SAEM Foundation Donor Guide

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The SAEM Foundation is our specialty’s leader in funding research that empowers emergency physicians, saves lives, and improves outcomes for patients everywhere. At a time of great need, we continue to make the largest research investment in our history, year after year—and we need your support to make it possible.

Over the last three decades, we’ve seen the power of research in emergency medicine.

Every time we…

Use the HEART score to gauge a patient’s risk of a major cardiac event

Rely on pre-hospital emergency care to preserve a patient’s best hopes for recovery

Follow stroke protocol to preserve brain function when every minute counts

Recognize and respond to sepsis in time to reduce mortality

Prevent a suicide or save a victim of a drug overdose

…we are standing on our specialty’s foundation of research.

By investing in clinical, translational, and education research, we have saved lives, improved outcomes for countless patients, and supported emergency physicians who commit their careers to caring for every person, in every situation, no matter what. Our growing research base has elevated emergency medicine from an ill-defined and undervalued clinical practice to a highly valued primary board specialty. Yet we have only scratched the surface of the possibilities and demands for high-impact research in emergency medicine.

Around the clock, emergency physicians are confronted with some of the most urgent research questions across all areas of medicine, from epidemic disease and gun violence to the complexities of behavioral health and an aging population. In addition to continuing clinical and translational research, we need to invest in operational, implementation and educational research to improve care delivery and train the next generation of emergency medicine physicians and providers.

The progress of research in emergency medicine will save lives and sustain healthy generations in our communities. As the largest private foundation of research in emergency medicine, the SAEM Foundation is asking for your support to make the biggest leap forward in research funding in our specialty’s history.

Why I Give

I got involved with SAEM because there was a strong emphasis on exploration and curiosity… I connected with a PhD researcher in the emergency department and did a number of research projects on a stroke model in rats… I presented the results at an SAEM Annual Meeting, even as a resident young investigator, and won a number of awards for those projects. I’m trying to pay SAEM back for the networking and mentorship and fun that they provided me as I developed as a researcher. I really believe we have to support ourselves when we try to develop or enhance the development of new researchers.

- Michelle Biros, MD, MS Annual Alliance and Legacy Society Donor

Emergency physicians count on the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) to advance the science and innovation at the heart of our specialty.


Offers the highest quality continuing medical education in emergency medicine, including two journals and other publications, as well as the SAEM Annual Meeting.

Brings specialists across emergency medicine together through 8 academies and 30 interest groups.

Supports medical students, residents, fellows and faculty on their academic career paths in emergency medicine.

Alongside SAEM’s work to strengthen our specialty today, the SAEM Foundation supports the research and researchers who will shape our specialty tomorrow.

The SAEM Foundation:

Is the largest private foundation of research and research training in emergency medicine, with annual funding growing every year and reaching close to $1M for our 2024 grantees.

Represents the gold standard in research quality, with a rigorous peer review process that prepares applicants for the National Institutes of Health.

Makes a career-defining impact on aspiring researchers by funding their work at a critical stage before they compete for NIH funding.

Drives 100 percent of donor support to clinical, translational, and education research with a singular mission focus and an efficient operation supported by SAEM.

SAEMF Impact on Career Development


Each dollar donated leads to increased subsequent federal funding for EM. Awarded to more than 570 academicians


Average number of publications per Research Training Grant recipient

61% OF RESEARCH TRAINING GRANT RECIPIENTS received subsequent funding from federal sources1

At a time when early-career researchers face significant challenges finding protected time for research amid their clinical and teaching duties, SAEM Foundation grants give them time to learn research skills and develop their research projects to be competitive for NIH funding.

If you look at the research leaders in emergency medicine today, many built their careers with help from a grant from the SAEM Foundation (or its predecessor grant programs in SAEM) at a crucial early stage.

An SAEM Foundation grant at the right time doesn’t just support a oneoff project—it helps launch a whole career of research impact, which often extends beyond the grantee to include the people they develop and support in their research careers.

Khan A, McMillan M, Mohr N; Academic Emergency Medicine Grants Committee. Influence of Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation’s Research Training Grant on postaward academic federal funding. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Jul;29(7):874-878. doi: 10.1111/acem.14456. Epub 2022 Mar 10. PMID: 35108429.
1. Chang AK, Lee S, Le R,
Ata A, Harland K,

Success Stories


University of Michigan Medical School

“The SAEMF funding I received enabled us to provide a stable infrastructure for training young investigators in emergency care research. The return on investment has been high in terms of subsequent research funding. Our first fellow received a Mentored Clinical Scientist Development Award (K08) from the NIH, and our second fellow received an AHA Fellow-to-Faculty Development Award. The research fellowship opportunities provided by SAEM Foundation are critical to the career development of young scientists within our specialty.”

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in the science, innovation, and future leaders that emergency medicine needs.
Learn how SAEMF is investing

With generous support and smart investments,

the SAEM Foundation has grown its endowment of research funding to over $12 million. These funds are our specialty’s shared foundation for the future of research, and they will generate annual funding in perpetuity to support the most promising researchers and their projects.

The problem we confront today is that our research needs—and promising research ideas—are far greater than we can currently pursue. Inspired by the success of previous grantees, the number and quality of Foundation grant applications has grown considerably. Every year, the SAEM Foundation now receives more high-quality applications than it can fund and has to say no to projects that deserve a yes. We also see that the size of our grants often falls short of the full support that projects need to move forward at full speed and scope.

This means we are falling short of the pace at which we could be advancing research with the power to save lives, improve outcomes, and support emergency physicians. It’s time to invest on a far greater scale to build the research future our specialty needs.

That’s why the SAEM Foundation needs your support now more than ever. In particular, it will empower the SAEM Foundation to support:

More Research Grants To Launch More Careers

Today, the SAEM Foundation is able to fund roughly 20 grants per year, supporting rising researchers at nearly that many institutions. Yet it is not uncommon for the Foundation to have to turn down 10 to 15 additional highquality applicants. A greater research fund will, first and foremost, allow the Foundation to say yes to more qualified applicants, supporting more talented physicians as they work to build research careers in support of our field, and launching more research projects with the power to change lives.

Larger Grants to Support the Full Demands Of Research

SAEM Foundation grants range in size from $500 to $300,000, the largest being Research Training Grants that provide two years of support for an aspiring researcher to intensively develop their research abilities and project plans. With greater funding, the Foundation will be able to increase the sizes of awards and fund more large grants to accelerate the development of talented researchers and support their work on a larger scale. This might include supporting more established researchers advancing more ambitious research designs to answer larger questions.



SAEMF Funding by Grant Cycle

And Partnerships In Our Areas Of Greatest Need

Beyond increasing the scope and scale of existing grants, the SAEM Foundation has regular opportunities to launch new programs and partnerships around some of the most pressing issues in our specialty today—from geriatrics and gun violence to toxicology and domestic abuse and far beyond. Many other medical research foundations have built significant programs with funders and partner organizations, and prospective partners have reached out to SAEM Foundation in the past. We have not lacked for promising opportunities—only for the resources to support and sustain them. With stronger funding, the SAEM Foundation would be able to step forward as an expert partner in coalitions tackling important issues that transcend emergency medicine, amplifying our expert voice to far greater impact beyond our membership.


At a time when our specialty is in the spotlight, we see the extraordinary progress we have made over the past three decades—building a robust and ever-growing base of clinical and translational research, a vibrant academic community, and a position of leadership and influence within the house of medicine.

Yet our commitment to our patients and communities calls us to reach far higher: to respond to new challenges, bring new expertise and knowledge to pressing questions that span the breadth of emergency medicine, and to save lives and improve outcomes for everyone who comes through our doors. Our best investment is our foundation of research and the talented physicians who commit their careers to building it.

Join us today to build the future of emergency medicine.

2020-21 Grantees 2021-22 Grantees 2022-23 Grantees 2023-24 Grantees 2024-25 Grantees $ 6 8 6 , 0 0 0 $ 7 0 0 , 0 0 0 $ 8 6 3 , 0 0 0 $ 9 7 0 , 2 6 1 $ 8 4 6 , 0 0 0

Planning & Advice More Research, Education & Training from SAEM/SAEMF

RAMS Roadmap To Research e-brochure

The Academic Roadmap: How to Get Where You Want to Go

Panel Discussion

SAEM Academic Career Guide e-brochure

Step-by-step guide to advancing your research career from medical school through fellowship

Career advice from successful academicians

Everything you need to know about academic emergency medicine careers

RAMS Biosketch Podcast series Podcasts Interviews with emergency medicine researchers

Is Fellowship Right For You?

Panel Discussion

Advice from mentors across the specialty

Education & Training

Advanced Research Methodology Evaluation and Design (ARMED) Course

The purpose of this course is to arm participants with the fundamental knowledge and skills to design a high quality research project and grant proposal to jumpstart their research career. ARMED MedEd Course

This course builds upon the fundamental knowledge and skills of health professions education researchers and equips them to design a high-quality medical education research project and grant proposal.

Research Learning Series Podcasts

SAEM Research Resources Website

SAEM Research Guide: Did You Know? e-brochure

In keeping with SAEM’s mission to provide highquality research and educational innovation in emergency care, SAEM is hosting a high-yield, interactive Research Learning Series for novice and mid-career researchers in emergency medicine. These monthly 60-minute sessions feature valuable research content delivered by experts in the field of emergency research.

List of resources to help you with study design, implementation, evaluation, and dissemination.

SAEM provides research resources to help you through every stage of your research career. From planning and design, to implementation and dissemination, you can find it all at SAEM.

SAEMF Grantees Are Grateful for Your Support

Evangelia Murray, MD

Denver Health

SAEMF Research Training Grant - $300,000

“Comprehensive Emergency Department-based Social Needs Screening”

Ryan E. Tsuchida, MD

University of Wisconsin, Department of Emergency Medicine

SAEMF/ADIEM Research Grant - $6,000

“A Qualitative Case Study Analysis of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leaders in Emergency Medicine”

Reuben W. Horace, DO, MPH, MBA

Duke University

SAEMF/RAMS Resident Research Grant - $5,000

“Patient Perspective on Reducing Bias During ED Intake of ED Psychiatric Patients”

Samita M. Heslin, MD, MBA, MPH, MA, MS

Stony Brook University

SAEMF/ED Benchmarking Alliance Clinical Operations Research Grant - $50,000

“Artificial Intelligence Augmented Emergency Department Triage”

Visit our Donor Impact section on to learn about how your support can make a difference.
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Join The Annual Alliance

Join a community of academic emergency medicine leaders who are passionate about improving emergency care. As a member of the Annual Alliance, you will be a part of an esteemed network of leaders in emergency medicine who strive to advance emergency medicine! Donate Now!

Annual Alliance Benefits

Online Donor Listing Donor Ribbon on Community Website

Annual Meeting - VIP Ticket to RAMS Party

Annual Meeting - Name on Donor Board

Annual Meeting - Early Notice of Hotel Registration

Annual Meeting - Early Notice of Course Registration

Annual Donor Pin


Social Media Recognition

Annual MeetingCoffee and Networking

Annual MeetingVIP Lounge Access

Annual Meeting - Name on Slides at Opening Plenary Session

Annual Meeting - Photo on Slides at Opening Plenary Session

Annual MeetingGuaranteed Room at the Conference Host Hotel

Annual Meeting - Limo Transportation Conference Invitation to SAEM Board Reception Named Recognition for Select Grants and Programming

*If donation/pledge is committed by February 1.


100% of donor support goes to research and education programs.

Donor Benefits All Donors Dues Check Off Medical Student Resident Young Professional Mentor Advocate Sustaining Enduring Naming
Any $200 $25 $100 $250 $1,000 $3,000 paid over 3 years $5,000 paid over 3 years $10,000 paid over 2 years $10,000+ in one year

Your gift today is an investment in

Annual Alliance donations are the backbone of support for a growing investment in grants and programs that is needed now more than ever. Your donations are put to work immediately through initiatives that are designed to build the pipeline of EM researchers and educators.

During the 2024-25 Grants cycle, the SAEMF awarded $970,261 to fund these promising researchers and educators in emergency medicine.

Meet our researchers, hear more about their work at

Checkout an easy way to double your donation! Many corporations match donations made by their employees to organizations like ours. If you’d like help navigating your company’s employee giving program, email While academic institutions will not always match, if your spouse is in a corporate setting, their company may match. We will recognize you / you and your spouse for the full amount of the donation received! Ask about a match!

emergency medicine’s future.

Unique giving opportunities aligned with your interests

Through a gift to SAEMF, you have the opportunity to invest in EM’s future in unique ways and to align your philanthropy with a cause that is important to you. By establishing a major gift, you not only foster and encourage future research and education leaders like those featured in this Guide — you also help to elevate the awareness about what can be accomplished through a gift to SAEMF.

“I worked with SAEMF to establish a new grant to support geriatric emergency medicine. My goal in starting this grant is two fold. One, I would like to encourage young faculty to continue to improve emergency care and the quality of life for older patients. It is my hope that this grant allows them to continue to pursue a career in research at a junior level. Second, I hope that this important area of geriatric emergency medicine care continues to expand, and that others will follow the lead to support research in this arena. You can also contribute to make the SAEMF Geriatric Emergency Medicine Research Catalyst Grant available in future years. Donate today!”

Annual Gifts Committee

and Enduring Donor

Naming Opportunities

$10,000 One Year

/ Partner Grants: Toxicology, ADIEM, AEUS, AWAEM, GEMA, Simulation, CDEM





$82,500 per year

Total commitment is $165,000

$165,000 per year Total commitment is $330,000

While unrestricted gifts offer the greatest opportunity to address the areas of need as prioritized by propose specific disease states or therapies that align with their intentions for the gift. Donors are also opportunities for longer terms.

$10,000 One Year
and Medical Students (RAMS) Research Grant
One Year
Group Grant (EMIG)
One Year Education Project Grant
One Year ARMED Pilot Grant
Two Years Education Research Grant (ERG)
per year Total commitment is $110,000
Two Years Research Large Project
Grant (LPG)
Two Years Research Training Grant

Annual Alliance donors who commit a gift or pledge of $10,000 or more per year have the opportunity to be recognized in conjunction with a named grant or program. Opportunities include:


Thanks to you, these essential grants will receive the funding needed to increase research and education in key areas of the specialty’s focus.

Your gift will foster interest in research among EM trainees. The focus is on self-limited research projects that are impactful in the current or future practice of EM and can be completed in a one-year time frame. This may include educational projects.

Your gift will help to recognize the valuable role of EM medical student interest groups (EMIGs) by funding the awareness of the EMIGs and grants to support these groups’ educational activities.

Your gift will foster innovation in teaching, education, and educational research in EM for faculty-, fellow-, resident- and medical student-level learners. The mission of the grant is to provide support for a medical education research project.

Your gift will support the development of a scientist in EM. This grant’s specific goals are to provide support an EM academician awardee for one year of mentored research experience. The award is intended to support the applicant in obtaining preliminary or pilot data for future grant submissions. It also enhances the likelihood of the selection of an academic and research career by the awardee and encourages academic development and involvement in EM research.

Your gift will help foster innovation in teaching, education, and educational research in EM for faculty-, fellow-, resident- and medical student-level learners. The mission of the grant is to develop the academic potential of the selected fellow by providing support for a dedicated two-year training period, including pursuit and preferably completion of an advanced degree in education.

Your gift will help fund an EM faculty member to conduct a large-scale research project to advance his/ her career and subsequently obtain federal funding by developing pilot data. This grant is expected to answer important scientific questions in EM, and help the recipient become an independently funded scientist in EM.

Your gift will be used to support the development of a scientist in EM. The goals are to:

• Provide support to an EM academician awardee for two years of concentrated training and mentorship with an emphasis on learning research methodology. The award is intended to support the development of sound research skills rather than a specific research project.

• Enhance the likelihood of the selection of an academic and research career by the awardee.

• Facilitate the support of research training in the awardee’s host institution for EM research scientists.

by SAEM’s Grants Committee and the SAEMF Board of Trustees (BoT), donors are welcome to also invited to propose new programs for consideration by the BoT. Contact SAEMF to learn about

We cannot wait to

act of generosity with others

In addition to recognizing your act of leadership giving, we look forward to telling others about your generous support. One of the greatest opportunities for a growing organization like ours to elevate its philanthropy is to demonstrate that others have made decisions to invest in its success. Whether it’s shared with industry, foundations, or other SAEM members — your story will help to inspire similar gifts. Most SAEM member donors who support at this level will be recognized as follows:

Visit to see all of our Annual Alliance donors, then join them by contacting us at Thank
are grateful to our new Enduring Donors of the Annual Alliance who are leading the way to

Recognized through naming of selected grant(s) for one year (or, longer if multiple years are committed)

In grants announcements and RFAs, or in conjunction with select communications about the initiative supported

Highlighted in SAEM/SAEMF communications, social media, and website

Annual Alliance Enduring Donor recognition

Annual meeting recognition when available

Included in annual donor spotlight

All naming will be approved by the SAEMF Board of Trustees.

For more information

If you are interested in supporting SAEMF at this level, please contact Julie Wolfe at or call 847-257-7236 (SAEM).

“Federal funding is decreasing for all areas of research. Emergency medicine has always disproportionately had inadequate support. When I donate to an organization, its mission and principles are of vital importance –and, SAEMF checks both of those boxes. We need organizations like SAEMF to support our specialty’s research and train the next generation of researchers and educators. With the guidance of the SAEM Grants Committee, SAEMF has selected proposals from the best and brightest in our academic departments. I trust SAEM/F’s Board members to direct donations to the topics that currently warrant emergency medicine research and education. Each $1 invested in an SAEMF grant also yields $3 in additional federal funding.

As SAEM’s President, I have been inspired by the generosity of my colleagues. Their giving compelled me to become an Annual Alliance donor.”

Why I Give

“We have so many aspiring researchers and so many questions that could improve emergency care delivery to our patients and I would like to see these come together. I like to support young researchers who are looking to kick start their research careers and SAEMF has given me the opportunity to do it.”

SAEMF Dinner Events and Uncorked for EM Virtual Wine Tastings

Dr. Andy Jagoda hosts fabulous dinners at Michelin star restaurants to support SAEM Foundation. Attend an upcoming dinner to network with colleagues in your area or request a dinner in your city by contacting

SAEMF’s Events Committee offers any group of SAEM members who are interested the opportunity to co-host an Uncorked for EM virtual wine tasting to benefit research and education. SAEMF manages the registration, event logistics, and takes care of the wine — your group just shows up and enjoys their time together, as well as a personal tasting from a renowned winery. Contact for more information.

Legacy Society

The SAEM Foundation offers charitable giving opportunities to help you achieve your financial and estate planning goals. Thank you for your interest in including the SAEM Foundation in your estate planning.

The SAEMF Legacy Society Donors

J. Zink, MD Richard E. Wolfe, MD

David E. Wilcox, MD Brian Manish N. Shah, MD, MPH David P. Sklar, MD Edward A. Panacek, MD Ali S. Raja, MD, DBA, MPH Paul S. Auerbach, MD, MS Michelle Blanda, MD Wendy C. Coates, MD Michelle H. Biros, MD, MS Gabor D. Kelen, MD Andy S. Jagoda, MD Robert S. Hockberger, MD
If you have also included the SAEM Foundation in your estate planning, please let us know. Contact
Cherri D. Hobgood, MD

Why I Give

I decided to dedicate a portion of my estate to the SAEM Foundation to support our future researchers as they develop scholarly expertise and continue to build our specialty. I hope many of you will join me in supporting our specialty and our future through building the endowment of the SAEM Foundation.

Legacy Society


A gift by will or revocable trust can be simple to make and provides tax benefits for your estate.

Bequest And/Or Trust Language

I give, devise, and bequeath to The SAEM Foundation, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization having its principal offices in Des Plaines, Illinois: the sum of $_____ or _____ percent of my estate. [or all (or _____ percentage of) the rest, residue and remainder of my estate.]

This gift is to be used to further the charitable purposes of The SAEM Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine, at the discretion of the foundation’s board of trustees. The SAEM Foundation Taxpayer Identification Number is 26-2371803.


I edu
cat ion

Why I Give

During the 25 years I served as department chair at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center I had numerous faculty (including Jim Niemann, Roger Lewis, Wendy Coates, Marianne GauscheHill, Diane Birnbaumer and Amy Kaji) whose careers benefited greatly from their involvement in SAEM. My annual donations to the SAEM Foundation are my thank you to the organization and my contribution to its future success.

- Robert S. Hockberger, MD, Annual Alliance and Legacy Society Donor

IRA Designations

By designating the SAEM Foundation as a charitable beneficiary of your individual retirement account, you can make a valuable charitable gift, transfer a highly taxable asset to charity taxfree, and reduce your taxable estate. Then other assets, such as real property and appreciated securities, can more readily be transferred with tax advantages to your individual beneficiaries.

Charitable Remainder Trusts

With a charitable remainder trust, you or other named individuals, can receive income for life or a period not exceeding 20 years from assets you give to the trust you create. By designating the SAEM Foundation as a beneficiary, you are helping to secure the future of SAEM Foundation.

How do I become a Legacy Society donor?

• When is the right time to consider legacy giving?

• What options are there for planned gifts? Find out on

Already Made a Commitment?

Several longtime SAEM members have already included the SAEMF in their estate plans. If you are one of these thoughtful donors, please let us know by completing the SAEMF Legacy Society Declaration of Intent and returning it to so that we can recognize your generosity.

SAEMF Legacy Giving Resources
Contact the SAEM office at, 847-257-7236 (SAEM), or send us an email

Building Career Investigators

Through SAEMF’s Grants and Initiatives

Success Stories

“I am so grateful for the grant I received from SAEMF. It allowed me to jumpstart my research looking at the clinician workforce. Since my initial pilot award from SAEMF, I’ve subsequently gone onto obtain two separate R01 grants from NIH related to clinician psychological and cardiovascular health. The funding allowed me to work with a number of mentees and other trainees passionate about this area. I am grateful for the support from SAEMF and its supporters!”

Grant Recipients

Meet the 2024 SAEM Foundation Grantees!

Gifts to the SAEM Foundation fund the most promising researchers and educators in academic emergency medicine. Here are this year’s future EM research and education leaders:

Evangelia Murray, MD

Denver Health

SAEMF Research Training Grant - $300,000

Comprehensive Emergency Department-based Social Needs Screening

Lauren K. Stewart, MD, MS

Trustees of Indiana University

SAEMF Research Large Project Grant - $150,000

Targeting Metabolic Syndrome from the Emergency Department through Mixed-Methods

Vytas P. Karalius, MD, MPH, MA

Stanford University

SAEMF Education Research Training Grant - $100,000

The Resident Unionization Study: A Qualitative Analysis of Drivers and Outcomes

Torben K. Becker, MD, PhD, MBA

University of Florida Board of Trustees

SAEMF Emerging Infectious Disease and Preparedness Grant - $100,000

MotoMeds: Preventing Child Morbidity and Mortality from Infectious Diseases in Ghana

Ravi V. Chacko, MD, PhD; Ryan McKillip, MD

Advocate Health Care Network

SAEMF Emerging Infectious Disease and Preparedness Grant - $99,106

Improving Antibiotic Stewardship for Urinary Tract

Infections Using Machine Learning

Samita M. Heslin, MD, MBA, MPH, MA, MS

Stony Brook University

SAEMF/ED Benchmarking Alliance Clinical Operations Research Grant$50,000

Artificial Intelligence Augmented Emergency Department Triage

Rachel M. Skains, MD, MSPH

University of Alabama at Birmingham

GEMSSTAR for Emergency Medicine Supplemental Funding Program$25,000

Risk Factors and Time Course of Incident Delirium Among Older Adults in the Emergency Department (ED)

Leland Perice, MD

Rhode Island Hospital

SAEMF ARMED Pilot Grant - $25,000

Ultrasound-guided Serratus Anterior Plane Block in ED Patients with Rib Fractures

Elizabeth J. Yetter, MD, MHPE

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai

SAEMF ARMED MedEd Pilot Grant - $25,000

Barriers and Motivators for High- vs. Low-utilizers of POCUS: A Mixed Methods Study

Emily Chien, MD, MPH, MBA

Weill Cornell Medicine

SAEMF Education Project Grant - $20,000

Evaluation of the Emergency Medicine Training Program at Aga Khan University Hospital

Joan Chen, MD

Mount Sinai Emergency Medicine

SAEMF NIDA Mentor-Facilitated Training Award - $12,000

Community Paramedicine Interventions for People Who Use Drugs

Grant Recipients


Kira Gressman, MD

University of Washington

SAEMF NIDA Mentor-Facilitated Training Award - $12,000

Establishing a Quality Framework for Post Overdose Care and Harm Reduction in the Prehospital to Emergency Department Care Continuum in Seattle, King County, Washington

Simon J. Ostrowski, MD

University of Pittsburgh

SAEMF/MTF Toxicology Research Grant - $13,610

Feasibility of Assessing Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome with a Wearable Biosensor

Denise N. Fraga, MD

Atrium Health - Carolinas Medical Center - Wake Forest Baptist

SAEMF/AEUS Research Grant - $10,000

Pediatric Cranial Ultrasound for Point-of-Care Intracranial Pathology Detection

Lynn P. Roppolo, MD

Integrative Emergency Services at Tarrant County Hospital District, JPS Health Network

SAEMF/AEUS Research Grant - $10,000

A Multi-center Trial to Determine eFAST Longitudinal Curves Using CUSUM Analysis

Megan Rybarczyk, MD, MPH

University of Pennsylvania, Department of Emergency Medicine

SAEMF/GEMA Research Pilot Grant - $10,000

Acute Coronary Syndrome in a Pakistan ED: Risk Factors and Clinical Pathway

Ryan E. Tsuchida, MD

University of Wisconsin, Department of Emergency Medicine

SAEMF/ADIEM Research Grant - $6,000

A Qualitative Case Study Analysis of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Leaders in Emergency Medicine

Joe-Ann Moser, MD, MS

The Board of Regents of the University of Wisconsin System

SAEMF/AWAEM Research Grant - $5,000

Non-Promotable Task Completion by Emergency Medicine Chief Residents

Kei U. Wong, MD

Rutgers New Jersey Medical School

SAEMF/Simulation Academy Novice Research Grant - $5,000

High-risk, Low-frequency Pediatric Procedural Training: Simulationbased Pediatric Emergent Airway Curriculum for EM Residents

Ashley P. Cohen, MD

University of Michigan

SAEMF/RAMS Resident Research Grant - $5,000

Law Enforcement As a Bridge between Bystanders and EMS in Cardiac Arrest

Marina Gaeta Gazzola, MD

New York University Grossman School of Medicine

SAEMF/RAMS Resident Research Grant - $5,000

Enhancing Emergency Department Distribution of Drug Checking Tools

Thomas K. Hagerman, MD

Henry Ford Health System

SAEMF/RAMS Resident Research Grant - $5,000

Improving the Emergency Department Discharge Process for Older Adults: The GET HOME Safe Discharge Intervention

Grant Recipients

Jane M. Hayes, MD, MPH

Mass General Brigham

SAEMF/RAMS Resident Research Grant - $5,000 Policies and Practice for Prehospital Blood Transfusion in the United States

Rebecca A. Leff, MD

College of Medicine Mayo Clinic (Rochester)

SAEMF/RAMS Resident Research Grant - $5,000

Implementation of a Multi-Tier Trauma Activation Protocol in Kumasi, Ghana

Carly Whittaker, DO, MPH

Memorial Healthcare System

SAEMF/RAMS Resident Research Grant - $5,000

Sequential and Simultaneous Video Laryngoscopy-assisted Flexible Endoscopic Intubation

Pauline Wiltz, DO

University Hospital Cleveland Medical Center

SAEMF/RAMS Resident Research Grant - $4,045

From Margins to Mainstream: Mapping Health Disparities in Obstetric Care in the Emergency Department

Elizabeth A. Abrams, MSPH

The Ohio State University

SAEMF/RAMS Medical Student Research Grant - $2,500

Comparing Health Records and Self-Report Data to Target ED HIV Screening


Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago

SAEMF/RAMS Medical Student Research Grant - $2,500

Child Passenger Safety and Associations with the Child Opportunity Index

Michael Makutonin

The George Washington University

SAEMF/RAMS Medical Student Research Grant - $2,500

Effects of Prolonged ED Length of Stay in Pediatric Psychiatric Crisis


EMF/SAEMF Medical Student Research Grantees -


To be announced, Summer 2024

Emergency Medicine Interest Group Grantees - $500

To be announced, Summer 2024

Invest in the most promising educators and researchers in emergency medicine. Join the Annual Alliance today! Donate!

Grant Programs

Research Training Grant (RTG) - $300,000

($150K/year over two years)

The Research Training Grant is intended to provide funding to support the development of a scientist in emergency medicine.

Research Large Project Grant (LPG) - $150,000

($75K/year over two years)

Supports an emergency medicine faculty member to conduct a large-scale research project to advance his/her career and subsequently obtain federal funding by developing pilot data.

Emerging Infectious Disease and Preparedness Grant$100,000

Seeks to support an ambitious program of acute care science in emerging infectious disease that may include diagnostics, patient and provider safety, intervention/ therapeutics, disaster preparedness, or other relevant topic areas.

Education Research Training Grant (ERG) - $100,000

($50K/year over two years)

The mission of the grant is to develop the academic potential of the selected fellow by providing support for a dedicated two-year training period, including pursuit and preferably completion of an advanced degree in education.

SAEMF/ED Benchmarking Alliance Clinical Operations Research Grant- $50,000

Supports an emergency medicine faculty member or trainee to conduct a research project to promote research on ED clinical operations.

SAEMF / ARMED Pilot Training Grant - $25,000 (Institution match of $25,000 required)

Supports the development of a scientist in emergency medicine and is intended to support the grantee in obtaining preliminary or pilot data for future grant submissions.

ARMED MedEd Pilot Training Grant - $25,000

Supports the development of an education scientist in emergency medicine and positions grantee to obtain additional extramural funding (either through the development of advanced skills and/or creation of pilot data).

GEMSSTAR for Emergency Medicine Supplemental Funding Program - $25,000

A matching grant program for recipients of the National Institute on Aging (NIA) R03 award: Grants for Early Medical/Surgical Subspecialists’ Transition to Aging Research (GEMSSTAR) Program. Funding provided by SAEM Foundation (SAEMF) and the Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF).

Education Project Grant (EPG) - $20,000

The mission of the grant is to provide support for a medical education research project.

Medical Toxicology Foundation / SAEMF Toxicology Research Grant - $20,000

Supports research that advances the science of medical toxicology in emergency medicine. The goals are to foster collaboration between members of the American College of Medical Toxicology (ACMT) and SAEM and to advance the science of medical toxicology as it relates to all aspects of emergency medicine.

SAEMF NIDA Mentor-Facilitated Training Award in Substance Use Disorders Science Dissemination - $12,000

Funds projects that enhance the trainee’s ability to disseminate and/or adopt evidence-based SUD treatment practices through a mentored project that will foster interest in a clinical career providing evidence-based management of SUD in medical settings (additional goals are available on

Geriatric Emergency Medicine Research Catalyst Grant, Supported by Michelle Blanda, MD - $10,000

Provides support to address research questions leading to improved emergency care and quality of life of older patients, as well as provide catalyst funding for pursuit of federal or other funding that leads to improving the quality of emergency care received by older patients. Can also be used for preliminary data collection, analysis, or collection of pilot data that will further support greater research endeavors.

SAEMF/Academy of Emergency Ultrasound (AEUS) Research Grant - $10,000

Provides support for research proposals that evaluate the impact of point-of-care ultrasound on clinical practice or characterize point-of-care ultrasound learning curves.

Michelle Blanda, MD

SAEMF/Global Emergency Medicine Academy (GEMA) Research Pilot Grant - $10,000

Provides financial support for a junior researcher in the field of international emergency medicine to enter a mentored project.

SAEMF/Academy for Diversity and Inclusion in Emergency Medicine (ADIEM) Research Grant - $6,000

Provides support for research that evaluates the state of diversity and inclusion in the field of Emergency Medicine, evaluates interventions to improve diversity and inclusion in Emergency Medicine, or addresses disparities in healthcare outcomes in the practice of Emergency Medicine among underrepresented or marginalized groups.

SAEMF/Clerkship Directors in EM Innovation in Undergraduate EM Education Grant - $5,000

Supports an innovative project that addresses one of the six areas of the CDEM mission (listed below) and creates knowledge that can be shared across those teaching undergraduate Emergency Medicine. Areas of innovation can include teaching, assessment or faculty development, and should advance understanding or best practices of these or other areas. The grant recipient should study this innovation in some way (ex. validity, effectiveness, etc).

SAEMF/Simulation Academy Novice Research Grant$5,000

Provides seed funding to support novice investigators in emergency medicine with fewer than 5 years of simulation-based research experience who have shown promise in pushing the research boundaries of simulation-based endeavors in emergency medicine through feasible pilot studies.

SAEMF/Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine (AWAEM) Research Grant - $10,000

Supports one early career investigator (fellow, instructor, or assistant professor during the award period) who wishes to address a research question in line with the core ideology of the Academy of Women in Academic Emergency Medicine. This award is intended to allow for preliminary data collection, analysis or collection of pilot data that will further support greater research endeavors.

EMF-SAEMF Medical Student Research Grants - Up to $5,000

The Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) and SAEMF jointly award stipends to encourage medical students to engage in and to be exposed to emergency medicine research.

SAEMF-Residents & Medical Students (RAMS) Research Grant$2,500-$5,000

Fosters interest in research among emergency medicine trainees (medical students and residents). The focus is on self-limited research projects that are impactful in the current or future practice of emergency medicine and can be completed in a one-year time frame.

Emergency Medicine Interest Group Grant (EMIG) - $500

Promotes the growth of emergency medicine education at the medical student level, identifies new educational methodologies advancing undergraduate education in emergency medicine, and supports educational endeavors of an EMIG.

Thank You to Our Sponsors!

American College of Medical Toxicology and Medical Toxicology Foundation

ED Benchmarking Alliance

Emergency Medicine Foundation

National Institute on Drug Abuse

National Institute on Aging

Society for Academic Emergency Medicine and Academies

New! Special Funding Opportunities for RAMS

Thanks to the visionary philanthropy of several of our longtime donors, RAMS now have two new opportunities that will support their research and career development, and elevate the funding they receive from SAEMF:

The Ali and Danielle Raja RAMS Medical Student Research Grant

Encourages more medical students from diverse backgrounds to pursue careers in academic emergency medicine research.

The David E. Wilcox, MD, FACEP Scholarship

Elevates funding for RAMS Resident and RAMS Medical Student Research Grants and recognizes excellence. Scholarships will be awarded to the highest scoring RAMS Resident Research Grant and RAMS Medical Student Research Grant recipients.

Ali S. Raja, MD, DBA, MPH David E. Wilcox, MD, FACEP

The SAEM Foundation

President J. Scott VanEpps, MD, PhD University of Michigan


Zachary F. Meisel, MD, MPH, MSHP University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine


Michelle Blanda, MD Northeast Ohio Medical University Western Reserve Hospital


Charles B. Cairns, MD Drexel University College of Medicine


Christopher R. Carpenter, MD, MSc Mayo Clinic-Rochester


Cherri D. Hobgood, MD Penn State Health UNC


James J. McCarthy, MD, MHA Memorial Hermann Health System

Immediate Past President

Manish N. Shah, MD, MPH University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health


Paul I. Musey, Jr., MD, MS Indiana University School of Medicine


Robert W. Neumar, MD, PhD University of Michigan


Susan B. Promes, MD, MBA Penn State Health

Board of Trustees


Niels K. Rathlev, MD

UMass Chan

Medical School - Baystate

SAEM Finance Committee Chair

Marquita S. Norman, MD, MBA

UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas

SAEM Grants Committee Chair

Elizabeth Burner, MD, MPH

Keck School of Medicine of USC

SAEM President

Ali S. Raja, MD, DBA, MPH

Massachusetts General Hospital/ Harvard


Neha Raukar, MD, MS Mayo Clinic & Mayo Clinic Health System

SAEM President-Elect

Michelle D. Lall, MD, MHS Emory University

SAEM Secretary-Treasurer

Jody A. Vogel, MD, MSc, MSW

Stanford University Department of Emergency Medicine

SAEM Immediate Past President

Wendy C. Coates, MD

Los Angeles County Harbor-UCLA Medical Center

To learn more about service on the SAEMF Board of Trustees, contact Melissa McMillian at

Join the Annual Alliance today. Donate at or email to pledge support


J. Scott VanEpps, MD, PhD

Chief Executive Officer

Megan Schagrin, MBA, CAE, CFRE

Phone: 847-257-7236 (SAEM) Fax: 847-813-5450 Tax Exempt ID: 26-2371803


Foundation 1111 East Touhy Avenue, Suite 540 Des Plaines, IL 60018

Senior Director, Foundation and Business Development

Melissa McMillian, CAE, CNP

Julie Wolfe

Senior Manager, Development

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