine/bovine mobile, 250-497-6127 or 250-809-8807 5/19
BRUCE EMLYN HORSEMANSHIP (BC), www.bruceemlyn.com. Connecting with the Mind of Every Horse; clinics and private schooling 8/19
CHRISTA MIREMADI HORSEMANSHIP (Aldergrove) 604-856-2967 Training. 3/19 Problem Solving, Starting, Lessons, Clinics. www.horsemanshipfromtheheart.com
Western & Dressage Coach, Mountain Trail Course Designer. Clinics/private sessions in mountain & standard trail, ground work, round corral, ponying, desensitizing, balanced riding on/off site. Confidence building through patience & respect. RSTER FEcoaching Join us at our indoor/outdoor trail course. training
Where Your Equine Adventure Begins
250-808-0738 (Kelowna BC) See Damarhe Training on FB
GENERATION PUMP CO. (Interior BC) 250-549-0780 Paul Moore Variable Speed Experts! www.generationpumpcompany.com 6/19
8/18 7/17
DONNA HAWKINS (Aldergrove BC) 604-856-0033 donnahawkins@shaw.ca Offering Educational Clinics on evidence-based practices 3/19 7/19
International Clinician and Horseman 1-877-728-8987 www.thehorseranch.com JONATHAN FIELD HORSEMANSHIP - Inspired by Horses® www.JonathanField.net, 1-888-533-4353 8/19
Rural Roots - Real Estate EXCEPTIONAL LAKE, VALLEY & CITY VIEWS ABOUND FROM THIS PRIVATE 4.2 ACRE PROPERTY Located in SE Kelowna, a custom 4 bed/4 bath 3,889 sq. ft. walkout rancher built by Douglas Lake Homes. Designed for entertaining, the main floor offers open concept living and access to the covered outdoor entertainment areas. A gourmet kitchen complete with central island, granite countertops, gas range, double ovens, wine fridge, and a walkthrough Butler’s pantry. The master suite features beautiful views, custom walk-in closet, ensuite with soaker tub and doorless glass shower. The stables and corrals are adjacent to extensive horse trails that surround the property and equipped with a heated tack room, 870 sq. ft. custom horse barn, with two 11’x11’ box stalls and riding arena. Property backs onto Priest Creek (Crown Land) which gives horseback riders, mountain bikers and hikers access to the endless trails in Myra Canyon Provincial Park. 4531 Gaspardone Road, Kelowna BC $1,695,000 MLS® 10157996 KEITH WATTS, PREC* 250-717-5000 or 250-864-4241 RE/MAX Kelowna • Email: keithwatts17@gmail.com www.keithpwatts.com
PERFECT ‘HORSE FRIENDLY’ PROPERTY Hobby Farm on 5+ acres, approximately 4 acres in hay with perimeter fencing and cross-fencing. Included is a charming 2,300 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 2 bath home, workshop and wood storage area. Huge potential in finishing the basement in your style. Upgrades: 200 amp service, new foundation with drainage lines, furnace, gutters and soffit, and a new waterline to auto-waterer in barn was installed. Beautiful views of the Armstrong/Spallumcheen Valley. Don’t miss out of this excellent opportunity to enjoy the country lifestyle only 2 minutes from town! 4136 Salmon River Road, Armstrong BC $624,500 MLS® 10168126 For further details contact either: LOUISA COCHRANE 250-550-6561 (cell), louisa@realvernon.ca HEATHER ANGEL 250-307-1124 (cell), heather@realvernon.ca Royal Lepage Downtown Realty Vernon www.louisacochrane.com
ENJOY COUNTRY LIVING AT ITS FINEST! Located between Vernon and Falkland this 20 acre property backs onto crown land giving you endless access to an extensive trail system and Kelly Main Park. The 2,500 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom home has an open concept design and a view of the valley. The property includes 4 fenced fields with rolling hills, chicken shed and ample well water for sprinkler irrigation and home. Community riding arena and river within a 5 minute ride. Kids school bus pickup servicing Salmon Arm and Armstrong school districts. 2991 McTavish Road, Salmon Arm BC $715,000 MLS® 10162707 TIFFANY MUNSEY 778-214-4843 Coldwell Banker Horizon Realty 250-860-7500 14-1470 Harvey Avenue Kelowna, BC V1Y 9K8 tmunsey@coldwellbanker.ca www.tiffanymunsey.com
44 • OCTOBER 2018
LOVE HORSES?! THIS 6 ACRE ESTATE IS FOR YOU! Custom built main house w/2 separate living areas. Main floor residence has 9’ ceilings, 2 spacious bedrooms, gas fireplace and custom country kitchen w/solid maple cabinets. Kitchen and bath have heated floors, bathroom w/custom tiled shower and soaker tub. Take a private separate entrance up to the second floor with 2 or 3 bedrooms, an open concept oak kitchen w/island and doors to 2 concrete decks. There is an amazing 84’x165’ indoor riding arena, workshop, and greenhouses. Main barn w/6 stalls, 2 tack rooms and insulated hayloft. 4737 Gordon Road, Campbell River BC $1,299,800 MLS® 441821 For more information CALL PAUL STAPLEY – REALTOR 250-286-1877 RealPro Real Estate Services Email: paul@realprorealestate.ca Web site: paulstapley.realtyhd.com 10/18
A BEAUTIFUL, PRIVATE, 4,500 SQ. FT. LOG HOME On 87 acres backing onto crown land with miles of outriding. 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, media room/bedroom 4, large modern kitchen, gym, hot tub, gardens, golf chipping green. Huge wraparound deck, large detached garage. Stunning views all around of mountains and river. Set up for horses with fenced pastures, 60’ x 100’ sand arena, 60’ round pen and barn. Only 15 minutes from Clearwater in the North Thompson Valley and on a school bus route. Dunn Lake Road, Clearwater BC $795,000 MLS® 147462 CALL OWNER 250-674-1960 www.forsalebyowner.ca / Listing ID: 901052
17.43 PRISTINE ACRES WITH RIVER FRONTAGE This gorgeously located horse paradise in the Salmon Valley, bordered by the Salmon River, is fenced and cross-fenced, perfect for your hobby and horse farm. The 2,910 sq. ft. 3 bedroom home has been substantially renovated and updated with old country charm with lots of wood accents, and includes a large 1 bedroom self-contained suite. You’ll enjoy the tranquil, forever views from the beautiful covered sundeck. Great for all equine enthusiasts! There are sheltered paddocks, an equestrian track, and multiple outbuildings with main barn with heated lab and wash areas. Close to Vernon/Salmon Arm. 1161 Salmon River Road, Salmon Arm BC $949,000 MLS® 10161544 PLEASE CALL SABINA FRANKLAND 778-932-1953 Royal Lepage Downtown Realty Vernon sabinafrankland@royallepage.ca
Rural Roots - Real Estate
THE ULTIMATE TURNKEY HORSE RANCH 20.32 acres, 80’x120’ indoor riding arena, 200 US GPM well. 3,729 sq. ft. 4 bed/2 full bath main residence with great views from the open kitchen, living and dining room area. Also a 780 sq. ft. 1 bed/1 bath second residence. 3 minutes to town. Heated show barn with 5 stalls and auto waterers, viewing area over arena and hay loft. 52’x56’ barn with 6 24’x12’ stalls and a 26’x16’ shavings area. 38’x60’ hay shed. Comes with irrigation system and reel. 30’x48’ workshop with 22’x48’ lean-to. 3 heated automatic pasture waterers. 7.5 acres of irrigated hay fields. 165’ outdoor round pen. 4358 Lansdowne Road, Armstrong BC $2,125,000 MLS® 10165249
RIGHT IN ARMSTRONG 41.4 ACRES Truly the only property of its kind and the single largest undeveloped agricultural title within the city. On a sought after dead end street; partly in the ALR. Elite updated 2,796 sq. ft. 5 bed/4 bath home w/attached 4-car garage. Stunning custom kitchen. Partially covered deck with sublime views of the valley. Gleaming walnut trillium hardwood. Perimeter fenced and x-fenced 23 acres of sub-irrigated hayland produces 2 cuts of hay. 7 additional acres of workable land. 100’x185’ outdoor riding arena w/livestock pens. Buildings include: heated insulated shop, machine shed, barn with 3 box stalls, feed room, heated trophy/tackroom, bathroom, hay shed w/attached loafing barn. 3930 Patten Drive, Armstrong BC $2,500,000 MLS® 10168383
YOUR PARADISE IS WAITING Log home on 45 acres w/25 acres pasture, fenced and x-fenced hillside property, remainder trees. The 3 bedroom/2 bath home offers stunning valley and mountain views. 2 barns, chicken coop, outside hot-tub-area, Finnish-sauna w/wood stove and other outbuildings for your machinery. Plenty of room for your animals. 6 heated livestock waterers in fields. Approximately 7 acres in hay fields. Water license. Come home to a comfortable log home w/ new kitchen, open floorplan, master-bedroom and ensuite, main bath w/walk-in shower. 198 Bluenose Rd, Vernon/Lavington BC $919,000 MLS® 10141870 For more information INGRID BERGER - CALL OR TEXT 250-706-7215 Royal LePage Downtown Realty Vernon Email: ingrid@thebergers.ca
REALTORS YOUR AD COULD BE HERE HORSE PROPERTY WITH PRODUCTIVE FARMLAND 60 acres with 50 level acres of hay field with 3 cuts of hay on some of the best farmland around. High producing well. A well-built and maintained 2,195 sq. ft. 4 bed/2 bath house with den, central air, central vac, gas fireplace, hardwood floor. A 72’x84’ 6,048 sq. ft. new shop/barn/machine shed with a 1,500 sq. ft. loft for possible legal suite. 72’x36’ shop/barn with tack room and office, two 14’x12’ bay doors. Hay and equipment storage. 300’x150’ sand filled outdoor riding arena, 165’ large round pen. Fenced and cross-fenced, 6 auto heated watering bowls and several large paddocks. 5 minutes from Armstrong or 15 minutes from Vernon. Close to schools and on bus route. Quick possession available. 4461 Grandview Flats Road, Armstrong BC $1,750,000 MLS® 10164242
81 ACRE OFF GRID HORSE PARADISE 81.12 acres! Timber, hay, shop, sheds and a home. Sensational view. Live off grid and in comfort! Water well and a 24 volt 9 panel solar system power the house with a 6,500 watt diesel generator for backup. Public road access. 72’x45’ insulated, heated and powered shop with its own solar system. A productive 7 acre hay field and a 24’x32’ hay shed. A flowing creek travels down to the lower horse pastures, orchard area and pond. Perimeter fenced and a cattle guard at entrance. Huge timber value! 5209 Six Mile Creek Road, Falkland BC $799,800 MLS® 10165028
RUSSELL ARMSTRONG, REALTOR, CELL: 778-930-0115 Century 21 Executives Realty Ltd., Vernon BC Email: russ.sellsrealty@gmail.com / Website: www.realestateruss.ca
Starting at Only $85
Stallions & Breeders APPALOOSACENTRE.COM 250-963-9779 Real Appaloosas for Today and the Future! 7/19 AWARD WINNING FRIESIAN STAR STALLION AI/FRESH. Quality Purebred and Sporthorse Foals, www.dragonflyacres.ca, 604-539-8108 6/19 FAIRVIEW ARABIAN STUD (Okanagan Falls) 250-497-6127 SS: World Class Crabbet Bloodlines, www.fairviewarabianstud.com 5/19 OLD BALDY RANCH (Dawson Creek) 250-843-7337 SS: Breeding AQHA/NFQH Grullo & Blue Roan, www.northernhorse.com/oldbaldy 12/18 SUNSET VIEW RANCH (West Kelowna BC) 250-707-7271. Top Performance AQHA/APHA bloodlines, Breeding & Sales. SS: Dunit Canadian Style 11/18 WILDWOOD RANCHES Reg’d Quarter Horses (OK Falls, BC) 250-497-8452 SS: Standing an own son of Frenchmans Guy. www.wildwoodranches.org 3/19
Breeders, your listing SHOULD BE HERE OCTOBER 2018
On The Market (Private Sale) Old Baldy Ranch
Check Out Our Blues!
2018 Foals will be available sired by:
Krystina Lynn Photography
The Peruvian Horse
The smoothest riding horse in the world! For Pleasure, Trail, Show, Work... Discover the versatile Peruvian Horse at PHAC.ca!
Aaron & Colleen Wangler 250-843-7337 (Dawson Creek BC) oldbaldy@hotmail.ca www.northernhorse.com/oldbaldy
LBJ Sierras Blue Te AQHA Blue Roan and his son AW Blue Fire N Te AQHA Blue Roan
REFURBISHED EARLY 1900s DEMOCRAT With two upholstered seats and rubber tires. Also available turquoise/light blue harness with very pliable synthetic material.
RU H T SOLD LE UP! SADD Visit PHAC.ca for more Information on this Incredible Breed!
5/19 3/17
Asking $2,000 or $1,500 without harness. 250-231-3952 (Trail BC) Email: eandnplaxton@gmail.com
Peruvian Paso Horses Ringstead Ranch, one of Canada’s Largest breeders, now have locations in both Chase, BC and Cayley, AB.
To learn more about this beautiful & unique breed of horse, and for a complete Sales List, please visit our website. www.ringsteadranch.com deb.cones@gmail.com 403-860-9763
46 • OCTOBER 2018
9-year-old Registered Paint Mare Approximately 15HH • Sired by Blazin On Through Ridden extensively, both on trails and in the ring No vices • Sweet disposition • Good with children
$4,000 Call 250-540-3322 E-mail valdacyk@gmail.com (Armstrong BC)
7/18 8/19
Shop & Swap!
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Leather & Stitches
Custom Made Chaps Any Style Saddle, Tack & Blanket Repairs Top Quality Australian Saddles The Leather Lady
Sherri DeBoer • 250-838-0778 email: deboersherri2@gmail.com Hwy 97, Grindrod, BC Open Mon - Sat 9-6 pm 12/18 12/17
HORSE BLANKET LAUNDRY & REPAIRS HORSE BLANKET & SADDLE PAD WASHING & Repairs. Clean used Blankets for sale. Town Centre Dry Cleaners, Town Centre Mall. 250-546-0104 (Armstrong BC) 12/18
HAY HAYFIELD AVAILABLE IN 2019 – Approximately 8-10 acres in local pasture grass, in Dogwood Valley, 12 minutes from Hope BC. Fields clear of obstructions. Hay equipment NOT supplied. 778-245-0388, silver_13@live.com
DR. REEDS Supplements For Horses Chosen by horse people for 30 years
www.DrReeds.com 11/18
48 • OCTOBER 2018