Yoder Brothers HORSECATALOGAUCTION FRIDAY & SATURDAY, SEPT. 16-17, 2022 @ 9:00 AM Yoder Brothers Auction Service Auctioneers LeRoy and Willis Yoder CLARE, MICHIGAN PH: 989-386-9082 500 NORTH MISSION, MT. PLEASANT, MI Lot #445

-1Lot #485 Lot #486 Lot #468 Lot #532 Lot #240 Lot #242 Lot #20-21 Lot #237

-2Lot #417 Lot #437 Lot #430 Lot #460 Lot #469 Lot #442 Lot #488 Lot #458

-3Do you need a qualified, professional and experienced EQUINE DENTIST? • Aging Expertise • Standard Point Reduction • Wolf tooth Removal • Performance Floating • Problem Mouth Soloutions • Molar and Incisor Extraction • Modern, Professional Equipment • Thousands of Happy Customers Contact Laura Sissell (616) 558 6653 for a free quote and to discuss options for your horses.

Equine Tack
5. LIABILITY: Buyers and spectators are cautioned to take care of themselves while in or near the barns or sale ring. We urge all to keep clear of the sale ring or where the horses are being shown, and, upon failure to do so, and resultant injury therefrom, Yoder Brothers Auctions, or any of the members of the committees handling the sale, or consignor, disclaims any liability.
Terms of Sale
Amish Buggies
Harnesses and Collars • Horses
NOTE: We will not be accepting any small Horse Tack on Sale Day. Please, no horses with balking problems. Yoder Bros. Auctions reserves the right to reject horses of poor quality that do not meet our standards. #1 - 10:00 a.m. #2 - 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. followed by other Carts 1:00 p.m. starting at 8:30 a.m. #1 - 9:00 a.m. followed by 12:00 p.m. #2 - 9:00 a.m. Tack start at 8:30 a.m. SEPT. 16TH - DAY SEPT. 17TH -
Thank you for attending another Yoder Brothers Auction! INFORMATION –
Under the Michigan Equine Activity Liability Act, an equine professional is not liable for any injury to or the death of a participant in an equine activity resulting from an inherent risk of the equine activity.
Saddles • Riding and Obstacle Course
4. All guarantees are between buyer and seller and in no event shall Yoder Brothers Auction Service be responsible for correctness of warranties.
1. EVERYTHING MUST BE PAID IN FULL ON THE DAY OF THE AUCTION, regardless of when it is picked up.
3. All horses must have paid receipt before leaving the barn.
7. Sellers and truckers are responsible to get horses signed in. Riding & Driving areas available.
Draft Cross Breds
Carriages and
Driving Horses • RING
Draft Horses, Haflingers
We Will Start Taking Carriage and Tack Consignments on Wed. and Thurs., Sept. 14th and 15th, 2022- 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Carriages and horses can be brought Friday and Saturday morning on sale day.
2. Cash or Approved Check with proper ID. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Out of state checks must have Bank letter of guarantee. 4% handling fee for Visa and MasterCard.
150+ Riding Horses & Ponies • RING
6. GUARANTEE: Each consignor of this sale will make what guarantees he cares to give on his animal or animals and will be totally responsible for what guarantee he makes. These guarantees will be announced at the time the animal is placed for sale. All visible conditions to be announced sale day. Horse Sale Committee reserves the right to resell a horse that was misrepresented in the sale ring.
HarnessBRENNEMAN’S&Tack Formerly Blanchard Harness Shop 11223 East McBride Road • Riverdale, MI 48877 989-506-0721 STOP BY OUR BOOTH AT THE SALE FOR ALL YOUR HORSE SUPPLY NEEDS • Halters • Lead Ropes • Show Sheen • Hoof Black • Horse Wormers • Liquid Ivermectin • Riding Tack • Nutra Glo • Natural Horse Wormer • Bowman Bits • Plus Lots More PONY CARTS AND HARNESSES SPECIALDEAL! Sharp Flex Vet Wrap $1.50 ea. or $22.00 per 18 Ct Box • Lots Available • Call for Large Quantity Pricing

SELLINGAT11A.M. -6CARRIAGES & CARTS EXPECTING 100+CARRIAGES AND CARTS SELLING SAT., SEPT. 17th @ 11:00 AM EARLY CONSIGNMENTS • New Weststar Cruisers Large Size to Pony Size • New Pony Carts • New Miniature Sizes Carts • Fulton 1890s Two Seater Convertible Carriage - Excellent Condition • Open Surrey w/Lights, Removable Seat, Excellent Condition • Meadbrook Carts • Cutter Sleigh • Used Carts • Single Buggy • People Mover Wagon Starting with Amish Buggies, Followed by Other Carriages and Carts Lot #555 Lot #437

-7331 North Mount Tom Road • Mio, Michigan 48647 • Horse & Carriage Supplies • Leather Goods • Harness Supplies • New & Used Saddles • Pet Supplies • Purses • Custom Holsters • Horse Feed Special Mix • 1,000’s of Belts • Animal Shelters • Carts & Buggies • Wagons • Farm Supplies Many More Options to Choose From Prices starting at $2680 CONTACT US FOR PRICING SADDLE& TACK REPAIR Various Sizes FEED BUDDYS The Feed Buddy is a great way to store anything from Horse feed to Chicken feed, or whatever you want. Keeps feed dry and away from rodents. CALL BOOTHATVISITPRICINGFORUSOUR

-8INDEX CONS # NAME HORSE # 770 Bain, Tammy .................................................................................................... 494 730 Beasley, Sam 11-12-407-417-425-436-466-473 763 Beechy, Andrew ............................................................................................... 260 707 Beechy, Christy ................................................................................................ 478 823 Beechy, Eli JR 189-523 764 Beechy, Ervin ................................................................................................ 8-501 759 Beechy, Joni .............................................................................................. 212-479 706 Beechy, Owen ........................................................................................... 259-405 768 Bontrager, Freeman .................................................................................. 256-257 821 Brannan, Cheyenne 536-541-546-551 799 Brenneman, Elmer .......................................................................................... 281 725 Brenneman, Henry J. ................................................................................ 406-413 812 Brenneman, John ....................................................................................... 48-284 831 Brenneman, Noah .................................................................................... 289-553 813 Brenneman, Paul ............................................................................................... 49 794 Byler, David ...................................................................................................... 275 806 Byler, David ...................................................................................................... 522 807 Byler, Ervin 46-47-282 729 Byler, Harvey ............................................................... 240-241-242-243-244-245 787 Byler, Mervin ................................................................................................... 196 834 Byler, Noah ...................................................................................................... 554 719 Circle M Horsemanship- Mahlon ....................................................... 445-453-456 720 Circle M Horsemanship-Bennie 449-467 838 Coblentz, Gene ................................................................................................ 468 757 Eicher, Enos ..................................................................................................... 229 796 Finnell, Ericka ........................................................................................... 517-524 827 Fox Family Farm ................................................................................. 432-544-545 727 Gingerich, Eli ............................................................................................ 485-486 716 Gingerich, Micah ............................................................................................. 408 717 Gingerich,Benjamin ......................................................................................... 415 840 Glick, JR 527 775 Glick, Levi ................................................................................................. 216-217 747 Glick, Paul ........................................................................................................ 498 776 Gunders, Gale ........................................................................................... 508-514 808 Hershberger, Adam............................................... 403-428-505-515-521-526-530 805 Hershberger, Aden 402 744 Hershberger, Aden J. .................................................................................. 19-208 713 Hershberger, Ananias ........................................................................................ 22 721 Hershberger, Arlin 414-421-461 783 Hershberger, Jerry .......................................................................... 1-2-37-38-271 819 Hershberger, John ........................................................................................... 529 788 Hershberger, Lonnie ........................................................................................ 273 741 Hershberger, Nathan ....................................................................................... 218 740 Hochstetler, Nathan 446-460 754 Hostetler, Eli ....................................................................................... 32-32A-203 705 Hostetler, Ivan ................................................................................................. 423
-9INDEX - Cont’d 755 Hostetler, Jonathon ......................................................................................... 205 738 Hostetler, Laura 411-472-491-495 791 Hostetler, Levi .................................................................................................... 18 751 Kauffman Bros. ............................................................ 250-251-252-253-254-255 704 Kauffman, Dewayne .................................................................. 210-211-412-419 758 Kauffman, Jonas ................................................................................................ 36 781 Kempf, Harvey ................................................................................................. 269 810 Kempf, Norman ............................................................................................... 283 773 Kettel, Karen .................................................................................................... 504 760 Kiem, William 9-33-185 753 Lambright, James ..................................................................................... 499-507 739 Lambright, Jason ....................................................................... 246-247-248-249 710 Lambright, Jonathon ................................................................................ 490-496 814 Lapp, Steven ............................................................................................... 44-184 731 Leger, Jason 409-409A-422-441-450-450A-459 797 Lengacher, Jake....................................................................................... 3-4-16-39 782 Mapelski, Christina ....................................................................................... 25-26 769 Martin, Rodney................................................................................................ 489 749 Mast, Albert .................................................................................................... 214 723 Mast, Daniel ...................................................................................... 277-452-458 792 Mast, David ..................................................................................................... 274 715 Mast, Edward .................................................................................... 186-187-188 829 Mast, Eli 278 712 Mast, Harvey ................................................................................................... 258 836 Mast, Harvey ................................................................................................... 179 839 Mast, John ....................................................................................................... 294 733 Mast, Joni D. ...................................................................................................... 13 804 Mast, Levi 519 711 Mast, Raymond ................................................................................. 230-231-433 818 McFarland, Susan ...................................................................... 534-538-543-548 835 Miller, Abe ......................................................................................... 291-292-293 732 Miller, Andrew .......................................................................................... 416-474 756 Miller, Daniel ..................................................................................... 10-17-19-31 784 Miller, Daniel A. ............................................................................................... 197 743 Miller, David ......................................................................................... 23-24-198 702 Miller, David J. 238-239-239A 800 Miller, Elmer ...................................................................................................... 45 826 Miller, Joe ..................................................................................................... 53-54 833 Miller, Joe JR ...................................................................................................... 56 708 Miller, Lester ................................................................................... 232-233-233A 828 Miller, Monroe................................................................................................... 55 779 Miller, Paul Y. ................................................................................................... 228 762 Miller, Samuel D. ............................................................................................. 272 832 Miller, Samuel R 552-556 724 Miller, William .......................................................................................... 410-440 772 Mills, Chad ................................................................................................ 510-516 803 Morren, David .............................................................................................. 42-43 811 Petre, John Mark ...................................................................................... 528-533
722 Petre, Simeon 29-30-268 734 Plank, Justin ...................... 220-221-222-223-224-225-226-227-444-477-484-497 790 Raber, Ervin ..................................................................................................... 469 795 Raber, JR. ......................................................................................................... 276 709 Salzwedel, Lee ................................................................................... 437-471-483 736 Schrock, Rueben 443-455-488-493-503 742 Schwartz, Matthan .................................................................... 418-429-451-465 780 Seeley, Matt ..................................................................................................... 518 824 Shetler, Ervin ................................................................................................... 201 771 Simon, Yoder ...................................................................... 270-404-481-500-506 718 Sissell, Laura ............................................................................................. 434-480 822 Slabaugh, Jacob ......................................................................... 180-181-182-183 817 Stauffer, Aden .................................................................................................. 286 703 Stoll, Marcus 234-235-236 750 Stutzman Boys ........................................................................... 424-438-447-462 745 Stutzman, Dan C. ............................................................................................. 204 820 Stutzman, Emery ............................................................................................. 287 726 Stutzman, John ................................................................................................ 199 767 Stutzman, John 202 816 Thompson, Dennis ................................................................................... 532-540 809 Tip-N-Stables ................................................................................................... 525 737 Troyer, Christy ........ 14-15-20-21-27-28-34-35-40-41-420-426-430-435-442-448737 Troyer, Christy .............................................................. 454-457-464-470-476-487 801 Troyer, Dan ...................................................................................................... 192 789 Troyer, Eli .................................................................................................. 194-195 793 Troyer, Harvey ................................................................................................. 193 802 Troyer, Henry 190-191 785 Troyer, John ..................................................................................................... 512 830 Troyer, Willis .................................................................................................... 555 701 Up North Equine .............................................................................................. 237 752 Weaver David L. ............................................................................................... 213 714 Weaver, Marty 209 735 Weaver, Owen ................................................................................................. 219 728 Westdorp, Clint ......................................................................... 427-431-502-509 765 Wood, Sidni 492 786 Yoder, Andy............................................................................................... 513-520 774 Yoder, Andy A. ..................................................................................................... 7 748 Yoder, Henry ............................................................................................. 475-482 837 Yoder, Isaac ...................................................................................................... 557 761 Yoder, Lester 206-207 777 Yoder, Levi ........................................................................................................ 5-6 746 Yoder, Mark ..................................................................................................... 215 815 Yoder, Marvin .............................................................................. 50-51-285-285A 766 Yoder, Michael ...................................................... 261-262-263-264-265-266-267 798 Yoder, Steven ............................................................................................ 279-280 825 Yoder, William............................................................................................. 52-288 778 Yoder, Willis ..................................................................................................... 511 INDEX - Cont’d -10-
Sire: Pullingbred Lot# 9 Consignor: William Keim #760 Stanwood, MI Barney Percheron Gelding Yearling Lot# 10 Consignor: Daniel Miller #756 Gladwin, MI Belgian Gelding-Blonde Yearling Halter broke. Pullingbred.
Lot# 1 Consignor: Jerry Hershberger #783 Lakeview, MI
Dinah Belgian Mare-Blonde 2 Yrs Old Green broke to most farm machinery. Very quiet for a 2 yr old. Good worker. Children have been driving her when hitched w/an older horse. Will be like her full sister Diane Lot# 1.
Sire by: Elect’s Chief Sire of Dam by: Lengacher’s Special Lot# 3-4 Consignor: Jake Lengacher #797 Spencerville, IN Belgian Geldings-Lt. Red Sorrel 5 & 6 Yrs Old 17.3H Broke to all farm equipment. Very good broke farm team.
Sire by: Elect’s Chief Sire of Dam by: Lengacher’s Special Lot# 2 Consignor: Jerry Hershberger #783 Lakeview, MI
Lot# 5-6 Consignor: Levi Yoder #777 Blanchard, MI Rock & Doc Percheron Geldings w/Long Tails 4 Yrs Old Kid broke to all farm machinery. Single or double. Also broke to ride. Would make a good carriage team.
Sire by: Kings Final Sire of Dam: Sonny
Diane Belgian Mare-Blonde 3 Yrs Old Broke to all farm machinery. Very quiet. Good worker.Nice strechy mare. Exposed to a Belgian Stallion a CD Rex Son. Will be vet checked.
Lot# 7 Consignor: Andy A. Yoder #774 Blanchard, MI Nate Percheron Gelding-Black 2 Yrs Old Nate is a smaller gelding that has a long tail. Broke to all farm machinery.
Lot# 8 Consignor: Ervin Beechy #764 Gladwin, MI Bell Belgian Mare-Blonde 3 Yrs Old Broke to all farm machinery.
-12Lot# 11 Consignor: Sam Beasley #730 Allen, MI Info sale day! Lot# 12 Consignor: Sam Beasley #730 Allen, MI Info sale day! Lot# 13 Consignor: Joni D. Mast #733 Gladwin, MI LT Betsy’s Janet Belgian Mare-Red Sorrel 11 Yrs Old Well broke to farm machinery. Has been on our farm since she was a 2yr ol Sire: Type-High Belle’s Buster by: Neumann’s Clint Dam: LT Betsy Jane by: Con Count K Lot# 14 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Info sale day! Lot# 15 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Info sale day! Lot# 16 Consignor: Jake Lengacher #797 Spencerville, IN Belgian Mare-Blonde 11 Yrs Old Pullingbred. Very good broke. Ultrasounded in foal to an Elect’s Chief Son. Lot# 17 Consignor: Daniel Miller #756 Gladwin, MI Belgian Stallion-Blonde Weanling Halter broke. Nice solid colt. Sire by: Bogg’s Creek Rocky Lot# 18 Consignor: Levi Hostetler #791 Stanwood, MI Charlie Percheron Gelding-Black 2 Yrs Old Will mature to 17H. Nice quiet nature. More info sale day. Lot# 19 Consignor: Aden Hershberger #744 Gladwin, MI Don Belgian Gelding-Roan 3 Yrs Old Broke to all farm machinery. Eligible to register. Sire: Sunny Rock Supreme by: King’s Sunny R Dam: Stoney Acres D’s Ann by: Moe’s Deluxe
Broke to
Earl & Pearl
Lot# 23-24
Lot# 22
Lot# 31
Lot# 20-21
Halter broke.Nice
Red sorrel
Lot# 27 Consignor:
Lot# 25
-13Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN & Duke Belgian Mare & Gelding-Light Sorrel 5 & 6 Yrs Old all farm equipment. Well matched team that has long tails. Full Dolly is bred for 2023 to a Elect’s Chief son. Consignor: Ananias Hershberger #713 Gladwin, MI Percheron Gelding-Black w/star 9 Yrs Old to all farm machinery. Single or double. TSS. Consignor: David Miller #743 Gladwin, MI Belgian/Haflinger Cross Gelding-Mare 2 & 3 yrs Old w/strip and white mane and tail. Well broke. Pearl’s Duke Supreme by: Mullet’s Duke Supreme Consignor: Christina Mapelski #782 Mancelona, MI Percheron Filly-Black w/Star Yearling broke. Leads. Very gentle and friendly. 26 Consignor: Christina Mapelski #782 Mancelona, MI Percheron Gelding-Black w/Star Yearling broke. Leads. Very friendly. Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN sale day! Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN sale day! 29-30 Consignor: Simeon Petre #722 Manton, MI & Turbo Belgian Geldings-Sorrel w/Blaze 5 & 6 Yrs Old A well matched team that’s broke to all farm machinery. 1/2 brothers. Consignor: Daniel Miller #756 Gladwin, MI Belgian Filly-Blonde Yearling filly. by: Bogg’s Creek Rocky
Lot# 28
Lot# 35
Lot# 32
Lot# 34
-14Consignor: Eli Hostetler #754 Fremont, MI Percheron Cross Gelding-Black w/2 Whites 2 yrs Old Broke. Consignor: Eli Hostetler #754 Fremont, MI Percheron Mare Smooth Mouth to all machinery. Still works good. Good broodmare. Consignor: William Keim #760 Stanwood, MI Percheron Mare 12 Yrs Old Broodmare. Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Belgian Gelding - Blonde w/ Long Tail 2 Yrs Old to all farm equipment. Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Belgian Gelding - Blonde w/ Long Tail 3 Yrs Old Broke to all farm equipment. 36 Consignor: Jonas Kauffman #758 Engadine, MI Belgian Cross Gelding 7 Yrs Old Broke to all farm machinery. Not a kid’s horse. 37 Consignor: Jerry Hershberger #783 Lakeview, MI Belgian Gelding-Red Sorrel w/Dk Mane & Tail 2 Yrs Old Green broke. Has been hitched to the baler. Tugg 38 Consignor: Jerry Hershberger #783 Lakeview, MI Belgian Mare-Red Sorrel w/Lt. Mane & Tail 6 Yrs Old Broke to all farm machinery. Willing worker. Little boys can drive. to a C.D. Rex son a Belgian Stallion. Will be vet checked. Rock by: Lengacher’s Special son 39 Consignor: Jake Lengacher #797 Spencerville, IN 1/2 Belgian-1/2 Haflinger Gelding 5 yrs Old Broke single or double. Also rides. Very easy going.
Lot# 32A
Lot# 33
-15Lot# 40 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Info sale day! Lot# 41 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Info sale day! Lot# 42 Consignor: David Morren #803 Allendale, MI Bass River Ardee Belgian Stallion Yearling He is in the process of being registered. Sire: Final’s Bud #S70384 by: Final’s C.D. Mike #S66628 Dam: Bass River Jimmy’s Gem #M127839 by: Casco’s Jimmy #S62322 Lot# 43 Consignor: David Morren #803 Allendale, MI Bass River Addee Belgian Mare Yearling She is in the process of being registered. Sire: Final’s Bud #S70384 by: Final’s C.D. Mike #S66628 Dam: Bass River Jimmy’s Jewel by: Casco’s Jimmy #S62322 Lot# 44 Consignor: Steven Lapp #814 Evart, MI Vegas Spotted Draft Mare 9 Yrs Old Broke to all farm machinery. Excellent broodmare. Lot# 45 Consignor: Elmer Miller #800 Engadine, MI Clark’s Rosie Jane Belgian Mare 20 Yrs Old Broke to all farm machinery. Sire: Newmann’s Rosie’s clark Lot# 46-47 Consignor: Ervin Byler #807 Farwell, MI HES Girls Teresa - HES Girls Gina Reg. Belgian Mares 17 & 18 Yrs Old Good broke team. Anybody can drive. Full sisters. Sire: Rieck’s Major II by: Paradise Billy Ray Dam: Girl Supreme Marais by: PVF Monty Supreme Lot# 48 Consignor: John Brenneman #812 Morley, MI May Belgian Mare 17 Yrs Old Nice sound mare. Can Still do a days work. Exposed. Will be vet checked.
Percheron Filly-Grey Weanling Consignor: William Yoder #825 Brown City, MI
Percheron Stallion-Grey Weanling Consignor: Marvin Yoder #815 Blanchard, MI
Jill Percheron Mare-Black 4 Yrs Old Smaller mare. Broke. Been used around the sawmill. 56 Consignor: Joe Miller JR. #833 Morley, MI
Johnny’s Delight Stdbred-Pony Cross Filly-Bay Yearling A sharp pony cross that will get nice. Broke to lead. First sale.
Ranger Quarter Horse Cross Gelding-Black 8 yrs Old
CROSSBREDS 179 Consignor: Harvey Mast #836 Whittemore, MI
Belgian Stallion-Red Sorrel 6/14/2022 Broke to lead. Sire: Elect’s Dusty by: Elect’s Chief 53 Consignor: Joe Miller #826 Brown City, MI
TSS. Children and lady safe. 180 Consignor: Jacob Slabaugh #822 Brown City, MI
Champs Charley Belgian Pullingbred Stallion-Blonde Yearling Big strong colt. Broke to lead. Sire: O.V.D. Chester’s Champ 54 Consignor: Joe Miller #826 Brown City, MI
Lot# 49
Matt Draft Gelding-Red Sorrel 3 Yrs Old Has worked in the woods, around the sawmill, and wherever he was needed. Not a small horse.
Lot# 51
Lot# 52
Becky Belgian Mare-Red Sorrel 10 Yrs Old Broke to all farm machinery. A good lead horse. 55 Consignor: Monroe Miller #828 Blanchard, MI
Percheron Gelding Yearling Halter broke. Will mature to a nice stocky gelding. Consignor: Marvin Yoder #815 Blanchard, MI
Lot# 50
-16Consignor: Paul Brenneman #813 Morley, MI
Brownie Stdbred-Paint Cross Mare-Brown & White 16 Yrs Old
Lot# 182 Consignor: Jacob Slabaugh #822 Brown City, MI
Lot# 185 Consignor: William Keim #760 Stanwood, MI
Farley’s Justin Stdbred-Friesian Cross Stallion-Bay Weanling Upheaded colt that is wide awake. Dam is lot# 182. First day off the farm.
Lot# 189
Lot# 188
Lot# 181 Consignor: Jacob Slabaugh #822 Brown City, MI
DHH-Hackney Cross Mare-Dk. Bay 8 Yrs Old TSS. Women can drive. Broke to the surrey. In foal to D.J.’s Trump for 2023. Hard copy papers in hand.
Lot# 184 Consignor: Steven Lapp #814 Evart, MI
Jenny 3/4 Percheron-1/4 Stdbred Mare 2 Yrs Old Lot# 186 Consignor: Edward Mast #715 Marlette, MI 1/2 Percheron-1/4 Morgan-1/4 Friesian 5 Yrs Old Mare-Black. 11 yr old nephew has used her for loading hay and hauling manure. Well broke, but works with snap. Vet checked and in foal for April 21, 2023. Dam to Lot# 187 Consignor: Edward Mast #715 Marlette, MI Percheron-Friesian-Morgan Filly-Black 4/28/2022 by: Quido (Friesian) Dam: Judy Lot# 186 Consignor: Edward Mast #715 Marlette, MI Percheron-Stdbred-Friesian Cross Filly-Black 4/11/2022 Quido (Friesian) Consignor: Eli Beechy JR #823 Brown City, MI Stdbred-Pony Cross Stallion-Black w/Blaze Weanling and loves to trot. Dream is a 16.1H surrey mare. Broke to lead. DJ’s Trump by: Dontcheatonmenow Dam by: Striking Sahbra
61” tall
Lady Morgan/Spotted Draft Cross Mare 3 Yrs Old Sorrel w/stripe. Has been hitched single or double. Has snap.
Lot# 187
Brownie has been on the farm for many years. Broke to ride and drive. Has been hitched to the one horse lawn mower. In foal for 2023 to a Farley P son. First sale. Lot# 183 Consignor: Jacob Slabaugh #822 Brown City, MI
Lot# 191
Lot# 193
-18Consignor: Henry Troyer #802 Clare, MI 7/8 Stdbred-1/8 Percheron Gelding-Black 3 Yrs Old broke. Consignor: Henry Troyer #802 Clare, MI 7/8 Stdbred-1/8 Percheron Mare-Grey Yearling 192 Consignor: Dan Troyer #801 Clare, MI 7/8 Stdbred-1/8 Percheron Gelding-Bay 3 Yrs Old Buggy broke. Consignor: Harvey Troyer #793 Beaverton, MI 1/2 Percheron-1/2 Stdbred Gelding-Bay 5 Yrs Old Broke single or double. Consignor: Eli Troyer #789 Clare, MI Morgan-Stdbred Cross Mare-Bay 10 Yrs Old Not 100% sound. Have been using her as a broodmare. In foal to a Morgan Stallion. 195 Consignor: Eli Troyer #789 Clare, MI Whiskey 3/4 DHH-1/4 Stdbred Gelding-Bay 14 Yrs Old 17H TSS. Women can drive. Travels good. Broke to most farm equipment. 196 Consignor: Ervin Byler #787 Clare, MI Turbo Friesian-Stdbred Cross Gelding-Bay 17 Yrs Old Broke as a 2 yr old, hardly had a 2 wk break since, except in the last year. We no longer need him. 197 Consignor: Daniel A. Miller #784 Gladwin, MI 1/4 Friesian-1/4 Percheron-3/8 Stdbred Weanling Filly-Bay 198 Consignor: David Miller #743 Gladwin, MI Stdbred Cross Mare-Black w/Strip & 2 Whites 15 Yrs Old She has been used as a school horse for the last 9 years.
Lot# 194
TSS. Buggy
Lot# 190
Leads. Lot#
A sharp filly out of Royal
Harman’s Heather
Gelding 6 Yrs Old Mostly traffic safe, but doesn’t like big tractors or trucks. Sound. Selling because I have too many horses. Lot# 205 Consignor: Jonathon Hochstetler #755 Fremont, MI Flex Stdbred-1/4 Dutch Cross Gelding 2 Yrs Old Bay w/ 4 Whites and Star. Started in harness, but still a little green. Sire: Birthday Hanover Lot#206 Consignor: Lester Yoder #761 Marlette, MI Frisky 3/4 Stdbred-1/4 Friesian Filly-Black Weanling Sire of Sire: Stormy Night Sire of Dam: Piskahagen Lot# 207 Consignor: Lester Yoder #761 Marlette, MI Curly 5/8 Stdbred-3/8 Friesian Gelding-Black Yearling
-19John Stutzman #726 Gladwin, MI Stdbred-1/8 Morgan-1/8 Saddlebred 5 Yrs Old or Good family driver. Stands good at stop Ervin Shetler #824 Marlette, MI Stdbred-Friesian Filly-Bay Yearling and a Farley P son. Upheaded and broke to Royal Rainbow by: Stonebridge Lord John Stutzman #767 Clare, MI Gelding-Dk. Bay w/ 2 Whites 13 Yrs Old drive. Solid build. Hard copy papers. Reve D Udon Dam: Two Stars For Me By: Super Bowl Eli Hochstetler #754 Fremont, MI 3/4 Stdbred-1/4 Dutch Mare-Bay 9 Yrs Old Women can drive. Good broodmare. Dan Stutzman #745 Gladwin, MI Dutch Harness
lead. Sire: Farley’s Harman Dam:
TSS. Surrey horse deluxe.
Lot# 202 Consignor:
to hitch and
2nd Dam: Mythical Queen Lot# 203 Consignor:
Selling open. Lot# 204 Consignor:
Lot# 199 Consignor:
signs. DRIVING HORSES Lot# 201 Consignor:
TSS. Easy to handle. Ladies can
Mare-Bay. TSS. Broke single
June 3/4
Toonue Stdbred
Sire: Revenue S By:
-20Lot# 208 Consignor: Aden Hershberger #744 Gladwin, MI Frisky Stdbred Gelding-Black 3 Yrs Old 16H Broke. A good horse for older school boys. Home raised. Lot# 209 Consignor: Marty Weaver #714 Blanchard, MI Lincoln Stdbred Gelding-Bay w/ small star 5 Yrs Old 16H He was our main horse the last 2 yrs. He has a willing to please attitude. Lot# 210 Consignor: Dewayne Kauffman #704 E. Jordan, MI Nellie Stdbred Mare-Bay 3 Yrs Old Home raised. Would make a good project for somebody to put on the finishing touches. Lot# 211 Consignor: Amzie Kauffman #704 E. Jordan, MI Blaze Stdbred Gelding-Dk. Bay w/ 2 Whites 9 Yrs Old More Info sale day! Lot# 212 Consignor: Joni Beechy #759 Gladwin, MI Judy Stdbred Mare-Dk. Brown 8 Yrs Old Hard copy papers. Women can drive. Sire: Shady Shark Hanover Dam: Fashion’s In #1M4386 Lot# 213 Consignor: Daniel Weaver #752 Gladwin, MI Sum - Darvin Stdbred Mare-Bay 8 Yrs Old TSS. In the buggy 4 yrs. Boys horse. Hard copy papers. Tatoo# 1M114 Sire: Lump Sum Dam: Dutchess of Darvin Lot# 214 Consignor: Albert Mast #749 Blanchard, MI Info sale day. Lot# 215 Consignor: Mark Yoder #746 Clare, MI Turbo DHH-Stdbred Cross Gelding-Bay w/2 Whites 8 Yrs Old TSS. Women can drive. Stands to hitch and at corners.
Sire: Man Of Big Dreams by Mr. Cantab Dam: Rosie’s Pockets by: Muscle Mass Lot#220 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Keep Paying Stdbred Mare-Bay 3 Yrs Old Buggy broke. TSS. Broke for the women. Very pretty and travels good enough for the boys. Hard, tough,clean, sound, round, and fat. All trot.
Sire: Deuce Seelster Sire of Dam: Artiscape
Sire: Jereme’s Jet Sire of Dam: Party At Art’s Place
-21Consignor: Levi Glick #775 Gladwin, MI 3/4 Stdbred-1/4 DHH Gelding-Bay 4 Yrs Old Broke for the women. Max 217 Consignor: Levi Glick #775 Gladwin, MI 3/4 Stdbred-1/4 DHH Gelding 3 Yrs Old TSS. Broke. Apollo 218 Consignor: Nathan Hershberger #741 Clare, MI More Info Sale Day! 219 Consignor: Owen Weaver #735 Gladwin, MI Hill Express Stdbred Gelding-Bay w/ Star Yearling Big yearling with a nice pedigree. Hard copy papers.
Lot# 223 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Party Jet Stdbrd Mare-Dk. Bay 4 Yrs Old Buggy broke. TSS. Well broke. Fast traveler. A pretty mare that is fun to drive. Has a big rolling trot. All trot.
Lot# 216
Sire: Keep It Real Sire of Dam: Western Hanover Lot# 221 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Info sale day. Lot# 222 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI
Sire: Turbo
Two Moods Stdbred Mare-Bay w/2 Whites 5 Yrs Old Buggy broke. TSS. A stout built mare that’s well broke. She is good looking and will not shy off a big load. Drove her over to the feed store and loaded up numerous items. All trot.
-22Lot# 224 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Info sale day. Lot# 225 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Info sale day. Lot# 226 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Info sale day. Lot# 227 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Stdbred-Pony Cross Mare-Bay w/2 Whites 3 Yrs Old Buggy broke. TSS. Very well broke. Women can drive, yet is nice enough for the men. A fast traveler and oh so pretty. She has very good conformation and a heart of gold. Lot# 228 Consignor: Paul Miller #779 Clare, MI Macy Lou Friesian-Stdbred-Morgan Cross Mare-Black 3 Yrs Old Is Registered. More Info Sale Day! Lot# 229 Consignor: Enos Eicher #757 Clare, MI Stdbred Gelding- Dk. Bay 2 Yrs Old Surrey horse deluxe. Sire: Smokey Bear Dam: Grade Lot# 230 Consignor: Raymond Mast #711 Gladwin, MI Jewel Stdbred-Friesian Cross Mare-Dk Bay 4 Yrs Old TSS. Well broke. Should make a good family horse. First sale. Elegible to register w/ F.S.H.R. Sire: Haite Fan North Star Dam: Precious Love by: Neely Dunn Lot# 231 Consignor: Raymond Mast #711 Gladwin, MI Randy Stdbred-Friesian Cross Gelding-Bay w/ Star 2 Yrs Old A well started 2 yr old with a good drive. TSS. First sale. Elegible to register w/ F.S.H.R. Full sister to Jewel Lot# 230. Sire: Haite Fan North Star Dam: Precious Love by: Neely Dunn
Sire: Cherry’s Hotrod Dam by: Muscle Massive
Lot# 232 Consignor: Lester Miller #708 Gladwin, MI
Sire: Crazy Blue Sky Dam: Boog by: Four Stanz Robro
Sire: Jazz Dam: Trottingbred
Canadian Credit Stdbred Mare-Bay w/ 1 White 3 Yrs Old Very upheaded, good driving mare that’s broke the best. Women can drive. A real sweetheart. Paper work is in order.
Sharp upheaded yearling, with lots of motion. Paperwork in order to Reg.
Stdbred Gelding-Bay w/2 Whites Yearling
Upheaded gelding that can go mile after mile. If you want one for long distance check in. Been hitched to the buggy and I’ve been driving him all over. More of a boy’s horse. Paper work in at USTA.
Royal Beauty Stdbred Mare-Black 9 Yrs Old 16H TSS. Stands to hitch and at corners. Nice surrey mare that takes the miles. Tatoo #7LA30. Broke for the women. In foal to Deer Run Brutus by: Stone Cold Assasin x Muscles Yankee Dam By: Top Gun Hall 2nd Dam by: Overcomer Sire: Royal Strength
Lot# 233 Consignor: Lester Miller #708 Gladwin, MI
I’m Crazy Two Stdbred Gelding-Bay 3 Yrs Old
Lot# 233A Consignor: Lester Miller #708 Gladwin, MI
Lot# 234 Consignor: Marcus Stoll #703 Manton, MI
Sire: The Canadian Kind by: Brazen Dam: East Creek Jenny by: Credit Winner
Sire: Touch Down Town Dam: Cannes by: Lindy Lane 2nd Dam by: Super Bowl Lot# 236 Consignor: Marcus Stoll #703 Manton, MI
Twinkle Friesian- Stdbred Cross Mare-Black 2 Yrs Old 15.3H Powerful driving mare that likes it in the buggy.Stands to hitch and at corners. Notices some traffic.
Lot# 235 Consignor: Marcus Stoll #703 Manton, MI Jenny Can Do It Stdbred Mare-Bay 4 Yrs Old Sharp driving mare with as ton of drive. Been in the buggy 4 mo. Hard copy papers.
Carolinasuperstar Stdbred Mare-Dk. Brown 4 Yrs Old Broke to a T. 100% TSS. Personal type or broodmare. Been there and that. Women can hook up and drive her anywhere. Rally In The Night by: Muscle Hill Carolina Sara by: Davanti 238 Consignor: David Jay Miller #702 Clare, MI Friesian-Stdbred Cross Gelding-Bay 2 Yrs Old Well started to cart. Would make a good surrey horse. Blitzen Sire of Dam: Price Speed 239 Consignor: David Jay Miller #702 Clare, MI Quoter Stdbred Gelding-Black Yearling size yearling. Great prospect! Sire: Mr. Anson Lockdown Jazz by: Lockeeper 2nd Dam: Jurgy Hanover 239A Consignor: David Jay Miller #702 Clare, MI
-24Consignor: Up North Equine #701 Clare, MI
Highland Salsa Stdbred Mare-Bay 5 Yrs Old mare that we just weaned her first colt off. Selling because she didn’ t get back in foal. Drives good. Lots of trot. TSS. Will be buggy broke. Would work for Michigan Program as a broodmare. Sportswriter
Lot# 237
Dam: Highland Western Sire of Dam: Western Terro 2nd Dam by: Jate Lobell
Dam: Trottingbred 240 Consignor: Harvey Byler #729 Clare, MI Dream Girl Stdbred Mare-Bay 4 Yrs Old mare that is TSS. Will be in the buggy by sale day. First sale. Dream Rocker Dam: Time Travel Sire of Dam: Keystone Nordic 2nd Dam by: Jurgy Hanover 241 Consignor: Harvey Byler #729 Clare, MI Info sale day. 242 Consignor: Harvey Byler #729 Clare, MI
Trottingbred Filly- Black w/ 2 Whites & Star Yearling Trottingbred
-25Lot# 243 Consignor: Harvey Byler #729 Clare, MI Info sale day. Lot# 244 Consignor: Harvey Byler #729 Clare, MI Jet Black Stdbred Gelding-Black 10 yrs old At trainer at time of consignment. Trots like a trotter in the plates. TSS Will be buggy broke. Sire: Pumspacific Flight Dam: Jennas Magic Sire of Dam: Jennas Beach Boy Lot# 245 Consignor: Harvey Byler #729 Clare, MI So Classy Stdbred Gelding-Brown 13 yrs Old Chunky gelding, that’s well broke. Been in the buggy 8 yrs. One owner. TSS. Been everywhere, to church, singings, town, and out after dark. Women were driving him. Sire: Articulator Dam: So Shy Sire of Dam: No Nukes Lot# 246 Consignor: Jason Lambright #739 Topeka, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 247 Consignor: Jason Lambright #739 Topeka, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 248 Consignor: Jason Lambright #739 Topeka, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 249 Consignor: Jason Lambright #739 Topeka, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 250 Consignor: Kauffman Bros. #751 Mio, MI Info sale day. Lot# 251 Consignor: Kauffman Bros. #751 Mio, MI Info sale day. Lot# 252 Consignor: Kauffman Bros. #751 Mio, MI Info sale day. Lot# 253 Consignor: Kauffman Bros. #751 Mio, MI Info sale day.
-26Lot# 254 Consignor: Kauffman Bros. #751 Mio, MI Info sale day. Lot# 255 Consignor: Kauffman Bros. #751 Mio, MI Info sale day. Lot# 256 Consignor: Freeman Bontrager #768 Fremont, MI Chaotic Decision Stdbred Gelding-Brown 7 Yrs Old TSS. Was in the buggy for 1 yr. Been to town , church, and all over. Women can drive. Sire: Calchips Brute Dam: Sari Maki Hanover by: Donato Hanover Lot# 257 Consignor: Freeman Bontrager #768 Fremont, MI Nobody Move Stdbred Mare-Bay 12 Yrs Old TSS. Been to town and everywhere. Has some speed. Will pace, but mostly trot. Bred to Stonebridge Tonic for 2023. Vet checked by sale day. Sire: Nuclear Breeze Dam: Robin the Bank by: Jeremy’s Gambit Lot# 258 Consignor: Harvey Mast #712 Gladwin, MI Andy 1/2 Friesian-Stdbred-Hackney Cross Gelding 2 Yrs Old Black. A good looking 2 yr. old that should have 30 days training by sale time. Registered w/ F.S.H.R. Sire: Archer ( Friesian ) Dam: 3/4 Stdbred- 1/4 Hackney Lot# 259 Consignor: Owen Beechy #706 Gladwin, MI Echo’s Diamond Morgan-Stdbred Cross Gelding-Black 2 Yrs Old Smaller 2 yr. old with some drive. Sire: RG Black Dandy’s Echo Dam: Morgan- Stdbred Cross Lot# 260 Consignor: Andrew Beechy #763 Gladwin, MI Angel Stdbred Mare-Bay 3 Yrs Old TSS. Green broke. Sire: Play the Odds Sire of Dam: Black Market 2nd Dam: Balanced Image Lot# 261 Consignor: Michael Yoder #766 LaGrange, IN Info Sale Day!
-27Lot# 262 Consignor: Michael Yoder #766 LaGrange, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 263 Consignor: Michael Yoder #766 LaGrange, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 264 Consignor: Michael Yoder #766 LaGrange, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 265 Consignor: Michael Yoder #766 LaGrange, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 266 Consignor: Michael Yoder #766 LaGrange, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 267 Consignor: Michael Yoder #766 LaGrange, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 268 Consignor: Simeon Petre #722 Manton, MI Stella Stdbred Mare-Bay 7 Yrs Old TSS. Good traveler that can handle the miles. Not recommended for women. In foal to Neelydoneit for June 2023 Sire: SJ Photo Son Lot# 269 Consignor: Harvey Kempf #781 Ubly, MI Silver Shoe Express Stdbred Mare-Bay 6 Yrs Old 15.1H Sound, but not traffic safe. Sire: Net Ben Eon Lot# 270 Consignor: Simon Yoder #771 Blanchard, MI Racing Pony-Hackney Cross Mare 2 Yrs Old 53” 100% TSS. Broke to drive. Lot# 271 Consignor: Jerry Hershberger #783 Lakeview, MI Misty Stdbred Mare-Bay w/ Blk. Mane & Tail 9 Yrs Old 2 Whites. Broodmare. Bred to Man Over The Moon. Will be vet checked before sale day. Sire: Sports Award by: American Winner Sire Of Dam: Wardens Speedy Crown Lot# 272 Consignor: Samuel D. Miller #762 Gladwin, MI Laura Stdbred Mare 17 Yrs Old Traffic safe. Good for short trips. Selling as a broodmare. Bred for 2023 Blind in right eye.
Sire: Cougar Hall Dam: Oceanview Kitty by: N-Xample Tatoo# 3FP48 274 Consignor: David Mast #792 Beaverton, MI Fern Stdbred Mare-Black 7 Yrs Old Sound. Shies about big trucks. Drives with tight lines. Boys horse. Exposed to a Percheron stallion. 275 Consignor: David Byler #794 Farwell, MI Stdbred Gelding-Dk. Bay 5 Yrs Old Buggy broke. 276 Consignor: JR Raber #795 Shipshewana, IN SS Dawns Delight Friesian-Stdbred Cross Mare-Black Weanling Halter broke. Dam is 16.3H and drives great. Sire: Ryobi V.L. By: Farley P.L. Dam of Sire: Wanda P by: Doaitsen 420 Dam: Taylor Rene by: Charlie Di Vie 277 Consignor: Daniel Mast (Agent) #723 Whittemore, MI Skip Stdbred Gelding 4 Yrs Old 15+H All trot. Likes to drive. Not in the bit. Has been in the top buggy. Will notice some objects in the ditch and some bigger traffic. Sire: Aster Hanover Lot# 278 Consignor: Eli Mast #829 Stdbred Mare 10 Yrs Old 279 Consignor: Steven Yoder #798 Leslie, MI Friesian- Stdbred Cross Mare-Bay 2 Yrs Old Just Started to drive.
-28273 Consignor: Lonnie Hershberger #788 Dowling, MI Oceanview Cheetah Stdbred Mare-Dk. Bay 3 Yrs Old Good broke. Has been on 13 mile trips. Used with the lawnmower. Should make a women’s horse with a little time. Does look at bigger traffic.
Sire: CHF Armin Sire of Dam: Muscle Mass Lot# 280 Consignor: Steven Yoder #798 Leslie, MI Friesian- Stdbred Cross Mare-Black 2 Yrs Old Just started to drive. Sire: CHF Armin Dam: Pacingbred
-29Lot# 281 Consignor: Elmer Brenneman #799 Morley, MI May Stdbred Mare-Bay w/ 2 Whites 5 Yrs Old TSS. Buggy broke. Boys type. Lot# 282 Consignor: Ervin Byler #807 Farwell, MI Stdbred Mare-Bay 8 Yrs Old 16.1H May not be sound for long trips. Broodmare potential. No papers. Sire: Spirit Seeker Sire of Dam: Angus Hall Lot#283 Consignor: Norman Kempf #810 Ubly, MI Grade Gelding 4 Yrs Old Boy’s horse. Lot# 284 Consignor: John Brenneman #812 Morley, MI Stdbred Stallion Weanling Halter broke. Nice black colt with an easy trot. Sire: Blue Glide Volo by: Yankee Glide Lot# 285 Consignor: Marvin Yoder #815 Blanchard, MI Shelby Morgan Mare 10 Yrs Old Women’s horse. Has been everywhere. Was my wife’s main horse for 7 yrs. Bred to a Stdbred, Southwind Elian for a 2023 foal. Lot# 285A Consignor: Marvin Yoder #815 Blanchard, MI Stdbred Mare-Black w/2 Whites TSS. Broke for anybody. . Lot# 286 Consignor: Adin Stauffer #817 Marion, MI SOS Awesome Stdbred Mare-Bay w/ 4 Whites 17 Yrs Old Trafffic Safe. For short trips only. Exposed to a stallion. Hard copy papers. Tatoo# 2C583 Sire: Fool Me Not by: Royal Prestiage Dam: Garland Lobell Lot# 287 Consignor: Emery Stutzman #820 Gladwin, MI Nickle Stdbred Stallion 3 Yrs Old 15H TSS. Broke double. More Info Sale Day. Sire: SF Plantium
Comet Stdbred-Race Pony Cross Gelding-Dk. Bay 12 Yrs Old Traffic Safe. Very well broke to drive. Boy’s horse. 293 Consignor: Abe Miller #835 Remus, MI
Stdbred Mare - Bay 15 Yrs Old A stocky built mare that is taking the family to church. TSS.
A well started big black Donersteen grandson. Sire: Isaiah Lot# 291 Consignor: Abe Miller #835 Remus, MI
Stdbred Gelding-Black 2 Yrs Old 15.2H Been in the buggy and has been to church. A young 2 yr old that will only get better. TSS. Hard copy papers. First sale. Tatoo# 5VC67 292 Consignor: Abe Miller #835 Remus, MI
Lot# 402 Consignor: Aden Hershberger #805 Blanchard, MI Mini Pony Mare-Dk. Brown 2 Yrs Old
Kenny DHH-Stdbred Cross Gelding 2 Yrs Old
Creek Side Justin Stdbred Gelding-Dk. Bay 5 Yrs Old TSS. Women can drive. Been to town and church. Been out after dark. First sale. Sire: Creek Side Marcus 289 Consignor: Noah Brenneman #831 Riverdale, MI
Very well broke to ride and drive. 403 Consignor: Adam Hershberger #808 Clare, MI Rocket Pony Cross Gelding-Bay Yearling Upheaded and alert. Sire: Power Chip (Stdbred-Friesian)
Hank 3/4 Stdbred-1/4 Friesian Gelding-Dk. Bay 5 Yrs Old 16.1H TSS. A nice gelding that is broke single or double and has seen it all. Will fill both hands.
-30288 Consignor: William Yoder #825 Brown City, MI
Sire: Super American Lot# 294 Consignor John Mast #839 Remus, MI
Sheila Mare-Blue Roan 4 Yrs Old Sweet, pretty mare, that’s broke for the whole family. Very smooth gaited and sharp. Been on the trails. She has also had lots of road miles. She’s been everywhere. Trail horse deluxe. Check her out!
Lot# 409 Consignor: Jason Leger #731 Crab Orchard, KY Misty Appaloosa Mare 7 Yrs Old Misty was broke to ride as a 2 & 3 yr. old. She has raised babies the last few years. She is a great mother. She has been exposed back to the same stallion.
Lot# 404 Consignor: Simon Yoder #771 Blanchard, MI Roxy Pony Cross Mare-Bay 6 Yrs Old 57” TSS. Broke to ride and drive.
Lot# 405 Consignor: Owen Beechy #706 Gladwin, MI Pony Gelding-Brown & White Paint 8 Yrs Old 47” Good broke to ride and drive. Not a babysitter, but school kids can drive. Knows a few tricks.
Lot# 406 Consignor: Henry Brenneman #725 Morley, MI Mini Pony Gelding-Sorrel 8 Yrs Old 35” Broke to ride and drive. Babysitter type.
Lot# 408 Consignor: Micah Gingerich #716 Manton, MI
Lot# 407 Consignor: Sam Beasley #730 Allen, MI Rocky Crossbred Gelding-Paint 5 Yrs Old 15.1HH Rocky is a crossbred gelding that is as broke as they come with the looks to go with it. Used in the 4th of July parade and trail rode all over. Used to rope bulls at the rodeo, sort roped, and doctored cattle in the past year. Super handy broke, but will also walk down the trails like an old broke horse.
Lot# 409A Consignor: Jason Leger #731 Crab Orchard, KY Max Friesian - Appaloosa Cross Stud Colt 6 Months Old Max is out of Misty Lot# 409.
Janny Haflinger Mare-Lt. Sorrel 13 Yrs Old In foal to Bar-B King Zorro a paint Gypsy Vanner Stallion.
Lot# 415 Consignor: Benjamin Gingerich #717 Manton, MI Leo Gelding-Blue Roan w/4 Whites 7 Yrs Old A handy sized gelding that needs an experienced rider. A tough gelding that will go all day.
Lot# 411 Consignor: Laura Hostetler #738 Whittemore, MI
Lot# 416 Consignor: Andrew Miller #732 Clare, MI Pony Mare-Bay 2 Yrs Old 42” Very sensible. Broke to ride and drive. Would make a good school pony.
Lot# 413 Consignor: Henry Brenneman #725 Morley, MI Pony Gelding-Bay w/2 Whites 8 Yrs Old Broke to ride. Fast and tough.
Lot# 412 Consignor: Dewayne Kauffman #704 E. Jordan, MI Missy 3/4 Paint-1/4 Arabian Mare 3 Yrs Old Brown and white paint. A pretty little mare that does very well on the trails. Learns fairly easily and is ready to go in any direction you want her to.
Buckeye Pony Gelding-Grulla Dun 2 Yrs Old 38” Broke to ride and drive. Babysitter deluxe. Loves attention and is a real pet.
Lot# 414 Consignor: Arlin Hershberger #721 Clare, MI
Posey Race Pony-Paint Cross Mare 3 Yrs Old Black and white paint. 45”. Well broke to drive. Awesome traveler and can take the miles. Also rides. Ultra sounded in foal to a 48” blue roan Gypsy.
Vanner: Denim By Design for a June 2023 foal.
Lot# 410 Consignor: William Yoder #724 Blanchard, MI
Lot# 423 Consignor: Ivan Hostetler #705 Hale, MI Mini Miracles Pumped Up Kicks Miniature Horse 11 Yrs Old Stallion-Appaloosa “Cloud” is a registered mini that is TSS. Rides and drives and is calm enough for small children. 38” Sire: BJ’S Fun Size Rocky by: Star Chief Dapper Dandy
worked on,neckreins, picks up both leads, soft in the face, breaks at the poll, started a good turn around, and has a big stop. She’s started roping the calf sled and shows a lot of promise as a performance horse. She stands a stout 14.3H. She’s been on trail rides, goes thru water. She’s gentle, quiet, good made, and has all the looks in the world! She’s Frenchman’s Guy and Shining Spark bred, but we have not been able to find her papers, so she sells grade.
Lot# 420 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Info sale day.
Feather Quarter Horse Mare-Buckskin 4 Yrs Old Feather came off the feed lots in Broken Bow, NE. She has been day
Lot# 422 Consignor: Jason Leger #731 Crab Orchard, KY Lucky Pony - Mare Red & White 7 Yrs Old Broke to ride and drive. Really nice little pony.
Dam: Rainbow Rise D’S Gypsy Rose Sire of Dam: D Bar D’S Dream Weaver
Lot# 421 Consignor: Marvin Hershberger #721 Clare, MI Info sale day.
Lot# 417 Consignor: Sam Beasley #730 Allen, MI
Lot# 418 Consignor: Matthan Schwartz #742 Marysville, IN IBF Passion Gypsy Vanner Mare-Black & White Paint 10 Yrs Old Broke to ride. Registered and papers in hand. This mare will be in foal or sell with a free breeding to our dappled buckskin Gypsy Vanner Stallion. This is a smaller mare, the perfect size for younger children. Her weanling colt is also selling as lot#429.
Lot# 419 Consignor: Dewayne Kauffman #704 E. Jordan, MI Dolly Quarter Horse Mare-Sorrel 3 Yrs Old Lt. mane and tail. Nice sensible young mare that is ready for a job. She was very easy to train. Trail rides well.
Lot# 425 Consignor: Sam Beasley #730 Allen, MI
Lot# 430 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN
Lot# 427 Consignor: Clint Westdorp #728 Marion, MI ABC Only Snuzzin Reg. AQHA Gelding-Red Roan 2 Yrs Old He has had 60 days training. A definite all around Western Pleasure prospect for showing. He is a very flat mover for Western or English Pleasure. Would Qualify for foundation papers. Sire: Another Blue Cookie by: One Good Cookie
Lot# 424 Consignor: Stutzman Boys #750 Clare, MI Info sale day.
Lot# 426 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN
Lot# 428 Consignor: Adam Hershberger #808 Clare, MI
Dixie Quarter Horse Mare-Blue Roan 10 Yrs Old Great broodmare potential. In foal and due this fall. 429 Consignor: Matthan Schwartz #742 Marysville, IN S.A. Passion’s Dream Gypsy Vanner Stallion Weanling Smokey Black. A good stallion prospect. Don’t miss your chance. A very matured colt. Registered and papers in hand. He is out of our dappled buckskin stallion and also carries acream dilution gene, so he will throw buckskin if bred to the right mares. Very gentle and has a good temperment.
Minny Miniature Donkey Jenny-Gray 5 Yrs Old Has a black Jenny at her side. Born on 8-9-2022. Bred back to Jasper, a black Mini Jack. Lot# 435.
Missy Quarter horse Mare-Dun 12 Yrs Old Missy is a 14.3H, stocky built, Hollywood Dunnit bred mare. She was used as a ranch horse. Very handy broke. Walk, trot, canter, and will go in any direction you point her. Was used to sort cattle and has been to several state parks trail riding. Fits any level rider. Sells as grade, due to loss of her papers.
Grace Tennessee Walker Mare-Buckskin 10 Yrs Old Grace is a nice buckskin mare that is registered. She has a good gait and is TSS. Had leased her out for the moonlight ride.
Dam: Only Riker Sire of Dam: Just Me Only
Lot# 433 Consignor: Raymond Mast #711 Gladwin, MI
Lot# 436 Consignor: Sam Beasley #730 Allen, MI Info sale day! Lot# 437 Consignor: Lee Salzwedel #709 Chesaning, MI
That’s Why We Drink APHA Gelding-Brown Tobiano 2 Yrs Old All around prospect. Has 60 days of training on him and is ready to be finished. A lot of potential with this gelding. Sire: I Only Drink That by: Olesel Drink Dam: You Wear It Well Sire of Dam: Another Blue Cookie
Lot# 432 Consignor: Fox Family Farms #827 Rosebush, MI Goldie Reg. AQHA Mare-Palamino 6 Yrs Old Well broke. Has seen a lot of trail and road miles. Looks nice. Moves off of leg pressure. Knows a couple tricks. Goes back to Dual Pep. See video, https://youtu.be/5BQFHflxAPw
Lot# 435 Consignor: Christy Toyer #737 Goshen, IN Jasper Mini Donkey Jack-Black Nice black jack that is quiet. Proven producer. Has registeration papers.
Buddy Stdbred-Friesian-Draft Cross Gelding-Dk. Bay 4 Yrs Old Stocky built. Should be doing good under saddle by sale time.
Lot# 438 Consignor: Stutzman Boys #750 Clare, MI Sparkles QH-Thoroughbred Cross Mare-Steel Gray 3 Yrs Old A 15H mare that is broke to ride. Good in the arena and quiet on the trails. Very athletic.
Lot# 434 Consignor: Laura Sissell #718 Cedar Springs,MI Casper Quarter Horse Gelding-Cremello 10 Yrs Old Trail riding horse. Very gentle and would suit almost any level rider. Loads easily. First to the gate. No buck, rear, or bolt. Genuine horse.
Lot# 431 Consignor: Clint Westdorp #728 Marion, MI
Two Timing Zippo Reg. Paint Stallion-Sorrel Overo 14 Yrs Old 14.3H Grandsire is Zippo Pine Bar. Proven sire. Green broke. Very easy going. Heterozygous. UTD on shots. Great for farrier.
Pony Mare-Brown 9 Yrs Old 38” TSS. A perfect school pony, or if you want one for the children to play with around the farm, check in. Good traveler. Very pretty and nice built. Eric drives her all over the place.
Lot# 444 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI
Lot# 445 Consignor: Circle M & David Troyer #719 Blanchard, MI
Lot# 441 Consignor: Jason Leger #731 Crab Orchard, KY Lady Percheron-QH Cross Mare - Grey 9 Yrs Old Super heavy built, been used to check, work, and doctor cattle. She has also been trail rode hundreds of miles.
Lot# 440 Consignor: Johnny Miller (Agent) #724 Blanchard, MI
Lot# 443 Consignor: Reuben Schrock & Sons #736 McBain, MI Cupcake
Lot# 442 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Bugsy QH Gelding-Chestnut w/ stripe 3 Yrs Old TSS. Nice little gelding that is very well broke. Has a good handle. Lays down. Girls rode him on different trail rides. Quiet.
QH Mare-Sorrel w/ blaze & 2 whites 10 Yrs Old Well broke to ride. Responds well to leg pressure, does good with neck reining. This is an alert mare that is good with cattle.
Sire: Certified Yella by: MR Yella Fella Dam: MV Lous Classy Sally Sire of Dam: Lous Classy Kid
Certified Canon Reg. AQHA Gelding-Palamino 5 Yrs Old “ Houston” is very well trained to ride. Moves off leg pressure, takes both leads, nice stop, back up, and turn around. Lays down to mount and dismount. He has been on a lot of trail rides, rode into town, been used to push and rope cattle or horses. Just kinda been there and done that. A solid broke gelding with a lot of eye appeal.
Mini Mare-Light Bay 8 Yrs Old 35” An easy going mare that never runs out of gas. Broke the best. Rides and drives. Bred to a black and white pony stud. Will be vet checked by sale day.
Lot# 450 Consignor: Jason Leger #731 Crab Orchard, KY Smarty Pants Reg. Gaited Mare - Black and White Registered Walking, Racking, And Spotted. Broke. Has been trail rode a lot. Very gentle and good gaited. She has been raising colts the last few years. Exposed back to the same stallion.
A Skip to The Xtreme AQHA Gelding 5 Yrs Old
Johnny True Blue Roan- White Spotted Cross Stud 5 Months Old Johnny is out of Smarty Pants Lot# 450. He sells with an application to be registered Tennesee Walking Horse.
Lot# 446 Consignor: Nathan Hochstetler #740 Fairview, MI
This big strong gelding has done it all. From ponying horses at the race track to roping big steers and sorting cattle. He also trail rides. He has been rode a lot and has a great handle. The little boys can ride him and he could do about anything you need him for. Sire: Extreme Classic Style by: Kids Classic Style Dam: I’m A School Skip by: Cool Eternity Lot# 447 Consignor: Stutzman Boys #750 Clare, MI Flicka Pony-QH Cross Mare -Dun Stripe Grullo 3 Yrs Old 54” Well broke to ride and drive, single and double. Lopes nice circles. She’s been thru town and on 11 mile trips. She’s not fast, but safe for the school children. She’s quiet on a trail ride. Lays down.
Lot# 448 Consignor: Christy Troyer #442 Goshen, IN Info Sale Day! Lot# 449 Consignor: Circle M Horsemanship #720 Edmore, MI Bert 1/4 Belgian-3/4 QH Gelding-Black 3 Yrs Old Bert is a young draft cross gelding, that is very well broke to ride and stands 13.3H. He is small and gentle enough for the young rider, But is built enough and fun for the adult rider, Has been used for all kinds of jobs under saddle. Knows what a days work is. Will lay down to mount and dismount. 100% TSS.
Lot# 450A Consignor: Jason Leger #731 Crab Orchard, KY
A calm,
If you like
Phoenix Quarter Horse Cross Gelding-Bay 2 Yrs Old A very quiet and gentle gelding, that does his best to please his rider. Will ride single or double or put the whole family on , he’ll take care of them. Sells 100% TSS. Lot# 454 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN TQ Reg. AQHA Gelding-Cremello 6 Yrs Old Good broke gelding. TSS. Has an exceptional handle. Neckreins. Good solid gelding that can go multiple ways. Heza Magic Dun It by: Zan’s Diamond Dun It Be A Foolin Sire of Dam: Tonto Cee Gold Rueben Schrock and Sons #736 McBain, MI Mini Pony Gelding 13 Yrs Old friendly, gelding that loves children. Broke to ride and drive. Circle M Horsemanship #719 Blanchard, MI Friesian Cross Mare-Black 9 Yrs Old them black and pretty and safe enoughfor anybody to ride, like this mare.She knows her leads, rides between your legs, lays to mount and dismount, does the obstacle course. No buck, no bad habits. gotta like her. Registered with FSHR. Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Sale Day!
Consignor: Circle M Horsemanship #719 Blanchard, MI
Lot# 453
Consignor: Matthan Schwartz #742 Marysville, IN
IBF Bella Gypsy Vanner Mare-Black & White Paint 8 Yrs Old Broke to ride. Very nice. This mare will be bred or sell with a free breeding to our dappled buckskin Gypsy Vanner stallion. Don’t miss her. More info sale day.
Babysitter. 38” Lot# 456 Consignor:
Lot# 451
Sire: Red Hot Chili Pepper by: The Lion King Dam: Val Rose of Iron Sire of Dam: Sid’s Good Stallion 452
Lot# 457
Dam: April
Lightening Quarter Horse-Mustang Cross Gelding 7 Yrs Old Lightning is a bay paint gelding that is ready for a job. Has had a lot of ground work, and is started to ride good. Sharp!
Lot# 455 Consignor:
Consignor: Daniel Mast #723 Whittemore, MI
Sire: HS
Flash North
Lot# 458 Consignor:
Lot# 460 Consignor:
Red and White Paint.
Well broke to ride.
Lot# 464 Consignor:
Smokey QH-Draft
Beauty’s Pride
Sire: Whiskey’s
Lot# 459 Consignor:
A beautiful black
TSS. Big shapey
Lot# 466
Lot# 462
Broke to work and
family. Very friendly
trail rides. Lot# 465
She rides pretty good. Lot# 461 Consignor:
Broke to lead. Sire:
-39Daniel Mast, Agent #723 Whittemore, MI Morgan Cross Gelding-Bay Roan 16 yrs Old Excellent trail horse w/ an outstanding color. Jason Leger #731 Crab Orchard, KY Pony Gelding -Red & White 8 Yrs Old ride, would make a good school pony. Nathan Hochstetler #740 Fairview, MI Ann Molly Mule - Black 10 Yrs Old Mule had been a pet all her life, until this summer. Marvin Hershberger #721 Clare, MI Cross Stallion-Blue Roan Weanling AQHA Swaggers Blue Doc Cowboy Consignor: Stutzman Boys #750 Clare, MI America Spotted Halflinger gelding 3 Yrs Old Flash is very gentle and broke for the whole and catches easily in the pasture. Has smooth gaits. Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Reg. AQHA Gelding-Sorrel w/ stripe 5 Yrs Old gelding that is broke. Good handle. Been on a lot of Consignor: Matthan Schwartz #742 Marysville, IN Gypsy Vanner/QH Cross Filly-Buckskin Weanling Macalla by: LDR Whiskey Consignor: Sam Beasley #730 Allen, MI sale day.
Consignor: Gene Coblentz #838 Belle Center, OH Gypsy Queen 1/2 Gypsy-1/4 Belgian-1/4 QH Mare 8 Yrs Old Black and White. Has been ridden off and on thru the years. Was just a pet until recently. She has had 30 days of professional training. Looks like a Gypsy Vanner. She has never been exposed. 469 Consignor: Ervin Raber #790 LaGrange, IN Mike Mustang Gelding-Black w/1 White 16 Yrs Old Info sale day. 470 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Info sale day. 471
Consignor: Lee Salzwedel #709 Chesaning, MI Jubilees Windwalker Reg. Appaloosa Stallion 1 Yrs Old Sorrel Snowcap. 14.3H. Should mature around 15.3H. UPDT on shots. Easy going colt, great for farrier. Has Prince Paludit, Sundance 500, Joker B, Ranger breeding and more. 472 Consignor: Laura Hostetler #738 Whittemore, MI Misty Pony Mare-Grulla Dun 2 Yrs Old In foal for 2023. Broke to ride and drive. A children’s pony deluxe. 473 Consignor: Sam Beasley #730 Allen, MI Info sale day. 474 Consignor: Andrew Miller #732 Clare, MI Info sale day.
Consignor: Circle M Horsemanship #720 Edmore, MI Buster Percheron-QH Gelding Black 3 Yrs Old Star and 2 whites. Buster is that handy sized Draft cross that the whole family is going to like. Very well broke to ride and drive. Buster has a very easy natural lope and is very easy to handle, neckreins, and rides off leg pressure. He will also do tricks for you! He has seen it all from riding under saddle or bare back riding, to taking the family to church in the buggy or hauling manure in the team. 468
Lot# 467
attention. Lot#
-41Consignor: Henry Yoder Agent #748 Blanchard, MI Crossbred Gelding-Black 3 Yrs Old well broke to ride and drive. TSS. Will lay down to mount and Family type. Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, IN Gypsy-QH Cross Mare-Black & White 5 Yrs Old broke to ride. Has been trail ridden. TSS. Nice mare. Bred to a Roan Percheron stallion for 2023. Ultrasounded in foal. Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Hackney Cross Gelding-Dk. Bay w/4 Whites 9 Yrs Old broke. Stands to hitch and at corners. TSS. Watches things beside the road. Tough. 44” 478 Consignor: Christy Beechy #707 Gladwin, MI RG Echos Chip Morgan Gelding-Bay 2 Yrs Old mane and tail. Well broke to ride. Lays down to mount. RG Black Dandy’s Echo by: RG Black Dandy Key Curtain Call Sire of Dam: Holly Brook Stage Rage 479 Consignor: Joni Beechy #759 Gladwin, MI Stdbred-Pony Cross Mare-Dk. Buckskin 5 Yrs Old Broke to ride and drive. Will lay down. For upper grade school boys. Sire of Sire: MR. Lavec 480 Consignor: Laura Sissell #718 Cedar Springs,MI Gus Pony Gelding-White 10 Yrs Old Gus is broke to ride and drives very welll. TSS. Great with children. Loves 481 Consignor: Simon Yoder #771 Blanchard, MI Riding Horse Mare-Red Roan Paint 3 Yrs Old Broke to ride. Exposed to a Gypsy Vanner. Will be vet checked. 482 Consignor: Henry Yoder #748 Blanchard, MI Dixie Mare-Black 3 Yrs Old Broke to ride and drive. Shortbred to a purebred Friesian.
Lot# 477
Lot# 475
Lot# 476
Jack Tennessee Walker Cross Gelding-Black 10 Yrs Old Gaited. Broke to ride. Great on trails. A very nice beginner’s horse. 490 Consignor: Jonathon Lambright #710 Scottville, MI Scotch Quarter Horse Gelding-Sorrel 3 Yrs Old In training. Very calm. Will have 4 mo. training by sale time. 491 Consignor: Laura Hostetler #738 Whittemore, MI Lightening Pony Gelding-Grulla Dun 7 Yrs Old Broke to ride and drive. Approx. 38”. Babysitter.
Lot# 484
Consignor: Lee Salzwedel #709 Chesaning, MI Hawks Sunray Wings Reg. Appaloosa Mare & Colt 16 Yrs Old Mare is Bay Leopard. Colt is Dun Snowcap and is 3 months old. 14.2H. Beautiful color! Easy going. Broke to ride, good for farrier, UPTD on shots. Mare has moon blindness. Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Star Pony Gelding-Grulla 7 Yrs Old
Lot# 483
A beautiful 37” grulla gelding , that’s very well broke. TSS. Would work for a school pony. 485
Molly Gypsy Cross Mare-Paint Tobiano 7 Yrs Old Broke to ride. Has started riding off of leg pressure. Lots of trail miles. 486 Consignor: Eli Gingerich #727 Mt. Pleasant, MI 1/2 QH-Gypsy Cross Filly-Palamino w/Strip 6/18/2022 Elegible to register. 487 Consignor: Christy Troyer #737 Goshen, MI Info Sale Day. 488 Consignor: Rueben Schrock and Sons #736 McBain, MI Sugar Pony Mare-Chocolate Dapple 11 Yrs Old Lt. mane and tail. A chunky handy sized mare, that’s broke the best and fun to drive. Broke to ride or drive. A good school pony. 43” 489 Consignor: Rodney Martin #768 Rosebush, MI
Consignor: Eli Gingerich Agent #727 Mt. Pleasant, MI
Bella Reg. Missouri Fox Trotter Mare 12 Yrs Old Trail rider’s dream. She is well broke to traffic and ORVs. Crosses water, has been camping, and pickets well. She will ride alone or in a group. Loads, ties, and stands for farrier. UTD on shots and dewormings. She is an all around sweet mare. Papers in hand.
Princess Mini Pony Mare-Dk. Brown Smooth Mouth Broodmare. Should have a foal at her side. Quiet, easy going mare.
Lot# 493 Consignor: Rueben Schrock and Sons #736 McBain, MI
Lot# 496 Consignor: Jonathon Lambright #710 Scottville, MI
Lot# 492 Consignor: Sidni Wood #765 Mayville, MI
Captain Morgan Morgan-Arabian Cross Gelding 5 Yrs Old Broke to ride and drive.
Lot# 495 Consignor: Laura Hostetler #738 Whittemore, MI
Lot# 499 Consignor: James Lambright #753 Scottville, MI
Samson Percheron-Stdbred Cross Gelding-Black 2 Yrs Old A blocky 16H gelding that’s calm and easy going.He has a willing to please attitude and is very easy to train. Broke to ride or drive.
Lot# 497 Consignor: Justin Plank #734 Vermontville, MI Info sale day.
Lot# 498 Consignor: Paul Glick #747 Brown City, MI Lightning Hackney Pony Gelding-Bay 9 Yrs Old Showy type. TSS.
Lot# 494 Consignor: Tammy Bain #770 Gladwin, MI
Shezabootygurl IQPA Mare-Bay 12 Yrs Old “ Buda” is a 13.1H mare that’s put together right. Rides and has been hooked to the cart. Perfect size. She is sound and easy to handle and has great manners. TS. Trail rides. No buck or rear, but is better for an advanced rider.
Ellie Mae Pony Mare-Sorrel 12Yrs Old Broke for trail riding. Very well broke.
I’ll Be Drinkin Alone Reg. AQHA Gelding-Brown 2 Yrs Old AQHA gelding with about 90 days of training. Just needs to be finished. Will be a great all around , ranch riding, or trail horse. Can throw a rope off of him. Has some basic neckrein training.
Lot# 500 Consignor: Simon Yoder #771 Blanchard, MI
Noble Henry Lot# 504 Consignor: Karen Kettel #773
Dam: My Heart Can’t Tell Me No Sire of Dam: Sierra’s Style 503 Consignor: Reuben Schrock and Sons #736 McBain, MI
Mr. Henry Race Pony-Mini Pony Cross Stallion Weanling A fancy little feller, that has some potential to be a great driver someday.
Sire: Zippos Execotive Ace by: Colida’s Ace HI Dam of Sire: Exhibit A
Dam: IMA Bluechip Cherokee by: Cherokee Bluechip
Sire: I Only Drink That by: Diesel Only
2nd Dam: Circle K Princess Lot# 505 Consignor: Adam Hershberger #808 Clare, MI Queen Quarter Horse Mare-Red Roan 8 Yrs Old Beautiful red roan mare that is conformationally very correct. In foal to a Homozygous blue roan Gypsy Vanner Stallion: GTF Over The Moon. Lot# 506 Consignor: Simon Yoder #771 Blanchard, MI Quarter Horse Filly-Black Yearling Broke to lead.
Zippos Cherokee Pride Reg. Appaloosa Gelding Dk. Brown 10 Yrs Old 15H Green broke. Has had first ride and 90 days of ground work. Good ground manners. UTD on vet and farrier. Gorgeous Appy blanket. He is a looker. Needs someone who has pactience and time to give.
Rose Appaloosa-Pony Mare-Roan 5 Yrs Old Broke to ride and drive. 501 Consignor: Ervin Beechy #764 Gladwin, MI
Jason Belgian-Paint Pony Cross Gelding 3 Yrs Old Broke to ride and drive. Women can drive. 502 Consignor: Clint Westdorp #728 Marion, MI
Consignor: Willis Yoder #778 Blanchard, MI
Lucky Quarter Horse Gelding 10 Yrs Old Well broke to ride. Neck reins. Needs a firm hand if not used enough.
Jane Quarter Horse Mare- Black 20 Yrs Old Quiet, easy going, great to be around. Teeth recently floated. Great beginners horse.
by: VS Flatline Dam of Sire: Goody Goody Gumdrops Dam: Gorgeous Investment by: Absolute Investment 2nd Dam: Hot and Gorgeous
Lot# 511
He has not been ridden for a few yrs, but was well broke. 509 Consignor: Clint Westdorp #728 Marion, MI
This beautiful Bay Roan colt will make an outstanding stallion prospect. Train him to ride and show, then make him a breeding stallion. Will mature to 16H. Sire is a World Champion, Western Pleasure stallion. His Dam has AQHA points and a multiple point producer. Sire:VS Goodriae
Friesian - Welsh Cross Gelding-Black 3 Yrs Old 55” Sound. Well broke for upper grade school children. Drives with tight lines. Fast traveler. 18 mile trips are no problem.
Lot# 507 Consignor: James Lambright #753 Scottville, MI Tornado Appaloosa-Welsh Cross Gelding 11 Yrs Old Broke to ride. 508 Consignor: Gale Gunders #776 Gladwin, MI Buck Appaloosa Gelding-Bay Appy Blanket 15 Yrs Old
Lot# 512 Consignor: John Troyer #785 Holton, MI
Lot# 513 Consignor: Andy Yoder #786 Brown City, MI Jake John Mule-sorrel 18 Yrs Old 16H. Rides and drives, single or double. Broke the best. Quiet enough for the kids. Lot# 514 Consignor: Gale Gunders #776 Gladwin, MI Lilly Appaloosa Mare-Leopard Appy 15 Yrs Old Has not been ridden for 5 yrs. But was well broke.
Lot# 510 Consignor: Chad Mills #772 Ashley, MI Roanman AQHA Stallion-Bay Roan Yearling
-46Adam Hershberger #808 Clare, MI Quarter Horse Mare-Buckskin Overo 10 Yrs Old with the right color and markings. In foal. Consignor: Chad Mills #772 Ashley, MI Welsh Cross Mare-Grey Yearling super cool Welsh Pony that would make a rider or buggy is mature and good bones to handle a small adult. Take a AQHA Dam: Welsh Consignor: Ericka Finnell #796 Tawas City, MI Walker Mare 14 Yrs Old Consignor: Matt Seeley #780 Riverdale, MI Grade QH Gelding - Sorrel 5 Yrs Old English and Western. Consignor: Levi Mast #804 Remus, MI Gelding - Spotted 10 Yrs Old ride. Been on trails. Neck reins. Consignor: Andy Yoder #786 Brown City, MI Paso Fino-Gelding-Paint 16 Yrs Old smooth gait and quiet. 10 yr old rides him all over the place. Consignor: Adam Hershberger #808 Clare, MI Mustang Cross Stallion-Chestnut w/2 Whites Weanling colt with flashy markings. 522 Consignor: David Byler #806 Lakeview, MI Quarter Horse-Paint Cross Gelding-Dk. Bay 5 Yrs Old Neckreins. Very well broke to ride. TSS. 523 Consignor: Eli Beechy JR #823 Brown City, MI Pony Stallion-Paint Weanling Sire and Dam on my farm and both of them drive with tight lines.
Green broke. Lot# 518
Lot# 519
Lot# 521
Lot# 515 Consignor:
Nelly Tennesse
15.3H. Broke
look at her! Sire:
Sundance Appaloosa
Bella is a
Lot# 516
Well broke to
Lot# 520
Well built Mare
14.3H Very
Lot# 517
I have
prospect. She
-47Lot# 524 Consignor: Ericka Finnell #796 Tawas City, MI Sam Appaloosa Gelding 14 Yrs Old Green broke. Lot# 525 Consignor: Tip-N-Stables #809 Farwell, MI Kid Paint Gelding-Black Overo 8 Yrs Old Well broke. Is ready to make a good horse for someone. Has all the looks, size,confirmation,and color you want. Lot# 526 Consignor: Adam Hershberger #808 Clare, MI Daisy Hackney Pony Mare-Bay w/4 Whites 3 Yrs Old Sharp Hackney mare, ready for training. Lot# 527 Consignor: JR Glick #840 Brown City, MI Arabian-AQHA Cross Mare-Bay 3 Yrs Old Sire:Broke.Hancock Red Roscoe by: Bull Rope Hancock 2nd Dam: Breezin Thru Love Lot# 528 Consignor: John Mark Petre #811 Brutus, MI Lincoln Pony Gelding-Grey 5 Yrs Old 46” Well broke school pony. Lot# 529 Consignor: Marvin yoder Agent #819 Blanchard, MI Reg. AQHA Mare-Palamino 4 Yrs Old Here is your opportunity to own a nice, quiet, Reg. mare. Lot# 530 Consignor: Adam Hershberger #808 Clare, MI Kahla Crossbred Mare-Paint 6 Yrs Old Green broke. In foal. Lot# 532 Consignor: Dennis Thompson #816 Otter Lk., MI Jimmy Dean Gypsy Vanner Gelding-Black & White 5 Yrs Old Good all around, in your pocket type. Ready for any challenge you can give him. Lot# 533 Consignor: John Mark Petre #811 Brutus, MI Jackson Pony Gelding-Sorrel 2 yrs Old 42” Well broke to ride and drive.
Lot# 534 Consignor: Susan McFarland #818 Akron, IN Skip APHA Gelding-Sorrel Tobiano 2 Yrs Old Flashy pinto gelding. Parents were 15H, so he should mature to 15H. Nice and gentle. Loves attention. Ready to train.
Consignor: Susan McFarland #818 Akron, IN
Lot# 537 Consignor: Marvin Yoder #815 Blanchard, MI
Lot# 543
Lot# 538
Sunny Mini Pony Mare - Appaloosa 1 1/2 Yrs Old Leads well.
Twilight Pony Mare-Black & White Paint 4 Yrs Old Broke for older school children. TSS.
Consignor: Susan McFarland #818 Akron, IN
Tommy Gaited John Mule - Bay w/ white tail 16 Months 4 White socks. Will mature to 15+H. Loves attention. Halter broke, leads, ties, and picks up feet. Very fancy. Sire: Gaited Donkey Dam: Foxtrotter
Lot# 540 Consignor: Dennis Thompson #816 Otter Lk., MI Info sale day. Lot# 541 Consignor: Cheyenne Brannan #821 Lake, MI
Lot# 544 Consignor: Fox Family Farms #827 Rosebush, MI
Nancy Quarter Horse- Pony Cross Filly-Sorrel 2 Yrs Old Nancy is ready to train. Leads, and ties.
Lot# 545 Consignor: Fox Family Farms #827 Rosebush, MI
Lola Quarter Horse Mare - Bay 3 Yrs Old Well broke for anybody. Best 3 yr. old around. Knows some tricks.
Minnie Mini Mare - Dunn 5 Yrs Old Has a dorsal stripe on back legs. Broke to ride. Good with children. UPTD on shots and dewormings. Was exposed to a stallion in June 2022.
Lot# 536 Consignor: Cheyenne Brannan #821 Lake, MI Raven Mini Pony Stallion 6 Yrs Old Broke to ride. Lunges and leads. Is good with farrier.
Prancer Pony Gelding - White 3 Yrs Old 40” Well started. Good potential.
Zipper Race Pony - Buggy Pony Cross Gelding 2 Yrs Old Sorrel w/ 2 whites. 51” Should mature to at least 54”. Started in harness 60 days. Quiet. Would make a good school pony.
Lot# 546 Consignor: Cheyenne Brannan #821 Lake, MI
Lot# 552 Consignor: Samuel Ray Miller #832 Clare, MI
Midnight Fancy Dancer Appaloosa Mare - Black Roan 12 Yrs Old Rides and drives, but needs a refresher, as she has been a broodmare for the last 4 yrs. She produces nice, large foals. Sire: Classy Dream Weaver Dam: IM A Midnight Girl
Lot# 548 Consignor: Susan McFarland #818 Akron, IN
Lot# 553 Consignor: Noah Brenneman #831 Riverdale, MI
Zack Race Pony - Buggy Pony Cross Stallion- Sorrel Yearling 3 whites and strip. Started in harness. Will have 30 days by sale time. Should mature to 54”. Quiet. Full brother to Zipper, Lot#552.
Lot# 556 Consignor: Samuel Ray Miller #832 Clare, MI
Prince Paint Gelding 6 Yrs Old Broke. Trail horse. Lot# 555 Consignor: Willis Troyer #830 Hawks, MI
Hinto Mini Stallion - Paint-White w/ Blue Markings 4 Yrs. Old Pretty color! For an experienced horse person.
Lot# 551 Consignor: Cheyenne Brannan #821 Lake, MI
Beauty Mini Mare - Black 4 1/2 Yrs Old Broke to ride. Is great with children. Good for farrier. Has been exposed July 2022 to a Paint stallion.
Spooken Dyke Mini Molly Mule - Grey 2 Yrs Old Broke to lead. Lot# 554 Consignor: Noah Byler #834 Blanchard, MI
-50Lot# 557 Consignor: Isaac Yoder #837 Holton, MI Twilight Pony Mare-Black 10 Yrs Old Broke to drive, but not for small children. Would make a good broodmare. Thank You to all of our sellers and buyers for your continued support. Hope to see you at the Auction! Sincerely, LeRoy ACCOMMODATIONSDOHERTYHOTEL 604 N. McEwan, Clare MI 48617 • 989-386-3441 QUALITY INN 10318 S. Clare Ave., Clare MI 48617 • 989-386-1111 DAYS INN & SUITES 5770 E. Pickard, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 • 989-772-1101 COMFORT INN 2424 S. Mission, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858 • 989-772-4000 SUPER 8 5205 E. Pickard, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 • 989-772-5500 HAMPTON INN 5205 E. Pickard, Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 • 989-772-5500
-51YODER BROS. UPCOMING AUCTIONS Saturday, September 10th, 2022 @ 9:30 am MULTI FAMILY FARM AUCTION 7802 Leer Rd., Hawks, MI 49743 15 Draft Horses • Horse Drawn Farm Machinery • Carriages • Farm and Shop Misc. ______________________________________________ Friday, September 23rd, 2022 @ 9:30 am MAST FARM AUCTION 5625 W. Fremont Rd., Blanchard, MI 49310 Horse Drawn Farm Machinery • 7 Jersey Dairy Cattle • Antiques & Collectibles • Furniture • Household Saturday, September 24th, 2022 @ 10:00 am ESTATE AUCTION 10885 N. Leaton Rd., Clare, MI @ Yoder’s Quilt Auction Antique Furniture • Shop Items • Antiques • Collectibles & Primitives ___________________________________________ Friday, October 7th, 2022 • 10:00 am MOVING AUCTION Farwell, MI Tractors • 3 Pt Equipment • Furniture • Antiques & Collectables Saturday, October 8th, 2022 • 9:30 am TROYER MOVING AUCTION 9739 S. Rolland Rd., Blanchard, MI 49310 Draft Horses • Horse Drawn Farm Equipment • Bandsaw Mill and Shop Items • Guns • Furniture ______________________________________________ Saturday, October 15th, 2022 • 10:00 am MILLER FARM AUCTION 3124 Huronline Rd., Cass City, MI 48726 ______________________________________________ Saturday, October 22nd, 2022 SLABAUGH FARM AUCTION Gladwin, MI Hope to see you at an Auction! LeRoy
-52Fast Track animal supplements for *Healthier Hooves Horses, Cows, *Hair Coats Dogs, Cats, *Weight Gain Chicken, Sheep, *Feed Efficiency and many more. Fertilizer, Lubrication, Roofing, Cleaning, Health Products Order early to have your products delivered to Yoder Brothers Horse Auction Raymond Byler (989) -872 -5614 (after 5pm) (989) -550 -1999 (week days) For More Information Contact: Up North 989-802-1813Equine CAROLINASUPERSTAR Rally In The Night x Davantix x Esquire Spur 4 yr old Registered Mare Consigned to: Yoder Bros Horse Auction Sept 16-17 , 2022 LOT#237


-54See Our Display at the Horse Auction

-55BELOWPricesMSRP! Rigid PVC...Safer For Horses! Let us show you how affordable rigid PVC posts are when compared to other types of posts. • Self-Insulating • Never rusts or rots! • Pre-drilled every 3” • NRCS EQIP Approved • Organic Approved Your Local Authorized Reseller Yoder Supplies 14213 180th Ave. | Leroy, MI 49655 231-768-4387 Visit Us At Our Booth

-56Lot #492 Lot #516 Lot #447 Lot #480 Lot #411 Lot #423 Lot #443 Lot #455

-57Lot #427 Lot #510 Lot #446 Lot #432 Lot #454 Lot #434 Lot #502 Lot #509

-58Lot #494 Lot #504 Lot #431 Lot #493 Lot #407 Lot #462 Lot #452 Lot #438

Ave.RodgersS.9484 48617MIClare, BROTHERSYODER SALEHORSEFALL 202217,&16SEPT.SATURDAY,&FRIDAY AM9:00@ 48858MIPLEASANT,MT.MISSION,N500 FirstClassMail Presorted U.S.Postage PAID Mt.Pleasant,MI48858 PermitNo.110 Lot #237