Opening the door for future creatives
Be Inspired, Be Brave, Be Creative, Be Industry-Ready with SAE.
The SAE Scholarship Program invests in future industry professionals, rewarding creative skill, academic excellence and strong leadership. SAE Australia offers a range of domestic scholarships to assist students during their studies, including full and partial tuitions.
Scholarships available:
Excellence in Creative Media Scholarship*
Full Tuition Scholarship / Bachelor Degree
Creative First Nations Scholarship* Full Tuition Scholarship / Bachelor Degree
Kickstarter Scholarships*
$10,000 Partial Tuition Scholarship / Bachelor Degree
SAE240429-1657 TEQSA: PRV12042 | CRICOS: 00312F | RTO: 0273 *Courses vary depending on the location of study. Apply Now SAE.EDU.AU/SCHOLARSHIPS