Sept. 2021 Saddle Up! Magazine

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CLASSIFIED ADS ANIMAL RESCUES CANTER Thoroughbreds Now Available! Visit us online:, Horses For Sale. Visit CANTER Michigan on Facebook. Celebrating over 20 years of successfully transitioning more than 25,000 Thoroughbreds. CANTER Michigan Janet Salisbury, President Commerce Twp., MI (Oakland) (S-08/22) Email:


Fastrack Animal Supplements – Keep your horses healthy. Healthier hooves, shinier haircoat, more. Listen to what this veterinarian has to say: dial (605) 475-4954, access code 680127#, then for Horses: 2#, Beef: 5#, Dogs: 7# FASTRACK ANIMAL SUPPLEMENTS For more info. call Ray 989.872.5216 (PS-12/21) Leave a message: 888.266.0014, ext. 8778


Nelson Automatic Waterers – A Nelson preferred contractor! Installed from start to finish. Many units to choose from. Maintenance free, time saving, energy efficient. Repairs and directional boring available. Horse fence installation. R. BARNES CO., INC. – Rick Barnes Howell, MI (Livingston) (PS-12/21) 313.407.7373 cell.


Beautiful Boarding and training facility for all breeds and disciplines. Green horses and firsttime riders welcome! Offering western dressage and short-term intensive training programs. IRONWOOD FARM – Dorothy 313.215.1944 Leonard, MI (Oakland) (S-05/22) Email: Boarding – 38 Acre Private Farm: next to Polly Ann Trail. Price range: $450 to $650. Indoor and outdoor arenas. Indoor and outdoor wash stalls. Small group turnout. Tracy – 248.224.3065 (text okay) Oxford, MI (Oakland) (M-09/21) Email: Boarding in Hastings, MI (South East Grand Rapids area). Quiet, country with 165 acres of trails. Inside and outside board, large pastures with shelters. 60x160 indoor riding arena. Lessons and horses for sale. EVERVIEW FARM – 269. 948.9570 Hastings, MI (Barry) (S-04/22) Email:

Nelson Automatic Waterers – A Nelson preferred provider for repair and maintenance of your Nelson Automatic Waterers. Excellent response time. Most parts in stock. Honest, ethical and reliable. Will travel. WATERFIX COMPANY – John Guthrie Dexter, MI (Washtenaw) (S-01/22) 313.418.5676 or 734.475.8898

Offering Full Service Boarding, Training and Dressage lessons. Relax and enjoy your horse in a quiet, adult atmosphere. Please visit our website at, or find us on Hour Farm ELEVENTH HOUR FARM – 248.755-2083 Holly, MI (Oakland) (PS-09/21) Email:


OPEN 24/7 – Board rates under $500. Includes locker, heated rooms, 12% pellet grain, hay, large pastures and daily turnout. We have trails, two indoor arenas, and one outdoor arena with lights. HARDY FARMS 313.363.2243 (call/text) 7215 N. Latson Rd., Howell, MI (M-10/21) Find us on Facebook: Hardy Farms

ABERDEEN FARM, SOUTH LYON, MI: We are excited to announce that we’ve moved! Pardon our dust as we renovate our new facility. Now open – offering training, lessons, and boarding. ABERDEEN FARM – Donna 248.347.4411 South Lyon, MI (Washtenaw) (M-10/21) Email:

BOARDING, CONT. MORAZ STABLES & EQUESTRIAN CENTER – Horse Boarding/Riding Lessons. Farm events and activities. Organic farm eggs for sale. MORAZ STABLES & EQUESTRIAN CENTER East China, MI (St. Clair) (S-03/22) 586.484.4154 or 630.991.0733 Email: Pasture Board Available at an exclusive, private equestrian facility. Now accepting applications. Pristine 24x24 rubber floored infield shelter, 12x24 overhang, two 12x12 stalls. Automatic heated waterer. Beautiful large 5’ 4-rail wood fenced pasture. No cribbers or wood chewers. APPIN FARM – 248.961.6986 Davisburg, MI (Oakland) (M-10/21) Email: TUTHILL FARMS, SOUTH LYON offers stalls and pasture board on over 20 acres. Miles of trail riding on the farm. Good location for trailering to nearby parks. Quality hay, outdoor arena, round pen, heated tack room and restroom. TUTHILL FARMS – Sandra Tuthill 248.207.6201 South Lyon, MI (Livingston) (S-10/21) Email: Online: TWIN ELM TRAINING: Full service training and boarding facility. Friendly, professional barn on 40 acres, indoor and outdoor arena, wash rack, tack lockers, 1/2 mile track, trailer parking. Resident trainer/instructor: hunt seat (on the flat), saddle seat, western, and western dressage. TWIN ELM TRAINING, LLC – 248.697.6503 Northville, MI (Washtenaw) (M-05/22)


CBD Store of Michigan offers pelleted, and liquid CBD for horses manufactured by HolistaPet. We also carry a large variety of CBD products for cats, dogs and of course, humans. FREE shipping, use coupon code: SaddleUp CBD STORE OF MICHIGAN Consultations 616.291.9558 Fremont, MI (Newaygo) (PS-10/21) Online:

CLASSIFIED ADS ARE FREE: Two Consecutive Issues | Description: 30 words Contact Information: up to 4 lines | Email: SEPTEMBER 2021 • C & C PUBLISHING, INC. ©2021



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