SAEM Foundation Impact Report 2023

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Impact Report

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Colleagues, I am honored to present your SAEMF Impact Report, showcasing the tremendous impact of your generosity in building the pipeline of future researchers and educators in emergency medicine (EM). Your support has opened doors, ignited passion, and shaped the trajectory of our field. Within these pages, you will find inspiring stories of success and learn about the tangible difference you have made – for today and the future. Thank you for your unwavering commitment and for being personally involved in this transformative journey. Warmly, Manish Shah, MD, MPH SAEMF President, 2023-24 and past SAEMF Grantee PS – If this report inspires new ideas for programs or personal support, or you are interested in volunteering with SAEMF, please email me.

SAEMF Funding by Year (2020-2023)

$ 7 0 0, 0 0 0

$ 6 8 6, 0 0 0



$ 8 4 6, 0 0 0

$ 8 6 3, 0 0 0



2023 Impact Snapshot $863,000 INVESTED in grants for emergency medicine research

20 EM research and career development grants funded

MILLION endowment providing sustained funding for grant programs


RESIDENT REVIEWERS appointed to the SAEMF Grants Committee


grants offered in partnership with SAEM’s Academies to encourage research in these key areas

5 Emergency Medicine Interest Group (EMIG) grants awarded 4 EMF-SAEMF Medical Student Research Grants co-funded 2 new donor-supported funding opportunities introduced


ATTENDED EMF-SAEMF’S GRANTEE WORKSHOP and received valuable mentorship


in various cities and several virtual wine tastings held to raise funds to support SAEMF grant programs

Researcher Spotlights Together, we invest in research and education stars who do big things in EM – now and in the future Through your gifts, you are making a meaningful investment in the future of emergency medicine (EM) by supporting research and education initiatives. As an organization, we take immense pride in showcasing remarkable researchers whose work has been positively impacted by the generous donations we receive. It’s a privilege to have been instrumental in fostering their growth, enabling career development, and providing essential research training throughout their journey.

Craig Newgard, MD, MPH

Professor and serves as the Director for the Center for Policy and Research in Emergency Medicine at Oregon Health & Science University • SAEMF Grant: SAEM Research Training Grant, 2000 • Subsequent funding: Over $18.5 million as Pricipal Investigator (PI) from NIH, AHRQ, CDC, HRSA, and multiple foundations, and over $4.2 million in career development awards with mentees as PI • Publications since SAEMF award: 208 Dr. Newgard has been fortunate to have his research integrated to national and international guidelines (e.g., ACLS, National Guideline for the Field Triage of Injured Patients), and to state and national health policy. In 2019, he was elected to the National Academy of Medicine.

“SAEM and SAEMF have provided a national academic home and facilitated my early career development through my first research grant which supported my fellowship training. I have met many amazing colleagues through SAEM, especially through committee work, which opened opportunities, catalyzed collaborations, and facilitated my professional growth. I am deeply grateful for the organization and the many people that make it work.”

Grant Distribution Across SAEMF’s Priority Domains 0




Career Development and Trainig Delivery of Emergency Care DEIP Education Science Population Health

Total Number of Grants per Topic Area

SAEMF Impact on Career Development EVERY

14 61%


$1 = $3 $12.5 PUBLICATIONS Each dollar donated leads to increased subsequent federal funding for EM.


Awarded to more than 540 academicians

Average number of publications per RTG recipient


received subsequent funding from federal sources1

1. Chang AK, Lee S, Le R, Ata A, Harland K, Khan A, McMillan M, Mohr N; Academic Emergency Medicine Grants Committee. Influence of Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation’s Research Training Grant on postaward academic federal funding. Acad Emerg Med. 2022 Jul;29(7):874-878. doi: 10.1111/acem.14456. Epub 2022 Mar 10. PMID: 35108429.

Anita N. Chary, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor, Department of Emergency Medicine & Section of Health Services Research, Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Medicine • SAEMF Grant: GEMSSTAR for Emergency Medicine Supplemental Funding Grant, 2022 • Subsequent funding: Geriatric Applied Research Network - Advancing Dementia Care 2.0 Pilot Award of $120,000 • Publications since SAEMF award: 13 ased on the funded research, Dr. Chary has been able to collaborate with expert members of the Academy for Geriatric B Emergency Medicine to form an Emergency Department Delirium Implementation Group. This group is developing and collating resources to support emergency departments that are interested in improving delirium prevention, detection, and management efforts.

“Funding from SAEMF has been crucial in allowing me to pursue research training in geriatrics and implementation science. I am using data and training from this award to apply for further grants (including a career development award) to support emergency department research to improve care for older adults with cognitive impairment.”

Partner with SAEMF to Increase EM Research While we have made a tremendous impact on the specialty, there is still an urgent need to continue increasing the number of EM investigators at the federal level. Please consider contributing to our effort.

NIH-Funded Principal Investigators in Departments of Emergency Medicine 125 100 75 50 25

EM Principal Investigators















EM K-Award PIs

Let’s Continue to Make an Even Greater Impact Together We hope you are encouraged by these accomplishments. Now more than ever we need the continued engagement of loyal donors, new supporters, and leaders and volunteers to make an even greater impact.


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Society for Academic Emergency Medicine Foundation

Leadership Opportunities

Contact us

(Nominations open in September annually)

1111 East Touhy Avenue, Suite 540, Des Plaines, IL 60018 (847) 813-9823 | | | @SAEMonline |

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