AAAEM Newsletter

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Volume 1, Issue 1

August 24, 2011

Chair Message The Academy of Administrators in Academic Emergency Medicine (AAAEM) held its 4th Annual Meeting recently in Santa Fe, New Mexico in conjunction with the Association of Academic Chairs in Emergency Medicine (AACEM). The joint meetings were enhanced by gifted and knowledgeable speakers and concluded with an informative and thought provoking panel/group discussion. The Academy was also very productive in developing its work plans for the coming year. Since being recognized as an Academy by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) in 2009, AAAEM has grown to a 51 member strong professional organization. AAAEM is composed of Emergency Medicine Administrators from various academic medicine institutions all across the United States. AAAEM’s purpose is to build a professional organization that provides a forum for administrative leaders to collaborate with colleagues and interact with EM Department Chairs to share information. AAAEM also seeks to advance the profession of individuals serving as administrators in academic emergency medicine departments through education and development. Despite its relatively brief existence, AAAEM has quickly made its mark by presenting to department chairs and colleagues its benchmark survey summary for the fourth year in a row. This survey data, taken from 58 academic medical centers yielded over 10,000 data points spanning over 100 key elements of patient care (adults and children) and academic missions of peer emergency medicine departments and divisions. AAAEM also announced the results of its first formal elections at the meeting with outgoing Academy Chair, Kenneth Marx, University of Florida, passing the gavel of leadership to incoming Chair James Scheulen from John Hopkins University. James J. Scheulen, PA, MBA

Upcoming AAAEM Meeting AAAEM in partnership with AACEM is pleased to announce the 2012 joint meeting will be held on April 2-4 in Washington, DC at the Madison Hotel. Understanding the financial and time challenges we all face with conference attendance, we are working closely with AACEM to make this 3-day meeting as interactive and relevant to your practice needs as possible. Your hearing from key figures in government, focused discussions around compensation plans, physician productivity, operations, research and education with breakout sessions of chairs and

AAAEM DAs geared to like-institutions promises to make this a valuable learning experience for you, your chair and vice chair. Please mark the date, talk with your chair and encourage your AAAEM colleagues to attend.

Committee Updates The membership of AAAEM is now at 54 members strong. We are very pleased to have this strong membership. The membership committee has developed a simple application for new members. If you know of someone who should be a member of AAAEM, please contact Kirsten Rounds for an application. During the coming months we will be reaching out to anyone who has been active in the past but is not currently a member to encourage them to become a full, voting member of AAAEM. Some of the benefits of membership include- full access to our annual benchmarking survey results which is truly a unique and powerful resource, networking and education through our listserve, and the opportunity to attend our annual meeting with the Chairs of AACEM. We have many more great ideas brewing to further enhance the role of Administrators in Academic Emergency Medicine and hope that everyone out there will want to be a full member so they can participate The Benchmark Committee has been actively developing the survey for next year. We have been in touch with the leadership of the AACEM and are updating the survey questions to be sure we are collecting relavent data for us to use in our daily work. While we have not yet finalized the survey questions, there is a great deal of interest this year in gathering data regarding physician productivity and we expect there could be an interesting discussion regarding patient satisfaction scores. The Communications Committee has had several meetings to focus on the new AAAEM Website that is supported by SAEM. SAEM has converted its old website to a new architecture called Drupal. There is still work to be done to integrate AAAEM over. In

Ken Marx—Last Shuttle Landing No, this is not part of the Shuttle ground crew. Our own Ken Marx and his UF Emergency Medicine Department provides medical support teams for each launch and landing. Since this was the last shuttle landing, Ken was given the opportunity to join the team for this momentous event. In Ken’s words “It was an incredible experience I was able to have because of my Department’s support. As exciting as it was, we are sad this chapter has ended and sympathize with our colleagues at the Kennedy Space Center whose jobs, and in some cases careers have ended.

Question of the Week

Name that Newsletter Contest Our first Newsletter! What shall we call it? We’re launching a contest to name our newsletter. Members are invited to send by listserv no later than September 15th, proposed names. Names will then be entered into a Survey Monkey and sent out to all members for voting. Whatever name garners the most votes is declared the winner. The winning recipient will win a all expense paid trip to….Nah! Just kidding. However, you will be recognized at our annual meeting. So don’t delay — get that name in.

the interim we’ve developed a process for requesting Web Updates. We are also discussing with Membership to create a AAAEM flyer. This is used for building membership and marketing of the AAAEM brand. Lastly, but surely not least is our first Newsletter. Our aim is to put this out quarterly. The sky is the limit! And we will rely on you to provide us content to keep our members informed.

2011-2012 AAAEM Leadership and Committees

Executive Committee James Scheulen, Chair, MBA, Johns Hopkins University Jill Zaheer, Chair-Elect, Mount Sinai School of Medicine Kenneth Marx, Immediate Past Chair, MA, MBA, CMPE, Univ. of Florida Richard McAdam, Secretary, MHA, FACHE, Emory University Peter Forster, Treasurer, MBA, FACHE, University of Michigan Louis Burton, At-Large Member, MHSM, FACHE, Emory University Linda Davis-Moon, At-Large Member, MSN, Thomas Jefferson University Kirsten Rounds, At-Large Member, MSA, Brown University Brian Spector, At-Large Member, MPA, Northwestern University

Benchmark Study Committee Jim Scheulen (Chair), Greg Archual, Jim Bihun, Dale Borgeson , Antoinette Brooke, David Calder, Denise Mitchell, Kelly Scheiderer,

Membership Committee Mary Burr, (Co-Chair), Kirsten Rounds, (Co-Chair), Rhea Begeman, William Fussinger, Susan Montella,

Nominating Committee Ken Marx (Chair), William Fussinger, Alan Lines, Kelly Scheiderer,

Planning Committee Brian Spector (Chair), Linda Davis-Moon, Amy Jameson, Carol Massey, Ashlee Melendez, ( Theresa Pierson, Barbara West,

Strategic Planning Peter Forster (Chair), Chris Chicarello, Nadine Manning, Ken Marx, Richard McAdam, Janet Sherry, Jackie Swihart,

Website & Communication Louis Burton, (Chair), Lisa Braun, Kathleen Cardella, David Christiansen, Trevor McGuire, Jennifer Wyatt, Marilynn Reif, Jill Zaheer,

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