Membership Application REDUCED INTERNATIONAL PRICING AVAILABLE - Email Membership for Details Name:
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Home address: City:
Preferred mailing address: □ Office □ Home Office phone: (
Home phone: (
□M □F
Birth date: Fax: (
Check Membership Category
□ Active - $560.00 Individuals with advanced degree university appointment actively involved in EM teaching or research. □ Associate - $250.00 RN/EMT/PA/RC/NP - Non MD/PhD □ Young Physician Year One - $335.00 First year following residency graduation.
□ International - email membership for pricing
□ Young Physician Year Two - $460.00 Second year following □ *Active/Associate/YP1 or YP2 Academy - $100.00 residency graduation.
□ Resident/Fellow - $165.00 Open to residents/fellows interested in EM. Graduation date:
□ *Medical Student - $25.00 ea. □ *GEMA Resident/Fellow - FREE
□ Medical Student - $140.00 Open to medical students interested in EM. Graduation date:
*must be a current SAEM member to join an academy
Interest Groups: Society members are invited to join any of the dedicated Interest Groups listed below. Each membership category includes ONE Interest Group free of charge. Additional Interest Groups can be added for $25.00 □ Academic Informatics □ Airway □ CPR/Ischemia/Reperfusion □ Clinical Directors □ Disaster Medicine □ Diversity □ ED Crowding
Method of Payment
□ Educational Research □ EMS □ Ethics □ Evidence-Based Medicine □ Health Services & Outcomes □ Neurologic Emergencies □ Palliative Medicine
□ Enclosed Check
□ Patient Safety □ Pediatric EM □ Public Health □ Observational Medicine □ Research Directors □ Sports Medicine
□ Toxicology □ Trauma □ Triage □ Uniformed Services □ Wilderness Medicine
□ Credit Card (Visa or MC) Total:
Name as it appears on credit card
Card Number:
Expiration Date:
Billing Zip Code:
SAEM, 2340 S. River Rd, Suite 200 Des Plaines, IL 60018. email: You may also join at
Rev. Date 10/13/2010