The Key Chain: Volume XVIIII, Issue: 9

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Volume XVIIII, Issue: 9 | January 13, 2015


The Official Newsletter of the Egg Harbor Township High School Key Club

Volume XVIIII, Issue 9| January 13, 2015


PRESIDENT & EDITOR’S LETTER PRESIDENT’S LETTER Hey everyone!, Welcome back to a new year! Although this school year is only partially over, the new Key Club service year is coming to a close for us soon. We are currently looking for dedicated Key Clubbers to take our place and continue bringing service to our home, school, and community. If you are interested to run for a club or district position, please contact any of the officers! We will be beginning our elections soon! Being a Key Club officer means taking responsibility of not only one of the biggest clubs in our school, but one of the biggest Key Clubs in our division. With this leadership you will be introduced to tons of amazing people and be presented with vast opportunities. Please don’t let your age or grade stop you from running! Positions such as VP, President, and more are chosen depending on votes by the general members, so anyone has a chance at winning! Personally, running for a position in Key Club has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life! Also, with elections coming up, our annual VBAT is rapidly approaching as well! It is on Friday, February 13, 2015 from 6pm - 2am. Please try to encourage everyone to create a team, and if you are interested in becoming a referee, please contact one of our Special Events Committee Chairs. Yours in Caring and Service, Kenneth Ye



EDITOR’S LETER Hi guys! It’s that time of year again! ELECTIONS! I’m very sad to go as your editor, for it has been a great experience and I’d definitely recommend running for this position! Especially if you have a knack for editing and using programs such as Photoshop and Publisher. If not this position, you should look into the many more our club and Key Club itself offers in general! Also , if you don’t want to run for an officer position, you can also get interviewed for an Committee Chair (OCC) position. These are the people in charge of finding all of the projects our club is involved in! They are very important and I believe any of you guys could do it! Don’t be discouraged if you lose or don’t get the position you wanted, you at least will get some great experience! I wish you all luck in your speeches and remember you can always come to any of your 2014-2015 officers for questions and concerns! Oh and Happy New Year! Sadia Alam Editor

INTERNATIONAL POSITIONS Just like any other club or organization, there is a hierarchy to Key Club leaders. To you, the President might seem like the highest power in the club, but in reality, there is a whole other level of leadership above our club. These positions are at the district and international levels. Every club is a part of a division, and the Lieutenant Governor (LTG) is the leader of said division. They are the main connection between our club and everyone at the district level. LTG elections are usually held in January or February. LTG: The Lieutenant Governor isn't really one of the “officers” that our club has. He/she works mostly with the District Board and represents the division that they are from. However, due to having such a strong district level standing, this position constitutes to a much larger workload. There are a total of 23 divisions in New Jersey and therefore 23 LTGs. An LTG is kindof like the President of many clubs rather than just one (like our beloved Kenneth Ye). They are required to attend mandatory Mid-Winter Training Conferences, all Board Meetings, Regional Training Conferences within their division, International and District Convention, and Fall Rally. It is crucial for them to attend all of these meetings and events in order to stay updated on Key Club activities and keep his or her division on top of their game. Along with these mandatory meetings, they are required to make newsletters, publish a divisional roster, file club and board reports monthly, and also stay updated with what’s going on with all of the clubs in his or her division. Close contact with the District Board and Kiwanis is also crucial in properly doing this job. Acquiring this position will open many opportunities for you! Not only will you make a lot of friends all over New Jersey and even the world, but you will be building upon your leadership skills and public speaking as well. LTG is the perfect job for those of you who are very passionate about Key Club and want to take a step outside of the EHTHS Key Club and into grander things. The knowledge and experience that you will gain from this position is almost indescribable and most definitely worth all of the hard work that gets put into being LTG. However that brings upon the subject of all the work you have to do. In order to maintain this position to the best of your ability, you have to be able to manage your time well and be okay with such a strenuous job.


District positions also include District Governor, District Secretary, District Editor, District Treasurer, & District Webmaster. These elections are held at the annual District Convention. This year DCon is in March.




Why not? Running for an officer position will open the doors to great communication and public speaking skills, new friends, and much more! If you love Key Club, then these positions will pull you deeper into the world of great community service and caring! Also, it is a great stepping stone for those of you interested in district and international positions! Being a general member is awesome, but being a part of the officer board is a whole new world! 10 outta 10 would recommend.


There are eight positions available for the EHTHS Key Club Officer Board elections. These positions are president, vice president, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, bulletin editor, treasurer, webmaster, and sergeant-at-arms. The president, vice president, corresponding sec., recording sec., and bulletin editor positions require a speech and voting by general members. The treasurer, webmaster, and sergeant-at-arms are interview based.


District Positions are really intense, if you’re looking for a smaller, but still very important position, then a club officer position is the perfect fit for you! These positions include President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Bulletin Editor, Treasurer, Webmaster, and Sergeant-at-arms. Every Key Club at every school has their own set of these board members and they all have specific jobs that come together and make the school club the best that it can be! These positions require availability every Tuesday and a lot of dedication. Many of these jobs are time consuming and require great attention. Anyone can run for these positions because there is no pre-requisite! It doesn't matter if you’re a junior or a freshman, just go for it! In fact, if you get a head start and run as a freshman, in a few years you could find yourself at the top of the food chain at district or international level! Also, don’t be discouraged if you don’t get a position because just the experience itself will come in handy in the long run!

If you’re interested in an EHTHS Key Club Officer Board position, or any position actually, contact any of the current officers or Mr. Stevenson in room E117. The interest meeting was held on January 6, 2014 in Mr. Stevenson’s room. If you are running for president, vice president, corresponding secretary, recording secretary, or bulletin editor, you are required to make a school-appropriate flyer that needs to be submitted sometime during the week of Jan 12– Jan 16, a more specific date is to be announced.


Do you have what it takes to be a Key Club leader? President: The President is the papa bear/mama bear of the club. He or she is in charge of running meetings, keeping a watch over all general members and other officers, They lead the club towards success and encourage general members to help out the community . He or she works closely with the advisor and Vice President. This is a very important and stressful job that requires a lot of time& dedication.

Recording Sec.; The Recording Secretary is in charge of keeping track of all members’ hours and putting up sign up sheets and providing sign in sheets. This job requires great organizational skills and a lot of time.

Treasurer: The treasurer is responsible for all of the club’s expenses and fundraising. He or she collects all dues including membership and maintains a financial outline for the club including budgets and disbursements.

Vice President: The VP is in charge of overseeing projects, meetings, and more. He or she works as the president’s right-hand-man and is often required to fulfill many tasks requested by the advisor or president. This job should not be underestimated and it would help if those running had available transportation at any time. He or she must be able to answer any general member questions and concerns.

Corresponding Sec.: The Corresponding Secreatry is in charge of taking down minutes at every meeting and filling out club monthly report forms (CMRFs). Requires a lot of responsibility.

Webmaster: The webmaster keeps the official EHTHS Key Club up-todate with all the information that any Key Clubber could ever need. A background in computers is not needed.


Bulletin Editor: The Bulletin Editor is responsible for biweekly newsletters, taking pictures at events, making flyers, and making any banners/t-shirt designs needed for the club. This job requires a lot of time and time management

Sergeant-at-arms: The sergeant-at-arms is in charge of making sure all meetings run smoothly and recite the Pledge of Allegiance and Key Club Pledge at all meetings. Requires an authoritative and loud voice.

Volume XVIIII, Issue 9| January 13, 2015




Being a KC Officer leads to a lot of great experiences and many friendships!


Volume XVIIII, Issue 9| January 13, 2015


FUN PAGE As of now, I will be accepting nominations for Key Clubber of the Month. You can recommend anyone you want and they could show up in the next newsletter! Just fill out the form below!

Nominee’s Name: Nominee’s Grade: Three Facts About the Nominee:

Anything else?:

KEY CLUBBER OF THE MONTH: Althea Pulido, 12 –Althea is one of the most dedicated Key Clubbers out there! She is a part of the Recognition committee and offers her brilliant artistic and photography skills to Key Club every day! She is always thereto help and always has a smile on her face. Thanks for being super cool Althea!

Recs: Recs is a segment of the Fun Page where I recommend my favorite apps, movies, song, etc. of the moment to you so you can check them out!

App: Trivia Crack—Do you loveee trivia? Then this is the app for you! Highly addictive and distracting, beware . Movie: Night at the Museum 3—If you enjoyed the first two movies, this one is definitely a must-see!

Song: Uptown Funk by Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars—I dare you to try and not start dancing while listening to this. I’m serious.

Place the numbers 1 to 9 in the empty squares so that each row, each column, and each 3x3 box contains the same number only once.


SNAPCHAT OF THE WEEK: Send your funniest snapchats to me and they could be in next week’s newsletter!

JOKEY TUESDAYS -Why does Humpty Dumpty love autumn? -Because he had a great fall!

Volume XVIIII, Issue 9| January 13, 2015




Christina Pham Sergeant-at-Arms (609) 442-7895, Dianna Torres Division 2 Lieutenant Governor (609) 774-5562,

Join the Facebook group if not already part of it and check for updates and projects!

Get your hours done before the end of the service year! 50 hours for general members and 75 hours for OCC members!

Volunteer to the best of your ability to ensure that you’re helping the community as much as you can!

Try to come to all the meetings!

If you miss any meetings, check out our website to find the links to the newsletters, minutes, and more!

Next General Meeting

January 27, 2015 Next OCC Meeting

January 20, 2015

“Caring - Our Way of Life” 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS


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