SAE has been setting the global benchmark for Creative Media education since 1976. In Australia, we proudly offer government accredited Bachelor, Associate Degree and Diploma programs across six disciplines - Animation, Audio, Creative Industries, Design, Film and Games.
Australian campus locations include; Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Perth as well as the famous coastal town and SAE Global Headquarters of Byron Bay.
Under the expert guidance of industry experienced processionals, learn by doing in real-world projects and gain valuable industry experience with 80 hours of work placement (work integrated learning) within the bachelor degree.
There are 6 easy steps to ensure that you are submitting a complete application.
- Fill in the International Student Enrolment Form (contained within) and email to international.admissions@sae.edu.au Please include a copy of your passport, academic documents and evidence of your English language competency.
- International Admissions will review and assess your application and if all is in order, will email you a Letter of Offer. If you are using an education agent, your offer will be sent to your agent.
- An offer may include conditions that must be met, before your enrolment can be approved.
- If you have requested advanced standing or credit (Recognition of Prior Learning - RPL), we will help you to apply for this before you receive your Letter of Offer.
When your application has been approved, you will be asked to:
- Sign a Student Admissions Agreement.
- Pay a tuition deposit.
- Arrange OSHC (Overseas Student Health Cover).
- Your study placement is confirmed when you receive an electronic Confirmation of Enrolment (eCoE). An eCoE is required before you can apply for your Student Visa. If you are using an education agent, your eCoE will be sent to your agent.
- If you are applying via an education agent, they will assist you with this. For more information go to: immi.homeaffairs.gov.au
- Wait to receive your Student Visa, arrange accommodation, then book your tickets to Australia!
- For more information about planning your arrival, visit the SAE website: www.sae.edu.au or see the International Student Handbook: https://media.navitas.com/sae-aus/image/upload/ v1635204862/COLLATERAL/International%20 Handbook/SAE-InternationalStudentHandbook17032020.pdf
Navitas English (00289M) navitasenglish.edu.au
English Language Centre (02931G) hawthornenglish.edu.au
Ability English (01530K) ability.edu.au
Browns English Language School (02663M) brownsenglish.edu.au
ELSIS English Language Schools (02644C) elsis.edu.au
Universal English College (Els) (00053J) sydney.els.edu
English Unlimited (03296K) englishunlimited.qld.edu.au
ILSC Language Schools (02137M) ilsc.com
Impact English College (02995B) impactenglish.com.au
International House (02623G) ihsydney.com.au
Language Links (02139J) languagelinks.wa.edu.au
Lexis English (01632D) lexisenglish.com
Perth International College Of English (Pice) (02368G) pice.com.au
SAE Jakarta indonesia.sae.edu
SAE Dubai dubai.sae.edu
AAT College India aatcollege.com
TAFE Queensland tafeqld.edu.au
Gold Coast
Noosa (QLD), Byron Bay (NSW), Sydney,
Please print in BLOCK LETTERS
Title: Mr Ms Mrs Miss Other Surname Name:
First Name:
Other Name:
Preferred Name/s:
Date of birth:
Country of Birth:
Passport Number:
Nationality on Passport:
Have you ever been refused a visa to any country? Yes No
If yes, which country?
Have you ever had a visa cancelled (not voluntarily)? Yes No
If yes, which country?
Are you married or have a partner/spouse? Yes No
Do you have any dependent children? Yes No
Gender: Male Female Other
Personal email address of applicant: (not education agent)
Current Address: (where you are living now)
Permanent Address: (In your home country)
Mobile number: (Include country and area code if outside Australia)
Other contact number:
(Include country and area code if outside Australia)
Name of person to notify in the event of an emergency:
Relationship to you:
Mobile number:
Email address:
Do you give SAE permission to communicate with this person regarding your application? Yes No
Agent contact person name:
Mobile number: Email address: Business address: Place agent stamp here:
Name of course:
Duration: Fast Track Standard Track
Intake: Trimester 1 - Feb Trimester 2 - May Trimester 3 - Sept
Campus: Brisbane Byron Bay Sydney Adelaide Melbourne Perth
What is your highest level of education?
(Example: Year 12, STPM, A Levels, Senior Secondary Diploma)
Name of school:
Is this completed? Yes No
If yes, what year did you finish?
If no, when will you finish?
If currently studying, when will you complete your studies?
What is your highest level of education?
(For example: Diploma, Degree etc)
Name of school:
Is this completed? Yes No
If yes, what year did you finish?
If no, when will you finish?
If currently studying, when will you complete your studies?
Are you currently studying in Australia? Yes No
If yes, please complete the following:
Name of institution:
Name of course:
Course start date:
Course end date:
Is English your first language? Yes No
I have taken an English test: (Please tick English test type) IELTS TOEFL PTE
Other English test type: (Please indicate)
Score received: Date of test:
I have other evidence of English proficiency: Yes No
Please describe (or attach evidence):
I have related study or experience and want to apply for RPL: Recognition of Prior Learning (also known as “advanced standing” or “academic credit”) Yes No
Do you have any disabilities, impairments or long-term medical conditions that may affect your studies?*
Yes No If yes, please indicate:
If you have selected yes, please indicate the area of impairment from the list below (you may indicate more than one area). Please refer to the Disability Supplement for an explanation of the following disabilities
Hard of hearing/deaf Physical disability
Intellectual disability Mental health condition
Medical condition Low vision/blindness
Neurological condition Acquired brain injury
Specific learning disability Other (please describe)
I want to package my enrolment with an English course: Yes, Enter name of preferred English provider:
Would you like to receive advice on support services available to assist you during your studies?
Yes No
The Australian Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) requires all international students to have access to sufficient funds to pay their tuition fees, travel costs and living expenses for the first 12 months in Australia. More information about financial capacity requirements can be found on the Australian Department of Home Affairs website: https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/ getting-a-visa/visa-listing/student-500#Eligibility
• The amounts listed in the table above are the minimum required for a student, and do not necessarily represent the entire cost of studying and living in Australia.
• The course fees for 12 months indicated above are approximate, based on 2022 SAE Fee Schedule for a normal duration, full-time study plan. SAE fees are updated annually and are available on the SAE: website: sae.edu.au/how-to-apply/ international-fees-payments/
• A detailed breakdown of actual fees will be provided on my course offer, and may differ from the above guide.
• Fast Track courses of shorter duration will result in a higher annual cost.
• Variations to my study plan, such as course credits and RPL will reduce the overall cost of my course
• If I have any school-aged children or dependents accompanying me to Australia, they must attend school and I will be required to pay a full fee for their enrolment.
• I may be required to present evidence of financial capacity to SAE or the Department of Home Affairs as part of my application for enrolment and Student Visa.
By signing this application I declare that:
I am seeking admission as a full fee-paying student for education purposes only. I will be responsible for the full costs of the program for which I am seeking admission and for my living costs.
The information provided by me in this application is true and correct. I have read and understood the SAE Student Handbook and Student Policies located on the SAE website: sae.edu.au/about/policies/
I authorise SAE to send and receive electronic communication and information relating to my application; release personal information relevant to your application and visa documentation to a nominated, authorised Education Agent, relevant government(s) and their agencies; associated SAE Group Institutes, companies, or their agents; contact any persons, institutions, companies or entities mentioned in this application in order to verify claims made by you; use your image, name and course work in any of its marketing materials.
I understand that documents submitted with my application become the property of SAE University College; SAE may reverse any decision made on the basis of incorrect or incomplete information provided by me; SAE reserves the right to inspect and verify the originals of supplied documents.
15 / USI
A USI - Unique Student Identifier is a reference number that creates an online record of your training and qualifications attained in Australia. If you are a new or continuing student undertaking nationally recognised training, you need a USI in order to receive your qualification or statement of attainment.
From 1st of January 2021, all new students applying for Commonwealth Financial Assistance (VSL, HECS-HELP, FEEHELP, OS-HELP, SA-HELP) will need to provide their USI on their Commonwealth Assistance Form (CAF or eCAF) prior to census date. This also includes all on-shore international students.
To create a new USI or find your existing USI please visit www.usi.gov.au/your-usi/create-usi
If you would like SAE to apply for a USI on your behalf you must authorise us to do so. By authorising us to apply for a USI on your behalf, you consent to us using and disclosing the personal information provided at enrolment for that purpose.
In accordance with section 11 of the Student Identifiers Act 2014, SAE will securely destroy personal information which we collect from individuals solely for the purpose of applying for a USI on their behalf as soon as practicable after we have made the application or the information is no longer needed for that purpose.
No, thanks. I have applied for a USI myself. My USI is Yes, I have not applied for a USI yet and hereby authorise SAE to apply for a USI on my behalf, pursuant to sub-section 9(2) of the Student Identifiers Act 2014.
I have read the USI Privacy Notice (available at www.usi. gov.au/documents/privacy-notice-when-rto-applies-theirbehalf) and hereby consent to the collection, processing, use and disclosure of my personal information by the USI Office (which may include sensitive information) pursuant to the USI Privacy Notice, and NCVER policies, procedures and protocols published on NCVER’s website at www.ncver.edu.au.
For applicants who are under 18 years of age at the time of applying, a parent / guardian signature is also required, in addition to the main applicant.
International students under the age of 18 studying on a student visa are required to obtain SAE’s approval to show that appropriate arrangements have been made for their accommodation, support and general welfare during their stay in Australia until they turn 18.
SAE will only accept applications from International Students under the age of 18 who will be turning 18 during their first trimester of studies at SAE. Where accommodation and welfare cannot be provided by a parent/guardian or approved family member, SAE may agree to take responsibility for the student’s welfare. As the parent or legal guardian, I hereby give permission for the applicant to apply for enrolment in the selected course, in the nominated year and intake period and at the nominated campus. I understand that students who are under 18 years of age at the time of arrival in Australia need to have arrangements in place for accommodation, welfare and guardianship, and that these arrangements will need to be approved by SAE Admissions prior to confirming enrolment and before a visa application can be lodged. I understand that by signing this application I am making the declarations as outlined above.
Information is collected on this form and during your enrolment in order to meet our obligations under the ESOS Act and the National Code 2018; to ensure student compliance with the conditions of their visas and their obligations under Australian immigration laws generally. The authority to collect this information is contained in the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000, the Education Services for Overseas Students Regulations 2001 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018. Information collected about you on this form and during your enrolment can be provided, in certain circumstances, to the Australian Government and designated authorities and, if relevant, the Tuition Assurance Scheme and the ESOS Assurance Fund Manager. In other instances information collected on this form or during your enrolment can be disclosed without your consent where authorised or required by law.
SAE University College is bound by the ESOS (Education Services for Overseas Students) legislative framework, which includes the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code 2018. The ESOS Framework only applies to international students studying in Australia on a student visa.
More information about the ESOS Framework can be found at the Australian Department of Education and Training website: internationaleducation.gov.au/RegulatoryInformation/Pages/Regulatoryinformation.aspx
Applicants apply for a Student Visa must be able to show SAE International Admissions they meet the Department of Home Affairs Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) Criteria. Your individual circumstances must demonstrate that you genuinely intend to stay in Australia temporarily. The factors that are considered during assessment of the genuine temporary entrant (GTE) requirement include: your personal circumstances in your home country, your potential circumstances in Australia, the value of the course to your future, your immigration history, and any other matter that is relevant to your intention to remain in Australia temporarily. If you are a minor the intentions of your parent, legal guardian or spouse will also be considered.
As part of this requirement, you may be interviewed by the International Admissions Coordinator and asked to provide additional information to demonstrate your suitability for a student visa. You may also be asked to provide a “Statement of Purpose”. For more information about GTE you can visit the Department of Home Affairs website: www.homeaffairs.gov.au
- 2 Trimesters 102826J
Trimesters 105480F
Trimesters 105153K
- 6 Trimesters 105151A
Trimesters 080179K
- 2 Trimesters 102827H
Trimesters 094744D
- 2 Trimesters 102825K
Trimesters 108440A
BRISBANE/ Cnr Jane St. & Riverside Drive, West End, QLD 4101
T +61 (0)7 3850 2000
E brisbane@sae.edu.au
BYRON BAY/ 373-391 Ewingsdale Road, Byron Bay, NSW 2481
T +61 (0)2 6639 6000
E byronbay@sae.edu.au
SYDNEY/ 39 Regent Street, Chippendale, NSW 2008
T +61 (0)2 8241 5200
E sydney@sae.edu.au
MELBOURNE/ 235 Normanby Road, South Melbourne, VIC 3205
T +61 (0)3 8632 3400
E melbourne@sae.edu.au
ADELAIDE/ 15-19 Franklin Street, Adelaide, SA 5000
T +61 (0)8 8215 7800
E adelaide@sae.edu.au
PERTH/ 116 Roe Street, Northbridge, WA 6003
T +61 (0)8 6217 4100
E perth@sae.edu.au