Copywriting Secrets of the Masters - Michael Masterson - Your Super-Sized Goal for 2011

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Copywriting Secrets of the Masters: Michael Masterson

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Your “Super-Sized” Goal for 2011 Last year at this time, I told you about one New Year’s resolution I had made: to write a poem a day for 365 days. I got the idea from a playwright who had done something similar. She wrote a play every day for a year. I liked the boldness of that ambition. It seemed to me that it was the kind of goal that could change a life. It did for that playwright. One of the plays she wrote made her famous. I have written poetry on and off my whole life, but never seriously. Maybe, I thought, I could improve my skills and even write some good poems this way. There were no guarantees, but I was optimistic that something good would come of it. When I revealed my personal goal to AWAI members last year, I recommended that they set an equally ambitious goal for themselves related to copywriting. Read a new promotion every day, I suggested. Or write one. Many people who read that article in The Golden Thread probably thought I was dreaming. “What’s the point of making a resolution you can’t possibly keep,” one person wrote me. I was concerned – maybe even a little afraid – that the objective was too grandiose. And that I wouldn’t follow through. But I was also hopeful. The cleverness of the idea was the sheer size of it. By setting a super-sized career goal, I thought one could break through a lifetime of failed smaller objectives. An Extra-Extra-Extra-Large New Year’s

resolution might be big enough to crash through whatever psychological barriers were holding one back. That was the idea. And guess what? It worked for me. I did write 365 poems in 365 days. I skipped a few days when I was busy traveling, but I made up for them when I had spare time. Many of the poems I wrote were only a few lines. And many weren’t very good. But at the end of the year, I had more than 100 poems that were – according to a few editors I sent them to – good enough to publish. So that’s what I’m working on now: publishing them in literary journals and collecting them for my first book of poetry. It feels good to have accomplished this goal. It feels great to have improved my skills as a poet. This brings us back to you. Did you read that article last year? Did you set any similar goals related to your career as a copywriter? If so, we would really like to hear about it. We’d like to know, in particular, how tough it was, how you coped with whatever setbacks you encountered, and what you gained from the experience. If you didn’t make a gargantuan resolution last year, consider doing it now for next year. You know how quickly time flies. And with every passing year, it will move more quickly. Seize the day, as they say. Capture the moment. Make 2008 your year for taking a quantum leap forward. To remind you, here is what I suggested last year: Set some unthinkably big task for yourself that, when completed at the end of the year, will have made you a much stronger and more highly compensated writer. And my specific suggestion: Write one effective mini-advertisement per day.

If you’d like to take on that goal, here’s how you can do it in a way that might also dramatically increase your income: 1. Get on the mailing lists (snail mail and Internet) of six or eight directmarketing businesses you’d like to work for. (Long-term AWAI members should have already done this.) 2. Build a “swipe file” (that is, a borrower’s library) of ads that these companies are currently using. 3. Every day, before you do any other work, take out one of the ads from your swipe file and study it. Spend 15 to 30 minutes figuring out what the copywriter is attempting to do, evaluating how well he’s doing it, and identifying other approaches that might work equally well or even better. 4. Pick one of those alternate approaches and make that your daily assignment. 5. Spend the next 30 to 45 minutes writing and editing a little ad based on the theme you’ve chosen. 6. When you are done, file the completed mini-ad in a large envelope addressed to the CEO or marketing director of the company it applies to. 7. Once a month, send out all those envelopes (each of which will contain one or several samples of your work). Include a letter that briefly explains who you are and why you are sending them this free copy. The letter should be some version of: “I admire your business and hoped that, if you saw what I could do, you might have a spot for me on your freelance rotation.” Don’t spend any more than 60 minutes a day completing this task. In the beginning, you will find that you will be able to write only a limited number of words. But as the weeks pass, you will see your speed improve dramatically.

You’ll almost certainly double the speed at which you write. You may quadruple or quintuple it. And you’ll also see that the quality of your writing will improve – which may surprise you, considering how much faster you are getting. You will have sharper, more tangible ideas. Your language will be crisper and cleaner. The trick is to focus on quality, not quantity. So your daily objective will be to come up with just one good marketing idea – and then, when you have it, to write it as simply and powerfully as possible. If you don’t want to do this every single day of the year, make it a workday goal … which would mean you’d be writing about 250 little ads this year and sending them out to potential clients. That goal is plenty big. And it allows you two days a week to do something else first thing in the morning. In addition to this “write one ad a day in 2008” idea, here are some other “unthinkably” big goals to consider:     

Learn a marketing secret a day. Scan an educational book a day. Contact a potential client a day. Call/write a friend a day. Practice a self-promotional speech a day.

 Identifying your goal is the first step. As soon as you do that … and I hope you do it today … write it down and make it happen. Let Michael Masterson take you by the hand and transform you into a sixfigure copywriter as he has done for thousands of others. Find out more about the AWAI Accelerated Program for Six-Figure Copywriting.

This article was originally published as part of The Golden Thread

MICHAEL MASTERSON – There is no one more qualified and experienced than copywriter, entrepreneur, and business-builder Michael Masterson to teach you the art, craft, and business of copywriting.

Michael started his first business – a fifth-grade publishing venture – at age 11. After finishing grad school at the University of Michigan in 1975, he spent two years in the Peace Corps, where he began his writing career. Several years later he was working as a writer for a small newsletter publishing company in Washington D.C. Then, in 1982, he learned the art of copywriting and launched the first of dozens of successful direct-marketing ventures, many of which have become multi-million dollar companies. All told, he’s been directly involved in the generation of over ONE BILLION DOLLARS of sales through the mail and online. He’s also a highly successful author. He’s published more than a dozen books, including several which have become Wall Street Journal, or New York Times bestsellers. Today, Michael consults mainly for newsletter publishing giant Agora, Inc., and writes regularly for Early To Rise, one of the most popular selfimprovement newsletters on the Internet, and for The Golden Thread, AWAI’s weekly copywriting newsletter. But there’s more to Michael Masterson than just his writing and business skills. Michael also has a knack for taking just about anyone with a burning desire to upgrade his lifestyle – no matter what his background or education – and transforming him (or her) into a top-notch copywriter: 

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He’s the one responsible for transforming Paul Hollingshead from a 35year-old minimum-wage grocery store stock boy into a copywriter earning upward of $300,000 a year … and Don Mahoney from a woodworker to a $300,000-a-year copywriter living in Miami Beach … He’s mentored other copywriters who have gone on to generate hundreds of millions of dollars in sales each year through their copy … He’s shown people in their 50s and 60s – people preparing for retirement – how to successfully change careers and become well-paid freelance copywriters … He’s taken young people fresh out of college – with no “life experience” at all – and turned them into top-notch copywriters and newsletter journalists … He’s taught housewives, bartenders, and laborers to excel …

He’s even helped “professionals” – doctors and college professors – leave successful careers to enjoy the big money and stress-free lifestyle copywriting offers

Discover how Michael can do the same for you with his AWAI Accelerated Program For Six Figure Copywriting. Michael Masterson

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